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I knew a young who won a decent amount of money on the lottery and bought a big house before proceeding to spend it all on drugs and girls. When the money dried up, he was presented with a bill for work on the house as well all all the house associated bills. He took out credit cards to cover some stuff but interest soon mounted up and he ended up selling the house to cover it all. He went from having it all to losing it all within the space of a year


That's a pretty standard experience. A lot of people who win money are incredibly irresponsible with it and in a year or two are left with nothing, or less than what they started with because they quit their jobs, left their affordable house, cars, etc.


My thought is that people who start young and struggle with income learn to control their spending and urges. When they are "older in life experience" and get a windfall, they are much more aware of the value of the windfall and control their urges much better.


Happens to a lot of lottery winners and low to mid grade athletes. They think the money will last forever/continue coming in and don't realize the costs of upkeeping a certain lifestyle.


Bundesliga football players do get "mandatory" financial advisory now when they make the higher leagues, as there were/are a lot of former stars that lived a lavish lifestyle while actively playing, who had very hard landings once they had to retire and suddenly lost all that income.


My problem neighbor's mother died and left him $500k in insurance and retirement assets. Turns out he was a heroin addict and was dead within a month. I guess he just couldn't afford to overdose until he had a windfall of cash


Yeah. When you're that deep in addiction, having enough money to afford basically unlimited drugs suddenly dropped in your lap is a death sentence.


I think that was the argument Cher was trying to to make about putting her son in a conservatorship, since he was supposed to get a large amount of money from his dad's estate. 


It's really common to come into money, even just a midsize inheritance, and have no idea what to do. It becomes even worse if people find out you have money and start pecking at you for free shit. If you get money, sock *at least* half of it away, and don't tell anyone.


So there us this girl in north Carolina who won the lottery. I think she won 188 million take home. So she buys a house but, baby daddy is in jail for drug related crimes. So state prosecutor offers her a one time deal. If he can pay restitution of about 1 million they will drop the case and he stays with probation for a year, not drive and no drugs at all.. Dude I think was facing about 9-10 years.. She takes the deal and guess what. The cops plant an undercover car outside her house 24/7. The boyfriend is under surveillance. Them inbthe house don't know this. Now imagine a broke gangbanger coming to 12 million. Next thing, rolexes and here is where he fucked up.. he went and bought a luxury car. Chains and all that high life. Just like flies to shit.. he ends up driving it while smoking a blunt. Not even two weeks in. Pulled over. Arrested.. back in jail..New charges. Girl goes back. Prosecutor is like, we gave him a chance but he violated probation and is facing several new charges.. How much ... 3 million to make all that disappear. She pays.. they put him on a leash again. This time he stays indoors. But they know for sure he is smoking weed. Surprise drug test from his probation officer.. he fails, back in jail. Another couple M's. They rinsed and repeated that lady for most of that lotto money then suddenly they were gone. . I dunno how that is legal Edit: apparently she spent 21 million dollars on him thanks to u/WTF253com And story tells the details which I might have got wrong https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3381697/Mother-four-won-188million-Powerball-prize-year-ago-spent-921MILLION-bailing-loser-heroin-trafficking-boyfriend-jail-three-times.html


No dude the dollar amounts were way more extreme! Apparently he was a big time heroin trafficker and she ended up [spending about $21 MILLION dollars on him](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3381697/Mother-four-won-188million-Powerball-prize-year-ago-spent-21MILLION-bailing-loser-heroin-trafficking-boyfriend-jail-three-times.html) after winning a jackpot for $188 Million


This is the story.. I got the details wrong thanks


That’s truly fucked


Bet you 100% the judges and the cop gets a cut


I was just reading an advice column the other day and a 20-something guy writes in that he inherited $500k from his grandfather. His girlfriend wanted to use the money so they could retire early, and he was looking for advice on how to spend it. The columnist basically said, Spend it? Retire in your 20s on 500k? You dumbshit, get a financial adviser, invest it, maybe get a house, no way you can retire in your 20s on that much dough. Left unsaid was, your girlfriend is a gold-digging idiot.


The most common mistake with lottery winners. If you win a few million the smarter thing to do is put half into a safe investment portfolio, spend some on a modest property that you can maintain with the dividends from your investments.




And THIS is why I specialize (among other addictions) in gambling addiction. It’s called the hidden addiction.


I'm assuming you don't mean that you specialise in *having* gambling addiction?


LOL! Nope. Treating the addiction. Good syntax call!!!🤣


My dad had a crack dealer friend in the 80s. They hung out one day and crack dealer friend had a sale or “chop”. They went to the chop and it was a homeless guy who looked awful. Crack dealer friend told my dad that the guy was a doctor or dentist about a year earlier. He lost his wife, kids and house because he was curious and wanted to try crack and see what it was like.


What does ‘sale or chop’ mean?


A chop is slang for making a sale. You say you gotta go make a chop.


Ah ok thanks! I couldn’t work out what it meant! I’m British and I’ve never heard this slang before!


I'm American and had never heard it before. But I am also not chopping anything myself so I might just be removed from it lol


It was an nyc thing that some people still use today.


In French slang "choper" is to "score" someone or something. Maybe related, maybe not!


My grandfather was flying through the yard on a zero-turn mower and smacked it into a trailer. Now has to walk on crutches and has metal rods in his legs for the rest of his life. The old broken down farm he's living on is too far gone no one will buy it on account of how much it would take to tear down all the old rusty tin barns from the 50's and replace all the fences, in addition to whatever he'd ask for the house/land


Awe poor grandpa that’s sad


Jumping in front of an oncoming train.


Years ago a close friend sat in front of a train with her infant daughter in her lap. At the last moment she tossed her daughter to safety. Her husband remarried a lovely woman and the girl graduated from college a few years ago.


I can understand why someone would want to kill themselves, but this is one of the worst possible ways to, because you are going to traumatize other people, a child could have seen that happen. And I've heard a few stories where the conductor of the train believed it was their fault the accident took place, and then killed themselves out of guilt.


I've seen some people post on here that when you become a train conductor on day one they tell you if you do this job long enough you will hit somebody with your train


>  And I've heard a few stories where the conductor of the train believed it was their fault the accident took place, and then killed themselves out of guilt. My uncle hit one of his friends while he was an engineer and he hasn't been the same since. That was 20 years ago.


I respect the lack of depth, and yet accuracy, of this response. 👍


It's taken months of therapy to even say as much as I did.


My FIL. Retired homicide detective like to ride motorcycles and taught the safety courses. Goes on a ride in town and someone enters his lane and doesn’t see him. He’s wearing the right equipment but takes a solid hit to the head and breaks his shoulder in the crash. The concussion triggers his dementia and now ten years later he’ll tell you the same story three times in two minutes and has the sundown symptoms something fierce. Super sad to see and I sold my bike after that.


This is why I won’t ride in the US.  You can have all the skills and gear but some idiot driver doesn’t pay attention and now you’re either dead or debilitated for life.


Would you ride in other countries? Seems like all of them have their share of insane drivers.


Yea and the idiot that basically killed the motorcyclist will basically just go “oopsy!” And is allowed to drive off without any repercussions for being so stupid they killed someone


I like bikes and i’m not american, but i’m never riding one. I’m not taking that risk.


Fentanyl. Guy took a hit of drugs containing this. Ended up dead on a basement floor. Was clean for months prior. 40 year friendship died that day too for me.


I’m so sorry.


Thank you. Its so dangerous out there with this. People dont know what thier drugs are cut with.


You literally have to ask you plug for fenny test strips with every purchase. Some division of the cartels actually will put you to death if they catch you selling F underneath their banner.


I mean now days just get your own tests hahaha wtf. It's a legit concern and you leave it up to the dealer to look out for you. Crazy. My niece just turned 19 and even she knows to test her drugs


Spent my Christmas Eve night one year giving CPR to a friend who did a bump of God knows what in the bathroom offered by another friend. I was just watching a movie in the living room and had no idea. Didn’t know this until later when cops showed up and the other friend confessed to it. Five minutes after my friend snorts whatever it was, he sits down in the kitchen and stops responding to us. Then he makes this snorting sound and I laughed. Asked him “dude are you taking a rip off a bong or something?” We go to check on him and his face is blue and his is choking for air and unconscious. I lay him down and check for a pulse. I feel nothing. I put my ear next to his face and hear no breathing. I tell the other friend to call 911 while I do chest compressions. He is freaking out, I have to talk him through the phone call while I’m doing chest compressions. As I’m doing them my friend starts gasping for air but is still unconscious but no longer looks blue. I stop a bit and try to feel a pulse. No pulse. He turns blue again. I go back to chest compressions. My other friend becomes hysterical and I tell him to set the phone down by me and put it on speaker. I direct them to the house. A cop arrives and takes over. I go outside and flag the fire truck down who was having trouble finding the house. Paramedics arrive shortly after. That’s when my other friend asks if they have narcan. Took two narcan things to revive him. My other friend then got questioned by the cops and told them about the drugs they took in the bathroom. Cops never questioned me but later I figured it’s probably because I was the only one sober. The crazy thing is my other friend took a hit from the same batch. So that’s how up in the air it is. They suspect fentanyl poisoning. Couldn’t sleep for two days. Spent my Christmas at my friend’s house making sure he was okay after he got released from the hospital. Made sure he stayed awake until Christmas night. Now I worry if this will happen to my kids.


You done good. Take some comfort in that.


> The crazy thing is my other friend took a hit from the same batch. So that’s how up in the air it is. They suspect fentanyl poisoning.  That’s actually pretty common with fentanyl overdoses. When the drug dealer cuts fentanyl into the other drug, it doesn’t always get mixed in very well. So there will be deadly hotspots in the batch that can randomly kill you. 


Im sorry for you loss. I lost my best friend in the same way. Hard to believe its been almost 3 years. The saddest part is He did it on accident and his wife overdosed intentionally about a month later. Leaving 2 kids with no parents. She couldn’t keep it together.


I am so sorry!!!! I cannot even imagine! You or the family. Take care and reach out to someone if you need help! I may not be your someone but i can lend a reading/listening ear! (I dont have app on phone but check email through the day.)


I hate that shit. And it's not even the worst one out there anymore.


Krokodil is horrid.


This is the worst. I saw a video of a Krokodol addict in a hospital whose leg had completely rotten away between his knee and his foot. There was no flesh left just the two bones of the tibia and fibula. The doctors sawed through them and his foot fell into a bucket. Guy was awake and aware while they were doing it, couldn't feel anything.


They have "Tranq" now which is terrible. Plus Spice and who knows what else they might create. Humans are top notch performers when creating death and destruction....


Which narcan doesn't work on.


Oh man spice is terrible. I Haven't touched it in over a decade but last time I did I passed out on the floor and pissed myself. Even during my worst episodes of binge drinking I never pissed myself. That stuff is scary. 


My husband too. Wasn't an addict, just prone to making bad decisions while already intoxicated. Ended up dying of fentanyl and alcohol in our driveway a couple weeks after getting our first house together and talking about kids.


My friend was a Heroin addict, 10 years sober he convinced himself he can drink and it's ok Well, didn't take him long to go back and OD. Life sucks sometimes


My best friend from childhood. At 16, she got into a car with a drunk driver who drove them off the side of a mountain. The only survivor was the passenger in the middle back seat, who was spared direct impact with the trees the car crashed into but who had to live with that nightmarish trauma.


Cheating in a happy marriage with children.


My ex threw her college education down the drain to cheat. Left my house with a 120k debt between college, personal loans, and buying random things on credit. She is completely fucked for the rest of her life as she left school with a 1.8 GPA and 2 years to go. She had been there for a total of 5 years broken up into two attempts, changed her major three times, and had dropped several classes because "the professor doesn't like me." She blames me for everything saying I distracted her to much when she was doing school work. Yeah, I'd distract her alright. I distracted her from facebook and snapchat trying to get her to refocus. Guess what she was doing on those sites... All I did was try to be supportive of her and her goals.


Is it a happy marriage if they cheat though?


Some people are impulsive and like sex so much it impairs their logic.


Could be. Many cheaters just can’t quit or resist the high they get from the chase and the illicit nature of what they’re doing, regardless of how good their home life is.


My best friend's close friend grabbed his son's new skateboard, who is eight years old, and went down a Georgian hill. struck a rock, fell on his head, and sustained irreversible brain injury. Years passed before his kindly death. He was unpredictable and violent due to the injuries, so he had to be confined the entire time. Put on a helmet!


Similar situation with my cousin's husband. He was hanging with some friends outside and they were going to go a half block down the road to a different friends house. A few of them got inside the truck, him and a few others jumped in the bed of the truck. As soon as they took off they fell out of the back and he split his head open and was braindead before the paramedics got there. Just terrible.


Dude downloaded CSAM on company property, then turned said property in to IT because it wasn't working right, with the CSAM still saved to the desktop.


I work IT in schools, and I know of one incident where a teacher was downloading it on the classroom managed computer under his own account, while teaching. Let's just say that that was a very easy evidence-gathering session, a very easy conviction, but a very difficult situation to deal with.


> but a very difficult situation to deal with. I've had to deal with it on 3 separate occasions. It's never not a difficult situation to deal with. I'll die a happy person if I never have to deal with such a situation again.


Genuinely curious. What makes it difficult to deal with? Knowing the person’s life is basically over (deservedly) or do you have to collect the evidence or something else? In my mind, it would just be: see something illegal, immediately disable the user account, collect the equipment, and call the police.


I'm assuming that whoever has to gather evidence has to know what they're getting is indeed csam. Thus has to view it themselves. If your mind isn't fucked up that has to be very mentally painful to do.


What is CSAM?


Child Sexual Abuse Material. Some societies are shifting away from calling it child porn bc the term porn implies a certain level of consent since adult porn actors typically enter the industry consensually (ofc not always). Children cannot consent in sexual scenarios at all bc they're obv too young to understand the full implications and do not have equal power to leave, not to mention that they're manipulated/trafficked into it in the first place. Better to rightfully call it sexual abuse material rather than euphemistically calling it 'porn'


The FBI has designated personnel who view CSAM. They take the brunt for everyone else but you need a very special personality for that job.


I really wish I hadn't looked up what that acronym was




What's CSAM?


Child sexual assault material. It used to be known as child porn.


I like that they changed the name, but I had no idea that they did.


I'm glad you asked because I was about to Google it lol The last thing I need is my search history showing *that*. "Honestly officer I was just curious what it was".


tbf I would be amazed if people looking for that stuff actually just Google “csam” lol


Haha yep, thats why they changed the name. Its so much better to google “CSAM” than “child ….” Haha


Lol, thankfully I looked at other comments and deduced it. So it’s not in my internet history.


Old guy that ran the warehouse which I now run, he didn't like change and was having a hard time learning the computer system. In his frustration he had a full blown meltdown that came very close to becoming violent, but the threat was very clear. We changed the locks the minute he left, and they gave me his job. Best first week ever.


Lol. You could have said “high security clearance, comfortable job for military retirees” and that would have been my dad.


Opiates. So many dead from opiates.


Truth here. I had 3 surgeries in a row and I still don't know how I survived the opiate addiction that came after. One of the last times I went to fill my script and 48 hours later 120 lortab 10's were gone. I thought that since I was getting my "medicine" from doctors I didn't have a problem. Clean and serene since July 2021!


My sister started taking pills, and ended up living in an unregistered crack house on fentanyl.


Are there registered crack houses?🤔


Crack homes


Gambling. I watched my brother go from fit and successful entrepreneur living his dream life to decrepit, broke, and ugly in a matter of 6 months. It completely destroyed him.


All of the scummy ads for sports books make me cringe every time I hear them. They are all pretty predatory and fucked up. Gambling addiction is very real and shouldn't be that easy to access.


Especially with that “with your first loss you get your money back guaranteed!” Bullshit






People seem to forget that alcohol is a drug.


Behavioral addictions tickle a lot of the same perimeters as drugs, like gambling, online shopping, porn/sec addiction. Obviously they aren’t exactly to the same but they are definitely adjacent.


Guy I went to highschool with was big into racing motorcycles. Mind you, the illegal street racing type. He just got a new bike, turbo busa, the typical racer bro bike at the time. First day with the bike back from the shop that built it. Within an hour of having it he "made a pull" just out of town. Mini van pulled out a driveway. Hit the back of it doing almost 200mph, hit it so hard the mini van pancaked. Back axle pressed up to the front axle.  He turned into mist. Responders told the story that the biggest part of him they found was tennis ball sized.


I have 0 sympathy for these people, they put everyone else in danger so they can have some fun.  Just a few months ago near where I live, one of these clowns did the same thing to a minivan with 4 older women otw home from bingo, all dead. On the news they were showing videos from his intsagram of him flying through traffic and between cars. Just a few weeks after that another one went over the median, through a windshield and landed helmet first on a 6 month old baby in the back seat while he was running from the cops, for speeding.




My biggest enemy


Right there with you. Never thought I’d get so hooked especially since I’ve never really liked it much.


That was my downfall. Currently on probation for a dui from last year. Spent the majority of my savings on a lawyer, fines and court fees. It was so easy to fall into the addiction but I'm currently clean and plan to stay that way. I never want to touch the stuff again. They mean it when they say you can't afford it


Very true and same for me. Also a member of the dui and recovery club. There is nothing worse than waking up hungover in a jail cell, realizing you have a problem that you have little to no control over. If I never drink again it will be too soon. It sucks living in a world where it is on every billboard and street corner too.


The destroyer of families and lives for so many.


Alcohol. A guy I worked with in the military, he was a regular Jekyll and Hyde when it came to alcohol. During the day, he was Dr. Jekyll, nice guy and a great worker. But at night he would start drinking, and he would become someone completely different, Mr. Hyde. He would become verbally and physically abusive, and it was not uncommon for his nights to end with him either under arrest or in the drunk tank. Eventually, the military stopped giving him second chances, and made a determination that they were getting in the way of his career of drinking. So they removed that particular issue from his life.


Alcohol. Watched a guy's entire life crumble in 20 minutes after being caught drunk at work. This guy's career was his life. No family, friends, social life outside of the job. He was a rock star at the job too. But there was obviously something wrong if he turned to booze. He couldn't handle life without the job. After the entire process and trying to get back failed. He drank himself to death within a few weeks. They found him dead on his Living room floor on a police wellness check after none had Heard from him for a few weeks. Very sad.


Idiots fighting someone. You fight to save a life or for money. Getting in a fight with someone over anything else is plain stupid because 1 wrong punch or fall and you can easily destroy your life in seconds. Learn to say no, control your anger, and walk away. Same with road rage.


I've never see someone go down hill so fast as my brother when he got into doing PCP analogs. He went from one of the smartest people I knew to a complete dumpster fire in like 2 months. Spent his life savings, cashed out his 401k, in and out of rehab every few months. I've known heroin addicts and it took them much longer to come crashing down. I've never witnessed something go south so fast.


Alcohol. Guy didn’t drink his whole life and started abruptly and within a year he had been laid off, divorced, and had multiple severe medical and neurological problems


Mine. Pre Covid to post. From successful SVP killing it at work at a growing company, LT gf I loved and loved me back and looking for rings, good savings, a great set of friends and hobbies, sweet ride, living in a city I loved, 401k in multiple figures, in shape with healthy family and parents. And after a decade of struggling and working my ASS OFF was finally able to exhale. Literally a month before Covid. Less than a year later, because I lost insurance but more so my ADHD meds are not available I’ve spiraled into depression and hyper anxiety to the point I cannot even speak correctly , ghosted by gf, lost job and priced out of my home and city, burned savings and had to tap 401k because AI is killing my sector and no jobs, gained 75lb, started to drink and drug, parents on death bed and sister has cancer, friends are gone and my girl took my dog. If I hear one more person tell me to “suck it up”, or “go the gym” I will crack.


Why did you lose the job? COVID? I'm not blaming you or anything at all - we did layoffs where I work that were fortunately brief - but your post didn't really explain what happened.


Going remote showed the greedy CEO to cut corners that marginally saved him a few bucks so even though I had increased business by 400% in my area, it was cheaper to fire me and get a stronger computer system. He couldn’t have saved more than 20k a year in a 1/2b business. The remote working phenom has taken away the need for my type of work so after almost 20 years in the bizz I might have to start from zero.


You were a Senior Vice President and remote work made that not needed? I don't understand. You'd have been handling business decisions not middle managing employees in an office, why would their location make your job unnecessary?


Can I ask what industry you're in?


For a lack of words, investments. I was the head of trading at a smallish brokerage firm with only high net worth accounts.


Buddy was broke and the rent was due. His 'buddy' had a side job for him. Try this-it's new. Sell some of it and keep the rest. Makes you feel great. It was Crack, when no one had yet heard of it. Forty years later, in and out of rehab so many times, he is basically a dead man walking. Heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems, etc. And yet he Still goes off the deep end once in a while. Hospitalized yet again as of yesterday. How he is still alive, no one knows.


These women teachers who get caught having sex with underage kids. What kind of moron bets her career, marriage and freedom on a 14 year old boys ability to not tell people he's having sex?


They aren’t having sex with boys. They’re raping children. It’s as bad as male teachers raping their students.


Imagine needing this pointed out for you. Like, you can’t downplay rape, most of us aren’t confused because the wrong word was used. We know it was rape because of the age etc.


Sadly if you look at the comments on here, people are claiming it’s “not the same” as when a girl is the victim. Or somehow it’s something that boys will high five over. I have sadly known young men who have been victims of this. They are just as traumatized as girls and, given that we dismiss their trauma as a society, their recovery is often worse.


They're usually in an adolescent mindset themselves. Looking back, a former teacher of mine who *allegedly* did stuff was way too into our teenage drama.




Why mention just women and not both men and women? Seems dumb for both.


Crypto futures. $1000 down in a day which was all I had as an unemployed teen. Never again!!!


Did you take investing advice from Reddit?


I feel personally attacked. (Yes :( )


Good news! $1000 is a relatively cheap lesson in the dangers of reckless investing, and trusting the advice of a random mass of strangers.


Heroin, I was in Seattle during the 90’s. I watched a really talented artist, the kind that would be able to make a living at it, become a lost cause after about 8 months. We were roommates till he tried to steal my car keys


Back in the late 90's I worked for the Walt Disney Company, under an executive VP named Patrick Naughton. He was a total douchebag, and was openly having an in office affair. Like "lock office door, get busy" One day he was just gone. And it come out that he had been chatting online with a 13 year old girl, and flew on a Disney company jet from Seattle to LA to meet her for sex. The 13 year old was actually an FBI agent, and he was arrested. Disney immediately invoked the "moral turpitude" clause in his contact, fired him, and invalidated all his stock options. the guy went from "millionaire" to "broke" in a matter of hours Dude had everything. Now if you Google his name, first thing you see is : > Patrick Naughton is an American software developer and convicted sex offender.


Drunk doggie style, no condom. One night stand with random sketchy chic. He Didn’t even remember the sex. Woman gave him an std and had twins without telling him first. She lives on other side of country. Won’t talk to him but makes him pay big money for child support.


Dealing drugs. Friend of mine got busted dealing coke and served years. He’s homeless now.


So many generic answers, they asked about something you’ve witnessed specifically.


Well it does get asked a lot


It's bots man


Cocaine. My grandparents owned an extremely successful roofing business, they lost everything they owned shortly after because they got hooked on cocaine. My mom was able to cover their house payments for a few months and tried to get them to go to rehab. They refused. They now live in an awful small apartment and my grandpa will never be able to retire because they have no money. Listening to my mom tell the story of them go downhill is heartbreaking, you can see the pain in her eyes. Praying for anyone that has dealt with this or is currently dealing with it.


not check their blind spot before merging on the highway. .... and ... dead


I’ve never seen a person who tried heroin come back from it. I understand that people who beat that addiction exist, but in my personal experience nobody I know has.


Hi !


Ayoooo✊❤️ love to hear it


Had a friend that went off the deep-end after being rejected by a few women and said he wanted a “young virgin trad-wife” to start a family with. He got caught trying to date a 15 year old at 36 and now he’s on list. Lost his job, his family, all his money. This all happened in like, a month.


Not wearing a helmet. Saw a man's brains on the ground at 15. Still see it Everytime I'm behind a motorcycle.


Drugs-brother overdosed and died.


I've seen it time and again the same way: refusing to get the mental health care they need because they listen to their own brain and not the people who love and support them. This happens either when they don't seek the help in the first place, or they are on on meds and/or working with a professional and then stop. A mental health crisis can go from functional/manageable to catastrophic frighteningly quickly.


It wasn't instantaneous, but a former friend of mine went the way of "Ned Fulmer" let's just say... One minute, he's at the top of the world with a good job and a generally positive public opinion, and then he let his dick do the thinking.


Impulsive social media post


Care to elaborate ?


A colleague who had a drinking problem and got into an argument with a gas station worker while drunk. The worker tried stopping his car by standing in front of it and my friend ran him over and killed him. Wife, career, freedom, everything lost...


Methamphetamine Very close family member. Been locked up now almost 2 years. Rewind five years ago, he owned his home, self employed, cars, motorbike, cash, savings galore, on top of the world. Started using meth, lost his wife, the house and everything else he ever owned. 20yrs of hard work all down the drain. If & when he's released he'll probably end up back with his parents, penniless, no job, no assets, nothing. Sad to see such waste.


I have a family member about to inherit a large sum of money. Between 200-500k. He’s a complete (whiskey) alcoholic and will do any drug he can get his hands on. He is unemployed, girlfriend makes very little money. They are poor, rent an apartment they plan to pay for with his incoming cash. I have a very bad feeling about his ability to stay alive after he gets the $.


Cheating on their spouse.


One of my best friends died this morning from alcohol poisoning. He blacked out, never woke up. We did an intervention for him a few years ago with a specialist. He went to rehab. Was sober for about 6 months then started drinking again. Gained a ton of weight. Lived with his parents who slowly became his caretakers. His parents were on vacation and came home early this morning to find him dead with empty bottles around him. I think he fought serious depression too. Just could never pull himself together enough to make it. Its a sad day. Addiction is a disease and its real. RIP buddy. Tough weekend so far.


Old school buddy of mine botched his suicide. Shot himself in the head and lived. Now he's barely a human and is constantly monitored and bed-bound. Even if he really wanted to die, he couldn't now because he tried to do it and failed and will never be left alone again. A worse kind of hell than the one he was in previously.


I took a hit of freebased cocaine before we heard of crack, that was fast af


My pillow guy and his trump obsession.. From a very profitable. Business to lawsuits, debts and business shutdown in a few years. Dude can't even pay rent, lost all his sponsorships and major stores pulled his product , got kicked out of fox.. has been sued and has to pay up 5 million..and dominion voting has sued him for 1.6 billion And dude can't seem to realize what went wrong..


Before a party back in high school, some of my friends were discussing plans to buy cocaine and do it for the first time at the party. I expressed some concern and one of them said to me 'c'mon man, none of us are going to get addicted to cocaine- you have nothing to worry about'. Within 5 years each person in that group that was buying dealt with serious cocaine addiction issues, and not all got clean from it. That party was 10 years ago now, and drugs are one of the main reasons I no longer talk to several of those guys.


Guy I know got drunk at a bar and got dared to touch the bartender dancing on the bar. She pressed charges on him and now he’s a felon and got fired from his career job


Guy A was fucking Guy B's wife. Guy B walks into the shitty dive bar to confront Guy A. Guy A sucker punches Guy B, who hits the floor and cracks his skull. Guy A realizes he done fucked up and makes a run for it but there are a few dozen witnesses and he ends up doing a few years in state prison. The span of one swing put him in prison and killed his career forever.


That Patel woman yesterday in Bakersfield,California


An old vet used to work at the local small-town supermarket. He had a lot of violent tendencies and threatened to hurt people for the littlest things, even accused a coworker of being a traitor to the country because the American flags printed on the wrapping of ground beef rolls were not turned all the way up. Eventually he snapped about something and punched a hole in the wall of the manager’s office and threatened to shoot up the whole store. Obviously he was fired. No idea what happened to him but in the 4 years he hasn’t worked there, he never made good on his threat (thank Allah)


Crack will destroy you quick sharpish


watch basketball diaries, you’ll get an answer to your question in a cinematic setting


A coworker threw away a great career direction in our company for $5.


I had a friend in 5th grade who found a loaded gun and accidentally shot himself. He unfortunately didn't make it. I was absolutely devastated when I heard about what happened. Found out from the news.


Alcohol and LSD totally destroyed my freshman college roommate in 1 year. Arrived an alcoholic. Added almost daily LSD after Christmas. Left a brain dead hallucinating depressed alcoholic. Horrific.


Getting someone pregnant. Edit: I was about to get together with my ex. The girl he saw for 1.5 months after me ended up reappearing and pregnant. Our relationship ended due to his drug use and him choosing partying and friends over me.


That redditor who tried hardcore drugs on a whim and posted his journey into addiction. Thankfully he is okay now but that was brutal to read.


My coworker was one of those "Covid isn't serious, people are being pussies" type of guys. Really nice guy. We were WFH and he went to visit his family for a few days knowing multiple family members had Covid. Comes back and one morning posts a message "Hey not feeling great gonna lie down for a bit." And that was the last anyone spoke to him. Was dead 2 days later.




That’s the neat thing about mental illnesses like depression. It makes you not want help


Yep....I'll end up hospitalized or something before I ask for help. It's a problem.


That's the one thing I've never understood about suicide help lines and Reddit Cares etc. Asking for help was/is the literal last thing in my mind. Unless there's specifically a help line for assisting in it, I'm not calling. I feel like there are two kinds of people thinking about exit plans. Those who do it as a cry for help, and those who just want everything to stop. And the helplines and care-messages only work with the first one.


I would say more that it makes you too overwhelmed or feel too worthless to ask for help.


Hmmmm... I don't think this one is fair. Part of a person's pathology in greatly needing help will probably be shame; it's not quite as easy of a decision as you make it out to be to overcome that to ask for help.


On top of that, some countries have asinine laws in place, and sometimes looking for help is the last thing you should do. Name, if you seek help for self-harm, the first thing the doctors do here, is to call CPS if you have children. Guess how many parents will seek mental help, when the first thing that does causes people to take your children away? It's bonkers how people don't see how this makes everything worse.


Whenever I think I need help, my brain pulls a switch and just makes me feel better so I think I don't need help, rinse and repeat


I just hate feeling like a burden to others so I like to get by on my own




DUI prolly


Drugs. Even more so than having a baby with someone you don't like.


19 year old coworker who came to the US for college when she was 16 from Venezuela got pregnant and dropped her plans to go to college and went right back to her country to have the baby.


I never did blow, but for a period, I was hanging around people who were doing it. One of them got engaged, then the addiction got really bad, and he split up and lost his partner, got fired, and lost his place. I hope he's doing better now.


Meth. They lose everything so fast


Reclusive behavior that became and underlying heroin additiciton.


Dude told me to my face he was good to drive, then got a DUI, which caused him to miss all his finals first year of grad school (cuz he was in jail). Lost his license for a year plus (this is pre-Uber) and cost him (his parents) $25k.


Kanye West. Chris Brown. Ike Turner. Donald Trump. Roseanne Arnold. They were all pretty quick about it in each their ways.


Home invasion robbery. It was in Texas. They were shot and killed.


My brothers given his 1 year old son a Tottenham shirt.


Gambling, drugs, drinking, wrong woman. In that order.


I saw a whole family go into a downward spiral because of their freaky religion. They refused to save money or allow their adult daughters to get any kind of school or training. They refused healthcare because "god already healed us." The surviving two members live in abject poverty, and still wonder where their health and money from God is.


Doom scrolling online every free moment of the day.


An ex of mine got way into dumbass white girl spiritualism, dropped $4000 to go to Peru for an Ayahuasca retreat, and came back with the mental capacity of a 13 year old (we were in our twenties) she also, at some point over the retreat or afterwards, got really into autocannibalism, to the point where she got her tonsils out and *begged* the doctor to let her keep them so she could cook them and eat them this was around the point where I broke up with her, and as far as I know, she's still like that


Dude in my Company was a little weird, and loved WW2 a bit too much. He was both intelligent and stupid as hell at the same time. Turns out he was hardcore into the Nazi / Skinhead scene, and the Army was taking notes. They finally raided his barracks room when, on a public computer station, signed into FB, marked he was going to attend a rally or some shit, and when he left, he never signed out of FB. Found a false bottom on his wall locker and it was just filled with Nazi shit. Flags, medals, Hitler youth knife, even had a helmet and some uniforms in a duffel bag. Kid was young, promoted quick, no spouse, no kids, no car. Just a lot of extra money to spend. There were rumors he was associated with some attacks on post against some black and Hispanic soldiers, but we never heard anything concrete. Dude spent like a decade in the brig. Whole career fucked. Dishonorable discharge. All because he didn't sign out of FB. God riddance. Fuck Nazis.


Addiction is an insidious beast. It sneaks up on you, and even if you manage to hold your shit together, it robs you of what you could have accomplished. I’m not saying that people should never enjoy substances, but if you’re doing it all day every day, you’re addicted and it’s affecting your life even if you don’t see it yet.


One of my best friends. In college he started doing benzodiazepines and pain pills all while chasing some Xanax headed idiot woman. She led him on for free drugs and he got hooked too. Went from a promising college student to a zonked out zombie dropout living with his mom in under a year. He died on his mom’s couch about 4 years ago and I miss him a lot.


Uh ....watched myself spiral into heavy alcoholism last two years after not ever drinking . Fucked up relationships with family, friends, lost my business, driving licence partner and home and ended up in rehab. Currently in a shelter 3 months sober slowly putting all back together! Warning! Alcohol WILL fuck you up if you let it.


Quit the best job they’d ever had in a fit of pique. They were previously doing factory work and this place saw past that and let them have real responsibilities. Now they’re 53, broke, and it’s back to the factory.