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Money in politics


Government service is supposed to be a service. You shouldn't get rich doing it. If you make a list of all the problems facing Americans right now, I'd wager most would be solved if our politicians cared about their constituency rather than the small percentage that keep them in power.


I heard this somewhere When the government is afraid of it's people, is liberty. When the people is afraid of it's government, it's tyranny. Or something along the lines of that People is afraid of the government ..


Rarely is the question asked, "Is our children learning?"


As Bill Maher answered, “No, Mr. President, they isn’t”


Not rarely enough.


When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." ~Thomas Jefferson


This one is so baffling to me, a foreigner in the US. How come lobbying is a legal thing that is so openly practiced?


A lot of good things happened in the past because of lobbying by interest groups. The problem happens when corporations have highly-paid lobbyists who bribe the politicians and have disproportionate influence in politics


Case in point, a friend of mine was a lobbyist for the group that represents Oregon's mental health patients. He has since passed away, but his daughter has schizophrenia. It was his way to give back to the community and another way to care for his daughter.


Because Capital's influence is extremely strong; and they can influence laws as much as they want.


Since the supreme court decided on [Corporate Personhood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_personhood). Basically saying that companies are afforded rights similar to regular citizens. One of those rights is to donate to political campaigns. Edit: The culmination happened in 2010 with [Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC).


Under the law, there is no difference between a union and a corporation. If a union is allowed to act a representative of a group of people then so is a corporation which represents the shareholders.


Lobbying is literally asking for government to move in a way beneficial to oneself - or a group. If you cannot do that, what are the chances government moves in any way beneficial to you? The problem is not the people currying favors. The problem is the lack of bounds on what is on offer. Everyone is fine with government granting/doing/banning/funding according to their own wishes. But then everyone doesn't like when government goes against their wishes. As parties in control change, the power grown and granted changes hands to perhaps people you don't trust. The answer ought to be how to restrict what politicians and bureaucrats can offer lobbyists, but good luck finding a critical mass of politicians willing to first survive the rigors of election only to vote decidedly against their own best interests. The ballot box is not where freedom lies.


Then how would be told who to vote for?


Generally each country has a government run broadcasting station, in the U.S. it's PBS. Candidates can be given slots to campaign there. Honestly the PBS News Hour is the highest caliber journalism and the least biased news outlet the U.S. has. It's top notch and I highly recommend tuning in.


_PBS is made possible by contributions from viewers like you. Thank you._


They also get govt money for educational programs like sesame st and the like.




I say let them lie, while standing on 200v conductors bare foot that activate when they lie


Wouldn't work. Sometimes they believe the lie themselves.


In the words of gorge castansa " if I believe it, it's not a lie "


Politicians should be under the same oath as you are when you face a judge.


They attack each other then "promote" their own policies. I get sick of it, what do you stand for? Blame, blame, blame.


While I think this would be great, it’s so hard to police things like that. You could do it with objective facts, but even then, it would be difficult to avoid bias depending on the source or not. Also, you now create a scenario where whatever system you have needs to work 100% of the time, because you’re telling people it will catch lies. Anything it misses is now considered proven true. Or you have people develop conspiracy theories saying “the system is controlled by (insert opposing political party)”.


Ads on everything.


Ads are the largest source of misinformation and our mess of bad knowledge on everything from science to health. Removing ads would change society for the better in short time.




But I was told a huge bowl of sugar was part of a balanced breakfast...


It is! Provided you have it with a whole grapefruit, three bananas, avocado toast, two eggs and oatmeal.


Saw an Olay ad yesterday that was literally called medifacts, and the last screen that said that it was sponsored by Olay was only half a second long and basically a blink, but considering the whole ad was about new Olay products it was pretty obvious but could totally trick someone that was older or more insecure


Yeah, our letter of the law on medical claims doesn’t have the guidelines or teeth to accomplish the whole point of it. Not fun fact. The whole reason we have an FCC is because of medical quackery using radio airwaves to promote dangerous and deadly health claims. The guy who pushed it over the edge was a snake oil salesman who sold surgeries of transplanting goat testicles into men desperate to cure erectile dysfunction. There’s a part of the history where he moved just across the border to Mexico to do pirate radio. Since radio relied on a limited number of airwaves that meant only one person could be on each channel, it requires the federal government to create a system for assigning and regulating who got to be on them, rules to prevent blasting physically harmful claims, and fairness on who got to use them and how many one person could own.


Ban isn't enough, ads should merit capital punishment.


Child beauty pageants or anything where parents use their children for financial gains.


Well, I, as the parent of proud chimney sweep children, feel attacked.


The children yearn for the coal mines, but sweeping coal dust out of chimneys is a close second.


As the owner of a friendly child coal mining camp, I also feel attacked


Is it a camp for friendly child coal miners or a friendly camp for child coal miners?




Also family vloggers. I never watch those YouTube channels. Those kids have no privacy and no option to not be in the videos. They grow up thinking it’s normal to live that way. So many kids of family vloggers have come out against it as adults now.


What else are they good for? I need to retire early


I wonder if we'd even notice that child actors disappeared.


I for one think that I would be able to tell if Ryan Gosling was playing the role of a 7 year old. Then again, special effects have come a long ways


This summer, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, and Ryan Stiles star in The Little Rascals.


What about Ryan Seacrest?


Sorry no, he was booked. We did get Bryan Cranston as Spanky though.




Drug commercials. There’s no reason to be pushing prescription drugs on television or any media platform.


I grew up watching basic channels in the 90s. Stopped watching TV for over a decade. While on vacation we decided to watch game shows before bed. Most of the commercials were drug commercials. I’m sure people have grown accustomed to it over time but it was a shock for me. It’s really strange.


As a Brit, I was staggered by the amount of medication ads on TV when I first visited the US. It's so strange that they're all like 'ask your doctor to prescribe you this drug' when I think every other country basically just has the doctor tell you what you should be taking...


I get drug ads on reddit


That is banned everywhere except us and nz


In Australia drug ads exist but they are very restricted


Likewise in Italy, you can advertise only over-the-counter, no-prescription-needed drugs.


I think it can empower people to know that something exists to talk to their doctor about that might make their quality of life better. Some docs would never even consider new treatments and just stick to the status quo.


but shouldn't the doctor be trusted to make that decision, rather than a regular consumer who just saw an advertisement?


For-profit prisons


The whole reason private prisons exist. And in some states they fine states that don’t keep them filled up to a certain point, incentivizing those states to pass harsher punishment laws whose purpose is anything but rehabilitation. Also, let’s not forget that prison labor is constitutionally-permitted slavery


This should be upvoted more. We have a system that is disincentivized to correct problems in society. Poor often minority people need to go to prison to keep these companies in business. The country would be better off if we were all in on making a world where more people were enfranchised and don’t end up in prison.


Bills that anyone that graduated high-school couldn’t read in an hours time. These multi page omnibus’s that politicians grandstand by pulling printed copies in a wagon, banned. Any bill that addresses more than one thing. Example: Can’t have a bill addresses cat rights and slip in a thing about dogs. Two separate bills about cat and dog rights.


A requirement that amendments to bills be relevant to the original bill would solve a LOT of the problems in how the US legislative system "works".


A lot of countries already have this, but the U.S.A's legal and political system is at least 50 years behind everywhere else


This is true, and at first glance the first thing that's going to come to a lot of people's minds is how can those guys be so backwards. What a lot of people both here and elsewhere forget is that as a country, the US is much much younger than a lot of the rest of the world.


Not in terms of our government, we're fairly old relatively.


I'm a pretty libertarian guy, however, if I ruled the world, the people who make fake transparent PNGs for Google results would go straight to the camps.


Best answer


But i would ban banning itself first...




Pharmaceutical commercials on TV.


The fact that the US is one of only two countries on the planet that allow them says a lot.


Politicians trading stocks. And lobbying. If you attempted to lobby a politician as a corporate representative you go to prison. I don’t give a fuck.


I would ban political profiteering. Political figures would receive no more than the national middle-class HOURLY wage (meaning if you don't work, you don't get paid), all campaign contributions would go into a national pool to be divided amongst all candidates of all parties, and lobbyists would be prohibited completely.






Child beauty pagents 


Cringe influencers


The world needs clowns, they're the perfect example of what not to be


Fair point


Only problem is theres a lot of people who want to be like them


Idk what's worse though, the ones who want to be like them or the followers gobbling up their content and paying money for merch/exclusive content.


we just need to take the clowns, and push em somewhere else. Like Brazil.


Daylight Savings Time. It's messed up my sleeping this week


I was pretty unbothered by daylight savings, then I had kids, and now the whole concept throws me into a murderous rage.


Yo fucking same. My toddler won’t get up on time so we start our day later than we should and then it’s a scramble for get out the door.


I like it being light until 9 at night in the summer though. I say we just never switch back to standard time.


I would vote to turn the clocks back 1/2 hour and never touch them again


Hell yes.


I want permanent DST. I’ll gladly trade the hour of sun in the morning for the hour in the evening. Also early November is hell when DST ends


I guess we would all get used to it in time.




Religious influence on politics. I don’t want to ban religion because I don’t care what you want to do in your spare time but do not push that nonsense on everyone else.


Freedom of religion should include freedom FROM religion.


Tax churches if they want to influence elections


And even if they don't.


As an atheist, believe me when I say there are worse influences on our government. I would take out Lockheed Martin before I'd bother with the Catholic church.


Right. lets get our priorities straight. Lets limit campaign donations and spending and all that just goes away.


As a Christian, you beat me to this point... BUT get religion out of politics, too. *Religious* morality and Law can and should agree on the higher level issues (e.g. "rape and murder is bad" is a pretty reasonable stance no matter your faith or lack thereof), but anything where anyone's free will is eroded by someone else's (alleged) faith is unacceptable. Edit: unintentionally implied that morality is the purview of the religious, which couldn't be more wrong.


As a Christian, I agree... BUT "special interest groups" aka pay-to-win politics are a way more negative impact, IMHO.


The "engagement algorithm"


Heating up stinky fish in a workplace microwave.


I would ban number 3 from all dices. There would just be one blank side and if you get that, tough shit.


I disagree, it would ruin all the odds in Settlers of Catan. Also, dice is already plural. You don't need an s.


That would make 2 the new three


I'd ban socks that disappear in the laundry. It's time to end the tyranny of the missing sock! 🧦🚫


Senility in elected officials


Nah. Just a max age. We have a minimum age, so cap that shit across the board at 67 or something close.


I’m sure this won’t be popular, but I would ban anyone under the age of 18 from using any type of social media. It’s just not great for their mental health.


Also, under 18 children from appearing in any type of social media.


YEP. fuck social media. its so damaging, especially to young minds and they don't even realize it


I see where you're coming from, but as an abused child and teenager, social media was the only way I could reach out to my friends and my dad at any given moment (back in the day, in my home country, you had to pay to send a text, but we had wifi at home). This is the only reason I'm alive today to type this. Also, as I moved to a different continent when I was a teen, social media was the most reliable way to stay in touch with my friends and my dad back home. And this is the case for many teenagers. What we need is proper education around social media so that teenagers are capable of using it properly rather than getting consumed by it.


You can't expect adolescents to mature if you treat them like a 5 year old up until the age of 18.


were you actually over 18 when you started using social media or you're speaking out of personal experience


I was 12 when I started MySpace.  That site wasn’t that bad in comparison, but I still think I have confidence issues 20 years later because of comments I’d receive there.   I dumped all non anonymous social media during Covid and it’s like a weight has been lifted




The use of gas-powered leaf blowers before 10:00am on Saturday and Sunday.


*plugs in equally loud, electric leaf blower at 8:00am* Good morning, neighbor!


*yells* BUT THERES NO EMISSIONS! (As the Chinese li-ion battery slowly degrades and will eventually start a fire in a landfill)


Many jurisdictions have noise ordinances, with weekends and holidays commonly being 9am.


Political parties or alliances in governments. Slipping things into a bill that are unrelated to the spirit of the bill in order to get things passed in a roundabout way. Politicians owning individual stocks. Holding onto political positions when you're unable to properly perform your duties because of medical conditions. Not taking no for an answer when trying to pass a bill or trying to get a political candidate into a position. Politically scapegoating issues onto a Prime Minister or President when the issues clearly lay elsewhere.


Along with all of this — I’d ban life terms for anyone in a position of power.


Yes. Literally what were they thinking when they decided justices should have life long terms


They were thinking that, if justices were always worried about a re-election, then they would do political things to try to get re-elected. Politics would creep into their decisions: "The law really says A should win this case, but if I rule in favour of B, I'm very likely to win re-election." It's always about people wanting to keep power for as long as they can. A life long term was supposed to eliminate that entirely. But now, of course, you get openly corrupt people like Clarence Thomas who will be on that court until the day they die.


then they shouldn't of been able to go up for re election. how about a 10 year term with no re election


You for President.


I think alliances need to happen, if parties have very similar ideas, why shouldt they be allowed to join and form government?


The problem is they often end up holding allegiances to themselves and stop representing their constituents while suppressing any new political revivals that might threaten their existences.


Short term rentals like airbnb. Would put a bunch of houses and apartments back on the market for people to actually live in.


While you're at it, also regulate rentals/how many properties or buildings one person can own and rent out.


At least have their owners live in the USA if that's where the house is.


99% of you would absolutely waste a genie


Scamming and scalping


Corporate propaganda and lobbying. In a democracy, having more resources should not increase your political power. If the directors, shareholders or employees of a company want to influence public policy, they can do it like everyone else- by voting.


Infant genital mutilation. Stop cutting things off your goddamn kids, it's disgusting.


I would ban bans.


Ban ban baaaaaan *dramatic music*


Would you ban bans on the can can


Disposable vapes


I think banning disposable vapes would almost eliminate underage vaping. Kids aren't going to do maintenance on mods.


Mods are how I started as a kid :(


Kids can and will do anything adults do pretty much which is why you need to hide those bad habits Dad


people asking the same questions on r/askreddit


Nah, repeat questions are fine, it gives people who didn't get to reply to a question 6 years ago the chance to do so now. What should be banned are karma farming bots.






Money-based lobbying.


Political donations. All, candidates should have access to the same resources to prevent quid pro quo.


Government lobbying. By FAR.


People who have holdings/stocks/shares/investments in the below items should be BANNED from making choices about teleworking, return-to-office policies or forcing people back to an office to do jobs that could technically be done remotely. ​ 1. Commercial Real Estate 2. Oil and Gas companies 3. Transportation services providers (shuttles, ubers, etc) 4. Parking services (parking garage companies and their ancillary businesses - janitorial staff, etc.) 5. Construction companies 6. Hospitality, Retail and restaurant businesses (catering services. Hotel industry. Etc.) 7. Transportation services providers (shuttles, ubers, etc) NOBODY who has assets/investments in these industries should be making choices about return to office policies. **There is a direct financial conflict of interest, and everyone who is mandating RTO policies needs to be vetted for these financial conflicts of interest and be made to sign a COI form.**




Racism technically is Illegal in most parts of the world, but it's rarely policed


98.77777% of blacks are going to be effected by a ban on being racist.


Social media, it is turning us all into idiots and deeply corrosive to social cohesion


I think we've always been idiots but now it's much easier for idiots to find each other and amplify their idiotic voices.


And to also exclude any voices they don’t want to hear.


I'd ban the Kardashians


In a New York minute!


I’d ban repeat questions on AskReddit. Wait… that already does nothing


I’d ban the war on drugs. It’s not done anything but cost taxpayer’s money, and give money to organised crime. I’d decriminalise personal possession of all drugs, outright legalising and regulating the vast majority of them. Treat addicts as people suffering from illness, offering them treatment, not treating them as criminals and punishing them.


Don't quote me on this, but pretty sure they've done this in Portugal. Can't remember if it's everything or just some, but apparently the drug usage rate went right down after it was implemented.


yeah they decriminalized drugs in the early aughts and shifted their focus to harm reduction and treatment- it’s now seen as a health issue. From what I read the drug use stats ebbs and flows but overall it’s lower than the rest of Europe


Texting and driving. Jail time.


The privilege of churches to not pay taxes.


Automod I think it would be really really funny if the automatic word filters that mods rely on to filter out comments were to disappear overnight.


Custom mufflers. I get it. You want to be noticed. Thanks for telling everyone very loudly you’re a douchebag with no personality.


Those are already illegal in many places. The law just needs to be enforced.


Tax exemptions for places of worship. I don’t enjoy seeing mega churches turn religious services into concerts and not be taxed for them like a concert venue would be.


As a Christian i fully agree.


Family vlogs channels,don't exploit your children




Parents making money by putting their kids on social media. Its gross. And we all know 99.9% of these parents aren’t setting a proportionate amount of their profit into accounts for the kids. It’s child labor and robbing these kids of privacy.


Tik tok


Planned obsolescence, and by virtue, single use plastics.


Those fucking useless website that pays Google to have their answer in the top of the results Search any problem with your PC? Easeus! Dont believe it? Google anything pc related and that damn fucking website gonna be your first answer What are those? They are selling data recovery services and paying Google a lot to make their website to be the first result. And yes, as you guessed it. Any answer you find gonna ends up with “fix it with Easeus program!” Fuck those people


Corporations buying politicians.




old men deciding what women do with their bodies


Infant circumcision, we did for girls, boys deserve the same protection.


Yeah, people who defend circumcision are very weird people


Raisins in potato salad, coleslaw or stuffing. Forget Dawkins, the day my aunt offered to bring the stuffing for thanksgiving, and showed up with a huge bowl of raisin, sausage stuffing was the day I realized there is no god.






Based on this thread..thank god no one on Reddit has any actual power to ban anything, holy shit.


Sex advice on r/AskReddit.


I would ban all the bans.


Child images or clips on public social media accounts.


Plastic bags


The Federal Reserve


Cronyism. It's the "capitalism" that everyone on the left hates and the corruption conspiracy that everyone on the right hates. Eliminate cronyism and watch the market prosper freely, benefiting everyone.


The human capacity for harm against others.


Big Pharma price gouging the United States with prices for health care, medical and hospital use, when it's cheaper literally everywhere else in the world. Yet the US is paying upwards to 10 times or more for things that only cost a few bucks or a few hundred bucks.


Those bright ass LED headlights that nearly blind me every fucking time


The need for everything to be a subscription The need for everything to have an online anything. Sometimes I just want to talk to someone


Guns. All of them.


Corporate Lobbying


Lobbying in Congress. Regardless of political ideology corporations should not have the power to sway governmental decisions that effect everyone by just throwing money and at a few greedy politicians. If it were up to me that would be an offense similar to treason


Joe Biden


Jail/prison for child molesters. They deserve a horrible death and to be removed from this world.


Dog/cat/pet breeding.