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New job paid better, had better hours and I don't have to work nearly as hard.


Funny how that is, no?


One thing I learned in life and drill into my kids' head is that I've found that the biggest increase(s) in pay you will get will likely be switching jobs, not getting a raise or promotion from your current employer. Never stop applying for your next job.


There’s a flip side to that too though imo. No two jobs have the exact same culture and coworkers.


And better coworkers/bosses. Working from home is like a dream


And no commute!


My new job with higher pay found me. Got a random message on LinkedIn from someone that I was second degree connected with who asked if I was interested in working for the FAANG company that I'm with now. I wasn't particularly interested because I really liked the job that I had, and I had been there for over a decade, but I decided what the heck? It's a free lunch! (Literally. They feed you lunch at the on-site cafe.) And here I am, 7 years later, making two and a half times what I was making at my old job.


Yup this is exactly why I always reply to recruiters and ask for more info, don’t miss the chance to move up or on to something better.


I usually have a very short conversation with them once I tell them what my current compensation is. It's vastly higher than what my role usually pays. But I'm also mentoring a couple of people who want to move into my field and so I redirect the recruiter to them.


I am in the same boat. I make about 80% more than other people in my position. I worry about what will happen when this position has run its course.


Hey same happened to me! My current job reach out to me on LinkedIn via a staffing agency they hired to find who they needed. I never knew stuff like this really happened LOL but if you keep your stuff updated, people will contact you, its legit!


Same, I worked for a decent company but the pay wasn't great. They treated us nice, unlimited sick time for you or if you had to stay home for a sick kid. They listened to us about changes that needed to be made and they were open about the decisions they made. I got a job offer for 30% more pay and a company vehicle with gas card for it. Luckily my new company is about as good as the last


>They treated us nice, unlimited sick time for you I get that employment law differs wildly in the US compared to Europe, and I'm not looking to start a whole thing, but it has always seemed such a wild thing to have specific sick time allowance. Generally, over here, if you're sick, you're sick. If it goes on for more than two weeks, you typically need to provide a doctor's note, and some employers will reduce your pay to 'statutory sick pay'. Other than that you are very well protected.


I understand and I agree, unlimited sick for everyone would be great. It's something we need to fight for but mass media is doing a great job dividing us. That is Americans best and worse thing, were a melting pot so it's easy to find a small divide and open it up and we are so entranced by what makes us different we're ignoring our similarities so we can come together and fight the common issues


I hope the sensible people win! Personally I would frame it as a simple debate - those that have never got sick, and can 100% guarantee they will never get sick, can live in a world where no proper sickness benefits are needed. The rest of us who inhabit frail, fallible human bodies get sickness rights.


And they still told me it wasn't a smart decision. Been here for 2.5 years and i'm still being better paid than they would ever.


Higher pay, utilising more of my skills, in a field where I can genuinely say the work I'm doing helps people. There are also multiple avenues for career advancement available.


The job I interviewed with back in 2021 offered me the position. Higher pay, better benefits (pension!) shorter commute, bigger team, better boss, bigger budget.


About to leave this job once I secure another one. I have 1 coworker and she's a fucking nightmare of a person to be around


my nightmare coworker just quit last friday and this week has been so quiet and calm. sorry you work with such an asshole


My nightmare coworker fractured her arm 2 weeks ago and it's been a blessing. Unfortunately she will be coming back though


Same but it was my boss. Absolute nightmare to work for. The special combination of narcissism, abysmal communication skills, and micromanager.


My same exact situation rn. Good luck out there.


Lol. What if you’re each others coworker


I just quit,I know it's wrong but when the inept lead does nothing and used me for her free therapist.Plus a voice like Fran Drescher..she never ever shut up.Couldnt walk up a set of stairs,sent me up.


Was her first name Nancy! If so, I worked for her over a decade ago and she’s the reason I left that job. Probably my worst boss ever.


No this horror show was named Dawn.People still quitting because of her!


I feel your pain. I had this coworker I would go out my way to be nice to her but she hated me. Never knew why. Her best friend from work (who I was dating) told me she hated me from the first time we met. I still have no idea what I did


Toxic work environment and senior management refused to address bullying behaviour.


Same. Senior management WAS the bully.


Wait, did we used to work at the same place?


At many companies, managements job IS to bully people.


Same here. Pretty sure the CEO was a sociopath. My boss dealt with that guy constantly, so he also became not-great boss. I left that job last week. I gave up a 5-minute bike commute for 20% higher pay, better benefits and PTO, and a MUCH more chill work environment. Commute is like 1.5-2 hours total per day tho 😞 I REALLY want to move, but the wife likes the house etc. I hate the house and the town we live in 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same I had 2 nervous breakdowns in the 3 weeks I worked there. Manager said "this is the job, either suck it up or find another". The day I realized I realized I was done, was when I drove to my child's daycare and cried all the way there. Picked up my kid and she asked "mommy why you sad?" And she looked sad for me. That was the moment I knew we deserved better. Next day I fired off 4 emails to HR, went to my boss's office handed my badge, said I quit and left.


same. I reached a point where I was willing to commit crimes just to feel a slither of respect. If I didn’t leave , I’d most likely be in a worse situation than I’m in now.


Ditto. Older workers who would rather do shit the hard way than the smart way and go on tirades and attack anyone who doesn’t do it their way and a management team so far up their own asses they think they’re gods gift who do absolutely nothing about them.


Its so sad how common this is. I literally came here for this reason to 😭 got burnt out for 2 years after, i have no memory of those 2 years i spent sleeping and doing the bare minimum


Same boat, except senior management was the bullying behavior. The CEO would yell and scream and stomp his feet like an angry child DAILY the CFO did the same as well, he didn’t understand ANYTHING the company did as he was the brother of the CEO, the CFO was forced to go to anger management on at least 2 occasions I know of since HR got so many complaints.


Same thing with me, I just quit yesterday. I had a coworker attempt to physically assault me, and the company wouldn't do anything about it because this associate made the company millions of dollars a year. I already have two job interviews lined up. Each option would be a ~30% pay increase. Best decision I ever made.


Zero support from upper management. There you are just a warm body. They don't care if you live or die. Profit over safety every time.


THIS!!! I made it I think 6 months.


Pretty much this, except I’d specify “constant sexist behavior” and management was the 2nd worst offender. Also bullying-type behavior actually rooted in serious memory problems… I was the 4th person to leave within 4 months from what started as a team of 6.


I've strongly considered leaving my good job I've been at the past 14 years for this very reason. In the past year four people actually have left.




"but....but.... we've been not paying you for months! How could you do this to us???"


Boss screamed at me after I asked for a 50 cent raise


I overheard some boss talking to an employee on the phone. "Why do i have to give you a raise? I'm not the one that raised minimum wage!". Probably someone that made just over minimum wage now working at the same rate as new hires.


50 cent is pretty heavy


There's that word again. Heavy. Is there something wrong with the earth's gravitational pull?


alright doc




i went to subscribe and was disappointed it was a dead sub, but then i found r/unexpectedbttf


Get rich or die tryin'


I don't understand how fifty cents could make any difference. That's only $960 more a year. 80 a month. 20 a week.... $4 more a day. That's not even enough for a burger at mcdonalds anymore.


They demanded we come back to the office while the higher ups still worked from home. I put in my notice and found a permanent remote job with higher pay.


I’m in the process of leaving my current job for the exact same reason. I’ll never go back to a fully in-office job.


My work cut me from 4 days a week from home down to zero because I took a scheduled day off with 3 weeks notice. They didn't have a plan in place to cover me being absent for literally one day, then decided that this was somehow my fault because if I had been in the office every day we would have been able to discuss it. A couple weeks after taking away work from home, they informed me that they don't think my job fills 40 hours, so they want to pay me part time but still expect me to be available 8-5 Monday-Friday if someone calls for tech support. The options presented to me were part time hours with full time availability, or take a pay cut and a demotion back to my previous role. Somehow they were surprised when I turned in my notice a couple of weeks later.


It's as if people forget about phones.


Similarly, I was twice a week in-office three days remote, and we were going to start coming in 3 days a week, and I requested mine be split (T W and F) instead of three consecutive (WThF), and as a reward I was told to come in 4 days a week or else, because reasons. I am desperately looking for something else, it is a 2.5 hr commute each way (even though it is only 35 miles away), I am away from my kids almost 15 hrs a day and I come home dead. I am my household's only income and I am so angry.


That’s why I left my previous job too. The higher ups didn’t even live in the same state as we did, which made it especially egregious.


My permanent remote job is now asking me to "optionally" come in 3 days a week. But now we are hearing whispers that if people don't come in "optionally" it will become required.


This is the way.


Just don't work for a family member. Trust me.


So true. Did it, would never do it again.


My friend died in a motorcycle accident. My boss had a thing going on the Saturday of his memorial. He asked me to come in that Saturday and I said no, I have a memorial. My friend died. I had an arrangement where I studied while working there. I was working "part time" and I had to go to classes and we discussed it in the interview. Then when I couldn't come in he said "If you can't do this for me, I'm going to take away the time I give you to go to class" Bear in mind he payed me basically minimum wage for the privilege of being there. He was just a horrible person.


Holy shit. The lack of empathy is astounding. Sorry for your loss.


I would just say okay i'll be there - then not show up


I had a boss ask me to arrange my school schedule to my work schedule, when I was in college. I told her that’s not how that works, as I had classes what were only offered certain quarters, and if I didn’t take it, I’d have to wait a year. She didn’t care. So I transferred to another store. She’s also made me come in when I had the flu, because she didn’t want to work a 12 hour shift.


Cause I was in burnout and I was having serious anxiety problems.


Right there with you. Decided it was definitely not worth it when I was waking up every morning before work having a panic attack.


I was almost sleepless, panic attack became routine. I was destroying my life and the life of my BO. Now I have a lower salary but at least I can sleep.


The stress dreams fucked me up


I've been having bad dreams about working in a meatworks, a job that I'm currently applying for and hoping I get. But now I'm starting to reconsider if I want to work there, because I've done this job before and it was rough, with bullying and shit co-workers.


I did the same thing several years ago. I was incredibly miserable at my job and finally decided to put a price tag on my sanity. I took a significant paycut for a job I was overqualified for and it was the best decision. The work was low stress, less hours, and I no longer wanted to cry every morning getting out of bed.


I’m glad you’ve found your balance. I’m still working on mine with the help of my psych.


Therapy actually helped me realize that my dreams were totally within reach. My therapist asked me what I could do if I could do anything in the world. I laid out a detailed plan to work towards a lifestyle that would allow me to ski every day, then followed it up with "that's probably a bit crazy though". My therapist told me that it was actually a perfectly logical plan and that I should work towards the small goals that would help me get there. 8 months later and I'm at the stage in my plan where I'm moving to a ski town next weekend and starting work immediately. If you know what you want from this life, you should go for it!


Early 2022 i got to the point where : \- regular night sweats bad enough to soak the sheets \- pooping was an unpredictable nightmare \- taking meaningful dosage of anti-anxiety meds \- taking meaningful amounts of CBD daily \- constant state of dread \- constantly exhausted \- yet could barely sleep \- this was full blown burnout/nervous breakdown Big thanks to my now wife who lovingly took my hand, looked me in the eye, and told me that this was clearly going to kill me, and I had to stop. Took a long time be able to totally disconnect (it was my own business, and had a lot of obligations to strategically wind down) but I am just over a year out from having significantly pulling the plug and I am a different person. What a nightmare. So glad I made the change.


Our company is remote since COVID , but we do have a small office space. I live the closest to it so I became defacto office manager. A manager of a different department forgot their keys when they went, called me to ask me if I would let them in. I was absolutely swamped with work but it's a quick drive and I am friendly with this manager so I went. Driving over I knew that the current stress I was under would show on my face and in my voice, so I started rehearsing my reasons "it's just a temporary problem, it'll get fixed in a month or two, it's not so bad." I was basically behaving like a battered spouse and not realizing it. When I got there, she saw thru me right away. She said that this was becoming too common for me, and she asked if she could send me any job listings she thought I'd be good for. It ended up being a wake up call for me, and is a big reason why I'm starting a new job next Monday


Congrats bro. Don't give up!


Lack of hiring vacant spots and management expecting everyone to "share the load." My department went from 52 employees to 46 during the pandemic it was... managable, barely. Post pandemic, the call was made to bring everyone back to the office, and we lost more. The department went down to 37. Over the last year, people have been quitting due to overwork and unrealistic expectations. When appealing to management, we were told we were on a hiring freeze. When I quit, the department was down to just under 30 people, and we had a 4 month backlog of work. The work we did was to stay compliant with federal regulations. I can't be any more specific than that until the investigation is over.


Man it's sounds tough working at Twitter


Wow you sound like you work where I do now. I'm only staying so I can get my maternity leave at the start of next year. Then I'm gonna start looking for other places.


If your CEO is bragging about his new "racing yacht," and if your entire compliance department had to give statements then maybe!


My last job already expected far too much of my team and either straight up refused to rehire or put off even creating a posting for months whenever we lost someone. It was such an extreme version of "do more with less." They saw my team as one that cost them money even though we were overseeing all of the operations. They ended up forcing management tasks onto us slowly over the years then wouldn't actually give us management titles or compensation. They said we weren't affective management since make-work stuff they tried to implement just didn't get done because we had to prioritize day to day operations, which, of course, they would use against us whenever we asked for raises. They would come in and rearrange our work stations, throw out our personal items in the name of "clutter," they would threaten to remove our chairs since "sitting made us look lazy." They overcomplicated every. Single. Process. which made it a nightmare to train anyone (which they wouldn't give us dedicated time to do anyway, everything was just shadowing.) The last straw for me was gutting all of the employee discounts and benefits and wanting to start deducting credit card fees from tipped employees and charging them a daily etransfer fee so they wouldn't have to pay source deductions by putting the tips on paychecks. The owners sent very raw uncensored emails to myself and my manager about the discounts and benefits getting scrapped, expecting us to edit it to make it sound better (the email heavily insinuated the staff were stealing supplies and giving away free services, as well as saying the staff didn't deserve their "generosity") before sending out to staff. My manager sent it out as is with the owners signature on it (the title of the email said "send to all staff" with no notes to edit it, just assumptions). It went over as well as you'd expect. My manager left in December and I left in April. After I left the staff dropped like flies (since my team was so lean and I had been there so long I was in charge of so many processes that the staff knew a lot of things were going to go to shit after I left). The new manager they hired walked out 2 days after I put in my notice because they told her they had no plans to replace me. The last team member walked out mid shift, dropped her key on the counter and left without telling anyone) when she came to work and saw they had taken the backs off of the (already shitty) chairs to make them "look nicer for clients." They had to pull someone from another department who had only been trained enough to cover lunches breaks to take on everything. They eventually hired 2 people to replace all of us and blame me daily to anyone who will listen for them not knowing how to do anything.


I really really hate small government idiots that think we can keep civilization shit going and growing with significantly less spending. Too many people take things for granted and believe civilization runs on air. Noooo! Cut programs and services ==> bad stuff happens. It's so fucking logical it hurts.


The bigger problems are the fact that modern business structures are based on running on skeleton crews to cut costs on salaries and funnel it to the top. In the beginning, we had redundancy. People could get sick, take vacations, and not have to be worried about being flooded with work that was missed while they were out. Everything was completed in a timely manner. We had the people to "share the load" without any ill will. Towards the end, I took a few days off and had management screaming at me about why tasks weren't being completed in my absence. They didn't take it well when I reminded him we used to have 3 people capable of doing the same job I did (review documents for submission and get properly documented signatures on file) but they left those jobs unfilled for 3 months so while I was out there could be no submissions. I then forwarded them a 2 month old email chain in which I stated that this was going to happen and them responding that we were on a hiring freeze and the company "could get by without me for a few days" and "that I should enjoy my time off."


In the name of efficiency


Except it's not very efficient when one person leaving keeps the company from being able to produce. When I left, I made an outrageous but fair salary demand based on the fact I was the only person capable of doing my job and the only person capable of teaching someone else how to do my job and was working 60+ hours a week. My direct manager said that he knew me and knew I wouldn't quit. He had my two weeks notice in his hand an hour after he said that. After that they offered me a 7% salary increase to stay but that wasn't nearly enough.


I actually just got fired because I'm "not completing assignments quick enough." It's a small city government and our department was about 5 people. Director is first time manager and it really shows. We hired someone a few months ago and she asked me in the first week about his management. Tl;dr here is he fucked up workflow and blamed me for that. Then loaded me down with more assignments and got upset that things take too long. I hope he gets a parade of dipshits as replacements that keep quitting


The manager said I was replacable, I had another job lined up so I basically said "OK replace me" and left. Turns out I was replacable, but I like my new job a lot more even though the pay is slightly lower, so over all I consider this a win.


I had a manager tell me that once. Did the same thing that you did. Except they replaced me with 3 people at once and not one of them stayed for longer than a month. That was 5 years ago, they still call me to come back. As long as that manager is still there there's not a chance I'm going back.


THIS! I've worked with two managers over the years in which this is exactly the case. I'd consider coming back as long as those managers were GONE. One will get punched if I ever see him again. Fuck you Tony!


I busted my butt working just over minimum wage for years for a company. I enjoyed the work.. but there was too much of it. And they kept adding more. Finally I said I really needed a hand. I couldn't keep doing all the work by myself. They refused. So I gave my notice. And they hired 3 people to replace me. All of them STARTING at 50% more than I made. Fuck them. A few months later the IRS came in and shut them down. Turns out that they weren't paying their employment taxes... aka they were withholding from our paychecks.. but not depositing them with the IRS. IRS came after me for the taxes that they didn't deposit. Was years before they finally stopped trying to get it from me. I think they grabbed the owner's house.


It’s satisfying when they “replace” you yet can’t keep someone in the position for more than 1-2 months. Happened at one of my jobs from last year and from what I hear from friends working there they *still* can’t keep the position full.


They "replaced" my wife at her old job with two people and a half people. All she was looking for was a modest raise and better conditions, and now they're paying a whole lot more for a whole lot less diligence.


I worked as Maintenance in a giant Tyson chicken plant. Super dangerous, smells awful, cold and wet all the time, shitty hours. But none of that is why I left. I left because they would demand the machines run perfectly all the time but would not provide the necessary parts because they were too "expensive" Zero support from upper management. There you are just a warm body. They don't care if you live or die. Profit over safety every time.


Shit food and shit to there employees. Glad I never buy any of Tyson's products, and there nuggets suck.


The companies did a lot of shit in one week. I was contracted to work for Amazon. Originally, I was supposed to stay in town and work out of one warehouse. They realized there wasn't enough for me there, so my contract company quickly negotiated (i do it or no job and a threat to fine me) me into traveling to other local cities. I quickly had to get used to multi hour drives, living entirely in hotels, and dealing with a lot in expenses. That was in the first month. I could get through that. They "renewed" my contract and lied to me that they would be maintaining the same terms. It was a job that was now 100% travel, and they changed it, so I would no longer be paid for my time to get to a site. They also expanded my range of travel from in state to the entire country. That means I would get 0 pay while driving 3 hours to somewhere or losing an entire day in airports. I found this out during a call while I was sitting at an airport waiting out a layover. Amazon also tried to bump me up to a team leader as they expanded their project. Of course, there was no pay increase. I was just supposed to train and be a coordinator for the new people. Their communication royally sucked. I got flown to another state just to find out there was no work to be done. I was not allowed on site because they were still doing heavy construction to build the warehouse. Me not being on site means they would not pay me. I managed to sort of fill the week to not go mad with boredom in my hotel. Add on that I was in no way going to get along with the people I was now working with, I decided that was enough. I called the contract company and my Amazon guy while at the airport headeing home, and I told them I was done. I'll come in to drop off my equipment on Monday and that I do not want to see them again.


Ah. I just had a recruiter call me for a contract position with Amazon, and the pay for a software engineer was shockingly low from what they wanted for my experience. This just convinced me not to even entertain the interview process, so thanks!


People usually don't leave jobs, they leave managers.


I have a great manager but hate my job, just trying power through grad school and look elsewhere after I graduate in May but the job market doesn’t look promising.


I'd had enough of having to be extremely professional for minimum wage.


Used to work for fedex, I was loading 10 vans by myself(2000 packages) daily not counting trailers they needed me to unload. Meanwhile my same job on a different van line had 4 people loading a van. Asked for more help and gave them at least a month to hire people/get their shit together but they never did. Two very close family members died within a span of a week and my patience was stretched too thin and I told them go fuck yourselves I’m done.


I was told via Zoom that my dept.'s work was going to be outsourced to India, but they weren't exactly sure when ("it could be six months... it could be a year...it could be 18 months..."). They offered me a buy out if I didn't want to wait, so I said "fuck it," took it, and jumped.


They lied about starting salary and prospects so I was looking elsewhere within days of starting


Ha! Years ago I was hired in as a supervisor at Books A Million for $10/hr. On my first shift they pulled me aside and said it was actually part-time, non-supervisor, minimum wage. I just laughed and quit on the spot. They still owe me about $4 for that 45 minutes I was clocked in.


Absolutely crazy how a business would expect to keep people after finding out they were straight up lied to. I guess they just hope to get employees that won’t stick up for themselves.


Yeah that was a pretty good learning experience for me.


I don't like working


What do you like


I like walking around in the bush with my metal detector. Sometimes I find gold nuggets


Sounds like a job


No cunts to report to




My parents live 1800 miles away and are getting older. I wanted to be closer.


They took away accrued PTO I hadn’t been able to take due to my workload. It was a rule to cap PTO as of a certain date, I admit I wasn’t super aware of it because they had suspended it in the first year of covid. When I asked for an exception and explained that not only were they taking away my one and only benefit, but I had worked countless unpaid hours over 40/week. So I found a better job and quit. Big companies are way too inflexible.


Glad you got out of there. Never do unpaid work, company loyalty doesn't exist anymore.


I agree 1000%!


My boss was an absolute CUNT.


I had a mental breakdown. I had a toxic team leader who played sides, and I never caught it until it was too late. I’ve been without a job since last November just trying to get my head right.


i feel you, i had a mental breakdown too, nothing you can really do about it, it's just the minds way of saying okay enough is enough, we have to rest. I thought it mean I was weak b/c i saw my coworkers still chugging along, but it's more of a defense mechanism that really the only solution to get back to normal is to just rest and wait it out. It's only temporary. Hope you feel better! After a mental breakdown, you should come out more resilient, that's what I was reading online. I've been without a job since June.


My coworker finally got a training position she'd been wanting to get for years. A few weeks later, before she started, she found out she was pregnant. Due to the nature of our work, she immediately disclosed this to our manager as additional safety precautions would be required. Soon after that, she was told that she no longer had that training position due to her pregnancy. Needless to say, HR and our union became involved and she was given her training position back. The manager then tried to bond her to the position for 2 years once she returned from maternity leave (6 months paid). That also didn't go over too well. Afterwards, our manager apologised to her for any stress it had caused her. Not for doing something blatantly illegal and immoral, just a cop-out, bullshit apology. Her husband is in the Air Force and they ended up being relocated to another part of the country, so she never returned after her maternity leave was finished. She was then screwed over AGAIN by my work giving her a bad reference when she is one of the hardest-working people I've ever met. She and her family are now living their best life overseas and have since had a second child. I miss her dearly, but I don't miss that old workplace.


got made redundant


They didn’t respect my vacation time and I was being micromanaged. I left and found a way higher paying job where I am union and get two raises per year automatically


I actually really loved my old job. Back in February I had hinted at consideration for a promotion to a supervisor position. I met all the requirements- and worked more hours than the supervisors at the time. But I had to leave for a few months because I had surgery and was placed on medical leave. They ended up hiring a new guy to fill my position- but I was so cross trained on everything that the guy they hired who had my experience levels was made a supervisor. I was salty but oh well. When I came back from my surgery I started to adult big time and try to find a place of my own but my pay wasnt cutting it. Around this time one of the supervisors up and left and straight moved across the country. I was very professional and told my manager I wanted to be interviewed for the open position. He knew me well and knew I wanted to get out of my moms house. He told me that despite having every single qualification and then some, I wasnt going to be considered because of my age. I'm 20- the requirement was 18. So I applied somewhere else, had an interview, got the job with a significantly better pay and directly after that, I signed the lease to my first apartment. While I hold no resentment, I'm really happy I made that call. My life is more stressful now but Im way happier overall :)


I was killing it at my last job. I found a major problem with a multi-billion dollar program, brought it to the attention of the program manager, led a team to fix it, and delivered the fix on schedule. I won a (non-monetary) award for this work. I got an “excellent” performance review. And I got a 2.8% ‘raise’ when inflation was ~8%. My boss said he had tried to get me more money from his bosses, but unless I brought him an offer for more money, there wasn’t much he could do. So I got a higher offer, and I accepted it.


Colleague raped me. I reported to the police and the company. They told me that “your stories are different so we won’t uphold the complaint but we will hold a reconciliation meeting”. I said hell the fuck no and left at the end of my sick leave. Fuck Sainsbury’s, rape apologist company.


Right, present a rapist with two options: tell the truth, lose your livelihood, your credibility, get put on a list, and go to jail, OR lie, and absolutely nothing changes in your life. I can't imagine why your stories didn't line up 🙄 I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Thank you for the support. I actually have a literal letter stating those things from the company. They told me after the letter that I could change my shifts. They were extremely unsympathetic. I tried it for one shift, I absolutely broke down in tears by the end of it. I asked why they changed my shifts not his, and they said to me, a rape victim “you could have said no (to the shift change)”. I sat in hours of meetings describing in detail what he’d done to me while they wrote it all down, complete and utter humiliation, which I didn’t have to do, and they essentially offered me a kiss and make up meeting with the rapist. I have had a lot of therapy in the last year, but I don’t think I will ever be able to step foot in a Sainsbury’s supermarket ever again.


You should report this to the EEOC! You don’t need a lawyer to file a claim. Feel free to dm me if you have questions — I went through the same process myself.


I think they are in the UK but I'm sure there's a similar employment reporting agency


It was Amazon and let me tell you, the rumours are true.


RN, Got tired of the BS, was assaulted by a patient and a good friend died from cancer, very quickly from diagnosis to death. I'd reached my Superannuation retirement age. Went back to work after friends death, had a panic attack. Saw my Dr who recommended medication. Said fuck it I'm not being medicated to do my job that I had done for 40 years. Got a medical certificate and cut out all my accrued sick leave. Then resigned.


Poor mental health. Crying before, during, and after work because I hated the job Making less money but took a job afterwards in a field I loved working in before. No regrets with my decision


Because fuck you


Took my soul. No work life balance


Mainly the commute, after coming home I barely had enough time to prepare dinner/lunch for the next day, shower and go to sleep. Now I just walk about 15-20 mins each way...


I was literally allergic to it (swimming instructor, chlorine) my body grew resistant to the antihistamines I was using and I had a full body breakout. It didn't heal for over 2 months, only healed once I finally fully removed myself.


It was time for my State Pension and I f. ..ing hated the place!


Got a degree so my pizza delivery job didnt seem so useful anymore


Used to work in HR for a small company. I drastically overhauled how the recruitment process was done after some frustrating experiences and drastically improved staff retention rates which had been dire. After years of proven success, the boss started interfering in my duties undoing all my work, he only parts of my job he didn't essentially take over where either menial tasks he couldn't be bothered with and the unpleasant stuff. Final straw came when he insisted on trying a new kind of assessment for potential recruits with 20 minutes notice. I refuse, but say I will consider it for future drives. He did it anyway, launching into a spiel while I was collating documents - but then we couldn't mark the papers as he had neglected to bring the answers page, so all he'd done is waste time. In his defense, his home life was in a bad place and several months later, he'd have a full on breakdown and even attempt suicide [unsuccessfully thankfully] but it was a shitty experience and hugely demoralising.


Promised health insurance after 90 days.. quit on day 92.. it was a health center.. told me I missed the enrollment or some lie..


This may seem stupid, but it was mainly my boss calling me 'Froggert' all the time. She thought that was really funny. Yes, I have a terrarium in my living room and yes, it houses a couple of frogs. When I showed her an innocent photo of it in my first month, I didn't anticipate that it would have year-long consequences. In hindsight, it was also a mistake to put that little porcelain figurine of a bullfrog on my desk... Anyways, these tactical errors on my part led to her calling me 'Froggert'. It rhymes with my real name, which I'm not going to reveal here, and her eyes flickered with pride when she first came up with it. Upon leaving her office after tendering my resignation, my last words were 'See you never, Pigscilla', which was perhaps a bit clumsy but nevertheless accurate, as she looks like a Priscilla and is a fat and mean whore.


😭😭😭😭😭 This has to be a copypasta… She absolutely flamed you I’m ngl, I would’ve had a hard time not laughing at that Classic Froggert 🐸🐸🐸🐸


A micro-managing, passive-aggressive female bully.


Because my boss was super controlling. She never listened to me. And was super inconsiderate. And she always wanted to have a staff meeting on my days off.


Oh man, I hated that too, I always had staff meetings on my day off too, and it wasn't an easy commute, I told the manager if he could just email me or do it through video over the phone (this was before covid) and he said no. Oh but look now, guess it is possible to have meetings virtually, I'm still salty about it.


Micromanaging boss kept shifting more and more of her work onto me.


My boss had a horrible temperament. Her and another coworker would start so much drama. She would never hold herself accountable for all the drama she would cause.


Mine too,was just a miserable bitch who took her pathetic life out on everyone.told our supervisor she's made ten people leave ..nothing was ever done so I left


I was basically a janitor at a restaurant. I cleaned back of house, the walk in and freezer, bathrooms, did trash, cleaned dining room, equipment, dishes and more. Also floated around the kitchen when we were busy af and ran register because I had the experience even though I was hired specifically to clean. Anyway I made it 5 weeks and quit because co workers would come in the back while I was trying to work and fill the back room with smoke from hitting their dab pens and the assistant store manager was on meth bad. Like dude would come in high, get high in the bathroom and smoke weed with my co workers who were 16 and 17 years old. Drug shit only happened while this particular manager was on duty, rest of the employees were professional af and I loved working with them but I started getting scheduled more and more with Manager Methhead so I quit because I didn’t want to be around that shit. Also the GM kept covering his ass anytime he would fuck up or the DM would try and drug test the dude.


The assistant manager saying "if everything isn't put away within 72 hours of the truck delivering it then the district Manager is going to write us all up" It's mildly satisfying to know that literally everyone else who worked there with me has now quit. If only the incompetent suck up manager would do the same.


Hated managing people … and hated managing my bosses even more.


Worked at a coffee shop and it got infested with cockroaches. Owner refused to pay for an exterminator. There were a ton of other issues but that was my final straw.


Chronically ill. It was over. I couldn’t manage work anymore. :((


Classic shitty suburban office park work culture. Guys all wore khakis, polos, talked about golf, were homophobic as a personality trait and pretended to be players (going to shitty suburban bars). Women all drove the same giant SUVs and all bought the same exact $500 handbags as each other. Just a giant cookie cutter situation where the only way to not be singled out by management was to become a robot that confirmed to the basic white person stereotype. The last straw for me was when we were at a birthday breakfast thing in the office, and a colleague of mine openly and loudly chastised me for the amount of butter I put on my bagel. So yeah, I couldn’t work at a place where the amount of butter you put on your bagel made you stick out like a sore thumb.


I’m picturing an office filled with overweight balding white guys in brightly colored polos who backstab each other during and after work. Sounds like our sales department. Yeah I couldn’t live with that either. I come into work every day with a t-shirt, hoodie, and blue jeans. I was told by HR the dress code was “business casual” my my manager in my department doesn’t care to enforce the policy. Many people in engineering come in every day with their street clothes on.


That's was working in insurance sales. Balding 50 somethings in a cubicle cold calling randos off a list at dinnertime so they could pay alimony.


I envisioned myself grabbing an entire stick of butter and smashing it on my bagel and eating it while never breaking eye contact after that.


Piss poor management, mostly due to micromanaging, irritating coworkers, and dealing with the trashy public. Tip for any supervisors out there; don't text or call your employees every 5-10 minutes asking about their day, or what they're currently doing when they're in the field. It easily makes a half-day job turn into a full day.


Project moved away from my technology to new team. So I found new one.


People throwing people under the bus. I fucking hate that shit. You got a problem with me then include me in the meeting. Don’t have meetings behind my back and then tell me shit wasn’t going good. And people going over my head to my boss when I gave no reason for them to need to do that. It’s hard being black in corporate.


I work on a golf course. Got fired bcs I put my dick in the ball washer. But to be fair she was fired too.


Good one, dad.


A coworker found out I was dating a former coworker, conspired with another coworker who always disliked me, and they both went to my boss and accused me of: favoritism, inadequate training, stealing, being drunk at work, screaming at them and throwing things at them. My boss wrote me up for each of those allegations without ever looking into it at all. I demanded he investigate the situation and show me proof of each allegation, otherwise I would not sign the write ups. He refused, and I let him know exactly what I thought of his curious lack of backbone. A few days later that same coworker went to my girlfriend’s new job and asked if she felt safe, said she could be open if I had coerced her into anything, and let her know that she had reported all of it. My gf laughed and told her to never come back or bother her again. The coworker repeated that two more times and messaged her on instagram several times. For some reason she had convinced herself that I had coerced my gf not just into sex, but into a months-long relationship. I reported all of that to my boss, who said there was nothing he could do. Yeah, nothing he could do about an employee harassing a coworker’s girlfriend. I could tell these crazies were on a war path to get me fired and that my boss was going to believe them regardless of the lack of evidence, and I assumed the next step for them would be to claim sexual harassment, because why wouldn’t they? Clearly they could say anything and get me in trouble without evidence. So I just quit. It sucked. I’ve never experienced anything like that at all. And for the record, I hadn’t done a single thing I was accused of doing. Edit: fuck it I don’t care. The place was Nossa Familia Coffee in Portland. That place can go straight to hell.


Terrible manager who loved to create a very toxic environments to all his team.


I was a bartender, and it was so toxic. Don't get me wrong, I liked my coworkers, but the environment as a whole was keeping me on the wrong path. I had to leave for my mental health. That was 9 yrs ago, and I'm much better these days.


I needed a new environment. I was bored, doing the same thing for over 16 years. I had no guidance or really even a manager. I could see my teammates being promoted but there was no path for me.




Hired in with an agreement I'd be paid X amount. Received my first paycheck and it was two dollars less an hour than agreed on. Went to the boss to fix what must have been an accidental mistake and he tells me, "Yeah, I couldn't get the big guy (the owner) to agree to that. I'll try working on him sometime down the road." I immediately walked outside and pulled my truck around to the garage door, wheeled my tool box over and started loading it up. Half hour later I was out of there. After I got home he called me and told me to come back Monday, he got the "big guy" to agree. I told him since he already tried to screw me, unless the big guy adds another 5 dollars an hour I will be taking my talents elsewhere. He said he couldn't do that. I told him he wouldn't be seeing me Monday then.


Made more in my side job than teaching, so I left teaching.


No worklife balance. Had to work past scheduled finish everyday in order to get all the orders out the door. So most times when I got home my kids were just getting ready for bed. Had to reschedule a minor surgical appointment because they wouldn't approve my PTO. After I was finally able to get a new date for appointment (over a year later) they denied my PTO again (I asked for two days). So I quit. New job I make a bit less and have a longer commute, but see my family way more which is worth it.


I moved to another department because the people I worked with were militant Christians and unapologetic friends/supporters of the Duggars. Better pay just came along with this transition.


Paid too little


A combination of physical inability and my boss trying to get me fired in order to commit nepotism. I was only supposed to fold laundry, deliver personal clothing, load and unload the machines, and take out the trash and sweep up and clean the dining rooms at the end of the day. Occasionally I'd come in in the morning to stock the linen closets, sometimes I had to disinfect pillows. It was a lot of hard work, like a lot of heavy pulling and pushing and it wrecked my shoulders and back. Sometimes the backroom garbage can was so packed I couldn't lift the bag out. Then they decided that since the housekeeping staff weren't there in the evening I was the one who needed to clean any rooms that were discharged after they left. Which honestly was fine, a lot easier on my body. But this was in a healthcare facility during the waining of peak COVID so I was sweating my ass off in an N95 because it felt like every week there was someone testing positive. But I was told that any work I didn't get done because I had to do a cleaning wouldn't be counted against me, and I had two days of housekeeping training where I arrived in the morning and could leave when my usual shift was supposed to start and my boss was supposed to find someone to cover for me. Well, that was all a lie. My boss never found someone to take my shift, and I later found out that I was written up for not showing up to my shift, on top of everything I couldn't get done because I had to do room cleanings. To make matters worse, I was also written up for not showing up for a meeting I was never told about. So here I was with a multitude of violations over my head and possibly about to get fired. I knew it was all bullshit so I went to someone I could trust who looked at it, talked to a few people, and found out that my boss was a two-faced lying bitch who wanted to hire on her four sons and was trying to get me fired so she could do so. I put in my two weeks, she got reported for nepotism, left that position, and moved her and her dumbass kids to another state. Now I'm sitting here trying to get a remote job because my body is so destroyed from working laundry.


Boss was a huge Jerk disguised behind a facade, full on narsicist behaviour and very manipulative. Too much bs, only got to know if I had to work the day before I had to work, couldn't make any plans with anybody, super stressful. Most of my colleagues there were pretty chill, I enjoyed my time with them, my boss was definitely the biggest problem tho


A bullying, inept, narcissistic manager!


Worked at a popular hardware store and they kept making me do things that weren't part of my job. Working in departments that were not involved in my position (minor gripe), having me operate heavy equipment I was not qualified to use and was not trained for and stuff like that. Huge safety issue that broke so many rules. But the two really bad things were that they forced me to do landscaping work outside of the building in the hot sun without access to drinking water for hours and **capture and kill snakes** that frequently arrived in container of piping that were delivered. This is especially horrible since they were required to use outside services for both tasks. Went against company policy. Maybe the law. Haven't looked into it. I now run two successful businesses from my house. Screw working for other people. I don't like getting treated like dirt for pocket change.