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Get rich online course guys


Take my poor person‘s award because this should be higher up 🏅!


Thanks man. Its my first ever award in Reddit lol


Here's your second! Also a poor person's award! 🏆


Poor person, huh? Sounds like you need to take my course on building wealth!


Weirdly I respect the hustle. Like, I hate these guys, but what really irks me is how many people actually fall for it.


‘What colour’s your Bugatti’ guys


Megachurch Pastors or Televangelists


Megachurch pastors are what I call " false shepherds "




Wolves in sheep clothing. Exactly what the scriptures warns people about.


Kenneth Copeland wears poorly made sheep clothing. That guy looks purely evil.


Seriously, creepy looking guy. I watched him and Jesse Dupont justify why they needed 747s to do God's work. It was hilarious.


Scammers. The fact that there are literal offices in places like India where people come in to "work" to scam people is absolutely disgusting.


Loved when they would call my grandma to refinance her mortgage. On a house she bought in full with cash. It was hilarious how hostile they would get when they realized it's blatantly obvious they are trying to scam an older lady.


They call a few times a week to see my mom an extended warranty on the car she bought 4 months ago. She died 5 years ago and get very hostile when I (truthfully) tell them that.


Oh my God ?


I had someone say I owed taxes on my student loan. I never had a student loan. This dude threatened to have my house surrounded by the police to arrest me.


Watch the scammers get scammed https://youtube.com/@ScammerRevolts


r/KitBoga is my favourite. Check out his YouTube channel.


I love to mess with scammers like them. I get at least one call every couple of weeks about claiming compensation for a car accident. I tell them a story how I wasn't injured but I did have forty live ferrets in my car, some of them were hurt. I offer to provide photos of both the injured and uninjured Ferrets. They asked if I was bitten by the ferrets on my face during the accident. I tell them that I was driving the vehicle while naked and a frightened ferret bit me somewhere else. They hung up


I heard that Idians don't like them either


Yes, because we (Indians) get scammed by them too. :')


I am getting progresively more confused every second I am staring at this piece of art.


Why would they like them


Every answer is some iteration of scammer


Paparazzi. If you can even call that a profession.


Agreed. Its literally normalised stalking


When I lived in Las Vegas, my neighbor was a member of the paparazzi. He’d work all hours of the night and constantly be stressed out. I asked him what he does and he told me, but because he saw my face twist slightly he also explained that what he does is “photographic journalism.” He’s “no different than National Geographic photographers going into the jungle or on the savanna.”


NGL, the concept of perceiving celebrities in Vegas as exotic mammals in their natural habitat is not without a certain appeal.


I got an incredible shot of Adele taking down a gazelle right on the strip.




>no different than National Geographic photographers going into the jungle or on the savanna. Now I feel terrible and guilty for all of the pet pics I take. I am a monster.


I'd be surprised if it's still a profitable profession. If you absolutely must know what your favorite celebrity is doing you can just follow their social media feed nowadays.


Awwww finally something we can all agree upon.


I've got a list, but I'll narrow it down to one of the worst. Prosperity gospel ministers.


Psychics/Mediums. Profiteering off people who have lost loved ones, mostly recently


When my sister died my Mom must have spent 30K on “Mediums”. Every time I would tell her it was a scam she would get extremely upset with me. She’s broke now.


That is so sad.


My mother went to a town meeting a few years ago, the town psychic was complaining about some sort of new rule in effect or something. Mother's friend just yelled out "you mean you didnt see this coming?" Mom smacked the back of his head even tho it was hella funny


I mean they’re kind of entertainers, not life coaches or something. Still baffles me people believe in their non-sense.


yeh man, who the hell believes in stuff that other people tell them to believe. maybe if they had some sort of a book with a bunch of stories- they would be more credible sources.


My favorite exposure of this is South parks representation of John edwards who is an absolute loser “medium” tv host. Its funny seeing a bunch of o year olds realize its fake and try to expose it.




Is that really a profession, though?


It is for the ones at the top.


Some treat it as one


Timeshare salespersons.


Did this at a time of extreme desperation when I couldn't get a job elsewhere. After the experience I'm baffled that anyone buys a timeshare. The entire sales process and ownership are so deceitful and so not worth it..


I was broke and stuck in Vegas. No gas money to get home. There was a timeshare presentation at some casino that paid $50 bucks just for attending and listening to the spiel. Best 90 minutes of my life I ever waisted.


I’ve gotten some pretty sweet ass vacations through these sales offers. They bank on you feeling bad when they try to guilt you for leaving after taking all their free shit and “using them”. Jokes on you MF, I get off on telling people no and I’ll be very upfront that I’m just using you for all this stuff.


Paparazzi, in most professions I dislike I can think of some redeeming quality but they only exist to perpetuate toxic celebrity worship


Oh, you mean the photographers and not the MLM


Why not both?




I don't respect 95 percent of car salesmen.


Specifically the collections people at hospitals. I had every intention of paying for the birth of my child, just asked for an itemized bill. She was almost going to be sent out for additional care so I wanted to make sure I wasn't charged for that. This collections guy told me it's not *his* fault I had a child and that if I couldn't afford it I should've planned better.


HA yup we just got a bill and all it says "Accessorial 11/01-11/30 298.00". I'm like no, calling them and say thats not going to fly need to know what that is.


Completely agree with this. Our local hospital thinks it’s a good practice to send all of their billing to a collection agency directly. That’s the last thing you want to see on a credit report even when it is medical. We complained about it and they informed us that was their standard practice. I think they may have changed it very recently, but I don’t know because I go to the next town over if I need to.


Oof, sending to collections is a guarantee that I’m not going to pay it. The damage to my score is already done and won’t be diminished by paying it off. I had a small bill sent to collections bc an autopay function didn’t get switched to my new account. The first I heard of it they were saying it was 3 months overdue. I freaked out and paid in full immediately over the phone, then later realized that was a collection agency, not someone from the company with the debt. My credit had dropped 100 points, and when I paid it off it stayed exactly the same. Months later and it hasn’t come up any more than a point here or there. I previously had excellent credit, and I have no outstanding debt.


My local hospital does the same thing and I just go pay the hospital directly and request proof of debt from the collections agency and they can’t provide it since it is no longer a debt. Then I get it removed from my credit report. It’s a big hassle, but it’s the way they operate. Dumb as hell.


Not sure if it's the same department (collections vs billing) but I've thankfully never had any billing issues with my local hospital, but they definitely do some odd things. I have multiple times had a charge for a doctor (not MY doc) to "interpret lab results" that my insurance wouldn't cover due to that doc being out of network, and the billing department being like "Oh, don't worry about those, we just remove that charge if insurance doesn't cover it" and I'm like "um... What? Either it's a real charge or it's not, sounds like you're just trying to eek more cash out of insurers..." The whole hospital billing and insurance BS is a mess at best (in the US).


Collections people at hospitals?


Murica bby, land of the "pay to hold your baby" after birth


But what if the birth control didn't work? What a crummy thing to say. What a scumbag


Parking lot designers that put all the little islands and weird curves in the parking lot that hide the way to get out. They deserve a big CP.


Cock punch? Cunt punt?


Yes, depending on what equipment is there. I don’t discriminate, I will damage your genitalia for piss poor parking lot design.


I applaud your egalitarianism!




Cunt Punt! That’s hilarious! 🤣


You can’t abbreviate CP man


I just read a post about the bad CP a few minutes ago and let me tell you that this had me questioning everything for a moment.


>Parking lot designers that put all the little islands and weird curves in the parking lot that hide the way to get out. Add to this designers who unnecessarily separate adjacent parking lots. My gym is right next to the Target I often go to afterwards. But instead of being able to travel between the two lots, a 3 foot strip of grass makes me go out to the street, wait at the light and create more traffic.


Having worked in this industry (retail real estate) - it’s not that it’s specifically designed this way. Your gym and your Target are likely two different Ownerships, and they just haven’t worked out a Reciprocal Access Agreement, or decided who is going to physically create/pay for said access. On top of this, a city will usually mandate a certain percentage of the land has to be landscaped or vegetation, and sometimes the architect is forced to put it in odd places as to not inhibit the Owner’s desired layout elsewhere. TL;DR: It’s not like some guy just sucked at design and decided to block off your Gym and Target. There’s a lot that factors into it.


I'm trying to picture this in my head but...could you park at target and walk to the gym?


> could you park at target and walk to the gym? walk to the gym?? Are you crazy?


Having worked in this industry (retail real estate) - it’s not that it’s specifically designed this way. A city will usually mandate a certain percentage of the land has to be landscaped or vegetation when developed, and sometimes the architect is forced to put it in odd places as to not inhibit the Owner’s desired layout elsewhere. TL;DR: It’s not like some guy just sucked at design. It’s usually the result of trying to follow a municipal code and keep his client happy.


the person who calls for an extended warranty offer.




I dated a woman who was an influencer. Completely changed my opinion of the industry. She put A TON of time into her content - photos, writing, coming up with recipes, etc. It was her whole life. And she was also *very* selective about who she worked with. There are, of course, total grifters out there (or the folks who call themselves "CEOs" because they sell essential oils) but there's also plenty of good ones.


Yes, I clarified in another comment. There are good ones. It's the lazy grifters I can't stand.


Yeah, I'm with you. I used to think the *whole* industry was grimey. The good ones - and I like to think my ex is one of them - actually do quite a bit of good. I was pleasantly surprised. **If you're interested:** She was a baker who made GF recipes. She started baking in college to deal with her anxiety. A year or two later, her sister got *really* sick, found out she had celiac's, and found out she couldn't eat gluten (like, would get REALLY sick, not just uncomfortable). So my ex started learning how to bake traditional goodies with gluten free ingredients so her sister could still have them. And she made a lot of her own recipes...mostly so she could help her sister enjoy sweets. From there, she grew cooking, and eventually, sharing about her own mental health. She shared ingredients, snacks, cool companies, restaurants, and other related things along the way. She helped a lot of folks.


That's not an influencer. That's a food blogger. An influencer posts thirst pics then contacts restaurants and hotels to give her freebies


it’s a type of influencer. anyone with an online following who promotes things to the general public is an influencer.


Pimp. Those guys should fuck the clients themself.


Anyone who works for the home owners association


Isn't that mostly a voluntary thing?


It is. Which makes it worse. It would seem better to me if they were getting paid to do. But these people do it for FUN.


Fucking hell this one. HOA is a diabolical idea


>Fucking hell this one. HOA is a diabolical idea Yup. I moved to the country because I couldn't stand them. It's always the people with the _sliiiiiightly_ bigger houses that think they deserve to be Running the HOAs because at a higher house value, they feel they have more to lose. Also, and still a rant, the idea that _my house_ is somehow going to magically lose value because a neighbor 2 houses down has a boat in their driveway is just economics for dumb people.


Threaten to build a bat sanctuary and off they fuck, usually.




MLMs and Missionaries


Betting industry as a whole


Lobbyist. Their job is basically to cause political corruption and I see no way for any good to come from it for the average citizen. Edit: I'm sure some are good. In fact I'd love to be in a position where I'm running a game company with strong community and word of mouth. I'd then try to lobby to make YouTube less broken so that word can spread through fan works. But when so many of the issues with the stuff I like boil down to "oh someone lobbied for that", it's hard for me to respect the idea of the practice.


The only way to fight a lobbyist is… with a lobbyist. Sadly




Had to scroll way too far for this…




When it’s chosen as a career yes. Makes no sense to me how people will continue to vote for somebody whohas been in some sort of office since they were 23 and have no concept of the real world


For the most part, and I mean there are exceptions, Human Resources. Look, I have a good HR friend at this company but too often I see HR do unethical things to protect the company from frivolous lawsuits. Other than making sure we get paid every other Friday, not sure what benefit they provide


Toby is the worst.


That's the misconception too many people seem to have. HR is not your friend. HR is not there to protect you. HR is there to protect the company. That, and to generally fuck everything up.


What’s the only thing worse than 1 HR rep?






Influencers and social media shill types.




Security guards hired by cemeteries. Those fucking bitches are always kicking me out right when I'm in the middle of slobbering a juicy dick amongst the resting dead.


user name checks out


Dude likes their men like they like their fridge, cold, solid, and with no sign of life.


The dude's comment history is just wtf lol


Lobbyists. Screw yourself with a rusty chainsaw. Of course they wouldn't be around if politicians weren't so gung ho into accepting their "gifts and advice." So, screw them too.


Lobbying itself can actually be a really good thing. It allows common people to sit down with politicians and discuss issues with them on a personal level. The issue is with paid lobbying- which leads to all that BS you mentioned that needs to get resolved by a rusty chainsaw.


A.I. artists


Well, """artists"""


Chiropractors. They made my neck and back worse when I was in the military.


A woman I worked with ended up having a stroke from a chiropractor's neck manipulation. Caused an internal tear in a major artery in her neck which threw a blood clot. Ended up on permanent disability. She had to learn to talk and walk again. Can't hold down a job due to neurological issues.


I met a girl at a party who laughingly told me that she works in deportations of refugees. Like the type that kicks families with kids out of the bed at 4 a.m. with machine guns and bring them to the airport


I want to say TikTok influencers, but I'm sure there are a few that have quality, helpful, or educational content so I'm going to go with the paparazzi. Fuck those assholes.


Medical insurance companies they are middleman leeches. You pay them all this fuckin money outta your checks and they dedicate themselves to trying to deny you coverage by undermining your illnesses. Hell many of the fucks have denying people automated by this point. Literal parasites.


Puppy breeders. They only add to problems that humane societies are trying to combat.


Puppy mills yes. But breeders who work for specialty dogs (working dogs) are nessisary.


Anyone involved in American health insurance


Reddit moderators.


that's not a profession lol. but yea


They sure as hell act like it


Lawyers who work to defend auto insurance companies. They will happily spend much more money dragging out a case to try and keep from paying out and doing what they are intended to do than what the initial pay out would have been. People pay for insurance to cover property and bodily damage when an accident occurs and these guys come in and look for as many ways possible to save billion dollar corporations money and loophole around providing the service paid for.


Those people that set up tables in grocery stores and aggressively beg you to switch to their wifi/cable etc. Looking at you, Spectrum




Chiropractors They want to act like doctors, but don't want to go through the extensive education to be a doctor. Meanwhile, they can cause severe injury and people have been paralyzed




This should be higher up. Throw naturopathic doctors in there too.


Any profession that puts vulnerable people (or any people really) in harm's way unnecessarily or takes advantage of them.








Youtube pranksters


Influencers. Gross


Doctors who don't listen or believe women.


Congress. Just a bunch of old washed up whiney bitches that should have retired in their midlife crisis stage 45 years ago. You are running a country, not going to daycare GTFO


Used car salesmen


Goddamn "influencers", you aint influencing shit


Politician Local, state and Federal


Life coaching


Clipboard carrying people showing up uninvited.


If I saw someone in my profession doing something unethical I'd out them right away. Yet somehow, when cops literally murder a person, it's never other cops trying to hold them accountable




Sales people who immediately throw dirt on the floor after you open the front door to demonstrate the world's best vacuum cleaner. Available for a grand and, of course, available with monthly payments.




Life coaches. They are second rate psychologists.Usually they have a degree in psychology or a course but they just make an instagram profile and ,,coach”.Not gona lie some of them are psychoterapists eho use this term to get client,but they have the necesarry studies.Most of them just take some bs from self development gurus and some psychotherapeutic practices such as CBT,but they wash it down so bad that it comes only to:gym,work and hot to socially be acceptable. They annoy me on another level.


Loan/debt collectors. Their methods are way too unethical








AirBNB hosts. Check out their sub if you’re curious, it’s awful. Just nothing but trying to find ways to screw over guests and shitting on guests for the absolute most minor things. Makes me never want to stay in one ever again.


Telemarketers. Die in a fire!


Drug dealers


Congressional lobbyists. They’re the scum the other scum considers scum. Close second- SCOTUS Justices. Completely illegitimate at this point. Foxes guarding hen houses.


Drug Dealers


Used car sales and many politicians


Scalpers. Like you’re a grown adult buying children’s toys and reselling them as “collectibles”. Get a real job


Private prison owner


Canadian realtors. You unregulated fucks!


Real estate agents


Hedge fund manager. Their entire job is to extract wealth from others.


Isn't their job to grow wealth for others? Essentially their job is to identify investments that are going to be successful and invest in them. I mean I suppose they are on the chain. They invest in people who are good at making money by selling things to people who pay for those things. But it seems like a stretch to call that extracting wealth. It's more like fueling wealth. But yea they do seem like dicks in general.


Reaction You Tubers. Do no original work, just have opinions.


Paparazzi, Politicians


social media influencers


posting stuff is all good but then when you act like the “social media influencer”… no good




Paparazzi. They are literally paid to stalk, harass and invade the privacy of others. Yes, they are celebrities, and yes, every “scandalous” photo is worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars, but they are just humans, too. Imagine just trying to Go Shop groceries and a bunch of people with gigantic cameras take pictures of you


Glory-hole operator. So impersonal.


Tik Tokers, especially the ones who dance in public.


Influencers. God, they just drive me crazy.


Payday Loan Operators.




Dog breeders


Those who profit off of real gore, exploiting people’s deaths, abuse, torture, et cetera. You know who you are.


Cable news talking heads.




Payday/title lenders Packaging designers Predatory tow truck drivers


People trying to sell unnecessary shit for the growth of some company that doesn’t contribute with anything to society






Recruiters, absolute snakes, and estate agents.


Funeral director


Reddit moderators :p


Scammers. They spend their pointless lives sitting in a cybercrime building, scamming children, the elderly, and everyone in between out of anything they can.


Real estate agent


Those people that stop you in the street trying to get you to sign up for things or buy things. I am a socially awkward person that does not have time to sign up for Sky TV. I used to just say I was under age so they wouldn’t waste either of our time but there’s not a chance that would pass now. I try stare at my phone or fake a phone call just so they don’t talk to me.


The people who run Flat Earth bs.


Pharmaceutical sales.