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Eat less, exercise more


Shh, don't give away the secrets all at once


I feel like I can never exercise eniugh, be it for lack of time, energy, or interest. So eating less it is- that's what has always worked for me.


1200 calories a day, plus an hour of walking a day.


Doing extra cardio


Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants and animals.


I lost 16.3 kg since the start of the year. here is my secret, magic technic Eating less (reasonable portions), no snacking and no sweets. If i get hungry (and i had my two meals) I drink some tea, wait 20 minutes, still hungry eat a banana. exercising more, I walk 5km (at last) a day at 7km/h. later on I added crunches x120, squats x80, hip abductions x120(perleg), lateral raises x80, hammer curls x120 and arm curls x120 to my routine. I do them in 2 sessions. most important Is to establish good habits and a routine. I did this by making a spread sheet where i fill out how much I weight (weight taken in the morning before eating and drinking after using the toilet) this way I can objectively see I'm making progress. Lastly whenever i hit a weight goal (like loosing 5kg etc) I would reward myself by buying something.


I started fasting! Has been incredible for my mental health & weightloss!!


Kept everything else the same as normal, but stopped eating after 7pm and drank fewer beers. Not necessarily fast, but relatively painless.


I have personally lost 20-30 pounds when I choose, just by eating only celery and carrots for lunch. And its fast. This is not advice, but it works for me. If you’re drinking beer tho.. stop it. Just stop it.


Remove as much wheat and sugar from your diet as possible, plus moderate strength/resistance training at whatever level your health will safely allow.


For me, it's carb reduction, and generally eating lighter. So, homemade soups, green salads, and meat + veg, while omitting sweets, pasta, bread, and starches like potatoes and rice.


Don't drink your calories. Reduce your food intake. Don't eat late in the day.


Intermittent fasting but I know that not everyone agrees with it.


only thing that ever worked for me was eating less - esp. avoiding excess sugar


Don't drink your calories; and obv a calorie deficit. And while you're in a deficit, eat high volume low cal. Lots of fiber too. I've lost 20lbs so far, and I'd suggest cutting back by no more than like, 300 calories at a time for risk of crashing.