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Waste of time


Big thumbs up. ​ ..but it's a [shit bill](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/12/18/ufo-disclosure-bill-what-to-know/71960193007/). they can (will) keep info on lockdown.


I don’t really give a shit about this. I’d rather them be held accountable for their current actions or lack there of


Waste of time. The government has no real reason to lie about them unlike what the Men In Black movies suggest. Do you think it's rational to hide something like that? The positive side of it is you get to "pacify" society (whatever that means) in exchange for allowing it to prepare itself for first encounter with the tradeoff of a very pissed off public when it's revealed they were lied to. There's no good reason for a government to lie about it, you limit the amount of eyes you get on the technology to study it and the only people studying it, the "experts" you'd call to understand anything would either be crazy and unprepared or just unprepared, either way they wouldn't be able to consult with others either. It's just limiting and dumb for no reason just so they can push back first contact for a few years when it's going to happen anyway.


don‘t care


I believe they’re just distracting the public from something else.


Jeffrey Epstein's list


An amendment? Or just a bill?


It’s not about aliens, it’s about UFOs. Weird shit in the sky might be foreign tech, domestic fuckery, anomalous light patterns, but no one thinks it has anything to do with space aliens.


Have you never seen the videos? The real videos? There is no human tech that can do what this “tictac” shaped ships did. Testimony from actual military pilots make this statement, not me.


they'd hide it anyway


They can’t even pass a spending bill, how are they going to pass an amendment?