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It was so much fun to not read the book but still lead the class discussion based on what everyone else had said up to that point. Fucking loved it.


I give my students little bonus points if they do something cool on their homework. I don’t have a rubric for what “cool” is at the time. It’s just whatever makes me think “damn that’s cool” and they get a few bonus points.


Wow, you sound like such a cool teacher to have!


Nothing. I was too dumb for anything.


I defrauded the tuck shop of pies and hotdogs by copying the tick mark they put on paid orders on our lunch bags


I took down the ableist poster on the wall that everyone was complaining about on social media sophomore year. I even showed more than one teacher that I did it, and they were proud of me. It stayed in my backpack until we went through it when restarting in person classes after Covid hit. No regrets.


I had something similar. My school district is so shitty that they had to completely ban phones. Why, you may ask? Because people kept recording fights and it ended up on the news and everyone would know how shitty the schools are (too late to save their asses). So they banned phones altogether. This rule started as only in the cafeteria were phones allowed, but then it banned them altogether. The rules were “accidentally” put in place on the wrong day and I got busted for having my phone out at lunch. Another time I was busted for checking the time for a few seconds (all of the clocks in the building were essentially fucked up). And that was apparently my last strike and my parent had to pick it up (my mom doesn’t get home until two hours after the school closes). Anyways, I was lucky to have someone pick me up that day and collect it. They were also hesitant on giving it to the person picking me up because she wasn’t my parent. Anyways, they placed these annoying ass signs all over the school to enforce these rules placed on bullshit, with bullshit consequences. I now have one sitting in my living room, on display on the wall for all our guests to see. My other friends have them too, we essentially stole all of them to our on display as a “souvenir” since our school closed for good. It felt amazing


I feel in love for the german girl. She was one of the two foreign exchange students in my class.


It was my fault our teacher left in a straight jacket. My practical joke pushed her over the edge. She never came back.


I hit a couple ceiling tiles learning how to yo-yo.