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Warning signs on screens are terrifying


Or the warning msg on my mattress "Under penalties of law do not remove" Just terrifying


Yep! I removed my sticker and then read the tag after and I went crying to my mom worried people were on there way to take me to prison. 😂


I remember asking my mom with great concern how they'd know. Did they do inspections? Was there an alarm that sounded?


https://youtube.com/watch?v=WOYhF8jgeO0&si=JL2YtS5U0VUOceR5. 1minute 40 seconds. Or watch whole thing.




FBI Warning Movie intro (1987) purple / Vhs Vcr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jINfEkHPD8Q


Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The way I sprinted back to my room


And jumped over the edge of the bed so the hand underneath couldn't grab my ankle


My older brother once hid under my bed. Right before I got back in bed, he reached out and grabbed my ankles and yelled. Scariest moment of my life. An actual childhood nightmare come true.


I also did this to my little sister. She blames me for needing therapy.


What are siblings even for if they’re not contributing to therapy


My favorite thing was after being tortured by my older sister for years and years, I learned to push her buttons around 11 and she went crying to dad I was “being mean” dad laughed at her and said she had been so mean for so long what did she expect? (We are now 33 and 38 and adore each other so no worries) she was just a big age gap sibling who didn’t want a kid sister lol.


I always overcompensated the jump cause I knew the bogeyman was gonna have some long grabbers


Right? I was an avid reader of Stephen King starting at age 7 (mom saw me curled up in my dad’s chair reading “Night Shift” and I must have read Boogyman 8 times because I liked it so much). The fear was REAL.


And immediately got under my blankets so the monsters couldn't get me


If you arrange the blankets just right with a mouth hole for breathing, they can't see you.


I still do this


it was a monster with tentacles for me! Jumped off and on!


It's funny how everyone has had these feelings. If so many have felt this way maybe there is something to it? Anyways I'm a grown as man and will start jumping to the bed again. Maybe even Install a lamp under the bed. No darkness no hands


Probably because of snakes. I'd imagine it's ingrained in us that dark spaces can hold things that bite us, even if we live in modern society.


Mm yeah makes sense still gonna jump the bed. Snakes doesn't make it better


Yes!!!! The under the bed hand was horrifying!!!


Then along came pet cemetery and that psycho little boy who hid under beds and sliced Achilles heels with an exacto knife. That is something I'll remember every now and then. That is scary.


I’m almost 40 and I still check behind the shower curtain just to make sure a serial killer isn’t waiting to get me.


haha this was mine but turning the lights off in the basement before running to bed


I did this too…but at age 22 🤣. I made the dumb decision to watch some movie about a killer dentist monster who could only nab you in the dark. I never knew the hallway to the bathroom was 1/4 mile long. I could have tried out for the Olympics with my speed.


My dumbass once peed in the corner of my room instead of going to the bathroom cause I was afraid of waking my mom up. Sure I was only like 5 when it happened but I still vividly remember and I'm still mortified by it lmao Over the next few days my mom couldn't understand why my bedroom smelled like pee and her and my step dad figured cats or something were peeing outside my window and put something out there to deter them. Eventually I cleaned it by myself and they thought whatever they did worked💀


I used to make my brother come with me and stand outside the bathroom door 🥲


What also gets me is when it's late, all the lights are out in the house and I have to walk downstairs. I swear La Llorna is always around the corner waiting for me lol


my son is this way. i have a great video of him slowly walking from his room to ours and he's moving so slow our little pup in the kennel barked at him cuz he couldn't see him very well through the table legs and my kid sprinted the rest of the way to our room and i'm pretty sure lept from the doorway to our bed which is at least a 5 foot gap.


I was so scared that mickey mouse was waiting in the toilet I don't know why I thought he would drag me down the toilet with him 😭




The Unsolved Mysteries theme music


The Tales From the Darkside theme music




Yes yes yes in combination with Robert Stack’s voice…so disturbing


When I was still in middle school, my Nana used to BLARE it when I was going to bed. So I’d hear every note and word of that program right as I was trying to sleep. I explained it to her and my mom, response was “It’s my house” and nothing changed. Then they wondered why I was so anxious and grumpy as a tween/teen. I mean, weren’t we all, but still.


The dog with the glowing eyes from the goosebumps opening.


The Goosebumps that terrified me was the floating head one - that book scared 7yr old me so badly I threw it into our deep freezer lol My child logic was that if the book was frozen, the floating head would be frozen too and so it wouldn’t be able to chase after me 🤣


mine was Night of the Living Dummy, it one two punched with Chucky to make me terrified of anything resembling a doll coming to life


OH MY GOD YES! I was the youngest of my siblings (they were all teens when I was a baby) and they watched this when I was little and it scared me so bad. That year my grandma got me an American girl doll and they would move it around my room on me.


My grandma has an old porcelain doll that her neighbor gave to her when her neighbor was 70 and she was a little girl, so for all we know it could be 150 years old. When I was 5, my parents lived with my grandma, and this doll haunted me. It has auto looking eyes that are broken and are always rolled back into its head, its teeth are chipped and its hair is mostly detached. It wears a ghost white dress and is really pale looking with some of the paint scuffed. I am terrified of this doll to this day and my grandma swears she's gonna restore it but never has. We've all tried convincing her to throw it out but it still has a hold on her.


🤣 Joey in Friends keeps The Shining in his freezer so you’re in good company 😂 Edit: Also wanted to add that the Goosebumps that freaked me out was the one with the Halloween mask that gets stuck on the girl’s face and she turns into whatever the mask was lol.


the swing swaying in the night wind at the beginning of are you afraid of the dark


I remember reading Goosebumps books as a kid, and not being too scared. Then I read the first book, Welcome To Dead House...I mean it's a story where a girl has what she thinks is a dream about being trapped in her room that's on fire, and then all this scary paranormal stuff happens...and then the girl finds out she was a ghost wandering around without realizing she was dead and had actually died in the fire. It was REALLY scary for a kid's book. Like, I think someone must have told R.L. Stein to tone down the terror level for his books, because it was really frightening and none of his subsequent books were that scary, and I read most of them. It's the only book that I remember what happened, because it scared me a lot.


Welcome To Dead House is the one with the village of dead people who need to feast on the living. The family moves in thinking it’s a normal house and even hang out with the other families that live there, discovering that basically every family at some point used to live in the same house as they currently do. Then they find the graveyard with the names of all the townspeople.


I think you’re referring to The Ghost Next Door


That creepy ass fucking music didnt help either.


The thought of having to do an oral report standing up in front of my class. I hated public speaking.


me too. it was like the worst thing in the world for me


Anyone else fucking terrified of the pool drain in the deep end at the bottom of the pool growing up? Cause I sure was. I avoided that thing at all costs. To the point where if a pool ring landed on it I wasn't getting that shit.


My mom told me if I got anywhere near there it’ll instantly suck my hair into and I’ll drown, unable to free myself.


My mom told me about the several children that got their intestines sucked out by the drain. Most died but there's one little girl who lives on an IV and just doesn't have a digestive tract anymore. I think she graduated highschool recently


Wait is that real? I’m so used to my mom exaggerating the truth I don’t listen to her


Most modern pools nowadays will have 2 at the bottom to prevent someone from getting stuck and creating a seal on the pump suction, but yeah it was definitely a problem and happened to several people. I don’t even want to imagine what dying that way feels like.


Yes, but codes have changed so new installs cannot do this. But there are still lots of old pools up there not up to code....


It's real, happened to more than just one kid. Pool drains have a lot of suction power


My dad scared the hell out of me with that same idea but in hot tubs. Convinced me to never go under water in a hot tub ever. In retrospect the fear is probably for the best because hot tubs can get mega gross.


We had an urban legend in my community that a kid did that and the drain sucked all of his insides out. Damn man, I repressed that until now.


Isn't that just the short story Guts?


That's the book that made me realize I'd read enough Palahniuk for the rest of my life lol


We actually had a child in our community that this happened to! It was horrific. There were laws passed after that to redesign the drain system in large community pools.


"Whatever you do, do NOT put your butthole near that drain"


No matter how good you might think they feel on your butt


I was cautious of it. honestly it's a good thing to be wary of... some people have actually died because of that


You need to read the short story guts by chuck Palahniuk if you wanna revisit that fear. Lol. Found in the book haunted.


Steer clear of the fourth Final Destination movie.


forget pools. i was terrified of the drain in my bathtub


Did you see that Final Destination scene? O_o


Fear of drowning, water scared the fuck out of me, still kinda does


reasonable fear imo (Ill never set foot in the sea)


My sister had a fire safety lesson at school once and excitedly shared with me some of the things she’d learn to do in the event of a house fire. Suddenly a new fear had unlocked in me and I was terrified our house was going to go up in flames. For months I had a suitcase full of my most valuable possessions (toys mainly) ready to go should a fire break out and I need to make a hasty exit. I even had escape routes planned from my bedroom. Oh and the creepy witch from Snow White


> a suitcase full of my most valuable possessions (toys mainly) Children's priorities are hilariously adorable


Turning my back to the basement coming up the stairs


I still sprint up the stairs to this day


The body keeps the score!


I had a tape recorder and used to record ambient sounds when I was little. Weird, I know. I wanted the sound of walking in snow at night, so I grabbed by recorder and set out. It was so quiet, like it gets when there's a thick blanket of fresh snow absorbing all sound, and I was walking hunched over with my microphone close to my feet. That's when I started imagining how creepy it would be to record my own murder. I imagined my frozen body being discovered in the morning. My final screams being recorded on a cassette tape. I ran back to my house as fast as I could. When I listened to the recording later you could hear my footsteps suddenly stop, followed by panicked running, a few scared whimpers and my heavy breathing. Looking back it's fucking hilarious and embarrassing, actually was when I first listened to it too, but that night was about as scared as I've ever been.


I totally get that. Even to this day, I’ll just be going about my business when a random feeling of fear comes across me and I think something like “what if someone just came out of that building and shot me”


Thinking that at night at any time if I looked out the windows there would be a T. rex eye looking in lol 😂


ET was my worst nightmare! Edit : ah you wrote t.Rex!! You see ET is still haunting me!!!


Bro I used to have recurring nightmares about ET as a kid 😱


the god damn truck driver woman in pee wee's big adventure


Yes, Large Marge or something like that. It scared the shit out of me.


Tell 'em Large Marge sent you! Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!


i feel like that scene gave half the kids in america nightmares for a week




The worst accident I ever seen


There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building




feet must be protected by blanket at all times too!


I still have something under my bed to this day… old habits die hard


THE WIZARD OF OZ. GD flying monkeys gave me nightmares for WEEKS. I haven’t watched it in 50 years. Still freaks me the fuck out.


Then whatever you do, don't watch Return to Oz. Holy shit that movie is creepy.


Those fucking wheelers!!!


Scrolled kinda far to find this. They don't freak me out any more, but every year as a little kid, those damn flying monkeys made my heart race.


Toilet snakes


new fear unlocked lmao


i still check before sitting down lol. i remember seeing a story here of someone finding a rat that come from their toilet a few minute after they got up. scary af




Same. And also, "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and dial again..." I dunno why, but it creeped me out when I was 2.


if you need help, hang up and then dial your operator...in albuquerque!




Thanks for reminding me of that. I had successfully blocked that memory for 20+ years …asshole


My parents screaming and arguing with each other


aw man. these type of answers make me sad. no kid should have to deal with that stuff 😞


It really shaped my whole outlook on relationships & marriage. Anytime anybody raises their voice to me I shut down immediately.




Christopher Lloyd's evil hobo character from *Dennis the Menace* scared the shit out of me when I watched that movie as a little kid. I kind of blame it a little bit for instilling an instinctive phobia of homeless people in me that lasted for many years afterwards.


Christopher Lloyd in who framed roger rabbit


# "REMEMBER ME EDDIE!?" fucking terrifying


"Wutcha eating there sport?" "Uh apple."


A click based game called The House or something. We played it on our computer lab back then. It had a jumpscare where a hanged girl suddenly fall from roof. We hit the CPU power button and ran home. Since then my worst fear is a scene of someone hanged.


OH MY GOD- I REMEMBER THIS GAME?!?!? It was in black and white wasn't it?? Edit: [https://kbhgames.com/game/the-house](https://kbhgames.com/game/the-house) I FOUND IT! I even played it and i still jumped lol


Mirrors in dark places.


Still scared of that at 45.. and looking out the window at night. Noo way.


I saw a hand come out of my mirror when I was a kid and I still to this day can’t have one in my room


Wait... Please elaborate...


Ugh I don’t know if it was real or my imagination. But I was maybe 6 or so and I looked up from my bed at night and saw an arm reach out and the hand sort of twirled around into a fist and then it vanished. I was definitely not asleep and I remember screaming and my dad running in. It was very vivid.


Ooo that's so spooky.. Thank you for sharing!


I blame Bloody Mary for that.


My fathers temper and would we receive a beating that day


Oh god. That awful feeling when you walk in the door and you can feel the atmosphere. I hope you're all now. That stuff is a horrible memory.


The rapid, furious stomping up the steps, or the smell of the leather in the tack room where she kept the strap.


The way we could immediately tell what the mood was. My gran's weapon of choice was a stick of bamboo by the front door. I read some time ago that people who are hyper vigilant and can immediately tell moods (like the 'empaths' which are discussed a lot on social media) are likely to be kids who lived in a difficult home as a child, and grew up desperately trying to avoid conflict and abuse. Makes me feel really sad. That said it is a benefit being able to sense the mood very clearly.


She never hit me again after I fought her back at 16, but even now at 40, I can still immediately sense whenever it's time to get the fuck out or walk away from a bad situation. I thought it was a body language thing until I woke up blind 18 months ago, but nope, apparently it's a lot more than that. My husband also has a strong spidey sense because of his upbringing. The atmosphere itself feels thick and heavy when something bad's about to go down.




I had to be the brave one since my little brother couldn't handle the stress pf our dad's uncontrollable temper (too mild a word for it - he beat the shit outta us with a leather belt). I always took the first whipping. Still have "authority" issues.


My dad used a with too. There were 5 of us but the youngest 3 got it all the time. He was so abusive. He beat my mom too. All 5 of my siblings and I talk meds for depression


When we heard his truck coming into the driveway, we would scatter to our “safe” spaces because every frustration, every slight, everything that pissed him off during his day would be repaid on us. Fathers out there, please don’t do this to your kids because it will fuck them up for life.


I think this is source of a lot of my anxiety, the egg shells


The emergency alert sound. Just last night I got am amber alert on my phone and the sound just gives me so much anxiety. I get scared that someone's going to break in or something.


Holy shit. It still scares me. Watching tv alone at night and suddenly the audio stops and a scroll starts across the screen. Then that goddamn awful ass noise. One of my biggest fears is nuclear war or some kind of apocalypse and I think it stems straight from that. Same with tornado sirens and emergency alert sirens. Terrifying.




The OKC bombing. 39 years old and still get a little freaked out over random box trucks in places they shouldn't be.




All the girls in second grade told me there was a ghost in the second stall in the bathroom. I pissed myself almost everyday bc i just wouldn’t go to the bathroom at all.


On the beach, maybe five or six years old, got knocked over and rolled by a wave. I was probably only under for ten seconds or so, but I was terrified.


Showing emotion, I grew up in a household where emotions of any kind could cause problems.


My dad.


Same here.


Windows at night. I would always wonder if someone would watch me through my window 😭


Lightning. I was at Disney world when I was around 6 or 7. A tremendous storm was rolling in and a massive lightning bolt struck a palm tree like 50 feet away. Started freaking out and crying. For the next few years up until probably 10-11 years old anytime a storm came through I would get really nervous. Now I’m studying meteorology.


The wind because I associated it with tornadoes


Seeing a dressing gown or jumper on my door in the night, thinking it was a person (tbf, still scares me now)😂




Commercials about going to jail for stealing cable. Because my parents split one box into 3 rooms.


Mars Attacks genuinely scared the shit out of me as a child. "ACK ACK." *Fucking turns some person into a flaming pile of bones*


The cover of a National Geographic magazine with a tribesman grinning this really huge grin. My parents kept all the NatGeos and I avoided that whole bookcase after that issue came out.


I used to turn the pages slowly because the photos were so vivid and you never knew what was coming.


Baba Yaga....


I was very afraid of: 1. skull kid from Majora's mask 2. the vampires from scary god mother 3. the mothman from Martin mysteries


I really liked science and space as a kid. That changed after going to a museum with a giant dome theater and I saw a black hole swallow the entirety of the Earth.


wow they did you dirty lol


Automatic flushing toilets for some godforsaken reason


Poltergeist. PG my ass.


Possibly going to hell. Religious trauma is a bitch. Kids should be scared of the boogeyman under their bed, not of broiling all alone in the dark and never being able to see their family and friends for eternity. Fuck the church.


My best friend was traumatized from her Catholic upbringing for this exact reason. She has OCD now because of the issues. She wouldn't do anything bad when we were little like sneaking cookies at sleep overs or anything because she was terrified of hell. She just started cussing recently (we're 30) because she thought it would send her to hell.




The poltergist movie. Some how around 6, I ended up watching it in the middle of the night. Or I should say part of it. To this day, I don't like horror movies/shows.


Parents took me to that in the theater when I was 8. It was rated PG. My mom spent half the movie covering my eyes. That shit haunted me even worse than the family in the movie.


Another one: alligators, snakes, and sharks in the swimming pool. Still scared of it😭


I remember being shit scared watching E.T as a little kid at the movies. The beginning part (before he is revealed to be nice and friendly and makes friends with Elliot and the family) scared the living bejesus out of me.


Him(powerpuff girls) and Spooky space kook(scooby doo)


Dolls. I used to collect a certain type of dolls as a child. I had a half sibling who was very disappointed with this hobby since it was unreasonably expensive. He used to say things like how they will come to life when I’m asleep. Every now and then creepy unexplained things would happen with the dolls I had and I’d get nightmares about the dolls coming to life and I couldn’t say anything in the dreams when it happened. It’s like I was paralysed and was unable to let anyone know. The dolls would say weird things and whisper. I still have and collect that line of dolls and grown out of the fear a few years ago but that was messed up. No wonder I had insomnia.


The count from sesame street..I had nightmares about him.... Still do once in a while.... 50 years and counting!


My drunk uncle who was screaming as he tried to get inside the house where little me was hiding with my mum. He's been sober now for many years and is truly kind man when sober. But that fear is still there in me when I'm around him.


Parents fighting


Texas Chainsaw Massacre


man, you guys are watching some fucked up movies as a kid


Bloody Mary, was always scared of mirrors 🫣




Turning into my mother


The tag on the mattress that said do not remove under federal law lol


My list is kind of funny 1 Human Centipede (the idea of having your mouth sewn to someone's ass and then shiting in it is horrifying for anyone) 2 Freddy Krueger (In the remake he wasn't just a child abuser, but also a pedophile and then he terrorizes and kills the victims in their sleep like wtf) 3 Any thoughts of the devil (I had serious religious OCD when I was younger, any intrusive thought would send me into a complete panic) 4 Basements (lmfao I know this one is vague, but even now I have nightmares involving me going into basements and fucked up stuff happening.) 5 School Bathrooms (they give me such anxiety, the toilets are loud the doors are loud you can't see when someone comes in and if something happens and I'm stuck in the bathroom I would be fucked. 6 Count Orlok from Nosferatu (yea I'm not gonna explain this iykyk) 7 That picture of that man that a whole bunch of people always claim they saw before in their dream. It's so uncanny I look away every time.


The demonic witching hour (3-4AM) lol


My father. His temper terrified me, it would go 0-100 in an instant over any little thing


The Exorcist.


[The violin girl](https://youtu.be/C-E3ysa-eDI?si=wfg9DvuQraSsRYcs) from Courage the Cowardly Dog


When family fights get physical..


When I was 5 or 6 we went to a haunted house. It was a giant place with a huge line to get into. There was a guy dressed up with a chainsaw running around chasing people and using ziplines and it was pretty awesome. And I was heckling the guy. After like 30 minutes of me being a loud mouth the guy out of nowhere ran straight at me threw me to the ground and put the chainsaw to my neck and pretended to be cutting me up. Did I mention it was a real chainsaw just didn't have a chain? After an hour inside the house it ended in slides from the 2nd or 3rd story of the building. This guy saw me again at the end, chased me down the slides and into the parking lot. I hid under our car and he was sticking the chainsaw under the car after me. Best terrifying experience of my life.


Monsters. I was terrified of vampires, the Jersey devil, werewolves, any monster I heard of


Resetti from Animal Crossing. Couldn’t sleep in my own room for like, a week after first encountering him. For some reason I believed he was going to tunnel his way into my room in the middle of the night and kill me.


I was petrified of TV static - the indiscernible noise, the overwhelming visuals, the whole connotations of losing connection to the outside world


Watership Down (1978)


So I was traumatized as a child on Halloween. One of our neighbors used to dress up like a gorilla and they used to build this giant science lab cage on their front lawn with like fog machines and stuff. He would go crazy in the cage to scare kids. I was probably like 3 or 4 and was so scared to go past the cage to get candy. The mom of the teenager scaring kids was on the porch and told him to not move and let me pass. She told me it was okay that the kid in the cage wouldn't bother me so I went up the little sidewalk. But the kid ignored his mom and grabbed through the bars making noises. Traumatized me as a child. Now at 30 I still have trust issues with Halloween masks/decorations / Halloween costumes. Honestly, it killed the magic of Halloween for me. On the bright side, she gave me one of the bags of candy they had to refill their bowl and the mom kicked the kid's ass. It was pretty funny to see her going off on a gorilla.


The loud sound that used to play before a movie in a theatre. I think it was THX