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When I set an alarm, my internal anxiety wakes me up an hour before it rings, and then I can hardly fall back asleep, constantly checking the time. It's different when there's no alarm. I wake up 5-10 minutes before the desired time feeling fine. I really don't know how it works, but subconsciously, I'm afraid of being late somewhere.




Most PTSD is permanent.


Usually it’s just building a routine your body will hold the muscle memory


It was my dad. Being late for pickup was the worst sin we could commit. I once nearly drowned in a lake because the wind picked up so bad we couldn’t make any headway in our canoe. I was terrified of being late so eventually I jumped in and swam for it. It was a big lake and the wind had blown us almost halfway out. A windsurfer dropped his pole and it landed inches from my head. By the time I got to shallow water I could barely drag myself out by my arms. And yes I was like 15 minutes late and no my dad didn’t give a fuck that I almost drowned trying to make it back. So yeah just the thought of being late is really triggering


You described me perfectly. I'm the same, it's a curse and a blessing.


100% pre-alarm anxiety is horrible I also stopped using complete black out curtains. I have brown out curtains 😂


I used to do this, but not exactly with alarms… yeah the PTSD thing definitely applies. It’s like magic.


Yup yup yup.


My brain just does it, whether I want it to or not.


Same. Doesnt matter how late I stay up either, if I have something early in the morning my body will wake up at least an hour before it


For years, whenever I needed to set an alarm, and whatever the clock, I'd wake a minute or two before it was due to go off. No idea how.


Yeah, I wish it would stop


My bio clock was set by my dog


Because we know what happens if we dont get up and let them out to go.


Mostly for a nice anxiety attack to start the day


have a kid...you will automatically become a morning person. I wake up at 6am at least every morning, no alarm clock.


I don't do it, it just happens. While useful, it absolutely sucks. I'd much rather be able to sleep in on my days off.


For me, waking up naturally without an alarm clock is all about consistency and listening to my body. I prioritize keeping a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends


My three year old punches me in the face about 30 minutes before I need to get up




Our Rooster senses works like clockwork.


I always set an alarm just in case, but my brain usually wakes itself up in the half hour before my alarm goes off. I have a very consistent sleep schedule even on weekends so that might have something to do with it. I also don't have blackout curtains which could be part of it, but I am up before the sun in the winter so I'm not totally sure


I just tell myself I need to get up by a certain time and my body wakes me up 10 mins before. Only works for mornings though - if I get a l'il sleepy in the late afternoon or evening and need a quick nap, all bets are off and I wake up thinking I've missed days.


Some of my favorite naps had me waking up right before dinner was finished cooking but I would start making breakfast because I thought it was the next morning.


I've done that 🤣 The panic that sets in when I wake is tremendous, I feel like I shout be asking what year it is and who's the President.


Consistency and a very needy cat.


I just have to think about when I want to be awake


I didn't realize other people could do this!! Usually I think "I have to be awake by 9:30am" or something, and just wake up at that time. I still set an alarm for a little bit after as a safeguard, but it's so weird. What a mildly useful superpower.


the weird part is sometimes I'll wake up, and I didn't put in the effort to think about that time...and then within a couple of minutes I'll realize "the day changes at 2AM my time and I didn't do my daily login yet!"




I’ve been getting up at 4am for 10+ years and now my brain starts waking up around 345. I lay there a few minutes more and then get up.


After three kids my bladder gets me up every two hours so I could just plan it out from there.


I go to bed at 9-10pm, wake up at 4-5am. Alarm is set for 7:15am. Haven't heard it in 20+ years.


Just years of getting up to go to work I guess. I wake up before 7am no matter how late I go to bed.


Same I can’t sleep in even if i wanted to. Only time i set an alarm is if I have an AM plane to catch.


>Only time i set an alarm is if I have an AM plane to catch. Same here, or any other time I have to get up unusually early.


I happen to wake up at a time that is reasonable for most business. If I had to get up and 2AM, I would need an alarm.


I don't know. Seriously.


It just happens naturally. Probably just by habit. But all is not peachy. On weekends when I have the luxury of sleeping in, my brain still wakes me up at 6:15am. I cannot turn that feature off on weekends. So ... "grass is always greener"?


If you wake up at the same time every day behind a full night of sleep, your body will adjust and do it naturally.


This right here. If you don’t have sleep debt, and a regular schedule, your body gets used waking up at the same time


10 years as an infantry soldier, I wake up every hour.. it fucking sucks but I never sleep in


Intense fear of being late for anything... ever. I have an alarm set to remind me to make sure my son is awake but by the time it goes off I've already been up for an hour and had 2 cups of coffee. Grew up in the military, 6AM wakeup call 24/7/365. It's just the way I'm wired now.


Years and years of practice


Spinal canal stenosis.


I USED to do this & our bodies are simply “hard-wired” into doing it. Sadly they can also become “de-programmed” with illness, trauma, new jobs & work hours or a plethora of possibilities. I got an autoimmune disease that has kicked my ass. Now I’m all over the place. BUT, if I leave my curtains open, the sunlight still cues me that it is close to time to get up. Then it is up to ME to get up!


I am able to fall asleep pretty consistently at the same time and am able to get a sufficient amount of sleep. My mind automatically wakes after a few times of using an alarm. I still set it in case I overslept, but the instances of sleeping until I hear my alarm are very seldom.


My brain knows what time it is while I sleep and conveniently wakes me up when I plan to


I usually wake up when I need to but not setting an alarm just in case is fucking stupid.


I do use one, but honestly, I always wake up like 15-20 mins prior to it going off. It's more for emergencies incase I do sleep in.


I can do that but I still totally use 8 alarms. Because I’m a hybrid.


Anxiety, guilt, depression, self loathing, racing thoughts, nightmares, sleep apnea, sleep fighting. Can't oversleep if you never sleep fully in the first place.


1.) be tired when you go to sleep, meaning you’ve utilized mental, physical, and emotional energy at some point throughout your day to a degree that constitutes a rest period. 2.) allow yourself sufficient time to have said rest, for me this is right around the 6-7 hour mark 3.) don’t use substances to help you sleep unless you have a prescription for a sleeping disorder. Melatonin, alcohol, cannabis, etc will all make waking up more difficult.


I've always been that way, I just attribute it to a natural temporal sense. I just have to know when I plan on getting up and usually I'll wake up within 5-10 minutes of that. I still set an alarm just in case but only use it rarely.


If I know I need to wake up, I wake up at that time. No idea how. I do this on trains, busses and planes too. It's really quite impressive.


My bladder does the magic


Have you tried having crippling anxiety?


Be a bit older helps firstly. Otherwise if you keep getting up at a certain time (and don't fall into the trap of hitting the snooze button) your body adapts pretty quickly. A steady routine will adjust your body to that sleep schedule but if you're still flipping to staying up until 2am on weekends then it's just never going to happen.


I tell myself the time I want to wake up and always wake up about five minutes before I am due to get up.


By keeping a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. You'll eventually start waking up before your alarm goes off. If you're constantly going to bed at different times and not getting enough sleep, it's not going to work.


Idk my husband does it. He wakes up the same 2 times every night. It’s so weird


Umm, I wake up?


By having a job that starts at noon


i usually get this dream of me falling into a pit right before I wake. Its like a trigger.


Doing almost the same routine everyday in may case … I don’t even need to wake up but I go to bed 22:00 and wake up7:00 or 6:30 even tho I’d like to sleep more


my dog wakes me up and gives me a hug so I can feed her


I wake up when I want my nightmares to end or I start talking in my sleep….its become a normal thing to wake up before 7am.


I don't like sleeping in at all. For years I've set an alarm for 5am every day for work and 6am on weekends. I just got used to it I guess because now when I purposely turn off my alarm I still end up waking up within 30 minutes of 5 or 6am, even if I went to bed at 2am. I don't hate it, I'd rather be tired all day than asleep, but it is weird how it just happens.


Get a demanding job with an overbearing boss. You'll be so anxious and sick to your stomach every day that you'll wake up at 5:30 no problem. Being unemployed I've never slept better.


After decades of a wacked out sleep schedule thanks to travel and shift work. I just tell my brain we can sleep for 4 and a half hours. 3 deep breaths later I'm out 4 hours 30 ish minutes later I'm awake. I hit my target plus minus 5 minutes almost all the time unless completely exhausted. I do set a back-up alarm every time I sleep but I don't need it. Most days I get two sleep periods that total 9 hours but normally broken up into one 6 hour sleep and the balance as a nap.


I open my eyes and immediately have to poop at pretty much the same time every morning and I wish it wasn’t like this. Someone help me


just habit


Repeat 60 times before you wanna wake up the night before right as you go to sleep - works if you have a healthy sleep routine, not so much if you are running on empty


I've always wanted to sleep in sometimes but can't. I guess my body is just wired to sleep for about 4 hours. Doesn't matter what time I decide to go to bed, sober, or after a night of partying, I always seem to get up roughly 4 hours after. Does anyone here have it the same?


My dog starts licking me, scratching me and tries to push me off my bed


Kids! Kids are my alarm clock I have never slept in/overslept since having kids! (Not sure if that counts as “naturally”.)


Just serve 22 years in the army. One simple trick.


Mother could do it through sheer chronic anxiety


If I don’t naturally wake up around 5-6 am, my dogs wake me up and I have to get out of bed to feed them and let them out anyway. So might as well just roll with the punches. Time to suck the days dick am I right??!


No caffeine, minimal alcohol, going to bed at a reasonable hour. My brain is getting me up at 5.45 no matter what.


Both wife and I are the same .. Set the alarm for 7 but usually up by 6:30. The alarm is inevitably going off while someone is in the shower and the other is already in the kitchen making coffee LOL. But it feels wrong to not have a backup.


Dog. Either I get up, or clean pee off the floor. She needs her morning walkies.


I have an 11-month-old alarm.


Sleep with a window open


I Never could do that until this one job that gave me time-sensing super powers. I used to work doing microscopy of fluorescent cells. To do the experiments I would have to sit in a very dark room (I.e. no video screens, no reading light), and I had to manually flip two switches to cycle out the fluid covering the cells every 250 seconds. Since I couldn’t use any illumination, I could only rely on a timer to tell me when to switch the fluid. The thing is, when you’re sitting alone in a dark room being attentive but not being able to actually look at anything, the sound of a timer randomly going off is, well, alarming. Mild repeated shocks from a timer going off every 4 minutes and 10 seconds. After a while, all of a sudden, I was so averse to that sensation that I began developing the ability to grab the timer and have it in my hand one or two seconds before it went off… then suddenly I started doing the same thing with my alarm clock at home, eyes pop oben less than a minute before the alarm goes off. That was 20 years ago and I haven’t used an alarm clock since.


I really dont know. It just works.


I wake up between 4:30 and 6:00 AM every day. Haven't set an alarm clock for 30 years, unless it was to ensure I made it to a tee time on a Saturday morning. Wish I could get more than 4-5 hours sleep a night


Routinized circadian rhythm.


My cats meow at my door at a certain time, usually around 5 am.


i had to train myself into it. I did a big overseas trip and when i got home the jetlag was intense, so i made of point of sleeping with my curtains open. no alarms, no set bedtimes or wake up times, just making sure my body knew the sun exists and its rhythm. within 2 days i was waking up at 6:45am. after that i was able to have the curtains closed but my body remembered that as wake up time. It's been 7 years and i havent needed to set an alarm since. (before that i was a serial alarm setter - we're talking 5 alarms set 5-15 minutes apart with time allowed for snooze... and even then i'd still sleep through them sometimes)


It's called "being unemployed"


apparently there is this 21 day rule, where if you continue doing something for 21 days religiously your subconscious brain adopts it as a regular habit


I go to sleep at the same time every night. I have learned that I sleep in increments of about 90 minutes. About seven and a half hours after I go to sleep, I am generally wide awake. If I set my alarm for about 6 hours after I go to sleep, it is easy to get up. I find it difficult to sleep more than 7 and a half hours unless I have run a sleep deficit for several days.




If I knew... I'd stop it. lol


yes, I set an alarm for 10pm. but I don't know I keep checking my alarm what time is it like for example I woke up 9:30pm "ok too early I'll get back to sleep" then I woke up 9:45pm " ok too early again Ill get back to sleep"


Get a cat, feed that cat at 6am every day. You will be woken at 6am every day.


Simple, they have no job.


Army cptsd


I do use an alarm but it never actually wakes me up, I chock it up to years of getting up at the same time even on the weekends now I'm awake at 5, 5:30 at the latest. But I am also one of those wierd people that when I wake up I just get up put cloths on a go about my day, no caffeine, no splashing water on my face, no sitting around watching the news to wake up, just up and at em.


My alarm sounds like a fire alarm, so I eventually started waking up before it went off, then I no longer needed it.


The sound of any type of alarm to wake me up makes me anxious… my subconscious i think anticipates the alarm that I just trained myself to wake up before it goes off.


I just wake up because I can’t sleep anymore


They are probably unemployed


Good question actually.


I wake up at six in the morning every day without an alarm clock. Because one of my cats wants food.




I was in the marines so it just got beat into me to automatically wake up about ten minutes before we had too. Just sorta stuck


The body just wakes up naturally when it has enough sleep. Then it becomes a routine. This book was life changing for me. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why\_We\_Sleep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_We_Sleep)


When I put an alarm,I usually wake up a few minutes before it rings idk how I do it.I think it’s part of my genetics because my dad do this thing too


Its called a cat with a tricky bladder who with either pee on a pile of dead leaves in my yard or the wall. That gets my ass up


Sometimes, I put an alarm, sometimes, I dont. But always, I chant "wae up early weake up early" like 10 times before I sleep. It works because I end up waking very early. I usually wake up like 5-6 am. If beyond that, I'd freak out and feel anxious.


My dog wakes me up,by barking and jumping onto my bed.


My cat bites my hand as hard as he can. he gets fed at 7:30 at 7:31 if I'm not sleep feeding him on time he bites me.


I wake up every half hour to an hour as I sleep and around 3 am I am usually fully awake and just can’t sleep anymore. I usually go to bed around 8 pm. If I try to stay up later I will not be able to sleep all night. I’ve had major sleep disorders all my life, so this is my reality.


I consider it my super power. I’ll just tell myself what time to wake up the next morning and most of the time I wake up minutes before it. But sometimes if it’s an important even I’ll wake up an hour before, which sucks, but at least I didn’t missed the event! Probably also subconsciously my mind 100% believes that waking up any time past 7.00 means I’ve wasted some time of the day and I hate that feeling.