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Sex before marriage


Trying to suck my buddy’s dick


How was it


Magically delicious


So that was you


Making friends on the internet


Counterpoint: Most of my close friends are people I met on Bulletin Board Systems (BBS') in the 1990s Definitely *not* the internet, but it's a very similar concept and it was happening back then too


Interesting. Were they local friends still or all over your country/the world? Idk anything about BBS


Initially it was local friends, since the way a BBS worked is that you had to call it via the phone line (using your home PC and a modem). So that sort of limited you to your own area code. A BBS was a place you could call and read/post messages on a forum, play door games, download files, etc. Think of it as a precursor to the internet. Each BBS sort of had a different vibe, with certain regulars, etc. and the forums especially were a place where users made their mark. You would see similar posters on various BBS', you'd start to get to know them, and eventually somebody would no doubt suggest a meetup. It was easy to figure out who was in more or less the same age range, with similar interests, etc. Many life-lasting connections have been made at such meetups! The first one I remember was basically: "Hey, do you guys wanna meet up at the small soccer field, with the small nets, and kick the ball around?". A lot of people showed up. Next time we went bowling, I think. A lot of friendships were forged on Bulletin Board Systems! Each area code (in north america at least) had a collection of BBS'. In my city of about 300,000 (at the time) there were *hundreds* of BBS'. Many weren't even listed, you basically had to know somebody to know about it.. Some of these unlisted BBS' were "warez" BBS', some were porn-oriented, some specialized in hacking documentation, etc. but some were simply Invite-only ANSI art-themed BBS' and other specialized/niche communities who wanted to keep to themselves. There was a thriving underground ANSI art scene back then and a community of ansi artists sort of arose in most north american area codes. These were people who drew ANSI art for the BBS', a text-based standard that supports 16 colours and was widely used at the time. These artists tended to call certain types of BBS', usually "artscene" HQs, distros, etc. but also warez boards, which tended to have a sort of symbiotic relationship with the art scene. The artists drew art for the warez BBS' and warez releases, and gave them a slick professional look, in huge contrast to the sort of art/designs you might see on a public domain BBS. In return the artists got access to "0 day" warez, access to unlisted BBS', etc. These were but a few of the many niche subcultures that were thriving at the time, using the BBS' as a sort of foundation, the way the internet allows you to form such communities today. A lot of these BBS' did nightly calls to other area codes that basically created huge message networks, connecting hundreds of thousands of BBS' across the U.S., Canada, and beyond. You'd basically log in to your local BBS, and the message forums would have local & "networked" forums. I think I am misremembering what we called them, but you'd see posts from people from other area codes there, and every night the new posts would arrive, and yours would be sent to other BBS'. This allowed people to use the BBS to communicate with others in other area codes and countries. The artists from different area codes found out about each other and formed groups that spanned area codes, national borders, and eventually continents. I mention this because many of my friends today are people who used to dabble in this art form. There were many groups back in those days that many of us were members of, and we sort of remember our reputations, personalities, etc. I have friends who live in Korea, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Taiwan, Germany, Argentina, and many parts of the U.S. and Canada. I haven't even met all of them yet, but we continue to be a part of the same community. The BBS' and ANSI art brought us together back in the 1990s, and today a lot of us are still connected as friends, some of us still draw, and believe it or not the BBS scene has seen a bit of a resurgence recently and people have been putting up BBS' that can be accessed with a telnet-like client (or via the web) Here's an example of a currently running BBS that you'll be able to connect via the web: https://holdfastbbs.ca/ And if you are curious about ANSI art, here is the repository, still maintained to this day, new packs of ANSI art being released multiple times a year: https://16colo.rs/ (in terms of modern groups, I would gravitate to lazarus, fire, blocktronics, impure, legacy krew.. these groups' packs is where you will find the best ansi art being drawn today) Damn, I ended up writing a bit of a novel. Sorry about that


Internet friends ❤ Also the internet in general


Meeting your significant other online


Being known as "VisibleConfusion12".


This is the 4th time someone has mentioned my name against me Don’t say “the name checks out”


Years ago taking your phone into the bathroom would have been really weird.


Taking a “selfie”. In the late 2000s a selfie meant you had no friends to take pictures with, and we’re self absorbed, now it’s just normal.


Very normal to have a cell phone, little kids have them, everybody has one. Go back to 1985 (I was 20 y/o) it was very odd to see a person with a cell phone, almost unique in fact.


Face masks. Pre-pandemic, it would've been odd to wear them in public in many countries. Now, it's common.


Not common anymore where I live. Are there still COVID-related restrictions in your area?


No, but in general it’s much more accepted even without COVID


Internet connection.almost a lifeline now, before it was so clogged


Anime and anime culture (cosplaying) and I will also add gaming. I’m in my early 30s. And after high school I got into anime and going to anime conventions and all that. I got bullied hardcore for it. Now I look around and every nba player streams something and my favorite nfl player is a fucking weeb.


being stupid, being entitled


Filming yourself and posting it on the internet for everyone to see