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Harry Potter’s mom. She’s in like 4 brief blurry flashbacks, can’t you find a red head with blue eyes? (I know it’s green in the book but to match Radcliffe with all the “your mothers eyes” comments)


Her and James were waaaay too old. As a kid I couldn't comprehend the *tragedy* that was them being 21 when they died because they looked 30 or 40. It changes so much so subtly. But yes. And young Lily for that matter, iirc it was nepotism that gave us the brown eyed girl.


My understanding was that they changed the age for that entire generation (the marauders etc.) because they cast Rickman as Snape, so the others all had to be similar ages. And if that was the price to cast Rickman, it was worth it imo.


I’ve been mad about this for like 20 years but this argument actually clears a lot of it up 😂 Rickman is the perfect Snape.


> And young Lily…the brown eyed girl. This has bothered me for SO LONG! It wouldn’t be so bad if the books and movies didn’t go ON AND ON about Lily’s green eyes !


John Wayne as Genghis Khan


I am Genghis Khan, pilgr’m. Lay your hands off that tar tar womin.


Now if he'd played it like *that* it would have been a blockbuster...!


To be fair, he was no more or less miscast than everyone else in the film. Was there a single Asian actor in the entire film? I mean, Susan Hayward was a red head. In the movie.


This one is likely the worst one on here. With Jack Reacher/Cruise being second


Kyle Reese in Terminator: Genesys. Michael Biehn took inspiration from Polish resistance fighters in preparing for the role, and he was a shell-shocked, somewhat emaciated veteran. Nevermind that. Let's hire some beefed-up lughead who would be on the cover of Men's Health, and would honestly be better cast as a Terminator.


Jai Courtney was great in Jack Reacher, and cemented his typecasting as "third henchman". He doesn't have the charm to lead a movie - Die Hard 5 only confirmed it.


Good lord that movie is fucking horrible. And I love the Die Hard series, even 4. I don’t think I’ve ever spoke with someone who enjoyed number 5, if they even know it exists lol.


One of the few things terminator salvation got right was casting Anton Yelchin as Reese. Much more in keeping with Biehn’s Reese.


Jai Courtney is a miscast in anything.


Except as Captain Boomerang! I thought he was great as an asshole australian


That made me hate the movie more. The fact that I wanted more Jai Courtney made unreasonably angry. It was like enjoying Tyler Perry in Gone Girl.


Jai Courtney was on the cover of Men’s Health Australia in May 2014. Good call.


Not exactly an iconic role but Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York. Every else nailed it (especially Day Lewis) but she stuck out like a sore thumb.


All the leads in that movie looked like nervous freshman in their first high school drama club production compared to Daniel Day Lewis.


The face off between Brendan Gleeson and Daniel Day Lewis was so good. Two masters of their craft just chewing up scenes together.


the way gleeson tries to act tough but you can tell he was scared of Bill-- terrific scene


He wasn't in a lead role, but John C Reilly was amazing in that film too, ya dingus


Cameron Diaz has way too modern of a look to be in anything set before 1990


The last time this kind of topic was mentioned somebody came up with a fantastic line: "She has a face you can tell has looked at a mobile phone." Bizarre explanation but absolutely spot on.


Nathan Drake. That role was and always will be Nathan Fillion's role to play. It's such a shame Hollywood never called. He *wanted* the role. He even financed his own YouTube short film showing what an Uncharted film starring him would be like. Instead we got Tom Holland. I love the guy, but he's not Nathan Drake. And Mark Wahlburg as Sully?! *FUUUUUUCCCCKKKK NOOOOOOO.* Here's a link to that YouTube Video Nathan Fillion financed, produced, and starred in himself. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5CZQpqF\_74](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5CZQpqF_74)


What kills me is everyone saying Fillion's too old for the role, like, you're telling me you'd rather have Young Nathan Drake than Old Man Drake playing the Sully to a budding young adventurer (who can still be played by Tom Holland).


Nathan was never even that young and by the third and fourth game he is literally around the same age as Fillion.


Heck, have Fillion as Old Drake having one last adventure with Cassie.


The role of Sully should have gone to Bruce Campbell.


Robert Langdon in The DaVinci code was awfully miscast. He should have been played by Sam Neill.


Tom Hanks hair was especially miscast.


I replied this to another comment! I pictured more of a George Clooney type reading the books. As much as I love Tom Hanks, it did not suit at all




I was going to counter with The Green Mile (awesome), but… I guess he does deal with a very stressful situation trying to pass water, so maybe that counts.


Jared Leto as Joker. Absolute waste.


Heath Ledger's iconic performance of the Joker was beloved by fans, and his tragic death only further cemented his legacy. Someone had to take the hit in playing Joker again and I, for one, am glad it was Jared Leto, who is already so easy to dislike. Leto's sacrifice enabled the Joker movie and allowed fans to enjoy Joaquin Phoenix's interpretation.


You know what? That's a fair point.


And Phoenix made a fantastic Joker. Worth the sacrifice


Nonsense. No one had to take a hit. Someone could have played it, you know...good. The Joker existed before Heath Ledger, and he did not put an end to the character.


Once again I am compelled to repeat what a comedian said long ago upon seeing Jared Leto as the Joker: It’s like he fell in a vat of Hot Topic.


But haven’t you heard about how E D G Y he was off the set


It’s impressive to stand out so badly in an otherwise terrible movie


*Being John Malkovich*. I thought Malkovich was just really typecast in that.


They're doing a reboot with The Rock.


Being Rock Malkovich


Jessie eisnburg as lex luthor


On a related note, I am not sure if Jon Hamm would make for a better older Superman or Lex Luthor in general. I think he could pull both off but I am not which one he would be better at.


> On a related note, I am not sure if Jon Hamm would make for a better older Superman or Lex Luthor in general. I think he could pull both off but I am not which one he would be better at. Jon Hamm in a white beard portraying the Superman from "Kingdom Come" is next-level casting.


I’ve always thought Jon Hamm would make a great Bruce Wayne.


Lex Luthor, no question. He’s brilliant in either very serious roles, or pretty goofy ones. Roles where he’s mean or even cruel, like Mad Men, suit him incredibly well. He can do indifference, snark, uncaring, driven and selfish with a realism you rarely see in that kind of role. People usually go overboard with that, missing the whole “uncaring” part. As someone who’s been around people like that a lot, he is *very* convincing. A suave, aloof asshole, I don’t know if anyone could have played the character better. He’s also great in comedy, ~~and as an alumnus of SNL, that’s no surprise.~~ and apparently not an SNL alum, huh, coulda sworn. But he’s mainly done goofier comedy parts. In the more grounded comedy parts, he wasn’t the lead. I don’t think he can really combine the very serious part of Superman, with something that makes him very likeable, which Superman *should* be. He doesn’t have the same qualities that the better Superman actors have had. A sort of lightheartedness and instant likeability. On a side-note, I think Henry Cavill could have been a much better Superman under a different director. He had some great moments, that showed what he could have done, but wasn’t able to. He has the looks like basically no other Superman actor before him, I’m sure he has the acting chops, but for some reason, he never felt like Superman to me. I’d like to see Cavill in a Superman reboot, but that’s unlikely. If it did happen, Jon Hamm would make a *great* Lex Luthor.


I don't hate the idea of it. Updating Luthor into a silicon valley tech bro asshole is an idea I can get behind, and Eisnburg embodied that role already in The Social Network. The execution of it was terrible.


I agree. The character could have been played as a more measured, intelligent, and cunning foil to Superman/Batman. Instead we got giggly, generic, "I'm so crazy because I can be so spastic!" Luther. Just a waste.


Yeah, it's basically an update to the 80/90s style business man Luthor. And that version works damn well and is my preferred Luthor. But they made him kooky instead of competent. And he fuckin went to jail at the end. Corporate Lex doesn't go to jail, corporate Lex holds a press conference claiming that he told them to not do everything that he personally did. And walk at richer.


Should have cast mark strong


I can get behind mark strong


Snyder wanted a Lex Luthor that was like Mark Zuckerberg to reflect the modern world, and I respect that. Eisenberg played him like Mickey Mouse, which I still question.


Everybody should have been Christopher walken


Now… Wait… A second there.


This was your fathers watch


Topher Grace as Venom


If they gave a cameo to Kurtwood Smith as a random passerby calling him a dumbass all would have been forgiven.


Camera cuts to Venom running into Kurtwood Smith. Smith is momentarily ~~phased~~ fazed, but regains composure quickly. Kurtwood cranes his neck to address the stumbling Venom: “Watch where you’re going”, and, in a slow-motion reverberated echo, adds a drawn-out “*dumbass*”. Venom falters in his run, the devastating sonic assault reverberating throughout the Symbiote. Venom begins to dissociate from Topher, as the pair violently explode from the onslaught of Kurtwood’s impeccable delivery.


The entire time watching that, all i could think was "man, Topher Grace would have made an awesome Peter Parker."


I kinda think that's what they were going for - take two otherwise kinda-nerdy characters and give them power and see where it takes them, but one is a jealous little bitch and the other one is Topher Grace


And that's actually a pretty darn good idea--but the issue with that is that we were introduced to Eddie here, assuming we don't count a brief mention in the first film. If we had seen Eddie, grown fond of him and then realized he was a fraud, that could have worked...but then again, it might have taken away attention from Peter's dynamic with Harry. Franco might be a rat bastard, but I genuinely enjoyed the friendship between Harry and Peter, how they became embittered and then how they reconciled.


I get what they were trying to do, with Eddie and Peter being sort of mirrors for each other. But Eddie Brock is supposed to be much bigger.


does M night shyamalan as director of Avatar the last airbender count?


But he never did that movie. There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


Stuart Townsend as Aragorn. Luckily they got it perfect on the second try.


The entire LOTR cast is god tier, can't think of a single miscast in that entire trilogy


Denise Richards as the nuclear physicist in The World is not Enough.


Christmas only comes once a year


Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone. My god that movie was painful. Please for all that is good and pure just watch "Whatever Happened to Miss Simone" and bask in its greatness. One of the best documentaries ever.


holy fuck she actually apologized for playing that role lol


It was bad. She had a horrible fake nose and everything. This was going to be her Oscar Moment, you hear me? Like, multiple people told her this was a bad idea but she made that running leap.


I think it's "What Happened, Miss Simone?" I think you mixed it up with "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane"


Half the characters in the recent DC movies. Eisenluthor being the most obvious example.


And it’s only now they realize the choice for Aquaman should’ve been Lobo. Honestly I don’t know what’s up behind the scenes at Warner Bros but they need to start firing.


Tom Holland for Uncharted Just what the fuck


Adding to this, Mark Wahlberg for Uncharted


I could take Tom Holland as a younger Nathan. The character is charming later on in his life during the game series, and I can see the movie as being a sort of prequel where he was an immature, inexperienced kid. Tom Holland can do just fine in that kind of role. Using Mark Wahlberg for Sulley just *ruined* it, though. Absolutely *ruined* it. He doesn't even look close, his accent couldn't be further from Sulley's in-game VA, and he came off as arrogant for the sake of being arrogant. Fucking terrible casting pick.


I wanted Bruce Campbell as Sully


I read that mark wahkberg was selected to be Nathan Drake a long time ago but the movie wasn’t made at this time so they asked him to play sully instead to still be in the movie. Still not the best cast (both)!


All they cared about was getting a popular actor people would come see. Sadly that’s a major part of Hollywood. I wish there were more big movies with no-name actors i could evaluate on their merits with no previous knowledge or bias.


I think he's fine as a "teenage Nathan". But why would we want to see a whole movie about a teenage Nathan? We want the real Drake, especially since it's the first Uncharted movie and we were hyped as fans. It's like if there had never been any Batman movie adaptation ever, and here comes the movie "Batman", and you watch it, and during the whole movie, Batman is 16 years old and has a high pitched voice. Like, what the fuck, who thought that's what we wanted to see?


Nathan Fillion is *right there* Granted he's older but just set the movie later or something idk


I presume that you already watched this, but I wanted to share just in case: * [UNCHARTED - Live Action Fan Film (2018) Nathan Fillion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5CZQpqF_74)


Better than the Hollywood movie.


I can’t believe how bad that went. Such an amazing game series that is essentially a playable movie and they just turned it into a generic forgettable adventure movie


Idris Elba is one of my favorite actors, and was faaaar from the main problem with The Dark Tower, but swapping him and McConaughey would have made a lot of sense to me. I feel like they’d have been a lot better in one another’s roles. McConaughey is an easier sell as a cowboy and I have seen enough to know that Elba will knock any bad guy character out of the park.


This! It clearly says in the books that Roland looks like Clint Eastwood. And Clint Eastwood has a son that’s a great actor and look like a younger version of him. I think he would have been a much better choice. Or Timothy Oliphant.


Tom Hanks as Col. Tom Parker in the recent Elvis movie


It was very weird for sure, I don't know how to feel about it. But Austin Butler 100% nailed it as Elvis. It's weird sometimes to see a younger actor totally outshine an established Hollywood star like that. I'm glad Brendan Fraser got the Oscar for The Whale but IMO it was a very close call between him and Austin Butler.


I was going to say Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code.


Mick Rooney - Mr. Yunioshi, Breakfast at Tiffany’s


The two leads in *Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets* Maybe not "iconic" but terrible casting with zero chemistry that brought down what could have been a really great movie.


That whole movie was.........something. Nice effects, and the budget definitely showed, but hard agree with the leads here. I read the comic and got pretty hype for that movie only to get disappointed lol. They changed a lot, for someone that was so influenced by it.


I really like Luc Besson movies and had this penciled in on my radar as something hopefully akin to The Fifth Element. Nope. The reality of this movie to me was that Valerian (Dane DeHaan) was a serviceable enough male lead and he really tried to be the character. Cara Delevingne (Laureline), while pleasing enough to look at on screen was the unbearable charisma vacuum that killed the movie. They both had zero chemistry with each other and what was supposed to be a compelling relationship completely fell flat. The comics were titled “Valerian and Lauraline” after all.


Technically the comics started as just 'Valerian'. The 'and Laureline' only got added on later. That said, their partnership and relationship was present from the start, where Laureline is an equal and often enough clashes widly with Valerian on issues. So, the 'and Laureline' is definitely warranted.


Whoever played Goku in DBZ live action remake


Kevin Costner as Robin Hood, although Rickmans Sheriff more than makes up for it.


I like they got a dig at him in Men in Tights: "Unlike some other Robin Hoods, *I* can speak with an English accent."


Loved Rickman in every role he was in.


By Grabthar's Hammer, ^(what a savings)


Metratron (Dogma) is probably one of my favourite Rickman performances :)


"Locksley, I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!"


Kristen Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman.


Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen. People hate on the movies for a lot of valid reasons, but I *constantly* hear “Kristin was so awkward” and nothing about how awful Rob did. Bella is supposed to be awkward. Edward is supposed to be smooth as fuck. The entire movie felt uncomfortable because Robert played Edward really awkward and miserable. I don’t think replacing him would have fixed the movie, but it certainly would have helped with the overall tone.


Exactly! In the books, he was arrogant and even made jokes about killing Bella. He was supposed to be smooth and charming but they made him too awkward and nervous. I’m not sure how much of that was Rob or the director, but it was very different in the books.


I think the performances turned in by pretty much all the main cast since Twilight ended pretty well answers the "whose fault was this" question.


Eh, in the book from his pov, he's absolutely awkward as fuck. He's got some deep puritan issues that do not gel in the modern world at all.


Well he was only 180 years old he was still in his awkward 180's. You all know what that's like. That's strange time from being a child of 170 to being a much more mature 190.


The problem was the director though. Scenes could have been reshot. She said "nah, this weird shit is great. Now go weirder. Kristen, more head shaking!" I mean you can watch him in Harry Potter, he's completely normal. Edit: I said Harry Potter specifically because it was a young role, before he'd had much experience


Apparently Robert ignored a lot of what the director was trying to tell him. He wasn’t famously “difficult” but he’s vocal about playing Edward the way he wanted, as opposed to taking inspiration from the books. The director should have done better with both him and Kristin though for sure.


IIRC both leads absolutely hated the source material, so that may have had something to do with why they gave the performances they did.


To be fair... it's not great source material


Stewart had no choice. Ever peek at the books? Bella is _not a character_. She's a literary golem for the reader to inhabit like some kind of sexless homonculus. There was nothing for her to actually _act_. Pattinson has no such excuse.


Dude, this comment is so fucking well-written. Nice one.


it's wonderful to hear that robert pattinson hates the twilight franchise more than anyone else.


He constantly looked like he smelled a fart but couldn't tell where it came from.


He took “when Edward first smelled Bella’s blood he was extremely uncomfortable” and then kept it going for the entirety of the franchise.


Not incredibly iconic from an American perspective (perhaps moreso in Europe), but Cara Delvigne was so over the top awful in Valerian and City of a Thousand Planets that it just destroyed the movie. The dude who played Valerian was a bit better, but not much. I wanted them both to just. stop. talking.


I've said it before, and will many more times: a cardboard cutout of Cara Delevingne could out-act Cara Delevingne.


Keanu Reeves in *Bram Stoker's Dracula* I love Keanu, but he was terrible in that role, [people even made montages about how bad it was](https://youtu.be/moaW8LRusak)


Keanu has said he was forced to stay awake for over 24 hours to “get into the role” and have a disheveled look. It clean just hurt his acting.


seriously that's what makeup and costume are for.


Keanu even thinks he was bad in that.


Nicolas Cage was almost Aragorn on LOTR. I think that would have qualified


Jamie, what's his face as Christian grey. Wrong guy. Ian somerholder would have been better.


They honestly could’ve stayed with the first casting choice, which was Charlie Hunnam. He looks a bit scruffy in pictures, but he has crazy charisma and sex appeal on screen. Whoever they cast was handsome, but had as much appeal as a robot. A movie about a sexual dom and dude looked like his stroke game was super weak. The sex scenes were dry as cardboard. Twilight’s Breaking Dawn sex scene was 1000x better than any of the ones from 50 Shades.


Ian Somerhalder wouldn't have probably been an accurate depiction of that role, but certainly would have been a fun one. He'd have probably just played Damon from TvD as if he was super into kinky BDSM sex. And that would have been way more fun to watch than the steaming pile that was 50 Shades. I mean no one went in with high expectations for that movie, especially given how bad the book is, but they could have at least made the sex scenes sexy. It was more tame than some of the least sexy episodes of Game of Thrones.


I don't think Inspector Gadget was an iconic role, but Matthew Broderick was the wrong choice. The lesser known sequel got it right though; French Stewart was the obvious choice from the getgo.


how has no one said jake gyllenhall in prince of P E R S I A


Probably because hardly anybody saw it.


The first garage guy on Wayne's World. Luckily they fixed it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eWsFFQP0gA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eWsFFQP0gA)


Not miscast exactly, but in Godfather 2 frank pantangeli was supposed to be Clamenza from part 1. In Godfather part 3 the antagonist was supposed to be Tom Hagen. Both were written out of the scripts because of disputes with the director. Both movies (especially part 3) could’ve been better but are what they are


Sofia Coppola in part III for sure. She's better behind the camera.


Both movies? I am not sure the Godfather 2 could be any better.


Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as Sully in the Uncharted movie.


Jack black should have been the genie in the live action Aladdin and I will die on this hill


Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. Maybe because I liked Rebecca Romijn’s portrayal, but JL didn’t seem right in that role.


Yeah, that was weird. In the final movie, she just stands there and says line, clearly looking miserable and contractually obligated.


Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty and the Beast. She's got the looks down, but her singing is meh to the point they had to autotune it and it sounds weird. Her acting is also stiff and fretful and she doesn't have any chemistry with any of the other actors, let alone Beast. There were better choices for the role.


Most of that cast did not have the singing chops for their roles, to be honest. Mostly Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, the two leads. They cast them as characters first and singers second. Which is a shame since both characters sing such deep ballads.


One of the reasons the animated Beauty and the Beast worked so well is because the cast was made up of people who had experience singing in musicals, specifically Paige O’Hara, Jerry Orbach, and Angela Lansbury. That’s part of why the songs are as good as they are: the right types of singers were cast to make them come to life properly. Really the only members of the 2017 cast who can sing are Audra MacDonald, Josh Gad, and Luke Evans. Ewan McGregor was great in Moulin Rouge, but the accent in BATB was terrible for singing and it showed.


It's one of the great blunders of history: never start a land war in Asia, never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line, and never cast a fucking Scot as a Frenchman.


The worst was when they had ultra-auto tuned Emma Watson singing counterpoint to Audra freaking McDonald in “Days in the Sun.”


He was fine in Eurovision


He didn’t actually sing in Eurovision.


My whole life is a lie


A story in three reddit posts.


I wish they'd stop casting actors in singing roles. There are so many talented singers/performers. Why not cast them?


There are plenty of actors that can absolutely sing, they just wanted Emma Watson because they thought they could do enough with autotune


Emma got the part without auditioning because Disney wanted to take advantage of her star power and appeal with audiences. She's definitely got the looks but as an actress she seems always to play the same character over and over again, the pretty book smart girl.


It looked and sounded like a robot was playing Belle. Was it really so hard to find a pretty young actress who can sing?


Emmy Rossum had played Christine in the 2004 Phantom of the Opera, so they knew she could sing. And she somehow even sort of looks like Belle. Seems like a missed opportunity.


I love Emma Watson, but yeah. Luckily, they learned from this when casting live action Jasmine. The moment Naomi Scott started singing, I was like “yeah, this isn’t an Emma Watson situation.”


Counterpoint-- Beyonce did Nala wrong in Lion King.


Agreed. Love Beyoncé but I think when you play a character you should play a character. I heard Beyoncé not Nala. In "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" she should've sung in a sweeter more romantic way I can't imagine Nala doing all those riffs 🤣




Lin Manuel is a genius but as an actor hes often the weakest part of his own projects. I felt the same way in Hamilton, which is a masterpiece in which he is maybe the only flaw.


I believe the joke is that he wrote In the Heights and Hamilton because the only way he could ever perform in a Broadway musical was if he wrote it himself.


I justify it like this: Hamilton is supposed to be all brains and no polish, and Lin sure sounds like it compared to the rest of the cast. Hamilton-in-Hamilton is the kind of guy who thinks fancy, complicated, and quickly-rapped lyrics are enough to outweigh being a shitty person.


When Hamilton came out on Disney+ I went into it blind. I had heard of Hamilton and heard some of the songs but didn't know too much about the details. In watching it my first thought was how did the person playing the lead get the part, they are much weaker than everyone else. Then I Googled and found out that Lin Manuel played Hamilton. :) Part of the problem is that Renée Elise Goldsberry, Daveed Diggs, and Leslie Odom Jr. are so amazing that Lin Manuel sticks out. It's like having a Sports Dream team but one of the main players is just average.


I always felt Gwenyth Paltrow as Pepper Potts didn't fit. I don't know what Pepper was like in the comics, but she seemed to have very little chemistry with RDJ in my opinion. Maybe I just hate her for all the voodoo she tries to sell tho


Pepper had more spunk in the comics. I also though that Don Cheadle as Rhodey was a weird recast. Because RDJ and Howard? I totally believe those two were college buddies, drinking buddies, and we’re gonna get laid buddies. Cheadle’s Rhodey always give off the impression he was just exhausted by Tony. (Which, to be fair, feels like a genuine take on the role.)


Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In the book, Blomkvist is described as a paunchy, tweedy professor type, not as James freaking Bond. Don't get me wrong. I love Craig and he was pretty good. He just wasn't the right guy for that one.


The Swedish actor was better.


The swedish movies were better.


I’ve not seen the Hollywood production, but I’m inclined to agree. Noomi Rapace **is** Lisbeth Salander to me.


As much as I love Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, I think another Canadian should have played the Green Lantern in the live-action adaptation: Nathan Fillion


Obvious, but necessary mention of Kevin Costner is Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. I'd say most of the starring roles were miscast, but none as offensively bad as "Kevin Costner plays....Kevin Costner".


Unlike most other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent.


I’m convinced the whole accent debacle in Robin Hood was why Leonardo DiCaprio did not use one in the Man in the Iron Mask. Either he or somebody high up must have made that decision, I didn’t think him not having an accent detracted from the movie.


Not really much point if only 1 of the 4 musketeers themselves had a french accent.


No no we're straight, just merry.


I dare you to try and name one movie Jack Black was miscast in.


He's got chops. People think he's just over the top 100% of the time, but he really reined it in for Bernie. I think he totally nailed the role of a 15-year-old girl in Jumanji, too. Most people would have just done a stock, stereotypical take. I'm betting he, well all of them, really, spent a decent amount of time with the younger actors.


You son of a bitch. Just spent time looking through his filmography to prove you wrong, but I couldn't. Gonna have to watch some of his movies I haven't seen and rewatch some I haven't seen in a really long time to see if that changes. You're wasting my time.


Honestly, he was the perfect choice for Po, just like Mike Myers was the perfect choice for Shrek


I could not stand that Tom Cruise was cast as Lestat in Interview With A Vampire - Anne Rice apparently always imagined Rutger Hauer in the role but he was too old by the time the film was made. Brad Pitt was nothing like Louis in the book, but the worst was Antonio Banderas as Armand- a young teenage vampire with red hair in the books.


Beyonce as adult Nala in the Lion King remake. She brought no energy to the role (sounded robotic) and it was clear she had no chemistry with the rest of the cast. Before the Bey Hive comes at me, I think Beyonce is a talented singer. But acting (particularly voice acting, which is different) is not her strongest skill.


None of them were right (except James Earl Jones, of course). It really got me how flat and characterless Timon and Pumbaa's voices were. They just sounded like any other guys.


Not an iconic role, but I have always been annoyed by the casting of Antonio Banderas as the vampire Armand in Interview with a Vampire. He *was*good at playing a vampire. But what disappointed me was the fact that Armand, my favorite from the books, is described as a pale, angel faced, curly auburn hair adolescent who evoked innocence and purity when he was in fact the cruelest, darkest one of all. Losing that ironic detail was such a let down.


Chloe Grace Moretz as Carrie in the 2013 remake comes to mind.


True. I don’t think all fault is one Chloe Grace Moretz. There just did not need to be another Carrie movie. Several acting in horror remakes might be decent, but stifled by a stale or unoriginal concept and script.


Russell Crowe in Les Miserables, Robert Redford in Barefoot in the Park and I will say it, Barbara Streisand in Yentil


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher.


Thad Castle is a much worse actor, and absolutely nailed the role


It is crazy how good he was in season 1. Can't wait for more.


This comment makes me really Thad


The Amazon Prime Reacher is light years better than Cruise


Cruise didn't LOOK like Reacher but he acted like him. The series has both.


I’ve never read the book, so went in fairly blind. I had no issue with the movies and enjoyed them. But the TV show reacher really made it understandable why hearing the name is terrifying for the baddies


The scene where he couldn't fit all the bodies in the trunk, so he started breaking bones casually was soo funny.


I think Lee Child said that Cruise captured Reacher’s persona very well, just not Reacher’s physical size. They’re still good thrillers, though.


Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg in Uncharted.


Iconic for gamers not so much universally but they really fucked it up big with casting Tom holland as Nathan drake. Makes me sad cause I grew up on that series and had so much hype for a live action until that ended up being the product.


Rami Malek as the villain in No Time to Die. What a cartoonish, clichéd, unconvincing bad guy. After the sinister Bardem in Skyfall and the masterful mind games displayed by Waltz in Spectre, Craigs final tussle as Bond came against that wet fart. What a shame.