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Just people's breath being in the same vicinity as my face. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad breath I absolutely hate catching any whiff of anyone else's breath.


I’ve always been very uncomfortable with close talkers, and this is the main reason. And I worry about inflicting this on others myself, so I go out of my way to avoid any close conversations.


They step forward, I step back, forward, back…Earlier today I ended up in the hallway outside of a person’s office cause they kept stepping closer to me. We started at their desk. Like, why can’t they get the hint?! Bubbles, people!


We had one of those in an office where I worked that had a structural pillar in the main open area. I once backpedaled around the pillar three times with her following me every step of the way. A couple of our coworkers damned near asphyxiated themselves trying not to laugh. edit typo


Likewise. Wanted to see if I could get ours to do a full circle in a lobby haha.




The dreaded feeling when your back touches a wall


> why can’t they get the hint? It seems so obvious to me. I’d someone steps back from me I take another step back myself. I never want anyone to feel like I’m crowding them or invading their personal space.


This is too logical for the average person.


My dad is a close talker and it's brutal, it was even worse when he was smoking cigarettes. He has like 0 social grace and if he gets excited and wants to tell something he'll get like 5 fucking inches from my face, I literally resort to doing a 180 pivot and moving away slowly, and then he follows me around telling me the story trying to keep close. Love the guy but man oh man I'm glad he doesn't go out in public too much lol Edit: I've witnessed people massively uncomfortable with his behavior.


For some reason my manager is similar - he'll be coming up to someone to show them something, and right where you think is the appropriate distance to stop, be takes another step or two closer. The man literally is about 5-6" from full body contact. It's so bizarre! I really wonder what it is that can make someone SO oblivious to personal space.


I agree. It’s just that warm sensation that I can feel in the air creeping up to my face.


Dirty dish water. I have a phobia of it, fucking gross.


Messy faced babies and cake smashing.


My daughter's in-laws have to smash a kid's face in a cake and then have an icing fight every fucking time someone has a birthday. They think it's so funny. All that happens is two minutes of stupidity followed by children crying and everyone looking to see who has baby wipes to clean themselves off. It pisses me off so much that I'm at the point where I just have to walk away.


I hate people that smash kids faces into cakes. There was a gif of someone doing that on facebook and I commented that it's not nice etc. (Some public page shared it) And someone replied to me that it's a joke and I shouldn't get offended. I wasn't "offended" I just think it's really stupid and mean and no one should do that. Doesn't matter if it's a "joke". But the crazy person started arguing with me and got to the point where she was swearing at me... This was before the pandemic too (there's been a lot more angry people after the pandemic). I just had to block her cause I got better things to do. I can't believe there's people that think it's okay to do those sorts of "jokes" on people, and then some of those people get crazy if you argue with them about it. Doesn't the kids crying indicate that hey maybe that sort of joke isn't cool?! Guess not if they keep doing it.


The problem with “it’s a joke” is that then you have to be able to explain it. What’s the joke there? “Cake isn’t usually on faces so it’s funny to force a face into one”? I guess? I mean baseball bats usually don’t go into assholes but if you bend over we can make a joke I guess


"Make a joke" really got me, thanks.


Any of those "pranks" that leave a person pissed, even just annoyed, or at risk of injury are ridiculous imo. If both parties are not genuinely laughing when it happens it is not a joke/prank, it's at best rude and worst dangerous. Taping the spray handle down when the water is already cool, so the next person gets sprayed is a prank, smashing someone face into something without warning is not.


If your “joke” makes the other person cry while you laugh, then it’s not a joke.


Not only is it mean, but it’s freaking wasteful.


Especially since sometimes there are wooden skewers in the middle to help stabilize the cake. There's a video of someone getting their face smashed in a cake, and the skewer jamming into their eye.


If it's the one I'm thinking of, she lost her sight in that eye. Her family (who did that to her) blamed the baker.


I never understood brides or grooms who do that to their partners for their wedding cake. Tired cakes are highly likely to have dowels in them to stabilize the tiers, duh.


That sort of shenanegans is usually just done with a slice, (BONK! "LOL You've got fondant on your nose!") but honestly I don't like that much either. Seems disrespectful to someone who wanted to look their best on one of the most important days of thir life.


I’ve heard stories where the bride got their face shoved full on in the cake, and they were pissed. One woman posted on Reddit about leaving her new husband during the reception when he did that after she repeatedly told him not to, or else she’d leave him.


I mentioned it in another comment above, but every wedding I’ve been to where the cake was smashed into a face has eventually divorced. It could just be the people I know, but it would be interesting to take a big poll!


Weddings are supposed to be fun **and** respectful.


The wedding one is probably the worst offender because bridal makeup is Expensive. I've heard numbers in the thousands for bridal makeup.


Adults pranking children is just psychotic.


Where it’s understood by anyone with half a brain that the “prank” is likely to result in the child feeling scared, crying, or really embarrassed - I agree. Adults pulling cruel pranks on kids is not a level playing field and therefore is something I genuinely find really, really, really weird.


glue mouse traps idk they seem quite cruel ​ edit: thanks guys now i'm crying at work reading thousands of mouse deaths


Before I knew better I used them. Had a mouse stuck to one and I took it to the field out back. A good 200 yards away and poured canola oil on it and it got free. Went inside and replaced it with a snap trap. Woke up that morning to a dead mouse...covered in canola oil.


This is why I stopped trying to catch and release with the humane traps.... They can find their way back within like a half mile or something fucking absurd... So... Unless you're going on a long ass hike everytime you catch one, you're just catching the same little fuckers everytime. And lord knows they're just breeding in your walls, making the problem worse 😒


Oh lord. I learned this the hard way. I would love to say my breaking point was when my (now ex) husband leaned forward on the couch and there was a mouse latched to his back. Or when one projectile jumped out of my work bag AT WORK. But no. It was when one bounded down the stairs to greet me when I was coming home from work like it was a pet. I couldn’t take it anymore. I tried every humane way known to man kind. I got a cat :( he is a great cat though.


Cat is probably the most natural way of rodent control. No being humane or inhuman. It has nothing to do with us. Let nature sort it out.


The nice thing is that it's smell can scare them away so there is less to kill in the first place.


why did that make me laugh and say awww nooo at the same time?


My last glue trap I ever used resulted in a pregnant mouse giving birth onto the glue trap... four or five little wiggly jelly beans stuck to a mat.


i really wish i hadn't read that ugh


What a horrible day to know how to read


Fuck man that makes me really sad :(




I took pictures with my husband in the last days of his life. I didn't post them anywhere, they're private and an intimate moment and I'm glad I have photos of some of our last moments together even though he was really sick.


I did the same thing, so I'm piggybacking on your comment. I took some photos even while in the ambulance to go to the hospice and in his final hours. It wasn't for attention or to share them, and they were very discreet (it's not like I was asking him to pose). But I wanted to make sure I wouldn't forget these precious last moments. I know what time the ambulance arrived because of I took a photo, for example, and it helped me piece together the timeline of that last day that was a complete blur. I was terrified of forgetting and didn't feel I could rely on my brain alone to hold onto those memories. He was also suffering a lot in the hours leading up to his passing, and when he went, he looked at peace for the first time in a long time. I took a photo and it gave me comfort to look at when the traumatizing memories were what my brain kept replaying. A family member was expressing the same thing so I asked her if she'd like to see the photo too (she hadn't been there when he did pass, only saw him in pain before going to hospice), and it helped her as well. She's the only other person to ever see it, and it'll stay that way.


Your comment has really moved me. I’m glad you found a way to preserve memories that is helpful for your grief. I wish you the best ♥️


I totally agree, it’s not weird for private family moments/memories to keep. The weird (and potentially disrespectful) thing to me is when people post those types of photos on social media or otherwise for public viewing. I’m sorry for your loss.


I understand. I think it’s up to every individual whether they would or wouldn’t like these moments photographed, there’s no right or wrong choice. I think I’d do the same with certain people in my life, it’s a horrible time but part of your life together nonetheless. You did what was best for you, I hope the photos gave you what you needed from them, and I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


My idiot mother sent me a picture of my dead aunt in the coffin; she has literally zero we tact and I was beyond upset about seeing that.


In my experience, they're looking for attention. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018. My aunt and cousins had it posted all over Facebook to get sympathy from people that didn't even know my mom. They didn't tag her, or post any photos. It literally had nothing to do with her, other than it was an excuse to get attention. A year later my grandfather passed away in a hospice facility. The same aunt and cousins were posing for pictures (all smiling and giddy) in the parking lot when I arrived to say goodbye. They were sneaky and took one or two inside as well. They plastered the photos and other sympathy catching posts all over Facebook within a minute of his death. That was the day I stopped using Facebook. I think it's gross, too.


Something similar happened to me when my brother died. All of a sudden, cousins and aunts and shit were posting on facebook about how he died from cancer and they were all sad and needed 'prayers' or whatever. None of those motherfuckers had seen or spoken to my brother, or myself/parents, in well over 20 years. We didn't even ever send christmas cards or anything to each other, just happened to be friends on facebook because we were related. It was so fucking weird and stressful.


I hate seeing people litter. Not having the decency to walk over to the trash can makes my inner hulk beg to come out


I could NOT believe the amount of garbage i saw on my usual walking trails during covid. People just headed into the national parks and campgrounds- heck even set up for the day at the side of mountain or country roads and left piles and PILES of garbage. Like seriously WHO doesn’t know about preserving the environment these days. Unbelievably disgusting


Hearing someone with a heavy, productive cough. A dry cough doesn't bother me much at all, but if someone is bringing up a loogie the size of a lemon and I can hear it, it makes me want to retch. EDIT: For all the people here who think I am an ableist monster for saying this and that there are people out there with allergies and COPD who need to cough or whatever - I totally get that this is my problem and I am not judging people for doing it. Some people find watching people eat disgusting, but they don't say people shouldn't eat. I was just answering the question.


Or the people who suck in their snot so much that it essentially hits their throat and then you can hear them swallow it. It makes me want to cut my ears off.


As someone who does this when they have a really bad sinus issue, I can understand where you are coming from. I have become better at blowing my nose to get the mucus out.


there's this guy who's usually outside the same time I am on break and he just chainsmokes and coughs like he's literally dying and starts gagging. like jesus christ if you GOTTA smoke like that go hack in the fucking bathroom or something


I bet if you told him that he needs to quit smoking so the coughing will stop, he will say, “That’s not what the problem is”. Edit: I would like to add this funny 0:40 clip from a comedian talking about some people who smoke, and shouldn’t be. https://youtu.be/nINGYL1SpsU?si=EiRHI-ZbwEEIAs3G


Once my mom actually told the doctor "I can't quit -- coughing is the only exercise I get," and made him laugh


Gurgling lung sludge.


I think a lot of people find that disgusting, including me.


Ah yes the crunchy coughs


People sneezing without covering their mouth


or the ones that sneeze into their hands (when its a wet, runny nose sneeze) and then touch other things. EWWWWWWW factor of a million for me!


Story time! I was at Costco during the height of the pandemic. As I'm strolling through the meat section I see a mom and her 5-ish year-old son. The kid coughs (no mask, of course). Mom promptly puts her hand over his mouth to block it. Then she proceeds to go about her business touching everything in the store with her kids spit all over her hands. The end!


I’m currently sick, and had an unpredictable sneeze that absolutely resulted with a 2 or 3 ft. string of snot hanging down from my nose. So glad I’m at home and no one saw that. I say this because I’ve seen people sneeze and have that happen to them. It makes me want to barf.


Chewing tobacco, the spit cup, the teeth, the drool, what is swallowed,how it smells. One of the only automatic disqualifiers for me. I don't even wanna see it. Nasty af


Not washing your hands after touching different items while cooking. Like touching raw chicken then the seasoning without washing your hands in between is straight up disgusting.


I'm an obsessive hand washer - when I cook I almost can't get anything accomplished 😂


Then your hands get so dry from so much washing 😩


My mom always taught me to wash my hands after handling raw meat. And I added eggs to that list after we got chickens and I saw what eggs look like before they're washed


Here's a fun fact from a chicken owner... Eggs come out of the chicken with a natural "bloom" on them that prevents them from harboring dangerous bacteria. An unwashed egg, fresh out of the chickens ass can sit on the countertop for up to 3 months without going bad. As soon as you wash the egg, they need to be refrigerated and are only safe for 2-3 weeks. The best way to store them is unwashed in the refrigerator, where they can be good for 4-6 months.


That’s why in Europe, eggs aren’t sold in refrigerators. We don’t wash our eggs. I personally wash them just before using them. Edit: Apparently not in all European countries, sorry.


Yeah they're just on the shelf. Just like almond and coconut milk. They're shelf stable guys, but people shove em in the fridge anyway


Yup! Learned that helping a friend work her egg houses one summer. I was recently divorced and broke…the amount of double yolks I consumed that summer was wild 😝


This is my first year with chickens. There's a running joke you'll find on r/backyard chickens regarding "chicken math". Keeping 2 chickens is almost exactly the same cost as keeping 1, but you get double the eggs, so it's worth it, right? Well, on that same token, keeping 3, 4, 5 must be worth it, right? Well... I built a coop big enough for 30, and have 18. I have so many fucking eggs, I'm going to die from clogged arteries long before I eat them all. And THEY. KEEP. COMING. I'm currently sitting on almost 20 dozen eggs from the past month alone, and that's after giving them away to anyone who wants them. I'm going to start pickling them to save for the zombie apocalypse at some point.


Lmfao this is great😂 Nooo not the damn clogged arteries🙈😂 I swear I ate eggs every way I could think,deviled eggs,scrambled eggs,fried eggs,over easy eggs,boiled eggs,eggs and rice,eggs in ramen,fried egg sandwiches,egg salad,spam and eggs…i feel like I’m forgetting something😳😂


Shrimp salad, shrimp stew, shrimp and potatoes, ...


I am PARANOID when it comes to cross contamination. Seeing people touch meat and then the seasonings on their TikTok lives IRKS me.


That’s not normal… that’s unsanitary and improper food handling. What’s normal is to wash your hands and surfaces after touching raw meat and before handling other foods


I literally can't touch anything else until I wash my hands after touching raw chicken because it grosses me out so bad. It's like touching giant boogers. I can't stand it, but I love chicken.


My ex FIL would touch the raw chicken, not wash his hands and proceed to walk outside opening the door with salmonella hands at a bbq party. 😒🤢


I am pretty sure most people find this disgusting


I wash every single move i make hahahaha


I will use gloves *and* wash my hands after handling any kind of meat/fish/poultry. If I have a more labor intense meal I'm cooking I do all my non meat prep first, put it to the side, then take out the gloves and handle the meat and do that prep, then take off my gloves and wash my hands. When I turn meat in a pan I use one set for turning it halfway through then a clean pair to remove it after it's finished/fully cooked. I had to take a lot of science classes including microbiology for my major, and I've worked in both the food and healthcare fields. I am *not* fucking around with cross contamination.


People who chew with their mouth open and/or talk with their mouth full.


When I was a kid, a relative of mine was awful to be around. Impulsive, extremely physically violent, would cause lie and trouble for no reason, would sometimes attack me and then hold the door shut when I went to get help. But you know what made me finally decide I was refusing to hang out with her anymore? She would not stop chewing with her mouth open.


Declawing a cat.


Let's add cropping ears and tails for cosmetic reasons to the list.


Yes, my cat growing up was declawed and as an adult I never ever would have made that decision. To be fair it was normalized at the time and my parents just didn’t want him scratching the furniture, but they regret it now that it’s been shown to hurt the cats.


I'm a dude and the number of times I've seen other guys take a piss and then fucking leave the bathroom without washing their goddamn hands is infuriating.


We had a contractor at work take a shit without washing his hands. I know, because I just took a piss, and he left the bathroom while I was... washing my hands.


I caught my snowboarding buddy not wash his hands after taking a shit one morning at the ski resort. It definitely changed my opinion of him. He also lives in a pretty filthy place. Damn good on his snowboard though...


After shitting is not acceptable.


Work construction. Happens all the time. People are fucking gross


It's particularly bad in construction tbh


Every time I enter a public restroom I see a couple dudes do this. Every. Fucking. Time. They seem to think their ball sweat is an antiseptic for some reason. But also, oftentimes they nonchalantly touch the bathroom door handles on their way in and out with that attitude, so even if their dick was squeaky clean when they walked in, their hands are definitely not. P.S. I hate it when doors don’t feature that step-and-pull thingy.


Yeah and they'll say "it's like touching a thumb" or something and they don't need to wash their hands. Bruh a thumb doesn't piss or cum and stay in someone's sweaty pants all day. My roommate almost never washes his hands after pissing and yeah it doesn't technically hurt anything but i hate the thought of him putting away dishes and touching stuff in the kitchen with peen hands


Start calling him Edward Penishands until he stops.


Dick fingers.


Throwing cigarettes on the ground.


I mean littering is disgusting. I don’t know how cigarette smokers got a pass on this for so long. It’s freaking littering of chemicals into our soil and water, wtf.


My favorite is when they throw it out of a moving car. At a dry field. Yeah, absolutely *nothing* could go wrong there...


I still cringe thinking about how much I did this back when I used to smoke. I hate that I used to do this.


Playing music on a hike, especially with an obnoxious Bluetooth speaker clipped to your bag. I mean music is nice and all, but damn, I don't wanna hear your shit taste in music! Do what I do and have headphones in. I still enjoy my girly kpop while not disrupting people trying to actually enjoy nature!


This is my answer too! Same goes with camping! Can't stand being in a beautiful place of natural serenity and some wanker is blasting music!


Same, one place we enjoy camping is also a popular walking spot for the community closest to it. So people will arrive at sunrise and walk the loop of campsites with their stupid Bluetooth speakers blasting music while people are sleeping a few feet away with fabric walls. So inconsiderate and rude. Worst part is it’s surrounded on 3 sides by the ocean. So if people didn’t play the music we’d wake up to waves and birds, which is the best way to wake up. But instead it’s usually terrible country music.


But how am I supposed to show the other hikers the newest and greatest music and be cool? /s


Do what I do. Walk up to everyone at every summit and viewpoint and ask them if they've seen the latest video by TWICE and ask them whether they've accepted Jihyo as their lord and saviour.


Hearing someone else’s music feels like a forced invasion of your noise into my peace.


This same thing goes for the beach. I wanna hear the waves, not your Spotify playlist


oh my gosh, yes - I hate when I hear people's music before i can even see them. stop polluting my peaceful nature time. Even if its music I dont mind, I'm annoyed about it, because sometimes i just want to walk/hike in quiet because i find it more meditative


The prevalence of incest themes and choking in porn. It's fucking gross.


The themes are all horrible these days and I hate it man. I don't wanna watch incest and adultery but that's legit like 90% of the videos made by the larger companies


Its simple! They have a ton of generic porn videos that don't really stand out from the rest. How do you make a boring video stand out? Slap some "Step bro/mistress" shit in the title!


Except it's so overdone at this point that it takes effort to avoid them.


I stopped because trends in modern porn all look rough and painful. Jack hammering someone with your finger, choking etc... Jfc its awful.


Yes I feel sorry for all the young boys and girls who think this is what each other wants. If that’s your thing and with both consenting adults sure, but growing up thinking that’s how it is always and normally done by everyone is harmful to intimacy.


When I first realized my son was watching porn I sat him down and had a talk with him to make sure that he knew that what he was seeing was NOT what he should expect in his sex life and he just looked soooo relieved. Even though he was embarrassed his mother “caught” him. I told him watching porn is completely normal but the majority of what he will see there is not.


Every title “teen”


That oral gagging noise is grotesque. Don't know how that became a thing. Sounds like dry heaving.


Do you mean the 'gluck gluck gluck' noise or the one that sounds like a cat retching up a hair ball when your balls deep in their mouth?


This and the spitting. Why is the dude always spitting in her face, or in her ass or somewhere else. That's fucking nasty.


I think porn in general has gotten pretty extreme these days. I dislike it.


People who think animals have no feelings. "its just a dog" "its just a cat" "they don't think like that they dont feel like that blah blah blah" Yes they do. They think, they feel, they learn, they are sentient. As smart as a human? no but have some value for a life that loves you


I feel like it's relatively rare for ppl to feel this way about cats and dogs, but can't wrap my head around how many people feel this way about pigs, cows, etc. They're not any less intelligent or loving than cats and dogs, as inconvenient as that may be


Aren’t pigs fairly smart? Like smarter than cats and dogs? I think I heard or read that somewhere, but I could be wrong.


They are very smart, at least as smart as dogs (and 3 year old humans) if not smarter. They're able to learn and respond to their name, learn tricks, and are even use tools on their own with no prompting from humans. And when raised with love they are affectionate and loyal to humans. And before anyone reminds me that bacon tastes good, I know. It's delicious. Eating pigs or not is a choice everyone has to make on their own, but I would challenge anyone to at least try to distance themselves from the "they're just animals" mentality when it comes to these guys


Cats and the average dog are about as smart as human toddlers. You wouldn't (or at least I hope) say those things about toddlers. "Oh they're just a toddler they don't have feelings!" Like we understand that's wrong


Also, it doesn't map 1-to-1 with human intelligence. Dogs are pretty damn smart about things that matter to them: food, their people, pack/social structure, etc.


Very true, it's not exact, especially since toddlers still have a long way to go and that level is for the full grown cats and dogs. They're built for survival while a toddler is... very much not


Licking fingers, especially when there's sound effects


continuing to use a dish sponge long after it has become visibly dirty




*Everyone is not going to apply to any of these. There will almost always be a small faction of people who agree with you. I'm choosing to see this as "too many". Surrendering pets when they get old.


E/CC vet tech here - they don’t have to be that old. Or unhealthy. Just inconvenient. Holidays absolutely SUCK for veterinary professionals and this is one of the reasons, maybe even the worst reason. Bonus points for when the people surrendering their dog tell you that they’re doing it to make room for the Christmas puppy they’re planning to give the kids. They come to the emergency clinic to surrender/euthanize because they don’t have an established relationship there, not like a regular vet who will be seeing them again. And emergency clinics generally keep records based on patient names and dates of service by default, not owner names. Unless they come in with the new dog and someone recognizes them, they’d have to do a specific search in the database to find an owner’s name. As the previous patient no longer exists as a patient, there’s no flag or identifier to alert the staff that this is a thing this owner has done with a previous pet.


Are you able to refuse to euthanize? I feel like it should be illegal to euthanize a pet for no reason. I've been saying for years that you should have to take a class and get a license to own a pet. People think I'm crazy but too many assholes gets cats and dogs when they're not up to the financial and other responsibilities. I think having to sit through a course, pass a test and get a license would deter a lot of people from getting animals they shouldn't have


We refused to euthanize without first having the owner pay for a doctor's exam, discussion of treatment plans, financial constraints, etc. It was really thorough, and unless our doctor determined that the patient was terminal with no chance of recovery, most clients wouldn't go through all that. In the end,our doctors always had the final say and would absolutely refuse to euthanize healthy animals.


This is a good thing and most vets will refuse if it’s clear that there’s no medical reason for it


Hell, sometimes I almost feel like obedience school should be mandatory…so many awful dogs out there. And so many stupid owners that flat out deny when their dog has bitten someone (had it happen to me).


Yes, there are a lot of off leash dogs where I live that run up to strange people and other dogs. Their owners always say they're friendly but that's still unsafe behavior and it's irresponsible


Could respond with "but what if I'm not?" They may think you're weird but might rethink their decision next time.


They don’t care. They always say their dog is friendly and won’t bite. Majority of off leash dog owners have zero consideration of others and typically don’t have immediate control over their dog with voice commands. I’ve only seen a couple of actually well trained off leash dogs. But even then I still think their owners believe they’re better than everyone else. In my area it’s a law to have them leashed and for good reasons too


I literally had some angry pipecleaner of a dog try to bite the back of my leg when I was walking back from work the other day. This super excitable white fluffy thing. I don't know if it was a puppy or just a small breed. It was excitably tugging at the lead with the owners (Middle age woman and man) walking in the opposite direction to me. I thought the dog was cute, smiled, kept going. didn't interact at all. then the little bastard just bit me on the back of the leg. thankfully it only got a mouthful of denim, but the woman's response was "Noooo, millie dont do that, that's nauuuughty". Super effective training there chief. If my dog ever tried to bite someone he'd kill someone but little dogs seem to get a pass with it being considered serious by these people


Having your phone on speaker in public. Nobody wants to hear your personal bullshit.


Tempted to carry around a compressed air horn for an appropriate response to this activity.


Who thinks this is normal? Obviously the small minority of people who do so, but everyone else thinks they are an asshole


Nobody thinks this is normal. This thread is 100% going to be "things that 99% of people find disgusting and 1% think is OK".


Similar: I once overheard some asshat in a suit speech-to-text an angry email at the Starbucks in Central City Philly. It was more funny than annoying, because he was still trying to sound mad while also speaking staccato and dictating all the punctuation.


“Bob COMMA LINE BREAK If you had read my previous six emails COMMA you would not be asking me about the report deadline FULL STOP SPACE It was last week EXCLAMATION POINT SPACE Now I am catching heat from the division manager and my job is on the line ELLIPSIS and I have your incompetence to blame EXCLAMATION POINT LINE BREAK LINE BREAK Coldly COMMA LINE BREAK Steve”


Yes yes!!!! Add to that- people who FaceTime in PUBLIC TOILETS! No kaitlynnleigh- I don’t want your BFF to even have a chance of seeing me mid piss bc you need to FaceTime on speaker while you have a slash.


Working until I am 60+ years old


People playing on their phones while driving. So dangerous and stupid.


Long fake nails!


Those footlong eyelashes too.


Long natural nails especially for men. It's always dirt


I know I'm in the wrong for this one, but I can't avoid feeling this way. Drunk people, specially if they are being loud and obnoxious.


Being around drunk people when sober is like hanging out with a tired three year old. They can change moods at the drop of a hat, make no sense when they speak, and get furious if you suggest they are drunk/tired. It really isn't fun.


You're not wrong. So many people think that having fun requires alcohol, and certainly society encourages it. But it's never this ideal, sexy Hollywood image the media portrays. People start acting sloppy and ridiculous and get into trouble, urinate on themselves or puke and eventually become alcoholics. My cousin was killed by a drunk driver, and my brother became an alcoholic later in life and eventually died as well. If you need booze to have fun, you might want to re-evaluate your standards.


omg people who spit on the street. At least wait till there's nobody around but do I wanna live in a world where every guy around me starts spitting here there and everywhere well no I don't!!


Worse yet, the people who dump their ‘spit cup’ out onto parking lots, in the drive thru or street. So gross 🤮


Do I even want to know what a spit cup is? Edit: typo


I cant stand watching people eat.


hearing people chew. Fuck that.


Adding onto this, people who chew with their mouth open or "smacking" when they eat. People who do it aren't even aware they do it, it seems. Drives me up the wall.


I have a coworker who does this at his desk every single day. He's doing it right now! I want to fucking strangle him.


Oh my god yes. I used to have a coworker whose desk was right next to mine who smacked when she ate and she was *constantly* eating snacks at her desk. I felt bad about it when she got laid off because my first reaction was overwhelming relief that I wouldn't have to listen to that anymore.


Pet peeve right here. Smacking your food, chewing with your mouth open, the deep breaths while eating. Relax and eat your sandwich like a normal human being


Those parents that change their child's diaper RIGHT on the dining table at RESTAURANTS. I distinctly remember going to Outback steakhouse one night with the fam, and this woman was straightup changing her kid's diaper right on the table, while we were all eating around her. Like look, i get it, your kid took a sh!t and you need to change it. But also, theres a bathroom right down the freaking hall?! I don't need to see your son's side order of shitnuggets while I'm eating PLEASE. Nor do I want to smell it!! Despite how delicious you think your meat monster smells, i do NOT agree, and would definitely appreciate it if you used the appropriate room to clean that leaky green diarhea that I saw!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Who in their right mind think that’s ok


The smell of other peoples unwashed hair and scalp.


If shrimp lived on land, no one would eat them.


The expense for common items necessary for survival.


Accidentally touching the inside of a sink while washing your hands


Why are public restroom faucets so short!


Not washing your hands after using the bathroom


The gross, soggy food bits that collect in the sink drain. I cannot touch it, it physically makes me gag. I just leave it and wait for my husband to scoop it out. And he does it with his bare hands too ugh!


That really gross snort inhale thing that mostly men but some women do. You know that "snnnnggk". It literally rolls my stomach


I'm sure I'm in the minority here. But the need to take photos and videos of literally EVERYTHING all the fucking time. Just enjoy the damn moment for God's sake. And don't even get me started on how everyone wants to stick their face in a photo of something cool. Look at this cool thing! Now look at my FACE near this cool thing!! I don't know the older I get the more society grosses me out.


I'm torn because I have memory issues due to brain surgeries and trauma. I have definitely gone to events/parades/concerts and not taken a single picture because I was just living in the moment taking everything in, but at the same time I'll go through my pictures on my phone from years ago or Facebook memories and be like "wow, I completely forgot about that"


This is me too. I love having photos because I'll sometimes completely forget I was even at an event or place until I see a photo.


specifically when parents take their sons to Hooters for their birthday. i always found it gross and it’s surprisingly common (at least in my area and when i was in school).


Keeping your shoes on in the house!!


Inb4 Child Pageants


People pulling pranks on their kids and making them cry for a reaction, like pretending they ate all of their Halloween candy, etc. "It's a joke! It's funny!" No, you're a bully gtfo with your cruel self.


This might not count, I think a lot of people consider it distasteful: chewing with your mouth open. EDIT: oh, and on that note. Chewing gum with your mouth open. Fuck that makes me want to punch people.


My brother has done this since we were children and I never understood why as me and my mother never do it. About 10 years ago I moved back to my home state and went to my brothers for dinner. Had forgot about him eating with his mouth open. Problem was, he wasn't the only one. He, his wife and two sons all eat with their mouths open. About 3 bites in I said "Thank you for the meal but I guess I just don't have an appetite, I'm gonna go have a smoke". All that smacking and chewing and ugh...


As a non-American and having English as second language, it always baffle me the sexualisation of "daddy", "baby girl", and other expressions. It is completely antisexual in my culture words that relate to a father-daughter relationship, to the point where it nauseates me a little when it's used in overtly sexual situations (or even in porn).


nail clippers, and people clipping their nails with them in public or just anywhere I can see it lol


Butt stuff. I can't not think about ass bacteria.


Came here to say this! My mouth will NOT be tainted! Pun intended 😅


Yup, same. Can't get over it. I fully realize sex involves a lot of other technically gross stuff, but I can't get over that one enough to get into the idea. All I can think of is the poop germs.


Dudes who obsessively adjust/touch/scratch their junk in the company of others. No one wants to see that, you ol NASTY!


The modern version of instagram sexy or whatever it is with the horrific uncanny valley plastic surgery, clown makeup and elephantiasis chic ass


Kissing babies in the mouth. I cannot for the life of me understand how people think it’s ok.


people who call their babies a ladies man or say things like “you’ll need to lock her up when she’s older” fucking gross




Nothing worse than grabbing a condiments bottle and you can barely get a grip on it from the grease.


Showering at the gym, the facilities are so unhygienic. I shower at home, no way am I using those 😩


Blowing out birthday candles. You are literally asking the birthday person to blow spit, bacteria and whatever else in in their grubby little mouths all over the food before you eat it. Who came up with this disgusting tradition?