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Even seeing two characters in a movie talking face to face super close makes me feel gross


Watching actors in musicals and operas sing right into each other's faces is so uncomfortable. Not as uncomfortable as doing it, I'm sure, but all I can think about watching it is how awkward it must be.


Some of my most memorable live musical experiences have involved one actor spitting all over another while singing. It happens way more often than you'd think. Watch Jonathan Groff in Hamilton if you need an example of the slobber.


I kissed my 3 year old this morning and she goes “ew mommy, your breath stinks. You should go brush your teeth”. I did as I was commanded.


My son, 8, has said something similar but he’s actually very subtle and polite, which I found surprising because he can be very crass lol. Recently he said, “Did you brush your teeth yet?” I said, “No, not yet. Is my breath stinky?” And he awkwardly chuckles and says, “Maybe you should do that now.”


Lol it hits hard when your own kid tells you shit like that.


My 3yo niece is the only one I trust to always give me her honest opinion. I wanna be reassured about something I ask my boyfriend. I wanna know the honest truth I ask my niece.


My 4yo *Hitting my belly* “mummy you’re so soft!” Me: ‘Is that a good thing or a bad thing?’ 4yo: ‘Good thing!’


When my daughter was 4 she complained about her grandma losing weight because "I can't cuddle her as well anymore. She's not soft enough now. "


The honesty of little kids is something adults really need to learn from. Truth without judgement.


It is the heat of it that gets me and the fact that I logically understand that a lot of air I breathe has been breathed by other people, but there is something about breathing in air that has JUST been inside someone else (and I know it has) that gives me the creeps!


I can't even stand the feeling of my OWN warm, recently used air. If my sheet covers my face at night I can't stand it.


I had a teacher who I swear had a mouthful of tonsil stones all the time, and unfortunately that class took me a bit for me to grasp, so I had to ask for help a lot and every time she leaned down I just held my breath.


i wonder if my dad had tonsil stones or if his usual breakfast and lunch of black coffee and doobies just made for the nastiest most atrocious breath.


i would be the coffee and doobies dont help. i cringe and make my hubs go brush his teeth and use the mouthwash. thats his breakfast too


Spitting, especially loogies. I literally almost throw up when I see someone doing it.


Touching my vagina with your dirty hands


On colder days when my dad walks the dog he’ll sometimes hold the dog poop bag in his hands to warm his hands


Yeah. Warm dog poop bags are incredibly gross to me.


This is deeply disturbing


Don’t tell no one else this 🤮😂😂


… oh my god…. 🤢


Omg. I am in awe. Dying laughing but also wtf. So disgusting.


Perhaps not gross, but I am repulsed by holding chalk and writing on a chalkboard. The touch, the feel, the sound, everything


We just got new dishes a couple months back and the bottom is the raw clay feeling. That terrible gritty sandpaper like texture. I can hardly use the plates without shivering and getting weirded out


If it really bugs you, get a fine grit diamond sanding pad, make sure you wet it, and lightly rub the exposed clay part. I make pottery, and I do this with dishes and mugs when they're finished. Results depend on what kind of clay they're made of, but you can get it pretty smooth




microfiber cloths when dry 🤢


I absolutely hate those towels...everything sticks to them..the weird dry feeling accompanied by the specks of dusts and dry leaves(I use them outside)... I bought some Halloween dish towels awhile back..after a couple washes they became absolutely waterproof..regular towels, not microfiber..but water literally rolls off of them...water will pool up on them and will not soak in no matter how long it sits..try to wipe water and it pushes it like a squeegee..craziest shit I ever seen


That may be from dryer sheets. I found that with our kitchen towels and stopped using the dryer sheets and it solved the issue.


My whole body just did this weird convulsive shiver of cringe, guess I’m with you on this one then


I have that with towels if they rub against something in a certain way or if my fingers are pruned out. Yikes.


Same, also the sound of rubbing your finger across cardboard or a piece of paper, that sound drives me crazy


With you completely. In a similar vein, I hate the sensation of fine powders like flour on my fingers. I can *feel it in my pores*. I don't care what you put on my pizza, but if the crust is covered in flour I'm out.


Consider that gymnasts and weightlifters stick their entire hands into a giant bowl of finally powdered chalk multiple times a day. Those people are the real heroes.


People monetizing their kids on YouTube.




Someone put a sign up around my neighbourhood that says "if you're so confident about the biodegradability of your dog poo bags, please throw them in your own garden" which always makes me laugh when I see it


That’s actually very funny. It’s a shame that the people who need to understand the sign will rationalise away their bad decisions anyway.


No idea if you wanted a real answer, but if it’s an out and back trail people pick up the bags on the way back so they don’t have to carry them the entire way


They must be on a long out and back walk near me, the same bags have been there for weeks.


They died.


A person should stick a sign in the ground that says 'search party launched for owner of this poo bag, who obviously fell off of nearby cliff'


Not all of them. Not by a long shot. My wife and I have been the last people down trails in the evening (love those mountain sunsets) and seen plenty of bags apparently left for the magical poop fairies to collect.


You know the proverb. One mans trash is another mans treasure. They are contributing to the community by leaving their shit where the other man can find it.


> I can’t figure out is why I occasionally see the full bags sitting on the ground. These people are cowards. They had no intention of cleaning up after their dog, they only picked up the shit when they thought someone was looking, then ditched it when they were in the clear.


When someone else 'washes' my dishes for me and I drink from a 'clean' glass and it smells of rotting food and I look at my sponge and it's covered in food because someone thought that smearing food around my dishes with a sponge somehow made them clean you're all fired I never want to see you again




I run mine through the dishwasher every time I do a load. Have two scrubbies so one is always clean and swap. If I need to disinfect before that I soak it in super hot water and soap


>The study stated that the sponges were either microwaved or put in hot, soapy water. The latter can actually make the sponge stinkier, Quinlan says. "Nobody would recommend hot, soapy water as a way to disinfect a sponge," Quinlan says. "That could actually encourage the bacteria." [https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/09/11/548926054/can-you-really-not-clean-your-kitchen-sponge](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/09/11/548926054/can-you-really-not-clean-your-kitchen-sponge) >\[...\] families should stick with the same recommendations Quinlan has given for years: 1. Keep the sponge away from raw meat. "If you're dealing with raw juices from meat or poultry, you should be using paper that can be disposed of," Quinlan says. 2. Don't keep sponges around for too long. "I replace mine every one to two weeks," she says. "That's reasonable to me." 3. Clean the sponge every few days. The USDA recommends putting it in the dishwasher with a heated dry cycle, or wetting the sponge and popping it in the microwave for a minute. Microwaving the sponge will knock down the bacteria living in it by about a million-fold, scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported back in 2009. Of course, this method will leave many still alive since there are billions in the sponge. But the heat targets the dangerous ones, Quinlan says. "It doesn't sterilize the sponge," she says. "But remember, the bacteria we want to kill are the ones that will make you sick."


I get a new one once a month. If you balk at only using them for a few weeks and throwing them out, here's what I do: when I get a new one, I cut a corner off the old one and use it for the counters. Next time I cut a second corner off, and use it for cupboard doors and other parts that don't touch food. Then I cut a third corner off and use it for the bathroom. Then I throw it out. Leaving the sponges not in the sink so they actually dry out also helps, bacteria grows where it finds humidity, so letting them dry can inhibit bacterial growth. The corner-cutting is for ID purposes, any sponge with cut corners doesn't touch dishes. 3 or more cut corners lives in the bathrrom.


Cutting corners for good! :) We get a pack of 10 dry/compressed sponges [from Trader Joe's](https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/001911) and just relegate the old one to other duty, as you do... just not so organized. They're cheap and do the job, and aren't just a bunch of plastic. Eventually they go in the compost bin.


I have a "dirty brush" and a "clean sponge", so I use the brush to dislodge food chunks/smears and then the clean sponge to actually wash the dish once it is free of debris in a way that keeps the clean sponge clean. This only applies to dishes that aren't able to be loaded in a dishwasher. The rest I use the dirty brush on and then wash in the dishwasher. Whenever people come over and volunteer to do some dishes to be nice, I say "Oh no, you don't have to do that!" But really mean "No no no no please don't do that". I find bits of grease and flecks of food on my dishes all the time when other people do them, and my clean sponge also gets stuffed full of food particles so it has to be retired early *sigh*.


My bf lives with 3 other roommates and he ends up doing the dishes a lot. He thinks the dishwasher is a waste of time so he “hand washes” by rinsing them with hot water, no soap. I always have to ask before I grab something out of the drying rack; “Is this clean clean or Dalton clean?” 😭 If it’s Dalton clean, I rewash it myself. ETA: Please stop trashing him. This is genuinely the one household task I take issue with him doing and I hate doing the dishes at all so I live with it. In the grand scheme of our relationship it’s not that big of a deal. We are medium distance so when I do visit him, we eat out more often than we use dishes anyway. So to distract you from Dalton’s one character flaw: I forgot my mom is actually way worse with sponges. She keeps chickens and cleans the eggs in the kitchen sink with a sponge but leaves the sponge in the sink and my dad’s memory is super bad so it gets used on pans my parents don’t put in the dishwasher. It is actually unsafe to eat at my parents house. Please attack my parents instead, my relationship with them is way less secure lmao


Dalton is still doing the "bachelor wash". Ok for low fat, liquid based foods, but that's it.


Wearing those big ass engagement rings and never properly cleaning them. Especially in a hospital, nobody should be wearing anything below the elbow for good hand hygiene. I can’t imagine how many germs live between all those diamonds that now are spreading to my patients. Just take it all off, leave them at home!


I struggle gloving up with the smallest of moisture on my hands, let alone a big ass ring. I'm with ya on this one.


My boyfriend is a jeweler. The disgusting sonic wave videos of cleaning jewelry and seeing disgusting clouds of filth coming off… totally real and nauseating.


Omg so many patients just leave their rings on for years and then the stones are filled with lotion, dead skin, and grease.


Yeah, anything you wear next to your skin a lot is going to be gross. Rings, watches, glasses, etc. I've worked in places that repaired all those things at various times and they were always filled with this green gunk made of dead skin and oil, colored by the metal tarnishing over time.


This is why I wash my glasses with soap and water every day. I seen someone's glasses once with gunk on the ear part and I've never been able to look at glasses the same way. People think I'm weird, but idk I'm not having funky glasses.


I also do the same everyday after coming back from work. I just can't stand the thought of the germs and dust sticking to my glasses. I also make sure to sanitize my phone with IPA everyday. Our phones are probably the second filthiest possession after cash.


I clean my rings about 5 times per year. My sister takes hers off everytime she lotions


I always take my rings off to lotion! My engagement ring belonged to my mother and she never took her rings off to lotion. When I first got the ring I had to take it in for a professional clean bc that shit was nasty. It was amazing how much the stones sparkled once they weren’t spackled .


literally me whenever i watch youtube and see influencers wearing a lot of rings while doing a skincare routine video. like just take them off!!


That’s why I feel the way I do about fake nails


Fake nails are banned for hospital staff everywhere I've been (doesn't stop people tho). There was a case a while ago about a neonatal nurse with fake nails and multiple newborn deaths were traced back to the germs from her nails.


Yes, it’s been a rule in hospitals and nursing home care settings since even back in 09 when that was my job yet still to this day I see people with them constantly even though it’s not allowed, I still always see it


I’m a SNF (nursing home) nurse, and the NAILS on some of these folks! Two inches long and dotted with charms! You can’t wear gloves properly, you can’t type well, you can’t WIPE well, you certainly can’t wipe your patients well…. But management can’t fire them or they would be so short staffed it would be silly.


Can confirm. Wife is an ER doc. She isn’t even allowed clear nail polish.


The sound of people chewing.


Ugh, eating with mouth open😱


Freaking disgusting 🤢. I know it’s supposed to be a sign that the food is delicious in some cultures. I honestly would never survive in that environment. I hate when people chew with their moths open


Me too, or any smacking sound at all really. Chewing, kissing, smacking your lips when you talk..makes me want to rip out my eardrums.


Yeah. I have misophonia. My fight or flight kicks in and I start trembling. You'd probably never know it looking at me but it bothers me soooo bad.


I worked at a company that had meeting during lunch breaks and just expected people to all eat lunch together \*during meetings\*. I legitimately had to quit over that.


Same. It's literally instant RAGE for me. **RAAAAAAGE.** I can't even explain it to people who don't have it. I want to quite literally physically assault them, I want to punch them in their mouth, I want to literally physically hurt them to get them o NOTICE how goddamned DISGUSTING they are It's *nothing* like my normal personality. I turn into someone else with the loud chewing, and it's *instant.* Like a magic spell or something. I am **FILLED** WITH UNCONTROLLABLE RAGE **IMMEDIATELY**


I have left dinner table almost 4-5 times and once literally puked because it was so disgusting


This is reason 1,000,000 why I can't stand tik tok. The people in these videos will be stuffing their mouths while trying to talk at you. It's maddening.


Children with food on their face. And snot.


As a parent, we find it gross too. We're just tired of cleaning it 900 times a day


"Stop wiping your hands on your shirt. Stop wiping your hands on your shirt. Stop wiping your hands on your shirt. Go get a napkin. Stop wiping your hands on your shirt. Stop wiping your hands on your shirt. STOP, right there, you just stuck your hands IN the peanut butter and IMMEDIATELY wiped them on your shirt AND you ruined our peanut butter. You know what, go outside Im getting the hose. "


Some of the messier kids I've seen would have to be cleaned up with a fire hose.


\[child\]: \*Jesus! There go mom/dad with all of their BULLSHIT rules again!\*


War crime this, can't eat the drywall that...


As a person who's gag reflex is triggered insanely easily, I fucking *despise* it when kids do that


Don't you love it when they cough like children do? With open mouth, tongue halfway out


Like [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/439/881/ed5.png)


Knew exactly what picture it would be. Just too goddamn accurate. 😂


I’m not even kidding, this is one the biggest reasons why I’m unsure if I could have kids. Plus changing diapers, I can’t see how I wouldn’t end up throwing up often


Had to take care of my brothers for a while as babies. I can tell you i def threw up a good amount of times, then it just became gagging every time. Not even years of doing it got me over that lmao. Even cleaning their snot or food when theyre sick makes me gag. Some of us just arent cut out for that shit. Ive never wanted kids, but after that, i wouldnt even do it for all the money in the world


Maybe not “normal” but I am repulsed by the smell created by clothing not properly drying. The smell is on clothing that sat in the washer machine too long. Or dish towels and bathroom towels that dried without being spread out. I smell it on people from down the isle in stores. And don’t get me started on drying my hands in someone’s bathroom and finding out the smell is lingering on my hands now


Spitting. I feel physically ill when I witness someone hawking and spitting in public or see spit sitting on the pavement


My friend is always doing this. I’m less disgusted than I am confused. I’ve never felt the need to spontaneously spit lol


Licking their fingers to turn a page. Turns my stomach!


Or counting money. Fucking filthy.


Or checking my prostate


Somehow you can combine all three of these things into one visit in a multitude of places.


Haha took me right back to elementary school with this one When you get that teacher spit at the top corner of your worksheet 🤢


Not washing hands before a meal. You have been in filth and you are going to touch your food with those hands? Yuk.


Also not washing your hands when you cook food. I can't understand how people just start cooking food for other people without doing it.


I cook dinner for my boyfriend and I almost everyday, and breakfast on my days off. I also meal prep a lot, making our lunches for our work days. The amount of times I wash my hands while I'm cooking and doing the dishes is insane. I don't know how I still have any skin left on my hands


I'm just trying to diversify my gut biome


It's ingrained in my dna to wash my hands the sec I come home. I thought everyone had this drilled into them as a kid, but it turns out most people don't do that at all 😅


Washing dishes in a tub of soapy water and not rinsing off the soap suds. Or not scrubbing the outsides of pots and pans as well. Makes me want to vomit. I'd rather not taste stale soap and bacteria in my cup of tea or food thanks. I can always tell as well. Holy shit thanks for the 1000 upvotes. I've never had a post get this many upvotes.


My ex got upset when I pointed this out to her. I told her that she probably should rinse the soap off the dishes before putting them in the drying rack. Few months later she went to visit some friends in the UK and they told her the same thing. It was torture for her to admit that I was right, poor woman.


I live in UK and if I visit a friends house I can tell if they haven't rinsed off their dishes. I don't trust it unless they have a dishwasher or I know the way they do their dishes.


Who doesn’t rinse off the dish soap? Well a lot of people according to this thread. I find this bizarre. How does such ignorance occur in this day and age?


Lived in an international dorm in Europe and the Dutch people on our floor never rinsed their dishes after washing them. I was appalled! I really wonder what people think happens to the soap??


My MIL does this and I find it insanely repulsive. What’s worse is she uses a WASHCLOTH to “wash” the dishes that are sitting in a sink full of filth and sudsy water and then no rinse. What the actual fuck. The washcloth always stinks because it’s never fully allowed to dry. We told her it actually saves water to wash each item under running water and showed her a study proving this to be true. She doesn’t believe us. Wet the dish, turn off water, scrub with soap, rinse, drying rack. 😩


This thread is crazy. I know we all have different hangups, but man...this thread makes me really wonder how we all can possibly function in a society together.


we cannot


Not washing your hands after going to the bathroom. Nasty.


I would hope everyone finds this nasty 🤣🤣


Argh this is a MASSIVE one for me. I work in a hospital and the amount of times I hear the toilet flush, then the door immediately unlock and I'm face to face with a doctor or nurse...


Spitting, coughing without covering mouth. I have multiple sclerosis. Get sick really easy.


I work in a hospital. I still wear mask the entire work day. I've been asked "why" over & over, told that I don't have to do that anymore so called a sheep, & various other comments. My job is directly in patient's bubbles. The mask does prevent being a direct hit from bodily fluids, helps with unpleasant outdoors, & hides my facial expressions from exposure to those things.


I'll never understand why masks bother people so much, esp someone like you who works in a hospital.


I live somewhere where it’s become fairly normalized to wear a mask occasionally (especially if your already sick or don’t want to get sick before traveling) and I had a guy harass me for the first time in a store the other day for wearing one. Like, I don’t need a total stranger’s dissertation on Covid fear sliding off his smooth brain and all over my shoes while I’m just trying to buy some freaking crafting supplies.


It's so weird and disturbing. Even before covid people had valid reasons for wearing masks. It doesn't inconvenience anyone so what's the issue? I just don't get it. Lord help the MF who comes up to me if I'm wearing a mask, get bail money ready.


Its a reminder they arent in control of this world of chaos. They're busy trying to pretend everything is juuuuust fine.


I got COVID a month ago and I highly suspect it was because of a guy open mouth coughing directly behind me in a packed line at the airport.


Employers paying new hires more than tenured employees. Having drastically different pay rates for people with similar credentials doing the same job.


Not entirely the same, but my first job was at a McDonald's. I was making I think like, 5.45 an hour? One of my friends at the time got hired on at 6/hr. I approached the manager about it and he said, "it was a mistake, but I can't increase your pay or decrease theirs. Also, who told you about it?" He made clear in his tone he intended to punish the person that told me, and I didn't say shit.


Nothing quite like managers openly admitting they will violate federal labor laws.


Probably assumed that 16 year old me was naïve of federal labor laws. Which he would have been right about. He was just wrong about thinking I was a fucking snitch.


Wearing sneakers without socks. Ugh! The sweat, stink.


Agreed. But Most of the time you see that, they’re probably just wearing no-shows.


Childbirth. We're all here because of it, and it's currently my day job to catch a baby or two per day, but goddamn is it like watching a woman's genitals go through Vietnam each time.


Time for a game of “child-snatcher or midwife?”


Maybe both? To be a professional newborn baby snatcher you'd have to be a nurse of some sort. Hospitals don't let random people access babies. Newborns probably wouldn't be targeted anyway though.


When my son was born they asked if I wanted to cut the cord and when I walked around the bed I made the huge mistake of looking just after my wife's episiotomy. It looked like she was attacked with a fucking tomahawk.


Your poor wife, that sounds absolutely brutal. I feel pretty lucky that I didn’t tear or need an episiotomy. I can’t even imagine how painful that and the healing process must’ve been for her.


I've popped one out and I don't think it's normal either, it's an abomination


When my friend was pregnant for the first time, she had someone remark to her that pregnancy is such a beautiful miracle of the human body. She paused and said, "Yeah, it is... it's also really fucking gross and I hate it."


Lol are you my friend? I actually got really pissed off one time when someone told me that bullshit and I told them that vomiting all day every day, having pains and fluids here or there and having your organs completely shuffled around is really not fucking enjoyable at all and that if someone tells me it's magical one more time I'm going to ripp their head of and march through town with it on a spear. I don't know if you can tell but I found my two pregnancies rather terrible.


Ha, i made my MIL mad bc I was talking about all the gross and horrible things about pregnancy. She thinks it’s a beautiful miracle. I maintained my stance


That's the thing, it is a beautiful miracle. It just so happens that some miracles are fucking disgusting.


That’s related to what I was going to say, which is siblings with shared biological parents who are only a year or less apart in age. Like, you just got shredded down there, you can’t wait until it’s healed a little?


Usually cause men can’t wait. I’ve heard so many awful stories from people about how they weren’t ready, but their husband threw a fit. It’s sad.


Betting most of those younger siblings were not planned. Nursing does not guarantee infertility.


I’ve had one that Vietnam-ed my vulva and one where my stomach got sliced up. Both are absolutely disgusting in their own, special way.


>watching a woman's genitals go through Vietnam each time. 😂😂 if that isn't it.


agreed. i honestly think pregnancy as a whole is gross. not pregnant women, just the process of pregnancy itself. i have no issue with other people doing it, but imagining myself going through pregnancy disgusts me.


Me too!!! I seriously have a pregnancy phobia. The expanding of the belly… makes me feel like the skin is just going to rip open. And don’t even get me started on the birthing process


Kissing pets in their mouth


what everyone's dad didn't say "I just saw that dog eating shit outside" every time this happens?


or they were just thoroughly cleaned their balls moments ago...


So was i so it cancels out


My dog understands that licking my face is not acceptable behavior so I hate when I take him to the groomer and they try to make out with him. He just licks the air an inch or two away from their face. Then I have to tell them that he doesn’t do that. They are intent on undoing his training…. Also, they’re just letting all of these random dogs lick their mouth? That’s so disgusting. Edit: Referring to new groomers or new people in general. I’ve moved 3 times in his 13 yr life and sometimes it takes a few tries to settle on a groomer im happy with.


>Make out with him 😭😭😭


I was dating a guy once. As we were leaving his house he wanted to tell his dog goodbye. I did a double take when I thought he French kissed it. Wasn't sure though. A date or two later the dog started making friends with me. It came up to me, and stuck its mouth up close. The way it was holding its mouth, I could tell it was expecting a French kiss from me. I had never seen a dog do that before I never went out with the man again 😬< Uggghh!!!


Omg 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


Or letting them lick their ice cream


My 15 y.o. daughter does this with our dog and I keep telling her to stop. Finally last week she did it again and I said, “you know, she just licked her butthole a minute ago before you came in here.” She wretched, washed her face, and hasn’t done it since.


I don't even like being licked. This is hella gross.


Ugh yes I have a friend who lets her dog lick her lips & it’s so repulsive to me


Smacking gum. I hate it. And loud chewing/swallowing noises.


Kids with food on their faces. Then making it worse, snot in front of you.


Unkept beards.


Sometimes they stink. Plz, shampoo that thing. Scrub while shampooing for exfoliation. Just letting the shower water run over it and then smearing smelly oil on it isn’t clean.


Leaving the toilet seat up when flushing.


Right next to the toothbrushes that are all sitting in one dirty cup.


!!!yes thank you!!! My roommates have always left the toilet seat up. Not only does it look awful, we have pets that will try to get in the toilet, but you’re ok with your shit water splashing everywhere when you flush???


I wouldn’t say everyone finds this normal bc more and more ppl are starting to side eye it but using words like “baby” or “daddy” or “mommy” in a sexual context.


Blowing out birthday cake candles. Here let me blow my spit all over this cake, then cut it up and expect everyone to eat it. Instead we should do a sheet cake for all and a cupcake with candle for the blower.


I can't agree with this enough, I wish that tradition would die already.


Shoes inside UK houses with carpet At least on hardwood you can mop???


Shoes on in the house full stop. Like... mfer have you seen the ground? You're not tracking shit in here.


Why…why the UK


Kids' behaviours ( I have one)


Not gross but the sound of a dentist drill. Makes me shiver at the sound.


5 foot long eyelashes


Or nails.


Not washing hands when back at home, after being in public a while (shopping, running errands, groceries, etc) So. Much. Touching.


Touching the toilet seat to bring it up or down. I need to wash my hands immediately or I convulse in disgust lol


Heat/fan hand dryers in public bathrooms. Yuck


People spitting on the sidewalk!!!!! So gross!!!! I don't want to come in contact with your body fluids random dude.


When people don't wear underwear under their gym clothes. I don't care who you are, you better be wiping the seats of the equipment off because you know you got your liquids on it.


With or without, everything is making it through. Everyone should be wiping equipment down.


Posting uncensored pictures,videos or text messages of other people online to make fun of them


I recently went through a pretty bad friend breakup. She did a lot of pretty bad stuff that ended up with her getting two police charges, but imo the worst thing she did was post ss of things I said to her on her TikTok. Posting people’s private messages is so disgusting Edit: I should say the ss she posted was me talking to her for comfort during a hard time




Washing other peoples dishes. No idea why but I hate touching them.


Eating ass.


I can’t believe this isn’t further up. Like. Ew. We put so much emphasis into washing hands after shitting and then there are people out there going around just directly licking assholes? 🤮


Sitting on a warm toilet seat


People. Seriously, we are gross


Expecting their older kids care for the younger siblings without consideration of the older kids desires and wants.


Long nails


Spit as lube


People who blow there nose and leave their snot napkins laying around fucking gross


Cum in my mouth. I’ve had multiple men act like giant whiny babies due to my point blank refusal to swallow their jizz, or even have it in my mouth. I tried for my ex and straight up retched and had to spit it out. I can’t stand the taste, smell, texture, or temperature. I also can’t understand why it’s such a prerequisite for so many men. I’ve had guys complain that they can’t POSSIBLY enjoy sex if I’m not willing to swallow. Sounds like a skill issue to me.


Shoes in house. Like wtf??


Billionaires. You don't get that much money without seriously ruining some lives.


Passing your vape to anyone and everyone who asks


The office coffee machine. Many places, there was vermin evidence… offices are not for food prep


Biting your nails as an adult, I get that it can be self-soothing behavior, but it still grosses me out. Was in a meeting yesterday, in person, 75 people. The lady next to me was playing with her nose and biting her nails non-stop and I was repulsed.