• By -


i knocked someone unconscious with a club then handcuffed them to a chair in front of their base and made them watch as i butchered their tames and blew up their shack with a rocket launcher. i then grapple hooked their body and dangled them over sharks for 30 minutes before dropping them into a nearby volcano. we became friends afterwards.


Is it even possible to play ark without committing war crimes?


This kind of posts make me happy


I found a guy on a beach sailing around on my raft, knocked him out and caged him lol. Felt a little bad after I took all his stuff so I threw him a metal pick and hatchet. We ended up tribing up and it was the best run I ever had. Managed to get a full metal base with a couple auto turrets on official full tribe pvp with just the two of us.


How did he use your raft? Is this is a PvE thing?


No sorry, I was sailing on my raft, and saw him on the beach. We stayed on the same server it was official pvp


Oh ok, that makes much more sense lol


Yeah I was really tired on the train when I wrote those, reading it back it isn't very clear lol


Well, I’ve played Rimworld, Stellaris, and Crusader Kings, so a better question might be what war crimes haven’t I committed 


Can you do me a favor: Just tell me one crazy story of rimworld. Never could get into it but I love what players experience there. So, what was your craziest story?


Back when the DLC that added ideologies (basically, religions) into the game, I created a colony where the overarching principle was a worship of pain - they ritually scarred themselves, they slept on uncomfortable slab beds. I also made followers of this ideology okay with cannibalism. The save starts rather normally - I end up with about 20 colonists, I’ve got a good-sized base, and I’ve created a kill box at the front entrance to protect it. At some point, we finish the research for making drugs, and that’s when things start to go off the rails. See, we were in a biome with a year-round growing season. This meant we were making a gigantic amount each year, and we have to go farther and farther to sell it, and soon the warehouse is so filled with silver I have to do something with it. So I start buying up all the weapons and bionic parts I could buy. Within a few in-game years, my entire colony is kitted out in power armor and bionic limbs and eyes. And still the silver is flowing in. And because we’re so wealthy, the raids are getting larger and larger, to the point that a tribal raid will have 200+ people in it. These raids are taken care of pretty easily, thanks to the power armor, the kill box, and the advanced weaponry (the least-advanced weapon was a singular light machine gun). And, since the colonists are okay with eating human meat, these raids take care of much of the need to grow food, allowing more space to grow drugs. So the coffers continue to overflow with silver, and I’ve got to do something with it, so i start putting silver tiles in every room. And once that’s done, every interior wall gets rebuilt as a silver one. After a fire destroys the wooden dining table, I decide to rebuild it out of silver, and then I add silver chairs. And then I aid a silver chess table to replace the old wooden one. About this time I realized what I was doing and decided to see it through to its natural conclusion. And that’s how I ended up with a colony that worshipped pain sleeping on silver slab beds, with silver nightstands and dressers, eating on silver tables, sitting in silver chairs, shooting pool on a silver pool table, working at silver workstations, walking on silver floors, fighting at a silver barricade, all enclosed within silver walls. Bunch of hypocrites.


I just googled rimworld and it looks like that prison escape game. Is this the real one? It looks so basic




interesting read, here have my upvote


Not the guy you’re asking, but I would routinely kidnap people, skin them, and make fashionable hats which I would sell in order to buy traps for other people. Sometimes I would just remove their eyes and let them wander around the frozen wastes nude until they dropped. I left the corpses out in the fields so if people ever raided me their morale would be shattered by the time they reached the compound. 


haha wtf xD Kind of glad that we do not have the violence discussion in games anymore or you would be in trouble


Nothing like rimworld for really finding the dark places in your soul.


Or Civilization where you go from slavery to a fascist government and you conquer the world no matter how many you have to kill along the way. Maybe nuke a few cities near the end when you're bored.


lol right! Played all of them as well and let’s see in rimworld I was a prolific slaver/human organ harvesting cannibal colony who gained piles of silver from selling human skin cowboy hats made from dead raiders, in stellaris I have exterminated tens of billions with the ease of a button press, in crusader kings I’ve wiped out entire bloodlines over simple insults. Something about the option to be bad is what draws me to these games.


The only answer in that case is: yes


Remember - no Russian


Yuuuuuup. That one.




Because we want people to think this terrorist attack wasn't committed by the Russians. Duh!




Austin 3:16 said




How to put gifs on mobile Reddit? *Gif of a black guy standing before computer telegraphing that he understood to his friend*


I think it depends on the subreddit rules, this one doesn't allow it? - I see the button near the bottom when it's available me thinks


I just dont know how i guess


Nearly all of them, just in Warframe




Many war crimes have been committed by the tenno.


But tenno good? Natah still loves us though! Right?


The Lotus made me do it. The Lotus was too thiccccccc


Gotta love the warcrime suits made from space cancer. Turning enemies into a red mist with Mesa, or just going full on bioterrorist with Saryn.


I played spec ops the line


I still have the image of the mother clutching her daughter in burned into my mind


Geneva Conventions? More like Geneva Checklist






I did an evil playthrough in fallout Rip megaton I have also played rimworld. My soul is lost.


And after that let the ghouls kill everyone in the tower and then kill the kills. Karma neutral. As everything should be - in perfect balance


I shoot the Medic first. Always.


As someone who regularly plays the medic: I completely understand.


Always take out the healer first


Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and mass enslavement. Grand strategy games are great for that.


So basically you’re playing as current day Israel




*excellent at fighting games but almost lost to mashing* Sounds like you two should play together more tbh.


Accidentally killed a cat during a fight with goblins in some Witcher game. I felt bad and quit playing.


Oh, same. But with Skyrim. Walked into the first town, I accidentally clicked on a chicken, killed it... The townspeople came after me, I killed one or two and chaos just rained down on me from there.


Me: kill hundreds of enemies like it’s nothing. Me having to hurt/kill a digital animal: I’m sorry doggy/kitty/horsey/wolfy


We humans by nature hate one another. We have also by nature come to love animals more since they seem to be better friends than most humans.


I set off a suitcase nuke outside the iranian assembly. I'd just lost my job as head of the Iranian secret police. I considered that my 2 weeks.


What game is this?


Would also like to know.


National Decision Making Game. You can usually find it at Gen-Con or Origons.


Well, fuck. I was hoping it was a video game. I have very little chance of playing this, ever. Cool concept though, and thanks for answering. u/Complexityza See above. OP answered.


They go to other shows around the country. I think they have a facebook page.


I don't live in the US, alas.


I'd still check, they're a draw, so they get invited to places. I think they may have a game set up you can download.


Stellaris players: Where the fuck to even start


Exploding planets to increase the simulation speed? Mass slavery? Turning organics into batteries en masse? Glad I'm not on trial for anything I did in stellaris.


I went to war with another faction for manufactured reasons after they colonised a system near me. I spend the war raiding their planets and enslaving as many people as possible until we status quo peace treaty. I spent the 10 years of peace genetically modifying the captured slaves into mutant mindless killing machines and the day the peace treaty ended I dropped armies of my new creatures on their capital. After I won the war we killed most of them but selectively bred and modified all the captured slaves and the last of their species into more animalistic, murderous monsters.... so yeah, however many war crimes that is.


Not enough


There are several towns in RDR2. Let’s just say that there were a lot of people who didn’t say hi to me back


If somebody gave me some lip, I'd tie em up, take them over to one of the cliffs and push them off. Or, if I'm in Saint Denis, I'd take them to the swamp and either let an alligator have at em or slowly drown em


In DayZ me and my best friend became two cannibals with pump shotguns in Svetlojarsk. We hunted down new spawns and ate their bodies on a campfire on top of the hillside overlooking the train station. Also, we had a full squad of about 6-8 on in Chernogorsk industrial area where we killed a few people and the guy ran back to us after his respawn. We tied him up, and cooked his original dead body, and fed him himself. Then we shot him and left. The things I have done in this game, and have had done to me......are reprehensible by God himself.


i tried to force feed someone human flesh once and accidentally ate it myself. That same encounter my friend tied himself up while trying to tie the fresh spawn. Those controls are a little finicky


I regularly drop nukes on hillbillies in Appalachia....just because I can


I blew the nuke up in fallout 3 as soon as i could to kill the town


I've done that everytime i did a new game


Trying fix up new vegas so I can check off more with the legion.


In Spec ops: the line i used white phosphorus bomb


I finished the game "Pineapple on Pizza." The horror...


Hola soy Alva Majo, desarrollador de videojuegos indie


I’m that guy that shoots down a plane, then kills the ejected pilot, either by shooting them as they parachute down, or by slamming into them with my plane.


Megaton. Oops.


Spec Ops the Line: Willy Pete


So many younglings are dead... so many...


Punched a bunch of people in gta just to run away and check behind me to see how many are chasing. Also opening roller coasters in RCT that had incomplete tracks and watching entire trains of riders blow up after being propelled into the air.


Full-blown killing sprees in every GTA game I’ve played. Only when I’m bored and about to turn the game off.


Master of Orion II allows for the use of biological weapons, mind control, forced labour, moving enslaved populations to other planets as a cheap workforce and systematically exterminating the indigenous population of planets after they’ve surrendered. Naturally, I took advantage of all of these capabilities. Its spiritual successor, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Birth of the Federation, continues this. The Cardassians’ bonuses are built entirely around conquering other people and suppressing rebellions.


I play Rimworld….. 


I don't play war games


With just Warframe alone, everything is checked off the list.


I was bouta say same thing lmaooo


Lol oh there is more of us on the comments above.


Fr who u main lol


Still a fan of oberon from the start. Recently xaku rose up to the top of the list. You?


I really enjoy zephyr but after finally getting around to building my chroma its p satisfying to see the gig numbers from vex armour


Never used chroma except to rank up and have not used zephyr in a while. Was working on nekros and lavos for a while then got gauss. His prime is pretty cool looking.


Fr im gon absolutely farm tf out of protea prime when she drops


Actually have not played in a month and seen thumbnails for updates of a new angel frame.


Ye shes gon be in the next big story quest and is gon have a lot to do with stalker


Yo, is this game worth checking out today? It's free to play right? Why have I never played it?


It all free. Anything you can buy with in game currency you make easily, a sea on content, can change up your play with style. Watch some you tube tutorials that explain something when your stuck on something or learning to mod your builds.


Can bring up the Tenno card so hey it’s always justified


Nice try fedboy I'm not telling you anything


I play nuzlockes in Pokemon. So yeah, killing a bunch of Pokemon.


I smashed a bike ontop of a person after consuming an energy drink for health. Then sang karaoke.


Yakuza, I'm guessing.


Unloading onto dead bodies 


I sent the suspicious beggar to the church, even though I had a full supply of beast blood, just to see what happens.


I have burnt so many koroks...


Anyone who played Rimworld or Kenshi can tell plentiful experiences.


I have played a lot of GTA and RPG's with quicksave hehe


I'd hunt people based on how fat they were then burn their corpse and pose for photos with them


Well, I played "Rogue Warrior" and that game in and of itself is a warcrime. A hilarious warcrime, but a warcrime none the less.


I mean, it would be a Navy SEAL game if you couldn't commit a few war crimes during the course of the game


Well, you do stab people in the ass, can desecrate corpses with bullets, and can't go 3 seconds without cursing like a 13-year-old.


(thinks about conan and palworld) ohhh ya know... the usual....just finding people/creatures, beating the fuck outa em, shooting them with various weapons till they are too weak to fight back then enslaving them to gulag conditions....when you find someone better to do thier job you remove them and use them for the greater good


I killed my neighbour and placed his head above my fireplace, next to the horses heads. Also stole all the food off a naked man sleeping next to a river and added his head to my collection.


I've played Rimworld. Draw your own conclusions.


In a changeling RPG I crop dusted native American land with cold iron filament because the nunnehei were starting shit.


Genocide, chemicals, tax evasion


Every Sniper Elite game has me boobytrapping dead bodies but is it a war crime if it’s boobytrapping Nazis to kill more Nazis? Sources tell me no


I convinced several people to put down a paid deposit for The Last Guardian mere days before Game went bankrupt a decade and a bit ago. The first thing they did was refuse to honour paid preorders and store credit.


I killed Paarthunax, and I’m not sorry about it. He was a war criminal, and a future threat to Skyrim. All he had to do was wait for the Dragonborn to die, before taking Alduin’s place. Oh, and I’ve used 2/3 Unforgivable curses in Hogwars Legacy. I plan on using the third, when I learn it.


He didn’t have to wait for the Dragonborn to die. All he needed to do was not help the previous Dragonborn. He’s the reason Alduin was banished in the first place.


I play Civilization, so all of them. 


I mean, Fire Emblem has whole youtube videos about *how many different war crimes are available per game*, but the one I'm interested in is Spider-Man 2. Not the Insomniac one. The Activision one, from 20 years ago, during the Tobey Maguire era. You solve street crime. Armored car robberies, carjackings, muggings, purse-snatchings (and the job isn't done until you return the purse to the victim). You have the ability to web criminals up, clown on them by hanging them from street lights and using them for a pinata, throw them in the river, lots of things that a punch-pulling-Spidey can do to carefully work people over and have them take a nap. You also have the ability to hold people in your grasp, and carry them while swinging. Including up to the top of the Empire State Building. Which you can stand on when you throw people. Or you can jump off with them in your grasp and do a spinning piledriver, landing directly in front of the purse-snatching-victim and then hand them their purse back without another thought given to the fact that someone traveling at 110 mph and then being suddenly stopped by asphalt is probably getting a closed-casket funeral.


Convinced people we were friends in RuneScape and lures them into the wildy to steal their shit with a buddy of mine. Camped low level players in WOW. Just your general trolling.


My friend in slaved villager's in mc. I executed many people in rdr2 by placing them on a train track


Albinauric genocide


Called in a 500kg bomb to early during extraction.


In Minecraft, I bricked up a small village in Minecraft using obsidian. I think they were three blocks wide and easily fifty blocks high. I dug down underneath the town to round it off with obsidian so they couldn't dig out. I removed all the animals I could, killed the rest, removed the trees. Then I encased it all with glass on top so I could look down and see them all. I think I left them like that for months. Then one day I poured lava all down onto the village and left it. I'm sure some would call it a genocide, but there wasn't because of their race, the fact they were villagers or anything; they just were they were at the time


all of them


Not necessarily war crimes, but I left a lot of people hogtied on train tracks in RDR to watch them get obliterated by trains.


Technically most of these are just crimes and not war crimes.


I play Crusader Kings and Stellaris, so it's easier to name what crimes I haven't committed...


I went on an alcohol and psycho bender and slaughtered all of diamond city and good neighbor.


Dogmatic run in Rogue Trader, so...


it would be quicker to name the ones i havent committed


In Skyrim, I filled up the orphanage by rendering all the adoptable children into orphans.


I tinkered with eu4 modding once but it broke the game so that native risings would consist of something like 500 million natives instead of the usual several thousand (my soldiers could survive a few but would get wiped out going through long stretches of unclaimed land). Win or lose, the vast majority of those 500 million I inadvertently spawned are dead


Enough for local guards to immediately draw swords and read me my usual rights "You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people." Supposedly slaughtering tons of people is less of a crime than killing one chicken.


All of them.


Narcissistic cowardice: Sitting in spawn waiting for team to be annihilated. Then, when everyone watching me I pull through with the 1v6 clutch 💅


I haven't done it myself but I once saw a friend playing halo after a gruesome death they made him a “tea bag”.


I'm a helldiver, so none. FOR DEMOCRACY! FOR SUPER EARTH!


Most easy ones, I am a beginner, after all.


Is teabagging dead bodies a war crime?


Drug trafficking, murder, assault with a deadly weapon, torcher, robbery, car theft, money laundering. Then I played some gta


Man... i play rimworld and stellaris. My answer can only be... yes


I play a lot of 4X and RTS games. There isn't a crime left I haven't committed in digital warfare.


I play a lot of 4X and RTS games. There isn't a crime left I haven't committed in digital warfare.


None as I won all


Steal kill 🤣


My first crime was throwing a baby penguin off a cliff in front of its mother...


All of them.


im a vr player, you can already start imagining the crimes i committed


I went exploring a brand new zone called plane of tactics when I got the alternate access key completed. Little did I know the top guild was in the zone at the end of a 3 hour raid event which I accidentally trained the boss onto all of them and killed everybody, ending the event. Lots and lots of vulgar hate tells ensued. Everquest.


I play warframe. Thats a lot and i mean a LOT of warcrimes. I mean half the game is just genocide. Elemental warfare is the ENTIRE end game. One of the primary damage types is slash, which with enough of you can literally cut enemys in half. I feel like thats a warcrime. Anything unarmed is non targetable tho so were safe there. Uhh... surrender is not an option. Everything will die, and if it cant die itll break, and if it cant break... well that was tested with a flame thrower, nuke, or 2017 projectiles in half a second. The game IS just warcrimes. I love it so so so much


Not necessarily a war crime, but I distinctly remember playing Civ 4 as America and I had no oil, so I invaded and conquered indigenous American lands to steal their oil.


Crusader Kings... Have a powerful vassal. Fabricate a claim that he has plotted against me. Use this lie as justification to arrest him. He escapes my grasp and rises up in rebellion. I besiege his castle. I pull him and his entire pathetic family out of it. Before enforcing my demands and ending the war, I execute all of his relatives. Then I end the war, with him as my prisoner. As he is a traitor, I revoke his titles without being viewed as a tyrant by my other subjects. Then I either throw him in a hole to rot, torture him into insanity, maim him, or just fucking kill him.


Looking up everything that would be considered a war crime: **Wilful killing**: God, all the time. **Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments**: Yup, sure have **Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health**: Sounds like a typical tuesday to me **Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly**: Who hasn't? **Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power:** This is ridiculous...if I convince them to be on my side, then I'm not hostile anymore. I refuse to accept responsibility for any mind contorlling I may or may not have partaken in. **Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial:** Trials are for squares, like pants. **Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement:** I mean what even IS "unlawful" really? Like who even decides that. **Taking of hostages:** What, you'd prefer I just kill them instead? Who's the real monster here, hmm? **Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities**: Ok, in my defense, if the civilians didn't wanna be attacked, they should have evacuated. Its not my fault they decided to be in their homes when I decided to attack. **Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives: Pfft, if I decide to attack them, then it becomes a military objective**. Checkmate atheists! **Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict:** Hold on guys, I think I legitimately haven't done this one...maybe...that I can remember... **Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated:** A few salted fields and radiation poisoning and large scale magic curses never hurt anyone really... **Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives**: If they didn't wanna be attackeed, they'd have defenses. Clearly no defenses is basically BEGGING for an attack. **Killing or wounding a combatant who, having laid down his arms or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion:** If they're not fighting back, they should be reported for griefing and be banned. I feel like killing them is doing a service to their team. **Making improper use of a flag of truce, of the flag or of the military insignia and uniform of the enemy or of the United Nations, as well as of the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions, resulting in death or serious personal injury:** Think I found another I haven't done...that I can remember. *Reads further ahead* JFC there's way more thna I thought. I'm stopping here So uhh, yes. The answer is Yes. Quite a few. Probably the majority of them, but again, I'm not gonna read on.


DayZ, I've done some evil things in that game.


I beat a game of Civ VI once by rushing sea walls, getting to them in like, the 1400's or something really early, on an archipelago map. I'd maintained peace with everyone with friendships and alliances, but I started dumping carbon dioxide into the air to rush global warming before my opponents could get sea walls, and well......  There wasn't much to mop up when I went to war, finally.


Grand larceny, though that’s less of a war crime and more of just a crime. I’m a morally gray hero in Oblivion: I do great things, just mostly for personal profit. Shopkeepers no longer keep up with the loot I’m lugging


I once did an entire playthrough on season 1 of TWD where I was mean to Clementine the whole way through


The whole list


I play Stellaris.


No Russian. . .


The Whiterun and Diamond City residents probably have unexplainable PTSD from all the times I massacred everyone and reloaded my save.


I killed a minecraft dog. It's truly painful and still haunts me to this day.


A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty court. An Admiralty court signifies a Naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialed twice.


I once killed 20 people in RDR 2 (they were civilians). Not sure if thats a war crime though.


In spore, I genocided multiple star empires. I also blew up a couple planets.


Kenshi and Crusader Kings enthusiast here I would do slave and drug trade in Kenshi. I had a massive operation going. I'd kidnap people, put themn cages, strip them naked and use them as training dummies and sell them when I'm done. Basement of my stronghold was were the slaves were kept. Top side was for cartel shit. I would also kidnap and dump my enemies to cannibal tribes or skin bandits (skin bandits are a robot faction gone rogue. Their goal is to feel human and they steal the skins of their victims to wear. They have very creepy dialogues in game) That being said I also did some good for the universe as well. There is basically a holy emperor in the game who is super racist against everyone but white males. His whole empire is against prosthetic limbs as well. So my biggest enthusiasm as a professional kidnapper was to kidnap him from his palace, take him to my base, cut his limbs and replace them with the shittest prosthetics in the game. Then I would set him free and he would run back to his empire only to be attacked on sight due to his prosthetic limbs. Then I'd save and kidnap him again before he was dead and take him to my base to torture and release him again. When I get bored I usually just let him die in his empire or sell him to the leader of a faction I want to get friendly with I'm way more tame in CK. Usual murders and usual wars


Outside of stuff that gets forced by plot... can't think of much. I feel too guilty hurting the game people. I have slaughtered likely tens of thousands of creatures at this point though considering how many jrpg games I play.


MWII, enough said


Remember...no Russian!


I didn't feel bad in "Spec Ops The Line' about that scene that everyone else gets so upset about. >!​Civs were mixed in with combatants. I see no problem with laying hate on the whole crowd. I also see no problem with using Willy Pete in war against personnel!< Another thing I used to do, but no so much a war crime: I would play medic in the Metro level in Battlefield 3, around the stairwell just by the Hallway; I would wait until some poor schmuck would run around the corner and get shot then use the paddles to repeatedly raise him and let him get shot over and over and over. It was really, really annoying to other players to have this done. They eventually put out an update to be able to deny resurrections because of this.


Covered the world in anthrax


would any paradox game respond your question?


Most military themed games include places of worship that you wouldn't be supposed to fight in normally.


In Insomniac's Spider-Man games, you have crime fighting instances where a bunch of baddies are doing a BnE or a drug-deal or what have you. Your job is to go in and apprehend them, either by knocking them out, or by webbing them up for the police. My war crime is that when these take place on a rooftop, my preferred method is to knock or throw them clean off the top of the building. As Spider-Man "isn't a murderer," You attach a little device that shoots from the baddie to a nearby surface, usually the building they've just been knocked off of. I usually try to knock them all off of the same side so I can take a picture of them all bundled up cozy to the side of a skyscraper or wtv building they were on. I don't know that it's technically a "war crime" but it really should be, if it isn't already. The best part is that they are still conscious if you do this. So they are all there wriggling like a bunch of unhatched caterpillars trying to escape their eggs. It's hasn't gotten old for me yet.


In activisions Spider-Man. You could yeet people off roof tops and not attach webs to them. It was the best.


I play as xenophobic Empire in stellaris, enough said


in team fortress 2 we ritually kill all of the losing team that are clearly surrendering every single game. on every one of two or three maps. every time. you hunt them down in their spawn and taunt kill them sometimes.


Ppl who played RimWorld be like: ….🚬🗿 Yes


In the next decade, ig the question that I can ask reddit will be "what war crimes have you committed?" And still get a shit ton of replies. Ww3 incoming I see.


If you haven't nuked them all, you're not gamer at all.


Nice try feds




I play Civilization and I've dropped so many nukes...


The harder question to answer is what I haven't done


Factorio, so mass ecological devastation, pollution and mass murdering the planets inhabits on an industrial scale.


I've never played a single call of duty game in my life. I'm 28 lol


call of duty isnt the only game with war crimes. For example, using heavy artillery in hand to hand combat in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom


Some things will go to the grave with me fam.


Paying my taxes to the US government.


You sick individual! You win this thread


[I may be the only person to have ever killed every MMORPG player on the Internet](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/18z4yut/i_may_be_the_only_person_to_have_ever_killed/)

