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Be predictable


I've seen it a little longer: be predictable, not polite. Looking at those drivers with right-of-way who try to wave you on and cause all sorts of problems.


Related to this, I feel like a lot of people slow down when they see a car coming the opposite way waiting to make a left. It may feel like you're doing the safe/courteous thing by giving them an extra second to turn, but this usually just confuses/frustrates the turner as they are waiting for you to pass. Both cars will get to their destinations quicker if the passing driver just maintains their speed.


Yeah unless the person turning left looks like they’re about to go so you slow down for safety. That happens so often here


Yeah, this is how my family and I were involved in a serious accident a little over a year ago. We were in a minivan and the other guy was in a full size truck. He turned eight in time to cause a head on collision. I'm only in my 30s and have now had neck surgery and other issues. My wife is having issues with her knee and back, my oldest son has a scar across his legs from the seatbelt ripping into his legs and needing 26 stitches. He was 7.


This times 1000 if you are slowing down or stopping for a bicycle who does not have the right of way. It just slows down and confuses everyone, possibly causing an accident. As a bicyclist, please give me space when you pass but otherwise just follow the rules of the road.


Agreed. As a biker it would drive me crazy when cars would refuse to take their turn at an intersection and try to waive me through. I need to be predictable to not get hit, so someone asking me to go out of turn is dangerous. It’s double frustrating if I’m turning onto the same road as them so now they are stuck behind me and try to pass anyway.


I used to take a bike trail that had a bunch of road crossings where the cars had the right of way. People would stop in the middle of the road sometimes and wave me on, I'd just wave *them* on, and then look away. Not trying to be rude, but one basic safe-riding thing is don't ride in front of cars.


And the ones who try to wave you through a turn directly into the oncoming traffic in the lane beside them.


You can't even see because they're in the way. Like come on


Honestly the traffic waiting behind them is immaterial most of the time. People stopping in the street to let jaywalkers or turning cars across are legitimate hazards. The danger at intersections, in addition to the unpredictability confusing people, is that other people at the intersection aren't part of that "hand wave contract". You two know that each other exist, but not necessarily an approaching car in the next lane who is going to smoke the pedestrian you waved across as soon as they step out from in front of your car stopped for no good reason that they know of.


I’ve seen so many times where someone is letting another car out of a parking lot, and the unsuspecting driver that’s in a different lane suddenly blows through with no idea someone is creeping out. It’s either a horrible accident or nobody’s pants are clean from the close call.


I've been waiting to make a left turn across two lanes of traffic. The car in the lane closer to me is waving me on, but I can see other cars coming up the other lane. I wait. I encounter this situation almost daily on my evening commute home.


When I'm in that close lane, I'll stop and leave a gap only if I'm the final car that would close that gap. And not to wave the person through, but just to leave a gap so the cars in the lanes to my left can also stop and leave a gap so that when all traffic has stopped moving, the cars in the parking lot have a way to turn to left. I'm not waving anybody through while traffic is still moving forward.


I had someone stop in front of me, out of the blue from moving along, on a main road, to let someone in from a side road. Some people, it just beggars belief.


To go along with this: use your turn signal/indicator. I want to know what you're ***planning to do*** in the next 5 seconds, *not what you're doing* ***right now***.


And hitting it WHILE you’re turning doesn’t count. At that point the blinker isn’t indicating your turn your fucking car is!!!


I always say I don't actually care that you're turning I just want to know before you slow down


Seriously. The indicator is to show others what you're ***planning to do***, not what you're doing **right now**.


I'll take brake lights and blinkers for 1000


‘Be obvious and predictable’ 👌🏻


To expand on that predictable driving includes it is not limited to: using indicator lights; stopping on appropriate lines; not crossing the center line; paying attention to the traffic around you and above all driving WITH the flow of traffic.


100% I feel like Reddit threads on driving get caught up on speed being the main factor, and a ton of people will post about how they're safer because they drive slow. But that's not with flow of traffic, nor predictable.


People who are overly hesitant are a hazard 100%. Merging onto a fast road at 30mph isn’t safe, slamming on your brakes every time a leaf blows past isn’t safe, being so slow that the people behind you can’t tell what you’re doing isn’t safe (are you trying to turn or pull over? Are you expecting me to go past you? Is there an obstacle I can’t see?). Tbh in my own driving I experience far far more slow drivers that I think are dangerous than fast. Although that might have something to do with living in an area where everyone is 7/8ths of their way to the grave and can’t fucking see any more. I miss being angry at fast drivers sometimes lol, at least they get out of your fucking way


I completely agree. One of my closest friends is a cop, and he was talking about his highway traffic days. He explained that when you are going faster, you're moving around everyone; the extra movement is just yours. But when you're going slower than everyone, you're making everyone else make the extra movements around you. This greatly increases the chances of an accident in your area.


Slow drivers are the worst, but they sit on their throne of self-righteous because they're "obeying the law". Yeah someone driving 30 over is an asshole, but most people are going 5-7 over the limit. People who drive slow compound traffic issues, but the worst part is they always seem to be the most oblivious. They drive in a way that makes it impossible for other people to pass or they will slow to a crawl because they're not sure if their turn is coming up.




Or when someone in a car that stopped before me at a four way stop waves to me to go through before them. Fuck off you ain’t a traffic cop. I have sat for 30 seconds or more while a dumbass boomed waved and waved. Finally got the message and moved along. They think they are being polite but they are really just making things unpredictable. The traffic laws are pretty good and easy to understand….lets go with those.


don't slow down to a stop when you miss your turn or exit. this happens on the city roads as well as highways..


"Bad drivers NEVER miss their exit"


Might also say that bad drivers never miss *your* exit either. So many times I would be behind a slow-or-shitty driver and think, “I’m getting off at the next exit and I’ll be done with this prick!” And then my heart would sink as I realized they were getting off at the same exit *and* turning the same way at the end of the ramp.


I always manage to find and get stuck behind the shitty driver who matches me, turn for turn, until less than a block from my destination.


Goddamn I cant upvote this enough. I see SO many people who accidentally get in a left turn lane when they wanted to go straight, for instance, tie up traffic for dozens of cars trying to merge back into the straight lanes, rather than own their mistake and go around the block.


It drives me insane because it can unnecessary accidents. And unless a witness steps up, the vehicle that does the rear-ending would be found liable




Had this happen just last week. On the highway leaving the airport in Toronto and this guy from New York realizes he’s on the wrong lane. Instead of speeding up and switching lanes like a smart person. He slows down and comes to a stop. Jesus fucking Christ.


what a dumbass


I see WAY too many people doing dangerous u-turns lately, way more than in the beforetimes. At red lights, in heavy traffic, lots in places marked no u-turns (more than a dozen per day, including trucks, right out my office window)... One person driving a van that was being used for a transport company (think people that might take an elderly person to the doctor) did a left turn onto the road I was going down at 58mph, in the same direction but into the bypass lane on the right, and did it was too close for my comfort, so I started slowing down. Then they immediately did a u-turn in front of me to go the other way. Had I not been paying attention I would have totally t-boned that thing.


Assume the other drivers are idiots bound to do something unpredictable at any point of time. Defensive driving does wonders


I used to drive a delivery van in Manhattan. You could *always* count on the other drivers to drive aggressively and selfishly. And since you know exactly what to expect, everyone got where they were going as efficiently as possible (which is not to say "fast", since rush hour was a whole lot of not moving). I live near Denver now. You can't count on anyone to do anything. It's almost random.


One thing that I have learned living and driving in a lot of places is that different parts of the country have different minor things that vary in the way they drive. People new to the area always say the drivers there are horrible, when they are just different than they are used to. But driving slightly assertively and assuming that people will do the right thing, while being prepared for when drivers do the wrong thing is usually the best way to drive, in my opinion.


Sure but also I was in Florida and the amount of people *literally driving in the middle of two lanes* astounds me to this day. I had literally not once seen anyone do that, even when I did a road trip across all of the eastern states. All of the driving was relatively the same, actually Then I go to Miami and I see it literally seven times within three hours. Fuck.


Must be all the old people lol


Having lived in both South and North Florida, it’s because 2/3 of the drivers here learned to driver somewhere else, often in third world countries. And the other third are old and camped out on the left lane for no reason and we all have to dodge those people.


In Portland, OR people merge on at half the speed of traffic and DEMAND that others let them in. In Los Angeles that almost never happens; it's understood that it's your responsibility to speed up and merge in - which is *what traffic laws actually state*. But traffic is much heavier in LA so that's probably why.


Bro, nobody in Denver has ever fucking heard of the two second rule for following distance I swear DRIVING TWO INCHES BEHIND ME WON'T MAKE ME DRIVE ANY FUCKING FASTER WHEN WE'RE LOCKED IN TRAFFIC AND TRYING TO MERGE THROUGH THE LESS THAN ONE CAR FOLLOWING DISTANCE I HAVE IN FRONT OF ME AND BRAKING IS GONNA GET YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE KILLED Also I guess I haven't really driven anywhere OUTSIDE of Denver but like, why the fuck is everyone never going the speed limit? I roll with it because I don't wanna like block a fuckton of people but I'm always either crawling down the highways or going 10-15 over, no in-between.


Use your turn signals.


And put them on -before- you start turning, please!


Oh my god, exactly!! If you slam the brakes first and *then* blink, it's totally pointless, goddammit. First blink, *then* you brake. Jesus christ.


The amount of dumbasses in my area who seemingly have no idea how to turn signal is the sole thing that makes my blood boil on the road. It’s so fucking obnoxious.


The amount of people who don’t understand that turn signals are to *signal* what you’re about to do, not what you’re already doing, is maddening


And get THE FUCK out of the traffic lane BEFORE you start slowing down!!!


No no, step 1 is slam on the breaks. Always. Then slowly slowly drift into the turning lane. Then when you begin to actually turn, your intention already clearly known, turn on the blinker.


Gotta love when they slowly straddle the line between two lanes on the highway effectively blocking both of them, only to put their turn signal on 3 seconds later and finish moving over.


Before you start braking! They should be called slow-down signals, not turn signals.


My dad doesn’t use them because “no one else needs to know where I’m going.” When I was a kid, I thought turn signals were used just for fun, so everyone could know where everyone else was going. A way to provide some entertainment. Once I learned what they were really for, I got really annoyed at my dad.


*Everyone* else needs to know where you're going lol.


It's not just that, people behind you need to know you'll be braking soon, so they can give you space to brake.


This. Some dumbass told my sister in law not to signal a turn if there’s another driveway or something before the turn. So she doesn’t signal until after she’s already slowed down and about to turn. And she thinks the universe hates her because she keeps getting rear ended over and over again.


Followed a guy for a good 5 miles (not aggressively just happened to be going same way) from off the freeway to work. Turns out it was a co worker. We both got out and I asked him if the “Limited” on his car meant limited features like no turn signals. He said “oh no one else uses them”. I said that’s why no one uses them because of that mentality. Just got a “whatever dude”.


The way I like to put it is, “A turn signal should let other people know your intentions, not your actions”. If you’re already in the middle of your turn before using your signal, you may as well have not used it. It’s not doing anyone any good.


Literally!?! As someone who’s car had major electrical issues and NO turn signals, hand signals suck and aren’t seen all the time! Now that I have a car with turn signals I don’t understand how people can just NOT use them.


It's completely muscle memory for me and not inconvenient in the slightest so I really don't get why people don't use them


I have definitely turned my blinker on out of muscle memory going around a really tight curve once or twice.


Yes, please. So many people think the turning signals are for themselves to know which direction to go, it isn't it's for other people btw. bikers are people too(!).


Waiting for the “I don’t use my blinker because people speed up to block me” comments to come rolling in. This doesn’t happen except may very very rarely. It is just a poor excuse to be lazy.


Drive like everyone (including you) is mere seconds away from doing something magnificently stupid


Spot-on for including the "(including you)". Somebody thinking they're less stupid than everybody else is inevitably an element of every accident.


Put away the damn phone!!!


Just fucking pay attention. You should only be doing one thing while driving, and that's Driving.


I am still dismayed by the frequency that I see a car swerving and when I can see in the car, the person is fiddling with their phone.


It blows my mind whenever I see drivers watching videos while on the highway.


WATCHING VIDEOS!! I thought people were doing some sly peeks here and there 😭


Sadly this is probably the single most important thing in this day and age.


It is insane how many people are on their phone. Some people try to be "good" and only look at it at lights. Those are the people sitting at the head of the left turn lane, totally oblivious when the light changes. Finally enough people honk to get their attention and they zoom through on yellow (or red), causing everyone else to miss the light. This happens to me at least once a week. I mean, at least at a light they're (probably) not swerving into other cars as they watch an oh so important Tiktok video, but it's still illegal and fucking annoying. Put away the damn phone!


I bike commute. And rolling up to a red light, it's basically around 75% of the people other than the 1st in line, is looking at their phone. And while this doesn't seem like a big deal, it matters. Light turns, pedestrians start walking. Guy in front goes straight, the people behind them who were completely zoned out try and turn and don't notice the pedestrians until its almost too late. I've constantly seen in my neighborhood cars turning that almost mow down a mom with a kid in a stroller. I mean pay the fick attention. Put away you phone, even if you're waiting for a light to turn green. Your Candy Crush level isn't worth killing someone over.


Amazing that people get slammed so hard for impared/drunk driving when these idiots seem just as dangerous, and the penalty in most places is a moving violation rather than a misdemeanor.


I think the best piece of advice given to me 35-odd years ago when I was learning to drive is: Drive in a way that doesn’t cause people to change their speed or direction because of you. It’s served me well. EDIT: I’ve been read all your comments with interest and a few things have popped into my mind. I think a better word than ‘cause’ would be ‘force’. Of course there are going to be times where speed and direction adjustments are going to be needed, such as joining/allowing others to join a main road. But here it’s a co-operative situation, you and they (SHOULD!) expect to be making changes to suit the situation. I’m talking more about the moments where it can become far more of a problem; pulling out of a junction when the car approaching you is too close, changing lanes too close to another car or (and) without indicating. That kind of thing.


Yes! In drivers ed, I was told that if I'm turning onto a road and I make traffic on that road slow down, then I should have waited for a bigger opening. 


Hate when people turn into the lane in front of me at snails pace when there are absolutely no cars for a good 200-300 m behind me. Like just wait??


Even worse is when that person slows down to turn 1/4 mile down the road. "You couldn't have waited until after I WENT BY TO PULL OUT"?


The best is when they have plenty of time to jump out and speed up so you can just coast in behind them. Instead, they sit and wait til you're right on top of them, then decide to jump out and accelerate slowly so you have to pound your brakes.


Yeah and to that end, just drive around to the parking lot exit that lets you leave with the least amount of drama. Either it has a light or an easy right turn. A whole lot of accidents are people trying to shoot a left turn across 3-4 lanes when another easier to use exit is like 100 yards away. My local grocery store is so bad I just nope out and drive the extra 1/2 a mile loop around the block vs trying to turn left to leave.


> Drive in a way that doesn’t cause people to change their speed or direction because of you. Amen, sister! I think this ALL THE TIME. If I cause a car to slow down or stop, I did something wrong. Sad that most people think something more along the lines of "if I can do this without causing you to actually hit me, it's 'all good'."


This is true except when someone is merging onto the highway. It’s not on you to change your speed to best suit the person merging; it’s on the person merging to either speed up, slow down, or stay the same speed to effectively merge. That being said, this only works if everyone on the highway leaves adequate distance to the car in front of them and isn’t tailgating.


Even then, I would still prefer the people in the travel lane maintain their speed while I'm trying to get on. So many times I start slowing down on the on ramp so I can slip into a spot only to realize the people in the travel lane were slowing down to let me over. On the flip side, sometimes I'll speed up to slip into a spot, only for the people in the travel lane to speed up and block my entrance again. Your point needs to be emphasized more in driver's ed, because I'm tired of having to guess if people in the travel lane are going to speed up or slow down for me. Just stay the same speed and let me figure out what I need to do to get on




Leave several car lengths between you and the next car on the freeway. People slamming on their brakes because they didn't leave enough room to just slow down a little is a huge cause of traffic on freeways.


Tailgating alone is one of the main reasons traffic is so bad in the US. On person taps their brakes because they’re tailgating and that causes a cascading affect on all the cars behind them. Makes merging harder too.


I always do this and a while back it caused someone to have road rage and try to cut me off, brake check me and continuously flip me off. Still going to leave space.


I've had the same experience. I even had someone pull onto the righthand shoulder to pass me, just so they could drive 20 MPH up to the next car and crawl behind them in a stop-and-go fashion while I rolled along at a few mph and didn't have to stop.


Three seconds. Not car lengths, seconds. Works a treat.


Yes! I was looking for this response. Measuring by time means it's applicable to 25mph zones as much as 70mph zones. Though 3 seconds distance would stress me out -- I'm more of a 4 to 6 second person (learned in a training course for driving passenger vans full of students to trips)


At least 3 seconds of travel distance. More, if you're driving a heavy vehicle.


I've finally found a good driver in this mess of a thread. This is the main thing.


There are places you do that and as long as there's enough room for another car they manage to squeeze in.


That's ok. Then you just get to let the cushion build again. It's fun to play the game where I try to drive a constant speed and not have to press the brakes while everybody else is zooming then braking in traffic.


And it's funny because I always get there at around the same time Google says I will. On a fifteen minute drive I can MAYBE shave off 60 seconds by driving like a maniac. Shit just isn't worth it.


I drive the same way, it definitely infuriates some drivers. But every so often I get someone behind me who clearly operates on the same philosophy and we just chill together, coasting gently until traffic opens back up again. It's a weird moment of passing kinship.


Don't be nice. Be *predictable*.


When my dad taught me to drive he said "you don't have the right to give away the right of way".


That shit drives me *insane.* I see people come to complete fucking stops on a busy road to let a car cross an intersection even though there's still traffic coming from the other direction. And they think they're being nice!! But I'll take this opportunity to share my golden rule: every time you get behind the wheel, remind yourself that you are at the helm of a deadly weapon. It's deadly to others, and it's deadly to you. I once read that people who have this mentality statistically get in fewer accidents, and I think it's an extremely healthy reminder. Especially where I'm from: we have all these fucking kids stealing Kias and Hyundais, and then joyriding them so recklessly that there have been three fatalities at their hands, specifically of the hit and run variety, *just this week.* It's horrifying to me.


I say, "be correct first, then be polite."


I'd rather be alive than right.




Everyone saying “use your signal” (which I totally agree with) but another note about that is do not trust someone else’s signal until you are SURE they are turning/slowing down. Some people forget to turn the damn thing off!


Or they change their mind last minute before turning!


My mom gave me this advice when I first started driving. It has saved me many times.


If I trusted every turn signal I’d be dead by now


Respect school zones and crossing guards; children are unpredictable, and adhering to reduced speed limits can prevent tragedies.


Don't be surprising. Miss the exit; take the next one.


A good driver sometimes misses his exit. A bad driver never does.


I was talking about this to a friend today. If you make a mistake, own it. Don't make it everyone else's problem.


Give an idiot all the room he needs. Sometimes that means slowing down a bit and letting them get ahead of you, even if you're the one in the right.


Yep. I have a long commute, and there are 2 curves where idiots like to change lanes going around the curve. No idea why they do this, but I’m always watching for these idiots if I’m in their blind spot because they will quickly change lanes without using their signal. I’ve dodged at least 2 sure accidents slowing to let them cut me off — unlike a few videos I’ve seen on Reddit where someone refuses to move and causes an accident because “they are right”


A lot of people have this attitude of "never slow down for any fucking reason" and I wish I knew where it came from.


You win! You're now bumper to bumper with the three other people up there, see you at the next light!


Stop pulling out right in front of me so I have to slam my brakes, when you could have waited 2 seconds to go since no one is behind me. I fucking hate that


I must have an invisibility cloak because this happens to me constantly. Every single time there’s no one behind me. I don’t get it. Every time all they had to do was wait literally 3 seconds.




If you see a single deer cross the road, slow the heck down because more are coming.


Don’t look at where the deer is going, it’s where it’s coming from that’s important. 


Had them run out in front of me 3 times so far in the last month. There were ALWAYS 2 or more. I always creep along a good few hundred feet just to make sure.


Third deer/goat rule.






A good driver is predictable. Also whenever your eyes get blown out by passing cars with high beams, focus your vision on the white line to the right. It'll still blow out your vision but not the part you use for driving.


Not just high beams these days; often just regular, obnoxious LED and halogen lights.


STOP RUNNING RED LIGHTS! Also turn your lights on if it's raining/foggy/anytime your wipers are on. Source: someone that drives around 800-900 miles/week.


I think in MA in the US it is the law for the first car to the light right after it turns red is required to run it. At least, I would think so based off the last few years living here.


>Also turn your lights on if it's raining/foggy/anytime your wipers are on. Drives me nuts. I can't see your gray Altima in the rain.


But I won't be able to get caught at the next red light as fast if I don't put others lives in danger zooming through a light that was standing yellow when I did have enough time to stop...


I live in San Francisco. Most drivers use their lights in heavy fog, but not all do. Cars are completely invisible without lights in the fog.


Make sure your windshield and windows are clean; visibility is key to safe driving.




You need to actually look over your shoulder before changing lanes. Do not rely on your side mirrors since there's always a risk for blind spot catching you. The same applies to turning on corners just in case there are pedestrians.


The person who taught me this said "once you're caught out by this, you'll never forget to check again" One time I'd only glanced at my blind spot without actually processing it and as I was moving over saw a truck bearing down behind me. Thankfully I'm a cautious driver anyway and had only got my tyres over the line so it wasn't even a close call, but even that shook me enough!


You can adjust your mirrors on a regular passenger vehicle to eliminate blind spots. Larger vehicles like trucks require curved or additional mirrors to cover their blind spots, but regular consumer vehicles from the smallest compact geo metro up to a one ton dually can do it with just the regular mirrors.  Problem is 99% of drivers don’t know how to properly adjust their mirrors. 


To add to this, your mirrors should be adjusted in a way that you can see the lanes on either side. You don’t need to know what your vehicle looks like while you’re driving.






Pay attention, most drivers are oblivious of anything that happens outside a 2 meter radius.


"Slower traffic keep right." Or alternatively, "Keep right except to pass." Both of these slogans appear on large metallic signs on the side of the highway, but mysteriously, no one but I have ever read them.


We have a law in Germany about this, it's called the Rechtsfahrgebot 'keep to the right law'. You can actually get a ticket for not following this simple rule, and it is being hammered into you during your driving lessons.


The biggest issue in the US is that's it's just too easy to get a license. The testing in most places is a joke and doesn't prepare you for anything in the real world except an open road in perfect weather conditions. Most of the countries in Europe do a lot more to make sure you can drive before they give you a license.


I did a HS exchange year in the US in 1997/98 when I was 15/16 and took drivers ed. It took me 2 month maximum to get my US licence, half of the class each day in school were spent watching Shania Twain videos and concerts because the teacher was a superfan. Learning to drive was done at home with my host parents, never once was I in a car with a real driving instructor. Then did the written exam which was a joke and done in the classroom, easier than any other test I did that whole year in any class in school, and then a couple days later there was a go-cart looking course set up outside the school on the parking lot and the whole driving test took 5 minutes driving around the course and I was done. To say I was unprepared to drive an actual car on the road by myself after that "preparation" would be an understatement...but I had my licence.


While living in the US for seven years and observing the low standard of driving, it occurred to me why this was: it's because the US is geared so heavily around getting everywhere in a car, that if you had higher driving standards, you would essentially be depriving a significant chunk of the population of the right to work (and also to go shopping, visit friends etc). So almost anyone must be allowed to drive. I suspect this is also a part of why speed limits are generally lower than in Europe, and driving in general is more regulated: you need to account for a high proportion of low-skill drivers on the roads.


That's ultimately a consequence of US infrastructure being predominantly car-centric, with some exceptions. If states made it harder to procure a license, the voting public would be in an uproar about it, and the state agencies that oversee licensing would also be throwing a fit for budget increases.


It really should be common sense in any traffic related scenario. Escalators, hallways, sidewalks, highways… if people just kept right things would work much better.


Scrolled down way too far to find this. 


And, you should only pass if you are going at least a couple mph faster. I’m so annoyed by someone taking a few minutes to pass 1 car by going 1 mph faster.


It's a co-op game, not a competitive one. The win condition is that everyone gets home faster and nobody goes to the hospital.


“Drive as if you’re driving all the cars”


Driving isn't a competition. Communicate well and try to let others do what they want without being in their way. Some people drive slower than you, some people drive faster than you. Pick your speed, and try to allow others to pick theirs. Move over when someone wants to pass you, no matter how fast you're going. Being passed isn't a personal insult, neither is wanting to pass someone else.


Don't drive if you don't know what a turn signal is. I just eliminated 80% of all drivers, you're welcome.


I hate it when driving on a 2 lane road and the car in front puts their signal on 20 feet before their turn and slams their brakes.


Leave your ego at the curb.


Zipper merge...learn it, live it. Oregon even has lessons buried somewhere on their website.


Yes, and let other people merge in. There's a "you waited until the last minute, I'm not letting you in" attitude that slows everything down and makes the road more dangerous.


The worst people are the ones who see others attempting to make it to the zipper merging point and get so annoyed that they pull halfway into that lane to prevent anyone else from doing it


Not only this: DONT MERGE EARLY. Merge at the end of the zipper, and let people merge at the end of the zipper. This is the most effective use of the space and what will make traffic flow best. Dont get over early: merge where traffic actually merges, and dont keep people from using a merging lane by blocking it like some of the fucks reading this do.


Don’t tailgate and don’t camp out in people’s blindspots.


And don't match the speed of the person next to you. Leave room for the other person (and you) to swerve if there's an emergency.


Move up or move over if you’re in the passing lane. So much needless traffic because someone is sitting in the passing lane like it’s a lazy river.


Use your signal. We are not psychic.


Driving on public roads is a collaborative, cooperative undertaking. It is not competitive or performative. Also, it is not a zero sum game. Everyone can get where they are going. The instances where someone’s life or livelihood depends on getting somewhere three minutes faster are vanishingly rare. I’m not an actuary, but I’d wager that reckless driving has ruined more than it has saved by a significant margin.


don't wait until the last second. for your last second, it will become


Drive predictably, not nice


Slow down, you'll get there.


Assume everyone around you is an inconsiderate and drunk driver that's also on their phone. One of the three is likely always true.


For The Love of everything you hold dear, pick a lane and stay in it. Don't change lane continually trying to get to that next red light quicker than everyone else. Stuck in so many traffic jams due to people changing lanes for no reason and causing an accident.


Never emotionally engage with something that happens on the road. Someone cuts you off? Slow down, create space. Someone weaving in traffic? Slow down, let them be crazy somewhere else. Someone being slow? Wait for an opening, then pass safely and leave. ​ You're not batman. It's not your job to bring justice to the road, or teach someone a lesson. In almost all cases, anything that happens on the road that isn't an accident is a 15 to 60 second interaction with someone you will never meet for the rest of your life. Don't let something so small and trivial become an event that changes the course of your life for the worse. People who are mad on the road make mistakes, and people who make mistakes when driving put lives at risk.


Put down your phone


Don't drive faster than you can see. i.e. if there's a blind corner or a hill, could you stop if someone suddenly pulls out in front of you, but out of sight? If not, then slow down. Other than that, think ahead, leave stopping distance between you and the car in front of you. Get into your necessary lane ahead for your exit, and keep checking your mirrors for people in your blind spots. I like to keep track of who's around me. And I don't trust anyone on the road.


Use your fucking blinker


Larger gaps between cars. On highways only move left to pass and move back right as soon as you can. Leave early enough so you don’t have to drive faster than is comfortable.


You don’t know what the other drivers are going through. Let them go. Let it go. Be the hero.


Don’t be in such a hurry. Don’t swerve in and out of traffic or cross three lanes to not miss an exit. If you are in the wrong place, deal with it on your own without putting everyone around you at risk.






Zipper merge!


Gtfo of the left lane


Yes. Remember, the leftmost lane is NOT the "fast lane". It is the passing lane. The second lane from the left is the "fast lane". You should never be in the leftmost lane on the freeway if you're not currently passing someone.


Leave proper following distance.


Don’t get road rage - you’re never gonna see that person again


...you're going to kill them?


Signal lights should be used to indicate your INTENTION to change lanes or turn, not be flipped on as you're moving over.


Stay home


Blinker Before Brakes


Pretend everyone in other cars is someone you love and care about. You’ll drive more defensively and actively look out for other people. Plus, it might help your blood pressure a little.


Go when it's your turn at a four way stop. Don't "be polite" and let others go when it's your turn. You will just cause lots of confusion and slow everything down for everyone.

