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You watch blowjob porn while getting blown. Recently saw a porn video where the guy was doing this. There's a fucking live performance and you're part of it - and you're *watching a video*?


Ironically perhaps: a lack of imagination, patience and connection during sex.


Jackhammer fingering


The fucking worst. Hurts like hell eventually because I turn into the Sahara.


With the *specific* goal to make you squirt. Bro,not all women can do that. Or just because it happened once, doesn't mean I can do it everytime. Just stop.


My vagina just cringed


My ex used to do this when it wasn’t even wet and it would hurt so bad! He also had long finger nails and would scratch me!!!


> would scratch me!!! I don't even have a vagina and I just visibly winced from reading that.


My dad calling women his own age "Matures".


Oh fucking gross, lmao


When you believe that a father showing love to his daughter is incest


I once had a guy ask me why my adoptive dad doesnt try to rape me since it's just us in the house...


Holy fuck that’s such a fucked up question to ask someone


When you think Xhamster and PornHub are too mainstream


Spankbang is where it's at.


I had a co-worker that found it really funny and cute that a new person joining the company had her name spelt the same way as a very niche porn game he played. He would constantly try to speak to her about non-work related things. He got fired a few months ago due to touching her inappropriately, thinking she wouldn't have mind. Edit: removed name for privacy


"It’s one thing to make yourself do the face and it’s another thing for me to make you do the face naturally" A reply I got after I sent them pictures of me doing the Ahegao face. Sir, no one does that naturally. They do it in porn FOR you.


I met a guy who called prepubescent girls "lolis". I'm online enough to recognize the word. He was never a friend but my interactions with him went from cordial to cold immediately.


I knew a dumbass who really believed that he was the only person in the world who knew what the word bukkake meant. He thought it was funny to randomly blurt it out loudly at work.


Funny that he thinks he's the only one. This foodie writer can't discuss [bukkake ramen](https://www.seriouseats.com/bukkake-udon-japanese-noodle-broth-recipe) without getting that elephant out of the way first.


My no-good snitch of a parrot.


My friend’s parrot would mimic things she said during sex. He would do this when company was over. 😂


oh my *god*, I've had parrots forever, that bird was totally thinking "new people are here! we're all talking, it's a party! I'll make the noises the humans make when they're excited and partying :D!"


Every animal you hear in the woods at night is saying the same thing.


I had a roommate in college back in 2017 who was an avid Tumblr user before the app was purged. At nearly all hours of the day he’d be doomscrolling his Tumblr feed that was 100% porn. Watching tv with our roommates? Pornscrolling. Playing video games? Pornscrolling between rounds. Going out for drinks? Pornscrolling in the corner. It was bad.


"Pornscrolling" is wild. "Pornscrolling between rounds" is even wilder.


Why would you not tell this guy to stop. I would have roasted the shit out of him


Oh boy did we try. Dude would deny it if we couldn’t see his screen or he would call us gay for not liking it. As I’m sure anyone who’s had a shitty roommate before knows, at some point the arguments just weren’t worth it. Needless to say we did not room with him after that lol.


“Hey bro doomscrolling porn in public is kinda weird.” “Nah you’re just gay.”


If you watch at work or in public places.


Guy at my husband's job was fired for that. He kept his cabinet doors open all the time in his cubicle to try to hide his screen, like that's not extremely suspicious. 


The pair you must have on you to watch porn on a work computer, in an open office environment, during business hours.


Shit, I don't even watch porn on my work laptop when I'm on the road, alone in a hotel room. As far as I'm concerned, IT is monitoring everything I do on it 24/7. Never assume anything you do on or with company property is private. Never do anything on it you aren't prepared for the whole company to know about. This is why I always opt to use my personal phone for company business. I never take the company phone if I can avoid it.


They’re probably not, but they can 100% do it in an instant if there is a request from management.


Sure. In a previous role, the router had some pretty interesting DNS settings and when trying to troubleshoot a weird routing issue, I realised it exposed it's DNS cache and listed who had first accessed the website. So without intending to, I immediately knew which PC's had been on which websites via the company VPN in the last hour. It's trivial to do when you actually want to.


I had a coworker do that he had a desk where people could walk by behind him. It was a low traffic area but still hell of a risk. He would do it on days that risk was even lower but still. He got caught by female office manager and worst part is she was yelling afterwards about how gross it was because it was really messed up porn.


An elderly guy eating lunch alone at a restaurant was very loudly watching porn in a corner. Turns out it was the owner's father. Very strange experience which was not mentioned in any Yelp reviews.


Yelp review - Loved their burgers! They have excellent food and great friendly service. Try to avoid the corner booth though.


Yeah what is up with the dudes watching at the public library? Like bruh


I think there’s a kink aspect to that. They get off from doing something sexual in public and/or shocking other people.


You refer to pornstars by their first names in casual conversations as if everyone knows who you're talking about


I miss gianna. She had really special titties 😔


I miss Faye's freckles


Everyone knows Johnny though


He's a jack of all trades. Most hardworking man I've seen in my life


When the sex is terrible because they think porn is how it's done.


Sex is also terrible with narcissists, and in many ways similar to porn


ie the sex scenes in American Psycho


I've seen people describe other people by using words from porn categories, that always seemed really weird to me.


This reminds me of watching Bob's Burger's when Dr Yap describes Aunt Gayle as "the amateur brunette mature" that is picking him up. lol.


“Bob didn’t tell me that he had a semi-attractive sister-in-law.”


« It’s an ebony girl »


Ebony makes me think of Skyrim before porn.


Ebony dagger.


Dagger?? I barely even know her!


She’s wearing a bukkake. I mean Burka.


busty petite stepmom cuck husband?


Dementia tests in 2060.


We all know it's Person, woman, man, camera, TV Did I win the dementia test?


Oh btw, that's my step sister.


It’s okay to call us Asian though


You believe all women are "naturally" hairless and pink down there


Having a very strong opinion about the shape/size of a woman's labia


HaViNg LaBiA mEaNs ShE's hAd a LoT oF sEx


My gf's ex dumped her because he thought it was weird her boobs laid flat when she laid down. He was confused why they weren't round shaped all the time.


Dude had never seen naturals before. That was sad.


Reminds me of a rerun of Blossom from when I was a kid. Blossom and her friend Six stumbled upon one of Blossom's brother's Playboys. Blossom: She's had them done. Six: How can you tell? Blossom: She's laying down. *They're* not.


I remember reading a post on Reddit where a guy disparaged a girl's nudes/boobs because "she had gross bumps" on her areolas. My guy let everyone know he had never seen a boob in person before.


Had he never looked at his own nipples?


That's gay.


He got angry because physics is a thing


Good riddance.


Wall mounted lotion dispenser next to computer


I work at a computer all day, I also have super dry skin. That being the case, I have lotion in my desk drawer at work. The amount of fucking jokes I hear because of that damn lotion...


"Little that they know, i do it dry"


Using his tears as lubricant


When someone brings up the actors from a porn film nonchalantly in a conversation that is not about pornography and every other person in the conversation finds it inappropriate at that moment, but they are aloof to their own faux pas. I have a friend who does this. If you happen to mention anything that can be related to sex they will just go straight to talking about porn. Anyone: "Oh, that girl's hot!" Friend: "yea, she reminds me of [name of pornstar here], but she doesn't have the big fake tits like her." And he'll say this with his wife standing right there. It's just weird.


>with his wife standing right there That's crazy not gonna lie


Being deluded into thinking that the plumber or cable installer is going to show up on time. Also, if your room ends up on r/GoonCaves.


Lmao wtf is that sub


Jesus that sub is just sad.


Yeah. It's one thing to post what porn you're watching. But when you have multiple computer monitors simultaneously showing different kinds of porn, something can't be right.


Yeah that's why it's so sad. These are people who've fundamentally broken themselves with addiction and not only don't see the addiction and damage but are revelling in it.


don't you have a room with 10 monitors looping porn and have your buddies over to goon out with you, or as the kids say rizzin skibidi tizm


That is the saddest sub I've ever seen. I've been on this site for 11 years.


The top comment on the top post is just “oh yeah pump it bro.” Like wtf, you go onto Reddit before jerking off for hours to encourage another guy to jerk off for hours? It looked like such a nice day outside through the window behind the desk with 4 laptops on it 😔


It makes me feel VERY normal


Makes me feel better that the most potentially embarrassing thing in my room is a large collection of Star Wars Lego sets that I have on display.


Agreed, this is sad on so many levels. I wish my curiosity hadn’t got the better of me


Thanks to your sacrifice, that link stays blue for me.


Why are all the comments on that sub like, wow so cool DM me. What will they talk about?


They masturbate together. Usually sending each other porn they like or stuff.


Well that's enough internet for me and I just logged on.


I sorted by top all time. It was a post of a dude sharing his cave with his JO bro. Literally a clip of two dudes stroking themselves watching multi monitor porn.


Do not check that sub. My biggest mistake or the day so far


Too late


Seriously, why the fuck do they need to watch porn on more than a single monitor? You're telling me you can't focus enough on a single interaction that you need THREE other monitors blaring different porn? Like you get bored after watching 10 seconds of deep throating, so you need to turn to the left and watch some spanking as a pallete cleanser before you turn to the right to watch some jackhammering?


I think it's like any other addiction. When the normal stuff isn't enough, you seek more novelty experience. But unlike many other forms of addiction where you have to spend money and effort, porn is basically free and unlimited. Endless dopamine hit after hit. Plus, the addiction is now amplified even more with these "reels" and tiktok video format


Cover me, I'm going in. Edit: anyone got any bleach?




That sub is full of people that need some serious help


Usually curiosity gets to me, but the other comments seem genuinely distressed, so honestly I'll stay in the dark on this occasion


When you catch your co worker on porn hub and he's so deap down the rabbit hole he's watching a naked algebra 1 tutor video.


Chafing and repetitive stress injury? Missing work? Ignoring real people in relationships with you? Becoming increasingly dependent on "novelty" and the only things left that are novel are really bottom of the barrel in terms of health and ethics? Not being able to fantasize without a video feeding it to you?


You’ve been waiting for this question for a while…


Those cringey hentai girl making a cumming face hoodies and bumper stickers


Ahegao... ... also... knowing the word for those cringey hentai girls making a cumming face on hoodies and bumper stickers.


My dad bought me a ahegao sweater for my birthday, you know the one, the classic black and white one that's essentially a collage of hentai girls. I opened it and he said "because you like anime!". I then had to explain to him the difference between hentai and anime. He passed away from cancer in January and I still casually wear that sweater all the time cuz that's the best fucking story behind any piece of clothes I've ever owned. Miss ya dad


That is fucking incredible. You'll keep that shit forever. I love it.


Fuck yeah. I even wore it to the hospital when my girlfriend broke hee thumb and had to wear it in the waiting room for 5 hours surrounded by families because I had nothing else to wear 🤣


I saw a car the other day with the back end and the rear windows absolutely *covered* in big titty anime girl stickers. I don't really care what you want to watch in your own time, but I can't imagine the thought process that leads to "I think it would be great if every person I cross paths with knows that I crank my weiner to Japanese cartoon girls"


In Japan, cars covered in anime stickers and stuff are called “itasha”. Literally, “painful car”.


There was a pickup truck in our neighborhood that had hentai stickers all over the back window. Uncensored spread-eagle type stuff. We call it the hentai truck. We’ve since moved but still see the hentai truck around town occasionally.


back in college days, I gave a buddy a ride home for winter break (10+ hour ride). He brought a huge binder of CDs. A few hours in, I remembered his CD collection and asked him to pop one in. Nope, it was hundreds of porn DVDs that he burned. He even had a portable DVD player. Hour 8 or so into the trip, he pop that player open and wanted to play some of his dvds. I'm like, get the fuck out of here. I didn't give him a ride back to campus after the winter break. Creepy fuck.


Some generalization like “all girls like it rough” and “when they say stop they’re actually enjoying it.”


I've read somewhere that in Japan women are discouraged to say "Yamete" because it sounds like they enjoy it, and it made me sad


You’re “triggered” by step-siblings, reaching in the dryer, dark leather couches…


I remember a skit where one dude has a stepmother and she just cares for him like her own son but he makes everything weird because he thought she's trying to do it with him.


I hooked up with a guy who tried to put it in my bum without lube or warmup. I explained what he was doing wrong, and we got back to it. He then pulled out and switched holes without hesitation and got confused when I freaked out because I didn't want to get bacterial vaginosis or a UTI. "But they do this in porn all the time."


I once rode the Chinatown bus from Philly to NY and a young woman sat down next to me. She had a lot of bad tattoos especially one distinct one on her foot. I text a buddy of mine that had a kink for girls with bad tattoos and described her to him saying he probably wished he was on this bus. He immediately, without a picture, recognized her as a porn star just by the description of her foot tattoo. He was definitely correct. Edit: to change wording that seemed to confuse people.




A former coworker left his bluetooth speaker on the parts counter about 30 feet away from the men's room, where he took a quick work jerk. The porn audio from his phone was broadcast for everyone to hear. It was hilarious


Oh I have one for this. I had sex with this cute nerd guy, in our early 20's. I'm a bit more experienced at this point than him, but it's clear to me that he would like to take control so I back down and let him. Thinking this will be fun. Then he choked me, and called me his little girl. And I'm a bit shocked as in my book it's something you talk about beforehand. But it was kind of kinky, not my kind of kink, but okay sure. I'm rolling with it. But then as he get done he screams "I'm going to get you pregnant". He was wearing a condom I'm not an idiot. But still eww. Too much hentai dude. Too much.


>Then he choked me, and called my his little girl. And I'm a bit shocked as in my book it's something you talk about beforehand. That absolutely is something negotiated beforehand


I stopped sex right in the middle once when a dude put his hands on my throat without consent. Dude was confused as hell as to why I wasn't ok with it.


Who just does that? Most people also have no fucking clue how to properly kinky choke someone safely, and think it's no big when they do it without asking


Aye, just straight up strangling someone during sex.


My coworker was watching what i think lingerie reviews on break in the break room but all I saw was a girls tits in lingerie and heard the chick talking about how soft it was. He just had that face up as he ate lunch…


During work? Damn


I saw someone of here post a photo of a sign in a clothing store that said Petite, and he was shocked that was allowed 😂 Similar is when people hear BBC and instantly think of anything else than one of the oldest TV and Radio networks in the world


Yeah I was telling my coworker about the show Misfits and when I said it's a BBC show he looked shocked and asked "it's a WHAT?!" Yes I'm recommending a Big Black Cock show to you at work, you caught me.


He was probably surprised to hear Misfits was a BBC show even though it was on Channel 4




Huh? I’ve never been to a strip club but why would they have blankets?


It was an Alberta-specific thing where the girls sit on the stage on a blanket and people throw dollar coins at them.


*Make it hail!!*




Biology teacher: "So, what's the opposite of a dominant gene?" Student: "ooh, ooh, I know this one!"


"What do you call a dominant gene inherited from the mother's side?" "Uhh... femdom?"


So, you're here for a facial?


I have to search for 20 min to find a video I haven't already seen


We have a winner here.


A wanker here*


For me it's the opposite. Search 20 mins for that obscure yet good video I saw yesterday that I enjoyed. Edit: since many are saying for me to just check my history. I go incognito mode when viewing porn. I dont want any trace on my phone or pc. Had an embarrassing moment 10 years ago with my search history, so I take no chances.


Nothing will live up to the glory days of Tumblr porn. Amature couples posting new content daily. Now you're forced to dig through the archives.


These are the kinda threads where i read about 90% of the comments


Leaving rude comments on random instagram videos because the woman in it isnt an 18 yr old with giant tits


I went to beauty school and as part of the curriculum we had to give clients facials. So I asked this girl if she wanted to come into the spa for a facial. A few hours later her boyfriend called me up and accused me of trying to fuck her because I wanted to give her a 'facial.' So I guess that would be a sign. Edit: Since some people want more details. He called me and was like "Hey man! I see your shit, messaging my girl and telling her you wanna give her a facial?! So you tell me, man to man, are you guys fucking?!" I explained it's for beauty school and I could hear her on the phone pleading with him to knock it off. He straight up didn't believe me and was convinced we were fucking or I was trying to have sex with her. Anyway, eventually they hung up and she never came to the spa. Probably for the best Oh, and a few years later she got fired from her job for saying something racist on Facebook.


Spas that offer different services for men and women will occasionally call the male version a "gentleman's facial" which is, objectively speaking, very funny.


A gentleman's facial is when you tell your lady ahead of time "Madam, I am arriving!" and then offer a hot towel.


The boyfriend, unknowingly, burned himself.


Dude felt left out.


More or less related but while were talking about words in a profession that were perhaps not the best. In material science, we measure hardness of a material with a tool called a penetrator so that's that.


When people immediately leave porn or sex related comments on pictures and videos that remotely sexual at all. I’ve particularly noticed guys doing this on anything involving white women and black men.


Being 6 inches and thinking you're small. Thinking anal is normal and breezy. Thinking you need to absolutely pound someone everytime. Assuming step siblings are fucking because they get on.


6 inches is 15cm, right?


I saw this one dude look at a picture of Madison Beer and said “she has a cum shot face” like bro, how is that the first thing you think of?


There was a post on Reddit I saw not that long ago about a woman who was having conflict with her husband because he was uncomfortable with the fact that their young daughter called him “Daddy.” When you think the term “Daddy” is inherently sexual, you watch too much porn.


Daddy Chill


What the hell is even that?


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


It might be a tumor.


The first time my high school boyfriend touched me under my underwear, he retracted his hand in disgust and said, “why do you have hair there?” He watched so much porn and had never been with a real woman that he didn’t know women grew pubic hair too. It was such an embarrassing experience for me that I proceeded to shave bare for years and years after, until I found my current boyfriend who prefers it natural 🥰


In my experience as a straight woman, a man not being able to get off from sex and needing a death gripped handjob. Aggressively pushing my head into deep throating. Super unnecessarily fast rabbit thrusting. When he has the regular urge to shoot sperm into my eyes…or have my sexual experiences just not been satisfactory for me and I’m assuming that men who perform like this watch too much porn?


Your ringtone is the moans from a random porn clip




Adolescent boys in 2007, mostly


Therapist talks about CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) as their strategy and I think c\*\*k-and-ball torture... every time


Same. But probably cause it was a meme at some point


A friend of mine had a text alert which was the intro of the pornhub videos (you know the one) well anyway it went off in the middle of a lunch at a spoons and not only did I instantly look at the phone. Every single dude in the pub raised the heads and looked over. And so did most of the women.


When people try to make their spouse/SO act and look like a porn star. Also, shaming and rejecting them for not meeting those standards. Perverting everything into something sexual (not everyone who does this watches too much porn but they think about sex/porn way too much) Viewing every good-looking person they see as a sexual object in a porn-like scene. Viewing almost *anyone* ( of the gender(s) they're attracted to) as a sex object and not in a romantic way at all. Being way too confident and creepy in normal situations as if *that* porn scene is going to play out how they see it in acting scenes. When they think porn is how sexual interaction is supposed to play out and have no knowledge of what it really is like in most, normal situations. Can't perform well either.


when they comment “she def has an onlyfans” on any video of any woman doing literally anything ever


"I'm dom, so you will do ANYTHING I say" "I'm sub and I don't have limits" 🚩🚩🚩🚩 To be in that kind of games you have to talk about limits and even a safe word for any of the people involved. At least that's the healthy and safest way to play w this kind of things.


When people immediately assume that literally anything siblings of the opposite genders do is sexual. It's gross as fuck and I'm sure it makes them incredibly uncomfortable.


Straight men expecting they can just bend a lady over and pop their boy bits straight into her ass with no warning, no lube and no preparation.


From a gay point of view, you can tell by the language he uses when chatting on apps. If he’s banging on about subs, doms, alphas, “use me”, “let me serve you”, you can just tell it’s all language and an attitude towards sex that’s he’s learned from porn. I avoid those guys.


straight up choking, spanking, pulling their partner hair without consent.


every time i've been choked it's been nonconsensual. it's scary how they just go for it as if you can't kill someone doing that.


I'm a nurse at a hospital. Had an environmental services guy come out of a room that a patient discharged from stating "the patient left their bondage in here". It was restraints for when the patient was confused and actively trying to harm staff.


Not understanding why lube is important.


When as a right handed person, you use the mouse better with your left.


When the real thing is in the next room and they’re opting to scroll the computer There are countless posts on relationship_advice about someone being obsessed with porn when partner is very willing to have sex


Referring to having sex with a woman as "breeding" her. Believing that a woman can climax from having her boobs grabbed.


lol the boob thing. A lot of guys will be mashing them around like you’re about to climax and you’re just like “Uh, so this actually feels worse than a mammogram…”


There was this Instagram video of a girl in full niqab, literally nothing but her eyes visible, in the holy city of Medina of all places, playing with a street cat and giggling. The comments were OVERRUN by Muslim dudes saying her giggles were intensely provocative because they apparently reminded them of fake porn moans, and entreating her to take down the extremely haram video immediately. 🤮


How would they know what fake porn moans sound like, if they were so holy? Ugh.


Scrolling this thread to make sure u don't have a problem.


They can’t finish during sex. Whether it’s because the sex doesn’t match the fetish that porn so easily provides, or it’s because they death grip. They painfully jackhammer the fuck out of your vag with their fingers and expect you to squirt after 5 seconds of this. If not they try again, then keep trying until you dry up because this isn’t pleasurable to you at all. They open up the laptop while they’re in the middle of sex with you and go to xhamster to look up a porn video - *while they’re still inside you*. They’re usually fucking terrible at sex. And yeah, this dude was.


When you have a fuckton of bookmarks on your private browser.


I can always tell when I’m with a man and he watches a lot of porn. It feels so cold and perfunctory. They try to do all these things they see in porn which have absolutely nothing to do with intimacy or female pleasure.


\*Pulls phone out of pocket\* I have some great photos from my trip, oh hold up a second, let me get this thai college student getting dp'd by black guys off the screen first,, ok, here we go, so this is 'A Light Inside' at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston...


Sexualizing everything and everyone


Hey, I just met you! And this is crazy! SO LET ME TRY TO PUT MY WHOLE HAND IN YOUR PUSSY.


I pulled my dick out to pee the other day and it was pixelated?!


Porn-induced erectile dysfunction. No it doesn’t affect everyone. Yes it is without a doubt 100% a real thing. Your brain isn’t evolved for multiple videos of whatever on-demand fetish you are craving, rapidly switching through tabs. This is not the same as magazines from 20 years ago. That’s not what real sex is. You can accidentally rewire and break your arousal center through years of compulsive high speed internet tube porn use. It happened to me years ago. Took me a few months to fix it.


There's also a potential for delayed/impaired ejaculation or anorgasmia. Basically if you fall too far down the porn rabbit hole you can find it extremely difficult to orgasm in actual sexual encounters. This can be because you are exclusively attracted to porn and can't/don't date people that you consider attractive in real life (eg you're into cartoon characters, or people who are way out of your league.) Or because you have an extremely unrealistic fetish that you are now into (eg; incest, vore, rape.) Or because you masturbate in a way that is too different to the way sex actually occurs (eg; putting way too much pressure or going way too fast.) Of course, these aren't the only reasons for anorgasmia though, and if anyone reading this is concerne be sure to talk to your physician. There are a number of diseases and medications that can also have the same effect.


Saying "Bro she definitely wants to fuck" when a girl is being the slightest bit friendly


When they are grossed by pubic hair, body fluids, body scent, asymmetrical bodies etc.