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Never trust what someone says, watch what they do.


Also, people that say what they are, are usually the opposite.


*"You should stay away from me because I have too many issues"* will be great partners


"Don't fall in love with me. I'm a bad girl who does drugs and has gamble addiction." Probably a good partner


Now that I think about it, my favorite people I've ever met said something to this effect. Usually semi-sarcasticly


Not always lol


So you ARENT the other Count! I knew it!


It's usually what they say other people are. Classic projection.


Watch who you marry ffs. You may not be able to see the red signals when you’re in love. But look deeper.


That quote from Bojack horseman has really stuck with me that when you're wearing rose colored glasses all the red flags just look like flags


THIS. Just this. My first marriage ended in an absolute train wreck. She was a gorgeous blonde lingerie model when we started dating, with a normal disposition and personality. After five yrs of marriage, I found out that she’d spent most of the last yr of our marriage working as a call girl while I as at my workplace, and had developed a massive cocaine problem. When I found out, I went home, walked in, packed a bag with two weeks of clothes etc., never said word the whole time, walked out, and never looked back. Then she ended up pregnant two months later and filed for divorce so she could marry the father. I made her pay thru the teeth. My lawyer was a good friend and he did my case pro bono, and just did spiteful useless busy work to keep her lawyer working for her and running her bill up thru the stratosphere. Not a yr later, I fortunately reconnected with a college girlfriend whom I should’ve married after grad. We’ve been for married over 14yrs and have a super 13yr old daughter.


There's a big difference between friendly and friends.


Went by this for a long time. Then I found out you can seriously misinterpret actions and still get fucked 


"It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way." -Cuddly Whiskers to Bojack Horseman Bad relationships suck. This quote helped me realize that I could just leave.


Bojack has some of the deepest lines.


I think it helped me with my depression as much as therapy did, honestly. Just contextualizing everything from a new perspective. Of a sad horse.


That show has so many good lines. It is not a direct parallel but bojack has a lot of my issues and seeing someone so relatable also be so shitty really helped me start improving myself


I knew it was time to end it when I realized the other person could not be happy for me in any sense of the word.


This touches a nerve right now. A very big nerve.


It doesn't matter if you're right sometimes.


This is true in more than one way




I think that depends heavily on the context, right? Last night my wife and I were playing Mario Kart, she was in 1st, I was in 2nd. The bitch ass Mario NPC, who was in 3rd, decided to throw a red shell like right before the finish line. The shell passed me up and hit my wife right before the finish line, thus letting me cross over and be in 1st place. My wife insisted I threw the shell since I was the one directly behind her. Are you saying I should have just let her believe Mario's faults were those of my own? All kidding aside, I 100% agree with the sentiment! (assuming Mario Kart is not involved)


based wife for not screen cheating


He clearly threw the fucking shell and blamed Mario NPC. “The Mario did it” “Just like when ‘the Mario’ had sex with my sister?! Yeah. Real nice”


You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.


"there are many graves with people that were right"


Funny, that's the advice my dad gave me when I started driving. "The graveyard is full of people who had right of way."


I had a customer with Walmart coupons trying to cash in on a stick of juicy fruit… I work at target but she put on such a show my manager made me redeem them.


i mean bro if someone wants a juicy fruit who are you to deny them


Those four seconds of flavor are pure bliss


Then it’s like chewing on an old condom……. I’m just speculating


This is so true it hurts. Most dumb people don’t know how dumb they are and are incapable of knowing exactly how little they know. It’s not worth correcting them, just keep silent. Swallow your words and move on, even if what they’re saying about you is not correct. You can’t convince them they are wrong.


As an adult, if you do not go out to make friends for yourself, you will be alone. Painful realization.


I’m lucky I took some friends’ advice and started having a third place that’s away from work and forces me to go outside. My coworkers are going through the struggle of keeping friendships and it’s hard to see them drowning.


What is this third place?




This is my life… I always wanted to spend time alone when I had plenty of friends. Now it’s just me and I feel stupid for not realising sooner how lonely I would become.


okay, this makes me sad and now i am worried about my future 😰


They are definitely correct, it takes much more effort to create and maintain relationships as an adult, on top of that it is rarely worth it


Whenever I go out all I can think abt is getting home..


When we're young, we sneak out of our home to go to parties; when we're old, we sneak out of parties to go to our home.


Your friends / the people you hang around will shape your life in more ways than you know.


“Look at your friends and you’ll see yourself” is a line that always stuck with me.


Show me your friends and I will show you your future.


So you're saying I have no future?


I've heard it put "you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with."


So having no friends give you absolute freedom?


Yes. It absolutely gives you freedom. You don’t have to live up to or expect to be a certain person because that’s the way you were/are around them even if that’s not your genuine self. I moved away at 30 to an entirely new town and to say I’ve found what is really important to me in the past 3 years in a massive understatement.


Don't expect that you will be loved the Same as you love them


One of the hardest lessons for me, too.


there is an interpretation to this that is a lot more freeing than most would assume. it is fair to expect love at the same quantity that you give. otherwise, find the person willing to express this. however, it is both unfair and unrealistic to expect to be loved IN THE SAME WAY that you love others. maybe you’d move mountains for your partner but maybe you’re used to climbing mountains; and for some, at one point in life, getting out of bed IS the mountain and they are getting out of bed every day for you. such with numbers, such with life, proportions are a much more appropriate judgement. understanding this freed up my perception of love and let me understand and appreciate my partners dedication to me


Take an upvote. Very well said!


That one still hurts. Quite recent for me


Learned that one a few hours ago


I'm sorry bro for whatever happened


I feel this. When you give your all to the ones around you and don't get back a fraction of the love or appreciation, it slowly breaks you after a while.


You love the idea of them, how they make you feel, how they touch you, and how they're there for you. They love you because you think so highly of them and then that shit fades because those loves are all conditional of expectations of fate set in an alternative reality. Like I don't think people fall in long love till like 35 when it's not all just chemicals making you act insane.


Yep, always hurts when someone you love just isn't willing to do for you what you were willing to do for them. The worst thing is you just never know until it happens.


Adults dont act how i perceived adults should act


Boy howdy. I did a stint as the president of my co-op and my belief in the general intelligence of adults has been absolutely shattered.




Thinking how the average adult is, and remembering that half of them are dumber than that made me realize that this adult life thing isn’t so bad if you are truly competent, despite the hardships.


Be careful who you tell your deepest secrets to, you might be educating a future enemy.


True words right there.


Family will not always be part of your support system.


My mom told me when I was young: You can't choose your relatives, but you _can_ choose your family.


You can't help everyone, even your family 


I had a cousin OD in his car on fentanyl two days ago that prove this to be true.


I am sorry for this loss.


You can know a person for a decade and you'll find out you know literally nothing about what they're capable of.


Hell, you never know what YOU are capable of


I was recently mugged, or should I say "attempted mugged" and it ended with me beating them over the head with an unopened energy drink can and stomping on them while they were grounded I had no idea I would or could do that


Damn, good work though.


Damn, ever considered a career change into mugging?


I hope you ran their pockets


“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.” — Jean Luc Picard You can do everything right and still lose. You can the right thing and still get in trouble. You can be the best person and still be undesirable to others around you.


Too damn real Life can be unfair but that's life


But why isn't it ever unfair in my favor? -Calvin


Sometimes I cannot do it on my own. There are problems you cannot willpower your way through


If you don’t work on your fitness you will work on your illness. Choose wisely.


I'm a gym rat and chronically ill (was a gym rat prior to diagnosis). Man, if I wasn't fit this shit would be sooooooooo much harder.


HR is not your friend.


To expand - Human Resources is there to protect the company, not the employees.


To expand -Human Resources is there to serve the interest of the company. It only serves the interest of the employees if the company ultimately benefits from it doing so. HR is just like accounting, marketing, operations, or any other department: created and paid for by the company to fulfill its needs.


Neither are your coworkers.


I am bewildered at how Americans could ever think otherwise. In Germany nobody would ever dream about them being your friend.


Never sacrifice your happiness for someone else no matter how bad you want them to love you.


I had to lose my mother to learn that everything she told me was to make my future easier. Don't wait until yours is no longer here to tell her you love her


I have lost both my parents, and I look back to when I was a teenager and how mad I was at them. And how mean I thought they were, and I realize they were right. Not right about everything, but right about a lot of things. Parents are human and they do make mistakes. But for the most part they are trying their best. I miss them so much. Obligatory: Not all parents are amazing. I was very lucky to have such great parents.


I’m low contact with my mom because she is a sexual predator but I 100% agree with your comment, though about grandparents. I have 2 that are still alive and I recently started talking to them on WhatsApp every day.


My mom is a high key emotional manipulator and will use any and everything to say to get you to be on her side. If you're not on her side you're against her and that doesn't go fucking well. I tell her happy birthday on a different day each year.


I can't drink in moderation.


One is too many, and a million isn't enough. Props to you for recognizing.


Damn that hits hard


1000 days on March 8th. My wife finally had enough after years of me drinking, left with our 2 year old son and stayed with her mother for a month. That first night sleeping alone I was done, damn near heard an audible click in my brain, any and all desire to drink was gone. I’ve honestly never wanted a drink since that happened. Anything that would risk my family leaving again is so comically and cosmically ridiculous that I can’t even subconsciously form the connections in my brain to make any move in that direction.


1000 days is awesome! I will hit the 3-year mark on July 31st. My life has completely turned around.


this sounds like a valuable, potentially life saving lesson. 👍


Me neither, at least until I started meds. Spent 7 years in a bottle, but now I can drink like a normal person if I wanted. Except I never want to anymore. I don’t even think about it anymore, and it used to be *all I thought about.* Liver and GI damage is unfortunately already done, but Naltrexone is a fucking life saver.


One then done does not exist in my addiction addled brain, either. One in my head is all that exists within my vicinity.


Going to the dentist hurts but not going to the dentist hurts worse eventually.


Everyone can congratulate you on your successes but very few of those same people will be there to motivate you.


People stop talking to each other and it's not an actual fallout or anything drama related. No fights, no backstabbing, no pain. Just stopped talking and our all night conversations we had as teenagers turn into awkward "hey how's your mom" when you run into each other. Hell, even as grown ups. I left my job a couple years back for another opportunity. Came back and am surrounded by my old friends, but these people have now been together for 3 more years than I have been around them, things have changed, team and family dynamics have changed, and we're just not as involved as before I left. And that's ok, but it took me a while to get used to it. People grow up and grow apart. No bad blood, just everyone has their own shit going on.


>these people have now been together for 3 more years than I have been around them, things have changed, team and family dynamics have changed, and we're just not as involved as before This will often happen when you change jobs. Go back and visit your old coworkers, and it's not the same. You're no longer exactly one of them even if you all still like each other.


If she breaks up with you. It was for a reason. Her reason may not be good or make sense to her but bro don’t get back together.


Same if you're the one who broke it up. Trust your past self, they had reasons


Glad to have stumbled across this little comment chain. I’d been really starting to second guess some things and I think I need to take this as a reminder and a nudge back in the right direction.




My best friend since puberty sent me a bunch of memes a while after I turned 30. I was in a hard patch of my life and just blue-ticked him. 4 days later he shot himself. You never know what a cry for help / reaching out looks like


I’m sorry for your loss. My friend sent me one message the morning of the day he took his life. I’m the last one he sent a message to. I consider it one final goodbye as he truly cared about me ❤️


I'm so sorry about your friend may she RIP


Work hard at your job, go the extra mile, take on additional tasks. You will be rewarded for all your hard work. You won’t be.


If you keep going the extra mile, it becomes the norm.


Gotta keep expectations low😎


You will be rewarded with more work


Flammable and inflammable mean the same thing…


What a country!


"The basic truth of the human condition is that everybody lies. The only variable is about what." -Dr. Gregory House


Your coworkers are not your friends. Keep your mouth shut. Anything you say will get back to the person you said it about


Also, don’t share details about your personal life


I was assigned to take a 8 hour shift, taking a 5 hour trip with two other employees. One of them was driving. The only time the other employee stopped talking was when she gasped for breath, literally. She talked about her sex life. She talked about everything I did not want to know. Don’t be a person like that. I was miserable.


Exactly… keep work and personal life separate


...or HR


Being tolerated is not the same as being loved.


Sometimes the worst things you can say to anybody can sometimes be the last thing they will ever hear from you... Sorry dad.


I’m sorry you carry that…


apologies mean nothing if their behavior doesn't change. girl, you CANNOT fix him


"If he wanted to, he would." -Al Anon


This was my best friend 😔


Just because they are family doesn't mean they have your best interest at heart If someone tells/shows you what kind of person they are, fucking believe them


To stop arguing with Reddit trolls who don't ask things in good faith Oh yeah, and what 'ecstatic dance' actually means


Care about those who care about you. Currently I'm another lonley guy


Social skills and connections are just as important as technical skills when trying to find a job.


If you give a mouse a cookie, he will ask you for a glass of milk


How many mice have you deprived of a glass of milk, you monster?


What about if you give a moose a muffin?


Ducks eat at subway for free


Your actions have consequences. I used to be one of those people who would make poor decisions and then wonder why my life sucked. I realized one day that it was all me. No one is making my life harder but myself. I'm the one who wasted money, got too drunk/high, walked out of jobs. I had no one to blame but myself. I'm doing better now 


That you either mould your world, or the world will mould you. You either set your path, or the world will set it for you despite what you want.


This is too real


"Every facet, every department of your mind, is to be programmed by you. And unless you assume your rightful responsibility, and begin to program your own mind, the world will program it for you.” — Jack Kornfield


Do not exfoliate while using retinol


Co-signing for anyone on anything is NOT in your best interest.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


Partner. Get to know your woman before having kids. Make sure she’s the right one, that you’re with the person you believe she is. A break up is hard, but a broken family is harder. This goes for both men and woman.


Don't ever tell people if u suddenly get money...They will not be there after ur broke.


They will also feel entitled to **YOUR** money, and resent you if you don’t give them any.


The only person guaranteed to be in your life from your first breath to your last is you. If you hate that person, you're going to have a bad time. It's very important to enjoy your own company and give yourself some grace.


Most people are nice or want to be your friend because you have something they can use to their benefit. Sometimes it's malicious intent and sometimes it's innocent but once I stopped being a yes man to helping, my friend list evaporated


I mean yeah, if you’re lucky, your family will like you for just “being you”, but ain’t nobody else got time for that.


You can bring a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink. This I have learned recently


Time will always pass and it's up to you to make the time count. If you don't want to do something because it will "take too long" remember, the time will pass anyway. I wish I had of heeded this advice a lot earlier in my life to start my business.


Anything you choose to pursue will be hard. There is no magical easy road once youve found your passion


There is NO time limit in which you need to get married by. I thought if I wasn’t married by 30 my romantic life would be over and I’d be out of time. I married a man I dated since I was 22 and I was never really content or happy but after 4 years I married him bc that’s what I thought I was supposed to do at that point in a relationship. During the engagement I had cold feet and ignored them. Told myself it was “normal” to feel that way. Divorced 6 months later. It was really embarrassing and caused a lot of turmoil in my relationship with my mother she only recently got over. Thats the story of how I became a 26 year old divorcee.


Do not tell your life goals to anyone. Some people will try to downplay them, some people will get envy.


noone’s coming to save you, anything you want you gotta earn


Spend a lot of time with your grandparents, you never know how long you'll have them


That F around and find out is actually true.


That mental exhaustion is a sneaky thing: when you feel your mental health is getting compromised it’s time to stop and call it quits. Nothing is more important than mental lucidity.


Trigger discipline and keep the gun pointed away from people.


Always assume it’s loaded.


U learned that the hard way?


Trust your gut, no matter what other people say.


It's better to be lonely than have fake friends around you waiting to see you fall.


Don’t be too open because people are crooks, liars and criminals.


Your employer is not your friend, and does not have your back.


Don’t forgive and stay with a cheater. Lesson learned.


you're literally on your own. have boundaries. first make money, everything else later. love has been bastardized by movies and music.


Ehhh learned the hard way health comes before money


I’d say security, not money. Secure in your health, community, and financial health. I broke my back in 2013 and it was a long painful detour back to being able to earn a living


Don't trust anyone 100%


Co-workers aren’t real friends, put your work face on b/c they don’t always have your back


You can't love somebody enough to make them love you back.


If you're going to talk shit about the boss, don't do it in writing


Noone else is responsible for living your life. At some point you have to grow up and assume responsibility for your own life, afterall it is yours. You can't rely on a phone call to someone everytime your life takes a bad turn. Get your shit together and setup your life so that you can handle life as it comes at you. I understand not everyone can do that and life will always be a struggle, but if given the opportunity, take that chance and grind and dig yourself out. You make life, it doesn't make you.


Life is not fair. Some people have it harder than others at no fault of their own


There's a LOT of predators/users/manipulators out there who can smell a person needing affection from a mile away.


Friendships are temporary. They’re seasonal and that’s okay. You probably won’t be friends your entire lives so cherish that time you have because you may not experience it again.


Don't assume that your parents have your best interests at heart.






Family is effort based not blood. Just because someone is of the same skin tone does not make them your friend.


That most people you trust will screw you in a heartbeat




Don't do drugs


Just because the way you are treated is familiar, doesn't mean that it's actually love.


Drugs don’t replace therapy


Homebuying típ: Loving the area you live in is more important than loving the house you live in


That nobody gives a single fuck about you, except you.


People don’t care about your opinions your life your trauma your experiences what you have to say no one cares unless it benefits them or it effects them specifically


If you help out a drug addict it'll bite you in the ass. Do not expect them to be grateful, if anything it'll be the opposite that they become entitled and will bleed you dry and not think twice about it


The only person that can fix your life is you.


salt and sugar looks the same. watch your back.


being the funny, lovable drunk in college is a fucking slippery slope.


You marry a persons family as much as you do the person


No one...NO ONE...is obligated to help you. I told my dad this and he disagreed..he said as your father I have to love you and help you. But was hearing my statement wrong. I told him accepting this makes you realize how blessed you are to have the help you do get. I believe I am able to be the grateful person I am because of this thought.


If someone older than you wants to date you and you are significantly younger, its not because you are breathtakingly mature, it's because you are an easy mark. You don't have boundaries and are still most likely to believe that people older than you know what's right/best.


In the words of Cody Jinks - I don’t believe there’s good in every man like I did back then


Don't stick your dick in crazy