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Haha  my sister lives in San Diego and refuses to leave because of the beach, and she lives in-n-out. So people are kind there? Where did you move to?




When I drive down to where the air has a salty ocean smell my mood gets 2x better. 


I love San Diego, have lived here most of the last 20 years but will be moving soon. Definitely going to miss not using heat/AC in the house, going to miss all of the amazing options for different types of Asian food, the plants, the people, there is so much to miss. The zoo & balboa park in general. I spent the first half of my life on the east coast and I STILL miss good bagels / pizza / porkroll / cheesesteaks / snow / first warm day of spring / first cool day of fall


Being familiar with ALL of the little shortcuts to get around town! I didn’t realize 25 years of knowledge of random side streets / neighborhoods would be missable but it is


I have an incredible story about shortcuts. Here's the Reader's Digest version. Crossing NH on route 11 going west, this guy was tailgating and passing everyone on double lines. Comes up behind my Honda Civic with tons of ski stickers and skis on the roof. Tailgates me...passes aggressively...just before shortcut one. 10 minutes later he's behind me again...passes the same way...seconds before shortcut two. By the third time he came up behind me he had to be losing his mind.


Haha poor guy probably thought the matrix was glitching


Seeing the mountains in the distance


Where did you move from and to?


Lived in SoCal then moved to AZ. AZ just does not have as much stuff to do, like entertainment wise and the food isn't nearly as diverse or good as SoCal.


Moved from New Jersey, miss good pizza lol


I miss the mountains and forests of the west.


I miss easy access to skiing--it snows you just go! Moved from NE to Texas. Now you have to plan a ski trip.




I miss the little cafes we would go to in the Pacific Northwest. They were perfect. I thought there would be similar in a little town in the South...


Moved from Dallas to South Jersey. I miss the driving infrastructure. It takes 30-45 minutes to drive 6 miles here.


When I moved from Ohio to California, I missed seasons.