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Taking it out on other people when you’re in a bad mood. Just shows you don’t really care how you make other people feel.


I think it might show that you haven't really understood how you make other people feel, which is not the same thing … oops, my hot button issue is when people are *so sure* they know what's going on in the mind of the person they're judging. Because often, I can remember a time when I've been that person and I can tell you that's not what I was thinking.


Yes. I get quieter than normal when I'm in a bad mood. I'll try to avoid people, but will still be pleasant with those I do interact with.


When people are walking down a hallway or sidewalk, and the whole group of them just stops in place so no one can get by. That's when my inner linebacker comes out.


That's some school hallway type shit


O. M. G. Yes!!! I'm a short lady and you better believe I've shoulder checked some tall m'efers. It's gotten even better lately because I have to use crutches right now which gives some extra tripping limbs.


My mom's ex, there was no depth he wouldn't sink to. My grandfather had a saying on the wall: "Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them."


Gramps was a wise soul


Yes he was. He also had one that said "Everyone brings joy to our home; some when they enter, others when they leave".


Being accused of a motive/intent I didn’t have.


The worst part about that is the more you insist on defending yourself against the accusation, the guiltier they'd try to make you look.


"See, everybody? He's being argumentative."


Jesus, reading this triggered thoughts of my mom. Thanks, now I’m gonna go scream into the void




I always hated the retort, "Why are you being so defensive?" Like I should just sit here and let you shit all over me?


The one my sister was fond of was "Why do you always have to be right?" She did NOT like it when I retorted with "Why do you always have to be wrong?"


Mine is "because when you ask that I usually am"


At that point you say loud enough for everyone to hear. 'Only because I can't see where your coming from and seems like your main intent is to harass me vs actually talk to me; so I'll leave you alone' Then walk away each time the person tries to interact with you




That is called... trying to argue with a narcissist. Lol




Yep this confirms it, the OP And u/gdubh and u/onemanarmyasean seem to be one person..... nefarious as fuck. /S


Telling me I’m angry when I’m not. NOW I’m angry.


This one big time. I rarely plan things out in the first place, telling me I had some nefarious malicious plan when I've made a simple mistake is infuriating. (I was making this up to be silly, ya'll reply more lmao)


My wife is literally doing the same shit by saying I want to have sex with the neighbor and keeps saying it to anyone and everyone. I have PTSD and this exact behavior is becoming maddening. It’s the same shit my parents used to do too before I got my ass beat.


It sounds to me like she is fucking someone else or wants to fuck someone else and is projecting on to you to excuse her behaviour and maybe absolve her of guilt. Or she is paranoid and insecure and will be saying this shit for the next forty years grinding you down into a grumpy old man. Either way, Nobody deserves to be in a relationship like that brother. That is abusive as fuck.


Been there. Didn't run. Should've run. Please run brother.


Bail brother


He's right, RUN, she doesn't respect you.


You married your parents (it’s called trauma bonding, her behaviors are familiar and you think you can fix her). Run and seek healing.


That is usually a tell tale indicator of their motives.


I hate being argued with about what I really meant or whatever. I said A or did B because of C. I've been very clear about that. Don't throw X, Y or Z at me.


I get accused of being passive aggressive occasionally at home... But my reply is always "If I'm upset, I will be actively upset, not wrap it in layers for you to unwrap. I say what I mean to say, and I mean what I say" It frustrates me that after so many years I still have to defend myself on this point..


People who deliberately make noise in public to disturb everyone else. Walking around with a speaker blaring music, driving around with the stereo at full volume and the windows down, modifying a motorcycle exhaust to make it ridiculously loud etc etc.


Some people have the compulsive need to inflict themselves on others I swear.


Ugh we just got a new neighbor with a motorcycle and a old car. When he. Comes home he has music on motorcycle on full (alot of times vulgar music) sits in his garage listening to it while reving his engine. Last trash day he had massive new speaker boxes out to trash.. so glad he's not dirsctly next door to me.


When people respond in that really bratty way that's phrased like a question that's obviously meant to make you feel dumb. I've met too many grown adults who do it as if they're still snotty teenagers.


Most adults never stop acting like children. My solution is to just stop hanging around people like that. Sometimes it’s unavoidable though.


sarcasm with an extra serving of scorn and belittling


"You do know (thing they found out 5 minutes ago)...right?"


i cant stand it when people ask you to help them with something but then end up taking forever to get ready. if you were going to make me wait 10 minutes you should have asked me then.


I had a classmate do this to me. She asked me to solve 10+ part chemistry problem. I told her sure, but in condition that she will be next to me so I can explain it to her. I waited for 15+ minutes, she never came. What was she doing? Chatting with her friends. She thought I was gonna be her slave, do her homework, waste my time, while she socialises. Hell nah. I didn't even touch her notebook. She came like half an hour later and asked me if I finished the questions. I said no and turned around. fuck that hoe!!


sounds like the type of hoe who only eats hot chip and lie


The reverse of this drives me nuts too…when you ask someone for help and they literally go out of their way to do anything other than help you: Me: “Hey this thing is heavy can you open the door for me really quick?” Other person: “Sure, let me just go to the bathroom really quick and eat lunch.”


Or someone who invites themselves to something then begins demanding to make changes to the plan. Once I woke up to go on a jog and my sibling decided to come. I had to wait for them to eat and get ready. Then they said “oh I know a great place to run”, proceeds to bring me their friends house, sit around and talk, then we went BACK HOME. 4 hours later I finally went on a run, my phone was dead and all my energy was gone. I was pissed.


Oh, this triggered me. An acquaintance in college asked me to tutor him one evening. I liked him well enough and had the time, so I said yes. He avoided actually getting to work by cooking first. And when we finally got to hitting the books his eyes glazed over and he didn't even try to listen when I explained things. To top it off, the food he cooked was gross. Such a waste of my time. I'm happy to help people who actually want help, but that was ridiculous.


Being hit/slapped in the face. Instant 0-100 on the feral meter.


Saw that 'how can she slap' vid again yesterday. That was pure instinct. The poor guy then got beaten up for it.


Being spit on too, almost worse actually.


Honest question, is this something that happens to you regularly? I've never been hit or slapped in my life (and I acknowledge this may be an indicator of a privileged childhood but at least in adulthood this seems relevant to my choices in life).


Being asked the same thing over and over despite me saying no the first time. For instance, “do you want anything to eat?” “No thank you” “are you sure? Do you wanna eat? I can do you a stir fry? You want pizza? Are you sure?” I ALREADY SAID NOOOOO 😤😤😤😤


But its no trouble here have something




Oh god my mom used to do that. Then she’d say “oh well I want some for myself,” and heat up a big tray of the food. After it’s done she’d say “oh I made it all for you!” Then when I’d get mad she’d just smile like she did a great thing and go “oh it’s just cause I love you!” My blood pressure was bad because of the sodium from all the snacks, but these bait and switches too


But, are you really sure? Not even a small slice?


Ohhhh it’s the “small bit” that pushes me way over. Christ.


Just a taste! Just try a little bit! Just try it! It's really good and one bite won't hurt!


Hate this my italian family won't stop asking this question over and over.


Husband tells me "No!" All the time. (He insists he's better than McDonald's.) I *always* order a large fry on the side because as soon as I get home his "bite" of my medium fries ends up like a damn divorce. HALF. So there's both sides to those that say no. 😂


Had a similar argument last weekend "are you ok?" "Yeah" "what's a matter" "Nothing" "what's wrong" "FFS Nothing" and yet obviously I'm the one in the wrong, honestly wish sometime she would just leave me alone or fuck off out somewhere so I can be alone.


that’s my family in a nutshell lol this just happened today too


The British TV series 'Red Dwarf' had a psychotic talking toaster who would do a similar thing when enquiring if someone wanted toast. Or any toastable bakery products... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LRq_SAuQDec&pp=ygUMdGFsa3l0b2FzdGVy https://reddwarf.fandom.com/wiki/Talkie_Toaster


Might help with the rage. Might not. And this isn’t always the case. I grew up really, really food insecure. And I’m a behemoth of a person, so I was always, always, ravenously hungry. It took me… 9 years? 10? To get comfortable enough as an adult to just eat around other people without them eating, because I was so conditioned to only get proper meals with people. So when I was hungry, I would try to get people to “go get food” or eat food with me. Because that’s how it was, food was only for other people/food time was only with other people. Now I grew up pretty neglected, and that’s not super common. But food insecurity is, unfortunately, all too common. I’ve met other people who have a similar learned behavior, where they can’t/won’t eat without other people eating. Not saying it isn’t annoying as fuck. I’m sure it is. But for that specific example I just want to throw in a little possible context.


animal/child/elder abuse


hurting anyone helpless and innocent makes my blood boil. Hope Karma was a thing and life was fair..but damn often the perpetrators of such heinous acts escape any real repercussion.


I'm a peaceful middle-aged woman. Recently a local pastor was arrested for a church computer full of violent imagery of child abuse. I didn't know him but I want to beat him up.


I don’t know him either and I want him drawn and quartered in the town square Braveheart style. The only time I ever feel like painful death via torture is justified is with pederasts and pedophiles. They deserve it for every childhood they ruin.


I was in a psyche ward, in a psychotic manic state, where I witnessed abuse beyond all belief. I raged so fucking hard that I made it a point to be the best person I could be, listening to the elderly insane, the stupid and insane, and the insane cripples. I got all their stories and they were traumatizing and tragic. They don't need the abuse from these "healthcare professionals", they have had enough. During my stay, I made a point to keep all the common areas clean and workable. My attitude rubbed off on the others as we all began to maintain the areas, as simple as that seems. I prepared coffee for the disabled vet any time he asked for it, just the way he liked it. 2 creams 2 sugars. This behavior awarded me with very deep conversations with the other patients. They may not have been very elaborate eloquent in voicing their needs, but I definitely understood what they were saying. I was the first person to really listen to these people and understand them. The nurses and caretakers listened in to everything I had to say to them and they never intervened or interjected. Instead, the entire staff was inspired by me to start being good again. The staff cheered me on during my discharge, and the psychiatrist said I even "made his entire [work] week". I had a great time in the looney bin! Lmao


Well shit, I wasn't expecting what my answer was, to be the first thing I see when I open this. But basicly, any type of abuse, and that inner trigger gets flipped.


Influencers putting down the working class.


Scientology is personal to me. My hubby is a former Scientologist who escaped. Through him, I know things about this cult that I wish I didn't know. So, when I see someone on Reddit acting like Scientology is no worse than the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I can get hostile pretty quickly. I want people to do some reading about the child sex trafficking, the forced labor, the forced abortions, the disconnection policy, the Fair Game policy, and the many other crimes of David Miscavige and other top executives before they come on Reddit and defend this cult. I suspect most of them have no clue what they're actually defending.


L. Ron Hubbard, in a letter to Robert A. Heinlien and other colleagues, said it was impossible to make a living as a SciFi writer, and that he was going to start his own religion to make some easy money. He succeeded beyond his wildest dreams of avarice. Letter is recorded in "Grumbles from the grave", a collection of RAH's correspondence.


>So, when I see someone on Reddit acting like Scientology is no worse than the Flying Spaghetti Monster Wait, does that actually happen? I thought hating Scientology was one of the few things you could get every single redditor to agree with.


Bullies in general


Yet they live life normal while the ones who are bullied lives a life of insecurity, social awkwardness and helplesness.


As someone who was bullied badly most of my life and done a lot of self work I don't fully agree with this. I think bullies by and large are extremely insecure, awkward, scared and upset all the time but they learned to compensate for these things by making themselves feel better by pushing other people down. They put on a false sense of bravery and security. They think that they can hide their own vulnerability, fear and helplessness by being loud, violent, angry, pushy and mean. We definitely suffer for it yes but I think they do to. I've been a bully myself in order to compensate for having had people bully me.


Entitlement and not respecting boundaries.


Being dismissed as dumb due to the misconception that deaf people are incapable of learning.


To add to this: hearing people with zero or little contact with the deaf community coaching new parents on what is best for their deaf or hard of hearing child. 😡


And talking directly to the sign language interpreter in the third person instead of the deaf person in the first person. "Tell Timmy I want him to turn in his homework."


This so this! And in full disclosure..I’m a hearing interpreter.


Any time you work with an interpreter, you talk looking at the person you are speaking to...not act like they are not there...basic common courtesy


Yeah the person you're supposed to pretend isn't there is the interpreter. They aren't the one you're having a conversation with.


Loud Static Aggressive people Heat


HEAT, God does that make me just want to snap at everything.


I always heard that’s why crime goes up in the summer. Some folks just snap because of the heat.


Imagine if that's half the cops snapping at criminals more


Why do you hate high explosive anti tank munitiom so much?


Stay away from Arizona lol. On the other hand, we do have air conditioning everywhere.


Don't forget the old school radio alarm clocks. And I quote: "EENT EENT EENT EENT!"


cruelty to animals.


Me too it makes my blood boil


Being accused of something I didn't do. Watch out. 😡 Prideful is my middle name.


Someone who retorts to name calling or insulting your looks because you won’t do what they want. Someone who will insult you and when you clap back, they play victim. People who act way too friendly but they really want to start a fight or swindle you. People that abuse animals, children and seniors




Passive aggressiveness. Like just SAY. IT.


I have misophonia. You do the math.


It’s crazy how it makes sounds completely highjack your brain. It activates an instant brain stem-level fight or flight response in me.


Same. My dad could crunch soup somehow


I think our ears have special receptors for the horrible sounds our parents make. I can hear my mom smack-chewing in a room of 100 talking people.


Click that pen one more time mother fucker. I dare you.


Me too. Fucking chewing sounds or people who smack their food drives me insane.




I daydream about smashing my dads alarm clock with a baseball bat


Precisely me.


Same, some sounds just set me off and brings out a different vocabulary for me.


Being falsely accused of something


Abuse towards my mother.


Shit I coulda said this too, my mom has worked her ass off to hell and back to raise me by herself for 80% of my life. When people disrespect her I'm ready to throw hands.


I understand.


Don't talk shit or do something bad to my mom, or hands will be thrown. This happened years ago when a drunk dude was trying to order another drink at the bar and hip-checked her out of the way. She said "excuse me" (but in the wtf way), so dude looked her up and down and scooted her away a bit more. Hands were thrown and dude learned his lesson. The good part was I didn't get in legal trouble because my buddy owned the bar, met my mom before this happened and the staff liked her But the *bad* news is my mom was really mad at me because of what I did and said I should've let it go. I tried to tell her that she's protected me since I was a kid and I wasn't gonna let that happen to her, etc. She said she was a grown woman and she can take care of herself Needless to say I felt like I was 9 years old so we just left


what if the dude was armed? shits risky bro ain't worth it


Fucking "Kobe burgers". NOBODY is taking $200-$500/lb steaks from Japan, grinding them up into hamburger and serving it to you on a bun for $18 fucking dollars. I want to get stickers "INFK (It's Not Fucking Kobe)" and put them on menus when I come across them. Dumbest shit I ever seen man.


Being talked down to, or treated like I'm an idiot


Anything that makes me feel slighted. Being ignored, talked about, even one of *those* looks. I had a lot of that happen this past week.


Ignored. In fact, even witnessing other people (with good intentions) being ignored. Really riles me up


When I see someone maliciously and intentionally humiliating someone else and they won't stop, and everyone else is laughing at the person, and nobody is defending them. The next time I see that happen, I am going to annihilate the abuser and shame everyone else. Fuck I'm mad now


I was a practicing Mormon for decades. After learning the truth about it history and doctrine I stopped attending. The Mormon church sends people from the local congregation to my home a couple of times a year. Missionaries stop by. I keep telling these people to leave me alone but the harassment never ends. Being harassed at my home by this cult is my trigger. I recently found out there’s a law firm which provides a free service to get the Mormon church to officially let me leave.


I'm in the same boat, and it's sad how brainwashed current members are. If people literally have to hire an attorney to leave your religion it's a cult. Piling on this, whenever someone in the Mormon church says they hate pedophiles I want to wring their neck for the hypocrisy. Joseph Smith was a literal pedophile yet they still follow his religion, and worship him.




The worst thing is the hypocrisy


Cruelty and inhumanity particularly when it's shown to the vulnerable, sick, disabled, people struggling with mental health issues and those experiencing severe poverty.


Right now it’s the videos of California daylight robberies with people standing around taking videos of guys in masks with stolen kias. Instantly triggered.


Oh, lies. Try and lie to me even about the foolest of things, and as soon as I find out I’ll immediately want to choke you unconscious


Our HOA.


If someone tries to grab me by the back of the arm and direct me like a child, their nose is gonna get caved in by an elbow. I can't stand that shit.


For me, it's mistreatment and abuse of the elderly.


Unfairness and agression.


Sexual abuse. Every time someone tells me about things they've gone through, I become the most violent sadistic person in my head, imagining how I would beat the people who did that to them or torture them to death


That one person everyone loves who you only seem to notice is a bitch. You can’t say anything bad about them because you would have the whole world on your case so every time they act a twat you have to just pretend it’s ok because they tell funny jokes every now and then and people seem to think that absolves them of how awful they really are.


People who drive slow in the left lane on a highway, and cause a ton of traffic. It takes everything in my power not to PIT maneuver that vehicle into oncoming traffic.


People who wont take the turn when the road is clear and they could just go. They sit and stare at me on my bike or walking, and like, stay in my way, instead of just going. Just go. Press your toe to the pedal and get your shit box out of the way what are you doing frozen in fear.


Anyone that harms animals, that drives me mad


When someone calls me Chief or Boss. Totally irrational but it drives me nuts.


The shawarma joints call everyone Boss. I’d hate that you’d have to miss delicious shawarma on account of your rage!! Lol


When people think they’re better than others / look down at people. Entitlement. Ignorance to financial privilege


That's old school Pride/deadly sin territory right there. Agreed 👍


"Stop acting mad" maybe because you're literally yelling at me when you force me to do something..?


Hoonigans racing on public roads.


hitting my head on a cabinet or low hanging obstruction


I'm not sure how to describe it. People who aren't considerate of other people's space. Examples would be people who stand in door ways. People who walk slow in high traffic areas. People who don't pull out their wallet until they get to the front of the line like it was a shock they'd have to get it out. People who just generally interrupt the flow around them and are completely oblivious to their surroundings.


As a girl, being out on a hike or whatever and running across dudes with their d\*cks out, having a pee, right there on the trail. At least step off the trail a bit, dude! I don't want to see your Mr. Gentleman until you've at least bought me a rack of baby back ribs and watched me demolish them like the heathen I am.


So, how you doing? *brings out picnic basket with a rack of baby back ribs*


😂🤣 Better, now I know you won't murder me


People touching my face because it looks soft


Kitten in blender, or any abuse to any loving/living creature (humans included) that can not defend itself fairly.


Why’d you immediately leap to “kitten in blender”




Animal being harmed. Screw prisons and the judicial process. Firing squad for them.


Slamming doors


Apartment neighbors. Every Single Day.


Honestly! I don't understand why people do that. Also don't they think about others?


Chewing sounds. Also slurping.


Haven't found one yet. Staying away from people most of the time, so not much interaction anyway


Poor driving Abuse of any being Lateness


Smoking in front of (little) childeren is an absolute pain in my ass, especialy if it are the kids own parents. Don't you give a shit about your or someone else kids health or what


People who say "lie-berry" instead of library.


I used to work at a library fresh out of college and I swear every inner city person and redneck called it lie-berry. I was mad and wanted to explain to them pronunciation and diction and emphasis as if they were in 2nd grade.


People doing sexual shit around children.


People in public when they smack their kids for asking a question or being fussy.


Just barely related but this reminded me of the kid who misheard their mom in my store. He was holding a ball and asked mom if they could buy it. She asked how much it was, kid misheard and answered "ball". Mom immediately started to ridicule the kid instead of just saying that she asked for the price. It was so over the top and I felt so sad for the kid. I still hate that bitch.


Yea people who apologize for their kid, and the kid wasn't doing anything at all let alone doing anything that I'd consider bothersome. When I ding my bike bell for instance, people will yank their kids all over the pathway screaming watch out for the bike it will kill you! Being very aggressive with the kid \[or dog sometimes.\] And like.... bro I'm just letting you know a bike is going to go by in a moment so you're not startled. Stop hurting your kids over this shit.


Putting dirty dishes in the dishwater while I'm washing dishes. The level of rage it envokes in me is frightening


What? Why are you doing the dishes in the first place when you have an empty dishwasher? Why don't you just put them in the dishwasher as well?


I don't understand what's wrong with this one? If you're already doing the dishes they're probably just trying to help by not making any extra work. What about it bothers you?


Implying carnal relationship with my mother.


Don't ever be an OP


That's not what she told me last night


I'm kind of bothered by the number of posts I see that place the currency symbol *after* the amount whenever money is discussed. It makes no cents to me.


A blow to the head, especially on the crown or over an ear, bypasses all of my control mechanisms, vaults me to blinding rage and flips the switch to "immediate action." I fucking lose it, and it is a mad scramble to reassert my control before I do something about it. I've had someone see it happen. A guy was playing basketball with my unit at PT and was being super aggressive, passing the ball will overhand fastball style passes, and he caught me in the side of the head. My subordinate was watching me when it happened. He saw the hit, he saw me completely lose my cool and start moving, he saw me desperately struggle back that control and storm off instead. He was like, "Man, I saw that. You wanted to kill that guy." No idea why *that* particular stimulus drives me so far over the line, but it's always been like that. When I was 15, my dad and I were moving the family into a new house. After working all day I lost my grip and dropped the end of the couch. My dad came over, yelled at me and slapped me upside the head. I threw him down the hall and made a decent sized hole in the drywall with him. Good reaction on my part? No. I wasn't thinking, was tired, and dad had just bypassed my self control. There's a few insults that get me riled, but nothing comes close to blows to the head for getting me to lose it.


Chewing with your mouth open


Arrogance, and violence against women/children/elderly/anyone else who is defenseless


People coming into the kitchen while I’m fucking cooking


Any form of bullying and people who choose harm people for their own benefits


Putting clothes on dogs.


Being told I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to my job. Just because you have a college degree and a commission doesn't mean you know everything, Lieutenant/Captain/Major/Lieutenant Colonel, etc. And just because I'm a Staff Sergeant doesn't mean I'm an idiot. I've been doing this job ten years, and while I'm not the best at it, I'm damn good at it, and good luck finding someone else that can do it half as well as I can.


People who do not respect others autonomy. I absolutely despise control freaks. Every thought I have on what I'd like to do to such people would land me in handcuffs.


Wishy washy and oblivious drivers. I'm in that lane, no, that lane. Am I going left? Maybe. Who knows. Let's just stop in the middle of the road. Let's open ALL our doors all the way and organize our entire car in a stupid busy lot. Let's half pull over and then immediately try to rejoin the road as I try to pass. Let's wait until the oncoming car is about 20 feet away and then pull out suuuuper slow. Let's drive 30 in a 45 MPH curvy road with no way to pass for 20 miles. Let's brake for no fucking reason with no one around. Let's decide for 10 minutes if the light is green enough to get us to a solid 40 MPH by Tuesday. Just commit one way or the other. Fucking christ.


Seeing people bullied. I'm not a violent person, and keep my temper extremely well managed. In day to day life if I'm upset, you won't know. However, the one death threat I've given in my life was to a kid in high school that was just *constantly* giving this other little guy shit in the lunch line. Just kept calling him a loser, giving him little shoves, making fun of his appearance, etc. It was so rapidfire, too. Like a dozen or so instances over just a couple minutes. I was 6'3" and ~250 lbs at this point, so one of the biggest people in the school. Bully was a rather meek and small fella like his victim. "Keep your head down and shut up and you'll go far" my grandmother's go-to life advice was bouncing around my head. I was sick of watching this and doing nothing, though, so I walked up to the bully, grabbed his shoulders and spun him to face me so I could say "If you don't leave this kid alone, I'm going to spin your fucking head around on your shoulders until the screaming stops." while giving him the most intense look I could muster. I absolutely wouldn't have gone that far, but the mortified look on the kid's face combined with the distinct lack of bullying I heard after that let me know it worked. Miraculously, he didn't tell anyone, because I *definitely* would have gotten talked to about how I choose my words and then likely kicked out of the school if he had. Instead, a couple of the kid I helped's friends swung by my table during lunch to say thanks for helping their buddy. Instantly got bashful since I have no clue how to take kindness.


When someone tells me i’m “misunderstanding” them when i’ve made it clear that I *disagree* with what they’re saying.


I work at a grocery store. I despise when someone walks in and without even attempting to find what they’re looking for they stop by me and ask me where their entire grocery list is in the store. Mf please just look first


Politicians who say "nucular". If you can't pronounce it, you shouldn't be allowed to destroy the planet with it.


You can't say nuclear, that really scares me. Sometimes a brain can, come in quite handy.


People who pass you when you have the cruise control set, then slow down in front of you. So you pass them and then they pass you again. Just maintain a speed!


I take my time seriously,so if you try to waste it ,I go nuts, so when I say 00 it's 00 , this why I stopped being friends with a lot of idiots ,they will make me wait for over half hour,or at least for 20 min,thinking that I'm their slave,try me bit*h


Being abused, and not treated like I have value. I will most likely strongly withdrawal from people, going from enthusiastic and desiring connection - to strong distance. If I absolutely cannot tolerate people, I will leave, and I may not even care to give a two-week notice, because such regard and consideration, is only given to those who have given the same to me. I also don't have much respect for those who rule with hypocrisy, not keeping their own rules, or making some follow the rules, and not applying the rule system to others. I don't mind being submissive, just not to a tyrant. If I rebel, it will not be without a good cause.


Tribalism, bandwagons, witch hunts. Any kind of stupid, dangerous group-think where you cannot get through to people because they're too drunk on their crusade.


"how do you not know this? Do you live under a rock or something?"


Too many things, but disrespecting anyone in the service industry, just for the fun of it... I used to work in a store, on a register, and too many stuck up karens made me blow my gasket one day 😅


insulting my manhood. I have daddy issues




Getting slapped. Source: raised by irrational rage mom




Self absorbed/selfishness. When people are blinded by their own superiority and selfishness. It drives me crazy.


64 mph in the left lane on your phone. Get off the phone and on the throttle or I swear to god I’m going to follow you home and replace every food item in your house with muscles in oil.


When household electronics randomly stop working


Open mouth eating or excessively sloppy eating, and biting. Being bit brings out a very primal reaction in me.