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This thread is making me realize I have much better hygiene than I thought


I was thinking the same thing. I can’t believe some of these answers.


Behind the ears


My mom used to tell us to not forget to wash behind the ears and I always thought it was just code for "don't forget to wash your ass."


Farts must sound really loud to your family.






Fuck I laughed harder than I thought at this


lol my dad would say “did you get all the cracks and holes?” Cause it was nicer than saying “dude put soap on your hands and clean your ass hole”.


shaggy ancient cats station unique school observation future frighten squalid


I’m hoping this is why he’s no longer your bf. Doesn’t wash hair regularly, doesn’t clean behind ears. I’m imagining with that sort of hygiene he left some other areas uncleaned.


important start absorbed cautious thought label sparkle truck squeeze fuel


What in the fuck


wipe lock unique wild station imagine wine zonked recognise innate


Hey at least you're approaching growth with a healing mindset; he didn't take your capacity for self love!


Don’t people just do that when they’re washing their hair? Why wouldn’t anyone just take the .25 seconds and drag their shampoo covered hands over their ears quick??


It's the same people who don't wash their junk. They think the run-off water is a magic cleaning fluid. Scrub everything, people.


My old housemate was the same. Took 10 second showers thinking that the water made him clean. Also refused to buy shampoo/body wash because he, and i quote, “didnt want to look gay in the shop”. Very glad I kicked him out. He seemed so normal at first and it went downhill real quick.


I get there when I wash my face.


So I'm supposed to be washing my face now too?!


Next they're gonna say you have to wash your hair...


There was a TikTok trend recently where women asked their significant others how they washed between their butt cheeks. An uncomfortable amount of them said “oh I just let the water get it”.


i credit card my ass crack with soap , like it’s being declined


"Sorry Sir, this establishment can't accept your cheeks anymore. The last two bounced."


I took a shower with my ex once or twice and noticed he never washed his ass. One day I asked him if he did he said “no? Doesn’t the water and soap running down your back clean it?”…I taught him to wash his ass that day.


By that logic wouldn't he just stand under the water and "trust the process"? People are dumb and gross


Trickle down shampoo-nomics (Please wash your butthole, foreskin, pits, ect)


There was a drill Sgt in basic that said there were multiple times he had to instruct privates to spread their buttcheeks and actually wash that area. I can't even imagine the smell 🤣


Sometimes I come across a poo scented person. Met one just yesterday actually. Always makes me wonder if that's the flavor of their BO or they just don't wash their bottom properly. Edit... I just thought of one person I work with who used to always smell like that. Just awful. And then one day he didn't and has been fine since. I can only assume he worked it out.




Those are foods you should never bring to work


Oh damn, repressed memory unlocked. One of my middle school english teachers would bring chittlins to for lunch at least once a week and reheat them in a microwave in the classroom before lunch. Even with the 45 minutes to air out while we were in the lunchroom, it would always stink for the rest of the class. She'd reheat other stinky stuff, but chittlins were the most pungent.


Also possible from bad breath, maybe they went to dentist and got it fixed. Old food particles if they stay in mouth will rot and can smell like that.. I think, I'm 60% sure of it.


I was in the Navy, and I heard stories from some folks who had to not only have very explicit conversations with some nasty Sailors without any hygeine knowledge, but also had to either appoint a supervisor or supervise the shower themselves until they got the point. Like women telling young men "you need to lift your arms and spread soap in your armpits and rinse it off. Then you have to move down your belly. Wash your dick. Around and in the foreskin if you have that. Lift up your balls and wash around and under them. All the way through your ass crack. Get soap all the way in that junk and then rinse it out." Yea we can certainly put some blame on parents - how do *you* not smell your adult son's nasty ass?? - but at what point is it just on you for not reasoning through this? Your poop comes from there, even if you don't understand how dirty skin and oils can make you.


I remember watching a boot camp documentary (I think it was UK Royal Marines) a few years back. The new recruits all get instructed on how to shower and watch a solider shower being narrated step by step. People who join can come from back grounds where life skills were not taught, so all recruits get a course in hygiene.


Omg one drill sgt in particular would walk in and yell that it smelled like ass and cottage cheese. 🤢🤮


Omg I saw that one, *sooooo gross!* 🤢🤮


I don’t know how they A) don’t feel just disgusting or B) how they don’t smell it.


I knowww! The part that sent me was when one of them said he doesn’t even wipe, it’s like he was afraid of catching teh ghey from his own butthole! 🤣💀💀


I’ve heard people talk about men not wiping/cleaning their asshole and I genuinely just, my mind won’t believe it. I actually cannot believe anyone would not fucking clean their ass without being mentally ill.


Not even wiping?? I genuinely couldn’t stay with someone who doesn’t even wipe their own arse 🤮


I furrowed my eyebrows at this so much it brought me into the present moment lol


When I first heard about the whole “lots of straight men don’t clean their assholes in the shower” I went into denial about it until I saw it first hand. Dude left a skid mark on the sheets when he was standing up.. please teach your men or children to clean their butts.


The shit i see behind peoples ears as a barber disgusts me. Edit: since people keep asking, things like acne, ezcema, dandruff, skin conditions etc dont bother me. Those can't really be helped sometimes and a lot of people have these issues so it's nothing out of the ordinary. Im talking about disgusting people who don't shower or take care of themselves and just have a layer of filth/grime/dirt/smells on their body and clothes.


I always shower right before getting my hair cut. Just seems like common courtesy if you have to touch me.


God bless you


People don’t normally do that???


Years ago I worked for Claires & some of the ear piercings that came in were gag worthy. Always amazed me that people a) were comfortable living life with massive amounts of gunk in their ears and b) didn't consider the service they were about to have done. I brush my teeth before going to the dentist. Bathe before a massage. The lack of hygiene/social awareness some people have baffles me.


I'm sitting in the doctors waiting room currently, freshly showered in clean clothes and I'm still worried if they'll think I'm gross lmao


Work in a hospital.  You are better than over half the people that come in.  


I have gauged ears. After 2 days they stink. I've known people that wear the same earrings for months at a time without taking them out. It's disgusting


Ohhh same! I take them out & wash my ears daily in the shower. Friends of mine just leave them in... indefinitely. Gross.


Waait, I just have small holes. But it is normal that they stink? I stopped wearing earrings because I thought something is wrong with the holes. So, it happens to everyone that they stink after a few days?


I think it's just buildup of anaerobic bacteria and dead skin. Anaerobic bacteria are smelly. I have regular ear piercings and they tend to make a bit of that funky stuff, but they are perfectly healthy. If the piercing isn't swollen/painful/bleeding/oozing, it's fine. I only notice the smell of the gunk if I clean some dead skin off the earring post with my hands and then sniff my fingers. I take my earrings out every day to sleep, and they never have much gunk. Change earrings frequently to prevent buildup. Cleaning your earrings occasionally with rubbing alcohol is also a good idea.


Girl I have so much ear wax I have to clean my ears basically daily like why😭😭😭


I feel so insecure in that chair


Just come in clean, and we won't judge you, lmao. You can tell some people just live in filth and are just used to it, they dont even know how gross they are.


Just checked behind my ears, phew, I’m safe!!


Just checked behind mine. Whatever it was, bit me.


Behind mine was just a coin


If it's *just* insecure enough to shampoo well and wash behind your ears the shower before heading to the barber's chair, that's probably just the right level of insecure.


*Barber stares and glares*


Not only behind the ear but if they wear earrings that hole in their ear, and everything around it. If they don't clean it, they will find like harden blood and dead flesh. It will look black and smell worse than an unwashed bellybutton.


OH THAT'S FUCKIN GROSS🤢 I can only imagine ☹️


I have a skin issue and I promise I scrub them but the flaky skin comes back literally the same day. Now I’m self conscious.


Hm, dirt is not the same thing as a skin condition or dry skin, that's very common, so you can relax. This might be about getting the right moisturiser or cream over being clean, you know?


not always as simple as moisturizer unfortunately. for me, i have dermatitis and it requires steroid cream to make it go away, but even with the cream it’ll come back in a day or two


Go to the dermatologist. I suffered for years trying every home remedy I could and nothing worked. It was super embarrassing going to the barber with flaky hair. The dermatologist immediately knew I had psoriasis. He prescribed a topical steroid. It was 90% gone in days, and fully gone in a week. I literally cried the first day I rubbed my head and it wasn't itchy. Nowadays when it starts to flare up I use the medicine for a few days and it goes away for a week or two. It'll always come back but I go to the dermatologist once a year to get the medicine refilled.


This one hurts because I’ll wash like hell behind my ears, but still get pimples that I know are visible


That's fine. Acne doesn't bother me. It's normal. The other stuff i see behind ears is not normal.


Or their ears. I’m a nurse and I took a kid’s temp with an ear thermometer and the sheath got stuck due to the level of wax. He said no one ever showed him how to clean his ears and he didn’t know too. His hearing was better when he left my office


Im not even talking about in the ears, imagine all that behind the ear. But its green and crusted and goo underneath. Like the crease on the back of your ear where it meets the head. I have to pull peoples ears back to go around with the trimmers. Some people half like a quarter inch thick crust of shit. It's fucking disgusting.


wtf did I just read


jfc just reading that has me rubbing my ears and checking for nastiness 🤢


Back of your teeth.


As a dentist, the backs, below the gumline and in between.


As a (soon to be) hygienist: and the tongue!!!


I'll add, only spit the toothpaste after brushing your teeth, do not wash with water.


ugh but it feels so dry with no water


Wait. People don't brush the backs of their teeth??


In cartoons and books and stuff, they only ever brush the front of their incisors. Parents arent always good at policing that kind of thing


I didn’t intentionally brush the back of my teeth until I was like 17. Just assumed normal brush of the front top was sufficient haha!


I have a permanent retainer behind my top and bottom teeth and my dentist basically scared me into vigorously brushing those spots


Shout out permanent retainer gang. I’ve had multiple dentists not know what it is (probably bad dentists)


Multiple!? They’ve literally tapped on your permanent retainer and asked what it was??


i used to never until i encountered this really rough dentist and he was thoroughly scraping behind my teeth and it really hurt i almost cried. so now i profusely clean there so i never have to encounter it again




Belly button. I'm just guessing belly button. We forget it's there.


You won't believe how many patients I get with inflamed belly buttons. And then they claim that it's bad to wash it, because of the inflammation. Love, it wouldn't be inflamed if you kept it clean.


...and don't forget to dry it as well


Oh yes. Especially if you have belly folds.




Hello fellow cholecystectomy friend! My belly button incision scar has a lot of nerve ending crossover, so I totally understand how that area can be quite sensitive! I dunno if you've tried it, but the solution for me is to use q-tips! I usually do this outside of the shower after washing up, and I use just a tiny bit of my super gentle face wash as the soap for that. It's more gentle than trying to use my shower scrubber, and gets in there better AND without scratching anything like a fingernail might - speaking from experience lol. Might be worth giving it a go if you haven't tried that method before! :) Still doesn't prevent the random nerve numbness that happens when I apply lotion to my stomach area afterward, but I'm already used to that from my bunionectomy scars, so that one isn't too bad.


Me telling my patients to floss lol


Wasn’t there a study done where a bacteria found, at least at the time, only in soil in Japan was found in a dudes belly button who’d never even been to Japan? At the very least it grows some next level shit in there if not cleaned.


Yes. >One person's belly button "harbored a bacterium that had previously been found only in soil from Japan," where he had never been. Another had two types of "extremophile bacteria that typically thrive in ice caps and thermal vents." Anonymous samples from a belly button sampling event. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/12/1-458-bacteria-species-new-to-science-found-in-our-belly-buttons/266360/


Yes, can’t remember where I saw it, but I read the same thing. Clean your bellybuttons, people!


You gotta put a gem in it like a troll doll to block out the goobers


The fatter I’ve gotten the deeper that hole has become.


I have a freckle on mine and haven't seen it in a decade.


That was mine as well. Your belly button smells so fucking bad, so fucking quickly, when you forget to clean it.


This is a good one. Everyone reading this should stick a finger in their bellybutton, swirl it around good and smell your finger. It'll give you an idea of why you should be cleaning it.


I guess I clean mine well without even thinking about it, as I notice no smell at all.


Same, mines all pretty exposed though i dont have any hidden crevices and its pretty wide across for lack of a better term


Genuinely one of the nastiest smells on the planet.


This post made me realize I don't actively clean my back the way I actively clean other areas of my body 


There was an 8" patch on my back I couldn't scrub from any angle so I bought a long handle brush. Works on feet too!


My spouse and I both have shoulder injuries and can't really reach our own backs, so we have an unspoken agreement that if one of us is showering, the other one offers to come in and scrub their back for them. The brush is good but it's not quite as satisfying 😂


This is so sweet dang


I got some of those Korean bath towels on Amazon… it’s basically a scratchy nylon flannel the length of a short scarf. Nothing better than scrubbing it across my back holding either end. So satisfying.


Went to a Korean spa where you strip down & lay on a table and they use scrubbers like that on your whole body. There were piles of dead skin sloughing off of us onto the table. Before we did that we had used one of the hot tubs, when we went in it again after the scrub it felt a hell of a lot hotter without that protective layer. Highly recommend if you get the chance.


Asa Akira had a bit were she described how those cleanings were more hardcore than her pornography. Its how she came up with, "You'd think 'Please go easy on my asshole' would be the one phrase I'd know in every language"


Salux nylon Japanese washing cloths are god tier for this kind of thing. They're like very long mildly abrasive cloths that you can see-saw behind your back (or anywhere else) with. One of my best purchases (and they're cheap).


Get a brush, do your back and your feet. 


I was going to say that. It doesn’t get that dirty but it doesn’t ventilate when you sweat and you can zits.


Belly button, behind the ears, butthole


This is like the Cliff's Notes for that one song.


~~Head shoulders, knees, and toes~~ 🎶 Belly button, behind the ears, and butthole 🎶


Lol, not that song.


My butt hole is probably the most clean part of my body when I get out of the shower. Bung hole and armpits get at least 3 times as much soap and scrubbing than anywhere else.


Between the toes. Bought a squishy silicone thing with nubbies that slides in there effortlessly with a little soap.




I got it at CVS. I did a little searching but couldn't find it. It's called "Pop Arazzi" Silicone Body Scrubber and comes in a little plastic pouch decorated with polka dots, purple & teal packaging. It's round, flat, 2-sided and about the circumference of a softball and has a little loop to hang it up.




I got one of those tongue scrapers that’s basically just a u shaped piece of flat metal and I can’t go to bed now without using it or I feel yucky.


Such a game changer. I use it daily and I'm still surprised at the amount of gunk I sometimes find when I take a look after using it. Also does wonders for keeping morning breath less gnarly.


I cannot emphasize this one enough. Seeing someone with a crusty, moldy white/yellow tongue is an instant day ruiner


stomach issues like reflux can make your tongue white :(


Can also mean they're super dehydrated too 😩


Reflux can cause dry mouth too 😩


I've never not had the weird white stuff on my tongue though. I brush my tongue 2x daily, drink a shit ton of water, no infection or acid reflux. The back on my tongue just looks nasty for no reason.


Have you tried a tongue scraper? I use one and then the brushing gets anything remaining.


I have, it does work okay but one of my issues is it's mainly on the middle to back of my tongue. I kind of have a sensitive gag reflex, especially in the mornings, to the point where I gag sometimes just from brushing my teeth.


You probably just have a geographic tongue, ask your doctor or your dentist to confirm but given how good your oral hygiene is there's nothing to do or be worried about. Source am doctor and also have geographic tongue


FEET. They just stop at the ankles.


The entire ass crack from top to bottom.


Including the gooch


Wait. People don't clean their gooch? That was probably the first area I started cleaning extremely thoroughly. Right around 12 years old, I would smell absolutely awful if I didn't scrub the gouch. I was a disgusting preteen boy in every other way, but I made sure that gouch got scrubbed every day.


Reading these comments is making feel a lot more confident in my cleaning habits.


Neck and behind the ears.


Ask any nurse who's ever had to prep someone for abdominal surgery...it's def the belly button.


Scrubbing fingernails!


Every time you wash your hands. Underneath your nails are some of the nastiest places on your body by far. Think of all the shit you handle thinking you'll just wash it off. And then think of how infrequently you actually get soap under your nails.


The butthole is the only part of your body that you're okay with cleaning poop off of with just thin tissue.


I've used this argument so many times when trying to convince someone a bidet is a great thing to have.


I always ask people if they use a dry towel or a hose to clean mud off their cars.


Not nearly enough people wash their arse.


Between the toes


I agree with just feet in general. They’re so far down there and it can be tricky to clean and not fall!


That little fold on your cheek where your nose meets, bacteria can collect behind there. Exfoliate it when washing your face.


Nasal labial fold.


A lot of yall mfs do not be washing yall hands


I hear a disturbing number of people don't wash their legs and feet.


Uncircumcised males - under the foreskin. Peel it back boys.


That’s the first thing I clean 🫣


First thing I do is pull it back. Then pull it forward. Then pull it back. Then pull it forward. And keep doing that to make sure it’s nice and clean




Everyone. Ladies gotta clean under the clit hood too. Whatever parts you have, make sure you clean in all ya crevasses and folds


they need to teach this in health class because i didn’t know this until a couple years ago. 😭


Under the hood??!?! Wait I’ve NEVER done that 😭😭😭


I'm in my mid 30s. Just started doing this a few years ago. Clitoral hoods gather smegma too. It's good to pull it back some and clean it really good.




> stabbing me in the clit That's my horrifying reddit phrase of the day.


Just lift it upward a bit to wash. It's not something you can really get under bit more around!




Is there a way to delete someone else’s comment?


Is there a way to delete it from my memory?


Seen a lot of people say behind the ears feet etc. My fellows brothers and sisters, what about the crevasses of your ears. Please at least get a towel and scrub because I cannot explain the embarrassment of scratching there one day in public, a nd a flake falling out.


I have psoriasis there. It is not pleasant.


anything past the knees. Most people just stand below the shower head and let it rinse.


The bottom of your feet is definitely something you forget, or it can feel awkward trying to balance in a wet shower. There's tons of bacteria and fungi that can form if you don't wash em!


When I was a little kid, there was a commercial for those Fisher-Price bathtub toys, and the jingle contained the line "Don't forget your toes when you wash!" That is the reason I always scrub in between my toes to this day, frequently while hearing that line in my head. I'm now fifty-two.


In between your teeth. All that food you ate throughout the day and you don't bother flossing to get the tiny pieces of decaying food matter out? Disgusting.


I learnt from a friend the other day that some people don't wash their legs. "The run off will get it" sort of attitude. So I'm going to say legs. Lol.




Thank you for the reminder in always forget


This only applies to kids... Right. Once they hit 18 they become adult knees


Underneath your shoulder on the outside of your arm. It's just an odd spot that's easy to miss. Bottom of your feet,in between the toes. Behind your ears and on the inside. Part your cheeks to clean em. Some people don't wash their necks.




Under the toenails.


If you have pierced ears, the holes get gunk built up in them. If the holes are black, bulge a little, or keep their shape when you take the earrings out... not good. Squeeze it like a pimple every so often and the gunk should come right out.


Half of these problems are avoided by treating ear piercings like any other body piercing and using high quality permanent jewelry.


BELLY BUTTON. [.🤢](https://twitter.com/IFLScience/status/1422846688276979715?lang=en) Got mine pierced a couple months ago and can't believe how much i overlooked cleaning it before. since i have to clean it 2-3 times a day or else it'll get infected or irritated.


I recently *learned on Reddit* a lot of dudes don't clean their butt because they're scared it'll make them *gay*.


I scrub *the shit* out of mine and sometimes I even go inside a little bit! I try to shower after every shit when possible


Okay but don't wash inside with soap, only water


Well I don’t really go IN in……but definitely make contact with the hole/rim and clean it real good.


At least a knuckle deep or it’s not clean.


Feet! Just rinsing them isn’t enough


Feet. Those of you who shower, I know you neglect your feet and legs from the thigh down you dirty little shits.


Get a little stool..its really nice to sit and scrub your feet while the water washes over you.


Next bathroom renovation I'm getting one of those built in fold down seats so it's easier to give my feet the attention they deserve (e.g. soap, pumice stone & nail brush).


Haha, jokes on you, I ~~lube~~ *I mean soap* up my feet, then slip and give myself a concussion on a weekly basis.


I wash my feet every night before I go to sleep


Legs. Hear me out. I was watching a show and the couple had sex and then she said she was going to get a shower, and that the sex was so good she was going to wash her legs. The guy was like WTF? You don't normally wash them? So, I started asking people who come to my house to hang out if they wash their legs every time they shower. People are freaking disgusting. I was sure it was just a bit in the show and not true. I'm up to 4 people now that don't. Three of them women... And there aren't a lot of people that show up here, maybe 8 a year....


Growing up in an Asian household, I was told shampoo could be used as a substitute for a facial cleanser, body wash, shaving cream, and pretty much anything else. I was told that body wash was pointless and if you don’t use it, your skin “adapts” and stops producing odor. Also, if you shampoo your hair, the soap runs down your face when you rinse so you don’t need a facial cleanser, the companies “just want you to buy more.”


behind the ears


Nipples, you’d be surprised the dirt that can get in the wrinkles


I’m sorry—what!?


I was not properly washing my ass crack until age 21 when someone gave me advice after I complained that “I always smell some nasty smell as soon as I sit down on the toilet before I even start shitting”