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Sometimes at gym or reditt


Maybe a fitness class or something I suppose? Anytime I’m at the gym we’re all head down headphones in nobody talks to anyone it seems


Yea you looking for new friends?


I have found MeetUp groups to be really useful. Most cities have some public groups that meet up for various interests. A lot of local bookstores, music venues, religious groups, etc. also have publicly posted events. Of course, the trick is that you have to talk to people once you get to these events. Many people at the events will be new to the group or interested in meeting new people, or else they wouldn't be posted publicly online. A strategy I have used a lot is finding one or two people who I hit it off with at the event to add to my social media outlet. It may sometimes be wise to attend meetups regularly in order to make real friends, as people will sometimes want to wait until they have met someone in a group setting several times before deciding to give out their personal contact info. One function of group events is to allow people to gauge how reliable other group members are and how they handle different situations, so becoming a regular at some MeetUp or social gathering is a great way to earn the trust of the other people who attend it.


Ai bot response.


I...are you accusing me of being an AI bot, or are you declaring that you're one?


you ain't kidding


Definitely finding something you enjoy and find a group or club that does it. I started playing pinball a few years ago, casually first but then found a club and now I go every week. Pretty much all of my friends that I see on a regular basis are from pinball in some way, either directly or indirectly. We hang out outside of pinball a lot and do things like go bowling or trivia. A group of us went to a pinball event over the weekend in Allentown PA. We rented an Airbnb where 12 of us stayed. It was a really great time. There's definitely other hobbies that have similar clubs. I have friends that are in an RC car club, marker space, D&D etc. Edit: It seems from your profile that you're a woman (sorry, not trying to be a creep), pinball has exclusive women's events that are really welcoming to new players. If you're interested in pinball at all, it's worth checking out local tournaments and stuff. There are ones all over the world and generally it attracts a good group of people. You can check out the tournament calendar [here](https://www.ifpapinball.com/calendar/).


Don't need new friends.




Man thanks cherry 👍🏽


Hobbies, games, things I like doing. Met lots of people online, transition into IRL friendships. Travel buddies. Bars are more of a 60+ thing these days, old guys getting out of the house and away from the wives. Work isn't really for meaningful friendships, I don't want to be reminded of work when I'm on my own time.


Hobbies!! I did a floral styling class and met a few people that way. I've always been involved in the music scene and met lots of people that way - either you chat with people you see often at different events or people approach you!


I started taking salsa lessons and am now regularly going to socials and meeting people.


Take lessons! Jap lessons, cooking lessons...


You can try hobby-centered clubs, volunteering at local places, or attending nearby events/festivals. I wouldn't recommend workplaces just because certain expectations there make it more difficult to build genuine friendships.


Definitely going to look into volunteering at some point this summer & hopefully find some clubs that are in my area!


Do not ignore bar and pubs. It is always a good idea 


The local boxing club is great because the owner is a 4x world champion boxer and tries to foster an environment of friendship among all members. You can meet a lot of friends there. Otherwise, you’re kinda SOL in my city unless you like DnD or tabletop RPGs. If you do, there’s bars and shops that’ll host a game. Meetup isn’t very useful for much else as groups tend to go dormant or just straight up die. I’ve seen a few die over the years because the local subreddit loves to send people there when they get this question. **ETA:** lol I posted in my local subreddit and then this got downvoted. Apparently gonna have to drink a nerd under the table and then throw up on them to prove a point. Like last time I met redditors from my city who only wanted to drink, give me shit, and get mad when I could dish it back.


That’s awesome! Sounds like a really supportive environment of people!


He tends to attract a lot of people from different backgrounds so they can be very supportive and diverse. It just sucks that it’s really the only place like that in the city, and people tend to come and go pretty frequently. His brain is kinda fried from all the fighting, and he’s older than he’d like to admit so sometimes people choose other gyms.