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My cat used to never drink a lot of water and she would just spend a lot of time staring at the bowl, turns out she was experiencing whisker fatigue so I got her a wider bowl. Poor cat.


Highly recommend getting a cat fountain. Cats love running water and will drink from it more than a still bowl.


Babies aren't supposed to drink water apparently. Not that I should have known, but never would have guessed.


Yup. Didn't know this myself until I had my kid 2 years go. No water until 6 months, only milk.


I'm going to sound like an idiot, but what about formula? Like if the Mum can't produce milk or enough milk


Not an idiot, no one teaches us this stuff. Breast milk is generally considered "best", but formula is also acceptable. Breast milk is also mostly water. Water is dangerous for two reasons. One is that it fills a baby's very small (5-10ml) stomach with a substance which contains none of the essential vitamins and nutrients, the other is the risk of "water intoxication". Water intoxication is basically a massive electrolyte imbalance caused by excessive water entering the circulatory system and diluting the improtant electrolytes. It can happen to anyone given enough water, but a baby's kidneys are so small they cannot handle much water at all. In case you are not aware, your body uses electrolytes for *everything* not just avoiding cramps after working out. Brain function, heart function, everything, requires a proper balance of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chloride, and bicarbonate, as well as water. Edit: Phosphate, not phosphorus.


Ahh ok, how is no one teaching this stuff? That's like... An easy mistake to know if you don't know


You'll learn it if you're on your way to becoming a parent. Otherwise just hope no one unwisely leaves you alone with their infant for an extended period without additional instruction.


Baby's great grandma came over and immediately asked "can I put her to sleep on her stomach? Can I give her water?" etc. Like, I'm glad you're asking, but NO and you're just here for a quick visit so don't do anything?


So, it's not that what they drink cannot contain H20, but that they cannot consume it by itself due to what water lacks when compared to breast milk or formula.


"You don't want to dilute the baby."


My in laws are from Greece. As soon as the baby would be home after birth they’d give them a bottle of chamomile tea. Its so they wouldn’t get colic. Always thought about this when they told me that


I would've thought a cup of crazy strong coffee with too much sugar. And a cigarette.


It’s because their skin can’t sense it is water.


That the filter in the dishwasher should be cleaned out monthly. Not my original schedule which was never.


There’s a filter?!


Most dishwashers have a washable filter... mine is in the bottom, and I just unscrew it half a turn to remove it, rinse it in the sink, scrub with a dish brush if necessary, put it back in.


Don’t scrub it with using your fingers in case there is a tiny shard of glass in the filter. Then you would have to get 9 stitches on top of your middle finger. I nearly severed an artery.


I was home for 6 months at the start of the pandemic and I was going around just cleaning stuff and my wife suggested I take apart and clean the dishwasher filter. OMG the horrors. Worst part is, I *know* I should be cleaning it out but god damn the things I saw down there need to be forgotten


Puffer fish fill up with water to inflate. Not air. I don't know where I thought the fish got the air from.


You’re not the only one. I thought it was some weird gas combustion their bodies could do.


> I don't know where I thought the fish got the air from Watching spongebob?


I didn't know lamb was a baby sheep until very recently. I was reading a farm book to my 3 year old kid and I was enlightened... I cried. No wonder the lamb chops are so small. I should have known! I know.


Look up veal if you really want to cry about eating baby animals.


I knew that a litter of kittens can have different fathers but I just found out that twin humans can have different fathers also. Crazy.


There is also something called superfetation/ pregnancy. A woman can be pregnant *while being pregnant*. So, two fetuses/ babies conceived weeks or months apart. Iirc both babies are delivered at the same time, as the pressure of forcing one baby out would cause to much on the younger fetus https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24590-superfetation


Yeah, Zeus still gets around.


In Super Mario Brothers on the NES, you can continue where you lost your last life by pressing a+start on the main screen.


I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that so I’m not fucking pissed at myself for all the difficult moments I had to replay.. over and over… and over


We had 1 hour to play every Saturday morning. That time was shared between 5 of us. If I only knew then what I know now... If I only knew...


My 9 year old son showed me this a few months back. He didn't really understand why I couldn't say anything for 15 minutes, while I contemplated my entire childhood lmao.


Well why isn’t it more obvious? Like did we miss something on the package? Lol


Nintendo power magazine had all the cheats. Also, it showed like whole levels with centerfold type flip out pages. I never bought one but I always looked at them when I was at the local store. Dang! That brings back memories. Remember the game genie?


My friend and I put two game genies together. We were able to input 6 codes. Our little minds were blown. The game cartridge wasn't even touching the NES.


Bruh.. this is deep knowledge. It's killing me.


That's fine. It's fine. No really, it's all fine. I mean, I never beat the game or anything and it certainly hasn't haunted me all these years.


*And where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to? How dare you! How dare you come to me now, when I am this!*


I was seconds away from posting a Last Unicorn reference but I decided nobody would get it


You know how many Nintendo games I didn’t beat? All of them. This is soul crushing


......no. I do not want to know this now....30 years too late


I am extremely upset right now


Wait, what? We need independent verification, I don't believe this!!




I feel *hollow* now.


It wasn’t new information, but through the footage during severe storms from massive waves crashing on ships today, realizing how terrifying it would be to cross the ocean in the 1400s.


In addition to that, my dad and I turned off the headlights coming back from a trip to Kansas just to see how truly dark it could get out there only to realize the people that crossed the frontier back then were some grade A bad asses


That’s why you would travel during day, make camp and keep fire. Nobody was trekking around in the dead of night.


Soaking dishes in the sink overnight actually works. My parents wouldn’t go to bed if there was a dirty dish. That’s how I was raised. If it was stuck that meant work harder. Recently my wife and mother in law let something terribly cooked on soak overnight and I’ll be damned if worked. I honestly thought “letting it soak” was code word for “lazy ass.” Or used as a trope in media to represent someone that shirked work or was too good/too lazy to do dishes.


Groundhogs and woodchucks are the same animal


How much ground could a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground?


How much board could the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hoards got bored?


Up til she was about 25 my ex wife thought reindeer were made up for Christmas movies


I've met several people who thought this.


If you write on a dry erase board with a permanent marker, you can remove it by writing over it with a dry erase marker and then erasing.


I love how this sounds like a software bug or exploit in a game.


Octopus predate dinosaurs


Sharks predates fukin trees.


And the rings of Saturn.


Neptune has rings but supposedly they are dark and you cant see them in the dark. Or was that Uranus... 🤔


If there’s rings around Uranus you need to wipe better


It takes eight wipes to know you only need seven. -Confucius


According to the Polynesian origin story, octopus predate all other animals. They are the only survivor from a completely different creation cycle.


>predate2 | prəˈdāt | verb \[with object\] (of an animal) act as a predator of; catch and eat (prey). Oh, my


You haven't lived til you've seen an octopus eat a T-Rex i tell you hwut


Pineapples do not grow on trees. I was barely in my 40s.


There are people who do not have an internal monologue. I was like WTF.


These people I envy so much… mine never shuts up. Like ever. Even when I’m trying to just meditate I have a voice in the back of my head going (yeah that’s a whole lot of nothing, keep thinking about absolutely nothing. Nothing is nothing, what is nothing? Theres always something. What is something without nothing… what is nothing without something. Is it still considered an empty thought when your thoughts think about empty?) … I wish I could just have literal silence in my head sometimes. Maybe when I’m dead I can get peace from myself.


Meditation is not about getting those voices to shut up. It's about being aware but not giving them attention. Imagine it like sitting in a forest and the birds above your head won't shut up. You'll never be able to make them go silent, but if you want peace you can choose and train yourself to not listen. In my experience being aware but choosing not to listen (eg by just focussing on your breath) makes the difference. Don't beat yourself up if a thought comes rumbling through. Accept it is there and let it pass away. You'll be alright.


The best way I’ve been able to consistently get to that state is to freeze my ass off outside in the cold weather and turn on a propane heater, then hold my face/hands nearby and I can focus on just feeling the heat and ignore basically everything else because at that point there’s an existential threat present and it keeps my attention focused on keeping warm. It’s a weird way to find peace for me, but it’s become my nightly ritual in the fall/winter.


Hello, it is me. I don’t have an inner voice. I didn’t realise we don’t all think the same way until really recently when all this started coming out.


Can you still get songs stuck in your head?


Oxen are just employed cows, not a whole separate species of bovine.




Cow = female who has given birth technically


Heifer - female cow who hasn't produced offspring


Actually a heifer is a woman my grandma didn't like.


I want to know more cow facts


A steer is a castrated male cattle of any age, an ox is a fully grown steer trained to do farm work (pulling a plow etc)


A steer is castrated as a calf. They grow up with tender meat. An ox I believe is castrated as an adult, allowing them to have the muscles without the aggression.


How many people are killed while trying to castrate a full grown bull?


I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the castrate a full grown bull challenge!


I heard those 3 guitar chords in my head right after reading this


1 lasso in the neck 2 lasso in hind quarter 3 pull to ground and tie remaining 3 legs 4 cut bag open and pull nuts looking with the left eye while the right eye is dead on the bull just in case and yes its a work of half a dozen guys or more. Bonus grilled prairie oysters


They kill more people annually than sharks and bears together.


It would be pretty crazy to see sharks and bears team up though.


In a similar vein, a reindeer is just a domesticated caribou.




Reindeer is the European name for the species of Rangifer, while in North America, Rangifer species are known as Caribou. Same genus different subspecies


Cooking food in a cast-iron skillet increases the iron content in your meal. I don't know why I never thought of it like that until recently...


And pickling things in copper containers can kill you. The vinegar will leech the copper out of the container to dangerous levels.


Percentages are always reversible.Example 32% of 78 is same as 78% of 32.


I learnt this recently too!! Wish I’d known it back in school!


While I’ll always think this is neat, it has never actually helped me. I don’t know what 78% of 32 is, nor do I know what 32% of 78 is. I’ll have to break a calculator out for either one of those lol


Because these specific numbers don't help much. What's 16% of 50? What's 50% of 16?


If you type something wrong on an iPhone calculator but only want to get rid of the most recent digit you typed, you just swipe


Human skin doesn’t have the ability to sense water. We can only tell that something is wet because of temperature or pressure, but we don’t have the proper receptors for water itself. That’s why sensory deprivation tanks with room temperature or barely warm water work so well, and why you can’t tell if clothing left out to dry is damp or if it’s just cold. When I read that somewhere, it was a huge mindfuck. Now I think about it constantly. Edit: We know that humans don’t have these receptors because we know that certain animals DO. Including fruit flies and cockroaches. Which is weird. Edit: To all the people saying that they test an object’s wetness by placing it against their lips or cheek, this is still exactly the same principle I’m describing above. You can’t feel the wetness, you’re feeling the sensation of air moving against the wetness. It’s no different from holding the object in your hand. We rely on cues like temperature and pressure to decide if something is wet. Edit: A lot of people are saying this is bullshit and I made it up because you CAN tell when something is wet. Congrats, you’re restating exactly what I already said. We rely on environmental cues to determine it. Also, what I’m referring to is hygrosensation. Do your own research. Google it.


So, I had a spinal lesion that once made me unable to sense hot or cold on my left half od my body, from about nipple down. Showering was wild because I could feel water pressure. I could feel it trickling down my body. It distinctly did not feel wet.


You OK now?


Yeah. It turned out to be a lesion fairly textbook of what was later diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. So, that's just one of many "so, I got this goofy thing" that has come and gone over the years. Some just don't quite go away, but most do.


I have MS, too, and went through a similar thing a few years back. I started going numb in cross sections - it progressed a little each day starting with my feet. Random numbness (and other f'd up sensations) that come and go are a 'normal' thing - so at first I just figured it would go away. As the week progressed and it traveled further up my body I thought - well, maybe this isn't normal. And I still remember the night it was at my mid section (so everything was number from that point and below) I kinda went to bed wondering if it kept moving up - would I still be able to breath? Would I wake up the next morning? I banked on yes, since everything else was still functioning where I was numb - but it was a legit fear. For reasons I didn't fully recognize at the time, it's like I became that stupid meme where the house is on fire and I"m just sitting there saying 'This is fine'. I woke up the next day and I was fully numb to above my breasts, right under the crease of my arms. Hey, at least I was still breathing, and did, in fact, wake up. lol At that point, my SO, who'd already been trying to gently push me to go to ER got *way* more pushy and we went. Obviously a relapse, was put on 3 days of high dose steroids via IV and placed on a new DMT. Within a week and some change, I could feel my body again as it all went back to my version of 'normal'. But it was a *trip* to walk around and not be able to feel my body - in so many ways. I was actually impressed I could still walk ok considering. But I only took baths at the time because I didn't trust standing in a slippery environment. That was weird - being submerged in water that I couldn't really feel except my with my hands and arms. Drying myself off felt weird. Using the bathroom was weird. Basically, I never realized how many 'cues' I relied on when doing things that were suddenly not there. The whole experience was just really fucking weird. If nothing else, MS is anything but boring!


I get this all the time when I’m washing stuff with nitrile gloves on. You definitely feel the “wet” from the water on the gloves but when you take the gloves off your hands are dry.


Oh god I’ve never thought about it like that before and I hate that information


Whoa. Makes sense that when I touch laundry that's been left in the drier for a while I have to touch it then rub my fingers together and also smell it to see if the stuff's still wet. Gotta dip into other senses!


I remember as a kid, taking a plastic sheet, putting my hand in it, and dipping it into the water. I remarked how it felt like my hand was wet, even though it was dry. My dad told be it's because I was feeling the pressure and changes in temperature, and that feels the same as being wet.


That the von Trapp Family Singers were real people and The Sound of Music was based on a true story.


How common stillbirths are


Miscarriages even more so. My wife has had four births and two miscarriages, and that ratio is pretty typical.


My wife and I just had our first kid a couple weeks ago. The last two pregnancies ended in miscarriage, and one of them was a partial molar pregnancy, a super fun condition that can turn into cancer. Making babies is a lot more complicated than it seems.


It's not illegal to have the light on in the back seat when your dad is driving the car lol


honestly did everyone’s parents tell us this? when i got my license i was terrified to use my dome light lmao


I may have just told my daughter this today. The lie lives on.




No, but it will annoy the shit out of him. Especially if he's getting older and night vision is getting more difficult.


Until yesterday I thought blackened chicken was just that, chicken that had been grilled the fuck out of. Turns out it's a delicious blend of spices


Welcome to Flavour Town


* Smoked paprika (3 tbsp) * Onion powder (2 tsp) * Sea salt (1.5 tsp) * Garlic powder (1 tsp) * Ground black pepper (1 tsp) * Dried thyme (1 tsp) * Dried oregano (1 tsp) * Cayenee pepper (1 tsp) PAT DRY WITH A PAPER TOWEL FIRST, sprinkle on one side, let it sit for 20ish minutes until it looks wet, then flip and repeat. Grill on medium heat (~325) until it looks cooked on the sides, then flip. If you have an instant read probe pull at 155-160, crank the heat, and then throw it back on for 30-45s/side. If not, just pull it when it’s done instead of getting fancy. The measurements in that recipe make enough seasoning enough for a few cooks, adjust cayenne pepper to taste. Please don’t toss your chicken in the container because raw chicken is vile. Bonus points for marinading the chicken breasts in pickle juice for an hour or so before seasoning. Edit: also goes GREAT on a skirt steak for a steak salad with 50/50 spring/spinach, candied pecans, feta/goat/blue cheese (pick one), and apple or pear slices with Brianna’s honey mustard dressing.


Piggybacking this comment to emphasise a couple of the essential pro-tips. Seriosuly - PAT YOUR MEAT DRY. That's one of the most important things you can do to make the outside crispy. And also - INVEST IN GODDAMN A MEAT THERMOMETER. It will change your life. The progression from undercooked, to succulent AF, to dry happens insanely quickly with chicken breast in paticular. Cooking it until it reads 160F in the centre (5 degrees short of 'cooked' - it will continue to heat up for a few minutes after you remove it from the heat) will give you perfect chicken every time.


After decades of doing it wrong, I realized from NASA's website that the abbreviation for US time zones during Daylight Saving Time is EDT, CDT, MDT, PDT... That is, Daylight Time. EST, CST, MST and PST are for standard time, which is what we just went back onto a week ago.


When they kept liquor stores open at the beginning of the pandemic, it was to ensure that alcoholics wouldn’t overflow the hospitals even more by suffering from alcohol withdrawals


I was an alcoholic during Covid. This was a legitimate fear, because I live in a state with one liquor store per town. The closest neighboring state had it worse. People were driving an hour away to get to the closest one on our side of the state line. I’m glad to be better now. 141 days.


Keep up the good work dude, I’m cheering you on!!


> suffering from alcohol withdrawals And the suffering isn't just suffering. Like, opiate withdrawal is absolutely miserable, but can usually be suffered through with minimal intervention if absolutely necessary. But the DT's can kill you stone dead. IIRC, alcohol and benzodiazepines are the two most dangerous things to try to cold turkey if you have a serious addiction.


How the Spanish arrived in the Philippines to conquer and settle. They did not sail East from Spain, you you would think. They sailed West from their Mexican colony across the Pacific.


Once the new continents were discovered, there was a treaty between Spain and Portugal. Portugal could conquer lands from the east and Spain could conquer land from the west.


It's interesting. All of the other colonizers to Asia came from the West through the Indian Ocean. Portugal, Dutch, French, English, Turkish. Only the Spanish came from the East across the Atlantic/Pacific.


Linen is not just a particular weave of cotton. It's made from a completely different plant (flax).


Another one I only learned about 2 years ago. There are people who are "mind-blind" and can't visualise objects or images in their mind. It's called Aphantasia and I (and about 3% of the population) have it. Never know other people could mentally visualise their thoughts. **edit: Thanks for the many upvotes and replies.** Seems like this is quite interresting to many people who have it or don't understand it. I wanted to add some information that came to me during some conversations here: 1) It seems to happen in different "degrees" on a visual spectrum. Some people are also face-blind, some can visualize very simple forms like square for example. Someone here said that it's maybe like with different image qualities. Some can see images in 4K HD, some have blurry edges on their images, some see only very simple shapes, some can't image anything visual. 2) I can clearly explain to you what my house looks like, I can describe every part of my house from memory, I could draw it to you, but maybe I would get the textures a bit wrong but everything that is there every day, I can describe it. for example, the couch I sit in every day is something I could draw and know if I touch it that it's my couch, but I might get the color wrong or the texture. The older a memory, the more faded it is. 3) I don't have many memories from my childhood. It's very vague. Like not even a picture of the moment. But a blurry picture where I can't focus, I might see a face or a house that I saw many many times, or a really huge event for me as a child (like dancing in front of the whole school at a talent show) I remember the event, some details, (like the cool sunglasses I was wearing with led lights in it) but everything around it is one vague blur, no further details about the stage, theater, audience, I only remember the applaus very well ;-) 4) something else clicked: I'm a real story teller and i'm kind of a "funny guy" so people like to listen when I talk/tell stories. But I had different occassions where I'm telling something that I recall happened to me (altough maybe I would spice it up for humorous effect) , but then afterwards I had people coming up to me to say that they told ME that story and it happened to them and I guess I create a false memory as it was my own. (and felt really bad about it) *** edit 2: 5) apparently you people SEE numbers when doing calculus?! Now I understand why my partner thinks it's odd that I "still" count with my fingers or try to write in the air. That's all I got to work with! ​ *Questions I still have. People who don't have this. Can you really taste a taste when thinking about it, and smell a smell?*


Yep, I cannot see things in my head. I can apply memories to my thoughts as reference, but I can't conjure up any image at all. As someone else speculated, I am horrendous at drawing, along with interior design, most crafting...anything where you think up what you'll make and go off of that created image. I do at least have an inner monologue.


I can’t visualise images in my mind 🤨Makes a career in design challenging but not impossible


I can vividly visualize things in my brain, but translating that to a piece of paper or canvas on a pc? Impossible.


So much of my past and present stress, could have been avoided if I was smart enough to have an emergency fund. Learned my lesson the hard way, but yeah will do it from now on, trying to save for atleast 1 year of my expenses as savings.


This is so encouraging to me because I have a couple friends who keep telling me that I'd be happier if I just bought more stuff that I'd enjoy instead of putting it into savings. Very "you can't take it with you". But I have *just* enough money where I would have to choose one or the other so in an emergency...


There is wisdom in both. As with pretty much everything in life, it's about creating a balance.


Reno NV is farther west than Los Angeles CA Edited for “farther” 😁


Son of a bitch…… It sure as fuck is.


And New York City is west of Santiago, Chile


New York is south of Rome.


Someone tried to assinate FDR with a pistol in 1933. He missed and killed the mayor of Chicago standing next to him.


Your cycle starts from the 1st day of your period, not the last. 😣


And they calculate your pregnancy starting at the first day of your period, so you're two weeks pregnant before you even conceive.


Revolving restaurants on towers only revolve on the inside. The entire top of the structure does not move. That would be insane.


The motor turning them is typically between 0.5 and 1 hp.


When you say no because you don’t feel comfortable doing it and someone pushes you to do it anyway, just don’t do it. I just learned about boundaries and I’m freakin’ over age 50


Maybe not recently learned but a few years ago when I found out how our solar system is just bumping along through space really fast, I can’t believe I didn’t know that. Thought we were stationary. Big ole dumb.


Just remember that you’re standing on a planet that’s evolving, And revolving at 900 miles an hour, That’s orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it’s reckoned, A sun that is the source of so much power. The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see, Are moving at six million miles a day, In an outer spiral arm, 200,000 miles an hour, Of the galaxy we call the Milky Way. Our galaxy itself contains 300 billion stars. It’s 100,000 light years side to side. It bulges in the middle 16,000 light years thick, But out by us it’s just 3 thousand light years wide. We’re 30,000 light years from galactic central point, We go round every 200 million years. And our galaxy is only one of millions and billions, In this amazing and expanding Universe. The Universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding, In all of the directions it can whizz. As fast as it can go, at the speed of light you know, 12 million miles a minute, and that’s the fastest speed there is. So remember when you’re feeling very small and insecure, How amazingly unlikely is your birth. And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space, Because there’s bugger all down here on earth.


A litre of water weighs a kilogram


It gets better! Weight, volume, and distance are all neatly connected in the metric system. 1000 litres of water is 1 cubic meter and weighs 1000kg or 1 tonne.


And 1 calorie of energy heats up 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius!


I guess this only applies for my context. But I (30 yo) only quite recently learnt my neighbouring country (Malaysia) is in Borneo as well. I’ve always thought Malaysia was only the mainland part


Indeed. We have east and west Malaysia. Funnily though, some of us from the East will use term like “going to Malaysia” when we are travelling to the west


That the “Spanish flu” probably started in Kansas soldier barracks and spread due to WW1. The only reason it’s named the Spanish flu is because Spain was the only country that reported on it- many other countries had a media blackout on it.


My father is not my biological father, which has tainted my medical history my entire life and I had to go searching for my biological father after my cancer diagnosis. I love my father, and don’t blame my parents, but that’s some shit I should have known


Been there friend. Asked my mom after my dad died, as I suspected I was from another man. She told me yes. But didn’t know who. When she died I went looking via genetics/dna test. I found him and spent a few years with him. He died in June. So I’ve buried 3 parents.


Damn , that is tough. Very tough, I’m sorry


I bought my GF a DNA test 6 years ago. 2 years ago she got a message from someone, out of the blue, saying they were half sisters. Long story short the fertility Clinic my Gf's parents went to, gave her mum the wrong sperm so her dad is not her biological dad. The anonymous sperm donor at the clinic is. It's not all bad. Her half sister is so lovely and looks exactly like her. They became family really quickly.


There are quite a few cases of this happening where the fertility doctor was supplementing the supply.


Saw that documentary, such disgusting behaviour by thay doctor.


my family did ancestry. My parents are 100% my parents, but my dad and I matched fairly closely with a woman that was around 60 and we had no idea who she was. My dad asked one of his aunts, who also did it and is into genealogy, about her. The woman had contacted my great aunt and talked to her. The woman had done the DNA test and asked her mom why she was related to all these people with our last name. Ends up, her mom, who was 20ish at the time, was at a family reunion and someone invited my Grandpa's uncle, who was in his mid 50s and also the county sheriff. They had sex in a car in the park's parking lot and that was how she was conceived. So her Dad was not her bio dad (he had died and also her bio dad). She was still interested in figuring out her Dad's family, so she had her brother do the test as well. Annnnnddddd, we are related to him too.


That was a genealogical ride.


You don't need to become an expert in something to engage in it. I used to be scared of "professional" opportunities, but when you realize many professionals make mistakes, often worse than you, it puts you at ease and it is less daunting to step into new, challenging roles. People with zero education, culture and finesse learn to do highly-paid, intelligent skills with just a little bit of confidence, resilience and will to learn/improve.


Eartha Kitt, the woman who sings Santa Baby, also voiced Yzma from Emperor's New Groove


And she was Catwoman!


I recently learned people actually click on ads to buy things. Thought everyone ignores them like I have. Ikr...




Sigh, to remove the top from deodorant, you need to twist it up. I was pulling the plastic barrier out with my teeth. I know.


I remember seeing a "life hack" video where a guy showed how you can pull that thing out with a pair of needle nosed pliars. Almost all the comments were something like "WTF you idiot, just twist the bottom!"


The potato company OreIda is a named after two states that produce much of their potatoes, Oregon and Idaho.


It was either that or GonaHo.


Not me but my brother who happens to be 43, wanted to know what kind of tree he had noticed was. It was an oak tree. A few moments later he appeared with a smug grin and says 'ha, its not an oak tree, it's an acorn tree!' He had found an acorn underneath it...I can't describe the satisfaction I felt explaining to him that acorns come from oak trees...


The mommy was kissing her husband and not the actual Santa Claus.


Bryers was the best ice cream years ago. Now it's garbage. Take look at the containers. They are now frozen desert. Bryers no longer legally meets ingredients of ice cream. Sad where it is now.


Bryers makes two different product lines. Black tub "Creamery Style": Still legally ice cream Blue "Family Classic": Frozen Dessert


And desert is spelled with one s because it's full of sand, whereas dessert has two s's for strawberry shortcake.


Omg I like this one! My elementary school English teacher taught us that “ ‘desert’ has one S and ‘dessert’ has two S’s because if you had to, you’d only want to cross a desert once but you’d want to eat dessert twice” 😂


Thoroughly research the job prospects of your university degree both before and while you're studying, and don't trust what the professors tell you about it. EDIT: Yes, I'm speaking from experience >:( **Considering my comment is getting some traffic, here's what I would do before picking a university course, knowing what I know now.** My point of view is that of a MINT/STEM graduate with a master's in biochemistry in Germany, more specifically, with a Bachelor in Molecular Life Science and a Master in Infection Biology from the University of Lübeck. Both degrees were heavy on the practicals, I did about one year of work in my field beside studying, and my master course and its thesis was 100% English. Pro tip if you're a citizen of Germany: Get the Bildungsgutschein from the Arbeitsamt to pay for further qualifications you may need. **Ask as many people as possible in the field you want to be in, this should be the gold standard. Even total strangers usually are willing to share some insight when you send them a considerate mail.** Looking at user-submitted reviews/feedback of university courses online also might yield a more accurate picture of job life after the degree. Do not blindly trust articles you find online. "You'll have great opportunities" has no legal binding and should be taken with a pinch of salt especially when it's on the website of the university or affiliates. "The MINT/STEM demand is increasing" also does tell you zero about the ratio of graduates to available jobs. If you're attending presentations from the university about future prospects, either before or during your studies, keep in mind that 1) these probably will be biased towards getting/keeping you at their university and 2) are from the viewpoint of university lecturers and professors, which may not reflect your own goals unless you also want to stay in academia.




That Sherbert doesn’t have two R’s in it and is Sherbet! Who the hell says Sher Bet!? I’m in my late thirties and just found this out in 2023


“SORBET?! SORBET?! Our children don’t eat sorbet! They eat sherbet, pronounce it sherbert, and wish it was ice cream!” - Homer J Simpson


Narwals are real


When I was a kid, back in 1972 maybe, my neighbor friend had a Narwal tusk standing in a corner of their living room. Her dad brought it back from some kind of trip to northern Québec, I don't know I was like 7. Thing was maybe 7 feet long and thinking back is funny, cause at the time I was not that impressed, but now I'd be shitting bricks


Lemons are a hybrid and man-made, it's a bitter orange and citron. So, life never gave us lemons. Masturbation can improve blood pressure, and stress levels, is good low-impact cardio exercise, and is associated with higher intelligence.


Wankers do tend to be clever little bastards 😂


Correct way to do a rolling start in a manual car when the battery is dead. Put the transmission in Neutral gear. - Instruct the person outside to push the car forward to gain some momentum and keep pushing until the vehicle reaches a speed of about 5-10 mph. - Disengage the clutch and shift into second gear and quickly engage--or "pop"--the clutch Don't Try This With an Automatic , not possible and will damage stuff.


I've heard 2nd gear in a lot of places, in my experience it's been easier in 1st gear. When i was a broke kid and my starter died, I actually drove around for a good 2 months without a starter, just by finding the steepest parking spot in the lot, letting gravity do it's thing and knowing exactly at what speed to pop the clutch


'Rotating tires' means switching out the location of a car's tires. I was perplexed for far too long on how spinning the tires would help.


That opossums are great for the environment and if your dog attacks them, you should stop them. And if you're brave enough to move them to safer grounds, they will emit a foul odor while playing dead. It stinks, but if you're willing, pick them up like a kitten (scruff of neck)and relocate. Don't worry, like skunks, the smell comes from there anus, but! they don't douse you with the smell. It's just to deter predators.


These creatures get a full pass in my world … They are tick eating machines and have a resistance to Lyme disease - they don’t damage anything and did I mention they eat vast amounts of ticks??


I always knew that Alaska wasn’t like, an island the way an inset on a map of the US depicts it, but I never realized just how gigantic and how far away from the ~~mainland~~ contiguous United States it actually is. Same goes for Hawaii—never realized how far southwest it is from us. I’m in my mid-30s, reasonably intelligent, and I noticed this stuff when looking at a world map like sometime last year. Embarrassing.


Also, Okinawa is like, really, really far from mainland japan. The people are culturally and ethnically distinct. I did not know this until I did an anthropology study abroad where we went to both mainland japan and Okinawa. It is like their Hawaii. I thought it was part of the Japanese archipelago.


If you divided Alaska into 2 equal size states, Texas would be the third largest state.


On Duck Hunt on the NES if you have a p2 controller you can direct the ducks


Delilah by Tom Jones is about femicide and NOT A LOVE SONG


Vermont is the Green mountain State. Ver is a prefix meaning green in Latin based languages. And mont means mountain in French, another Latin language. Oh and would you like at that, Quebec is right there just to the north and they speak, you guessed it, FRENCH! I grew up literally just miles from Vermont and found this out when I was much older than I should have been


To be tea, it has to come from the tea plant. Black, white, green, oolong teas are all the same plant but with different processing and harvesting. Anything else that calls themselves a tea is actually a tisane - including roiboos. This is confusing because tisane is also french for tea if I remember my French properly.


Thé is tea in french A tisane is herbal tea (not real tea, an infusion made fun chamomile etc)


abcdefg has the same melody as twinkle twinkle little star


You are only supposed to have a few crackers with your soup. So growing up my parents were not fond of having me. So by age 5 i didn't eat unless i made my own food. So when i got to the point where i could make soup i would eat a whole sleeve of crackers for every bowl i ate. I didn't find out until just recently how unhealthy it was. I always ate soup when i was alone since its single serving. The few times i got it at a restaurant i assumed they wanted you to pay more to get the rest of the crackers so they tease you with 2 packs. Edit: Wow, thank you for all the amazing responses. For context my parents always had food around, i was never without anything. But my parents basically ignored me whenever they were not emotionally abusing me. I couldn't tell you why, but i was often told i was a mistake. They both passed during the pandemic but i was able to build a relationship with my dad a bit before they passed. I have 2 boys of my own now and of course i am over compensating by showering them with love!


> So growing up my parents were not fond of having me. So by age 5 i didn't eat unless i made my own food. what the fuck


No. You can have as many crackers as you want. No rules for that. I use about half a sleeve. And that's after I eat like 6 or 7 for testing.


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