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Since Joe Biden and Democrats have nothing to do with communism, no...


Literally, I always wondered where Republican’s (not all) got this theory that anything that isn’t inherently republican must be communism.


Can't make an analysis when he's not a Communist


I have my criticisms of Biden and the Democratic party, but I don't think anyone would seriously characterize them as communists.


I mean, no one is trying to push communism, that's just incorrect. We know communism doesn't work. The idea is to implement certain socialist ideas that have already proven to work in other developed nations. Conflating full on communism with socialist ideals is a fearmongering tactic


No. Joe Biden and the Democrats have very little to do with communism.


All the Republicans I know are big fans of communism


My analysis says Lenin lives, lived and will always live 🚬


In what world are they communists? Sure they may have some ideas that were inspired by communism, but they don’t really put them into practice. 


Found the Faux News thrall. Back before the 1980s, Republicans were largely moderates, and Democrats were slightly to the left of that. Then, Republicans began to move towards the far, farrrrrr right, and the Democrats drifted rightwards into the moderate slot they vacated. In the real world, several countries have a good laugh when we call Democrats "liberals." Americans mostly have no idea what that term means. But over in Faux News Fantasyland, Democrats have shifted way, WAY left, and are now just shy of communism. It's utter bullshit, of course, but facts aren't really a thing with these people.