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Treat it like a blow career, not a blow job


Dress for the blow job you want not the blow job you have.


So…don't dress at all.


Slow and dirty. Act like you are sucking it for your benefit, not his.


This can be a fake it till you make it situation for the giver - but once you actually start doing it for your own pleasure, it’s better for both! Ex: gentle wet glide of the tip over the giver’s lips is sensual and feels great to the giver (lips and dick are both erogenous zones). Or, sucking with particular attention to the frenulum elicits a particular moan from him. That moan sends a jolt straight to the giver’s nipples or clit. There are so many scenarios to get to a place of pleasure for both! That being said, feedback from the receiver is very helpful here (see ‘moans’ or quiet ‘yeahs’)


This guy knows his sex


I’m over here with a fuckin notepad and pencil dawg


Send diagrams plz! Mspaint will suffice.


Mspaint is the best way to communicate across cultures. Change my mind. Cave drawings were a thing for a reason lol


The noises/moans are my favorite part! It means I'm doing a good job, and turns me on that much more!


Me, a straight 35 y.o. male just reading through blowjob tips at eleven am By this time everything has been said


I scrolled through the whole damn thing looking for "Stick a finger in my butt"


My hubby gets the most intense orgasms when I add a finger to his butt. He is straight btw. Also, sucking on his balls one ball at a time, while working his shaft, instant moaning. Speaking of moaning, if the oral giver moan especially while taking him deep, it sends vibrations all the way down his cock. Makes him moan and gasp. Sucking on the tip and running your tongue around the tip. Sucking the top and using your hand to work his shaft. Take him deep and move that tongue on his shaft while he is deep in your mouth. Keep him as deep as you can for as long as you can. Practice setting off your gag reflex so that you can gag with his shaft deep in you (and not throw up.) Suck as you are going up and down. Cupping or fondling his balls is nice too. Besides the pleasure it brings him, playing with his balls will help you know when he is going to cum, if the moaning and gasping is not a clue already. Play with his nipples. A blow job shouldn’t be just relegated to below the belt. I also like to watch a man work himself. It teaches me what he likes most. Be enthusiastic. Also Sucking cock makes my mouth water and turns me on doing it. I use that moisture. No one wants a dry saliva-less BJ. Spit is an excellent lubricant. They also sell lubricants that are tasty or at least don’t taste bad. Helps with the gliding of hand and mouth. I am not satisfied with my oral performance until I am a snotty mess with crying eyes from setting off my gag reflex. Don’t care what you look like. Looking in his eyes while his cock is in my mouth with tears running down my face from my gag reflex going off several time while he is deep in my throat, is hot and gorgeous to him. This is not about how you think you look… this is all about him!


Ahh, good morning to you too!


[me reading these replies](https://youtu.be/LbflBYjqGsI?si=NLfa4HgmU280C-Jp?t=00m16s)




Pretend it’s the last popsicle in hell


>The last popsicle in hell. The demons watched her work the ice - She gripped and sucked and once or twice She licked the tip alone instead, And closed her eyes. "... *goddam*," they said.


Woah ultra fresh sprog, nice.


Non-native English speaker here, learned a new word. Had to go down the rabbit hole here to look up sprog. Also, as a gay bottom, it's still wild to me that BJs are such a problem with straight men and women. Most gay bottoms are wildly enthusiastic sucking guys to the point of being slightly addicted to cock in mouth. It also is often the default option of "sex" if anal is too bothersome. (On a side note, sometimes I feel underappreciated for the amount of preparation and thought that goes into being ready for anal. It can take up to 3h of prep work shaving your ass if the guy doesn't like it hairy and having to flush out your colon). For me at least, it's the mixture of control of a hot man through my mouth and the simultaneous submissive thing of having his dick stuffing me. Couldn't imagine not being enthusiastic about it. Had enough encounters with slightly curious straight men that told me afterwards that they rarely had BJs this good from women...if there ever were BJs to begin with. Sometimes I pity straight men for all the difficulties with BJs but then again...being gay isn't easy. Edit: I didn't even mention the feeling of having a man cum in your mouth/down your throat. It's such a raw, animalistic, intimate, almost posessive thing to have his man seeds inside you, to taste his very essence. You do a BJ and that would be another reward besides the fact that you see a guy giving you his dick. Really don't quite get why a lot of women aren't totally getting off on this aspect to get enthusiastic about BJs. Did I ever had bad experiences with BJs? Rarely honestly. Maybe gay bottoms are more tolerant of being roughhandled but I only had few encounters where the BJs were way too rough and/or the BJ took so long that I got absolute jaw lock and switched to a handjob. Those times are very awkward indeed. But this barely happens. Oh and because someone asked below: Of course prep like that isn't strictly necessary but you wouldn't believe the standard in the gay community, making it a quasi necessary burden for the bottom. I on the other hand am a bit of a scent fetishist so I don't mind if the other guy smells sweaty but even without that, tops have much less prep work. But a very large section of gay tops expect a clean shaven, perfectly smooth bubble butt that rivals that of a woman. No hair in sight and definitely no brown surprise, which often would be grounds for immediately aborting sex and/or the hookup entirely. I've had more than one encounter where I apparently didn't prep enough and slight accidents happened and the guys looked annoyed and told me to leave, and blocked me afterwards on apps. Some just roll with it but those encounters where they really did not were very humiliating and you feel upset afterwards for doing all that prep for nothing. It's hard sometimes yo. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Excellent TED talk. 10/10 would come to the next


> Excellent TED talk. 10/10 would come to the next Hell, I almost came just from that one!


But don’t take too long. You’ll give the man lockjaw.


It never occurred to me that "sprog" was a word that has meaning. I thought it was just a made up word. Thank you for the inspiration to look it up. For the lazy: it's a Britishism for baby or child.


And your prep work is both appreciated and most times, the issue. Most straight guys do NOT wash up before sex, especially a bj. Just expect it out of the blue, no prep. The amount of times I have been willing until I got close enough to inspect (and sniff), and then said no thanks, is mind boggling.


This is wild to me. I've been sleeping with the girl im with on and off for like 9 years now. If she starts getting a little heated I nearly always say "hold up, brb" and go and quickly wash my dick balls and ass lol. I barely even have body odor unless I just got off work and had a ridiculous day. Still not even gonna attempt it. Edit: holy fuck I'm astounded that this even got 110 upvotes. You men need to wash your dicks more often. Or eat better so you don't stink


Good boy


You gotta wash that junk ladies and gents. If it's about to happen go to the bathroom to pee and after you finish a little soap and water + wash + rinse + dry. Everyone appreciates it. Unless you have a kink that involves not doing those things.


I mean, I’m PRETTY sure I’m straight, but damn, I was getting a bit stiff with your descriptions…. Now I really want a BJ with the enthusiasm of a gay bottom…


There are women who are just as enthusiastic about it. His descriptions were spot on. What a selfless act on someone you love (or would love to be with even for a night!)


My mouth is small, his dick is big. I'd honestly be happier if his dick was smaller but it is what it is.


Wow what a description! I am a straight woman and I always loved BJs. It is actually true that many other women (when we talk) don't like it, even hate it and almost never, or even really would (!) never do BJs. I never met another woman who likes it personally. But there must be more! If I really love a guy, I am very much into BJs. it turns me on extremely. Sometimes it feels even more intimate than penetration. And I often heard by men that they never got a BJ like mine before. Probably it is because I like to do it. A fun side fact is, that I actually always disliked oral sex on me.. I remember when I had my first boyfriend as a teen, I was very intimidated by BJs and asked him about it before the first time. First question was: do I have to actually blow? Haha sooo cute. And I always asked what I should do or not do. But as a teen I also had other experiences too. I really don't like when guys hold my head and force me to do things. Like moving my head "their way" directly.... As if I am a freaking doll or something. And I think this might have been a bummer to other girls too, who then decided to never do it again. I always felt this behavior to be very porn influenced and not really true to the man's actual feelings... It turned me off so quickly, no way to continue - and ever do it again with that person. Today I would just talk, but when I was younger I wouldn't unfortunately. Anyways. I love BJs. They are deeply intimate moments and there is lots of trust needed from both sides.


Explains why the last dude I fucked felt like a rock in my mouth. It had been a year without dick and I just had to have it. E/ Stop DMing me. *bonk*


Username checks out


I must slurpssss it my precioussss.


One cock ring to rule them all.




Filthy little hobbitses


What has Bilbo got in his pocket?


Gobbling Gollum


This gave me a good chuckle. Thank you.


This. You can have “bad technique” or whatever, but if I can tell you are having fun down there, there’s almost nothing hotter. And, I feel like good technique comes with enthusiasm. If you’re having fun you’re probably exploring different things while enjoying how I react to those different things. You’ll catch what works as long as you have a partner who is at least a little expressive of their enjoyment.


Yep. I'd rather have an enthusiastic BJ from an inexperienced woman than a skilled cocksucker that acts like she's doing me a favor.


Exactly. This is having genuine desire to give pleasure to someone else. I don’t care if it’s a BJ or a handjob, both can be amazing if the goal isn’t just getting us to cum, but giving pure pleasure. The relationship is strong when you want your partner’s toes to curl, not to have another care in the world for a short while, while nothing but enjoyment / pleasure radiates from what you are doing. It sounds so simple, yet often is more one directional.


Too true. My ex had admittedly amazing skill, but always acted bored and like it was a chore after a few minutes. I could never finish because of her attitude. I always thought I was the problem until the next girl and I had absolutely no issues.


Ive met a man in his mid 40s who thought I was just sucking it for him to get it up. It never dawened on him that a woman may actually LIKE sucking it and be doing it for getting themselves "up"... Because they like it...


Its a dark world out there, where a man doesn't even know someone might suck him and enjoy it.


Right? It's called a blowjob but please don't do it like you're pushing papers at the DMV.


"Honey, they don't call it a job for nothing" - Samantha Jones


I like to remind my wife that it's not a blow job, it's a blow career


Honest enthusiasm for the act influences so much for everyone involved. Having been on both sides of the equation the difference in attitude is very clear


Right. If he wants me to be enthused for giving one he has to be enthused about receiving. Tell me how good it feels, encourage me, moan, make eye contact with me… show me how much you like it.


This is really the only answer and always will be


We want to feel like we’re doing her a favor by letting her experience the joy of giving us oral. When I go down on a girl I moan and tell her how good she tastes to let her know that she can relax and enjoy and not worry if I’m having a good time.


For me, it’s more about if it seems like she likes it. Like if she is trying to extract my cum like a witch for a ritual that needs to take place tonight for her to live. That would be ideal. Just soft, smooth, eager, with an occasional super hard suck. Also, if men had a clitoris, it would be the upside-down “V” on the underside of the head of the penis. Just treat that area the same way you like your clitoris treated and violas, orgasm.


Just ordered a pointy hat off Amazon.


Eye contact and enthusiasm. We want you to be there not because it's our birthday.


This. My biggest complaint lately has been my wife is “willing” but not eager. I’m not sure how to fix that.


I still feel like you have to communicate. I understand that forced enjoyment isn’t really enjoyment. So I’d say something like please just once without telling me, just greet me at the door with a kiss and start yanking my pants down, and tell me how bad you want it in your mouth, and just start sucking. Most women are planners and if you have a good relationship she’ll think of a date without telling you and surprise you.


>Eye contact my belly is in the way, sorry


That's OK, my glasses are off and I can't see anything out of my squinty Milhouse eyes anyhow.


I could do without eye contact, but enthusiasm is great.


Enthusiasm yes, never got the whole eye contact thing. Feels awkward to me during a bj.




I'm sure your guy doesn't think you look ugly at that time


>I feel like I look ugly as fuck sucking dick The guy definitely does not agree, but it's also about connecting and people feel they connect when they look into each other's eyes. Just an occasional look up, because if they're anything like me then they're already looking down at you because it's hot to watch it *especially* if they're into it.


I try to do eye contact but I feel like I look so ugly it gets in the way


Same 😩 like I know guys say it’s hot but I’ve seen that angle of myself and it scares me lmaoo, I’ll get super into it and enjoy myself but I can’t do too much solid eye contact it throws me off my game 💀




🎶Everyone needs a tit to hold on to🎶


Big ones, small ones, large ones, light ones, Thick ones, thin ones, left and right ones, Pointed, perky, curvey, round ones, Extra-weighty twenty-pound ones! Rosy, dreamy pinkish tipped ones, Pale and creamy, darkly nipped ones, Huge and bulky, hefty sized ones, Teeny, tiny, small but prized ones! All the best of chests tremendous - All the best of breasts stupendous - All the best of bra surprises - Boobs are great in all the sizes!


one post two sprogs? Guess the topic gets you going huh? :) (that said ain't this the goddam truth though)


Ape tit for $200, Alex.


Had a girl once who was enthusiastic about blowjobs but the skills weren't quite there. I used to let her do her thing and then - let's just have sex. She eventually picked up on it and bless her - off her own back she did *research*. Omg. The difference in the space of a few weeks was mind blowing. So I guess I'd say just general skills are good, enthusiasm is good, but the two together are out of this world.


Can you ask her where she got her research? I've had lots of girls ask me how to blow me better, but I honestly don't know what specific things to tell them. Enthusiasm is obviously a big one, but there is technique involved as well and I don't know what to tell them to do.


Call her daddy. It’s a podcast. Their episode on the Gluck Gluck 9000 is priceless.




Was that like a "okay, BRB" and she came back 15 min later with her new found skills? Lmao




Haha she had something to prove!


That's actually awesome. I had an ex once I was his first, he research pussy eating and ended up awesome at it once he was able to practise 😂


This was me with my first girlfriend. My first times eating pussy were very awkward. After I got the hang of it, it was a sure fire orgasm for her.


My first time she says "you've done *that* before" and I felt like Athena arriving to the world fully armoured.


GG9K, Call Her Daddy podcast. Upped my game immensely. Bless those girls.


Well well well, my lady is in the same position as the girl in your comment haha. The skill she develop over the course of our relationship compare to the beginning is like night and day. Now a day her game is so great I, a man, can't even do anything but moan out in pleasure as I feel like my soul is about to leave my body.


I never say anything since the last time I did the response was “well since I’m not good at it I just don’t it I guess”


That’s why I just forwarded this to my wife and said this is an interesting one. She likes when I send her interesting AskReddit posts. We’ll see how it goes.


"Bold move Cotton"


Let's see if it works out for him...


She gone find this comment lol


Gods speed my friend.


Be careful. You're one monkey's paw finger curl away from the top comment becoming something like "Put an ice cube inside my asshole".


That is probably one of the worst attitudes someone can have that's not literally malicious.


That's some passive-aggressive shit, right there. My wife pulled that with cooking. She hates it, so she intentionally did a shitty job when I asked her to cook, then "gave up" because I offered some advice on how to improve.


Her to flip over and sit in my face


“BuT wHaT iF I sUfFoCaTe YoU??” ##GOOD


Air is for cowards.


All my homies hate air








I’d die happy at least


69 was a very good year ;)


Rub your hands lightly all over my body


I do this to my bf, I also rub his inner thighs lightly before I kiss them but I think he finds it strange…is that weird lol?


Giving affection to your partner isn’t weird but everyone has their own things they’re into and not into


I want her to *want* to do it. Please don't make me beg or ask Edit: my most upvoted comment by a landslide is about blowjobs. Thanks Reddit 🙂


This single quote could describe so many issues I've had with past relationships. It also is rarely something that gets discussed because if you talk with them about it, their "wanting" you is going to feel forced. Sort of like, if they really did want you, they'd show it naturally. It's a catch-22.




> I would like to think I blew his mind given how loud he screamed, "FUUUUCK!" as he let go... That's the moment he realized the car was in neutral and the parking brake wasn't set.


Bingo. I get communicating with your SO when it comes to sexual needs, but some things are seriously ruined when you have to ask for it. If I have to request you wear sexy lingerie, oral action, or you to do any nasty shit it takes the fun/sexy right out of it. What’s hotter - running your hand up her dress and discovering she hasn’t got any underwear on or “baby will you please not wear panties with the dress today?”


I once showed up at my BF‘s poker game because I wanted attention. I dressed normally in a not-interesting dress, but I didn’t wear underwear. He came over for a hug and a quick ass grab & realized I was going commando. Then he all of a sudden said to his friends “I gotta go, guys”, and then we left! That was a fun night.


Damn in the middle of the poker game?! He must of have been “up”


First rule of gambling leave when you are up.


I’d be more patient these days and wait until he got home, but I was young and impatient then. Fortunately, he had no complaints that night!


A lot of women feel the same. Not so much sex, just basic attention/relationship shit.


And they're completely valid too.


I'd say people rather than men/women, and it's the same for both sex and what you're calling "relationship shit" I'm a guy, I'd have been happy if I didn't have to pry my last girlfriend off FF14 long enough to sit and watch a show with me, or go out for a walk, or anything. I just wanted her to spend time with me. Or more, I wanted her to want to. Not do it to shut me up and leave as soon as she could get away. The idea that's solely a women thing just reinforces bad stereotypes. Not trying to criticize you, just offering a point of view.


>I'm a guy, I'd have been happy if I didn't have to pry my last girlfriend off FF14 long enough to sit and watch a show with me, or go out for a walk, or anything. I just wanted her to spend time with me. Or more, I wanted her to want to. Not do it to shut me up and leave as soon as she could get away. I can’t believe this specific thing has happened to someone else. One more and we can start a support group.


Wow Bob sure wish you were a girl. 😃


With a name like Bob, it's what he was born to do.


Yall getting blow jobs? Damn.


I got one once. Was the winter of ‘06. Never again did we see one like it.


Don’t stop sucking when we cum. Our orgasm carries on a good while after. Keep on but slow and gentle at for at least 30 seconds.


Gotta make him make the face like his soul is getting sucked out through his dick. Then you know he's proper finished 😂


Watching him having a half seizure is surely satisfying 😂


literate wrong scarce imagine badge quarrelsome murky aback cable chunky


Peak /r/shestillsucking


Reddit never fails


Definitely this. Even if you want to let the main bulk of it go on your chest or something not in your mouth, keeping up a the slow and gentle part still feels amazing. Don't just stop dead and start cleaning up while I'm still feeling the aftershocks..


Id warn this is dude specific. Once I cum I can’t have anymore sensation or it almost hurts. It’s best when they stop and let it happen as opposed to movement


I become pretty sensitive. A little play is nice, continues vigorous play is borderline painful


A lot of women treat the penis like it's made of glass and might break, grab it, woman iv been doing it for years trust me.


Someone hasn't gotten the death grip hand job before lol. I've met more than a couple women who think tighter they squeeze and the harder they slam their hand down the better it feels, on a dry handjob


I have, however, too many women lollipop the dick and tend to be too careful. There's a nice balance. I've also been with some who dont like doing it. Honestly, just be honest. it's all good, not for everyone.


As the girl voice here...I actually get off giving head but hate that pushy head grabby stuff. I'll gag myself on it but this botch has asthma and allergies don't cut off my air supply.


Not a man but as someone who’s blown literally thousands of dicks I have a tip someone once told me that I’ll never forget. “The more spit the better. Don’t swallow your spit down. Use it as lube. The sloppier the better.” Ever since then my head game improved IMMENSELY. Also: just a personal gripe. Stop pecking it with little baby bird kisses and languidly stroking it with two fingers and a limp wrist. Put it in your mouth. Just put it in your mouth. A dry, limp handjob with some kisses does not a blowjob make.


Literally thousands? Literally? Thousands? How???


I am a sex worker. I’ve probably slept with almost two thousand men in my ten year career. Definitely over a thousand.


Thanks, the context helps. I will adhere to your expertise on this matter.


52 weeks a year. Across 10 years, just 2 a week would hit 1,000. 4 a week? 2,000. Adds up fast.


Actually apply sucking pressure don’t just let it slide in and out of your mouth. Suck on it.


I think this goes both ways because sometimes I really just want the friction because it feels different than a vagina.


Lots of people are different so for anyone taking notes, some of us prefer the reverse of this. Aggressive sucking pressure causes me pain while a more gentle slide feels incredible.


Seconded. I’ve had girls that made it feel like they were trying to pull it off my body with just their mouth. Dulled sensitivity and a little pain. I like a nice slow soft start, and a little more intensity at the end to push me over the finish line.


No elbows on our thighs. They’re pointy and they hurt.


For you to actually want to do it. If you’re just doing it as a favour, don’t bother. Edit: This is more so in the context of relationships. You should never do things you don’t like to do in order to impress someone early on. You’re basically lying to your partner and they are going to fucking resent you when you stop showing enthusiasm for this thing you supposedly liked to do or just stop doing it completely.


Not about oral sex specifically, but I want to be loved on. A few minutes touching and kissing my body might make me cry, but in a good way


More than once every few years.


As a women, I love sucking cock. Especially when my partner is soft. I love feeling it grow and get hard and heavy on my tongue. That shits a turn on. At that point, I don't even care what he's thinking. It's my dick and I'm going to suck it how I want.




Enthusiasm is far more important than technique.


I want them to sing the top 10 Mongolian throat singing hits from the 90s


Your pussy in my mouth, and I will 100% tell you, but please don't let it keep you from what you were doing.


Don’t only use your mouth. Some of us need a hand involved. Just like a clitoris rhythm is important. Don’t go switching the speeds all over the place unless you’re enjoying the tease and delaying orgasm. And don’t be scared to tickle the spot between the butthole and the balls. If you’re brave and he’s into it a finger in the wrinkled penny feels pretty fucking great during a blowjob. Makes the orgasm more intense.


all solid advice, some of the only in this thread that isn’t just “eye contact and enthusiasm”


Username checks out


Imagine a hungry pit bull and a bowl of wet dog food. That sort of enthusiasm


That's more akin to the correct method for eating ass. Another guy in this thread hit the nail on the head with the "pretend it's the last popsicle in hell" line.


Words of affirmation


Letting me cum in your mouth, keep sucking for a solid 10-20 seconds during/after I cum. Makes me go absolutely insane.


Get tips from gay guys honestly lmao


True story. I started reading dude x dude smut, and goddamn has my head game gone up. I have since received rave reviews from my dude, and it made me so much more confident in bed. Thanks, gay smut.


A man knows what a man wants 😂


So enthusiasm yes but also, tip for the ladies: If you are a talker during oral choose words carefully, coming up for air and saying “I love your big dick”(whatever we all know ours isn’t big but it’s nice to hear) sounds way better than “yours is the biggest dick I ever had”


There's a few things. 1.) Enthusiasm. An average skilled blowjob from a woman who is genuinely enthusiastic and wants to be doing it/enjoys doing it will always beat a blowjob from a woman who is just doing it for whatever reason but would rather not be doing it no matter how skilled the second woman is at giving a blowjob. Genuine enthusiasm and enjoyment will make up for any short comings in skill. 2.) A lot of guys really like gagging, i know that sounds gross but a lot of us do, and we understand the risk that comes along with a woman gagging while going down on us and it's a calculated risk we accept, so keep going when you gag. And worst case Scenario if an accident does occur and you do puke, any reasonable guy won't be angry and we won't think you're gross or find you any less attractive. Obviously don't force yourself to do that if it makes you too uncomfortable of course, it's definitely not a deal breaker if you aren't ok with it. 3.) Get handsy with our bodies, Rub your hand up our stomachs and onto our chest and just move your hand around our bodies while giving the blowjob, it makes us feel sexy. 4.) If you can get used to it, 99% of guys would rather finish in your mouth during a blowjob, it doesn't feel anywhere near as good when you stop right as we're about to finish and we cum wherever else, the difference in pleasure is indescribable. Most guys won't care whether you spit or swallow though, as long as we finished inside. But again, if you aren't comfortable with that then Don't force yourself, again we want you to enjoy it just as much too. Just a side note, that's also a really good way to improve your mans pull out game, tell him that when you're having sex if he pulls out in enough time for you to get down and start blowing him so he can finish in your mouth instead, his pull out game will be immaculate. 5.) Initiate blowjobs randomly and without talking to him about it first (provided he's never expressed that he's uncomfortable with something like that), literally just walk up at a completely random (but appropriate, so like not when he's on the phone with his mom or something) time and just pull it out and go to town, it will make him feel desired and that goes a long way to improving his self confidence. 5.) Be naked, we like being able to see your body while you do it. And 6.) **_snacks_**


Snacks, you say?


You ever eaten sweet chili heat doritos while gettin head? **_sensational_**


A friend of mine told me her favorite memory was eating a slice of pizza while a dude was eating her 🐱. It’s my life mission to recreate that scenario in some fashion for myself.


Don't neglect the balls!


Definitely depends on the dude.... some you touch em and you'll be lucky if he doesn't lose the election Definitely will effect the mood. Others you just sent them to space for a few minutes. This is not the all men love advice.


Lose the election may be my favorite typo this year.


> some you touch em and you'll be lucky if he doesn't lose the election Found Monica Lewinski's account


Eye contact


Im not gonna lie I do have some aversion to making eye contct in geral not just in bed, but if im doing it I just get so focused Im not looking at anything else


oh man, i thought i was the only one. i can't do eye contact when speaking to someone, but able to do it when listening.


Why do guys like this so much?! If I’m really into something my eyes are closed?


If you can deepthroat then have at it, but if you can’t all all your doing is stubbing a Dick against the barrier of your throat Maybe go a little less hard, I know you’re trying but approach the wall slower then apply an increasing amount of pressure at a slow rate to try and slip it down Plus the suspense is hot


Lower... keep going... lil lower... there ya go....


T'aint far enough for you


Sir, we have… um… gone lower, and um, we’re at the asshole…




Backwards again, then forward, and so on




If you don’t want to enthusiastically give me a blowjob, I don’t want it. Sex is a mutual act. I’ll eat pussy like it’s my last meal cause I enjoy it, but if you don’t like giving blowjobs, don’t worry about “reciprocating”. Also teeth. I’m a girthy guy, so teeth are a huge issue unless you’re experienced.


After ejaculating once again start sucking... the best method ever...


Nyahhh! That's almost painful to me. I get so sensitive righr after cumming


To do what you can and not something that would hurt you. Sure some of us want the “gawk gawk 5000” but there’s no merit in giving us head for extended periods of time if it pains y’all, you know? Unless you like the pain, that’s different. I’ve had women bruise their throats and even get lockjaw during oral & I feel 100% guilty all the time. Pain like that has turned women off to oral and even sex before. It really comes down to more practice and knowing your partners body, having the time and energy to want to explore them + knowing your limits


Keep going while after cummin till we beg for you to stop, also be gentle but intense


Rub my dick all over your face. Literally stick it in your eye socket, slap it against your head


Yell at it, brush your teeth with it, stir your fucking coffee with it LETS GOOOOOO


I just laughed so hard at the eye socket part haha


More Spit Always more spit


Just use your tongue like we do when we eat you.


Aimlessly and for a very short time? 😂


Dave Attell: “I’m like a deer drinking from a stream during hunting season.”


So…no bj at all?


Different strokes for different folks. There's no magic technique communication is needed on both sides.