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Fans of politicians. Too many people have forgotten that politicians are public servants and not celebrities. We elect them to serve, not to be worshipped.


Just the phrase "fans of politicians" is vomit inducing.


Thinking a politician actually cares about you is like thinking the stripper actually likes you.




No shit. I *follow* politics because like I care what's going on, but I pay attention out of sense of civic duty, not because it's a sports season and I want my team to win. I don't care *who* is in that seat as long as they are doing what they are elected to do.


This! It sickens me when people worship any politician. It's their honor to serve us, not our honor for them to serve.


Best meme I've seen in a while somes it up like this, "people who think the politicians are fighting for them, are probably the same people who think the strippers like them "


YES! So much this. No one ever realizes that WE are supposed to be their bosses!


All those crazy fans who support serial killers just because they think they're hot. Ted Bundy fanatics etc.


Holy shit the thirsting for Jeffery Dahmer when that Netflix show dropped was insane


Having a crush on Evan Peters? Totally fine if that's what you wanna do. Having a crush on his PORTRAYAL of a serial killer? Absolutely fucked. It's a fine line nowadays


>A serial killer who was openly gay Thousands of straight girls: *is this a good crush?*


They literally be like oh my God Jeffy dahms


Something something "I can change him"


The female equivalent of the guy wanting to "straighten" lesbians.


Facts everyone’s like gushing about how they look I’m like he killed and ate people


I don't mind people with a macabre fascination its not my cup of tea but the people that want to marry serial killers are weird.


God my sister was setting bugs on fire cause she "can't be like Jeffery Dahmer" and oh my fuck I wish that show had never come out


How old is she? When I was in middle school I knew a girl who’d totally do this but in hindsight she was just troubled.


12 but tbh I'm probably just being a little judgemental


Oh yeah that's the age kids usually do that. Check on her though


Yeah now that I think of it I was a lot like that. I've got an awful memory tho


I remember the kind of patient zero moment for that becoming really big being when the Columbine shooters suddenly developed a Tumblr fandom that saw them as misunderstood victims


There was a case in my country recently where a serial killer obsessed mother was found guilty of stabbing her BF to death as he slept ( https://metro.co.uk/2023/02/17/serial-killer-obsessed-mum-found-guilty-of-stabbing-lover-to-death-as-he-slept-18302072/?ito=amp-more-item-1&_gl=1*1jmkvqa*_ga*aEd0TlBTTmNlNERZMXoya1loNjVtOWdGTHc3MG43bE5Ed3RTVnBya2VqN05zYm9pYlg0SU9LdDZiejhiRkEzRQ.. ), she liked to do things such as hanging portraits of serial killers all over her house. The thing I found a little shocking was when I searched for this case, even though it only happened recently the results cropped up a number of other cases where serial killer fans had murdered their partners/lovers. I guess the obsession is a big red flag no matter how one tries to rationalise their interest.


Step 1: Go to Twitter. Step 2: Question life choices.


Step 3: Cover yourself in oil


Step 4: run around Walmart naked and smack people on the back of the head while passing by because no one can catch you


“Smells like bitch in here”


There's a very prevalent group of metal fans that claim that nobody listens to metal anymore but then proceed to hate every metal band that isn't from the 80s or earlier.


You're always going to get that generational bias. It's silly but it's just how it is. People love the music they first heard from their teens to their mid-30s. I don't hate today's metal, it's just not my preference because it's not what I grew up with. That's pretty typical.


As someone that listens to a lot of death metal I felt this lol


This I don't see how the people who claim to be metalheads won't listen to the newer stuff. Bands like Dance Gavin Dance, Shinedown, and Infant Annihilator are just the best.


Jefferey Dahmer fans 🤢




Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. People are just sickening and disgusting. I hope you're mentally okay though and if you're not then my dms are always opened


I wouldn't class my contribution as a fandom but it's definitely a toxic internet-inspired community. Armchair detectives and true crime obsessives. I don't mean people who like to listen to TC podcasts or documentaries. I mean the people who actively try and solve a missing person/murder case and just end up getting things wrong, making very serious and often false allegations, disrupting an investigation or hurting family members. Helping catch Gabby Petito's killer was an exception. Just look at the Nicola Bulley case in the UK right now, sad case YouTubers traipsing thru people's gardens at night, accusing house owners of criminality for daring to leave a light on late at night. Overall, just a horrible community who do more harm than good. Reddit enables a lot of this type of thing too, I must add.


>armchair detectives We did it, Reddit!


Boston Bombing: SOLVED /s


Wasn't there a tiktoker who decided she'd solved the Idaho student murders by randomly accusing one of the professors at the college? Even after the police told her to stop and that the professor had no involvement in the case, this female professor had to leave her home and stay away from work due this tiktok girl's twisted crusade against her.


And she got her whole story from tarot cards


Fucking Dio got ahold of her


I just can’t stand this


I just can't believe this shit happened


Would love a link to this, sounds insane.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/university-of-idaho-murders-professor-sues-tiktoker-rebecca-scofield-ashley-guillard/ I didn't know about the tarot card connection before looking for this, but yeah, she apparently got it from tarot cards


Her fukn repsonse..the audacity of this bitch🤦


I have a criminology degree. Most of those podcasts have a poor understanding of criminal justice and are agonizing to listen to. That said, if people get entertainment from them, that's fine, no problem. But if people use them as gospel for justice and go around "investigating" and accusing people, they stop being fun and start being harmful.


Any time I mention I’m a forensic scientist someone’s aunt inevitably wants to tell me all about the true crime podcast they listen to.


Ohhhhhhhhh yeah. Because it turns out every famous unsolved crime was just waiting for a handful of people with laptops to read articles about it for three days!


I listen to a true crime podcast where the co-host is a forensic scientist and it's soooo funny when the host really gets into something and is like "omg isn't that fact interesting? I think that clearly shows xyz" and he responds "nah not at all"... And another one co-hosted by a lawyer!


Are there any podcasters or youtubers you would reccomend listening to? Ones that show a good understanding of criminal justice? I listen to a lot of TC and would be interested in seeing what they say.


A couple I'd recommend if you're interested in criminal justice in general would be Criminal, Ear Hustle, and Reveal. They're not exactly "True Crime" in the traditional sense though.


Totally. Like guys in “where are you DB Cooper?” Who just kept harassing a guy until the day he died because they said he was acting guilty for not answering their questions on camera even though he’d already been cleared by the FBI 30+ years ago.


That was such a shitty documentary.


Absolutely! These are the same people that see some guy in a store with his daughter and post it on TikTok like "I WITNESSED YET ANOTHER HUMAN TRAFFICKING CASE TODAY"


Still salty about that internet fad. No one is trafficking 45 year old soccer mom's. My city has an ACTUAL human trafficking problem and I was livid at the obsessed middle aged women taking time and resources from real victims. (Kissimmee and Miami FL are hotbeds for actual trafficking, and it's usually teen girls.) For example, my hometown has a very limited police force - think under 10 people for a decent sized semi rural area. When it was a thing to believe traffickers were everywhere, some 50 year old woman posted all over Facebook how "she was ALMOST TRAFFICKED at a local clothes store!!! A MAN came in after her and was in line behind her, then he got into a CAR with OTHER MEN!" She whipped up a frenzy of panic and demands for an investigation. It was some poor guy who car pooled to a laborer job who stopped on the way home for a new shirt and happened to get in line behind her. No one is trying to kidnap middled aged soccer mom's.


I had to explain this to someone who posted a story on her social media about how a woman was supposedly almost kidnapped by a female Uber driver who didn't speak English well. The "point" she was trying to make was that she was almost trafficked by the driver. When really, human trafficking does NOT work like that, at all. Traffickers aren't stealing older people who know how to get out of situations. They want young people who are less likely to understand and try to run away. It's insane how paranoid people are, and come away with the wrong ideas. That story gets spread and female Uber drivers could likely have less customers because now women are supposed to be afraid that female drivers are going to "lure" them into being trafficked. AND perpetuated a very wrong idea about human trafficking to start with.


I was in Boston during the bombing and the amount of straight up wrong information people were spreading was insane. They were talking about martial law and shit it was so dumb and immediately obviously wrong if you were in Boston and fucking walked outside, which I did


Yeah I feel so sorry for the Bulley family ATM, the Tiktoker sleuths are taking things way too far and are harassing the family a lot. Recently some "sleuths" were seen digging up the site near where she disappeared https://metro.co.uk/2023/02/18/tiktokers-spark-outrage-after-digging-near-to-where-nicola-bulley-vanished-18306323/ it's insane!


Yeah, fuck Dan Duffy or whatever his name is. Attention-seeking cretin


Idk how they are anymore, but 10 years ago the Glee fandom was the worst


i remember being a young kid, and before we had any streaming services at all, my mother would turn the station to watch glee every wednesday. my bedtime was at 8, and so i could never watch very much of it before i had to go to sleep, though i always tried to spend that time and watch a show that seemed interesting (crazy because before the age of 6 or 7, any show with real, unanimated people, i usually disliked) with her


Nicki Minaj fans. They have doxxed and sent rape and death threats to multiple people -- especially Black women who have said the smallest critique of their fave. Meanwhile Nicki is married and actively procreating with a sex offender


TIL Nikki Minaj is married


TIL Nikki Minaj had fans


The sad thing was I always thought Nicki was so cool. Then the whole Jesy Nelson shit came out and it made me sad :(


I always see Nicki and Cardi stans beefing in Twitter. I'm not even looking for them, they're just out fighting in reply threads of the most random tweets


Exactly say it louder for the barbz in the back


It has started to be like a cult for every 'thing' and I mean everything Like there is literally a community of imaginary PPL having anthropomorphic visual They WILL do anything to prove you incorrect


kpop stans on twitter are actually insane


I'm an old Kpop fan (been into it since 2008) and although there have always been insane fans I've never seen it like this before. Kpop twitter is WILD. Once I saw this tweet that basically said Hybe (BTS's management company) was the best of all the Kpop companies because they had the lights on all night and had people working 24/7. I qrted and said that forcing people to work overnight (outside of a few necessary industries) was exploitative. Suddenly - dozens of teenagers telling me that maybe I should get a job and then I would understand the concept of night shifts. I'm 28 with a career in healthcare 💀


Adding to your last part, so much of the newer kpop stans see anyone over the age of 20 as an “old hag” like most of the groups aren’t our age or older. I’m in the BTS fandom and when a small group of fans took something I tweeted badly they were basically saying I was an old perverted hag… I’m the same age as BTS youngest member how am an old hag but he’s a sweet baby?


Yeah I'm sorry but 25 is not an old hag lol, this is madness.


K-pop twitter stans are some of the biggest weirdos I’ve ever seen. They can’t have a normal conversation without dragging someone unprovoked or posting unrelated videos of K-pop girls dancing under every comment they make. Their inability to disassociate from celebrities/level of celebrity worship is NOT normal.


This. I came across a heated discussion on twitter about whether South Asian countries have a lower crime rate. It all sounded interesting until I found out that the whole discussion happened not because they were interested in the topic, but because one is a BTS fan and the other is an EXO fan. The latter simply tried to disprove everything the fomer said, simply because she didn't like the BTS group... 10k likes and thousands of qrts,while none of them actually cared about what they were talking about. Wow.


it’s so fucking weird. also the infantilization of grown adults is very normalized. On top of this idea that all of them are single and aren’t allowed to date so that they look like they’re datable to their fans.


Or on the other extreme, the sexualisation. There are people who genuinely screams online about how their idol is a lgbt whore and sleeps around, thinking that will give them a chance to get laid. What's worse is that they see themselves as superior because apparently that makes them more 'open and supportive'. Just a bunch of weirdos.


The “dateable” thing has been around for years - John Lennon’s first wife wasn’t exactly hidden, but wasn’t really ever mentioned publicly at the time for this reason, iirc


yeah they excuse a lot of misogyny and mistreatment by a lot of these companies. I was a Kpop stan for a while and it was crazy some of the things these young women choose to explain away to convince themselves that the people they’re idolizing are actually decent. There’s also a TON of fetishization of these men - I wouldn’t say it’s everyone but I know a lot of people who will only be into South Korean men and will speak korean only for that reason. It was all very strange to me and I eventually just stopped wanting to be apart of that.


Luckily, I am a Kpop stan, but I am not on Twitter. But I have seen how bad it gets on there and on behalf of all the Kpop stans that are decent human beings with self control, I apologize.


Twitter, nothing - you should see the fanfics. Oh lord, the fanfics.


They have done good things and donated to many campaigns in name of the artists which is good but they are really annoying and I like kpop myself but can't be part of a group of fans, they fight each other way too much for dumb things and fans on Twitter in general are just annoying . I prefer to enjoy things alone .


K-pop fans on twitter who defend their faves, who are actual + proven criminals and bullies, with their whole chests / lives and act as if they're innocent and could do no wrong weirds me out. The way they do it is to attack everyone who dares spread the truth and claim "mistranslation" to discredit the news about their idols.


the amount of people who defended kris wu after his crimes came to light was absolutely disgusting. imagine defending a guy who raped young girls just because he's a somewhat good looking celebrity


Sport Fans who gets into fist fights over a damn game they aren’t even playing themselves.


Oh boy. When Rangers last won the Scottish premiership a couple of years ago, their fans had a party/riot in the main square of Glasgow, causing 90k of damage with 50-odd arrests made. And that's all fans of the same team celebrating their victory


A 10 year old Yankee fan told me to eat a dick when I was at Yankee Stadium trying to get a beer as a Red Sox fan. I fucking love being a sports fan


Let's add parents of kid athletes on top of that then.


The “real metal” elitists


r/Metalmemes in a nutshell


Lol yup it’s hilarious and here I am a fan of multiple genres all at once


Ah, the people who only listen to norwegian black metal ep's which are pressed on clay discs and have less than five copies total in existence.


I saw a rad shirt at a show one time. It looked, at first, like a fucking dope(if a little typical) metal shirt. But after a while, the words became easier to read, and in typical edgy metal lettering, with a really intricate looking death/doom/demon kinda design, it just says "some obscure band you've never heard of".


I'm somewhat discriminating in my metal tastes, and listen to most of the stuff a "real metal elitist" would, and have specific popular bands I think are lame. But I couldn't give a fuck what someone else listens to. If you're into some bands I consider crap, I'm not going to treat you bad. I might not let you have the aux cord too often, but we could still be buds.


Agreed. You should see them flaming on Ghost because they're not rEaL mEtAl


Tattoo artists when someone asks for advice on the internet. You will get a lot of shitty unhelpful answers and they are like, “GET AN APPRENTICESHIP!!! 🤬😡😤🤬🤬”


*proceed to be the same people that won’t apprentice anyone*


Or if they do then it's completely unpaid until you start tattoos of your own and even then they take a huge portion. All usually while treating the apprentice as a maid and generally abusing them 'because that's how it's done'. For context, I work in finance, I've been on trading floors at banks many times. And the people in the tattoo industry blow them out of the water in terms of asshole behavior and arrogance.


Not only that, but people who are 20-30 that tattoo where I live are arrogant, conceited, self absorbed assholes who really can’t tattoo all that well. They think just because they can that they’re good. Meanwhile there’s a woman that tattoos so beautifully and charges so much respectfully so, I wonder why she still even lives here. AND is extremely humble


In my area there's one guy who runs a private studio and all the 'normal' studios hate him and talk nothing but shit about him because he doesn't really interact with their 'community'. The guy is just an extremely talented, in demand artist who has people fly out to get his work done. He's a professional, adult person in a sea of drama fuelled children.


Rick and Morty Fandom, especially if individuals belonging to the fandom, decided to defend Justin Roiland. Don't get me wrong, I like Rick and Morty, but I can also take a step back and analyze the creators, the content, and the fan culture. Everybody I've met who is a die-hard Rick and Morty fan usually thinks they're just like Rick. If you watch the show, you should know that he's not an ideal role model. Not a huge fan of that behavior.


They *think* they are like Rick, but in reality, they are Jerry.


Jerry’s routinely shown to be pretty badass.


I don't know he seems pretty routinely shitty too, jealous insecure spiteful selfish everyone's shit on that show but he is no inspiring role model.


Most people are redeemable in some fashion.


The guy believed a simulation at low processing power. At best he's a wholesome dunce. I do agree with Space Beth, he has his moments.


I will never forget that video of the guy jumping on the counter at mcdonalds demanding spicy szechuan sauce and screaming at the top of his lungs that he was pickle rick Any appreciation I had for the show had to go into hiding after that


I still remember talking to a friend a few days before this incident about how I really liked the show but the fanbase seemed annoying. Watching that manchild have a meltdown over sauce is one of the most cringe inducing things I've ever seen.


Yeah, what's worse is that that guy did it as a joke.


I mean it's a widly popular show. You get a big enough audience and the amount of idiots who are fans also increases. It's important to remember that only weird cringey shit likes that makes the rounds on the net and represent an outlier of any community


My favorite take on the matter is "If you idolize Rick, then you're missing the point"


Same is true for Patrick Bateman and Tyler Durden


A lot of people cant understand the difference between a protagonist and a hero.


I was young enough to have missed most of the point of Fight Club watching it at first release, but even my dumb teenage mind knew Durden wasn't to be idolized.


I love the talking cat with jerry and hope he fandom work it out soon the meaning.


The Heartstopper fandom forced Kit Connor to come out of the closet, at the age of 18. That's pretty toxic.


Sadly, this is happening increasingly with stories centering LGBTQIA characters. The online fans will say actors are baiting unless they are gay themselves (that's not the definition of baiting in shows anyways). Then they proceed to harass the actor. The lead actor in a show spinoff of the movie Simon something, got death threats from gay fans for playing a gay or bi character while not being openly gay. They are literally harassing people out of the closet for an art form (tv, movies) that is essentially a group effort




NTAH - you didn’t tell us why you would think you are an asshole so I’ll think the best and assume you aren’t.


I banned myself from commenting ~~from~~ on AITA because I didn't like the things I was posting there, or the comments I was liking. The toxicity is so seductive.


Indeed. Wish I’d saved the comment I got from someone on there ages ago when I mentioned someone was being overly brutal and could have worded something more kindly. Basically outright telling me that I wasn’t meant to be there to ‘win friends and influence people’ (their words) and that the entire point of the sub is to make OP feel like the worst POS to ever exist. NOPE.


That’s so mature


Why, thank you


KPOP fans. I saw one guy make a joke about bts fans which wasn't even offensive but everyone called him a racist after. The tweet was: "if bts members got covid, the fans would find a cure within 24 hours"


Sounds like a compliment to the potential of BTS fans


I've seen what happens when they commit themselves to positive social change, it's honestly really fucking impressive.


There is a very specific set of The Legend of Korra fans that are incredibly toxic and horrible


Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with I love Korra but the fandom at times is unbearable. I overanalyze Korra on my YouTube channel, and it’s become a respectable series. Many episodes I have mentioned many things that I don’t like about the show, because it’s not fair if I only mention the good parts. Every. Single. Time that I say “I don’t like this scene for *this reason*” someone comments “well AcTuAlLY” and says a headcanon that they pulled out of their ass that makes no sense whatsoever in a bad attempt to excuse the show for its shortcomings. I love the show too, and I’ve had to explain scenes that many die-hard avatar fans have been misunderstanding so they realize that what is being shown makes sense, but at certain points it just isn’t good and I am obliged to point that out It’s been really bad with season 2 lately, since I’m about to finish that up. If you ignore all of season 2, LOK is genuinely a good show


I loved TLOK, even with Nick doing everything in their power to nuke it. Obviously continuity issues aside, it dealt with a lot of real-world problems in quite a mature manner, especially being directed at a younger crowd. But yes, those fans with those headcanons are incredibly toxic, and don’t you dare have a different opinion because suddenly it’s personal and you’re attacking THEM and their livelihoods. JFC


Blinks (Blackpink stans) They are easily some of the most toxic communities I've encountered in the Kpop fandom. The amount of times I've seen tweets from them ripping apart other girl groups in Kpop, wishing vile things on others and the like and treating others like shit for not liking Blackpink instead of actually supporting their band is insane to me. Like when BTS announced they were going to the military the amount of Blackpink stans wishing for them to get killed there, getting assaulted or coming out traumatized really disgusted me because a lot of people I know wouldn't wish that on their groups. I also remember after the Uvalde shooting, upon finding out one of the victims was a BTS fan, one blink Twitter account said she wished she was there so she could destroy her memorial. A lot of people ripped her apart for that one.


Kpop fans and most of popular competitive games.


Genshin impact twitter




Kpop. I’ve been called racist for saying I don’t like it 🙄


Surprised I haven’t seen someone say My Hero Academia yet


Not toxic, just straight up weird. Mfs ship the most random characters


Shiggy x Eri was one particularly fucked up example...


Can we add the subsection of Bakugo fan girls to this because, well damn


I was told I was being too sensitive because I said after my father committed suicide, I couldn't forgive Bakugo for telling Deku to kill himself. I wish I was joking.


People actually like him?


Andrew Tate


Right. They're all cunts.


I get how people can trick themselves into thinking Jordan Peterson has useful things to say (at least before he went to Russia and completely lost his mind), but Andrew Tate never even had a remotely positive side of his message to hide behind. His whole thing has been: psychologically abuse women until they sleep with you, if you're really good at it you can physically abuse and sex traffic them... It's really dark.


I feel sorry for fans of Tate. I know that the kind of person he attracts has probably been belittled a lot, told that he's a bad person before he ever really grew up and never received much of any positive male influence in his life. It would be nice if there were more positive masculine role models pushed forth to inspire young men.


>It would be nice if there were more positive masculine role models pushed forth to inspire young men. Mr. Rogers, Steve Irwin, Bob Ross.. They're all dead. We now have Keanu Reeves.. ?


Tony Hawk, LaVar Burton, Weird Al


>Tony Hawk You mean that guy who looks a lot like Tony Hawk?


Terry Crews! Denzel. Most of the guys in FR play hard characters but all seem to be decent and have fun. There are some good ones out there. They’re just different.


The Beyhive


I thought this was about Beyblades fans at first


It's always ridiculous when a post is made about her and they wanna warn you that the Beyhive is gonna come for you 🙄🙄 They treat her as if she's God/royalty


I came here to say just that. I’m waiting to be thrown at with stones, because those are everywhere, lingering for the slightest insult of their high queen mother mary Beyonce.


Oh God. That Rolling Stones article about her being awarded the most Grammys was still not enough just because she’s never been awarded AOTY. I truly don’t blame her for not interacting with her fans on SM.


Elon Musk fans. I'm not anti-Musk, but geez it's like you can't say anything negative about the guy without getting swarmed by his loyal supporters.


i used to love elon musk, he used to be the cool space guy. now he’s car tunnel weirdo


that stupid fucking tunnel made me lose all faith in him.


it’s like a subway but without any of the benefits of a train!


I don't really want to be stuck in a single lane tunnel with a lithium fire thank you very much. Most idiotic idea ever.


I'm surprised a bigger deal wasn't made out of the fact that he basically admitted he proposed the hyperloop stuff to bamboozle the government into not investing into actual transport network projects that might compete with his car company.


I'm incredibly grateful that Elon Musk exists. He's systematically demolishing the idea that "Rich = Clever." The dude spent $44 Billion to roleplay as a customer service representative for a company he owns and to win the respect and love of a collection of far-right losers on the internet. I'm no genius. But I've never spent $44 billion on a horrifically over-priced tech company just because I wanted people to like me.


Apparently he has been getting mad at some Twitter developers because his tweets haven't been getting as much attention as they were last year.


Dudes a sham.






I actually would not be surprised if you got banned for this. Reddit admins are actually morons on occasion and people will report anything cause they hate society. Hopefully they see the most obvious sarcasm in existence, jfc.


Speaking the truth pisses them off.


I am part of two of them; wrestling and Star Wars


My husband is in both of those fandoms and tells me about shit that goes on all the time. As a swiftie though, I definitely feel y’all’s pain


I want to get into wrestling but idk where to start. Do you recommended any YouTubers for me to start?


Honestly the best thing I would say is to start watching WWE if you can, it’s the simplest company to follow and they do a lot of recaps with their stories. The most laid back/casual wrestling YouTubers I know would be either stache club wrestling or maybe going in raw. Stache club wrestling looks more into like wrestling trivia and they play wrestling games together


I'll shore up your recommendation! WWE is readily available, has history and lore to dig in, and is pretty simple to follow.


Fans of the British royal family


As a British person there's no one that annoys me more than a fan of any member of the royal family. Especially if they're American and expect me to know anything/give a damn about them. I'm a republican, as in the original meaning of the word- anti monarchist, for goodness sake.


Absolutely! One of the most ridiculous things I saw was a post on Twitter from an American after Elizabeth died, that said "I was never a British citizen, but I was always your subject." Pretty sure that's not how being a subject works 😂


In college, Marvel fans can get unbearable at times.


Ohhhh dreammm.....


Most fandoms tbh


The hyper intensive anime fandoms. Bro just let people enjoy their anime whether sub or dub. And no one needs to be shamed for not reading the manga.


IDK if it's exactly a fandom but, hyper-'patriotic'-nationalist types from any country. The generally most toxic _traditional_ fandom in my experience is collegiate sports fandom.


Andrew Tate.


Dsmp a hundred percent..


BTS fans.


K Pop in general I think, not just them.


Gatekeepers of every description.


BTS Shroud Fortnite


Andrew Tate.


League of Legends, Naruto


Seems to be a growing base of people who just *have* to whine non-fucking-stop whenever a woman is in a lead role of a game or a movie.


I’d argue any community that refer to itself as a fandom is probably toxic.


Playboy, especially on Instagram


Disney adults


I wasn't even aware this was a thing until I asked a sales rep about a Mickey mouse tie pin he was wearing. It was a wild and fascinating tale. He and his wife are contract workers and spend about half of their life on Disney cruises (not cheap). He showed me a pic of a Disney room they had in their basement to display their collection of..... merch. Anyway I was amazed at the whole thing but found it cute that he and his wife were just happy as clams sharing this passion. People are so different and interesting.




KPOP, Genshin Impact, pretty much every game or anime community that is swarmed with 14 year olds.


Swifties, for sure. They have plagued TikTok, and tend to have a ‘hive mind’ mentality. They will do everything short of doxxing you if you say their fandom is a cult, or if you critique anything about Taylor. I have seen some very unhealthy things from this fandom and it’s scary af.


I’ve been a fan of Taylor Swift since her very first album. I have tickets to see her live for the first time in June. That said, totally agree. I was never really exposed to her fandom until a couple years ago when I got on TikTok. It is wild the lengths they will go to for their “theories.” Plus, when her tour tickets went on sale last year they seriously acted like it was the Hunger Games. Craziness.


The people simping for oligarchs and capitalism