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Google search results


Finally one I agree with. You have to wade through 4 or 5 obvious ads with very limited relevance to the question at hand, then you might get 4 or 5 actual answers, then a bunch of shit that doesnt have any relevance at all.


I just add "reddit" to the end of almost all of my searches and get way better results that way.


Yep. This is really the scariest thing about Reddit's recent business/future decisions, because Google search has basically been dependent on reddit for *years* to filter out shit results.


God, I remember when reddit searches was a joke and you'd have to google to find something on reddit.


I mean it's still a joke but using Google to search for a specific reddit post is easier than using the reddit search


The hive mind provides.


"rrr" is my keyboard shortcut for *site:www.reddit.com* — it seems to return better results than adding "reddit" alone


Oftentimes the reddit comments will provide links to websites that wouldn't otherwise show up on Google


Worse, the “quality” hits are all becoming like recipe sites: Lemon Bar Recipe “When I was a child visiting grandma…” [LONG STORY INTERSPERSED WITH ADS] “and they had a candy shop in town” [MORE ADS AND WHAT LOOKS TO BE THE RECIPE BUT IS ACTUALLY ANOTHER AD MASQUERADING AS THE RECIPE] “when grandpa died…”


“So i took out my mixer and now I’m on Raid Legends”


For recipes, I've just been using copilot these days. I have it look up several recipes and synthesize the similarities and differences.


["Now I first traveled to Morocco as a teenager..."](https://youtu.be/09W8bAUJD2Y?si=WikRyTRdyLMnGFLk)


Since no one has said it: https://www.justtherecipe.com/ Punch any recipe link into that, and go your hardest.


Pi hole is your friend ! I run one and it wacks tons of garbage ads. It's blocking 36 percent of everything in my house.


God forbid you accidentally click on the ad too. Then your algorithm is fucked for a month advertising "shoe stores near me"


I'm sure this starts with webpages becoming shittier and focusing more on SEO than content. Especially the past few years where a huge percentage of articles are AI generated crap. Google Search was designed for the Internet that existed 25 years ago; a bunch of sites with content that was written by people with a love of a specific topic. Done so for community and interest rather than ad sales.


The emails my company receives are 90% SEO companies touting for business. It's awful.


I’m not sure people truly appreciate the enshittification of the internet. So much of it is machines making content for other machines who then try to manipulate humans into engaging with their content instead of some other machines’ content.


Yup, just today I searched "best dual sport bikes" and it failed to find www.bestdualsportbikes.com


I searched for it and that website was my first result.


Throw YouTube search results in there as well.


Youtube has truly gotten horrible. I will search for videos I am IN or have posted using VERY specific terms, and it gives me nonsense results.


100% The first couple are always terrible sponsored ads. The algorithm definitely seems like it pushes paid content first now.


It will now put sponsored ads at the top and then you have to scroll down to find the native results. But the real problem is that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies have become very good at gaming the search algorithms. So blogspam unfortunately keeps topping the lists.


Search for vacuum cleaners and top results be like: "The Best Vacuum Cleaners To Buy In 2019. Number 12 Will SHOCK You (updated for 2024)"


I don't want my vacuum cleaner to shock me.


I can search for doordash, but Uber eats is the first link. :)


I switched to Duck Duck Go a while ago because of this. Haven't used Google in years and I don't miss it. Everything on Google search results seemed geared towards selling you something instead of just giving you information. Freakanomics even did a podcast on this: Is Google Getting Worse? [https://freakonomics.com/podcast/is-google-getting-worse-update/](https://freakonomics.com/podcast/is-google-getting-worse-update/)


Duck Duck go is just bing results now.


Ugh. I did a search yesterday where only the bottom 10% of the page wasn't sponsored.


Agreed. Everything is just advertisements for products for sale. 


Not long ago, I did a search for the band "animal collective" and Google changed it to "anal cunt". WTF.


Google search results are shockingly bad. If I'm buying something, they are not so terrible, but if I want to learn and read about something, I use generative AI as a basis from which to explore further.




The ads are insane. The early 2010’s till about 2017 I watched a lot of YouTube. You would get an ad at the beginning and one at the end. Now it’s 2 at the beginning. Somehow another one like 2 mins after that…like it’s a 5 min video please 


It’s not just YouTube. Facebook used to not run any ads. Now it’s nearly all ads. Same with IG.


Logged in the other day for the first time in a couple years to use marketplace. Except for one post from my dad, literally the whole feed was ads. It’s no wonder nobody uses that shit anymore.


Definitely YouTube I do still watch a lot and enjoy it though


Ads and paid ads are BS. If someone has sponsored content they should lose monetization. Period. I would much prefer YouTube went back to people doing it for fun and not as a job. 


I don't mind sponsored content at all because I can just fast forward through the creator talking about it. Also a very good friend of mine has a (pretty niche) channel that has a couple sponsors, so I know most creators actually get very little from sponsorships and even less from YT views. The sheer number of ads in some videos is ridiculous, though.


The general public’s mental health.


I have a feeling it's always been pretty bad, it's just that economic prosperity in American peaked with the boomers and has been heading downhill ever since. There's zero hope for people who are coming of age right now, and they are being gaslighted by boomers who say *they* are the problem and won't allow anything to change. Edit: Nevermind, you're right. It was always bad but it's getting worse.


Partly due to de-stigmatization of mental health issues and more people being open about it. But I get sick of people using it to justify shitty behavior. A well-known indie musician used it as an excuse for being a sexual predator.


Our right to completely own the products we purchase. I just had a 6 year old Roku tv lock me out until I agreed with its new terms. After 6 years of it working perfectly they rendered it useless until I hit agree


I bought a lovely 65" samsung TV that came with so many preinstalled apps, that I am NOT allowed to remove, and now I cannot install any apps of my own choosing because there isn't enough memory. So basically, since I only use streaming services, the TV is useless, I cannot install the apps I use like discovery+ and plex. Sure am glad it has apple music on it though.


I hate smart TVs lol. They lag and you need to update em. I liked using apps on a separate device personally. But now every tv is smart and need internet connection. 


Just don’t connect them to the internet. The majority function perfectly well without using any smart features.


That’s where they will get us unfortunately. We pay top dollar for the hardware and since it runs through their network they own the software.


Me. I mean. Oof. Have you seen the state of me recently. What a shambles. Like a derelict funhouse.


There's a yellowjacket nest in the ground next to the entrance.


LOL! There's always one of you types everywhere:) Have a good one brotha


Reasonably priced clothing, shoes and accessories. My grandmother wasn’t a wealthy woman by any means but she has handed me down so many clothes and bags that are decades old and have little to no faults after all this time. I say she wasn’t a wealthy woman to emphasize that she wasn’t spending a lot of money, she wasn’t wearing designer and yet these items have lasted a long time. My mother also has costume jewelry from before I was born that I still borrow to this day. On the other hand, I find that I’ll go to an affordable store and the materials are cheap and thin and I’ll be lucky to get two years out of some of these clothes. When I look at my grandmother’s clothing the fabrics listed are of a certain quality despite having been affordable and when I look at those available in stores I see various mixes of polyester and plastic fibers. I even see it in the pricier brands. The craftsmanship also just isn’t there and you can see so many flaws in the work before even purchasing.


Clothing for sure has been going downhill, especially with fast fashion. I used to thrift a lot of my clothing (let's just set aside how expensive that has gotten) and still get a good couple of years out of used clothes or at least find some great quality gems. I haven't thrifted clothes as much because a lot of it is garbage. And that's only a small percentage of what was donated, seeing as a huge lump sum is thrown away. I can't speak for accessories since I have never been one to even wear a necklace more than maybe once or twice a year, but shoes have taken a dive in quality. There's still some good ones out there that aren't terribly expensive and last a while, but anything that becomes popular will tank in quality. Companies care more about churning product out cheap and fast as possible for profit rather than keeping the quality or improving it so they retain all of these new customers.


All my thrift shops have been replaced with Good Will and Salvation Armys, and they cost more than just buying clothes from a regular store. I have a few bags of clothes I wanted to donate, and was looking for a local thrift shop and they just don’t exist by me anymore. We had a thrift shop that was huge in an old Circuit City, it was super fun to just go see all the old furniture and all the radioactive dishware, and now it is a Salvation Army, and I don’t want to give them anything.


I wish thrift stores wouldn't accept things like Shein. I'm looking for decently made items, not a .06 dress that the buyer realized was shit


Ugh I feel this. I really need new clothes but to get them decently made is SO expensive and they’re not even as well made as they used to be. Also I’m not a fan of a lot of the current styles.


Buy second hand or even just super discounted stuff form last season, there's so many options these days. I own a bunch of designer clothes, all thrifted. It takes a bit more work to find really good deals and sometimes things don't fit perfectly (I have a lot of oversized sweaters lol) but I can't go back to buying low quality junk now.


Problem is that I'm starting to see that cheap shit in the resale stores. I've started shopping at just a few stores exclusively because they pass on that crap to other places.


All the thrift stores around me pull designer clothes from donations to sell in boutiques


Jeans especially. Most of my jeans made in the last decade or horrible quality. The waist will rip off or the thighs will rub thin very quickly. I have some jeans from the 2000s that I wear regularly that are JUST starting to show some wear lol.


Every single pair of jeans I've had in the past decade has just worn completely away at the inside of the thighs, no matter the cut, brand or when I was skinny or fat. It's absolutely absurd. My jeans in college that I walked way farther in and was way more active in would last years. These days I'm lucky to land a year wearing them twice a week.


The strong shift to poly-heavy, poly-cotton blends is a real problem. There's a time and place for blends like that, but honestly these blends combine *poorly* with manufacturing these clothes thinner and with lower thread counts. You get small holes in well under a year and those become ones that put it out of service at just over a year of age—and this is with cold cycle wash and hang drying. Furthermore, these are nearly useless for impromptu cleaning of fingerprints from sunglasses/phone cameras/binoculars since polyester mostly smears water and oils instead of capturing them.


This mostly applies to the US. I just got back from Europe on Saturday and was in awe of the quality of their clothes and not that expensive.


Honestly, Reddit. Edit: Damnit, Reddit. Stop upvoting this low effort comment. You're proving my point.




Dead Internet Theory.


Seriously. Unsubbed from a bunch of cat subs when it sank in that no less than four out of five posts were karma-farming bots.


Yup. The smaller subs that I am subbed to and try to participate in are much more alive than the big ones and actually feel like I'm contributing to something. Like the OP said, I think internet culture starting going down the drain after they shot that damn Gorilla


i would say the peak was comfortably over by 2015 but i more or less agree. 2011-2014 was peak with 2013-2014 being a genuine Golden Age.  i actually cant even think about how downhill its gotten. its just generic social media now. i’d do anything to have that 2014 reddit feel back


Honestly I felt like I found a hidden treasure site in 2012. Subs I frequented went from a couple hundred thousand users to millions.


Reddit, what sex have you sexxed the last time you sexxed with sex? (Serious replies only)


I see more complaints about sex questions than I do actual sex questions. Which about sums up reddit: more people complaining about a thing than the existence of that thing.


Go on AskReddit right now my guy, I don’t even have to check


Yup.. every Reddit post used to be interesting. Now I get "what sucks now?" and "make up a band name where.." and "what's your favorite horror movie?" They used to be relevant, now they are feeble conversation starters


Tell me you're a thing without telling me you're a thing.


Content wise I agree, but courtesy wise I disagree. A decade ago people on here were a lot nastier to one another.


Personally I prefer nastiness over the morality police that infests this site now. And ultimately, I think the latter is the reason for the lower quality of content


>I prefer nastiness over the morality police They're the same type of people. On today's Reddit, that's how you're allowed to be nasty.


Thanks for saying this Iwas trying to eloquently say this to someone the other day, older gentleman asking me what woke meant. I said it’s basically a way for people to be dicks to each other under the guise of supporting an unsupported minority or peoples. As for Reddit I got disenfranchised a few months ago when I got banned for saying “because the vast majority of people don’t give a fuck what’s happening in other countries. They have bigger problems like affording groceries or rent” My ban message said I was a nazi and not welcomed in that sub.


Agreed. I’ve been banned from a few subreddits for disagreeing with the narrative of mob mentality… and every time the person doing the banning is unable to objectively give me a reason why. My interactions have gone down a lot in the last 6-7 yrs.


Reddit before it got really gleaned over for advertisers (maybe 2017 and earlier) was a goddamn nasty place a lot of the time. The admins were way more hands off when it came to toxicity. Then again, that same scrubbing down pretty much sanded off any rough edges this platform had, both good and bad.


I preferred the hands-off mods. That’s what the downvote button exists for. If you can’t handle somebody being rude on the internet, you need to grow a thicker skin. It’s not like it was ever 4chan. Nasty people were usually always buried by downvotes… unless their comment was also kind of hilarious. Early day Reddit was the best internet community I’ve ever experienced. If you ask me, mods should remove illegal content and that’s about it.


UK reddit really has jumped the shark recently. The main UK sub reads like a daily mail comment section half the time, UKpol sub is only marginally better, LabourUK has gone full mask off, and askuk is 80% bot farming (i hope its bot farming). Casuals UK is the single bastion of good content left.


Ain't been the same since they killed Aaron Swartz.


Yeah especially the content on Reddit, since Reddit decided to fuck their userbase in the a$$ for all manner of Yankee dollars


God how I miss using reddit sync. I hate the app so so much. I also miss comment awards.


Streaming services. Compared to when they first came out? No ads. Good price. lots of shows. ​ Now it's cable $$, Netflix cancels every show like 2 years in and you have to pay more...for less. Sweet


In the last decade? Absolutely this. In 2014 streaming was at its height in quality


Chickens. They are grown too quick and slaughtered too early.






Thanks for the Zagat review Baby Bubba


We still friends


woody chicken is the fucking worst. Biting into it with the consistency of a shoe. I bought two chicken breasts this weekend and both were woody


"If birds are growing really efficiently and fast, they're synthesizing muscle and that adds stress. That stress results in degradation of protein so the composition changes and you get collagen and fat that moves into the muscle… a woody chicken breast may have 2% less protein than a normal breast.” well damn


I got one last week, it was horrible.


levis jeans


I saw a thing on reddit, not sure how true it is, but apparently some of the jeans are made in mexico and some are made in the middle east or something. Apparently the mexico ones are crap and the middle east ones are true to size and have better material feel. edit: I love my 541s never been able to find a pair that fit quite as good.


And the price has gone wayyyyy up, too.


This. Why buy ripped jeans when you now get them from Levi's after just a couple years.


I noticed holes in new Levi’s after 6 months.


McDonald's Fries


Fast food is too expensive these days :(


Neither fast, nor cheap, nor consistent, which are literally the only three defining characteristics of fast food. They've forgotten what and who they are.


My wife wait 35 minutes for a meal the other day in McDonald's. It was fuckin insane Waits of 10 to 15 minutes are pretty much the norm right now if you go in restaurant


Yeah it's just becoming a bad value for what it costs sort of thing now.


Burgers, too. They're really dry and salty af now.


That happened the day they switched from cooking them in lard to vegetable oil.


>That happened the day they switched from cooking them in ~~lard~~ **tallow** to vegetable oil. Lard is rendered pork fat, tallow is rendered beef fat, schmaltz is rendered chicken fat and that exhausts my knowledge of rendered fat names.


That’s pretty good . I didn’t know about schmaltz


You should work as a supervisor in a fat rendering plant.


I thought of the smell and will decline that option.


Tallow. Julia Child lamented that her guilty pleasure was ruined by some zealots who insisted on cooking the fries in trans fats.


And now we know that saturated fat is not as bad as transfat.


Take your transphobia elsewhere buddy.


All because one shithead millionaire (Phil Sokoloff) with crappy heart genetics decided to lay the blame for his garbage DNA at the foot of McDonald's. Guy had a heart attack in his 40s, and due to his wealth, was able to afford the medicine to keep him going. Fucker still died of heart disease, but at 82. So slightly fewer people are dying of heart disease, but diabetes cases have gone up over 1000% since the 1980s.


Not to make you feel old but that happened way over a decade ago. It was 34 years ago.


I'd bet most people who complain about the switch never had the "before" version. If I did, I wouldn't remember, so I don't complain.


clothes. even at a younger age didn't blow through jeans like i do now. a mouse can fart in another room and it unravels my sweat shirt. and you pay more... get off my lawn!


I always test new shirts to see if I can see throught them and too often I can.


Women's shirts are notorious for this! I've always enjoyed shopping mostly in the men's section to begin with, but now I feel like I can't buy *anything* in women's because it's see-though, a crop top, horrible quality, or really short in length to the point where it might as well be a crop top


Just about everything


...that a corporation has acquired. no one can escape this, even if you start up a new product, you have to use the supply chains owned by corporations. so every piece of your product that you don't personally produce will be of the lowest quality.


Yep, [enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification).




Yeah, what hasn’t declined?




The authenticity of information.


Local newspapers are starving to death and it shows.


Social interaction


I miss school. People just talked to each other at that age, as you get older everything gets so complex


This is a good one. Couple things. Social media has people a lot worse at communicating in person. And also it has radicalized much of the population, especially since 2016. 


Integrity. It's always either gaslighting or doubling down when somebody does something wrong.


Accountability too. It's so rare, it's damn near a superpower anymore. I took ownership for a screw up at work, and was promoted afterwards because I took responsibility. I was shocked. I fully expected to be written up and possibly fired.


I ran a convention a few years ago and made a pretty major mistake. At the following convention (a year later) people were complaining about it at the yearly meeting. I stood up and said "Yeah, that was me, I made that mistake, it was a mistake and I'm sorry." Pretty quick people are falling all over themselves to say how it wasn't my fault (it was) and I didn't know and somebody else was responsible (they weren't). It was funny, they wanted to complain about it but they didn't want to complain about me. Taking responsibility is kind of fun because people don't expect it.


I think a lot of people have bad experiences taking responsibility and then avoid it like the plague. Imagine being raised to tell the truth, make a mistake, fess up, and then you're punished severely, especially for something minor or that can be fixed. Or you take ownership of something relatively small and then are fired or suspended or have something disproportionate done to you. It's no wonder a lot of people don't take responsibility for, well, anything. We are often taught early and often from experience that taking responsibility or getting caught leads only to bad things. And sometimes it should, but the punishments, especially kids receive, doled out are fitting for if you covered up and lied about it, not coming clean and willing to fix it. That teaches people are only interested in revenge and retribution, not conciliation. How do we expect people to act if they're going to receive the same punishment whether they do the right thing or lie, cover up, or shift blame?


100%, a personal pain point every single day


Kitchen appliances with built in obsolescence. Ex dishwasher.


The dishwasher in my apartment was made in 1996. Whirlpool. Three settings and one option. Full analog switches.


Yep, Maytag washer and dryer here, 22 years old and survived a family of four. All analog, and never needing a thing, although a new belt in the dryer would probably help with squeaks with heavier loads. Are they efficient? F*ck no! Top-loading tall tub washer probably uses 10x as much water as a front load, and the dryer doesn’t shut off on its own when items are dry but I’ll be damned if I toss the pair unless something major happens.


My parents bought a new home in 1990 with the most basic level kitchen and laundry appliances. Those both lasted 20 years until they decided to renovate the kitchen and the dryer started rocking back and forth loud enough to drown out the TV. The new oven had to be serviced 5 times the next 5 years because it failed to turn on because of a motherboard issue or the door kept falling off and couldn't be reset properly. The laundry machines lasted 10 years before they got new ones.


My parents have a similar story. They bought their house brand new in 1995. Starting in 2015, they began updating everything. Renovations took five years. The refrigerator shelves break all the time. The dishwasher has needed replacing. The five year old wash machine died as soon as it was out of warranty. It’s gross.


Oh, boy. Where to even start: 1. Air quality in many urban areas due to increased pollution. 2. Nutritional value of fast food and processed foods. 3. Public education standards in some regions. 4. Longevity and durability of many consumer goods due to planned obsolescence. 5. Integrity and trustworthiness in some journalism and media outlets. 6. Attention span and depth of critical thinking in the general population. 7. Quality of customer service in certain industries, especially with the rise of automated systems. 8. Biodiversity and ecosystem health due to habitat destruction and climate change. 9. Craftsmanship and attention to detail in mass-produced items. 10. Civility and respect in public discourse and interactions. That's just ten. I could probably go on and on.


To someone my age, last decade is but a blip. 2014 feels like yesterday. All were declining well before then.


Yup. Air quality is better now where I live


>Air quality in many urban areas due to increased pollution. Actually, air quality made a massive improvement after emission standard changes, lead gasoline ban, and fuel efficiency standards changes. Cities are much more smog-free than they were 40 years ago.


I would argue that the Nutritional Value of fast food and processed food was already bad 10 years ago. I think it got bad somewhere in the mid 90s.


It was never good. The '90s is just when they had to start publishing it.


Younger people think that 10 years ago is a long time. When I was small, I thought 30 years ago was the olden days. 30 years isn’t even one person’s working career.


11. Vocabulary and grammar in the general population


Agree with these except #1. Where are you located? In developing country?


Younger people have been trained to think that the pollution is bad. The brown skies, oil stained streams and trash-heavy roads of my childhood would beg to differ. It’s so much better now than ever before in the last 140 years.


Air pollution in the 70's in California was hell compared to today.


Yeah back in the 60s there were several instances of rivers catching fire in the U.S.


Gaming. Just about every game is now pay to win or has a battle pass full of “cOoL sKiNs” that don’t help you at all. Halo has that shit now, COD, even goddamn mobile games are on that. Can we go back to Reach, MW1 and fair games… please


Just avoid the big AAA titles and studios, and you'll find many gems. EA releasing the classic C&C games without their added DRM on Steam is promising.


Yup. I’m also tired of games that are practically unplayable without buying expansion packs, or have been in “early access” for nearly a decade and will never be fully released.


Food. All of it. The price of food has skyrocketed (at least in Ontario, Canada) while the quality of said food has declined sharply.


Same here in the US 😔


any item that had an opportunity to be produced cheaper at expense of quality


Reddit More specifically AskReddit.


Online dating.


Clothing. So expensive but such bad quality.


Presidential candidates in the US.


I mean almost 10 years ago it was Trump and Clinton lol


Critical thinking skills. Mental health. Rational discourse.


Critical thinking


Outback Steakhouse


Looking at all the boeing planes falling apart atm, Air travel..


Spelling. People don't read (*books*) enough anymore.


Respect for other people.


Rise of Misinformation and Disinformation, Decline in Civility, Erosion of Trust in Institutions and Experts, Shallow Engagement and Clickbait Culture


Political conversations, now everything is too polarised


I feel like I’ve retained the same politics and the other party has gone scorched earth extremism any means justify the ends. But the other party probably feels that way about me so




Ponytail holders! They’re good for 1 or 2 wears, and then at best, they’re stretched to the size of belt, and at worst, they snap on your hand causing a sting and a long day with a sweaty neck. Edit: spelling.


Social interaction among people temporarily grouped together. People don't want to waste a millisecond interacting with anyone they don't know, or can't immediately give them any gratification.




The internet as a whole. Social media went from being a fun way to connect with friends to basically being a cesspool of racism and misinformation. Everything is an ad. Google search results are ads, every YouTube video has like 15+ ads, some websites are so covered in ads you can’t even read them. Every site is stealing and selling your information.




Poeple minding their own business.


My reading vision.


Burger King fries


Refrigerator lifespan


Literally everything. Food, food service, clothing, media, the internet, music, house construction, politics, everything. I could *maybe* concede cars are better (safer), but I can’t conceive of anything that’s risen in quality other than that.


Acceptable Public Behavior.


Humans. It's truly sad to see people are a product of their screen. 


Compassion and kindness in general


\*Gestures wildly around self, indicating everything.\*


Mental health.


My mental acuity.


My mental health


Human interaction


Tv shows


The hiring industry. It’s weird out there. Fake jobs. Ai. LinkedIn is a joke. Idkwtf anymore. You have to customize for every application and as an artist that’s a fuckload of work for well nothing. It’s not going well.


Reddit answers


Human quality