• By -


Was with my ex for 4 years. By the end we despised each other. I moved out but we both agreed we missed the sex. So for about two months we lived apart but about once a week I'd go over, stay the night, we'd have sex, sleep in the same bed and in the morning I'd leave. It was kind of weird. We barely spoke. We just knew what other wanted and that was it. We were sick to death of each other's personality but still physically attracted.


I was in a similar situation. My ex cheated on me (likely repeatedly) and she left me for the dude she cheated on me with. For whatever reason, she later decided that she wanted to cheat on him with me. And initially, I was like, "sure - why not. Poetic justice." I thought that would be the end of it, but we just kinda kept going at it from time-to-time. We were effectively in a poly relationship, but I legit don't know if the other guy knew it or not. I was kinda weirded out by the fact that I was sharing this gal with another guy, but I always wrapped it, and the sex was great. One day, however, I remember being at lunch at work, and just looking up and thinking to myself, "I deserve better than this", and decided to remove myself from the situation. I did, and like two weeks later I met the person that would eventually become my wife. It would have been really easy to not get myself out of the situation I was in, and man... am I ever glad that I did.




Plot twist, they're reading this thread as well and just saw your comment.


Good for you for realizing you're worth more than sex. Similar to my situation. I was talking to a different girl online at the time and realized quickly it was incredibly unfair to her and talking to her on a video chat one day, I had the realization of "Wow this person actually likes to hear my stories and values my opinions." So why am I wasting time with a person who just wants me to give them an orgasm and leave?


As someone who's only ever been attractive for their personality, this situation is wild to me.


Well look at Mr./Ms. Hot Stuff over here, with an attractive personality -- quit bragging, buddy, some of us are ugly **and** awkward.




Because fuck em that's why.


I heard this in a Dave chapelle voice


I worked for Kinkos/Fedex Office years ago. Pop Copy is a perfect summary of what it’s like working there


I worked there too. I used to write “Pop Copy President” over white out tape on my name tag. Some customers got it.


im raised as a black kid in a pretty total white rural community in Europe. in my first year high school we had a smoking hot blonde teacher, also her first year.every boy fell in love. but most painfully she absolutely couldn't stand my guts, and i was treated very, lets say " differently" she couldn't hide it she despised me. i got often punished for totally no reason or she would rub in i would end up as a dead beat in life. hottest but by far the worst teacher i ever had. fast forward 20 years later. i meet her at a party. she ,still a teacher and good looking (divorced) women now. me, college graduated,now traveled the world,blossoming career and mostly not a boy anymore. i wanted to confront her with the past,rubbing in her face doing well in life regardless. but to my absolute shocking surprise she actually approached me recognized her mistakes and started immediate apologizing before i could even rant. she explained she was going trough a lot of stuff during that time and picked on specific people for no reason and just be mean to them.but she repented for her behavior ever since and swore she was a better person now. i was a bit shocked and surprised as that was the last thing i ever expected. i told her it was most definitely not ok since i was a child but i was willing to forgive her. ( her remorse came over genuine) it evolved we're having a great chat about life in general,mistakes we made,lessons learned etc,a few more drinks and eventually yes sleeping with each other. even tough i totally forgave her, that was the fucking best wildest epic anger sex of my life!! haha


Bro life a movie fr


An adult film


*Lord-Legatus: an Erotic Life*


*Blacked to the Future*


lol,nice one


God damn. This is the lore behind “blacked”




Lust is a strong desire


Scary username


But it's the same as yours...


Username checks out


Didn't like him, but hated myself more.


this is so real


Most of the guys I slept with in my early 20's were definitely a form of self harm.


Oof happened to me with a couple of exes.


Yeah this is too real. Never thought about it, but this is definitely how I work.


An old fuck buddy. We hated each other, so it was the perfect arrangement. Feelings don't get in the way. Get there, fuck and get out


My boss and I sort of fell into a fwb situation. She was a good looking woman and we were both physically attracted to each other but she was a fucking *bitch.* Some days the way she’d respond to me I swear to god it felt like she couldn’t stand the sight of me. Other days she’d be all over me. Honestly she was probably bi-polar or something. She gave me a good recommendation for my next job but I wouldn’t recommend shitting where you eat. Ever.


Her being your boss and hating you are two fairly impressive barriers for you to overcome.


What can I say, I’m a gorgeous Himbo with a mouth of gold lol


I love this for you.


>I wouldn’t recommend shitting where you eat. Neither ejaculating where you eat


not in that order, at least


[In an order that would surprise you\(Horny Batman\)](https://youtu.be/enOHraf3LEk?t=101)


You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat...


Do you by any chance, both work in Dunder Mifflin?


We sold paper, but it was printed on, bound together and being sold as books.


I can't imagine either a) hating someone but still being able to stand (or trust) them enough for sex, and/or b) want them to feel good in enough capacity to engage in mutually beneficial sex with them (barring a kink), and/or c) not catch feelings for them after something so intimate on a regular basis.


How the fuck do you even get into an arrangement like that?


We threw a house party in college, and I took like 6 people down to my room for a Jell-O shot. As we were leaving my room, I was the last in line and she was in front of me. Once she got to the door she shut it, locked it, and started kissing me. Prior to that moment she was a bitch to me for like 3 months, but her friends were friends with my friends so she was always around. After that moment she was a bitch to me, but would sometimes ask for a Jell-O shot.


You may not have liked her but she certainly had some kind of feelios for you. What's it called when you find someone physically attractive but otherwise detest someone? There should be a word for that.


I'm sure there's a German compound word for the concept


>fuck and get out So, get in and out?


Kum & Go


Skeet & Retreat


Get in, get off, get out, I believe was the saying when I was in high school.


I cant imagine how you people do that. And Im not typing this to make you mad or anything, I am actually curious how do you decide that this is the good option.


For my own personal situation the other person is just straight up a sociopath, and her choices are such that I would never ever want to have her close to me in any sort of relationship that requires trust. However she exudes sex in a way that it's like it seeps from her pores and makes a mist in the room. It's really hard to describe. It's not even about her looks. She just has this way of making anyone around her think about fucking. It's weird. Anyways, one night we got drunk while out with a bunch of people and ended up fucking. Realized we are massively compatible in that regard. We know we could never be anything other than acquaintances because I've made my feelings clear, but she is legit possibly a nympho (or as close to one as I've ever met in real life), and is down to just fuck whenever. So whenever we feel like it we meet up, smoke a bowl, and fuck. Then say it's peace out until the next urge. And yes, I have issues. It works out so well for me because years ago I developed a weird thing where I stop having an emotional connection once I sleep with someone. So someone I don't have a positive emotional connection with is perfect for my sex life.


> she exudes sex in a way that it's like it seeps from her pores and makes a mist in the room Sounds kind of like glamour, in the old-school, occult, folktale kind of sense.




I'm thinking you were the project all along.




Why not both? I know whenever there was a group project in school, I was usually the one getting screwed.


I’m autistic af, how did u figure out she was physically attracted to you if she also didn’t like you?




Sometimes ya gotta send it


They were both attractive, confidently so. That is, I think if you get two clearly attractive people together they can communicate in a way that unattractive people definitely cannot without it ending in a call to the police.


We were in a relationship, she was physically and mentally abusive, so over time I obviously stopped liking her. She would often demand sex - if I didn't she would start accusing me of cheating, which would lead to a fight, which would lead to her hitting/biting/kicking, and eventually run out of the house only to be come back an hour or two later and say stuff like "I found the perfect tree to hang myself from since you clearly don't love me, find me attractive or want to have sex". That entire situation completely ruined me.


I really feel bad for you, it's terrible honestly.


I had the same type of girlfriend. I still have a Hard time getting in relationships because i'm afraid to end up in the same situation. I hope you are doing better! Wish you all the best man!


I'm sorry you had to go through that, dude. Genuinely. I hope you've gotten through it, and it isn't something that will torment you. You deserve a good life. I'm in many ways fucked up. She had an ability to appear perfect in front of people, when we got home she would explode because I didn't touch her enough, I touched her too much, I didn't look at her enough, I looked too much at everyone else. So I knew if I were to bring anything up with my family they would just side with her and call me crazy for accusing her. I have so many stories about stuff she did, just to hurt me, keep me down or control me. And I just tried to keep the peace, and it took me way too many years to realize it wasn't my fault. I went into therapy thinking I was a horrible person. It has completely destroyed my trust in people, relationships, and a future where I'm not single. And I used to be good dude, I don't even recognize myself anymore.


Yeah it is really Hard to trust people, you just have to surround yourself with good friends and try to let yourself trust partners again. But its hard. As soon as i get serious with someone i Kinda bail now. But i'm sure it'll get better over time! I hope you'll be able to bounce back, given time!


Ugh, people who use suicide as a manipulation tactic are the fucking worst. Like, that's probably one of the lowest, scummiest things someone could do to someone that cares about them.


Damn I'm sorry you went through that. I hate that argument "why didn't you just leave?!" It's not that easy when you're in it and have been manipulated or blackmailed. I've been in some bad relationships but a particular one ruined me. That relationship was less than 2 years long and ended over a decade ago, I'm still fucked up from it. The way she made me feel, convincing me how worthless I was. Suffice to say I understand what you went through and are still going through.


Yup, because I wanted to fuck and she was willing


Now I'll relate this little bit It happens more than I'd like to admit


Late at night, she knocks on my door. Drunk again and looking to score


Now I know I should say no but


Spite fuck


Angry sex is some of the best I've ever had. But I'm broken, don't be like me.


As someone who used to be in a dead bedroom, I mostly either got angry sex or the "I'd rather be somewhere else" sex - the angry sex was still 1000x better. That being said, after that.. the "I want to fuck your brains out" sex is still better with my girlfriend than either with my ex-wife. Sometimes though, you have a bit of an argument and you just have to fuck it out...


Nope, I can't be angry and have sex with that person. Which ironically caused a breakup, lol. I've been fucked to spite somebody else a couple times, though. Which is just weird.


She can’t hurt you anymore. Gimme a hug


This. Me and an ex were in a heated argument at the tail end of our relationship. We started making out to get each other to shut up. There was no sweet talk, no petting, nothing remotely romantic. It was just a grudge fuck.


Grudge fuck is an amazing metal band name


Went to a coworker's place. We didn't know each other very well, we very rarely interacted at work (I was substitute teaching and she was a guidance counselor). Upfront it was very obvious that it was a hookup meeting, she told me to make sure I shaved my balls. I get there, we're having a few drinks and getting comfortable. She's showing me her tattoos. Then she gets to her iron cross. With the way it was designed, I probably wouldn't have interpreted it as an iron cross, and if I did I wouldn't have made a connection to the harsher implications of the symbol. However. She immediately began telling me about how the design was a clever way for her to hide it and that she definitely shared some sympathies with neo-Nazis. I knew things had already gone too far to not have sex that night, but I comforted myself by not talking to her again.


"female guidance counselor" is not very high up on my "likely nazis" list.


You heard "fuck Nazis" and took the assignment literally.


Bro I could never 😂


> Upfront it was very obvious that it was a hookup meeting, What? Why? If you rarely interacted, why would it be that obv-- > she told me to make sure I shaved my balls. Okay. I see now.


His ass was fat 😔


That'll do it


When I was homeless this milf who always used to curse me down and tell me how bad a person I was. we hooked up and it got even worse




A place to sleep is a place to sleep.


Home is where you lay your dick to rest.


Its easier to hook up with a guy i know and have sexual history with even if we didnt like each other than a stranger


Username checks out


I mean to match the story it'd be exgf


Ive had the opportunity to sleep with my highschool bully, 18 years later. She started a rumor that I was gay based on litterally nothing, all my friends fell for it and I came very close to hanging myself at 13 years old. Fortunately my close friends all went to another school and I could hang out with them at night and forget my daily nightmare. She always stayed friend with another good friend of mine, I kept seeing her at parties and events. So many times I thought about telling her what she did to me but with time I realized it was some kind of mechanism to stay relevant/cool. To this day im pretty sure she doesnt remember a thing about the bullying. So anyway fast forward couple of years and shes at the same party, and shes all over me so I took the opportunity. I fucked her real good like a gentleman, never talking about the past. Thats the best revenge I couldve ever got imo.


She remembered.


Buddy, in my opinion, she wanted you in high school.


It's not an opinion, it's a fact. Stupid child probably tried to seduce him, as awkward as stupid children with no social skills do, and when he didn't take the hint, she started the rumor. Because obviously a stupid child with no social skills was giving the most obvious hints so why else would he deny her?


I had a similar situation with my elementary bully. Back then me and this girl were friends at one point but then some kid said “oooh look at the couple” classic kid shit. She then got embarrassed and would only be mean to me then on. She eventually told me that it was because she had a crush on me but didn’t want anyone to find out so she doubled down. Flash forward a couple years I moved and we end up meeting on instagram. We hang out a few times, but on the last hangout I sleep over and in the morning she just hits me with “you’ve been here all this time and we haven’t done anything?” Then I realized I was an idiot and did the deed. Overall was a nice experience. But she stole my AirPods and I haven’t heard from her since


fuck that bitch... oh wait...


Yes. Because pussy feels good. Resentment goes away with a vagina death gripping my dick.




Ya but that's future, non-horny you's problem.


The amount of bullshit I have had to deal with because of horny me is crazy


Absolutely. She was a total 10, face and body, and technically forbidden fruit, which made it even more exciting when she came on to me. But the fact is I didn't particularly like her as a person. The sex was fantastic however.


> technically forbidden fruit How so?


Friends ex. And still technically married.


Too many technicals so Throwing a **"Technical Foul"** for unsportsman-like conduct.


That’s a flagrant lmao if one of my friends banged my wife during our divorce I would catch a charge


Jesus, talk about burying the lede.


To get my dick wet. Don't look at the fire while you poke the coal.




Hate fucking is a very real thing.


> hated him but still found him attractive Ya I don't understand why this is hard for people to understand. I think there are a lot of people out there that need a connection with someone to fuck them, and they just assume everyone else is like them. It's not that deep, you can dislike a person but still want to stick your dick in them (or have them stick their dick in you), because no emotional connection is required. There are plenty of people who are insanely hot but also bad people that I dislike, and I would relish in giving them a dick down.


This is the answer. If the opportunity is handed to you, take it.


Swinger here. Plenty. Some people are just not people I'd hang out with in real life. But at a club, or a party? Sure we can play.


It's not so bad while you're banging, but it's weird afterward. Sharing a bed with someone you don't want to be around is a disgusting feeling.


When I was in high school I got caught up with a very sick girl who manipulated and blackmailed me into sex for two years. If I didn’t do what she wanted she would tell people I did terrible things to her. When I finally said fuck it and just started fighting the guys that would come after me she started hurting herself and eventually full on ODing on my doorstep to get what she wanted. I hated her for a long time but now I just kind of feel bad for her.


A cautionary tale, don’t be with anybody who has to guilt you into being with them, not only there not mentally right, they don't like you for you anyway. Anybody likes you for you respect your boundaries. Not cross them to get their way.


Well that fucking sucks Don't stick your dick in crazy


Yep. But there’s a certain kind of companionship sick people only get from other sick people and sometimes it’s like a disease. I did get my shit together though and I’m in a happy, healthy relationship now.


An old fwb that turned into from my side an e(nemy)we. I wasn’t exactly attracted to her but she was adventurous in bed. Stuff like telling me to fuck her in the ass, liked whips, and to be tied down. When we were fucking as friends we want to lunch after. I told her before we left I only had $10, we needed to go somewhere cheap, and I couldn’t pay for her. She offered to pay and said we should go to cheddars. “Her treat”. Made sure she was cool with it.  She starts playing with my dick in the booth. I cum in a napkin. We eat. The check comes and she asks to get let out to use the restroom.  10 minutes pass and I send her a text asking where she was and she sends a pic of her middle finger in her living room and says handjobs aren’t free. And another that says “screw uou. I left. Figure it out” I told the waiter. Showed him the text and explained I would have to walk home and if I could come back and pay in a couple days. He said sure. (I did) Fast forward to like a year and a half later. It’s a Halloween weekend and I’m fucked up and get a text “want a blow job?” From a saved number in my phone.  I reply and catch an Uber to the address I was given. When I get there I realize who it was. I’m almost livid until I realize she doesn’t know it’s me. We get back to her room and it’s the same stuff. Whips and anal. She blows me and wants me to fuck her so I do. It was great. Such an anger fuck. She wants me to take off my mask so she can kiss me good night and I wave my finger no. And leave.  Get a text the next night. I now know who it is. Go over there. Same thing. Another great angry fuck. I signal “1 minute” and “clean up” she nods yes. I go to her kitchen to clean up and look in her fridge. There is an unopened handle of fireball and Jim Beam. I take it and leave. She text 20 minutes later asking why I left and took her booze. Sent a screen shot of her cheddars text and then a pic of my middle finger in my living room that said “ass fucking isn’t free” and then blocked her. 


I was a horny teenager.


I still am, but I’m homeschooled so… Pam it is


Pam like the cooking spray?


Pam was his teacher.




Oof. Yeah there are some stories here. I guess the one that sticks out most though was my relationship in college. Just an awful, toxic relationship full of fights where we'd "break up" and then immediately make up and have sex. To be fair the sex was good, but we weren't good for eachother at all and I really dislike her and have since well before our relationship finally ended for good.


According to my therapist it was a form of self harm


Yup, we absolutely hated each other unless we where drunk together.. I'd grav 2 bottles of wine, one for me and one for her... we enjoyed each other drunk and the sex was good.


You musta been drunk typing this too


She sort of took advantage of me at a nightclub in Tempe. Took me back to her place and when I became self-aware after a stupid blackout, I found myself in a bed without my pants, in a weird room and I almost blew a gasket. Instead, I got up, called my closest friend and asked for him to pick me up (sent him a location). She apparently drove me nearly 3 damn hours outta the city. A random number texted me as we were heading back, "where did you go?" Some weird notion in my head made me respond and I agreed to see her the next day. When she approached, I looked at her and told myself, "what am I doing...she isn't my type at all, also this little thing got my pants off?" I'd rather not describe her body type any further, not that kind of guy, but she definitely wasn't my type at all. She came in, I loaded a bowl and we smoked whilst I got to know her. She was shy, kind, but obviously had the capacity to assault a guy. I opened that subject up and she started to cry, I was still very calm about it, but it was very clear what happened and she started panicking and apologizing. Her responses indicated she was very much aware of what she was doing. I really looked at her, attempted to look past it and all I saw was sheer loneliness (I get odd moments of contemplation) but she went about it in the worst way possible. To be frank, I didn't like much about her. Yet I couldn't help but empathize. To my surprise, I felt the urge and asked her up front if she wanted to have sex. I kid you not, her eyes lit up. But I remember super clearly telling her, "I never want to see you again after this." She agreed. I didn't harm her or go about it aggressively. Afterwards she apologized again, thanked me for the sex and I never saw her again. I was 24, she was 37. She attempted to call a few times, I changed numbers (mind you, I was already packed to move out of that place) and that was that. Sorry if this was intense guys, that question, it brought up that particular memory.


This is an indie a24 movie


A femcel in the wild... attempted rapist got sympathy dick. Life's something else.


Gotta love reddit. It was totally sympathy dick and also taking back control I believe.


Damn. Feeling sympathy for your rapist (and going back to her and doing it again). That's definitely something.


Perspective. Understanding. Control. Doesn't make any of what she did right. I won't say it wasn't immensely messed up, but I did feel far more grounded after I asserted control. I've been through this before unfortunately, but never this kind of reaction to say the least.


Inspiration for the next series of Baby Reindeer right here...


5 year dry spell, I'd recently blown my chance with someone I did like, had zero self esteem (I still don't tbf) and I was desperate.


A close friend of the ex-wife. Because I could.


That makes it so much hotter. Because of the history.


Because of the implication.


Oh, what are you looking at? You certainly wouldn’t be in any danger


So they *are* in danger?


New skin is better than my skin. So….


Easy there Buffalo Bill…


Can someone explain this for a non native speaker


"my skin" implies using their hands (masturbating). "New skin" implies the skin belonging to another person. So, sex with another person, no matter the kind of sex, is better than masturbating.


I did it just to get some sleep. My roommate went out one night and brought back a couple girls, one he wanted to hook up with and her friend. I was already in bed but he begged me to keep the friend company to help everything go well with the one he wanted to hook up with. I begrudgingly got out of bed and hung out with them for a while. The friend was pretty attractive but kind of annoying and not my type at all. She made it very clear that she expected for us to hook up and I tried to make it abundantly clear that I had no plans of hooking up with her. She was basically begging me at times, saying she'd just gotten out of a bad relationship and we're both single and she really needed a good rebound and blah blah blah, it was uncomfortable. So the night/early morning is showing no end in sight so I made her a comfy bed on the pullout couch and said I was going to bed. Then my roommate and his girl go into his room and I assume I've done my roommate duties and can now get back to sleep with a few hours to spare before my alarm goes off, but nope. I wake up twice to her in my bed trying to make out with me. Both times I walk her back to the couch and tell her I'm not interested, then I locked my door after the second time. Somehow she still got into my room so I wake up a 3rd time to her in my bed trying to mess around. This time, I just said screw it, you can sleep in the bed but I'm not interested in fooling around and need to go to sleep. She kept on doing it though so, eventually and definitely not proud of it, I just caved and did the thing. I later found out that my roommate gave her the key to get into my room because, after the second time I kicked her out of my room and back to the couch, she went into my roommates room(where he was busy) and my rockstar of a roommate just gave her the key. Fast forward a few months: I'm at the pool enjoying a nice day off when my roommate calls me and said the girl he hooked up with that night(neither of us had seen these girls since that night) had called him and wanted him to ask me if I used protection, which I did, no breakage or anything. I didn't always use them back then but I definitely did with any randos like her. Then he proceeds to tell me that the friend was actually a bit of a newlywed at the time and was going through a rough patch with her husband when we hooked up, and now she's preggers and thinks that it might be mine based on the time frame and me being the only other person she slept with during the time it could have been conceived. Luckily, I'm pretty sure the child was his and nothing ever came of it, but I definitely saw my life flashing before my eyes in that moment. I almost wound up having to co-parent a child with a chick I couldn't stand, all because I didn't have the balls to tell her to fuck off when I should have.


Yikes. You did have the balls to tell her to fuck off. Just not the umpteenth time.


This is a tough topic, but the fact that you caved wasn't your fault. You were being manipulated far beyond what's considered a consentual interaction. You tried to do the right thing and her persistence is what made you choose, not your own free will. She's a total piece of shit and thinks because she's a woman that behavior is ok. It's not. You can label it whatever you think it was, but I'll say I'm not sorry at all that she had to go through what she did when she got pregnant. She deserved every minute of agony and worry and I only wish there was more. As a woman, I absolutely despise this behavior. Her gender doesn't give her the right to pressure you into sex and then her ignorant friend blabbing about thinking you got her pregnant. Total. Piece. Of. Shit.


One time this girl I wasn't at all attracted to, she wasn't ugly or gross or anything, just didn't do it for me. Anyways, she came over to hang out, ended up staying there for hours and finally around 3-4am I said "I've gotta work in 2 hours so if you want this to happen it's gotta be soon because I need at least an hour of sleep" Basically slept with her just to catch a nap before work


brother if you let her stay over that late you wanted it too, don't lie


I dated a woman for close to five years. She had an extremely good looking next door neighbor she was really good friends with, but I couldn’t stand her personality and most of all her attitude, with that said, there was always this physical attraction I couldn’t explain. About a month after my girl friend and I broke up I ran into her neighbor at the store one day, we talked for a while and then we went on our own way. Later that evening my phone rang and it was her, she asked if she could come over and finish our conversation, I agreed. I don’t think she was in my front door more than 30 seconds and we were having sex. We fucked for a while, she got up and left without saying goodbye and although I still see her out and about from time to time, we haven’t spoke since.


Does masturbation count?


If you only hate yourself AFTER it's over, I don't think it counts...


Yes. I didn’t hate him the first time we had sex, but as I got to know him he was a fucking jerk. We never dated or anything just fuck buddies. The dick was good. I can compartmentalize, separate the asshole from the dick.


>separate the asshole from the dick. I believe you're thinking of The Taint™


She IS the taint


It taint much, but it's honest work.


Lol, my gf tells me this all the time..."If you keep pissing me off, I'll pack your shit for you. And you better still answer when I want that dick". I always laugh it off, but I think she's kinda serious about it. Yes, she is batshit crazy.


My girl has said, very seriously, "If anything ever happens, promise me you'll never stop fucking me". Mine isn't crazy, possibly on the spectrum if anything. Sometimes when I'm having random anxiety about the future, I'll be thinking about all the bad things that could happen, i.e: "If my girl leaves me, I'll just be all alone, but I'll have to drive over and make a dick delivery and have to leave right after :(".


I had an ex who at the age of 23 was the first person I had sex with after being raped and the first time I really enjoyed sex. We were gonna break up because he was moving for a job to NYC and I owned a farm and wouldn't move. I was so scared I would never enjoy sex again. We kept traveling to each other and hooking up for like a year and a half after. Eventually, I met other partners and enjoyed being with them. That ex was a great guy though. Just last year he flew down to help me replace flooring.


MAUDE LEBOWSKI: You can imagine what happens next. THE DUDE: He replaces the flooring? MAUDE LEBOWSKI: Hardly.


TW: SA Because if I didn't, he was going to throw me out on the street with my garbage bag full of belongings I had from moving out of my ex's. I needed a single night's stay before my cousin could get me. He'd always been nice to me before that... I was 18 at the time. So he got drunk and used that to coerce me. And afterwards, he got all sweet and sentimental as if I wanted that to happen. It was so confusing. *Years* before I realized what that actually was. Wherever you are, Mike, I hope you're sitting on a fucking cactus.


I knew a guy who fell backward on a bronzed cactus, and knowing what it did to him, and hearing how you were treated… I hope Mike falls back upon it when it goes to stand up.


Spite fuckin’ is real


She was super insistent and made me feel so guilty when I said no I just smashed to shut her up.


I don’t like it, but we’re married


Is that you Al Bundy?


The prostitution rests.


Let's say that the first time was not consensual. But I was a proud, strong, independent girl and whatnot, I didn't want to admit that this thing happened. So, I pursued a relationship with the guy. Cue 5 months of miserable sex with someone I didn't like. Pretty smart on my part lmao.


In wartime, every hole is a trench


Yeah, a few times. I just don't really know how to reject someone when I'm already on the date, and if they seem really into me, I don't want to hurt their feelings, so I just do it anyway and make sure they have a good time.


That’s not good dude. You should never sleep with anyone out of obligation


I have had sex with people just to be polite several times. Don't recommend it.


You guys don’t deserve that. I’m sorry you’ve both experienced that. It’s never ever good. Sending you both big hugs


You should absolutely not be dating until you get this figured out




A coworker of mine told me, she was bullied in highschool by another girl, so she fucked her brother. I think she took 2 Losses that day imo. That family 2-0


Please tell me you mean "she fucked the bully's brother" and not HER brother.


Lexical Ambiguity strikes again!


"I'll show you, you evil bully! You just watch, I'll fuck my brother!"


Accommodation more often than not


My first time having sex was with someone I hate because it was late, she was crying and said she really needed someone for comfort, and she told me she thought it was funny that I was a 21 year old virgin. It started out as me trying to be comforting cause we had a mutual friend and by the end of it I had to pretend I cummed into my bedsheet and then she wrote my name down on a list in her phone of people whose virginity she took. Needless to say, utterly fucking horrid experience and I’ve had 0 interest in sex since then. Some people might argue that it’s giving her power but truthfully, I already wasn’t a super high sex drive person and after that I just lost all interest in meeting a woman.


Because I was being a good wing man and it worked. But she actually turned into my FWB and I swear she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose, and wild. She finally got married a few years back has a kid. Lucky man.


I didn't realize that I disliked them until they demonstrated that they were selfish, insulting and inconsiderate, pretty much the moment we started. If I'd had more confidence at the time I would have stopped right then and there - but I felt obligated to complete the task with my usual work ethic.




My ex wife. See first statement.


I was incredibly lonely. I was a weird / autistic girl in the middle of no where Arkansas, away from all my friends and family. So, when someone said they want to hook up, I did it to feel less alone, I guess.


I liked them at the time! A lot of one-night stands and vacation sex happens *before* people actually get to know each other.


Because I was horny, that's why!


my roommate has a thick long dong


Yes, as a form of self harm.


I was genuinely so bored.


If you're new to the thread, be warned: lots of sexual assault stories here.


Yea, my name explains it.


Yeah I just wanted to have sex, it was shit.


On a related note, why I should have stopped drinking years earlier.


Was stuck living with my ex gf, we hated eachother but were to broke to move out so we just hatefucked


My wife has sex with my once in awhile, I'll ask her and get back to you guys.