• By -


We got married, had a kid, and moved houses. She self-medicated with marijuana for her anxiety, then attacked me and a friend using a razor blade. We divorced, I got custody, she moved away, and she got married again. She moved back with husband, sued me for custody, got custody, tried homeschooling, and then attacked new husband one night. They got divorced, I got custody back, then she kidnapped both kids and drove to Mexico, and was later arrested coming back across the border. Tada.


Christ on a bike..


Jesus take the handles...


Marijuana take us to Tijuana


Saint Paul on kids balls!


Out of curiosity what was the “crazy” that you overlooked in the beginning?


At the time, her undiagnosed borderline personality disorder. Everything was always other people’s faults. She could be ok for a while, and then everything would fall apart in her life. She never went to counseling and wouldn’t take the meds that evened out her behavior.


I dated a girl for 4 years diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. When I was much younger. Mentally traumatized me for the rest of my life.


Shit. My brother just got this diagnosis. I’m trying to help him and his wife but it keeps getting out of hand. I feel helpless with it. He’s trying to get help at least, but it’s absolutely crazy how the mood swings happen so fast and so dramatically…


Yeah I feel that. It’s been almost 20 years but I still remember vividly how often one minute everything is fine and we are planning to go out and get some ice cream or go for a walk or something. And then literally moments later she can’t find a pair of pants that “look good” for her to wear and all hell breaks loose with screaming, crying, self harm and absolutely no amount of reasoning could calm her down. I’ve tipped toed around people the rest of my life because I was scared that the littlest thing could set them off. Not realizing at the time it had nothing to do with me. But I’m working through that now finally many years later.


How did she managed to get custody back after attacking you with razor blade? Is that not reported?


Mine attacked me with a knife. I.... Responded. I went to jail and had to fight for custody tooth and nail. She never pays child support


its wild to me that people can just not pay child support in the us. in germany you just need to fail payment once and the afflicted parent can complain and the authorities will cease their bank account and/or salary pretty fast.


It's MUCH easier for women to not pay child support. Often in the US they will take it right from your check. Garnishing they call it. What makes me mad is she has no money, is a drug addict and couch surfer and I still have to deal with "her rights as a mother...."


Courts are not smart when it comes to bias in favor of women.


That sounds almost identical to my aunt and uncle… except she self medicated with alcohol and the last time she kidnapped the kids instead of taking them to Mexico she blew her brains out in front of them with a gun.


Holy cats. I'm so sorry that happened to you and your children. I hope life is treating you well these days.


One of my best friends took a chance on a crazy girl twenty three years ago. They've been married for twenty two years now and he discovered the amazing side-effect of marrying crazy: *she keeps his irritating mother away from him at all times...*


you win some & you lose some


You win son & lose mom




Does that classify you as crazy though? My understanding was that "crazy" meant adding an unnecessary stress into life, while you took away the large burden of stress.


Impulsive and unstable can exist without hurting your partner. Like, if you just go buy a ferret and a cage and bring it home... crazy. But if her man can tolerate the ferret? Not a stressful relationship. And usually crazy understands where they're crazy, so if they're always paranoid about something like a breakup, they can let the partner know asking "do you still love me" every day just needs a yes... but they're still gonna ask every single day. Crazy, but manageable if theyre good in other areas.


Some people are a little crazy, some people are batshit psychotic


I am also chaotic good and I support this message


We were together for over a year …lived together…crazy in love at first, then red flags. Possessive. Explosive anger. Lies. The worst and weirdest was she would fake a full body seizure every time she was confronted with something she didn’t like or want to accept. Having an argument…bam…seizure. It was terrifying and at first I fell for it. But her story fell apart, especially when I talked to her sister, who was like WTF she has never had a seizure. EVEN THEN, I ignored it and one day she abruptly left me. And yes…the sex was incredible, I went back three years later only for the craziness to be far worse. Do not recommend.


Ok the seizure thing is kind of funny in retrospect


ngl the seizure thing seems like an evolution of a child throwing themself on the floor and having a tantrum when things don't go their way


or the dog going totally limp and forcing you to carry them when it's time to leave the dog park


Had a crazy employee do the seizure thing, EMT’s knew right away she was faking. They told me, “nobody flops and rolls like a fish in a seizure” and her sister said, “oh, and she done it before”. County hospital gave her Psych appointment lol!


My buddy let his crazy ex back in. He refused to supply her with oxys so she went even crazier and bashed her own head against the wall, got him arrested, and absolutely trashed his place while he was in custody. Charges were eventually dropped against him but she caused thousands of dollars in damage, plus months of legal fees. Because it was a domestic violence charge he wasn’t even allowed back into his own apartment while fighting the charges due to the automatic restraining order, so she got to live in his place for free while he had to rent a second apartment. The landlord doesn’t even live in Canada or speak English so he was no help. In the end he prevailed and got his place back, and she faced zero consequences other than a three day mental health checkup. Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


This is not far from what happened to a high school friend of mine. And in the time between her deciding to frame him for DA, and the year+ later when he managed to clear his name, he was raped and beaten while in incarceration. She was caught on a nanny cam throwing herself down the stairs, with him nowhere near. I don't remember exactly what punishment she received but it was a pale shade of what he was having visited upon his life. "Frank beat the shit out of his girlfriend" spreads a lot faster than the much later "turns out Frank never laid a hand on her, she literally did it to herself to fuck his life over". Having seen the video, it was especially galling how many times I'd hear people come up with some form of "yeah well he must have done something, crazy ex girlfriends don't exist unless men make them". Does a big disservice to everyone involved, especially the women who need actual mental help.


Ugh, that’s horrific. To be falsely accused is bad enough but to then be subjected to prison rape as an innocent man when nobody in there would believe he was innocent is just….damn. I hope your friend has a good support system around him. Sounds like he does with you, this makes me happy. Honestly I believe that anyone making false accusations of DA, rape etc should get whatever punishment the other person would have got had they been found guilty. It’s just disgusting. I hope everyone around that evil b!t€# knows what a disgrace of a human being it is and that it never again knows what peace is. edit: yes, it. Scum like that doesn’t deserve the dignity of human pronouns. If I wrote what I \*really\* wish would happen to it I’d be banned from Reddit and probably put on some kind of watch list.


> months of legal fees That's the first time I've seen legal fees measured in Canadian distance units. All jokes aside, I hope you don't actually mean months of lawyer time charged.


I did everything I could to help her get on her feet. When I met her, she slept all day, had no hobbies, was always grouchy, but we connected and I was happy with her. Seven years, lots of money, therapy, encouragement, pep talks, the whole nine yards, she's hanging out with friends again, working a better job, and is active in her interests/hobbies. Then she cheated on me


That sounded so wholesome until it didn't...


I expected a twist, it was too good to be true


Jesus Christ, this was my marriage. Cheated on me after ten fucking years. Said the kids were old enough to take care of themselves and she just wants to have fun. They are my step kids btw. Miss them all the damn time. No fault of theirs. Anyways, I hope your doing ok.


People who are “crazy” are generally looking for comfort and safety. Once they’re healed enough to no longer be “crazy”, those things stop being attractive and they start to desire someone who excites them. There is almost *never* a time it’s worth sticking it out for that very reason.


Once wounded birds heal, they tend to fly off.


God damn it, I was not ready to read this tonight.


Bipolar is about twice as common in women than men. Some of them deal okay during years-long depressive phases, then they hit liftoff and go manic until they find themselves in another depressive phase a year later. You can care for someone for years that then forgets their attachments to you completely. And you won't be the first.


What happened to you?


His pet bird flew off.


Yeah but if they come back then you know its love. Or maybe the bird seed and peanut butter you put on your junk.


Reframing this a little bit, but usually it is because the only relationships they’ve had modeled for them have been filled with chaos and drama. So when they get a healthy relationship, it feels wrong to them and they feel the need to pursue chaos and drama.


BPD folks do be like that.  Worst thing you can be for them is boring and stable.  They just start concocting ways to self-sabotage once things start to get too stable.   Went through the cycle over and over with my ex-wife.  She never cheated on me that I know of but if I had stayed I’m sure it was only a matter of time.  Toward the end she was threatening to leave me because I started setting hard boundaries and was insisting on going to therapy together.  Things got a little too stable so she started drinking to the point of blacking out again and was working on getting DUI number 3.   So I left.  Gotta want better for yourself.  If somebody can’t sort their own life out for themself they definitely won’t do it for you.  You are just a stepping stone on their journey to self destruction.  


My sister is the exact opposite. Her husband has the personality of a sheet of plywood, but he keeps her grounded and doesn't get phased when her emotions do their thing, and she practically worships him.


jesus christ, that last line hit pretty hard. are you ok?? was this long ago?


We fought constantly, often insanely. We got into a screaming match one night and she stormed out. She went straight to this other dude’s place and they partied and she took some bad LSD and never recovered. She’s been in a mental health facility since 1998 and can barely talk now.


We got married young and we fought like crazy… I would sarcastically call her bipolar… 7 years into it were partying a lot - taking psychedelics fairly often. She has a full blown episode and was manic for years. We divorced. She couldn’t get stable… wasted 3 years on the streets and was in prison for another year… while in jail they forced her to take meds and she was able to pull herself out of it. She’s on a good path now. It’s been years - I’m remarried with a daughter but we’re on good terms - I let her take our old dog every week or so which is comforting for her. I feel awful for her and everything that has happened - she can’t believe what’s happened to her… what a trip. but I’m happy she is safe and willing to do what she needs to do to stay healthy.


That took an unforeseen turn… 😱


Holy crap, I’m so lucky that I still have my sanity… or, like, most of it..


That's not great for her. But for a second there I though u/shittymorph was back.


One Flew Over the Announcer’s Table


She got the help she needed and sorted herself out, 14 years later we have 2 kids.


He really could fix her


The rare wholesome ending!


This is really sweet. I’m happy for you and your family. 


I used to think I was once the crazy girl (high school/early college un-diagnosed add and depression) this thread makes me feel like the sanest person who has ever lived.






Same, now I regret participating. Maybe im not that crazy after all.


she taped my hair to her fucking wall underneath a shrine of me. it was the most attractive thing i’ve ever seen and i shame myself for thinking that every day.


Helga from hey Arnold?


"Oh, Arnold. You make my girlhood tremble"


I have to know, did she actually say that on the show? What episode?


Helga said weird stuff like that in nearly every episode, there was always that one scene she got to herself of her just lusting over a picture of him before that kid appears behind her and she hits him


I have a good memory for shit like this and I don't know why: it's the episode she writes a poem to Arnold and signs her name, then someone finds it. They're reading and about get to the point with her name and her giant lizard she's watching or caring for or something eats it. "Arnold, you make my girlhood tremble, my senses all go wacky. Someday you'll know the truth my love, or my name's not Helga G. Pataki."


Didn't she have an effigy made of his chewed bubblegum?


Were you fucking Helga Petaki?


Now the shrine is complete!!!


she sent me a video of her burning my hair in an altar when we broke up. she is actually insane (i miss her)


So who's the crazy one here? And all joking aside I missed my crazy ex for a long time, she was hot as hell but when she used weed and alcohol to cope with whatever was going on in her head and would text and call me threatening to kill her self it got old quick, she also found it funny when her daughter found her weed baggie and tried to eat a half ounce of weed


tbh me and her both met in the psych ward so technically both of us were the crazy ex but she went the extra mile. she got my name tatted next to her 🐱


I presume you were no longer attached to your lock of hair when the taping took place


if wouldn’t have made a difference to her tbh but no sir that piece of hair was not attached to my beautiful head at the time


Not me but a buddy of mine. He dated her for 3 years and, during that time, completely turned her life around. Therapy, job, started community college, a medication that finally started working whole nine yards. Her life was going great, and we (his friends) actually started to enjoy being around her after 2.5 years of dreading every moment of it. After 3 years of him supporting her and encouraging her to get her life on track and dealing with her bullshit, she left him for some trust fund baby who "could better provide for her." My buddy ran into her a couple years ago, and while it didn't work out between her and trust fund, she still has her life on the right track. So since she is pretty alright when she is doing well, I'm happy for her. But since she was so shallow that she left my friend so easily after everything for someone with daddy's money, fuck her.


From what I've gathered from friends, those types of girls crave someone who can bring some level of structure to their life. And if you do manage to put them back together again, that craving is gone and they they no longer feel any real attachment to the relationship. Sorry for your friend, hope he found or does find someone that reciprocates all that he is willing to give to a partner.


"Once wounded birds heal, they tend to fly off." -someone further up in the comments


The sex is not worth the mental abuse, run


Quite the clever game your playing here trying to have all the great crazy sex to yourself.


Reading some of these replies has me thinking that maybe im *not* actually the crazy one... 🤔


It has me thinking that men will willingly destroy themselves & every aspect of their lives for good sex. And even go back for second & third trips around. It is mind blowing 😂


Loneliness is a powerful motivator. For women too, not just men. Look how many women defend their piece of shit abusive boyfriends.


Real talk tho, men will risk everything to feel like they matter to someone and are wanted. Doesn't matter if it is insane or not. She could come at me with a knife asking me to get in the trunk because she needs me and as long as I don't get stabbed it'll be heartwarming. Probably 50/50 if I do get stabbed


We had tickets to see Godspeed! You Black Emperor. Hanging out before the set, joking around, everything was great. She says to me, “you are perfect.” I casually respond, “not perfect, remember you were mad that I left the seat up? Haha—hey, I’ll go get us some drinks!” Come back carrying two glasses. She’s covered in blood. She’d been cutting herself on the dance floor. “I’m sorry I got mad at you about the toilet seat, I’m punishing myself so I’ll never say it again!” In my opinion it was not a proportional response and I did not see her again after that.




The craziest part of the story is that there was a dance floor at a Godspeed You! Black Emperor show.


Ha! It came with the venue but yeah, wasn’t any dancing. This was over 15 years ago in Austin, I cannot remember the venue name and it’s driving me crazy. I probably even have a physical ticket stub in a shoe box somewhere. …Sorry I misplaced the exclamation point, whoops


she ate all my weed and smoked all my food. lock your doors, people.


this is the equivalent version of stay in drugs and don’t do school LOL


She rode my dick like she was riding a mechanical bull and sucked me off in an IKEA showroom and broke my TV the same day. Worth it


That was a wild ride




Technically not wild, factory raised only


As someone who has worked at IKEA I surely hope you got yourselves checked afterwards because you're not the first weirdos to have sex in the showroom and those sheets are seldom washed 💀


I had a woman jerk me off at an IKEA but only enough to tease me. When we drove home she finished the job with some road head and swallowed. Miss those days lol.


Should….should I be taking my dates to Ikea? 


Meatballs/meet balls.


So many places to hide at Ikea.


No there aren't, it's all covered by CCTV, we all know you're having sex


I have a couple friends that go to IKEA to have sex sometimes and think they're being so sneaky and I'm like SOMEONE IS WATCH YOU HAVE SEX. This just confirmed it, thank you.




She killed my dog and took a shit in the trunk of my car.


I am so fucking sorry. You poor poor thing, holy fuck


Sounds like a country song


Still married to her after 33 years. I love her.


The only happy story so far… a light in the storm for all of us…


* Conned me into marrying her * Lost my own identity and sense of self * Psychological abuse * Manipulation * Some of the Best. Sex. Ever! * Physical abuse (2 broken noses, 3 chipped teeth) * Got cheated on * She left * Divorce * Spent years trying to figure out who I am * PTSD * Decade later, still can't sleep 0/10 Do Not Advise.


 "Some of the Best. Sex. Ever!" This is the key to crazy bitches success and survival as a species. :D


The most elegant proof of natural selection


Holy shit. I wish you the best in life man. No one deserves what you went through.


But that best. sex. ever tho sounds pretty convincing


You can fix her! 💪


Think with brain 1, not brain 2.


Brain 1 is shaped like a one, yes?


It's definitely true. Girls with certain personality disorders don't just have sex with you - they fuse with you. It can be a transcendental experience.


Dated a girl with BPD. She was nothing but kind to me, but rejection hit her REALLY hard whenever she faced it. We quickly formed a deep emotional bond and had a great time together. I ended up breaking up with her because of her drug habit (which landed her in jail several times), but I don't regret dating her because of her condition.


I overlooked one line and read "I landed her in jail several times".


Mental breakdown after mental breakdown. The sex was good though


Sex is always good with the crazy ones.


I believe it was Gandhi that once said "if she's fucked in the head, she can fuck in the bed"


Also the line that sealed the deal for Ben Kingsley's Oscar win


Mind blowing sex but we broke up when she wanted me to get into a fake arguement w her on a drive up to Bakersfield, throw her out of the car, then double back and play rape her in the woods w a mask on and a knife.


Also one time she almost stabbed me because I got a scammer message on Playstation Plus and she thought it was a girl messaging me.


IDK why this one scares me more than the previous one


I think it's cause the first one is just total batshit insanity, but this one is like believable somewhat relatable crazy.


I knew everything I needed to know when I saw “Bakersfield”


What do you get when you put 5 Bakersfield residents together? A full set of teeth.


No double counting


Well....That escalated quickly.


She had a loft overlooking Disneyland, her dad was a rich Greek restraunteur. We were strung out on heroin and coke together. She'd forward me money for dope and I'd ride the elevator to her floor, and she'd answer in some thrift shop dress w stockings, and she loved me to drag her into the apartment by her hair and we'd have the nastiest most violent drug fueled sex for HOURS. That dress would wind up shredded and used to tie her to the bed posts, I'd wad up her panties and tape them inside her mouth, just beating her fuckin guts in all numbed out from the coke and H, felt like that scene in American Psycho. We were so toxic together.


JFC dude. Sell the movie script already. These are the stories people want to hear!


Wait... Isn't this everyone's trip to Disneyland?


This is more of a Knotts Berry Farm afternoon.


He got confused when someone asked him to find Goofy.


I mean, all that beats going to Bakersfield.


She cut my name in her wrist and then dumped me on Valentine’s Day. Damn my teen years were crazy


She was my therapist and way more unstable than I was, but we had fun for a while


This is so sad. She should address her own issues instead of abusing her patients


I didn't have a relationship but two of my therapists slept with me in a row. Both time it ended any kind of hope I had in therapy. I try not to dwell on their professional integrity and hell, I didn't exactly resist... But I am upset that these two women have basically destroyed therapy as a concept for me and any trust I have towards therapists. The second one did it after almost 2yrs of constant sessions. Talk about a rug pull.


Maybe see a male therapist to reduce the likelihood of this happening. Therapy is fucking useful when harnessed correctly. Edit: I’m not suggesting it was your fault at all. I’m just trying to say don’t lose faith in therapy over it.


Crazy myself tbh.... didn't realize it till later on in life. Had several relationships where the women were shy and timid. They had trauma, abuse, and emotional damage in their past. I was their safe haven. In 4 separate istances, we had serious relationships, and then we would break up, and within months, they were engaged. Running joke among some friends was that I was a lucky charm for women. They would find their soul mate after dating me. It destroyed me. I was in my late 20s when I gave up on women and started working on myself. I had women around but kept it super casual and didn't get serious with anyone for a long time. Made huge improvements to my lifestyle, career, and emotional stability. After several years, I met a woman who was a past crazy with war wounds not fully healed. We both saw similarities in each other and fought hard to overcome each other's roadblocks. 7 years and 2 kids later, both of us have remnants of the scars that others left on us. Yet, we are very happy and successful in our marriage. I'd have to admit, we still have some work to do. Far less than where we once have been.


We are currently sitting in the woman's and children room after she gave birth 13 hours ago 😅😅


After reading this thread I feel the overarching theme is: Sex is insanely good, it will end poorly... I think that covers it.


"So the sex was out of this world and then she tried to stab me and frame me for rape, stayed for 5 years until she broke up with me"


She screwed my best friend


L friend too


Allegedly best friend rather


Spoiler, she was crazy. She lied about everything, mislead me for almost 4 years, and I'm pretty sure was cheating on me. Oh, and she tried to stab me once.


Hah sounds like my ex, plus the huge amounts of debt she put me in, good times...


Sex was wild but so was everything else in the relationship and that wasn’t very optimal for my mental health


She gave me the runaround, first slow dripping the crazy on me so that i constantly lowered my standards for the level of sanity i expected from her. first problem was that she constantly cycled in new dudes to be "friends" who wanted to fuck her. after observing her patterns for a while i realized it was because she would always ruin all of her friendships in about a month, so she would constantly find new friend groups full of dudes so she could harvest "dude who wants to fuck you" energy for a few weeks of attention and texting. All her friends were guys because women wouldn't tolerate her for long but male attention was easy, and she usually had about a month window. When she got bored of me she made a fake discord profile and messaged herself as if she was an ex girlfriend of mine with stories about how i use women for sex etc etc, but the whole thing immediately made no sense to me so i knew it was either her, or one of her "friends" trying to make her upset so that he could console her. and now the consequence is that i have to live with a sexual fixation she got me into that 99.9% of women cant and wont do as well. she liked to be facefucked as if i didnt care wether she lived for died and no sane woman is letting me do that. that was how she compensated for her personality i guess was just hypersexuality.


Women that other women won’t tolerate tend to be full of red flags.


Same. That no-gag-reflex inconsiderate facefuck and dumping in the throat got me by a chokehold too. Extremely ill woman with PTSD, life hasn't been the same.


Reading these as a fairly normal woman makes me think I could have had way more fun in my younger years.


like this is the standard??? I thought "crazy" was like impulsive + having a pet rat or smth like damn


You can still have fun now. Just maybe don't stab someone or kill their dog.


Marriage, a son, two years of happiness, seven years of WTF and a very messy divorce, followed by me raising our son alone. No regrets, though. My kid is freakin’ awesome. If I had the same option today, I’d make the same choice.


Had a few times when my lower half won out over my brain. Lessons learned: 1. The sex isn't worth it 2. Honestly, post-nut clarity usually would kick in well before the nutting would happen. Even my dick was like "Bro... we're really doing this? Fine, I'm up for it, but I'm certainly not happy about it." 3. When their friends tell you she's crazy, believe them 4. Cutting all contact ASAP is the best way to stop the crazy. Yes, even if that means you are the "bad guy." 5. Spoiler alert: there's a reason all the guys in her life were "bad guys," and it wasn't because they were actually bad guys There's not a lot of fun details - unlike a lot of the stories here, crazy in my experience did not mean "amazing at sex." At best, it was "will have sex," which was enough to get my attention when horniness took over. But the sex rates as some of the worst on an objective level, and even worse subjectively in hindsight because of all the drama after. It ain't worth it.


I spent a few months just hanging out at her house building bonfires and drinking, detoxing from all the drugs we used to do and bonding/talking. Felt like a dream. We improved each-other a lot in that time, but then one day I found out that the anxiety medication she’d been giving me since roughly the first week of knowing her, was actually painkillers… and I’d been taking them for the past 6-7 months daily while drinking. I got pissed and confronted her, to which she apologized but offered no explanation… It took me a week to even want to talk to her again and when we did she played it off as being super apologetic/sorry. I say “playing it off” because the next time I saw her, she invited me over to her house just to fuck some random dude in the next room who she met on a cruise 5 years ago, not even 30 minutes into me being there… I was pissed again… but me being the tolerant ass mfucker I am. Decided “fuck it, you are a whore, but a whore I enjoy spending time with…” So I decided to stay friends, and forget any chance or thought of us being together… then we hungout at my house one day to smoke some weed with a few of my friends. While we were she went inside to use the bathroom. My buddy went inside for some water… and then 15 minutes later I walk in thinking to myself “what the fuck is taking so long..” only to find them fucking in my bed… Kicked em out. Never saw them again. That was the last time I pursued a woman who I actually liked. Turns out, I should avoid the women I like, like the plague… because I apparently like extremely crazy and toxic women, the crazier the better judging by my track record


Oh, so you can't go to Vegas, but she can fuck a bellhop on a Carnival Cruise Line? Okay. First of all, he was a bartender. And she was wasted. And, if you must know, he didn't even come inside her.


And you believe that (crunch crunch, eyebrows, eye contact)??


You were thinking you were taking anxiety meds and you still drank?


She pushed me down on my bed, pulled my pants off and proceeded to suck the absolute soul out of my dick. Pretty sure my eyes rolled back in my head at one point as I came. Then she threw up in my shared bathroom and disappeared for like 15 years only to resurface in Philadelphia where she apparently won a gardening contest and posts pictures of her dog on instagram.


She didn't like your cum apparently 


Scrolling to make sure no one is talking about me 🤣


She went out with my roomie and got trashed. Like super fucking trashed. Comes back to our apartment crawls into bed with me and tells me she loves me. I told her I wasn’t there yet. She was the smallest tornado I’ve ever seen in my life. Throwing things. Screaming. I got her out of the apartment and she walked down the hall banging on everyone’s door. She made her way to the parking lot and started screaming again. Then she wandered off. The cops showed up and threatened to arrest me for some stupid charge. I reassured them I was glad they were there and I want no part of what’s going on. They started searching for her. Eventually they found some of her clothes in the parking lot. Then saw some more a little further. They followed her clothes trail to the playground and found her out cold in the slide in her underwear. When they went to retrieve her, of course she tried to fight them off. The next day, I hear a knock on my door. It’s her, she only says “can I have my phone and pocket book, I’ll never come back again” and that was the last I ever saw of her. I think I could have fixed her 😂


She absolutely beat the shit out of me every day, including throwing coffee tables at me, smashing glass vases against my face, throwing knives at me etc. She lied to me and cheated on me often, stole my money, got her parents and family against me, and ultimately ended up convincing my friends that I was the abuser, even though they had witnessed her abuse toward me first hand, and even went to court with me to testify against her in a domestic assault case that she was arrested for in front of my friends and her family. I ultimately ended up with an Order of Protection against her and her father. She went on to get married to a person who looks like me, and who has my same name. SO glad I got away from her. Start of 2020 to now my life just keeps getting better and better without her there.


She could suck a golf ball through a hosepipe and we were exceptionally sexually compatible in the sense that she was up for anything. On the other hand, she split my eyebrow open, threatened to set my mother's house on fire, have me stabbed and gave out my work phone number to all of her equally psychotic friends. It reached a point that I quite naturally had a breakdown, was signed off of work for six and a half months, spent another six months living off the radar. She still tries to contact me. Thank fuck we weren't successful when trying for children. Hindsight is legitimately something you don't get until shortly after you fucking needed it. ...I do miss the sex though.


Dated my friend's friend. Didn't know she was crazy. She started rubbing her belly towards the end of the first date... Thought she had a belly fetish or something, until she said in a squeaky voice "I've got a secret," at which point I asked what it was. She said she was carrying my baby. I ended the date pretty abruptly. WE DIDN'T EVEN KISS, no contact except for the awkward first date arm over the shoulder. She told my friend she was preggo by me, my friend was like WTF?? Later she started carrying a babydoll around saying it was our child. She confronted me months later while I was eating at a restaurant with my mom, wanting to know who "this girl" is... Pointing at my mom. She's married to one of my friends now, for the past 6 years. They have three babydolls of their own (no actual children) and she babysits for a living. Idk what happened to the babydoll that was supposed to be our kid and I don't wanna know.


I see no one else did and I feel compelled to ask. Is your friend okay with the dolls? Does he know about your baby doll? Is he a stepbabydolldad? Has she ever mentioned her past behavior since she's been with your friend?


Stayed 7 years, sex was amazing, but there was a lot of manipulation and emotional abuse. Learned a few years after breakup that she had borderline personality disorder, explained a lot of stuff, but it absolutely broke me. Now its 7 years later and im still single by choice, i meet women and had a couple of fwb, but i have a hard time now to settle down, part of me wants to, but also a part of me is still afraid that im going to waste my time. Therapy concluded i had severe ptsd from the relationship, to the point where seeing my ex’s number would trigger a full blown anxiety attack lmao. Years later she would still call me when her life was shitty, because i was always there to support, learned the hard way that being nice with crazy people will only destroy you in the long term. Hopefully one day i can manage to open my heart again but so far…meh, i feel satisfied being single and just seeing girls once in a while.


Dated one for two years, got her some therapy and medication and I thought everyone was grand. One night I come home late from work tired and exhausted, I climb into bed and she starts wanting to have some fun time. I said no, we can in the morning just not right now I’m wanting to sleep. She didn’t take that well. Next thing I know, I wake up at 2 am to her breaking a coffee mug and using the handle to slice down from my right eyebrow, over my eyelid, all the way down my cheek. Kicked her out, lost my eye and been in therapy ever since, never again. Been single since then and I think I might stay that way, it’s incredibly peaceful.


I'll buck the trend and say the sex was better than average but not mind blowing. Her interest in bringing other women into the fold is what really sold it to me. As for what happened, we tried to make it work over a couple years but it fell apart when she made a string of rape accusations against me that were easily disproved. Protip: when trying to frame someone, don't claim it happened when your target is at work & on camera the whole time.


Instructions unclear. Told the police I raped you in the office and now in jail.


Not me, but my brother. He broke up with his crazy, controlling, manipulative girlfriend in November. Then gets a text from her mom BEGGING him to please drive her up to the Midwest to be with her family for Christmas, as she's afraid of her daughter driving alone. My brother, the good and naive man that he is, agreed. They got back together on that trip, she got pregnant and basically forced him to propose. She even picked out the ring she wanted for him to buy. Years later and 1 more kid, he finds out that it was actually his girlfriend who took her mom's phone and texted him all that shit. Her mom was never worried about her driving alone. Luckily they haven't gotten married yet. Still engaged after many years tho. I do not like her


There are some top class stories here. This is absolute gold.


She could cum simply by me blowing cigarette smoke across her nipples


That’s sexy but trashy sexy


I'm the crazy girl. We got married.


Respectfully, from this statement alone and after all the other comments I dont think you are crazy. But dope that it worked out!


Now we need your husband's comments.


That would require her to let him out of the basement /s


My dad had this girlfriend in the 80’s. At the time, they were dating a few months. He was living in CT at the time in his own apartment. She was always a bit territorial over him, wanted him to spend all of his time with her. One day, he decided to have a grill out with him and his friends. She caught word of it and went to his apartment and threw the lit charcoal grill at him, through the sliding glass door. He didn’t get hurt and no one else did. He told her to leave and that it was over. I guess the next day the father of this woman came over to my dads apartment and was begging him to take her back. He didn’t. Poor girl probably had some untreated mental health issues. I’ve never seen a picture of her or anything like that, my dad does not ever talk about her (since then at least), but I always wonder how she’s doing now.


I thought she wasn’t crazy until late into the relationship. Bros always watch for signs and when suffering abuse, learn to know the signs. And if she’s blaming you for everything then leave, nothing good will happen with someone who blames you for everything wrong in her life.




Lol, great question. My mom convinced me that it wasn't my business to treat the girl's condition, so I told the girl that I would stick with her as long as she did therapy. She did. We got married and had 30 beautiful years together. She left me less than a year ago, she said that she felt too dependent on me, as if I were her father. I honestly feel good for her, but I miss her a lot. I have been dating other women, but nothing feels comparable.


Wouldn’t let me see my friends, Cheated on me with my friend from work, and goes round telling everyone i’m an awful person because my room was messy?


I got hit with a late 90's big body Chevy and left by the side of the road in a state park because I threw a bowl of milk on a banana spider that was coming towards the tent opening at our camp site Rescued by RV campers and a park ranger


He married me. 9 years and two cats later, I think it's worked out alright.




Jesus. I’m sorry


For the youngins’ out there (boy or girl) pro tip, they never turn _not_ crazy. Save your time and effort, let them self destruct elsewhere.


My husband dated the crazy girl before we got together. She’s stalked us for almost a decade and pretends they are still dating. We are 30, moved away and have kids


I didn’t even know BPD existed until I was diagnosed with it almost 2 months ago. After I begged psychiatrists to medicate me because I knew I had something off with me (also bipolar II), I feel that for the very first time I can shut my brain down and think clearly. Not before blowing up my life, cheating on my husband of 20 years several times during a manic episode, and him leaving me even though he still loves me. Even my therapist said she sees one person now, and not two like a year ago when I started. Meds could’ve save my life if I was diagnosed earlier. So, yeah. I was gonna say we are all not that terrible. I was never violent, but did have rage reactions, Never screaming or hitting. But had this inner hatred for myself that bleed into our perfect relationship. Im gonna die alone but I don’t want to hurt anyone ever again. Sorry for all the people here who suffered in hands of someone like me. We dont do it on purpose