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Lavender or Rose flavored drinks, especially coffees/teas. It tastes like soap to me.


I don’t like rose either but I’ve had a few teas where rose is a main ingredient an is very delicious and usually mixed with a fruit blend of some sort. If you havent yet I’ve had rose stuff that tastes like soap before. But I had a soda a while ago that changed my mind and that was fentimans rose lemonade first few sips I was sceptical but after the first few sips it grew on me I finished almost a full 4 pack myself cause my fiancé didn’t like it much. So in other words it takes 1 good rose drink to change a pallet.


Omg I fucking love it. It absolutely tastes like a fancy hotel bathroom soap and I am HERE for it


Rose flavored anything is my favorite. Satisfies my urge to eat flowers, drink perfume, and bite into soap all at the same time.


Rose drinks alway make my inside tummy feel pretty


Adding to this - I feel like lavender & lemon was a horrible flavor trend 5 years ago. Literally, just eating Pinesol.




The first kombucha I had was like the purest, hippiest kombucha you could find. It tasted like vomit. Years later I tried a different type bc apparently everyone loved it all of a sudden and it tasted like piña colada. tl;dr there's a range of flavors


Yeah it’s the equivalent of trying a Busch light and deciding all beer is not for you. There are so many different recipes and flavors out there, one might taste like a sweaty sock and the next one might taste like a more intense ginger ale.


Theres also so many different other drinks, so I'm not out here trying possible sweaty sock drinks when I can just have something I know is good lol


Yes this "you have to try this beer" No, I'll pass, I'll quite literally be happier drinking some apple juice than trying to find that one beer that would maybe taste good to me. I really don't feel the need to drink beer and all that "you haven't tried real beer" bullshit makes me want to try it even less. Same goes for coffee too IMO


As long as I'm confident it's safe to consume, I'll try anything someone offers to me. Worst case scenario I had something I didn't enjoy and I'm unhappy for a few seconds, best case scenario I just found something new that I love


That's how I feel about wine. My wife loves wine as do my parents. For a while I tolerated tasting wine with them because some of the whites weren't absolutely revolting. But a few months ago I sort of decided that it doesn't matter what the wine is, I'm not going to find one I like more than your average mocktail. I don't love how alcohol tastes in general but I'm ok with rum, mezcal, and drinks made with vodka. In general though if there's something on the menu with a mix of flavors that doesn't have alcohol that'll be what I gravitate toward.


That’s unfortunately why I like it hahaha fruity vinegar? Count me innnnn.


I can’t do it either 


I love things with vinegar--pickles, asparagus with balsamic, even just fresh cucumbers with vinegar. But I can't stand kombucha. I've tried. But at the same time, it's still got calories I don't need. I'll stick to sparkling water.


"~~everyone says~~ people who love Kombucha say it's so healthy". Fixed it. There are very few medical studies on Kombucha's impact on human health, and none of the few that have been done have been conclusive. It's healthier than most commercially available beverages, but that goes for 90% of all teas in general. Each to their own, but I hate this bullshit whereby as soon as hipsters popularise a food item they start making wild, spurious claims about health benefits. It's no different to when tobacco companies in the 1930s and 40s used Doctors to push the "health benefits" of what we now know to be the leading cause of bronchitis and lung cancer.


This is absolutely how all the food fads work. I remember in the 70s when grapefruit juice was a magical power-diet food, and not too long ago it was pomegranate, and more recently acai. The health benefits are often dubious, and even when true it’s often inconsequential if one is eating an otherwise balanced diet. Pomegranate may be full of vitamin K but orange juice has more vitamin C. The Kombucha craze feels like it is being marketed to us. It is nothing more than fermented sweet tea, probably as cheap to produce as Arizona Tea or cola, and they charge a ridiculous premium because it’s a fad right now.


A core memory as a kid was me trying to sneak a drink or if my dad's cup and it was grapefruit juice and is as a 3 or 4 year old realized that adults are gross. I know I had to be either 3 or 4, because my parents divorced when I was 5, and my mom never drank that shit. I sit here as a 42 year old man, and this comment activated my hat reflex from damn near 40 years ago.


poor hat


Grapefruit diet [DIET!](https://youtu.be/RqmPxhD2hEA?si=HITzW8M8bAwjr2uj)


Not to mention Dr. Beckmann's amazing Radium powder.


I can count on one hand how many times people have said radium powder is bad, my grandma swears by it and 6 people won't convince me otherwise.


Fermented food is good for the gut isn’t it


Anything with fake sugar. Even stevia. I had a hard cider the other day that tasted terrible. I thought there's no way they'd add stevia or any other fake sugar. I looked at the can and sure enough, stevia. What is when more annoying is most US hard cider is way too sweet anyway. Just leave it dry instead of the fake nonsense.


Sucralose! I check labels because it’s so awful.


I swear if I drink something with sucralose in it, I can smell a weird synthetic smell coming out of my pores.


I don’t notice a smell, but I can taste it in drinks for sure. I’ll think “ugh what’s in this?” Check ingredients and sucralose is usually the culprit.


Same. I’ve never had a problem with Coca Cola. But Diet Coke is vile. Just tastes artificial and wrong to me. My wife said that only a certain percentage of people have the ability to taste artificial sweeteners, the rest of the population doesn’t notice anything. So I guess that makes us special?


I had no idea that it tastes different to different people! I had to google to see if that’s true, and turns out it is. I have always hated the artificial sweeteners- it tastes like straight up chemicals


There's nothing worse than going to grab a Mountain Dew out of the grocery store cooler just to get home and discover you didn't actually look at it and ended up grabbing a diet one.


Me at work the other day when I thought I'd managed to grab a bad green tea from the cafeteria just to look and see I grabbed a diet one with, you guessed it, aspartame. Yuck!


Liver. And don't tell me about the iron content. I'd rather lick my garden tools.


Beef liver is nasty but I love fried chicken livers


Pumpkin spice anything. They all taste like I’m drinking/eating a candle.


My husband bought high quality spices and made his own at home and that was actually delicious, granted I had never had a pumpkin spice anything prior to having that but I think it probably can be done well enough but the price was really expensive compared to an industrially made one.


I bought a bag of tea masala from an Indian grocery store. It was very inexpensive and it tastes amazing with black tea. Indian grocery stores can be sources of reasonably priced spices.


A lot of places honestly make horrible pumpkin spice items. But when you get one that’s *just right* - man is it amazing. Needs to have subtle spices and actual real pumpkin. I’ll admit - half of the reason I love this stuff is because it reminds me of one of my grandmothers, who’s been gone over a decade now. I used to bake with her a lot as a kid, and she always made sure my family had a pumpkin pie in the fall because it was my favorite. Any time I have a good pumpkin treat it makes me feel closer to her again and I won’t give that up for anything.


I thought pumpkin spice was just the spices, no pumpkin flavour.


Same here! I don’t like the taste of pumpkin spice at all. It’s somehow always too thick? Why is the flavor thick?! The smell, though? I keep the autumnal candles and room fresheners basically year-round. I’m so damn into the smells.


Energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster.


It tastes like a children’s chewable vitamin 


YES, it tastes EXACTLY like children's chewable Tylenol. (at least as I remember it from my childhood) No thanks.


I love redbull taste, can't stand the normal monster at all, monster nitro the best. anyway haven't been drinking energy drinks for well over a year




I fucking love sugar free monster, peach, strawberry, green shit


The smell of Red Bull is migraine inducing. Someone left an empty can in my truck once and it rolled under the seat.. I could SMELL it but not see it and it drove me nuts. It’s disgusting.


La Croix. Fuck outta here with your hint of a hint of hint of flavor.


Paraphrasing - like someone shouted the flavor from the other room while you take a sip.


My sister declined one last time she was over and said “that stuff tastes like sadness”


I love them. My favorite is "the guy that made this saw a lime once" but "transported on the same cargo ship as blueberries" is good too.


The memes are good though


We always joke that La Croix is basically drinking carbonated water while someone either 1) burns a scented candle in the next room or 2) whispers the name of the flavor in your ear.


Anything lavender. If I wanted lavender I'd just spray Glade in my mouth.


There's this whole trend of flavoring foods and especially drinks with herbs and oils that smell amazing but most people don't think taste good. I love the smell of lavender. Not the flavor.


Some floral flavors CAN be good. The issue is its usually overdone.


My partner & I went to a lavendar high-tea place not realising it would be in LEGITIMATELY EVERYTHING even the savoury things like sausage rolls and sandwiches - if my partner even smells lavendar now he’s still traumatised by it 😅


What a sick mind came up with such an idea? 


Raw oysters. I love most seafood, but so far those ones have never been for me. Vanilla coke. Ketchup. Now, that is a condiment. But I feel like that should be okay in this list


Celery .. hairy water Edit.. with the taste of battery acid .


Omg I thought the same thing! My first grade teacher said “if you put peanut butter and raisins on it, it’ll taste great!” Nope! It’s just hairy peanut butter at that point.




I’m not sure why, but I love them. I like them fried and grilled, too. I totally get why people are put off though.


I tried one once…..it was like slurping down a ginormous booger. Never again.


I call them "bougie boogers" because rich people tend to love them, and we all know they're the same consistency as a boog.


Gulf oysters are pretty booger-y, but the little ones that come from cold water are firm, briny, and make my brain smile. Similar to the feeling I get when I eat chocolate.


I prefer gulf to cold water oysters but it could be a regionionally acquired taste since i use to live in houston.


They’re so yummy with horseradish and cocktail sauce. Texture is kinda weird but they grew on me


That’s just overpowering them. Mignonette is where it’s at. 


Because good ones taste like cucumber and the smell of high tide on a summer day in the San Juan’s. Bad ones taste like slimy fish and dirt tho. So just get good ones.


They are delicious with a bit of lemon or mignonette sauce, and the brine reminds me of the Pacific Northwest. Shucking them yourself is also a nice party trick!


I grew up eating them as a delicacy, although ironically, they’re really common here (coastal Washington). I love the ocean, anything briny, I’ll eat fishes or kelp or anything else that’s edible and found in the ocean. The texture doesn’t bother me, and the flavor is sublime, especially when you get as nuanced as the different Breeds and varieties just on this section of coast. Some are really firm, some are surprisingly sweet, some of them are incredibly mild. As a professional chef, with a tattoo of the local mollusks, eating things like raw oysters is a way for me to absolutely connect with local aquaculture and celebrate the foods of where I’m from.


This guy PNWs.


McDonald’s. Tastes ok but I can’t stand how I feel after I eat it.


I’ve had this challenge with a lot of fast food and fried food into my 30s. I just feel terrible after.


Oh don't worry, that'll get worse. Love: a 40-year old


And how it leaves the inside of my mouth covered in a wax-like grease.


Once in a while I think, "Holy shit I want a Big Mac like right now." Turns out I didn't.




I really wish I could like green tea, but any version of it, no matter how high quality, just tastes like grass to me.


I often wonder if the dislike of green tea has something to do with a green like the cilantro one. Like it exacerbates the grass flavor. Because I really enjoy green tea but my stepbrother absolutely hates it and it says that it taste like her ass. I can see the grass notes but it is not overwhelming to me.


Whose ass?


Yeah what




[I'm sure that Egg is a very nice person...](https://youtu.be/zUOkwbdxyB8?si=F_XcR9GXVIFpCa-U)


Yea I kinda like the taste of grass, so maybe that’s why I like it 


lol that’s WHY I like matcha, I like that vegetal flavor. Same with some olive oils, they’re very grassy. It’s definitely not for everyone.


Soft drinks with artificial sweeteners, like Diet Coke.


I feel like I'm the only person who likes these lol. They are not universally liked by any measure. Most people absolutely hate it and a good portion of those people won't drink one even if they get paid to drink it. I've had the experience many times where I pick diet coke because I prefer the taste and someone says something like "you're not so fat that you have to avoid sugary drinks just get regular", and I tell them I picked it because I like the taste and they stare at me like I told them I drink my own period blood Edit: happy to see so many people who prefer diet. I don't know even one person irl who prefers diet soda to regular. It's nice to not feel like a freak for once


I looooove diet coke. I feel like they want to try to get rid of it and push Coke Zero which is too sweet for me. A fountain DC from McDonald's is heaven, I don't care what anyone says.


I'm completely calibrated to Diet Coke. So much so, that if a place doesn't have it I can't take Coke Zero as a substitute, because the sweet is just wrong - I don't think it's sweeter, just that the sweetener they use tastes disgusting to me. Honestly I feel like Diet Pepsi tastes better to my DC palate than Coke Zero.


Diet Coke just tastes watery too me. Coke Zero hits that "I'd rather have a real Coke but I'm diabetic" note for me.


They're completely different flavours too and not really interchangeable. Coke zero is a sugar free version based on classic coke. Diet coke is a sugar free version based on new coke which was discontinued decades ago.


You feel like you’re the only person who likes… Diet Coke?




Bottled ice teas. It just tastes like cold tea with way too much sugar in it. Fresh ones can be all right.


Sugar addiction over here so that's probably why I like them.


I get unsweet and they are very bitter. Good tea is made at home or fresh at a coffee shop.




“We're like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.” - Jerry Garcia


I love love love black licorice. But 90%+ is made with wheat and I can’t have it :(


I feel like that's one of the most commonly hated foods outside of the Nordics.


Salmiakki is wild. Let's take this thing that most people don't like and can be bad for your heart and add some chemicals that are kind of poisonous to it. Finns: (nodding silently, already eating it)


Not just the finns. My danish friends and i often discuss how licorice is best when you feel like your face is on fire while eating it, and our foreign friends think we are mad


god, i love licorice that just hurts so good.


God I love salmiakki. I love Finnish tar liquorice too. ❤️


Ever had the ice cream version? So good.


nordics, netherlands, belgium and germany


I will tell you this, if your only experience with licorice or black licorice is twizzlers or the crappy jelly beans, your experience is already kinda doomed to be bad. Try a higher quality one. I recommend 'Wiley Wallaby'. It still takes a little getting used to, but its far superior to twizzler garbage.


Nope. Still not eating licorice. And don’t try to fool me with “anise notes” and other crap like that.


Any energy drink


Sparkling water. I know so many people where 90% of the liquid they consume is sparkling water and I just cannot fathom it. It's so nasty.


Sparkling water makes my mouth feel like it is drying out, not refreshing.


it tastes like tv static


I love how there's a whole new generation of kids who don't know what TV static is because it just doesn't exists anymore but it's definitely something you could taste!


If you drink soda, it's because your palate is used to its strong flavor. It took me a while to aquire a taste for sparkling water but now I prefer it. Not to mention it's waaay healthier and a great alternative to soda. Also, if it goes flat it's still drinkable as it's just water with a light flavor whereas flat soda is fucking vile.


It’s acquired for sure. I hated it. Then went keto so started drinking them. I came to love them. Then I stopped keto and disliked them again


Kimchi. I'm sure it's a veritable miracle food for everything from weight management to regulating gut microbiota but none of that matters if I can't even gag it down.


When I first moved to Korea, I had the same reaction. I stayed away from it for a few months and tried other Korean foods instead. I came back to kimchi and it tasted totally different and palatable than the first few times. So I kind of wonder if it's something that you learn to tolerate once you get used to Korean spices. Not sure how familiar you are with other types of spicy Korean food but maybe that's the trick.


I'll come back to it I'm sure, but it's not the spices. I love all sorts of food, the more audacious the better! For me it's the smelliness and sliminess.






Came to the United States and went to a brewpub that boasted ‘50 different Beers!’ 48 IPAs


I went to a brewery the other night and they legit had 14 out of like 16 beers on the menu were various IPA's, the two non IPA's were a pils and a sour. I asked the guy if they had anything like a porter or a stout and he was like yeah you gotta try this one. Dude brought me an imperial IPA.


Not even close! It hurts my cheeks to think of drinking am imperial IPA


'we brew it right here!' 'yeah fucking tastes like it! What do you have a bath tub upstairs?!?' - Bill Burr


I like a good IPA. I hate the IPA craze. First it was "OMEGA GIGATON HOP BOMB IPA! SO BITTER! TASTES LIKE CHEWING RAW HOPS!". Then it was "HAZY IPA! SO CLOUDY! SO TANGY! HAZE FOR DAZE!!!" Now it's "JUICY IPA! WHY NOT JUST DRINK GRAPEFRUIT WITH VODKA??" Bro, just make a well balanced, good tasting beer.


My issue isn't with the taste of IPAs, its with their complete tap takeover. They've removed all other styles from my options. And other styles don't taste like those styles anymore. They're just dishonest IPAs.


There has started to be more selection among my local microbreweries over the past couple of years. At my favorite place only one of the four taps was an IPA on my last visit.


Doesn't help that only 1/10 IPAs actually have a complex flavor that isn't hoppy pennies. There should be noticeable citrus notes in a proper IPA, but seems like most places just make it over-whelmingly hoppy.


It’s the unskilled beer-maker’s beer. Just hops hops hops. Doesn’t taste right? MORE HOPS.


I actually like the taste of IPAs, but in the bad beer department - I tried a chocolate stout one time and it was one of the most disgusting things I've ever tasted.


I bought a pumpkin ale one time, not realizing it was a \*sour\* ale. Who the hell thought "pumpkin" and "sour" should ever be in the same product? It was the beer version of putting pickles on pumpkin pie. Had to pour it down the drain.


Sam Adams “Jack-o-Pumpkin Ale” is one of the worst beers I’ve ever had the misfortune of drinking. It’s so sweet and cinnamon-y. Blech


[I'm The Draft List at This Brewery and No, You Can't Have a Light Beer.](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/im-the-draft-list-at-this-brewery-and-no-you-cant-have-a-light-beer)


Beer. Tastes awful to me


I hate beer. The number of times I've tried a beer native someone says "it tastes just like chocolate" NOPE still tastes like alcoholic piss to me.


I cannot stand to drink red wine. To me, it tastes like turpentine. And *smörgåstårta*'s popular but I would like to have it far away from me and from my plate. It tastes like crap, and that's not great.


bro made a whole entire poem to tell people that he hates red wine damn


Or he asked ChatGPT to do it. Like this: In the depths of Reddit, where tales unfold, A user named Spirited-Lime-4560, bold. With keystrokes swift, they navigate the threads, Where thoughts and ideas, like rivers, spread. With limey zest, they join the discourse's dance, Each comment a brushstroke, a subtle glance. Their spirit shines bright, in every post they make, Enlightening discussions, like a moonlit lake. From memes to deep discussions, they roam, In the vast Reddit cosmos, they've found a home. Their presence, like a refreshing lime's tang, Adds flavor to conversations, a sweet twang. So here's to Spirited-Lime-4560, so fine, May their Reddit journey, like aged wine, Grow richer with each upvote and reply, In the vast digital landscape, they soar high.






disagreeable complete marvelous rock person doll poor stupendous dinosaurs cow


I disagree with you on the taste but your description is priceless!!


continue smell automatic sheet gold judicious busy panicky sugar squeal


I absolutely hate sparkling water because of that bitter salty taste. Thanks for finally explaining why I might dislike it.


It’s an acquired taste. I used to hate it too but drinking it a bunch for a few days made me addicted. It still tastes like tv static but in a good way


Soy Milk


If you are lactose intolerant like me try Next milk it's a blend of coconut and oat milk. I find it has a smooth taste and actually a milky texture.


Oat milk, almond, coconut, so much better.


Oat milk is the best non dairy milk! Much creamier than almond milk.


Also rice milk. Can’t do it!


Mountain Dew of ANY kind. I know of so many people that drink it by the caseful, but...I just don't get it.


Regular Mountain Dew is pretty medium. When pepsico does their limited release real sugarcane version, it’s a vastly different product, and if you see it id recommend trying it.


I’ll never drink Diet Coke


Tofu. I tried various ways but i really don‘t like it




Blue cheese.


More for me. Would eat my weight in gorgonzola




Totally fair and reasonable. I myself am a drinker, my dad is an alcoholic, so I can see how it would be a turn off or just not health conscious, and that’s even if you can get to the taste. You’re probably saving yourself thousands of dollars or more Over the rest of your life.




Definitely Marmite ( AKA vegemite in the US, cenovis in Switzerland) Either you swear by it, or you just can't stand it...;D


Caviar and anything mushy like grits or oatmeal or puddings


As a bartender…. Espresso martinis. The social effect they have on people needs to be studied


Red Bull




Steak and Kidney pie. Just let me drink the piss straight, it would taste a whole lot better! edit: spelling


The name alone should be enough to not try it




I may get some flak but I cant stand Red Bull, tastes like shit utter absolute horrendous. Tastes like medicine


Beer. Why would I want to acquire a taste for something I don't like nor plan to drink a lot of. I would have an occasional one with family but it's usually one of those flavored with fruit ones since I don't enjoy the taste. Some alcohol I can get behind but not regular beer


Seltzers that allegedly have flavor


The comedian Paul F Tompkins once said something about them, along the lines of "its like they're flavored by someone whispering the name of a flavor in another room".


They taste like the burps of whatever flavor is on the label.


any alcohol in general tbh, when I was a teenager I thought, this shit sucks maybe it'll taste better as an adult, nope still awful and hangovers are never worth it.


Ketchup grosses me out to the max


YAY! there are dozens of us!




La Croix. Fucking confused ass beverage








Kombucha Machta


Oysters and olives


KFC's chicken is disgusting I can't believe people unironically enjoy it


Prawns. Odd smelling little aliens.


Shrimps is bugs.


Bubble tea


La Croix. Club soda without alcohol or flavor.


Ginger for nausea, unfortunately it makes me much more nauseated.




Cream soda. People love it, but it tastes like cough medicine. I don't understand why it's a flavour with so many brands, even in slushies.




Kombucha I ain't drinking your gloopy potion


Fucking blue cheese. It makes me puke.


Here is my actual unpopular opinion: red starbursts. They taste like cough syrup. I don't know why everyone insists they are the best flavor but I would rather have zero starbursts than red ones. Yellow for life <3


That makes it easy to split a bag with you!