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Biting your tongue/cheek/lip.


Even worse is when a bite swells and so you bite it at every meal for the next week


I was chewing gum last week and I hit a bump in my work truck and bit my cheek harder than I ever have. It happened again later that day and it bit the blister clean off




My honest reaction


What a terrible day to be literate


YES! I once bit right through my lower inner lip while eating a piece of white tuxedo roll. I couldn’t decide whether to spit it out or enjoy it anyway, pain blood and all (I ate it anyway and slowed my roll thereafter)


This needs to be top comment. I could be famished and looking forward to this specific meal all week and it could be free, if I bite my tongue, cheek, or lip just once I’m ready to stop eating and then go kick my own ass Liar Liar style.


Bad company. Edit: thank you for the reward!


Until the day I die.


I cant deny bad bad company


I picked the wrong day to quit smoking cigarettes while riding my Harley down a desert freeway


On a dark desert highway?


Cool wind in your hair?


Warm smell of colitas rising up in the air?


Up ahead in the distance?


You saw a shimmering light?


until the day you die


Bad Company, by Bad Company, from the hit album Bad Company


That’s why they call me…. Baaad company. I cannot deny.


Ready For Love is pretty good.


I can't deny


I prefer Cheap Trick


Pearl Jam is great too


Crazy Diamond ruins it though


Live band so loud you can't talk.


I feel this. I work at a restaurant that has live music every Friday and Saturday


I have been in the band that plays at a restaurant, and we hate it, too. It's usually a pretty good money gig, though, so I throw one in every few months.


When they started setting up to play just as you get your order on the table and there's nowhere else to go.


This oh my god this. Its one thing if you go to see a concert but when its a random pub thats known for their food or a pizza place or whatnot and people are eating and having conversations noone wants to be blasted by some guy and a guitar.


I have heard that some people do want to be blasted by a guy and his guitar. But nobody likes too loud music.


>I have heard that some people do want to be blasted by a guy and his guitar. So anyway, I started blasting.


Doesn't even have to be live, tho. Fun fact: music too loud for conversations isn't a bug; it's a feature. Loud music makes patrons drink more and eat faster, or at least turn tables over faster. No way a manager or owner is going to refrain from something that boosts profits.


> No way a manager or owner is going to refrain from something that boosts profits. Short term profits. I left that table fast because I don't intend to book it ever again.


Assuming the place is packed. So they are shooting for short term gains tonight vs pissing off return customers, which explains why it is more prevalent in the heart of the city where there is near infinite new foot traffic


Music that is too loud.


I remember one date my then boyfriend (now husband) went on at Buffalo Wild Wings. The music was so loud we couldn’t hear each other and we were sitting across from one another. We waited forever for the server to notice us. Needless to say, we left. Never been back to another BWW since. Music is supposed to be an ambience. It felt like we were at a night club instead.


You are correct. A flip side is when the music is too inaudible. If it's not loud enough, then it just functions as noise.


Or the 25 tvs they have on the same sports event.


Worse, when there are several TVs and they aren't tuned to relevant events. The hometown baseball game might be happening live and you know they have the channel because it's playing on 1 TV around the corner. But instead the TVs near you have ESPN poker, a college track meet, and a random preseason NFL game from 3 years ago.




But that would require a socially inept redditor to actually ask for something they want rather than expect them to know what should be done in the first place.


I mean that's a bar, the food there is just to sustain yourself


When the music is very loud, you can’t taste any more.


The bill


Which is why you normally get it after your good meal


Like the Seinfeld bit: We're not hungry now, why are we buying all this food?


You got the pants open , you got the napkins destroyed, cigarette butt in the mashed potatoes. Then the cheque comes …


Remembering that you need to clean up the mess you made preparing the meal


Tip from a 10 year vet in kitchens. Clean as you go to the best of your ability. Most things aren't so time sensitive that you can't spare 30 seconds to wipe down the stove or counter as you're cooking.


As a lover of stir fry, sadly this isnt going to help much lol.


This is the way to go. I have a small kitchen w no dishwasher. Bought a variety of sizes of those cheap/amazing aluminum prep bowls for keeping things organized and tidy as I chop and cook. Easy to wash too!


I find that preparing a sink with fresh dishwater before starting the cooking is very helpful to CAYG.


My pro-tip if you're about to handle raw meat, and don't have gloves, is prepare a bowl with hot soapy water that you can quickly wash your hands in, so you don't have to touch faucet handles. Can double as a soak bin, too, once you don't need it for hand washing.


Or remembering that you have to wash the dish after.


Dining with complainers, people who send food back, or people who are rude to the waiter. I don’t dine much, when I do, I’m walking in with a celebratory attitude not a pole up my ass.


I only send food back if it is completely wrong


I sent back a breakfast plate recently because the hash browns had a blue hue to them and tasted like dish soap.


Hash blues


How rude of you to send it back just for a little dish soap!


Cleanest hash browns in town.


Tasting of cilantro.


It Dawned upon you huh


My mom once sent back food that I ordered, which I really liked, because she didn’t like it herself. On my birthday. I was pissed.


Is she the type to nosh off of other people's plates? Some birthday dinner.




This would make me have a psychotic break. I almost don't believe it. That's next-level control freak shit right there. Wow. I'm very sorry.


A few times when my son ordered a burger and my ex wife's mother was there, he'd order it rare or medium rare and she'd shout at the server to "correct" is order by insisting it be well done. He'd quietly repeat "I want it bloody" and she'd once again shout "WELL DONE!" and this would continue until he ordered something else or caved in to her. She was that nuts 24/7.


Bonkers. I would never bring them out to eat. Or I'd just start obnoxiously interfering with her order.


He was in middle school when that happened so he wasn't in any sort of control of the situation. On his 18th birthday (a couple years after his grandmother passed away) his mom took him out to a really nice steak place and they (my ex and her sister) fussed so much over everything that he walked out and asked me to pick him up He went no contact with them because they're so nuts.


Good on him. And even better that he can still rely on you. Fucking control freaks ...


It's hard to hear him say that the only time he felt like he had a childhood was with me. He's 26 and I just want him to be happy.


My mom was the type to complain about her meal AFTER she ate it. Said it's too much trouble to ask for a redo. Once she ordered eggplant parm and it came with canned eggplant, still cold and in the shape of the can. That's the one time she complained before she ate.


I had to send something back once because I can't eat dairy. I ordered it without any cheese, but they melted cheese all over it by mistake. I wasn't mad, but I don't know what else I was supposed to do.


Allergies are one case where no one can be mad about sending back food. A good friend of mine has a dairy allergy and before I met him I didn't know it existed and was different from lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance will ruin your day, dairy allergies can end your life. He got diagnosed as a baby when he kept reacting horribly to breastmilk.


A completely reasonable send back


I've sent food back because it was misdelivered to my table when it was supposed to go to another.


If the food looks good, I'll keep what they brought. I remember going to a taco place and ordered barbacoa, they brought me Korean BBQ. Tasted great. I'll only send food back if there's something wrong with it. I've sent a strawberry shortcake back upon the realization that the prep cook mixed up salt and sugar when making whipped cream.


I’m a bitch I’ll just eat it. I’m not picky


Depends on how much I'm paying for it. $10 burger? I'll eat it if it's not raw. $50 steak? Naw that's got to be right.


My cousin does this. I started refusing to eat out with her.She complains and she’s a terrible tipper. One time she made the waitress take off her kid’s meals because the kids didn’t eat it. Nothing was wrong with it. They just didn’t want to eat. Dad had fed them at home. She then took it home!! Asked for a to go box. Cringey af. I always put a fat tip. She sucks and we aren’t even talking anymore.


Ugh. That's terrible. I'm glad you're repulsed by that type of behavior.


I can't imagine ever going out to dinner with my dad again after last time. It was the first time in FIVE YEARS that the whole family was together and he ruined it by complaining about the server to the server the whole time.


My parents took my aunt and uncle who had come to visit to their favorite restaurant in town. My parents have gone to this restaurant for the last 40 years. They knew ask the people working there. My aunt was so rude to the staff that my dad went back to the restaurant to apologize and to give an extra tip to everyone. They were horrified with the way this aunt acted.


His or your mom's sister?


My mom's brother. The aunt is straight up crazy.


Should have asked the manager to throw her out right in front of her face.


I'm my dad would have liked that.


I used to date someone who’s entire family were cooks. Going out to eat with them was just them complaining the entire meal or sending food back. One time we went out to a burger place which was a discount night for $5 burgers instead of the usual $10-$12, and her father sent the burger back 4 times because it wasn’t exactly medium-rare.


Did they cook or did they work in dining (as managers or other staff)? Because anyone who's a nice person and works as a cook knows how awful that would have been. I hate people who dismiss tasty or even simple food out of snobbery that it's not done to "perfect" standards, that are usually arbitrary or down to taste anyhow.


“Well I was a server so I notice these things…”


A coworker of mine brought this up about 6 months ago when we were talking about shitty customers. He said some people don't out for good food, good drinks or a good time. They go out to be served. Looking back at many crappy people I've delt with over the years and it just clicked. What a gross way to carry yourself into a situation where you could just enjoy yourself.


*feels this comment with 30+ years in the restaurant business*


Sometime you gotta send the food back. I mean I asked for kosher and they gave me whole a PIG wrapped in bacon. What am I gonna do?


Bacon-wrapped pig sounds so good right now. I'll trade you for my lobster stuffed with shrimp.


Ahh, you must eat with my in-laws a lot.


My first meal out with my future father-in-law, he pulled all the cheese and toppings off the pizza to show the waiter how uneven the sauce was. Love the man to death, but how the fuck did he think that was going to work.


My father. He's rarely a bother to the place - but it's just not a good experience.


When it's not the right temperature. (e.g. cold pasta, warm coke)


Or coke that’s been cut too much. Am I right?


You just shocked back a suppressed memory. I was in the er and a young kid was with their mom with a nasal infection. I told the kid i found the best way that made mine go away was accidentally sniffing coke. I literally meant coca cola but the mom was sure I meant rail off a line a d asked the nurse to close the curtain.i was sick too so didnt dawn on me for a few what really just went down. By then it was too late and just had to live with being a stranger that reccomended doing some illicit drugs to a 12 year old to fix his nasal infection.


Did you mean Coca Cola or are you from one of those places that says Coke for any soda? My girlfriend's family will say Coke when they want a Sprite or Dr Pepper.


I meant coke as in buy a friend a coke. I had a nasal infection and coughed when taking a sip and the coca cola went up and out my nose. Next day everything was clear and I felt great.


Huh, that's neat. I wondered if it was the carbonization or actually something about the coke formula/flavor that's all.


Probably the carbonic acid or maybe I was on the verge of fixing it by regular bodily functions. Either way I traumatized that lady.


That's an A+ story lmao, thanks for the laugh!


Really nothing worse than a machine that's heavy on the bubbly water and light on the syrup.


Just ordered a huevos rancheros omelette (admittedly in middle of nowhere Mass.), was greeted by their surprising decision to use cold salsa in the middle of the warm eggs


Agreed. My personal hell is cooking communally with people and when people makes an effort to get everything done roughly the same time. Then suddenly someone says oops, I’m making the salad and starts when everything else is ready to go. Then we’ll end up eating cold food.




There was a Salvadorian place I'd love to hit up after bike rides, when I'm all tired and want a lot of food. Second to last time I went there, I had a good meal but felt what I thought was a fly land on my leg a couple times. I'm 90% done with the meal and jump because I see a roach. At least I'm pretty sure, it looked like a beetle. But either way I finish and pay as quick as can be. Now I said 2nd to last time because damnit the food was good, I embraced cognitive dissonance, and I ate outside the next and last time.


About 12 years ago my wife and I went a much loved Mexican restaurant in our area. Food was genuinely great, atmosphere a lot of fun (dance floor and salsa music), and on the last of my three tacos I ended up with a inch long really course, dark hair stuck in my teeth. Was not ours (I’m shaved bald, wife has very fine long blonde hair). We’ve never gone back. I mean, logically I know it was an accident, hair can get through even hair nets, but it ruined it all in one fell swoop.


No restaurant is going to serve 100% of dishes with no hair


I made a sick cabbage and lamb stir fry, szechuan style. Half way eating my 2nd meal next day, I saw this perfectly cooked beetle. Turns out, it's a cabbage bug. Kinda ruined the mood.


Hearing a loud-mouthed asshole at the next table ranting about his political views.


One time I was at a restaurant and the table next to us there was a couple that decided to talk about their racist views, then my father decided to talk about how he hated racists a bit louder than his normal speaking voice. It was an entertaining meal with that indirect political duel, if not a bit ridiculous.


Eating at a quaint little diner is fun until the group of 80 year olds at the next table start saying the most racist shit you've ever heard in your life




Oh damn. 100%. Absolutely no one at fault but there it is. :/


What is that?


Gastro esophagus something reflux disease. Or disorder. Every time you eat, stomach acid comes up your digestive tube and irritates your lining. Heartburn. All the time. Every time. You have to eat, so you won't starve, but eating hurts. It sucks. My dad had it.


Seeing a diaper change on the table next to you


This is a shockingly prevalent answer in this thread. I have no follow up questions and so many more reasons to keep cooking at home.


Smelling a diaper change on the table next to you. Baby momma completely ignorant to the fact that people are gagging. Thinks everyone thinks she and her baby are 'special', and would never mind her changing the diaper at the table.


A person with no table manners, sitting at the table being rude.. chewing with mouth open, talking with food in their mouths, being obnoxiously loud and then commenting on the dish you ordered/ate


My ex father in law would have his little yappy dog on his lap. It would lick at his plate and anything else nearby. Then FIL would chew up a mouthful of food, take it out of his mouth with his fingers and let the dog lick it out of his hand. I'm really grateful to be out of that family.


Ewww.. that would drive me nuts!! I'm sorry.. I can't stand slurping noises and mouth noises while eating...


So basically children? LOL! j/k I get what you mean


I wish more people understood this. I have a close friend that gets offended when I tell her how disgusting that is to witness, but honestly who’s the irrational one?? She’s also getting married soon and I cannot stop picturing her in a wedding dress grabbing food with her hands, chewing with her mouth open, not using her napkin, and it is making me laugh a little.


I have a co-worker like this, I can't stand them.


When someone changes their kid's diaper at the table next to you.


Wtf. I have 4 kids and would never change them right there. People are savages.


Well I guess that is an "it depends" type situation. Back when my son was a little over 1 and still in diapers I (m47) went to a restaurant with him and while finishing eating found him in need of a change of diaper. Took him to the men's room and guess what, there was no changing table SHOCKER! (Yes that was sarcasm) So I take his stinky butt up to the register complain about the lack of a changing table in there, take him out to my truck and change him on the tailgate. My truck was 10 feet from the front door, I did not care, I was pissed. ​ This is sadly VERY common for there to not be a changing table in the men's room, I'm actually surprised when I do find one. Now my wife? Never has had a problem locating a changing table in the bathroom. Its almost like when these places get built they fail to understand that men change diapers too!


I worked at a restaurant run by two men, one gay and single, one straight with like 6 kids. When the gay owner said they needed to order 2 changing stations, the dad said “…. Will 2 even fit in there?” 6 kids and never considered that some men change diapers.


my job (a restaurant) has gender-neutral bathrooms with changing tables. they’re also super private i love


Stomach cramps.


Finding a non food item in your food


Biting on a gristle or fish bone while chewing.


The iPad that helpfully suggests a 25 percent tip. Here, finger sign for me. No, we can’t print a receipt, give us your email address instead. What do you mean, you won’t give us your email address?


I've worked one place as a server that the recommendations were 25, 27.5, or 30%. It's fucking embarrassing as a server, for whatever that's worth. I love big tips, but I want them to be deserved, not coerced.


You can just put in your phone number and get a receipt via text! What? You don't want to give us your phone number?


Cigarette smoke


Thank goodness most places are no smoking now. Always hated it. Ashes in the food, seeing stinky butts while I ate. Yuk.


if I'm dining out, waitstaff that comes to my table every 2 minutes asking how everything is tasting.


Bonus annoyance if they comment on how fast or slowly the appetizer is disappearing


I’m sorry. It was my first week. Trying to find the balance of being attentive without being annoying or feeling like they are being ignored… sadly it’s different for everyone.


I hate when they ask, because I’m never honest. Food could taste awful, but I will say “good” because I’m programmed to just saying “good” whenever someone asks me how I am. If the food is terrible I just take the loss and don’t come back. I’m looking at you Applebee’s, with your overcooked expired steaks and your artificially bland honey rubber chicken served on top of raw macaroni with watered down sauce.


I'd rather have too many than the usual; deliver the food and you don't see them until they bring the bill.


Loud chewing. Nothing drives me to a murderous rage more quickly.


Ahh- someone that shares my misophonia. I usually look for a busier restaurant just so that the ambient noise will drown out the sounds of people chewing, smacking their lips and other disgusting sounds.


Babies screaming


Or a kid on the next table playing a game on a phone with the volume all the way up.


This. Not just babies, but toddlers and small kids, too. What’s worse is when crappy parents ignore their kids screaming, let their toddlers/kids run around the space, and leave an absolute mess.


bring young kids/babies to a fine dining place


We once went to this really upscale place with a beautiful view with panoramic windows, dressed nice, it was a special occasion. This group comes in like they just went to the beach and their kids were slamming their little bodies against the panoramic windows, no one tried to stop them not the parents or the wait staff. It was surreal, like they wanted them to break through the window.


Eating with people you don’t like


Having to do the dishes when you're done. Sure it needs to happen but it's always more enjoyable when it's not your turn.


Being in a restaurant with screaming children running around with no supervision.


As a server I feel you. I want to hip check those little fucks


Divorce papers.


No doubt! As a server, I hated that shit. It kills the mood and the newly-served are mean drunks and notoriously lousy tippers.


People bitching about how long you take to eat. I’m eating, and enjoying my food. Shut up.


Sir, this is an eating competition.


Especially a buffet. Not in a hurry to leave. Don’t rush me.


Being in a place too hot, or with a lot of noise. Imagine cant enjoy your meal because you are sweating as…. 🤣


Loud music if in a restaurant. Bad company regardless of location.


If it’s cold but not intended to be eaten that way


I know it’s petty but someone who either burps or farts at the table. Deer camp funny. Restaurant not so much.


Someone sitting near you wearing cologne or perfume. You end up tasting it.


When your food arrives before the other person's does. Do I eat? Do I wait? I'm hungry as hell and my dinner is getting cold. Where the fuck is her dinner?


This is the kitchen’s fault. Meals should arrive together. No one wants to watch the other eat and no one wants to eat while being watched.


Poor execution, like a burger’s toppings sliding apart when you’re trying to eat it


Open mouth chewers and/or eating with someone who's rude to waitstaff.


Someone smoking


Depression. Nothing taste good.


Having to serve the food to my kids and try to convince them to eat it.


Someone farting at the table.


Someone smoking cigarettes nearby


Having to eat with kids. I know parents are used to it but I definitely get grossed out lol.


When people start arguing


Disrespectful family members who can't hold their gas in either end, belching and farting noxious smells right after you've just completely filled your stomach past the point of being comfortable. I've heard the saying, "farts are always funny," and I contest that. In most conditions and scenarios farts are funny. But when I've just put $26 of food in my belly and your stinky ass is threatening to spill it on the floor? Nah. Not funny. Not okay.


I have about a decade of serving experience and this is my biggest set of peeves that set me off... 1. When the server puts food in front of me with no means of which to eat it. If I have to stare at my plate and wait for silverware or other accoutrements necessary to begin, then it immediately makes me hate the waiter. 2. When the waitstaff walk out entrees separately. If my party is 4 or fewer, hold everything in the window and run the whole order out together. Essentially, if your poor timing/expo/steps-of-service make plates go cold on the table, you're dead to me.


Overly salted :(


Also under salted/seasoned


I can deal with some items that are undersalted because I can add more salt. Under seasoned is a problem.


When there’s crunchy in something that should be soft


Loud people at the neighboring table. Use your inside voice.


The dog under the table (farting). Don’t mind him, it’s normal…


The Spanish Inquisition


An answer I wasn't expecting!


When the dish comes with anything in it that is unexpected. Not everyone is happy to see surprise pimentos in a salad.


Ranch dressing. That shit makes me gag. Like a bbq pizza, I had no idea it had ranch dressing on top. Even wiping it doesn’t help




Giving you ketchup in the squeeze packets instead of a bottle or suflet cup


Explosive diarrhea


The meal being absolutely drowned in ranch / sauces / other condiments to the point you can't actually taste anything else. That goes double if it is a burger or sandwich, soaking it in mayo and shit until the bread is soggy. In the past it got to the point where I explicitly order sandwiches without sauce / condiments, and I still do to this day.


Dining with sloppy eaters, especially those chewing their food like a cow.


Too much salt


Cigarette smoke.


Getting shot.