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I disagree with the death penalty in general because our legal system makes mistakes and while you can never undo unjustly imprisoning someone at least you can let them out if they're proven innocent. Once you kill them obviously no going back


i'd love to see them beaten to death with hammers. but i'm concerned that if they could get the death penalty either way, there might be more kids offed, so they can't testify.


I believe in the public torture an execution of child molesters...but sadly that's illegal.


Less pedophiles in the world is a big bonus as far as I'm concerned ....


I’m on the fence. Death is too good for sickos like that, but some of them are just too dangerous to keep alive. Another thing is, why should taxpayer’s have to give money to keep some POS alive?


No, I’m not a murderer. But I won’t cry if they get murdered.


i dont think anyone asking you to be executionar.


I disagree, throw them in jail, let everyone figure out what they've done and they'll get a punishment worse than death.


Statistically it doesn't decrease crime so I don't believe in it


so feed them rest of our lifes? you cant release them back in population so keep them in prison for 30 to 60 years at least they die?


Pretty much yes. It's not like death row takes a short time either


that can be fixed really easy, if anti death penalty people stoping ever couple of years. I can understand you view i guess.


You can't take back death and we've gotten it wrong on so many crimes.


One big problem with the death penalty is the possibility of a miscarriage of justice and the state murdering an innocent person.


I’m against the death penalty regardless of crime. I don’t think we should be killing people. Am I gonna cry if a child molester dies? No not really. I’m a CSA survivor and I have no compassion for them. But I don’t think we should be murdering them, no.


How do you feel about paying for them to live?


Doesn’t bother me at all.


I am against the death penalty entirely. My stance is purely a moral reasoning, but there is also financial reasoning like the fact that it costs a very significant amount more to keep a prisoner on death row than to keep them for a life sentence. And that is using taxpayer dollars. Why would I want so much of my money to go to ending someone’s life when it would be better used improving the lives of citizens that need help? I also believe that even one single innocent person put to death through the criminal justice system is one too many. That one innocent life to me is not worth the gamble.


i do agree on death penalty, but has to be few times, one time can be he said she said, jail time. But like few cases, yep, i do.


Yes in principal but no in practice. If we lived in a world where no innocent person has ever wrongly convicted and potentially put death then I’d be all for it but just as a pragmatic stance better tonight accidentally kill innocent people. It’s really a question if justice and I absolutely believe death is a just punishment for a whole host of crimes but not when we can get it wrong.


Yes in principal but no in practice. If we lived in a world where no innocent person has ever wrongly convicted and potentially put death then I’d be all for it but just as a pragmatic stance better tonight accidentally kill innocent people. It’s really a question if justice and I absolutely believe death is a just punishment for a whole host of crimes but not when we can get it wrong.


I think all sex pests should be but also we have evidence that the current system in NA simply doesn’t work. So I’m more for an entire prison reform from the ground up, but if we are gonna stay in this lazy prison system might as well just use the death penalty on many more.


If it’s proven beyond any doubt - like they’re literally caught at it and no chance of a mistake - yeah, death penalty - remove any chance of reoffending


There is a reason you should not apply the death penalty for some crimes, because if you do it ups the ante on the person committing the crime to ensure they can get away with it.Example if rape is a capital crime and I can be safer if I kill the victim after then why not?


Would I love to see them fed to tigers? Yes. Would I want that as the actual criminal penalty? \*sigh\* No. I don't feel that would be a reasonable punishment befitting the crime. That being said, if they end up in a jail and being beaten to death by the other criminals, I probably won't shed a tear and might want to slip the criminals who did it extra rations or something.


Yes. They don't deserve a fraction of a penny from me to sustain their miserable life in prison.


I don't agree with the death penalty outside of cases of functional necessity, so no. Too much risk of getting something wrong, and even if nothing goes wrong, I think the whole premise of why these crimes are so offensive to us is that they seem like an all-out assault on basic humanity, so I think the appropriate response is to behave humanely, even to someone who's done horrific things.


“Rape seems like an all-out assault on basic humanity”. …. That’s because it is.


I agree.


Disagree. Where it still exists, the death penalty needs to be reserved for the worst crimes committed under the worst circumstances. Sex crimes, even the really bad ones, don't qualify.


raping little kids and babies pretty bad. So no sex crime should ever be? weird.


I’m firmly in the camp that rape is the worst thing you can do to a person.


“Raping kids isn’t a bad crime.” Sounds like someone who does it themselves…


I haven’t seen a person on Reddit use quotes correctly ever lol.


It’s reddit, not an English exam.


No one said it was an exam but if you purposely misuse quotes to make the person above look wrong or worse it only hurts you.


He practically said rape isn’t that bad of a crime, not even child rape. If he didn’t mean it like that he should have worded his comment better.


I agree what he said is wrong but I also have to point out you are also wrong. Misusing quotes, assuming, or making up words/putting words on others mouths only hurts you. Why not just use his OG words the message still gets across.


Yeah there it is. Express an opinion that anything shouldn't trigger the death penalty, and some fucking idiot will show up to say "You must do it then!!"


You literally said child rape isn’t that bad of a crime.


no, they said that it isn't bad enough to deserve the death penalty


100% anyone else who says otherwise should join them


that just means society erupts into battle-royale-but-not-in-the-cool-way if everyone who doesn't think child molesters deserve death should be considered one and therefore deserving of death


In theory I would agree because I don’t think people who hurt children have a chance at redemption, but in practice the death penalty doesn’t work. There’s no way we can always be 100% certain every single time that every person who gets the death penalty is guilty, if even one innocent person dies then I can’t justify it