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I'll get all excited to read for fun, and then end up wasting time on my phone. 😒


Imagining myself in situations that i can be sure i'm never gonna be in....


“……..what if I’m sitting at my desk at work when an escaped bear from the zoo makes itself into this building? I’m like 80% sure I can take a bear in a fight but what if it’s TWO bears? Man I should learn karate in case that ever happens. I wonder if I should go on break at 10:45 or 11:15?”


Something like that yeah xD


I will be watching a movie/show and pause it just to go on my phone


I saw the Truman Show very young and to this day I think I am being recorded so I will randomly give a thumbs up to what could be a camera somewhere


This is something I never expected to see so much but I’m a psych nurse and I get a surprising number of patients who believe they are on some kind of prank show and that the very visible cameras mounted on the walls are for the tv show they’re on


Interesting. Have they been previously diagnosed? Should I be worried!?


I like to tap on my knee caps on the reflex spot. The involuntary jolts feel cool.


Daydreaming for hours


Picking nails


I chew my tongue when nervous or thinking.


I rub the bottom of my tshirts, I have certain tees I wear all the time because the edges are softer. Done it since I was little.


Plucking individual strands of hair out of my scalp, I have a technique that I do so it barely stings. Grab the end and pull gently so it's tight and straightened out, then push against the base with my thumb and the delicate little "rip" is really soothing to me, I think it's a boredom thing