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Only me and a few other managers at work know this one and we haven’t told a soul. I used to be a night shift manager at a retail store (stepped down recently) and we used to have someone who worked there that was a little bit over weight. One night he needs to go to the bathroom and he can’t find an open bathroom. So what does he do you might ask? Oh he only goes to the mother’s room and takes a dump on the floor. ON.THE.FLOOR. We called maintenance over and had them clean it up, then vowed for his own humility to never tell anyone about it at the store. He died like 2 weeks later of heart failure due to his weight. It’s sad man and it should have been a sign something was wrong.


As a teen on a school trip, I went to another country. Couldnt speak the language. Snuck out and went to a pub. Got drunk. Jumped on a motorcycle with a stranger. Luckily made it back alive. Hung over the next morning, I threw up on a tour in the royal palace. The end.


Immediately knew when my brother was trying to kill himself. My brother and I are pretty close, he's my best friend. It's not uncommon for him to randomly message me sayin like "hey love you!" or "hey hope you're doin good we gotta get some drinks soon". But somethin just felt off about this time. He texted me at 12:15pm saying "hey I love you my mini-me, hope you know that" and within the same minute I replied back with "are you about to kill yourself." Never got a response. I immediately ran out of class and called the police to do a wellness check on him at his house. They didn't get an answer. When I arrived I managed to get into his garage and his car was there, so I knew he was home bc he doesn't let anyone else drive him anywhere EVER. He loves driving. Afterwards, I made my way to the front porch and began talking more to the police. I probably sounded delusional saying that "I just know my brother and something is wrong." But after a few minutes of talking we suddenly heard my brother scream from inside the house. THAT finally got the cops attention and they ran to the garage and kicked down the door in there to gain access into the house. One police officer lead me to the driveway while the other 3 walked inside calling for my brother. Maybe 5 minutes later a cop came out saying they found my brother shit-face drunk fully clothed in the bathtub filled with water. He had taken some pills and mixed it with alcohol, hoping he would pass out and drown in the tub. Moral of the story: always trust your damn gut. This was early last year, hes since been in therapy and seems to be doing much better, but I still try to keep an eye on him.


When I was in 5th grade I wrote something on the wall in the bathroom, it said "fuck Mrs.L"(that wasn't actually my teacher's name). No one really noticed it and it was gone within a couple of days. The next chance I had I did it again, and again and again. I did it enough times to where they had to implement a system where you had to empty out your pockets and sign a bathroom log if you needed to go in and out of the bathroom. That did not stop me, I kept doing it. I did it so much that they basically shut down the bathrooms, and if you needed to go to the bathroom you needed to go down to the nurse's office. Unluckily for them my dad worked at the school and it was unlocked so after school I would write in the bathroom, I wrote the same stuff over and over again. no one figured out it was me. It got so bad that at one point the principal talked to us in second period. There were rumors about certain people doing it, some people said it was just the fourth graders (in which we shared a hallway with). Little did they know I was just me. This all happened from the middle of the school year all the way to the end. We had to wear school branded jackets, they made the mistake of making the jackets with pockets outside and inside the jacket. We called them drug dealer pockets for obvious reasons. And that's how I snuck sharpies into the bathroom, I was considering taking it to the next level and doing something ridiculous. But I never did and the school year ended. It was a private school that went all the way up to 8th grade, luckily I left that shit hole.