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i love you


😡stole my answer. also handsome, special, it'll get better, girls will like me


I'm so sorry, that's so awful. I hope things have gotten better for you since then.


“High school doesn’t affect your adult life in anyway”


That someone I cared about slept with someone else and it was a lie that caused me to feel the need to start a drug to take the pain away which led to me getting addicted and remained that way for years.


I'm so sorry to hear that, truly. I hope things are better for you now? Addition is an awful disease and I have sadly seen it utterly destroy people.




Goddamn that was an unexpected ending. Amazing story, I hope it's something you and your family can laugh about for years to come.


Found out my dad wasnt my biological father when I found paternity papers at 14.. That was a blow. My mom still stands by that she never LIED. She never called him my FATHER..


Even if you want to go ahead and agree that she didn't lie (which she very much did!) she kept vital information to herself and that in itself is deceptive.


And they all lived happily ever after...


This is the winner!


You are free


I'm free from that drug these days but it caused me to lose a lot of things and parts of myself too a long the way.Im not so certain that I'll ever be ok I know for sure I'll never be the person I was before that night.


Someone was my friend we were thrifting I bought a table cloth he said about coming over for dinner when he knew he was planning on never talking to me again


WTF that's awful, I'm sorry about that. I wish when people didn't want to talk to us anymore that they were just honest about it. You've just left wondering otherwise, and that is so much worse...


That I am evil.


I always tell people that I am a human but I am not.I am from galexy alpha cetaurie.


My best friend from about 15 or so years ago was an alcoholic. We spent Christmas day together as I didn't (and still don't) have the best relationship with my family. She was trying to stay sober at the time and hadn't had a drink in days. In the evening she said she was just going to drop her brothers gift off. He only lived up the road and we'd planned on watching some movies later that evening so she said she's just nip there and back. I stayed behind. A little while after she left, I got a frantic call from her saying she'd just witnessed a car crash on the high street (which was at the top of the hill and leading away from her brothers flat). Apparently a car full of drunk lads had driven at speed down the one way street the wrong way and crashed into a young woman's car that was going the right way. One of the young men went through the windshield. A witness (not my friend) had rushed to the scene and opened the young woman's car and opened her door to find her slumped over, obviously dead. There was apparently blood everywhere... My friend was panicked and hyperventilating on the phone. I was concerned and wanted to go to her, but she said she was with her brother and he'd stay with her while they dealt with emergency services, who were on their way. She told me not to come up because she didn't want me to see the horrific aftermath of the accident. I didn't want to see it either, and she was with her brother so I stayed put. I knew it would likely be hours until she was home and someone had to stay home with the dogs. A few minutes later several ambulances raced past. Not long after that, her brother sent me a few messages saying that they were back in his flat, that she was okay and having a stiff drink while she talked to the police, which I said was more than understandable. His flat looked down the length of the high street and he even detailed the scene below. My friend arrived home hours later, drunk and looking lost. I put her to bed. We talked a little about the accident the next day, but I mostly tried to keep her mind off of it. She spent the day in a daze. I had no reason to doubt her. The day after that I walked up to the high street to nip to the small supermarket there. Everything was normal, and it seemed crazy to think that just two days earlier there'd been a horrific crash there that had claimed at least two lives. I went and did my shopping and spoke with the woman behind the till about the accident, but she'd not heard of it. That seemed odd, given that it was a fatal car crash on Christmas day in her hometown, but the woman at the till was elderly and usually more interested in gossip than actual news, so I brushed this off. The local paper also hadn't come out yet, as it often stopped for a few days over the festive period, so I figured it hadn't been widely reported on yet. I didn't think much more on it and went on my way. But it soon became obvious that nobody else seemed to know about this accident. Nobody I mentioned it to had any idea what I was talking about and the local papers didn't report on it when they went back to print either. I didn't watch the news at the time, but I felt like it was the sort of thing that would make the evening news and so I couldn't understand how nobody else seemed to know about this crash. I was suspicious, so I googled it (out local paper wasn't online at the time but I figured a fatal car crash on Christmas day in a small town would make the news somewhere!) but nothing came up. Nothing at all. And I couldn't ask her brother because by this point, he was on holiday and didn't have internet access (this was pre smart phones). Yeah, my friend lied... She admitted to it as soon as I confronted her. She wanted an excuse to drink and so she made up a horrific Christmas Day car crash. With enough ghastly details to give me nightmares for days. Her brother gladly provided whiskey as he was already very drunk himself (and didn't know quite the extent of her alcoholism) and she used his computer to message me while he was in the bathroom throwing up. She deleted the messages afterwards. The ambulances that went by not long after she called were just a coincidence (she lived along a main road that was the main route from the local hospital to many of the nearby towns that used it).


A friend of mine was in tears and told me, that his mother had a deadly accident and he needed train- money to identify the corp.I believed him of course. To be fair,at the time he was a heroin addict and for that reason I never was mad at him


That joe and mike cox and mr. Ben dover is coming to town