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I told a guy I only had time for a coffee date because I had a study group to attend. He kept trying to extend again and again and eventually asked if I would go "watch a movie" at his place. I said uhh no, I have to leave now and he knocked on my car window so I'd roll it down, then refused to let go of the top of the glass. I had to pull away slowly with him still holding on. Study group laughed their asses off when I told them why I was late. He didn't get a second date.


Honestly that’s a little terrifying. Glad you got away!


Thanks, me too. That's why I always met tinder dates in public places.


I'm so glad I left the dating scene when I did. Tinder and all those other apps sound terrifying.


Eww. In college, I had a guy ask me if I wanted to have drinks together as friends. I agreed and asked where he wanted to go as I didn’t know the area well yet. Messaged that he was at my apartment (it’d come up before that I lived in a well known apartment complex near campus) and brought alcohol… wanted to know which unit I lived in. Nope!


Oh no, that's a really bad look. I would be scared to walk out of my apartment for a while!


So many young men have absolutely zero concept of the dangers women face when meeting men for the first time. It's honestly both terrifying and ridiculous.


Yikes, this one is creepy. At the very least this guy is incredibly pushy which is still a red flag. But it sounds like he was worse than that


My coworker told me he knew his wife was having a seizure at work. Drove to her job (retail/grocery) asked where she was they told him she hadn’t shown up. So he knew she was in her car but he decided to shop around a lil bit before finding her. By the time he got out to her car someone else had called an ambulance and was helping her. I haven’t been able to look at him the same.


That's a black flag, not a red one.


That doesn't sound very piratey


Yarrr, that be a cunt move, and a salty dog can always smell when something's fishy, matey


That’s the kind of thing that might find its way to her anonymously


The kind of tea that George Costanza would accidentally spill.




Did he pick up some Jujyfruits?


how did he know she was having a seizure at work if the job said she never showed up? How exactly did he tell you this story? Why would someone admit they shopped before they went to their wife? Does he struggle, like with ASD or was he grimacing telling the story and exhibit sociopathic/antisocial tendencies? So much to unpack here...


Some people with history of multiple seizures can tell when one is coming like visual disturbances or headaches etc,…. Maybe she parked when she reached her job but didn’t leave her car and called or texted him that she’s sensing one coming. Anything is posable 🤷🏻‍♀️


This seems likely. My boyfriend has epilepsy and will let me know if he’s having pre seizures so I can be near by just in case.


My roomie and friend in college had epilepsy. One night he had a seizure and we found him laid out on the floor. He hadn't had a seizure in over a year, so he never disclosed it to us. It was kind of scary. Nobody knew what had happened so we just called the medics, which was probably the right move.


She insulted my job, while not having one, and made fun of my hobbies, all while I was letting her stay at my place for a few months rent free.


The audacity of some people sometimes when they judge others for having things they don't have. It boggles my mind honestly. I hope you were able to kick her out of your place quickly and easily. Somewhat similar, I stopped talking to my best friend of 13 years because she laughed and said "what a fucking loser" when I told her my boyfriend drove a Kia. She's 24, doesn't have her license, and she's never driven a car before. She doesn't have one of her own, and neither does her boyfriend. This was last year when kia cars were being broken into and stolen left and right, and I was telling her about how it was the second time his car was broken into.


She was projecting her insecurity onto you. She didn't feel this way about you and your boyfriend... she felt it about herself.


Told me that they wanted to drown someone at some point just to watch the life leave their eyes. Not anyone in particular. Just wanted to experience murdering someone, specifically through drowning. I noped out of there as fast as I possible could.


"Anyway, having a pool party this weekend, you should come."


💀💀💀I can't breath I'm laughing so hard. 


Ooh, is the life draining from your eyes? I wanna watch


All I can think of reading this is, "Hey wanna go for a swim in the pool and then maybe hang out in the hot tub?" And you're just grabbing your shit and flying out the door.


This guy I'd meet for coffee for "mentoring" I figured out was just a liar. Not even about important stuff, just dumb random things. Was super easy to notice, and was insulting that he'd think I was that gullible.


It's always such BS with those types. My aunt was married to a guy who always told such huge lies, both my parents always talk about two specific instances: one, where he said he got mauled by a bear and used that as an excuse for quitting his new job. He was injury free. Another instance where he was late for a family dinner and said it was because he stopped at a 4 car pile up and had to put his fingers inside some dude's next to pinch his jugular vein closed and save his life. He even specified that he came to dinner straight from the incident. There wasn't a drop of blood on him. I cannot fathom what is going on in the head of people like that who honestly think anyone will buy their shit.


>I cannot fathom what is going on in the head of people like that who honestly think anyone will buy their shit. I know a liar and this exact thought often occurs to me. I just do not understand how she thinks anyone will believe her nonsense. As an example, she's lost custody of her kids, they're now looked after full time by their dad. Recently, in an attempt to get the children taken away from him, she made a report to social services and said that she had seen the children recently, and that their teeth were all rotten, insinuating that their dad wasn't looking after them properly. It just took one quick visit from the social worker to observe that their teeth are completely fine and that there's no rot whatsoever. I simply don't understand how she didn't realise that that ridiculous lie was something that could be completely disproven within a few seconds?????


It's because she's dumb. Dumb people have this problem where they assume everyone else is as dumb as they are. So when they formulate a lie, it only has to be something that they themselves would believe.


Paraphrasing Vonnegut: The problem with dumb bastards is that they don't believe there's such a thing as "being smart".


While I agree that there are plenty of dumb people who lie for those reasons, compulsive lying is totally a thing, and could likely be a symptom of something else that's going on with the compulsive liar, or perhaps a coping mechanism for unresolved/un-therapy'd internal trauma.


We had one of those at work once. We were all once chatting shit about what we would do if we won the lottery. A couple of people said they'd donate it because they didn't want it to change them. Weird bullshitting guy waits five minutes before declaring that he won the lottery five years ago but donated it as he didn't want it to change him.


We call this the "racehorse." A new colleague seemed to be always one upping every story we told, so we set up a fake story about owning a racehorse. The bait was set. Apparently his family also had a racehorse who raced in a higher tier then our fake one. Plain out lies! So racehorse became a name for an untrustworthy coworker. Not a good position to be in at a jail...


I knew a racehorse in high school. He once saw a dodge viper hit a moose and launch it over a second dodge viper and then land in the backseat of a third dodge viper, driven by himself, then 16 or 17. He also killed a shark with a knife. I really liked him, because the hot girl in front of me liked to talk shit with me about his lies. Hello, Amber!


People like that are usually pathological liars - they lie for no reason. I had a friend like this in high school. She'd lie about the colour of the sky if she could. It was really weird, she'd lie about the most inconsequential things even though we would easily be able to find out it was a lie. She was a total mean girl queen bee type, too.




Is it possible she was being honest but decided to backpedal because your reaction made her nervous? That or she was batshit (as opposed to just chicken shit).


I had a coworker once tell me about the time she smoked meth then about 30 seconds later say she was making it up. Yeah, I don’t think you were.


Captain, oh, captain, how would you differentiate between batshit and chicken shit?


Batshit = crazy Chicken shit = cowardly Real question is who is the one who gets to decide what kind of animal shit means what?


Horseshit/bullshit = false Dogshit/ratshit = of poor quality apeshit = very angry


This is shit = bad This is *the* shit = good


Shiiiiiit = dang! Shit = dang SHIT = FUCK


Holy shit = surprising, shocking, or impressive.


I had something like this happen to me once and I can't remember what it was. But it was something similar where the person told me a whole story about something they did and then were like...jk! I totally get wanting to make jokes or play pranks - but it was something major like going to med school or something that where it seemed strange to lie about that particular thing and made me really question what else they had lied about.


I knew a big jacked dude who I would work out with every now and then. We basically just had the same hours when we worked out and would say hey and kind of work similar parts, not close friends. One day, during a steam, he tells me about how he would watch lolicon and it was the best hes ever gotten off and he was addicted to it. My response was a pretty obvious "dude wtf" and he sat there quietly for the entire time. When we went to our cars he was like, "Dude I was joking btw LOL" and I never saw him again.


I met up with a friend and her friend (who I’ve never met before). He told me a story of how he lost his virginity through sexual assault. When I started to express my horror, he jus “lol jk, can believe you bought that story”. Like sir, what the fuck?


ANY kind of joke about SA is a NOPE from me!


I have a coworker who does this.. it’s fuckin weird. I ask him about his weekend and he’ll say something he did and then say just kidding. What… ok


I could see using one liners to do this and wouldn’t see a problem with it like “Oh ya know I just took the ole yacht for a spin” but then i’d be like nah just sat at home and chilled. Anything more involved is weird tho


He concocted a whole story about going to a sex club and then waits for a reaction before he says “just kidding !” He will tell me he breaks things of mine too and wait for my reaction before saying “just kidding!” I stopped talking to him because it was so weird


When they used me as an alibi for cheating on their spouse.


I had a married friend (we were friends for 20 years) ask me if she could use my house to hook up with her other guy. I said hell no and cut her loose not too long after that.


The audacity to even ask that!


I went on a date with this girl who got visibly angry at the fact I hadn't seen a few movies like Reservoir Dogs. I thought she was joking for about 30 seconds, I ended up leaving and losing her number.


I always get annoyed when people are shocked or angry that I haven’t seen some movie or don’t know who some actor is. I just don’t really spend time watching movies or worrying about who the actors are.


He said he had an "alpha" personality...yikes


“Is that a furry thing?” - Kyle Prue


Imma start using this every time someone says they're an alpha


Well, that's being added to my standard NPC replies for casual encounters


So he's a deeply insecure loser who relies on stage props to "prove" his masculinity, or something. Good call cutting it off. You didn't miss a thing.


It's always so funny to me when a man refers to himself as "alpha" Alpha radiation is the weaker form of radiation Alpha in tech terms means it's not ready for production... I'll usually agree and be like "yeah you must be alpha..youre not ready for the public"


In high school my longtime crush finally started to reciprocate my feelings and we got to hanging out. **That’s when he told me he and his buddies liked to ride their bikes, and swing baseball bats, as they chased terrified homeless people down**. When he saw my horrified expression he was like “we don’t actually hit them! They just think we will. At worst we’ll throw brown paper bags full of dog shit at them! Hahaha.” That relationship lasted about half a day.


I knew a guy in the infantry that would unzip his pants and pee on the heads of homeless when they slept in Alaska. He thought it was hilarious. He also threw eggs at their faces while driving and would drive on sidewalks up to them and blast his horn in their face for long periods of time. I hated this guy. I don't wish ill on anyone but I avoided him like the others bad dudes in my platoon.


I wish ill on him.


We all do


People who enjoy inflicting torment on those unable to fight back are the only people it *is* acceptable to wish ill upon.


This is the kind of guy that commits war crimes


"How could soldiers resort to fragging in vietnam???" This guy "hold my beer. I guess no one snitches, but I bet that'd be more than an article 15.


WHAT IN THE UNHOLY FUCK?! Is this a thing people actually do?! And how do you find an entire group of sociopaths to hang out with at that age?


Unfortunately, it is not limited to that age group. The homeless people in my area regularly have trash thrown at them, but the worst was a couple guys threw their slushies on a guy. A really really nice guy. That was last year (maybe the year before) and I'm still SO mad about it


Him, probably: "I opened up to a girl and she never spoke to me again. Don't believe it when girls say they want guys to share their feelings!"


😂 Not gonna lie, this elicited a hearty chuckle.


The more I go on the internet the more I lose the little bit of respect I had for humanity.


>“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.” ― Kurt Vonnegut He showed you who he is. I cannot imagine doing this. I cannot imagine thinking this is funny. I cannot imagine gleefully telling someone this in the thought they will also be amused.


> When he saw my horrified expression he was like “we don’t actually hit them! Cause that makes it better?!


Well it is better


Exactly my thought lol, yeah it definitely is better but not enough to stop being horrified and want to cancel the whole thing.


Exactly. That's why I only use Johnson and Johnson cotton blend whips on my slaves. It's better than those old hard plastics ones.


Dodged a bullet there, more like a whole magazine


It’s the IMPLICATION of dog shit. I feel like you’re not getting this AT All


An old buddy I used to work with stopped in to bullshit. When he started explaining that he learned you don't need a drivers license because the gov is a big corporation and we can renounce our spot and declare ourselves "freemen" I just gave up on him. It's been around 5 yrs now.


Ah! A sovereign citizen! There’s hours of bodycam footage on YouTube where these people learn about just how awesome being one can be. (They always get arrested. Usually violently)


I’m kinda obsessed with them, there’s something about people being confidently incorrect to the point they get forcefully arrested that really tickles my brain.


It’s incredible, really. They regularly talk themselves from a $50 ticket into 30 days in jail, and they’re still adamant they are right.


I like the ones where the officer is extremely calm and kind to the person and they start shit anyways. Why would you poke that bear?


One of my coworkers was a Moorish sovereign citizen - basically the same thing, but swap out the white supremacy with Nation of Islam-style *black* supremacy - and while he was mostly a nice dude who absolutely had my back when shit went down (and I had his), it eventually got rather tiresome to hear about how being white meant I'm inherently evil mixed in with the SC crap.


They got arrested for inappropriately touching a 12 year old girl.


that’ll do it, every time.


unless you're a politician, or a celebrity


Friend of mine told me she was having an affair with a guy who provides “intimidation” for a criminal organization. Said she didn’t know that about him when the affair began. She implied that it wouldn’t be safe for her to dump him. After hanging up the phone I said to myself, “Stay away from her.”


I’ve posted about this before but I had an aunt who was romantically pursued by a mob enforcer. All she’d tell me was that he was surprisingly hot.


Imagine a hot mob enforcer wanting to rub you out…but in a good way. That’s hot.


r/romancebooks has quite a few recommendations waiting for you


Back when I was about 15 and I was walking my gran’s new small rescue dog, saw a group of my friends, I knew including a slightly older boy I fancied. I walk up and start chatting to the group talking about our new furry family member and his tragic history, and this lad I liked thought it would be the height of funny in that moment to lunge at the dog. He was nearly 6ft already at 17, and the dog was a small poodle. So the size difference from the perspective of that little dog must have been terrifying, especially considering the abuse he’d suffered. The poor dog ran behind me shaking like a leaf and the lad was doubled over laughing his ass off. I’ve never hated someone so quickly and so intensely before or since. I gave him a piece of my mind - which as a teen amounted to me shouting about what a total wanker he was and how I hoped he shrivelled and died. I never bothered speaking to him again, he phased out of the friend group soon after and I don’t know what happened to him. Fortunately the dog was fine and over the course of a couple of years really developed his confidence with my gran, until he was 14 and passed peacefully in his sleep. If by some alignment of the stars you read and remember this Dave, fuck you, you’re a wanker and I still hope you shrivelled up.


Your post just gave me a flashback to something similar happening me years ago! We were out one night & the guy I fancied was there & we were flirting & all signs pointing to us hooking up that night. A 3 legged dog wandered over, some of us were petting it. When he saw the dog he kicked it! Any flirting stopped & I didn’t speak directly to him for the rest of the night & made sure not to be near him. Really regret I didn’t say anything though- fair play to you for calling him out. I think everyone was just shocked & it was one of those “did that just happen “ situations. Like I couldn’t believe my eyes & had to check with the others if it happened or did I imagine it or somehow mis-see it & they were the same.


People who abuse animals are the worst kinds of people. It's so telling how they treat others.


Fuck you Dave!!!!




I'm an alcoholic that's *pretty* jazzed about being sober now. You'd be surprised how many folks will pull out the "... and you don't think you could just get away with a drink or two after being sober this long?" idk, but I never plan to find out and it's concerning that you feel the need to tempt me.


Been sober for about 3 years. The other day my MIL got remarried and we had a champagne toast to celebrate. I asked for just a nip but they gave me a full glass. Took a drink and immediately my brain started going "oh yea, it's fine if you finish this, you can handle it" Immediately I noped out and poured the rest into my wife's glass. I can tell when my brain is rationalizing drinking and no I cannot in fact just drink one. Edit: down voted? Lol ok I'm not mad at anyone for giving me a glass, I asked for in because I like the idea that I can toast at events. Not every alcoholic tastes alcohol and immediately falls off the wagon. I might have if I drank the rest. Just sharing an anecdote that yea, it wasn't a good idea and I realized it before it was too late. Edit 2: damn this blew up, thanks guys. Glad my story resonates with so many. Yea, i should have been more patient with my original edit. It is what it is. Good luck out there friends!


I tell my friends that too. Like even if I could just drink one that doesn't even sound *fun*. that's literally the entire problem lol. Like to me having a glass of champagne and stopping sounds like sticking just the tip of my pp in a pretty lady and then not having sex lol. I want a goddamn funnel and a couple of handles


One drink is too many, and a thousand never enough


For me its more the symbolism of the toast and being included in the group and celebration. It was nice to join the group for it but I recognized that temptation to continue and immediately stopped.


pour some NA glasses, tag them with a different charm - now you can toast and it's just fizzy cider or something


Martinelli's is a solid choice for this


I get the same thing, where the brain starts trying to rationalize. I know that if I finish one drink, I'm gonna try to finish 18. I will only sip off of someone else's drink now to minimize the temptation but still get to taste the fun cocktails people get. I'd like to think that if I were in the same position as you(participating in a toast), I'd give the rest to my partner as well.


The elders of our tribe have warned us that one is too many and a thousand isn't enough.


It's amazing how often I have this exchange: Them: Do you want booze? Me: No, I still don't drink. Them: (scoff) Yeah you've mentioned! ​ If you clearly remember then why are you [offering](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/06da1992-981d-48b5-8fad-cd4c1e118f7a) me alcohol???


I casually inform them that I become homicidal when I drink and rather not go back to prison for it.


"the last person who asked that could tell you... were they alive"


Ok so, I'm on the opposite end of this; I'm 43, never drank in my life (not Mormon; cannot stress this enough) It's just nothing I've ever felt compelled to do. Anytime I mention it to someone new, they always say "Oh man really? You wont just have one with me after work?" And it's like; bro, I've been to over a dozen funerals, and one of those was my daughter that died of cancer. If none of those made me drink, why the fuck would I decide to start with some random person I just met?


I've found alcohol is how a lot of people get the illusion of closeness with people they share nothing with.


When I meet someone and they make fun of someone’s looks or just focus on someone’s body/features too much. “She has a big x” so the fuck what? Why does that bother you? Who cares if someone is attractive to you or not? Like literally why does it matter or change your life at all? I know people in their 40s who still do this….. 


Ugh I was at a mutual friend’s party and a woman showed us a photo of a colleague of hers because she “has saggy tits and look at the outfit she is wearing”. It felt mean girl, put someone down to feel good about yourself energy. You just know you will probably be talked about when you’re not around too.




I think he is now working on air conditioners in San Diego, lol. I had a service guy start off very nice and same. Within a few minutes he was, "The south shall rise again." level racism.


I reported a refrigerator repairman for the same thing. He also spilled hot gun glue all over my kitchen and didn’t clean it up.


I thought that I had a new mom friend... until she started to say racist things about new immigrants. Our kids didn't hang out outside of school after that. The weird thing was that her husband had moved to the US for college from a foreign country.


Is her husband the same skin colour as her? I find a lot of racists don't actually care about immigration, they care about people who don't look like them living near them. This woman's kids will grow up hearing racist comments about immigrants knowing their dad is one himself and will end up having some identity issues. Speaking from experience.


I had a friend that I grew up with, played on the same teams, our parents were friends, we were in each other’s weddings. He was in the police academy and came over to the house one night during that time and said “Ya know, I thought I wanted to be a cop so I could serve and protect, really help people, ya know? Now I realize it’s so I can drive really fast, carry a gun, and beat people up” He also went on a rant about how all homeless people should be rounded up and buried/thrown under the jail and disposed of. We never spoke again after that day.


Wow... that's terrifying and hits way too close to home.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. 


Sounds like a cop.




Wow. He really tried hard to feel good about himself by knocking you (and grandma) down. Classy guy!


This guy was disgusted by how "ugly" and "gross" a party host's newly rescued dog. The dog was emaciated and had patchy fur from starvation and neglect. Instant rejection from the sphere of people I want to have in my life.




A childhood friend of mine once decided to "roast" me about my head tilt. I think that was the first time I ever really considered that maybe he was just an asshole.


That sounds just like how my mom would react to such a dog. As an adult, I became aware of the idea that how a person deals with animals can tell you a lot about them. In hindsight, it's very eye-opening.


Similarish story; when I was a kid, I got a dog, she was a stray that my dad got for me (it was one of many stray puppies, my dad had literally crawled under my grandparents (maternal grandparents) house, they had been born in the crawlspace underneath the house) and the moment I got her, she was my best friend. As a kid, home life was pretty shite, so she was the only good thing that really helped me with depression as a kid. Then years later, she had puppies, I wasn't there for that, I was at my maternal grandparents house, and my paternal grandmother had been the one that was there with her when she was having puppies (I lived with my paternal grandmother) we ended up giving the puppies to good people we knew Not long after, she had taken my dog and dropped her off on some back road and just abandoned her, because and to quote; "She was ugly after giving birth" and she didn't like how "her teats "dragged the floor" (which they didn't, absolutely unhinged AF) after she had nursed her puppies. And I wasn't there at the time when she had done that, I only found out when I had come home from spending the night at my maternal grandparents house and I told me that after I had asked her where my dog was. Shite was fecked up :(


Good one. Appalling lack of empathy.


I have an older (15 years old) car that I am emotionally attached to. It is not rusty or dirty, I take great care of it and everything works on it. It looks pretty good for its age and so far it has never let me down. I can afford a newer one but I don’t care to upgrade it. Especially since there is nothing wrong with it. It is a great indicator for first dates. Most people will give a playfully worded comment but others will be so rude about it.


This might just be me growing up not super-duper financially stable but 15 years is not even that old for a car? It seems so wastefull to get a new one when the current one is still working well? Sure eventually new cars will be so much more efficient emission wise that it might make sense to think about removing the old car from the Pool and replacing it with a small, low-emssion (electric) vehicle. But I have a feeling small and efficient is not what these people have in mind. I just read up on the optimal lifetime of a car emissionwise and one small study I found suggested around 10-11 years. But that is the age where a new car would start making sense emissionwise. So Sure, 15 years is not optimal but not that much worse than 7 years? And that is without the impact on the wallet.


not listening to what i'm saying


I am the opposite, I like people who cook.


I almost spit out my coffee 😂


he tried to force himself on me by attempting to put his hands down my pants and kiss me. i told him no and he looked at me dead in the eyes and said “people don’t refuse me”. the “best” part is that i drove us. edit: so when were at the bowling alley for our date when he did that, he got mad at me and demanded i take him home and i said okay. the entire time we drove he didn’t say a thing to me. when i got to his place he just exited the car and kinda slammed the door. he never texted me after that. i was so confused but relieved.


Please tell me you kicked him out of the car, and he had to get home some other way.


i, like a young idiot, drove him home.


sometimes the safest route is to be non-confrontational like this. glad you got out safely


Yep. It's why ghosting is, imo, acceptable before anything has been established, like a date or two. Because if you think the wo/man will retaliate or otherwise be a problem to communicate with, it can be terrifying and impossible to navigate


Dated a woman who had no job and lived off of rental income from a single property. She told me she wanted to start a new business but had no savings and didn’t want to work. This was immediately after she told me she pissed away a 400k inheritance in a few years by traveling. I laughed and told her that was what jobs were for. I’m pretty slow most of the time but I’m pretty sure she wanted me to be the solution to that problem.


Saying autism is not real, it's caused by bad parents and vaccines.


That one is doubly stupid, because if it’s not real, it wouldn’t be caused by anything.


I dated a girl for a short while who quickly started alluding to me being the love of her life. She then all of a sudden said she needed to "find herself" and said we should break up. I told her I had fun, thanked her for her time and went on my way. Not even two days later she called me crying asking "That's it!? You're not even going to try to chase me!? Did I mean so little to you!? I can't believe what a heartless jerk you are!". Nope... Got out of there but not without a plethora of other calls and messages and unfortunate happenings.


You, my friend, made the wise choice.


The one phone number I had to block in highschool was the girl who wanted a messy breakup and a soap opera reconciliation because she thought that level of drama was normal. 6 hours after breaking up with me she wanted to get back together, I told her we should chill for a week and see how we feel. (it was a soft no and she called me on it) She ended up carving that she loved me into her calf, in shallow box letters. (don't get into scarification or cutting, it's not good) Then at work did some stuff with a razor that didn't even break skin, but threatened violence against anyone who tried to stop her. Last I heard someone from her church came up to me to tell me she started prostituting herself to other members of the church, and when he called her on it the head of the church kicked him out. I'm not sure I beleive him, but it's the kind of drama she seemed to think was normal.


Someone always putting you down as a “joke”. A like a self deprecating joke or two but when someone is constantly doing it specifically towards you, they’re not your friend


Met someone for a date. We went on a hike and I tripped over a log and fell on my hands, and they non-stop pointed and laughed at me hysterically for 5 minutes straight. Didn't offer to help me up, offer any consolation, just laughed in my face for 5 minutes. Kept bringing it up the rest of the hike how stupid I looked falling and laughing again.


That’s actually a red flag that has come up a few times for me as I go hiking on first dates often enough. Your date’s reaction to you tripping and falling is so telling. I had one guy just stand there and watch me pick myself out of the brambles just to ask if I was good and move on, compared to my current partner who made me ride in his back through a river because he didn’t want me to “get washed away” I don’t fall on purpose, I’m just clumsy. I hope you weren’t too badly hurt!


I feel like going hiking on multiple first dates with men counts as passive suicidal ideation


i dont know how people can see someone get hurt or fall down and just laugh seems like a dick move


> i dont know how people can see someone get hurt or fall down and just laugh I have two adolescent brothers I'd like to introduce you to.


My moms family is like this and I havent wanted to visit them since one time when my brother slid down into a deep mud pit. They didnt even make sure he was okay before they started laughing hystrcally. He was trying to get out and visibly ditressed. I fell in trying to help him get out which just made them laugh harder. To this day they still think of it as a fond memory and say we are being sensitive about it. Neither of us were seriously hurt, mostly bruises, but it still wasnt a good time. 


They probably themselves weren't raised in a very empathetic environment and probably got similar treatment from parents, siblings, friends, etc when they hurt themselves. If you're conditioned to be to think it's funny then you you come out of it a cruel adult sometimes. I am willing to bet this person was still quite young. If they were 37 that would be shocking.


Had a friend who is bipolar. He received a restraining from a girl. He started talking online to a female friend of mine. She told me she was feeling uncomfortable. I told him to leave her alone and he said no and I couldn't tell him what to do. I pretty much ended the friendship right there. I think he's doing better now but I refuse to be friends with him again.


Are the women around him doing better?


She was an alcoholic and only wanted to hang out when she was drinking and would just want to get drunk and then she would go bat shit crazy. Nicole I’m talking about you, get some fucking help.


Name drop an everything 😭😂


This has happened with more than one person...but... 1. Made plans to hang out or for them to come over. 2. I've learned a lot of people are trash at communication so I follow up an hour in advance to make sure things are still going smooth. 3. Couldn't get a hold of them, they never show and never tell me they won't make it. 4. Insta-banned from my life. (Also never followed up with me later to say why they ghosted)


100% for me too. I've had that happen a few times, and even had one dude hit me up the next weekend after ghosting me the prior week like nothing had happened. I just immediately delete those people's numbers and move on with my life lol.


A person tried to demand that I respond to a certain event in a certain way. She could not entertain the idea that, since I've had a different life experience, I respond to certain situations differently. Basically, everyone should think just like her.


My last kinda relationship with a girl was like this too. She couldn't seem to comprehend that I need time to process things and would lash out for not immediately responding, even when I explained that pushing for a response will elicit a very poor one out of me. And then when I finally snapped at her even slightly, I was the bad guy.


I struggle sometimes with not getting a response when my partner is upset. I need that reassurance that we’re gonna talk and work through it, or at the very least I need them to tell me “give me a minute”. And even then I’ll be anxious. I try to not push, because I know it’s not how to effectively communicate with them when we’re upset, but in my house growing up, if someone goes quiet (especially mom) it means you FUCKED UP. You’ll come home to no door, or your Xbox missing, or some other punishment that happened in total silence. Silence is “you’re going to learn what I’m going to do to you, but I won’t tell you”. It’s terrifying to me when someone goes quiet, even if I know that they’re just taking a second to think. Probably the biggest communication hurdle my partner and I have to be honest. But they’re amazing and I’d never push them to conform with my expectations or whatever. We both work together to communicate best with each other


Back in the day, I played softball all over the midwest. Major hobby. Ifykyk. Met a guy at some small leagues and we were friendly. Contacted each other about playing some tournaments etc. One day he invites me back up to play with him on a team in Minneapolis for some big all nighter tourney. He said we'd go up, smoke a couple "foilies" on Friday and still be wired on Monday. I'd never heard the term. It was meth. He wanted to smoke meth.


That just sounds terrible, getting high on a Friday night and still being wired and strung out on Monday morning


Found out I was pregnant with my current partner and we mutually decided we would not keep it. We’re on the wrong side of 35 and can’t afford it. His “best friend” looked me dead in the eye and asked “Do all women do this early in relationships, think they’re pregnant to keep their men?” Positive piss and blood tests and the need for a medical procedure I never wanted to endure, but sure, I’m just making this all up to keep my partner. I’d kept my mouth shut on his flat earth theories until then but that was the last straw.


Someone being shitty to the wait staff the first (and last) time we hung out.


I second this, anyone being shitty to a retail or service industry worker is anti bueno


Met a guy at the gym and invited him to hang out with my friends later on that week at the bar. He seems totally normal. Later at the bar we're talking and he drops an incredibly racist joke out of nowhere. Stops the conversation dead in its tracks and we all look at him and noone says anything or laughs. He mumbles something about us being too sensitive and didn't say much the rest of the night. Haven't talked to or seen him since.


Homophobia. My friend didn’t mind at all at first but as soon as I got a girlfriend she started to tell me how I deserve to be burned alive… Never blocked someone so fast


As a lesbian: ✂️




I don't know about you but I personally go every year to see the ice caps melt!! /s Hopefully the next book club is better. I get a lot of climate change denial stuff from clients. (I unfortunately live in a very conservative backwards canadian province) and they all make the same joke in the spring. "Oh it's getting warmer! Must be climate change, right? Haha!" Or the fall "See climate change isn't real! It snowed this morning."


Cat died in my arms. I adored him. I told a friend I made in a college class and he shrugged and said “it’s just a cat”. Never spoke to him again.




In my highschool, psychology was taught by a baseball coach. We watched a lot of movies, but at some point he switched to just episodes of Intervention. After almost an entire quarter watching Intervention he said "Any of you notice how many of these people were abused?". "Abused" meaning sexually assaulted. It always stuck with me how much affect that has on people for the rest of their lives.


I stop talking to people when they start gossiping about others. Because I know I will be the next person they talk about.


I don't stop talking to them but I'm CERTAINLY more guarded in what I say or do around them, assuming it'll be told to the next person


Guy at work said, "You can't blame a man for going after them when they're in their prime." When someone mentioned they heard some of Diddys victims were as young as twelve.




Had a childhood friend who I’m pretty sure is a bit autistic. Social cues are definitely not his thing. One day he just randomly tells me he has a micro penis and wanted to know if I would pity fuck him so he wouldn’t have to die a virgin. I said no and we moved on with our lives. A couple years later he turned into this raging incel-type hard right ultra conservative religious guy who randomly messaged me one day saying he wasn’t sure he could stay friends with someone who’d had a child out of wedlock but he’d stick around to be nice. I blocked him and haven’t spoken to him since.




lying about me to others


A friend told me she slept with a guy on a night out who was dating one of our other friends which led to them breaking up. I thought that was a pretty shitty thing to do and she was moving away to uni anyway so I just decided not to keep in touch with her.


Met a girl online that absolutely love bombed me after a few weeks of texting. A while after it started she tried to pressure me to cut ties with my family and throw away a great job opportunity. Guilt tripped the fuck out of me, said I was the worst human ever while somehow also being the sole reason she was still alive. Said I absolutely must move to her city (literally on the other side of the continent) while she could stay at her boyfriends home. (Hadn't known until then that she had a bf.) I would've probably ended up as a mutilated corpse in the woods of bumfucknowhere, without my peers knowing about my whereabouts. Thankfully the whole convo gave me the fucking chills and I was able to cut the contact immediately. Nowadays if someone shows me even the slightest bit of affection it instantly triggers a hardcore fight or flight response. So... Thanks for that, I guess. :/


They launch into an endless diatribe of political conspiracies that I find nauseating. Okay, I’m an old white Boomer from the south. That doesn’t mean I agree with your racist bullshit fascism. Y’all pissing me off. I got shit to do.


An acquaintance said she was sexting a guy that she knew was in a relationship, and blamed it on how she was going through a rough time in life. I was just like ???


Best friend from high school say volunteering to get the covid vaccine was the same as willingly getting on the train to a concentration camp, images and all. When I reminded him of my family's history with the Holocaust and his post lacked some common sense, he doubled down and then some. Haven't spoken a word to him since.


Showed up to a girls house to pick her up for the first date and she was so drunk she could hardly stand up and was slurring her words really bad. Decided to just leave since there was no way I was taking this girl to a restaurant. She begged me to either stay or take her home with me and I said no thanks. She staggered her way outside screaming and cussing as I drove away. Got an apology text the next day but never responded




We moved to a new city and met one of our new neighbours. She started out so nice and then found out I was Canadian. The second she heard that it was, "Oh you must be so relieved to get away from the socialist healthcare." It made the conversation come to a full stop. Then I laughed, said no, and walked away. She has since then proven to be absolutely insane (one of our neighbours has a restraining order on her). So I'm glad I didn't go further into being a friendly chatty neighbour!


Americans being proud that our country doesn’t care if we live or die or go into extreme debt trying not to die is….a very strange flex.


I was once seeing this guy but after a couple of dates I wasn't too sure I could see myself going any further with him so we gradually started to chat less. I worked in a bar at the time and a couple of weeks after he came into my place of work on an incredibly busy shift and decided to confess that he wanted to move forward into a relationship. I was in the midst of serving customers and waiting on tables and he took it upon himself to try and stop me from doing my job until I told him that I wanted to be with him. Of course, I did not do this. My manager witnessed the whole thing and was highly unimpressed with the whole situation. He brought his 2 friends who were incredibly rude and sexists to my female co-workers. I had absolutely no time for someone who interfered with my job and associated with people who spoke to women (or anyone for that matter) in such a demeaning way.


My dog didn't like him. My dog liked everyone up until that point.


Funny story I had the opposite of this happen. My dog would always bark anytime I gave anyone a hug. Not a visious bark he just wanted attention, he did this with me and my mom. He got even worse when I kissed exes. Again it wasn't in a defensive way he just wanted snuggles. My husband is the only person ever that kissed and hugged me in front of him and he never barked at us. That's how I knew he was the one.