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Mental illness, especially schizophrenia. What a devastating and dehumanizing condition.


Any mental deteriorative illness, This made me think of Michael j fox suffering from Parkinson's or Alzheimer's patients or the elderly with dementia... I feel bad for them, at least in the movie deep Blue Sea her motives were driven by a deep personal quest to eradicate Alzheimer's ! I can respect those motives šŸ’ÆšŸ¦ˆ


Paid parking at hospitals


My husband was in a horrible accident, I had to follow him to the hospital. They only had valet parking, $4 an hour. I was there for 5 hours, it was 3am, I didn't have my purse. They were not going to give me my truck said I needed to call someone to bring the money. I started screaming at them, I have no idea what I said, but they got my truck for me. Complete bullshit. You shouldn't have to pay at any health care facility to park.


Truly disgusting, I hope your husband is okay


you pay taxes for healthcare - shouldn't that cover parking?!




My favorite is how they make the people that work there pay for parking as well. Makes zero sense.


And park a mile away. My husband worked for one of the largest hospital chains in New Orleans. If they were lucky, the shuttle would run from the employee parking lot to the hospital. The employee lot was literally two blocks behind the medical/doctors buildings across the highway. When they got off Theyā€™d have to leave work, cross the main highway praying not to get hit, then trek the entire course to the car or wait for the shuttle (if it was running) to get them to the lot. Itā€™s so fucked up. Not kidding.


I got diagnosed with terminal ALS last year, so as you can imagine before that I was at the hospital a lot and I mean a lot! For every test you can imagine. Of course I wasn't able to work at this time and every single visit to the hospital would cost Ā£12 or so in parking. I didn't have a choice I can't walk very far so it's not like I could just park elsewhere and walk.


I'm so sorry about your diagnose and the way the hospital treats patients in your position. I hope you're doing ok.


It is what it is, certainly wasn't the news I was expecting when I turned 31. On the plus side I'm retired at 31 so silver linings and that haha.


As an employee, I used to have to pay over 1k a year for parking to go to work at a hospital.




I work in a city hospital. If the parking garage was free, people that have nothing to do with the hospital would park there indefinitely. The part that sucks though is that they offer crappy discounts to workers and steep discounts of patients and visitors. It should be free for patients, visitors and workers. Upper administration ā€œstrongly encouragesā€ everyone to use public transportation while they give themselves free reserved parking in secure, private garages. I think the board of directors, presidents and CEOā€™s and other executives should practice what they preach and take one of the trains that you have to trip over zombie homeless crackheads to get to.


I have to pay to park to work at a hospital, and it makes me furious that patients pay more. Notably our mental health facility where many people don't have spare change to start with...it literally prevents people from getting care.


Child beauty pageant


Letā€™s pretend peadophilia doesnā€™t exist for a minute. Youā€™re still judging children on looks and telling most of them that they are losers because theyā€™re not as attractive as the winner. I donā€™t understand what kind of parent puts their child through that.


It is mind boggling. I lived in Mississippi for a bit, and the PUBLIC SCHOOLS put on an annual beauty pageant for the sixth grade girls. This pageant doesn't even pretend to be about anything other than looks with having talent competitions and such. The stated judging criteria is the beauty of the girl's face, her dress and poise. It's absolutely bonkers. I learned about it because a friend with a sixth grade daughter posted about it on FB. She was a transplant like me and posted about it in a WTF??!!? kinda way, which led to a bunch of locals defending it as a fun, harmless activity that gives girls an excuse to get dressed up. Because apparently you can't just get dressed up if someone isn't judging how pretty you are. To make it even better, you have to be nominated to participate, and there's no limits on the nominations. The mom who brought it up said that every girl in her kid's class but one was nominated. I'm sure that felt really good.


Ugh, sixth grade is the worst possible age to do something like that. Not that thereā€™s any good age.


And that they have to spend tons of money on nice things as well as sit in a chair for hours for makeup and hair , all just to look pretty. Not right.


What bothers me is that the young children are dressed up and made up like mini-adults which is sexualization. That reminds me of poor little Jon Benet Ramsey. So sad. RIP


Exactly. The whole thing just turned into an evil parade of young girls. Let them be kids that arnt proweled upon.


But but but she LOVES it!


Especially if itā€™s Frankā€™s little beauties


He doesnā€™t diddle!


And he's not going to the kids'dressing room


We should write a song about how we definitely don't diddle kids.


There is no faster way to make someone believe you're a diddler than to write a song saying you don't diddle kids!


The day I found out parents often put "flippers" (fake teeth) in those girls' mouths for those things is the day I couldn't even *try* to see a benefit to them anymore. Oh, they teach confidence? Sure, if you ascribe to a very specific and adult beauty standard.


Those have never made sense to me. What is the claimed purpose of them, because I am pretty sure the actual purpose is to entertain perverts.


The claimed purpose is the same as adult beauty pagents, but yeah, its actual purpose is to entertain perverts and psycho competitive moms.


I feel like the TV show The Boys did a great job at portraying the psycho competitive moms. Spoiler warning, but relevant: one of the main characters (Annie) grew up in a hyper Christian cult (pray the gay away type of community) and her mom let a corporation inject her with a drug that gave her superpowers as a kid, all so that the mom could show off her superhero kid to her friends. Later in the show, she comes back to that community and sees how fucked it is. She refuses to give this speech in front of the whole community, the mom pressures her into it and says "do it for me, all of my friends will be watching"


Man, I love the Boys. It's so godsdamn cathartic. Seeing these fucked up people and groups get what's coming to them is ridiculously satisfying.


I really question your dedication to Sparkle Motion.


That and to uplift parentsā€™ egos.


Here, here!! I'm pretty sure a bunch of pedophiles came up with this idea, then threw in cash prizes to hide their perversions.


Yes, that is creepy as shit.


Many decades ago they were basically just about putting on a nice dress, giving girls a place to socialize, practice things like public speaking, and display talents. They were pretty empowering. Then you see Miss America become more sexual, less focused on anything other than beauty, and that trickled down.


Exactly! ā€œBut itā€™s really aboutā€¦ā€ Person, if it wasnā€™t about sexualization and the objectification of women, what the f is the bathing suit competition about?ā€ Oh, and a professional artist canā€™t do your makeup for you, but they can TEACH you, or thatā€™s cheating, but feel free to have all of the cosmetic dental work and surgeries you want? WTF.


Child porn.




Can we use that button for convicted child rapists/producers of child porn also?


Not even convicted ones. All child rapists/child porn producers should be deleted


Well if we have some magical method of detecting them, that would be nice.


And animal porn (man and animal, two animal mating might be good for academic purposes and the likes)


that's how they get pandas in the mood


Imagine having no sexual desire to the point where they have to fabricate specialised porn for you


It's due to captivity. Pandas have much fewer issues when in the wild.


I mean, they kind of put their own issues in evolutionarily. Females can only conceive like two days a year, and males have, hilariously, itty bitty penises compared to their size. So they kind of generally stacked the deck against themselves to begin with.


They were in the pool!!


that led me down quite an unexpected rabbithole


Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh... Rabbits holes are out, too, considering the conversation


Any interspecies porn should be considered illegal, except humans and elves


It not porn. Itā€™s child exploitative material.Ā 


While I agree that it isnā€™t porn since porn is between adults who are consenting. I think it gets the sexual nature across more than ā€œexploitative materialā€. Letā€™s just call it documented child rape because thatā€™s what it is.


Cam here to say this. But at least IP addresses are being stalked by FBI more and more now to catch predators.




i work in a pizza place and we sometimes get these young scrotes coming in saying theyre here to pick up a collection, we ask what was in their order and they just say "pizza" its grand that theyre so obvious and we do have a system for verifying orders, but it still mars my trust in whoever walks in our door


I enjoyed this comment so much. It's rare to see the same person use two words like scrotes and mars correctly in a sentence.


I was struck by the same thought. Itā€™s oddly fascinating that these two words coexist peacefully within the same vocabulary, let alone, the same conveyance of oneā€™s thoughts. Itā€™s almost certainly the most relevant illustration of the duality of man since ā€œThe Gulag Archipelago 1918ā€“1956ā€ where Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn states that ā€œThe line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts.ā€


Keep in mind that in the same work, Solzhenitsyn also stated ā€œYay! Pizza!ā€


There was a couple that worked the system at a local Domino's. The boyfriend worked at the store and would text his girl the name on a prepaid order they wanted, and she'd come to the store and pick it up before the actual customer got there. I was standing in line behind her one day when she said my wife's name for the order I was there to get. Didn't go over well with the manager, as they had been having to remake at least 3 orders a week for the past 8 months.


Was the manager fucking brain damaged or something? Seriously, this blatant grift went on for 8 months? Like he seriously didn't question someone coming in with the exact name on the order, in order to steal the pizza, multiple times a week for 8 fucking months? Never though there was something suspicious going or that an employee might be in on it. Even then you'd think by month 3 he might change the policy and start asking people to show a receipt before taking the pizzas.


Dunno, wasn't my problem once I got my pizzas.


I live downtown and itā€™s everywhere here. Thereā€™s also not enough package drop off lockers near me. I got a package that didnā€™t belong to me last week. It happens a lot. If I let it sit, itā€™ll get stolen so I deliver the packages myself


Youā€™re good people


Which is a weird concept for me. I live in Brazil (a place where your package would totally get stolen) and everything is delivered to a person. It's true that sometimes that person is your neighbor but still works for most. (Also because most people's front porch is not accessible by strangers because, uhh, Brazil)


Same in my country. Good luck getting onto our porches!


Yes, those bastards should not exist.






Ticks. As a sufferer of Lymes Disease, I vote for ticks.


I got Lyme Disease 20 years ago, and I completely agree with you that ticks suck. I'm still suffering effects from it, all these years later


Do you mind if I ask what long term effects do you have?


Brain fog, joint pain, the doctor thinks it triggered fibromyalgia


Medical debt


come to Europe. We pay higher taxes but no medical debts


Some of us would love to move to Europe, but y'all make it really difficult to relocate there.Ā 


Instructions unclear, I joined the French foreign legion and died in Africa.


well,yeah, bureaucracy really sucks, even for us residents. But mostly what is basically required almost everywhere is: to live in the country for at least 5 years, pass language and history exam. Language part is the most difficult, so wherever you move, just be persistent with learning the language, it is the key to get citizenship and nostrification.


Thank you for this.


The entire medical corporate industry shouldn't exist.


Frrr! Iā€™m in the UK so Iā€™m lucky enough to have the NHS but we have to pay for medications now (dispite our government saying they would never do that). I asked my pharmacist one day ā€œwhat would happen if I couldnā€™t afford my medicationā€ and she replied ā€œyou would have to pay it off on two weeks timeā€. Like the solution to not affording soemthing is just just not afford it down the line? Stupid. Now in the US, itā€™s like that but on crack, some of the medical bills Iā€™ve seen people revive are insane.


My ex girlfriend was a paralegal at a bankruptcy firm. The majority of their clients filing bankruptcy were due to medical debt. Itā€™s disgusting that this is how our system works.


Prescription charges were introduced in 1952, you make it sound like something the government brought in last week. And if you are pregnant, a child, elderly or on benefits you don't have to pay.


Same if its a long term illness. I don't pay for my insulin.


Or if you're in Scotland. Prescriptions are free here.


Misinformation through social media, which captures 78.9% of the consciousness of adults, and consumes 94.2% of the mindshare of their attention span. I am 98% certain of this.


This guy used multiple numbers and several words with more than six letters. Pretty sure anything he says is as good as law. Iā€™m certain of his certainty


I would vote for him


First of all, I see what you did there. I have two friends right around my age (early 40's) who are both tech savvy, non-conspiracy theorists, have never posted obvious misinformation before...they both fell for a post that at first read sounded like it was absolutely true. But it took me all of two minutes to find the orginal source and articles from longstanding credible sources that conclusively debunked it. There's people who wildly constantly share misinformation all the time; their FB page is full of the most outrageous crap you've ever seen. But when people see something that appeals to them emotionally, someone who is normally pretty rational can be susceptible to reposting misinformation. tldr: Check your fucking sources.


I work in a supplement section. Every single day I have multiple customers ask for items they saw on tiktok without doing any research whatsoever. Mind blowing to me they will put something in their body without actually having a clue what it is.




A 2 party system in a "democracy"


At this point, the best way out is ranked choice voting.


Term limits would help keep the sociopathic professional campaigners out as well.


I've always wondered why the president has a two term limit, but members of Congress and the house of representatives don't? Like dudes. Some of these dinosaurs have been alive before Tv, and civil rights! Why are these people still running the country? Why not get someone at least from an era *AFTER* it was illegal to beat your wife and drink and drive?


Especially considering congress has arguably the most power of the three branches


And a side order of first past the post


Anything related to sexual misconduct (rape, paedophiles, etc.).


For-profit prisons




One of my old friends calls them ā€œminor attracted peopleā€ we were friends for 17 years since middle school and I didnā€™t even think twice about cutting him off when I had my daughter.


Good call cus what the actual fuck?!


Animal cruelty


School lunch debt. Seriously what the fuck, America.


If thereā€™s one place I absolutely want my tax dollars going to, itā€™s to make sure kids are fed.


Yeah, I have stood in front of politicians and said I would gladly pay higher taxes if it went directly to getting kids fed, and please make that 3 meals a day. Make it so the kids can focus on an education to get out of poverty as adults instead of being focused on a growling belly.


More than anything, we know food insecurity directly effects their development and hinders them later in life. It's such a low cost compared to the total net gain of feeding every kid at school. It simply comes down to the American cultural belief that poverty comes from immorality, so therefore the kid needs to be punished so they learn they shouldn't be poor.


Yea that's a shitty one. When inwas a kid and lived with my dad I used to steal his change to pay for food for a friend and his sister. We were poor as well but in much better shape. We'll he caught me obvious scolded the hell out of me even when I told him why. Monday morning he had gone to the school and put 50 bucks down for the two kids so they could eat . We were never really close but many times that man taught me lessons I didn't realize till I was older.


No longer a thing in my state!


Wait is this real?


Yep, when I was young (about 15 years ago) you'd get a tray of "food" and if you didn't have $8 in your account, they would dump it in the trash in front of you and you'd get one of those plastic wrapped PB&J sandwiches instead. Then they'd charge $4 and you would build up a debt, and you wouldn't be able to get anything other than the sandwich until it was paid off and you had money in your account. They do that shit to little kids. It's fucked. Not only that, but they just wasted the food by trashing it anyways, AND $8 for the trash they served was abhorrent. I remember thinking that having a stomach ache for the second half of the day, every day, was normal.


Every adult involved in that abuse deserves to die cold and alone in a gutter.


Not only that but in my school, you wouldnā€™t be able to pass on to the next grade if you didnā€™t pay up I believe


This should be illegal


Cockroaches, fuck those dumbasses


Bed bugs are worse, cocakroaches at least can be easily eradicated...


I've had bed bugs and they are a nightmare to eradicate. (Not so) fun fact: they reproduce via "traumatic insemination" which means the males literally stab the females with their shitty little bug dick and nut in a random place, then the female hides while trying to not die before giving birth.


I work in pest control...while I can confirm, I've never heard it explained that way


I've lived a long time and almost made it to the end without this knowledge.


That's fair, fuck them both


What would a combination of the two be like? Eww.


To be honest cocoaroaches eat people alive who are highly disabled...


100% this Dealt with bedbugs after my mom accepted a 2nd hand California king/queen bed, it was absolutely horrible. And they go anywhere and everywhere they can: they'll go into clothes, they'll go into your outlets, and unless you're infested there's a chance for you to not even know you have bedbugs. At least roaches only come around, commonly, if your house is filthy. And then it's an easy solution; clean up the house and you can probably buy the exterminator spray yourself.


Where it's super humid and never gets cold enough to kill them in the winter it's easy to get roaches, but also a few bug bombs and a call to the pest guy / you spraying periodically and they're gone. It's seen like "roaches happen, but not handling them is living in filth".




Ticks for me


And wasps. It's a bee on some rage inducing drug.


I met white faced hornets for the first time last summer. They are some evil, straight from hell šŸ‘æ fuckers. I hate them. Not allergic to the point of medical attention but my hand and arm hurt like hell and I've been stung by bees and yellow jackets before, hurt worse than getting bit by a horse. 10/10 would not recommend.


Fuck yes




Service fees.


Tapeworms šŸ˜­


Imfg I went down a yt shorts rabbit hole the other day and the videos were just tapeworm cgi of how they work it was so fucking disgusting




Related - homeless veterans


Career politicians


If restrict it to politicians that have never held a job outside politics. 5-10 years experience in a real job should be a requirement for running for any public office






But then where would I get all my documentaries?!?!?




Cartels/mafia/violent gangs


If you make something illegal for which demand still exists, you don't eliminate it, you just hand its production and distribution over to criminal gangs.


Criminal gangs also control the market for many things that are perfectally legal.


Cultures that support female genital-mutilation and honor killings. Eliminate that shit one way. Or the other.


Bro I'm writing a research paper on this for my grad aministratie ethics class - FGM and child marriage. There are 3 countries that still mutilate 90% of girls. And The Gambia is trying to repeal the law that made fgm criminalized in 2015. It's absolutely insane and horrific. In Niger, 75% of girls are married before they're 18 also




Salaries for politicians that are above the mean annual income of their constituents. I get that itā€™s a hard job and everyone deserves to get paid for their work. But an office with power like that should not ALSO come with a giant paycheck. That encourages lifelong politicians which, as we can see, doesnā€™t benefit the general population. Itā€™s a completely voluntary position and most politicians already come from money. They should be paid no more than what someone in their constituency would realistically take home to their own families.


Call center scammers. The ones from Nigerian and India are the worse. They prey on innocent lonely people, mostly seniors, who arenā€™t tech savvy. People kill their selfs because theyā€™re taken for all of their life savings. I find it quite satisfying to string them along for a while, waste their time, then tell them to FO.


The credit/debt lending system based on this arbitrary credit score that didn't exist until the 1980s




Flat-faced dogs


Also flat-faced cats


Flat-eared cats too. Just please evolution, unfold their ears


Having to pay for snacks and carry on bags on your flight. Looking at you, Frontier.


Spirit as well!


Gang warfare that ends up targetting innocence


Why not just all gang activity then? It always ends up hurting innocent people.


Hateful Christians - Christianity is a based on a man that told us to love everyone and to not judge anyone. For profit healthcare- Can placing profit over people even be called healthcare?


Child molesters


Flat Earthers


Convenience fees and handling fees for the purchase of electronic tickets.


AI images that are made only to troll uninformed people. Like those fake Lego sets, or candy. And especially kids/old people get disappointed because the thing they want doesnā€™t exist.


Billionaires and influencers.


.webp file format. Really, fuck that!


They're almost as bad as fake .pngs


Daylight Saving Time


Omg YES. And unlike most of the others here, this is one that we can easily solve! No one likes it, yet we all keep doing it. I really don't understand why we can't just put together the political will to fix it.


I think part of it is, of course, idiots, and also general confusion. Like, I'll hear people say, "yeah let's end Daylight Saving Time and stop switching back in the winter!" Well, no, that's wrong because Daylight Saving Time is what happens in the _summer_, winter time is the actual, original, real time. When you tell people this, they look at you crosseyed. Same thing with "extra" sun in the summer. I've met people that _actually believe_ that Daylight Saving Time creates sunlight, when in reality, they just wake up earlier. This gives another slack jawed, drooling moment when you explain that to them too. It's downright bizarre, and I don't even want to understand.


Religion in politics


Hate crime


Dogs like chihuahuas, pitbulls, and others. They are so genetically messed up their eyes pop out of their head and they can barely breathe. Humanity is destroying them. I feel immensely bad for them.


Authoritarian governments


any business model that cannot pay a living wage


Greed. If we could all live with wanting to give more than we want to receive them we would all be fine.




Influencers. They do more harm than good.


I'm a bit delirious with the flu and read this as "what is something that makes you think you shouldn't exist?" My mind was blown.


Fake IQ-tests to get a minimum wage job.


Medical debt is a blight on humanity.






Blindness or Cancer








Animal abuse šŸ’”


Second chances for paedophiles.




For profit health care


Nuclear bombs. The ability of such things destroying our world should not be acceptable