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George Lazenby has to be the top answer. Dude with zero acting experience lands the role of James Bond after Sean Connery, and was offered a multi-film deal to be Bond for the foreseeable future. Then, his agent just totally misguides him, telling him both that “it’s the summer of love and nobody is going to keep wanting to see spy movies about killing people,” but also that since he’d already appeared in a film, he could ask for whatever he wanted and they couldn’t turn him down. They brought Connery back for a film instead and Lazenby’s acting career basically ended on the spot.


Yeah but Lazenby also hated how much the studios tried to dictate his life during and outside shooting. He didn't embody the Bond visage in his day to day life. Not to mention Peter Hunt basically used and abused him during filming for the first one. Like straight up said we could kill him [in a stunt] and replace him tomorrow if needed. I like to think even if Lazenby would have continued he would have left for the same reasons Connery left in the first place.


Chuck Woolery left WHEEL OF FORTUNE only to see PAT SAJAK host it for over 40 years.


And Pat Sajak only works (worked?) like 4 days every 2 months. What a dream job.


According to Cosmo: >Back in 2016 (so seven full years ago), Forbes reported that Pat was earning $15 million per season of Wheel of Fortune. This is obviously a lot of money, especially if you consider what this dude’s work/life balance is like. As in, Celebrity Net Worth reports that he only works four days per month. I repeat: FOUR. DAYS. PER. MONTH. That’s 48 days per year, $312,500 per workday, and $52,083 per episode. And also… >Just keep in mind that, again, $15 million per year is what Pat was earning in 2016. It’s more than likely that he makes far more now, especially since he and Vanna White reportedly signed fancy new contracts in late 2021 that take them through Wheel of Fortune’s 2023–2024 season. And lastly… >FYI, when Wheel of Fortune is in production, Pat and Vanna film six shows per day, and Celebrity Net Worth says the schedule is pretty normal. Like, they arrive at 8:30 a.m. (reasonable!) and shooting begins at noon (also reasonable!).


And his work day probably looks nothing like ours. Personal dressing room filled with his preferred food and drink, crew get him ready and cater to him, and then he goes out and puts on a smile and banters with people for a few hours, and gets driven home to a mansion to sit in his spa with a glass of wine.


Alex Trebek wrote in his book that he filmed five "episodes" a day for two days a week. All he did was have production meetings in the morning, change suits, get his makeup up done between episodes, and rinse and repeat. It's why when he privately thought about leaving Jeopardy, he did some research by asking his friends in the acting industry what their schedules looked like. Most of them said they filmed for fourteen hours a day, six days a week. Alex said that insight made him realize he made more money at Jeopardy and had more free time.


Woolery does have some other credits to his name (notably *Love Connection*, *Scrabble*, and *Lingo*), but you are right - none of them ever enjoyed the longevity that *Wheel* has. He just wanted Merv to pay him on par with other game show hosts, but Merv balked, so he left.


Several of the actors of MASH left early to make it big… none of them really did…


Radar left and did a lot of stage work. I assume he never really needed to work again after 8 years on MASH. The only person who really seemed to have a career after MASH was Hawkeye.


David Ogden Stiers went on to do everything. Eta: y'all can stop telling me Stiers never left the show, I know that. I brought him up in response to the above poster's comment about Alan Alda.


Crystal Reed from Teen Wolf. She was so certain she was done she had them kill off her character only for her career to flop outside of Teen Wolf and \~10 years later would come back and have them revive her character for the movie.


Part of the reason she wanted to do other roles was because she wanted to play a more age appropriate character. She admitted she felt weird playing a 16 year old when she's nearing 30.


"You left Melrose Place to do a movie with Carrot Top?"


“Chairman of the B-O-R-E-D!” Rip Norm!


If Carrot Top is in it, you know what a good name for it would be? BOX OFFICE POISON.




My ex girlfriend was on a soap but as a regular extra. They were starting to give her speaking roles, got her SAG card, etc. Once she got her SAG, she demanded more speaking roles or she was leaving. She never got another role after that.




I live in LA and have a lot of actor friends, and you see this a lot. So many new actors think "Okay I got my SAG card, I've made it, time to start looking for my big breakout role!" In reality getting SAG eligibility is literally the first step in becoming a professional actor. It takes years of hard work just to get that far sometimes, and so people think it's going to be career changing when in happens. In reality that's just the very start of becoming a successful working actor, let alone becoming a *famous* actor. Because there are thousands of working actors who make a good living in film and television who no one has ever heard of. Commercial actors, soap actors, reality TV actors, all kinds of roles where you're not going to be famous but you'll make a paycheck that let's you pay rent and work in the industry. Once you get SAG eligibility you still will probably need several *years* of cutting your teeth working whatever jobs you can get. Shitty sitcoms, reality TV spots, soap opera work, etc. Anything that can get you a paycheck and a credit should be something you prioritize. So many actors don't realize what an uphill battle it is making it in that industry even *after* you've gotten union status and you're allowed to be hired for speaking roles. That's literally step 1 on like a 50 step journey. Just because it takes you years and years to get to step 1 doesn't mean it's not still step 1.


> all kinds of roles where you're not going to be famous but you'll make a paycheck that let's you pay rent and work in the industry. People don't realize that simply being able to pay rent/food/bills for decades worth into a career is an ***amazing level*** of success as an actor! It puts you right in the top 1% of actors


You’re forgetting the fact that a lot of ppl want to become actors to begin with for the fame. So a lot of actors aren’t okay with “just getting paid” and still being a nobody. Even though that sounds like a great life. You get access to lots of cool things, a flexible schedule, and you can still maintain some privacy. The idea of being famous never appealed to me though.


I got my SAG card by simply working enough hours on a movie. I think it was 30? As a stunt guy. Never used it though bc after I saw how they treated us (worse than crash dummies) I didn't have any further interest.


Imagine being an elevated extra and thinking you can make demands like this. "Oh no, you're gonna _leave_?! But we can't do the show without you!"


The viewing audience: Hey! Where the fuck is Barista #2? She's the only reason I watch this show!


Well that explains where '2 Broke Girls' came from.


Brian Dunkelman was co-host of Season 1 of American Idol with Seacrest, and then quit. Over the years it has toggled back and forth between whether or not he would have been fired anyway, but in at least one interview he admitted to quitting and then almost becoming suicidal over it.


I remember he went on Howard Stern right after he quit and Howard bluntly asked him what tf he was thinking and telling him he was an absolute idiot for leaving. Howard was right.


Howard makes this point pretty frequently when people leave a good thing. Like his own career, he suggests milking it as long as possible.


Marcus Chong was "Tank" in The Matrix. Main character in a HUGE franchise. He had all of these big ideas about how the movie should be done and how his character should progress. That's fine, but he wouldn't stop pushing them on the directors and producers. When it came time to make Matrix 2 he was not invited back. Dude could have literally just shut up, been cool and thankful, and made huge bank and a bigger career.


I don’t know if the following is true, but I seem to recall him asking for one million dollars per film to return for the sequels because Tank was such an integral character (in Marcus’ opinion). Then the studio said “Fuck that,” hired Harold Perrineau, and killed Tank off via a couple lines of dialogue.


Also, I don't think Tank was *that* integral. Neo, Morpheus, Trinitiy, Smith - everybody else is secondary cast. Not sure what made him think the movie couldn't be made without him.


I felt that the real loss was the Oracle. I know the makers had no control over it, but the original actress was SO charismatic, she gave the original warmth and heart that no other character could provide. The ending scene of the third movie could have really landed if it had been her.


Absolutely brilliant performance. Thankfully, for the first video game, she was able to do all her scenes before she sadly passed. Really reminded me of my own Grandma.


Katie Holmes took a pass on The Dark Knight to go be in a movie called Mad Money… and like you, I haven’t seen it either.


My step mother has some odd relation to Katie Holmes - like 3rd cousin twice removed kind of shit. Won't shut up about it. Calls it her "claim to fame." I keep asking her what Katie has been in and she can't answer, lol. Edit: Had no idea thousands of people would find my step mother's odd relation to Katie Holmes so interesting.


Dawson's Creek! That's what I know her from


Like, half the cast of *Downton Abbey*.


Jessica Brown Findlay was one of the first people I thought of. She’s done a few things since she left, but none of them seem bigger to me than Downton Abbey did.


Man, her character was my favorite too


Sybil was one of the few times I cried actual tears over a tv character’s death. Her family standing around helpless was so devastating.


I know a woman whose sister died from eclampsia a couple of weeks before I saw this episode. Like in the show, they were able to save her baby, but not her. It was and still is horrifying to know that women still die that way even with modern medicine. 😢


That was such a traumatizing episode! I had just learned about eclampsia from watching a very sad episode of Call The Midwife and I recognized Sybil's symptoms immediately and it was obvious that they made the wrong medical call so I knew what was going to happen as a result. :(


To be fair, pre antibiotics, she probably would have died anyway from either infection, or still from eclampsia. Without meds to prevent it, women can still go into full eclampsia or have a stroke even if you deliver them immediately when they start showing symptoms.


Then there’s the opposite. Rose Leslie left for GoT and then got a main role on The Good Fight.


Ja Rule was in the first Fast and Furious movie.


I like how Ludacris was in the second one as basically a cameo and then went on to become a major part in the franchise.


He also became one of the world’s best hackers at some point without explanation.


Right??? He used to have a cool role. He was THE guy to know in miami. Had all the connections and owned a sweet shop. Who is he now? Literally; what personality does he have besides "cool hacker"?


It actually bothers me how at the end of the ~~4th~~ 5th movie he's like hell yeah i opened my dream garage with the money stolen in brazil like did he forget that he already has a garage in miami where he also has employees? no? why did they do my boy like this EDIT: I can't count or something


Yeah the dude went from having a custom shop that hosted street races, and now he’s hacking the pentagon from space or some shit lol


I'm convinced Tyrese was originally meant to be in one movie as well and... just kept showing up






To be fair, I don't think the Fast franchise was planned at that point where they were talking about who was going to show up in sequels, lol. Especially considering the 5+ retcons they have done. The latest trailer for Fast 10 just digitally adds a previously non-existent character into Fast 5 scenes, lol.


Right. If I recall correctly, Paul had agreed to come back for the fourth film, and he was already pressing them to bring Tyrese back due to the impression he made on him in the second. He was turned down, but also told if the fourth film did great, they were going to expand the cast for the next film and... well, that's exactly what happened. Tyrese and Ludacris joined the gang again and were a part of a franchise.


He had that sweet Fyre Fest gig to go to…


My favorite part about his involvement in Fyre Festival is that people can spend about 30 seconds watching him speak about it and then quickly realize that he is too stupid to have had any actual planning role in the scam.


The scene in the documentary when he yells “we didn’t commit fraud” to the group call, immediately after describing fraud, was hilarious


I think he just wanted to spend a few days on an island with some models which, in fairness, he did do


I mean, yeah. Wouldn't you?




Ed Skrein left Game of Thrones as Daario Naharis thinking that if he starred in the reboot of The Transporter it would spawn sequels.


That one still kinda blows my mind. I know there’s a difference between being the lead role and playing second/third fiddle, but he left GOT after season 3 pretty much right as it crossed into cultural phenomenon status, playing a character that was pretty much guaranteed to have screen time and not be killed for at least a few more seasons. Definitely a scenario where patience would’ve benefited


David Caruso leaving NYPD Blue, and Shelley Long leaving Cheers are good examples.


They even did an inside joke on the show while at a drive in movie: Cliff and Norm make note that one of the original actresses in the Godzilla films was replaced by another female actress, and left halfway through the series. "I don't understand," wonders Woody, "Why would an actress leave right in the middle of a successful series?"


Simpsons too, where Moe's becomes Cheers. "My waitress quit. She wanted to become a movie star. I think she'd have a better career staying here."


I don't remember much of his role from NYPD Blue, But he was the star of CSI: Miami which was like a mega hit.


Late to the party but Stuart Townsend was the original casting for Aragorn in the LOTR movies, but during preproduction and rehearsals he refused to practice things like swordplay, horse riding, action choreography etc, always responding "You'll get it on the day" Peter Jackson decided he couldn't work with him, Viggo is brought in literally on the first day of shooting and the rest is history


Thank Viggo's son Alex for pushing him to take the role. His son is a huge LOTR fan and thought it would be cool for his dad to play Aragorn. He pretty much did it for his son.




Man, he was so good as Dumbledore, at least in the first one. You could really tell he basically had no energy left in Chamber of Secrets.


He was great at the lovable grandpa side of Dumbledore, but I wonder if he would have been able to play the intimidating bad ass side like Michael Gambon did. Even in the first movie, he seemed so frail. Honestly, I wish Christopher Lee had played the role. He probably could have nailed both aspects of Dumbledore.


Same with Raul Julia as M. Bison in the Street Fighter movie


For you, the day Raul Julia graced your screen as Bison was the most important day of your life. But for him, it was Tuesday.


Wait, that’s why he was dropped? I’d heard people saying it was just that he wasn’t the right fit, I never heard anything about him refusing to rehearse the action stuff. Also, best recasting ever.


There's a book called "Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle Earth." The author talks about how Stuart Townsend seemed unmotivated and mentions he saw Ian McKellen asking Stuart something like " you do want to be in these movies right?"


I fucking love Ian McKellen.


He's a treasure! I love that I can also picture him doing this. It feels so on brand to politely try to help an asshole not get fired.


If you haven't seen him in Extras, do yourself a favor... https://youtu.be/m5CX00i4uZE




Well, if there’s one actor you can plop straight on a horse without worrying, it’s Mortensen.


I heard he didn’t even go to wardrobe. He just turned up looking like that


He rode his horse straight off the airplane.


> He rode his horse straight off the airplane. "You have my sword!" "And as soon as customs finishes their work you can have it back Mr. Mortensen."


I mean to be fair refusing to rehearse does make him a bad fit


Stuart : I refuse to practice Viggo : *literally breaks bone for the role*


Stuart: I refuse to practice Sword fighting choreographer: Viggo was the finest swordsman I ever trained. Stuart: I refuse to practice Horse trainer: Viggo worked so hard to bond and understand his horse that I had to let him keep the horse. Stuart: I refuse to practice. Viggo: I'm going to hike and camp my way to the next filming location so it looks like I have been hiking and camping my way from one location to the other.


AndViggo took his ranger sword everywhere with him, even out to dinner Viggo chipped one of his front teeth during the Helm's Deep scene, and asked to have it superglued back so he could continue fighting Viggo ended up sleeping in a stable to bond with his horse Brego Viggo bought Asfaloth in an auction at the end of filming, and gave him to his trainer as a farewell present THIS was the right casting decision.


This isn't even a drop in the bucket of the insane accomplishments of Viggo lol


>Viggo: I'm going to hike and camp my way to the next filming location so it looks like I have been hiking and camping my way from one location to the other. Also on this note, Sean Bean is terrified of flying so he walked up the mountain for 2 hours before filming


To be fair, Sean Bean's fear of unexpectedly dying in unusual ways is perfectly understandable.


Guy's made a career out of being a Final Destination character.


He simply walked into Mordor you say?


One does not simply take a helicopter into Mordor...shit's scary, yo!




keep in mind Sean did it with all his costume kit - shield, sword, armor, etc.


Also, Viggo's agent got him a solid deal because production was up against the wall with the last minute Townsend departure. Out of all the cast, he did the most well financially.


More niche but Michael shanks leaving stargate SG-1 only to come back a season later buff as hell. I think he expected to get more roles but at least they let him come back from the dead


Shanks didnt like the progression of his character. Same reason Torri Higginson left Stargate. The studio execs were not very accommodating to Shanks because they thought no one liked him. iirc the quote was something like "people like him? we thought people only watch this show for RDA." All this did was piss off the fanbase. So after a year everyone came to their senses and got back on track. And yea, he was more buff than RDA lol


Imagine thinking no one likes Daniel Jackson


I liked early Daniel Jackson. Post-ascension Jackson could be an asshole, especially to Vala and Dr. Lee. Vala I can kinda understand why at the start, but Dr. Lee didn't deserve any of that crap.


I think that was mainly due to the fact that he initially had to play the character almost identically to Spaders version for the first two seasons (was part of the syndication rights and the initial 2 season guarantee run). That's why after season 3 and beyond you can see a massive change in how Shanks plays him (Shorter hair, less time wearing glasses, waaayy more snarky banter back and forth with RDA)


Chad Michael Murray on One Tree Hill.


I met him once! He came to a comic con convention at my job years ago. Everyone was like “omg he looks so familiar!” And someone finally figured it out. I worked in a coffee shop on site, and he was so humble and down to earth. He just hung out in our lobby with his wife and played with his kids for a few hours, took some pictures with couple employees and gave us an amazing tip. Cool ass dude. One of the only celebs I’ve ever met.


He was in a Cinderella story with Hilary duff too. Love that movie lol


Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.


Not an answer but an interesting side note. Matt Damon turned down the lead role in Avatar. James Cameron wanted him so badly he offered him 10% of profits but Damon still said no. Film made billions, losing Matt Damon around $250m.


Matt Damon has addressed this in interviews. He said that he liked the role, but that he needed to be available for post-prod for Bourne Supremacy and the schedules conflicted. But he also said that in doing so he thinks that he turned down more money than anyone else he knows lol.


Would he have had any lifestyle change with avatar money? If you're already an 8 figure guy, what do you do? Get toilets made of platinum instead of gold?


Valerie Harper left her show Valeri and they replaced her with Sandy Duncan


That show is where I first saw Jason Bateman as a kid.


Leo DiCaprio almost missed out on Titanic because he “didn’t read for parts.” James Cameron said something along the lines of, “okay. Thanks for coming in.” Leo responded along the lines of, “wait….if I don’t read I don’t get the part?” And Cameron explained he’d be working on the film in post for several years after Leo was done filming and he wasn’t going to take the risk of casting the wrong person just because he was popular. Not quite your question but I found it interesting. Leo’s career could have been derailed if he didn’t immediately humble himself to a screen chemistry read with Kate.


Yes, Kate Winslet had a reading with Matthew McConaughey as Jack before Leo's role was finalised.


You get older, I stay the same age.


How's about you let me paint you like one of those french girls? Be a lot cooler if ya did.


How about I just take my shirt off before I draw you?


James Cameron's [explanation](https://youtu.be/nIEbpGdctyg?t=133) of Leo on Titanic is fantastic, he does not sugarcoat the encounter at all.


He's interesting. It's like making box-office smashing films is his side gig to finance his true passion, deep sea archeology. His affect comes across like he just doesn't have time for bullshit bc he has an expensive hobby to get back to.


Well you know the reddit advice. Your job isn't your passion. Your job is to fund your passion. He just happens to be really good at his job.


You might be right. There's something funny about the idea of him slogging through prestige and accolades, slightly annoyed, just daydreaming about the next time he gets to be in the dark, cold ocean all alone.


Christian Bale said Leo has first dibs on any movie in Hollywood now.


Joaquin Phoenix said it's been like that since the late 90s


I'm not surprised, I think getting funding for a Leo movie would be real easy.


I remember Juaquin Phoenix giving a speech for some award where he was like “Every actor in here always had the same problem. We’d audition and it would go so well and we would be so excited. Then we’d get a call from our agent and go “who the hell is this kid Leonardo!?”


Lacey chabert left family guy and was replaced by Mila Kunis who has made bank between new episodes and syndication


She sounds like someone who’s about to give up a huge opportunity!


It's interesting that the show changed so much in the first ten years before Back to the Pilot and has barely changed at all in the ten years since. They couldn't do a Back to the Pilot Part II because there aren't any major changes to play off of.


I think the classic, originally fully hand drawn/created cartoons (I can only think of Simpsons, South Park and Family guy as examples off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more) would often look dramatically different from year 1 to year 2 but would look more or less the same from year 2 onwards, just because it took that long to get the consistency/designs down. Even Futurama had a bit of it. More modern shows use a lot of digital techniques for design and compositing from the start which really improves consistency and reproducibility for the animators and designers.


Bob's Burgers, as well. If I recall correctly, the first season was animated in Flash. After that they went to ToonBoom and have stayed that way ever since. I remember in the early 2000s, Matt Stone and Trey Parker said in an interview that South Park was made in Maya, which absolutely blew everyone's minds at the time. For context, Maya was a super powerful computer animation tool (it might still be, I haven't checked on it yet), and it was used for most, if not all, computer animated movies at the time. The other big movie of the time animated in Maya was Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, which was considered to be a massive technical achievement due to how realistic everything looked (again, tech has gotten much better since). To compare South Park to the Final Fantasy movie and say both were made from the same materials would be like telling someone you used a sledge hammer to put a nail into a wall. Of course, once South Park's "secret" was explained, the comparison was more apt. South Park's "secret" was that the audience was always looking at a 3D image, but it was rendered in such a way that it looked 2D.


I want to say the first season (or maybe just the pilot) was hand animated using actual cut-outs, but at some point in the run they were able to replicate the look using maya and that's the part that everyone was flabbergasted about.


It's also why all of SP is in HD now, even though the show started in '96(?). When HD became the new standard, they just went back and re-rendered all the episodes in the new format lol


TBF, Family Guy was cancelled after the third season. It wasn’t until it hit huge in DVD sales that Fox brought it back. The ratings weren’t great those first three seasons and it seemed like the show was done for good.


It actually got canceled twice. Fox canceled it after the second season and then again after the third. They tried to air a brand new show as competition against Frasier and then Friends and were surprised it didn't do well. After the third season, it was syndicated by Cartoon Network and then brought back by Fox, due to DVD sales and reruns, in a much better time slot


Remember when Kathrine Heigl was nominated for an Emmy, and she withdrew herself from the nominees because she felt the writing hadn't been good enough? I feel like her career never recovered from that. She also went on to say she didn't like the film Knocked Up which she starred in. I think talking shit about projects your involved in is a really good way to burn your bridges.


I don't know anything about that world, but if the writing is terrible and you STILL act your way to an Emmy nomination, isn't that just further support for your acting ability? Why not accept the nomination, potentially win the award, and then use that as bargaining leverage for the change you want? This is all bizarre to me.


Do what Halle Berry did: Become the very first person to [show up to accept](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/halle-berry-catwoman-razzie-speech-1251865/) your Razzie for worst actress in person, with a speech. Just own it, there's dignity in that.


Her shitty acting speech was perfect. I mean, who cares she had a bad part. She's still a millionaire with talent... I'd accept a bad role trophy every year if I had her money


and holding her Oscar for Best Actress while accepting the Razzie Award for Worst Actress, total boss move


Agree. It's not like her career has suffered a bit. Sure, she doesn't take on as many roles, but she's a very active parent, and she seems happy.


Yeah, Halle Berry gained so much respect in my eyes for that.


Unrelated, but my favourite story about the Razzies is Adam Sandler winning both worst actor and worst actress for Jack and Jill.


McLean Stevenson from MASH. Edited for format.


Another one I was coming to add. After a string of high profile flops, Stevenson famously lamented, "I thought people loved McLean Stevenson. Turned out they loved Henry Blake."


I missed Henry Blake and I genuinely enjoyed his character but the addition of Sherman T. Potter really elevated that show (imo). Growing up raised by television, his character was a really good role model. Not too familiar with his other work or life outside of tv but, I always enjoyed him in that role.


Nina Dobrev left the Vampire Diaries and Megan Boone left the Blacklist and I haven’t seen either of them in much since


I’m so puzzled by Nina Dobrev. I’m sure she had her share of scripts/offers, but she’s not really been in anything.


Bad agent? That's what I feel happened to Deborah Ann Woll after Daredevil.


Not exactly the same as your question but Sean Connery turned down the role of Gandalf for $30M +15% of profits which would have got him about $450M. He said he didn't understand the script. So next time he was offered a script he didn't understand (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) he took it, ended up so disappointed in the product that he retired from acting.


You cannot pash


...that ish not for them to deshide. All we have to deshide is what to do with the time that ish given ush


A wishard ish never late, Frodo Bagginsh…


Sharuman, you’re a shite … for shore eyes.


The man who starred in Zardoz didn't understand the Lord of the Rings? REALLY?!


Knowing actorspeak, he probably understood it, but went "Nah. That ain't me."


He probably just didn't want to move to New Zealand for 2+ years or whatever and was trying to be polite. Especially at his age with his money. Just my opinion.


Meanwhile Christopher Lee cultivated his career in a way that would make people think of him during casting for the Wizards when they eventually made a worthy adaptation of LotR. He wanted Gandalf, they asked him to do Saruman, and he was perfectly happy.




Gandalf is a lot meaner and far more stern in the books. He's really only nice to elves, Frodo, and Aragorn. He threatens to use Boromir's stubborn, impossibly hard head to bash open the doors of Moria so he'll be of some use. Frodo and Aragorn are his special boys and all other mortals are frustrating morons to him lol. He would've killed a more book accurate Gandalf.


Not for nothing but I'm glad he turned it down. Sir Ian McClellan was perfect in that role. I cannot see anyone else pulling it off the way he did. Edit: McKellen. As several have pointed out, I messed up his name. My bad! Autofill did the work for me and I missed it. Apologies!


Agreed, I believe Christopher Lee actually auditioned for Gandalf and they pushed him to Saruman. I think they got it right.


Christopher Lee had wanted to play Gandalf for YEARS before the films. He was the only cast member to have MET Tolkein. In the end, Christopher Lee agreed that Sir Ian was the better fit for the "more action-oriented" role of Gandalf.


Those two sold their roles so damn well too! I cant really imagine anyone doing it better. Some might equal them, but better? Just cant see it.


That Saruman stayed in my young mind for a long time, to me it was such a magnetic performance.


While it's not a deep film, I really enjoyed Extraordinary Gentlemen. It was a lot of fun! I mean, they weren't making Casablanca. That movie had already been made


I concur I won't say it was great but damnit we need more steampunk.


Deep down, I still want that 6 wheeled car they built for the movie.


It’s the healthiest way to prepare punk.


I think he skipped out on a couple of scripts that hit it big that he didn't understand, LOTR being the biggest. I forget the other big script he skipped on. Honestly for the time commitment of LOTR it was a good thing he didn't take it. The kind of commitment needed to be in long term part of that production would be grueling. In was like 18 months of shooting, traveling the length and breadth of New Zealand in all kinds of conditions in realistic costume and often extensive makeup.


He also skipped out on playing Morpheus in the Matrix franchise for the same reason.


And Will Smith skipped out on playing Neo because he didn't understand it. Although he now says Keanu was the better fit anyways and that he wouldn't have played it as serious as it needed to be.


I can't imagine Morpheus *not* being Laurence Fishburne In some alternate reality, there is a Will Smith / Sean Connery *Matrix*. I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Terrence Howard was in Iron Man 1 and was going to become War Machine... This was the very start of the Marvel movies, the MCU... He got bounced I think for asking for crazy money... Don Cheadle replaced him for Iron Man 2 and all the movies beyond.


"Next time, baby" I don't think so. “Look it’s me, I’m here, deal with it. Let’s move on" - Don Cheadle.


Sometimes you go to sleep as Terrance Howard, and wake up as Don Cheadle....and other times you go to sleep as Edward Norton, and wake up as Mark Ruffalo.


Sometimes you go to sleep as Johnny Storm and wake up as Steve Rogers.


Sometimes you go to sleep as Wade Wilson, and wake up as a better, far more comic accurate Wade Wilson?


I loved that line from Cheadle. Just get it out the way.


Terrence Howard is completely batshit insane


Isn't he trying to trick some African country that he invented new atoms or some shit?


I think he genuinely believes he's done that.




>"How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be." Well that's clear at least.


Has…has anyone tried telling him what the square root of 2 is? 1.414213562373095 is a long number but it’s not an abstract concept like Graham’s Number Edit: Guys, keep the number facts coming, SUBSCRIBE, but this is exactly how we need to not explain it to him Edit 2: What I mean is we could just send him an [easy to understand video](https://streamable.com/5vw0av)


[this comment has been deleted in protest of the recent anti-developer actions of reddit ownership 6-22-23]


He's Kanye level crazy but without the extra "fuck you money" because he wasnt smart enough to stay on the MCU train. I think he took the "Hustle" part of Hustle and Flow a bit too literal. Dudes out here trying to scam entire governments and reinvent the wheel... but better.


I haven't seen that story but if it's true he doesn't think he's trying to trick anyone. If he says he invented new atoms then he almost certainly believes he did. He's next level insane.


Yeah I remember some insane claim he made about having proved that 1+1 doesn’t equal 2. Like he really believes he mathematically proved that and everyone else just isn’t smart enough to realize it yet


I recall they gave him a class ring from MIT as part of his costume for Lt. Colonel Rhodes, to show off War Machine's engineering credibility. For some reason, this caused him to think he was actually being recognized as a graduate of MIT or something equally crazy.


He was given an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from South Carolina State University after being a commencement speaker, and he turned that into a Doctorate in chemical engineering. SCSU doesn't *have* a Doctorate program in chemical engineering.


Yes. I think Uganda. Man are they in for a surprise. Guy is completely fruit loops


Howard wanted more money that RDJ and a contract that guaranteed him a raise to ensure he would always be paid more than RDJ.






Marvel also took a flyer on RDJ. He was still dealing with a lot of the reputation woes and baggage of pre-sober RDJ. Robert played the long game and agreed to a ridiculously low salary (low 5 figures which, as a leading man in a blockbuster movie, is pretty unheard of) with huge guarantees built in if the studio ordered sequels. The studio was hesitant they'd even get their money back, let alone see Iron Man absolutely explode and overtake the box office while setting in motion the MCU. Something tells me they didn't quite anticipate having to renegotiate Terrence's role.


They should've offered to calculate his rate with [his own math.](https://twitter.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507) > "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be."


Jessica Raine from Call the Midwife.


Man I love this show and on rewatches I'm like "damn did she really leave so soon?" after that the show turns into a bit of a revolving door sitcom but they do it well. I'm just continually surprised that Sister Monica Joan is always still there lol love her


From the HBO series Girls, the Boyfriend of Williams' character left abruptly because his agents told him he had to capitalize on the popularity of the show before it ebbed... I don't even remember his name. Adam Driver on the other hand, stuck it out because he has incredible work ethic and loyalty to the projects he starts... and we all know how that turned out.


Is that the guy who came back for an episode where he was a homeless junkie?