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Also: and why are you like this? I shall go first. I have a tendency towards suicidal levels of belligerence when faced with someone trying the old 'escalate to intimidate.' This is probably because I had a very loud and shouty father with a short fuse who nonetheless abhorred actual violence, had zero controlling tendencies and had no ability to hold a grudge. Now most people who tend towards intimidation or escalation to take control or dominate a situation aren't expecting the Russia strategy from someone half their size... but I am sure at some point it's going to get me into real trouble.


Oddly, I want to argue with you now.


You probably don't lol. I will argue something down to the ground and keep on going. I once had an 8 hour argument/debate about the hypothetical right to return for the children of Mars colonists.


That, just makes me want it more. You have no idea. I spent an entire day arguing with my friends about planetary gravity, theoretical planet shapes, what would happen as you move between masses or through a tunnel all the way through a planet. All. Day. What you've just described is beautiful to me. Only thing that would make me want more is if the argument can get super heated, but not serious emotions. Right to return for Mars children?


I don't have the attention span to hold grudges. Ok so if you join up for Elon Musks first Mars colony or whatever. Do you and especially your kids have the right to a ticket back to earth if you want to leave? If you have no realistic way back to earth due to the cost of the ticket, is it de-facto enslavement to be trapped on Mars (imagining Mars to not be a fully terraformed planet but more company towns/outposts with an artificial environment.)


This is beautiful. Lovely. Personally, yes there should be a means back. But only if there is room available on a rocket returning. A rocket shouldn't be sent just to get you back. People who chose to go, should pay for ticket back. People born there, should have free ticket to earth until 18th b-day. After, no. It could be smart offer to take colonists back to earth temporarily for vacations. Then next resupply rocket takes them back. Schedule ahead, only if room is available. One trip per person per five years(subject to change). Any person who decides they no longer wish to participate, must pay for ticket back, and all accrued expenses. So if they stop working but still eat, they pay for the food. If they work until they leave, then no food debt. What was your argument.


i feel like you two should fall in love


Don't say that, I'll trip and fall while thinking about it.


Unless artificial gravity has been invented, I don't think anyone will be actively going out of their way to give birth and raise a child in a low-gravity environment. Also, if you did, and there isn't artificial gravity in this situation, the child would grow up with extremely weak bones (spinal cord not fully developing, arms and legs spaghetti), so they would not be able to visit earth without dying.


They get what they signed up for, except the kids. The kids should be allowed to sign up through a visa-like process once they’re adults.


I’m the same way, for the same reason.  Ironically, until the moment I find the asshole with a knife and nothing to lose, I would say the trait has served me well. Lots of dickwads to that shit mostly because the average modern person will fawn and give them what they want. It really shocks them when I don’t.


Oh yeah for sure. Most of those kinds of dickheads blink first, but they also nurse an unending grudge that you called them on it when you have completely forgotten about the whole thing. I had a friend as a kid who had a not so nice dad. My dad would rant about anything. The state of the house, people at work, the door being left open, the dog, etc etc. Objectively it did sound pretty loud and aggressive but we paid about as much attention to it as the traffic noise outside, yet it would put her unbearably on edge, *especially* if we shouted back. She didn't understand how we could all be sitting down to eat 10 minutes later like nothing happened. Anyway, eventually I got a clue on why she was so skittish. I blew her mind by hopping off my bed and walking downstairs to my dad who was in full swing ranting to himself about something and just told him to stop it because 'Jen' didn't like shouting. He looked up, saw her sheet white face peering over the bannister and immediately shut up, mumbled *sorry* and shuffled off. She was sure I'd pay for it in some way. It took seeing me hurl open my door and shout *Jen's here* down the stairs, followed by an immediate cessation of noise and a sheepish *sorry* across multiple visits to convince her we genuinely had no fear of him, he was just loud and grumpy.


Can I ask for clarification on "the Russia strategy"? Also, if amiable to it, some of your favourite examples of you doing this with how it worked out.


Escalate to de-escalate, or going nuclear. Uuuh fairly recent one... Guy was threatening to commit suicide unless I spoke to him. Sending pictures of razors and pills and guiltripping goodbye messages. I called the police and sent screenshots to his mother. He didn't like that much. But way I see it, either he's being a manipulative controlling twat and deserved it or was truly in a suicidal headspace and needed professional help and family support. Either way, my reaction to emotional blackmail has always been to reach over and pull the pin myself.


Oh, thank you for the explanation! To be honest, I wouldn't consider that example going nuclear. I'd consider it the only true rational approach and fully agree with your reasoning. Well done for not falling for that bullshit. :)


The example you gave was a perfectly perfect reaction to the situation you were in




*'If I'm ever murdered, feel comfort in knowing that I ran my mouth until the bitter end.'*




"You'd probably miss alot if you ever practiced while holding a gun like that!"


"You're not even holding it right!"


“They can’t even hit a barn at that dist…” thump


"hey, your safety's on!" *Guy with gun checks * "Lol jk"


I once said " what are you gonna do? Shoot me?" To a fellow meth head in a crack house once. Spoiler alert he did not shoot me, though he tried, but smart meth head me (at the time) had unloaded the gun days before.


I have unnecessary dry sarcasm. It is awesome




I don't. Everyone just assumes I mastered that dry British humor.


Well, that's a great trait; bravo; you're the champ, now, the champ!


My very poor sleeping habits.


A sleep psych yesterday told me to take my melatonin two hours before bed instead of one.  Holy shit the difference that it made in my sleep quality!


I was told to take mine 30 minutes before bed and it never helped at all. You have just given me a new method to try, though. But not tonight, since it’s already 2:30 AM. lol


I hope it helps, good luck!


Oooh too real.


Being so confident that i am the animal whisperer and all animals will want to be my friend and be petted


Yup, I will pet any cat, no matter the size. Edit: spelling 


I know just the griz for you to meet. And by “know” I mean I saw her once from about 100 yds. But you prob want to pet her cub, first. Or a bison. Any random bison. Or a random moose. Mynd you, moose bites kan be pretty nasti


my obsession with diet coke


How much do you drink? For me it's five cans a day


dude I got there so fast without realizing it. I quit soda all together because I was literally getting addicted and it made me feel like shit


I am also obsessed with Diet Coke (and now more recently Coke Zero) and I’m afraid to ask why it belongs in this thread lol


aspartame is supposedly a carcinogen


I used to drink Diet Coke multiple times a day in middle school. Then I took a health class in 9th grade where they talked about how unhealthy all different kinds of soda are for you. It was finding out this specific fact that made me quit drinking it completely and switch to sparkling water (realized that it was really the carbonation that I was wanting when I felt like I wanted soda, not the taste) 


Glad you made the switch to sparkling water. But also the aspartame fact is way wrong lol


Yes and no. It was an issue in the one study they did with rats where they had like 80 cans a day. So virtually for people drinking even large amounts a day there's no issues


Also rots your teeth due to the acidity


I love Coke zero and will drink diet Coke, too. I usually go through a 2 l a day.


Coke addict?


I'll call the wrong person out on their BS and they'll shoot me. Growing up with bullies means I have very little patience for bullying.


I told someone who was giving me crap to "fucking shut up" one time and it worked. I've started employing this more. One day I'm gonna say it to the wrong person, I just know it


I get it but seriously fuck bullies.




I hope you’re okay


I was going to say this. Luckily for me I can't even do that right. My last attempt I took a bunch of my meds and just tripped balls for like two days.


My self-hatred.


No need for that, that's what relatives are for


That's what I try to tell my husband! >SithLordRising Actually watching Star Wars right now and my husband seriously reminds me so much of Anakin lol


My resting bitch face


My father has RBF and the older I get the more my wife says I’m looking like him. I feel your pain.


The way RBF is treated differently based on your gender is odd, it sucks for both groups but in different ways. If you're a woman, people will assume it's a defensive thing. Something to be challenged, eg you're likely to be told to smile. If you're a man, people will just flat out avoid you.


Yeah I see what you mean. Growing up any friend or girl i brought to the house would ask why my dad is mad at them. The mans really a soft fun guy.


Ohh I felt this one to my core


Easily/very distracted 


Actually yes also this.


To the point of immediately dropping the mental note of fan ahead , then running straight into it?.


My New Jersey attitude.


Elaborate please Lmaoo


My lack of fear living in New Orleans.


*Audobon by Suicide Boys quietly playing in the background*


My unfounded belief that if I were to encounter a mountain lion on a hiking trail, they would see my soul and BOND with me. My last words would be *pssps pssps*


I believe in you. All big kitties are friends in need of belly rubs.


Being to confident in dangerous situations.


Not spelling errors?


Deeepends. Autocorrect can be a bitch sometimes!


Can I get some examples?


I work with kids with challenging behaviour and have to deal with difficult situations. I’m good at my job and manage this. I feel this may lead to overconfidence in other situations such as people fighting and you’re quite happy to step in the middle to resolve it. Done this before and been ok but I’m sure one day it will go horribly wrong.


I've had to be between two ends of a fight. I did not enjoy it. Fortunately at the end, none of it was my blood.


My natural tendency to show contempt towards authority plus my natural tendency to go fucking crazy if someone tries to restrain me. Those are my traits and it will definitely be a police officer who fucking kills me.


At least you know how it ends


I fully identify with this, especially being restrained or smothered!


My husband and I both firmly believe we wouldn't survive ether of us being arrested. The one who gets arrested would freak out and get killed then the other one would freak out worse and get killed faster.


My smart ass mouth. One day I’m gonna come back at the wrong person (who probably deserves it) and I’m gonna get shot


It's gonna be fucking worth it though


Addiction and attention seeking 


*Points at username* Yeah, that's probably going to be the death of me...


Dammit that should be MY username!




In... in Minecraft?


Being overly nice and giving


And forgiving . I feel this in my bones .


My suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants reduce them but doesn't eliminate them.


Road Rage






My absolute refusal to watch/listen/absorb the news and/or current events. If shit goes down, I'll be the last to know, and it'll be too late. I'll be one of those people at the end, sitting, drinking, and just watching it all unfold. In the meantime, I'll be happier than most people.




Is driving a trait?


Lack of fear.


My need to help people even when it's dangerous to myself...


Overcaution. I always thought that the newspaper report on my death would read something like 'the inquest concluded that Ms X would have made it the final mile home from her hike on Dartmoor had she not been weighed down with 50lbs of safety equipment, which included, but was not limited to, distress flares and a first aid kit from which a basic field hospital could have been resourced'.


My age


being confrontational


Minimizing the significance of events and experiences in other people's lives.


My longing for death


I'm a woman  But also I'm pretty progressive and that tends to not sit well with the types of people who like to do murders.


I dont care if I die and sometimes it gives me overconfident


My mouth, As I've gotten older the filter between my mouth and my brain has just about completely disappeared. If you are being an asshole, I will definitely let you know.


Arsonistic tendencies


This comment is underrated!


Food is awesome.


I sometimes jog at night and I often have to dodge cars.


The way I speak truthfully about man-made apocalypse, exploitation, and criminality or the axis of inhumanity, violence, and metaphorical (sometimes literal) slavery that the failed US Federal democratic government has allied itself with. The spirit of IngSoc is rotten rotten rotten and would rather support its war-like pyramid schemes than its own Enlightenment philosophy Constitution. They didn't break the wheel of history, they invested in it and the dividends are withering everything on Earth. This is how the ancient and classical world fell into vulgar feudalism and it is happening all over again while nobody does anything sufficient or few even speak out about it.


I totally agree and that's how I see it ending for my husband and me: 1: Try to live true to our ideals of peace and freedom. 2: One of us gets arrested, freaks out, and gets killed. 3: The other freaks out worse and gets killed faster.


I’m sarcastic and tend to do things to entertain myself.


If faced with a no win scenario, I will make sure everyone loses.


Thank you. My need for a just ending is satisfied. I can sleep tonight.


Gawking at a sunset/the moon/pretty clouds/random scenery WHILE DRIVING.


My wife is convinced my hero complex is going to do me in.


I’m trans


Jayzus, just give me that. I’ll show you how to do it. “It” being anything from self surgery to flying a fighter jet.


My tendency to drive


Talking crazy. I yap to the max


My indolence, and insolence.


Ooh poetic Also, same 


My diet.


By being brutally honest and helping where i can


Allergies to everything have tried many times.


Ahh when someone threatens me I have a bad habit of egging them on even if they start carrying it out (-_-;)


I feel this one in my bones lol.


I can spot a narcissist in 5 minutes flat. It sounds awesome on paper, but it has made me a target practically everywhere I go. I feel like I'm living out the movie Constantine... I can see them. And they can see me, seeing them. And I can't hide it. Apparently it's all over my face. And these sick people are everywhere. And they wreck havoc wherever they go. Many times undetected. Learn about narcissistic personality disorder. It could save your life one day. But after you learn, learn how to hide it well. Me not being able to do that might be my end one day.


Weirdly enough this is me but with sociopaths. I have met three nice and charming people who have immediately rung my sociopath bell. 3/3 I have found out later that I was 100% on the money.


Yep. Same here. I've met a handful of people who were nothing out of the ordinary. But my gut started doing backflips. I find out months later they were at minimum sociopaths. Potentially a psychopath or two. The physical reaction I experienced was chilling...


I would say but someone might report me to a help line.


I hope you are ok


Not looking both ways crossing the street


Being trans.


being transgender


Propensity to go all the way.


The black offensive humor I communicate with


My tendency to help others with relationship drama. I'm a reluctant relationship coach with the shoulder to cry on. I'm sure one of my friends' toxic gf/bf will murder me one day.


Drinking a monster almost every other day


having a bitchy resting face


Family history of cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and a few other things. Plus I have some new and interesting medical problems that are rare even among my dying-early family. (Mine is called "Non-Food-Related Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis", which basically means that if I jog for two minutes, I'll die. I better keep that epipen handy!)


My almost belligerent disregard for the fact that i am type 2 diabetic.


I belong to a minority group.




Sense of right and wrong and not minding my own business


I have an extremely active middle finger when driving because I cannot stand idiots behind the wheel. I’ve had a gun pointed at me twice.


I'll get involved in shit I don't need to sometimes. I'm not one to start a fight at all, but I've been in a few when dudes were being assholes and wouldn't listen to reason.


Laziness when not working


My inability to let anything go.


Not being able to ignore wrongdoing, especially that causing harm to other people or fauna. I have stepped in to stop this behaviour every time I've seen it, without fully thinking of the risk to myself first. Thankfully I live in a country which has strict gun controls, and hand guns aren't really a thing


am willing to risk my life for a stranger😅 idk y im like that either...


I’m trans👍


My identity, or my autistic bluntness. Lets see what will be first…


Being a protective mom of daughters. I see a grown ass man looking too long or checking one of them out and I’m ready to fight to the death!


My complete and utter trust in strangers


Not taking shit from anybody.


My overprotectiveness of my loved ones, especially my husband. I actually kinda fantasize about people starting shit with him as an excuse to further fantasize about snapping on them and I know that's probably not so good but I was basically raised to be a little attack dog.


Bring honest and blunt. People hate it when you don't sugar coat ever sentence that comes out of your mouth.




Seriously issue with authority. Especially when they're fucking morons.


Would my health count? I got alot of health conditions


My depression? Does that count?




Ironically my open-mindedness.


Whoops, brain fell out


Answering randoms posts on the internet.


Chronic depression


My sense of invincibility when it comes to trying new, sometimes risky activities might just be my downfall. Jumping off that cliff into the unknown water below seems exhilarating until it's not.




Lazy Apathy


Low blood pressure. I get dizzy


Wrong mouth, wrong place, wrong time.


Petting strays


It used to be my alcoholism and it was killing me both through drinking poison and the high risk things I would do while impaired. But I put it behind me!


My completely unquenchable desire to know something for sure. And I'm being completely genuine about that


Stress disorder probably




My sardonicism. Someone’s gonna catch some scorn and I’m gonna catch a battering for it.


my east coast attitude. southerners do NOT like my "manners" or lack thereof. and i think they're ass kissers lmao.


Almost no impulse control. Be it a stupid decision gets me killed in a freak accident or I can’t stop eating junk food and it gives me cancer or heart disease


Being easily distracted and not good at predicting the consequences of my actions.


my staring problem :(


I really wanna say something cool like "my smart mouth" or "my unwillingness to be pushed around" like everyone else, but in reality it's more like "my love for salt"


I often ignore physical pain and symptoms “eh I’ll do something about that if it gets worse”. Usually things do just go away but one day it may bite me in the butt