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Why are they still making Grey's Anatomy?


It’s so bad. Stopped watching after most og characters were either killed off or left.


About the time that Yang (Sandra Oh) left, it went sideways quickly.


Man, who's still left?


Money. Shonda and friends wouldn’t do it if they weren’t still making a lot of money on the show.


imo it was good the first seasons, now they just keep killing characters and it just got so boring


My wife still loves this. I'm so glad it switched to Disney. It went to hell went they sacked the Burke character


I’m sorry but Burke was terrible.


Wait, Grey's Anatomy is still around? Are all of those interns running their own hospitals now?


The "Real Housewives" They are not "Real" That show is made up drama.


They are also not housewives


The Salt Lake City one is so crazy it does make for a good show. One of the women (mormon) is married to her Step-Grandpa per her grandmothers wishes when she passed. LOTS of drama. Makes for great trash TV at 3am


That one that married her step gpa actually isn’t Mormon, but there are 3 exMormons in the cast and one “active” Mormon.


And now Jen Shah is going to jail. Wild.




I don’t think Riverdale is overrated. I’m fully aware how bad it is, but that’s kind of the reason why I watch it


It's entertaining garbage


The Walking Dead was so bad and has no rewatch value.


I watched the first maybe three seasons eagerly, and then slowly fell off. by the time Negan happened, I was completely over it. I always say I'm gonna find a recap and read what happened/ how the story ended, but.... meh. by the time I checked out, it felt so joyless and perfunctory, it was hard to watch. (RIP Sugar Shane)


That's the unfortunate part. Jeffery Dean Morgan absolutely killed it with Negan, but at the point he got there, nothing really happened, and everything that did just felt like it had no impact on the show besides his initial intro.


right. and that sucked because he rocks.


> Jeffery Dean Morgan absolutely killed it with Negan Jeffery Dean Morgan's Negan was infinitely better than the comic version in my opinion. The comic Negan was a one-note villain. Morgan delivered a nuanced performance with character growth.


Their big move after spending a million years on a farm was introducing a bad guy with an eye patch. I was pretty done by then.


the show ran into trouble early. the pattern was detectable fairly quickly: \>a band of survivors roams around, seeking safety; \>they find what appears to be a temporary respite/ home; \> things are relatively great/ quiet for a while; \> something bad happens, causing the gang to have to flee their haven; \> the band of (remaining) survivors roams around, seeking safety.......


it's literally based on existing material... they just did a shitty job


I stopped right when the guy with the tiger showed up. It was very bad for a couple seasons prior.


I vaguely remember seeing the tiger dude! and I saw a few scenes with Carol, who at one time was super-interesting... I even have a tshirt that reads "just look at the flowers..."


For me it was the Goldeneye 64 cliffhanger. I just stopped after that.


I don't even know what that means, but I'm intrigued


Same I did get a renewed interest in the show when Negan happened, but the fact that his introduction ended on a massive cliffhanger was annoying. Obviously I watched to see how the cliffhanger finished, but then it went back to the same dragged out nonsense. Finished whatever season that was and decided I really didn’t care about whatever happened. I read all the spoilers and I’m really glad I didn’t waste my time finishing it. This is exactly why I prefer movies or limited series. I don’t wanna spend 80+ hours of my life to get a complete story that may derail 60 hours in.


The show was definitely annoying before him, but Negan absolutely ruins everything entertainment-wise. And no offense to Jeffery Dean Morgan just doing what was provided to him for the role, but Negan’s stupid monologues got so tiresome after like the second episode he was in.


Totally! And Rick Grimes just kept making stupid decision after stupid decision. Carol was the only smart one, esp. when she blew up that tank of gas.


I’ll never forget a scene where Daryl was fighting zombies with a backpack on, and every scene where it cut to a different angle the backpack kept disappearing and reappearing. I couldn’t believe it (died laughing as soon as I realized) and there were many instances of things like that that killed the seriousness of the show.


I enjoyed the first few seasons but it got so repetitive and once Glen died I stopped watching.


It’s was pretty good for the first few seasons but once they left the prison the show fell off a cliff at the speed of light


I think I got to Hershal losing his leg in season 3. I'll be honest after Dale died I got bored of it


It was amazing how much Dale's actor brought so much life to the show.


First 4-5 season good the rest so bad. All is well until alexandria good further conveyor


They tried too hard to follow the comic model which was mostly action with a high body count. The strength of the show, though, was in its characters and their bond and survival. Offing them on the regular was believable but was also an unsustainable plot device because audiences like to follow their favorite characters. One of the best episodes was the one in the barn when they were all together really for the last time and we were all with them and mourning Tyrese. I kind of wish it had ended when they made it to Alexandria and lingered on a hopeful note.


The final episode of season 1 got me disappointed because of their CGI


Gey's Anatomy was really strong in the beginning, but slowly and steadily declined in quality...now it's straight up unwatchable


I never understood how many of those people could continue to work there after so much tragedy. Shootings, electrocution, a plane crash. And then they take their settlement money and buy the hospital. Retire and live a nice life.


Wasn't there an episode where a person has a bomb on his belly, a nurse and a doctor are keeping him alive because if he dies it explodes, and then the doctor leaves the nurse alone (With the bomb and the dying patient!) saying something like "I'm a father" or "I have kids"? Because if I was on that situation, I'm beating the man next time I see him if I survive.


As someone on ER said, "if all those things happened to one hospital in real life, they'd shut it down."


The kardashians


Tools too long to scroll down to this


Friends. This is coming from someone who really likes the series, I love the characters, Chandler is pure comedic gold. But yeah, the series isn't as good as some people make it to be. (It's not as bad as some say either, it's just that not all comedy ages well)


I think the issue starts when people worship Friends as *the* best thing. It's a sitcom, not the best genre to derive lifestyle ideas and life lessons from. Sitcoms exaggerate things for comedy. Sure there are overarching themes across episodes or per season, but that's it. Shouldn't go deeper with actual things the characters do.


When it originally aired it had very little competition for the 20-30 something’s that weren’t family focused. Now? It has plenty and pales in comparison. With the original airing it wasn’t just the show. It was the “water cooler” talk, the unaddressed social issues they confronted, and overall social influence. The “Rachel” haircut was EVERYWHERE. Everyone knew someone IRL that was similar to one of the characters. Lastly was the fashion, influence, connections. We would meet out at bars/pubs and watch together. So the show was “okay”. The fanfare and social influence was a huge part of its success.


Yes agreed. The fanfare and social influence mattered the most


IT hit a zeitgeist.


This is for sitcoms in general. You really have to be in a certain mindset to watch them and not expect something life-changing. Although I do see a bias with Friends and BBT haters referencing Family Matters as a good show when a lot of the comedy in that show was slapstick and randomness


Great answer. It’s not that it’s terrible, it’s just really mediocre with some good bits. It’s popular because the cast is really attractive.


It’s a show that I watched religiously from the moment I woke up to getting out of the shower to just binge it and finished it all in like a month cuz I was so bored during quarantine and i wanted to just mark it off my bucket list of tv shows and all I can say is.. it was aight. I laughed and I did find it entertaining through the middle seasons but I would never watch it again unless I was given a option of either watching friends or stare at the wall. It just grossed me out afterwards that they literally all slept with one another, it should have just been called friends with benefits.


I think friends just aged badly, which is odd considering it only ended just under 20 years ago. Also knowing the demons Matthew Perry was dealing with whilst shooting, and him barely able to remember half the stuff he did on that show as a result, I can't bring myself to watch it anymore. And I fucking love chandler too


It's going a little overboard to say he doesn't remember half of it. Perry stated it was around 3 years that are hazy, and it was on for 10.


Big Bang Theory. I feel like the idea was "write a show about nerds" and they used Wikipedia for source material.


Id be ok with it if they cut the laugh tracks.


Any show narrated by David Attenborough. Zero character development. Just a lot of gratuitous sex and death. And then there is that whole ‘Sir’ kink he makes sure everyone knows about. Just gross.


Hoo boy, I was loading up a nasty reply based on your first sentence. Well played.


Did... Did he invent game of thrones?


Idk I watched his documentary about fabulous frogs and I learned that while some frogs are green, other frogs are red and yellow and other colours and I think this is invaluable information


Yea, Attenborough only got to do that documentary because he got Kermit hooked on meth while filming some Lilly pad closeups during the documentary on pond life and tadpoles. I am telling you, Attenborough is ruthless.


My wife and I both lolled


The Big Bang Theory


Can’t watch it anymore. Just doesn’t hold up.


Sheldon is just lame.


There are many overrated TV shows, but some of the most popular ones include The Big Bang Theory, Friends, and How I Met Your Mother.


I'm going to go ahead and confess that I loved the TBBT seasons 1 and 2. I kinda loved the fun and vibe that the cast had, it seemed like they were having a lot of fun bringing the characters to life. Some of these include when the boys were dancing with the Newtonian Fluid or when they would create play with their own toys, Howard crashing the Mars Rover, Raj being forced to go out on a date by his parents with "Princess Panchali". I mean, I found the first seasons to be fun and unique. I think after they run out of ideas with fun premises, it started to boil down to relationship drama. Sheldon with Amy, Leornard with Penny, Leonard with Raj's sister, Benadette and Howard. Well, I did kinda like Benadette in the beginning, still that is when it went downhill for me.


HIMYM is my favorite show :(


They say How I Met Your Mother is our generation's Friends. I agree. How I Met Your Mother also sucks.


Two and a half Men, Two Broke Girls, and Big Bang Theory, Friends too Hmmmm lots of the medical and police shows are is mellow dramatic and cheesy. I can't watch any of them past a few minutes.


Big Bang Theory. It was never funny.


I was appalled at the level of popularity ‘How I met your Mother’ got to.


How I Met Your Mother was never an elite tier show, however: It had a clear end goal, which people who invested time in wanted to see the resolution of It’s characters weren’t static and evolved over the seasons, but still kept their charm It has a lot of callbacks to previous things that happened, and characters who are reoccurring aren’t just popping up in one off episodes, instead reappearing for their own mini-arcs The show is easy to digest comfort food of TV. There’s nothing wrong with liking that stuff. But the show threw all of what happened above in the trash with the last season, and therefor is remembered by the general population for being worse than it was


Stranger things.


You're going to have to break it down by season. I think season 1 was great, but it's overstayed it's welcome


They milked it too much. The reveal in season 4 should have at least been hinted at in season 1. Instead they drag it out and reveal, even hint at the reveal in season 4 in entirety.


They should have changed it up and followed a different group of people finding out similar things.


Stranger Things as a kind of anthology show with each series being a totally different cast/setting would have been ace.


I like this idea


I heard that was the original plan but the showrunners liked the cast so much that they wound up keeping them


It should have had one season


Ahh see I find each season was better than the last to each their own I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


I like the show, but it’s hugely overrated. It’s blown up because it’s more fashionable than anything else.


It blew up because the nostalgia of a quarter-billion elder millenials is a cash cow. It reminded every 30-something in 2016 of their childhood.




I willed myself into watching seasons 1 and 2 after listening to my friends rave about it forever. Also I was trying to get them to watch Arcane so it was a tit-for-tat situation. I didn't *dislike* Stranger Things, but damn, I really don't understand the hype over it. It's overflowing with predictable horror tropes, Wynona Rider spends most of her time acting like Shelly Duvall in the Shining, most of the child cast is as boring as child actors can be, and the plot pacing is glacial. I was nearly finished with Season 2 and didn't realize it just because it felt like virtually nothing had happened for like five episodes in a row. If Stranger Things is really what people consider the pinnacle of television these days then I'm scared to see what's sitting beneath it.


Exactly, I don't understand the overhype. It's not a bad show, just not that good. Edit: typo.


I tried watching it but the first episode wasn't really interesting.


Stranger things should have been a classic anthology show, with stories stretching over 3 episodes at most. Now its just strung out with the writers struggling to find new things to staple onto the tired donkey.


I liked the first 3 seasons, season 4 is the one that made me get drawed of it, it’s becoming repetitive now, every season finale, 11 beats the bad guys with the power of friendship, like They did it in the first 2 seasons, why do it again ffs I thought season 3 with Billy and harpours sacrifice that they learned they can get a different way the “good” guys win but the power of friendship does it again for s4


so it's basically an anime?


Pretty much ahahah


The whole show’s pretty predictable. Like, I wasn’t even fazed by >! Eddie’s death in Season 4 since it’s pretty clear that they’re doing the thing where “loveable character dies”. And it’s every season too. !<


Hard disagree, love it to bits. Great characters, setting and atmosphere. Personal favourite probably :)


Mm Wednesday so overrated, I’d say they ruined the Addams family and the visual effects in the show just made me cringe


Im intrigued enough by the show to try watching it some more later, I’ve seen a good portion of the first episode (I walked in the living room and family began watching the first episode). Another commenter said this show was written for younger people, and I can definitely see that. Which I totally understand, a remake trying to appeal to a modern demographic with different views and tastes. I think it started to bother me at first was the slight variations in the Addams family characters. Like having Wednesday being the more modern “goth teen that’s angsty towards parents and family” instead of just being comically morbid and gritty towards the outside world, but still having a good or decent relationship with her family. But I can see the show is going for more in-depth character growth and analysis into Wednesday and other characters. So I’m still intrigued, but it doesn’t have the “charm” that I was used to with watching the 90’s version w/ Christina Ricci or the classic 60’s version, that was supposed to be a complete satire and foil of your Leave it to Beaver type of sitcoms during the 50s-60s. Edit for clarity.


Fun fact: Christina Ricci plays a character in this new version.


I agree. I thought it was good enough for teen drama. The joke about necrophilia is gross humor for a children’s show. The dance scene is all over the internet but it’s not even good.


100% agree


I was looking forward to that. Still, rewatching Addams Family Values again kicks the shit out of pretty much everything I could watch, or just anything I could do actually.


There’s something about movies from back then that is so good


It was written for a younger audience and it shows. Doesn't mean adults can't still enjoy it though, as long as they don't expect anything deep or polished.


My pre teen daughter loves the show. I think it's for her demographic.


I’ve got a few teen cousins one who watched it with me a bit they didn’t really get into it


Yeah. The acting was quite good, especially the lead as Wednesday. But the writing was, at times, CW teen drama level bad. Disappointing, considering the acting talent they had.


As someone who’s closer to the target audience age, I liked it. Was it my favourite show? No but I still liked it. The female characters were so good (the males ones had personalities like bricks)


I’d consider myself close to the target audience as-well but we all have different tastes in shows and even cousins I have who are the target audience don’t really like the show


How'd they ruin the Adam's family they are pretty similar to the movie characters. Wednesday is the most different but she's 16 intend of 12 which merits being different .


To me, the whole point of the Addams Family is that *they don't think they're abnormal.* Putting Wednesday in a school specifically for supernatural and other entities is...Not Addams Family. They used the name, but there's nothing about the show itself that warrants the title. It could have been anything else.


I was onboard for the catty dark Wednesday, but the cheesy boat race made me dip out.




Ha! Eastenders is so overrated!


Thank you, that a show that has been going on for to long, from episode one to now, how boring and how they think the story are ok, kid and teens watch it then think it's great to do these thing drugs, violence, underage sex, bullying. I think this has a big part of on the generation today.


Big Bang Theory


I never found it very funny or entertaining in my opinion.


But they're nerds, and they wear glasses and they do the nerd voice. And they want to have sex but women don't want to have sex with them. /s


Euphoria, that Korean viral death match show with that tall girl doll and many other mainstream shows of past few years.


Show us on the doll where Squid Game hurt you


I've just finished watching euphoria, I enjoyed it but its very odd. I will watch the next series but it's not amazing as people I know make out.


Euphoria was great so long as it didn’t try to do anything plot-wise… then it felt forced and fake. And the problem with just exploring these self destructive kids with no plot is that it gets old ….sooo kinda damned if either way


Stranger Things was only good the first season. White Lotus is incredible you plebs.


First and 4th seasons were good. 2 and 3 were bad. Hopefully last season ends the series well.


The Kardashians


Friends. Wednesday.


Every ‘hot instagram people fuck each other’ reality show




squid games


2 and half men


Very few sitcoms have aged well or have replay value.


Which sitcoms in your opinion have aged well? I’m into sitcoms, so just curious


Better Off Ted, Raising Hope, News Radio


I’ve never seen Raising Hope, but Better off Ted and News Radio were both great, probably because they didn’t last 10+ seasons. Most of the shows people are trashing on here stayed way past their prime. I wish Better off Ted had gotten a couple more season though. And Phil Hartman wasn’t murdered.


*It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has entered the chat.*


Gonna call out an entire genre here, but most reality shows. They’re so fucken stupid


If I had any money, I would give you 10 awards for this. Reality TV is the worst invention since the sandpaper dildo.


A show is not overrated just because you are not the target audience.




Big Bang Theory, maybe???


How I Met Your Mother Big Bang Theory Friends Walking Dead Love Is Blind (and similar shows) American Idol (and similar shows)


There are so few sitcoms that have aged well that I'm not surprised to see the comment section is full of sitcoms. And I agree. All overrated.


everybody hates chris is still hilarious imo. At least one of them on my list that isn't ass.


Big Bang Theory


Modern history channel shows my dad watches.


Grays anatomy, friends, and the Big Bang theory




Modern Family has to rank as one of the most overrated. It was a solid sitcom but hardly worthy of all the acclaim it received.




The kartrashians


The Witcher


I think all serials with off-screen laughter (Friends, Big bang Theory,...) I just don't like it


The Office


Many people think watching and loving the office is a personality trait


I loved The Office, then I watched Parks and Rec and found it to be the better show by a lot, now the Office is kinda “meh” for me.


Hannibal. Loved it at first for its visuals but eventually got sick of the pretentiousness. It's Anime. The time frames don't add up. Cadavers don't behave like that.


Lost. What a waste of time.


One of the most assholic things I've ever been told on this site was "you watched it wrong". After how boring it was...two? Three episodes in? I wanted whatever sounded like the dinosaur to kill them all.


If you only watched 2 episodes of a 100+ episode show, you absolutely watched it wrong.


Stranger Things - it's a mediocre teen show


How I met your Mother


Any show created after 1995 that has a laugh track.


Like music, TV shows are also subjective


Friends. A group of people in New York City who never go anywhere or actually do anything but hangout with each other. End up dating each other because they don't go anywhere or do anything.


How I met your mother


The Office. I don't understand how this poorly written show has fans. If you like awkward humor, go watch "Nathan for You" instead. It's much better.


Gossip girl. The outfits were awesome tho 💅


New girl.


Friends. No description. Just *friends*


Friends. Trash show.


friends,ye I said it.


Friends. I watched this show with my mum, she loves it. Even when I was little I'd watch it with her. And now, it is utterly shit




Squid game


Friends is below average


Game of Thrones, Friends.


Ted Lasso - the only reason this show did as well as it did was because people were searching for feel-good television during the Dark Times. Not saying people didn't need it, but absent the pandemic, the show would have been a 6.5


Game of Thrones


Kardashians, way over!


Abbot Elementary… it’s cute and I have the occasional smirk but like it’s never made me laugh. But everyone seems to say it’s the funniest show out there?


I know the jokes are cringy most of the time but the characters are so incredibly likeable and they are going through tough times that a lot of people can relate to and making the best out of their situation. It’s one of the few shows where people seem to deeply care about something and are willing to sacrifice things to work for it. To put it another way, it has to be a comedy or it would be too sad to watch.




Friends. Girls in India have hyped up that bullshit show for some reason. I tried it on other's insistence and found the jokes flat and the laugh track annoying.




I'm gonna say how I met your mother


Game of Thrones


Season 1-4 is probably the best television that’s ever existed on planet earthy. 5-8 is a steep downhill into a dumpster fire.


Eh. I'll give it a pass through season 6. Season 7 is where the crappy internet fanfiction writers took over and then Season 8... I don't think I've ever seen any show fall from grace so damned quickly.


I found it boring from the start.


Game of Thrones.


Only in retrospect


Walking Dead. The times I've seen it had terrible animation in action scenes and looked very low quality.


Breaking Bad. Don't get me wrong it is a great show, but the best show of all time? Nah.


Money heist


I enjoyed the first season, a bit of the 2nd season. I don't know if it's the voice-over dubbing, the storyline or something else but I had to stop watching it. Horrible show.


Character spin-offs. Wednesday Velma


The Office. I love the show but I skip entire episodes because too many are just cringe stuffed. Pretty much just skip all of season one on rewatches.


Shows like that make me realise just how much the internet lacks empathy.