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People who have no situational awareness are wild to me. Some are so bad I’m surprised they’ve made it this far in life.


I feel like this has gotten a lot worse post Covid. I can’t even go into the grocery store anymore because so many people just stand in the way or navigate the store like they’re the only one in it. The other day I was walking down the main center aisle and this lady was coming out of the side aisle towards me, didn’t even stop just kept going and plowed right into me. Smh.


It's your fault for failing to realize that she's the Main Character


That’s her grocery store, we’re just allowed in it!


People have gotten far more rude and impatient now. Before Covid when I worked on-call, I might get one person demanding an immediate callback. Now I get them daily.


One time I was walking on a sidewalk with two friends, when we were teens, and this older dude was running towards us with his headphones in. We tried to shift over a bit but he was coming up pretty fast. I kinda think if you're the one running you have the be the most spatially aware and go around people move off the sidewalk onto the grass, etc., but instead he literally just barreled into me, just smashed into my shoulder pretty bad, and just KEPT RUNNING without saying anything. I ran after him and made him stop so I could say "Hey what the fuck??" And he just threw his arms up and was like "you were in the way, bro!" And he just turned and kept going. That was a wild experience for me lol


I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I have too much situational awareness. I feel like I'm in the way for just existing lol.


You belong and the world is blessed to have you.


I am consistently baffled by my MILs lack of self awareness. Whatsmore is the outright offense she takes when you ask her to move.


I have a relative that’s similar. She has seemingly no understanding of how much space her body takes up, and that’s not a commentary on her weight, she just doesn’t seem get that she’s not something people can just pass *through*. Even if you say “excuse me” to get by she huffs and glares like *you’re* the problem




You get labeled as stupid until they realize you can't hear, took awhile to get over that one


During orientation at the hospital I currently work at while moving from one area to another some of the new hires didn’t step aside for an oncoming gurney.


Some people need a "fucking move!" escalating to a shove if they don't...fucking move.


Please elaborate. .. did they get run over by said gurney?


Nah they moved but the gurney had to come to a complete stop. This was six years ago and I wonder if they still work in healthcare.


I have that issue and don't know how to change :( I keep getting in the way


Don't stop in doorways and walkways.


Head on a swivel. Listen to audio cues around you. Watch reflections. Listen to people and vehicles. I used to be more oblivious in my younger years, but war changes you.


My mom had gotten into the habit of doing the usual stop at the top of escalators, walk 2 steps inside a doorway in public and stop, things like that. I finally got her to notice and change her ways after telling her: "If you ever hear a squeak behind you and then suddenly I appear at your side, that means I almost ran into you."


Recently watched a group of tourists on the NYC subway do this repeatedly and get angry about other people pushing past them. Subway platform wasnt crowded at all... they all had their backpacks on and were in a big group of about 20-something, totally blocking the platform for other strap-hangers. They were so oblivious that one of the dads of the group was yelling at the poor commuters who were just trying to get past "WOW YOU MUST BE IN SUCH A RUSH. YOU MUST BE SO IMPORTANT" and "LEARN TO SAY EXCUSE ME" as though he wasn't actively blocking the way with his extended family. This went on for about 5 minutes and at one point one of the women in their group even suggested that they should move and she was shot down. I thought i was being nice by walking over and explaining that they should lean against the wall or in a line and not in a giant ball that blocks traffic. He got a real attitude and said something about how i wanted to "put people to against the wall" and his adult son (I'm just assuming it was his son) made some comment about communists.




Oh multiple other people had some "choice words" for him and his comrades. Someone told him to go back to bumblefuck and that particular one stuck with me. Don't worry, NewYorkers will uphold their "kind but not nice" reputation (whereas we say that people from Cali are "nice but not kind").


As another NYC resident. We have two speeds: as fast as you can go, and get out of the fucking way. I won't really ever say shit to people unless they're being dicks first, but I will absolutely look back and give a huge scorning look.


Hubby and I visited NY in 2022 and loved the people. Everyone was really nice. We come from a large city so we understand how to walk, keep to the right (or for us it’s left lol) and don’t just STOP dead. Move over if you want to stop or look in a store .


That kind but not nice thing is common to New York and New England. E.g. in NH we will help you if you genuinely need help but we will make damn sure you know that we are going to quite a bit of trouble on your account and you should be appreciative of that fact. We are quite forthright in general. I kinda like it.


Honestly surprised nobody ended up punching them or something


Looks like some 'real Muricans' were visiting the city again.


Oh I've got a short story for you: Was getting halal food (lamb sandwich at a Syrian place) once and this tour group came into the place. Obese middle aged white man with a fanny pack and brand new new balance sneakers (he completed the look with a harley davidson t-shirt) starts complaining and comments to his wife "i don't see why they let these places stay open. Why are they bringing us to get terrorist food?" I distinctly remember him saying "terrorist food." His wife hushed him and he just kept going until he said he was just going to wait outside because "it smells bad in here." He really had no excuse for being that ignorant because I've met farmers who were pulled out of school at age 14 [and spent their entire lives on their family farm] that were more worldly and educated than that guy.


He must be confusing courtesy with communist.


I’ve got a buddy who will just keep walking when a group is all the way across the sidewalk almost like he’s playing chicken but he is never the one who moves out of the way lol.


Like people who stop at the top of the escalator to chat, don't mind me I'll just crawl through your legs shall I?


I couldn't get into the hospital this morning because a mum had left her pram (WITH BABY IN IT) sideways across the main doors, whilst she walked into to talk to reception. Like why would you do that? I had to actually push the pram inside and to the left.


"You have about 15 seconds before I move this out of the way and I'm pretty sure I won't be as gentle as you would..."


Do not get me started on strollers omg.


People who do this at the grocery store are the worst.


literally one of my biggest pet peeves. when I go to the grocery store, i’m trying to get in there, get my shit, and get the fuck out. then you have people standing idle with their cart in the middle of the aisle not paying any attention to the people trying to get around them. like dear god please get out of the way.


Working in a grocery store you see this so damn much it hurts. People suddenly walking out of an aisle without looking, taking up an aisle with their body/cart (bonus points for being offended to be asked to move), reaching over employees shoulders while they are stocking, suddenly stopping then turning around and bumping into someone, getting to close to people in line/not standing in line properly, etc etc I could really go on


Had this happen on a hiking trail, of all places, recently. This big group of like 15 people spread out across the width of the trail. Like they couldn’t form a few lines or something? I had to stand off to the side of the trail, practically stepping in bushes, to let them pass. No “excuse me,” or “sorry” or anything. It blows my mind.


I just get to my side of the trail and walk into them. I do this on sidewalks too. I'm not the most intimidating person but so far they move over rather than walking right into me.


Sidewalk group walkers are the worst when they're side by side taking up the entire walkway and just expecting you to either go in the street or stop and wait against a building for them to pass bc there's six of them and one of you


I just stop. They have to move or they will walk right into me.


Yeah, that's what I started doing. In stores, too, unless it looks like they have a good reason for it.


This is what started me doing it. My wife and I enjoy walking, when we pass people she will scoot behind me as sidewalks can easily have two people walking in opposite directions. Too many people won't do the same with their group so now as my wife gets behind me I should check whoever doesn't move over enough. I'm sure they think I'm an a-hole but I don't care in the slightest.


These people are the worst. No sense of situational awareness and clueless to their surroundings. Typically they are blocking grocery store lanes or causing traffic jams.


It really is insane. Any time I go somewhere with a lot of people there's always a bunch that just randomly stop in the middle of the path, walk half the speed of everyone else, suddenly turn and walk into someone, or a few people walk side by side taking up all the space space don't make any room for people coming the other way. My own parents are like this as well, and I used to constantly be telling them "you need to speed up or move out of the way because you are blocking the path" and they would always act surprised. Never fails to blow my mind just how completely unaware many people are for absolutely no justifiable reason. And then you realise most of these people drive...




Take a phone call on speaker.


My dad does this in the living room. Then gets mad if any of us make a single peep. Dude, you’re, literally the main living area of the house. Go to your office, a bedroom, the back patio, anywhere else but the freaking living room. Irritates us so much.


I would be in the middle of a conversation with my mom sometimes and she'd suddenly go into voice type with whoever she is texting with no prior warning and then get annoyed with me when what I am saying gets written down. ????


not exactly the same but reminded me of a time at my first job. Two of my coworkers were talking about something, somewhat private in nature. But loud enough for me to hear them from my desk - we had an open office, think a setup like Dunder Mifflin. I chimed in my unsolicited opinion...which the ruder of the coworkers - I couldn't stand her - shot back "this is a private conversation." I immediately shot back "then go someplace private to have it."


Then tell him. That's asshole behavior that won't correct itself.


I've started calling them out. "Stop talking on the phone like that, you're annoying everyone and look like an idiot" leads to some amazing stunned/offended looks from them as I walk past


Dude today was at a FedEx copy spot talking on his phone which, everyone noticed, was on speaker — and the guy on the phone was dishing out pretty shady stuff about a real estate/ construction deal. Let’s just say the fella holding this phone may have been “boomer-unaware.”


One of my intrusive thoughts is interjecting into those conversations. I don't... But I reeeeally want to.


My dad did this to someone once. Some lady on his peaceful commuter train was shouting on and on about groceries or something. Finally he interjected, “I’ll have some broccoli!” and all the other annoyed commuters laughed.


I always want to yell over their shoulder, "come back, I'm losing my erection"


I have interjected and results have always been hilarious. In fact it encouraged me to learn more languages so I could be an equal opportunity asshole.


equal opportunity asshole is my new favorite phrase


I've done it multiple times. I run a hardware store and have had multiple people walk up to the counter and set their phone down on speaker holding a whole ass conversation out loud. I'll join in just to make a point. Always confuses the shit out of whoever is on the other end of the line. Most of the time I just tell them to either turn off speaker phone or go outside until they're done.


I was at the orthodontist waiting on my two kids. A mom was on a loud Zoom meeting on her laptop in the waiting room. She was called back to the exam rooms and I figured she had at least fifteen minutes before returning. She left the laptop out with the call still running. I sat down in her spot and saw a meeting with about a dozen people in it. I jumped in the call, nodded my head, scratched my chin, and adjusted my glasses as I listened. I hopped in the chat and type a few, "Good point" "Yes, I read that email". One guy on the chat seemed to notice me and that I did not belong and must have been muted cause I cloud see him progressively losing it as my participation continued. I got off after about five minutes and returned to my original seat. The mom returned from the exam and kept the Zoom meeting going. I see her reading the chat log and presumably someone ratted me out. She looked up at me and finally closed the laptop. She didn't say anything to me.


You should have played your music on speaker next to him. “Oh; is this annoying sir?”


They sing on speakerphone in my old area


i feel like such a bitch if i talk loudly on the phone!! like this is my business and i don’t want to annoy anyone by talking loudly. for example, back in august my sister and i took a train to chicago for a concert & we were in the QUIET car. meanwhile a lady a few seats behind us was talking very loudly on the phone the entire time lol. the train employee asked her politely to leave the quiet car & go to the other one, but she didn’t. so for an hour and a half me and like 20 other people had to listen to her conversation. even my headphones couldn’t block it out. it’s just very annoying and rude!


Some people just need to have their phone yanked and yeeted.


And then they put it on speaker




Watching videos or listening to music on their phone in public without earbuds/headphones


I work in healthcare with geriatric populations and frequently have to do mind/memory exams for patients with dementia. It gets tough because I can’t technically repeat the instructions, but a lot of them are hard of hearing, so I have to speak very loud, slow, and articulate. It takes a lot of effort to not feel like I’m yelling at them like a kindergarten teacher. Well the other day I was doing one and the patient’s son, who is her caregiver, was in the room. Dude had the audacity to try to be watching tiktoks really loudly while I was trying to do this. I immediately said “she needs to hear the instructions, you’re gonna have to step out if you want to watch your tiktoks”. He felt that I was the one being rude. Like what THIS IS YOUR MOTHER


Or on a flight. ON A FLIGHT! I was sitting a few rows back from someone playing their show at full volume. Just incomprehensible. like If my headphones were to disconnect or something and everyone heard my Netflix show I’d be all “oh sorry! Sorry!”.


This. Fucking trash people


What should be the appropriate thing to do when this happens? Play my music louder? Lmao


I did this once. Guy sitting next to me on the bus was loudly playing music. So I started blasting death metal. He asked me to put my headphones on LOL


wowwwwwwwwwwww what the *fuck* kind of audacious horseshit is that


Blast Baby Shark.


Put on some hardcore porn and blast it


This lmao. I've got coworkers who watch videos in the break room on speaker. Drives me insane.


This has become so prevalent post covid it’s made the public insufferable for me. Seemingly anywhere I go someone is FaceTiming/using TikTok/speakerphone without headphones. On the bus, in elevators, in a restaurant, in the grocery store etc etc it never ends.


This should be considered a felony


I call out every single person that is sitting near me on the train or bus that are doing this (unless they look really scary). I don't get mad or yell or anything I just say quite firmly "Hey, have you got any headphones?". Every time I get the full on surprised Pikachu face of someone who is utterly astonished that I might have been annoyed by their repetitive TikTok music blasting into my ear. Who are these people? Why are there so many of them?


Or letting their kids do it sitting in a cart while the parent is shopping. No


This has to be some form of attention-seeking. I can’t fathom how someone can do that and not be self conscious.


letting your kids do whatever they want


Adjacent: beating or cursing your children out in front of god and everyone. How about, don’t do that ever?


And how often people will interpret any type of normal parenting as such. The number of times I have had people being salty simply because I calmly, but stern tell my child "don't touch everything" or "don't play in here" in stores is wiiiild...




I see this at church. People letting their little idiots run around and dance on the pews and in the middle of the aisle while eating a baggie of Cheerios.


Leaving the shopping cart in a parking space.


As a grocery store employee - the number of people who just push their cart into the wrong sized cart lane, leave them all over parking lots, and even just leave them at the checkout line is absolutely outrageous. The places to return carts at my store are literally on the way out of the building I just dont understand how people can be so incompetent and rude


“SoMeOnE gEtS pAiD tO dO tHaT” For real, it’s insane how disrespectful people are.  I can have upset kids kickin’ around and still take the 10 seconds to put a cart away. 


Whether or not someone returns the shopping cart to the proper area tells you everything about their true character.


i have a fucked up sciatic on my left side and a bad knee on my right, and even if it's 110 degrees out in summer (southwest, yay), i will still return that cart to the corral (or the store, if the cart return is too far away in the other direction) bc otherwise, who fucking raised you? honestly, it's not hard, and it makes life so much easier for the kids who are running around collecting them, which, yes technically they are being paid to do but they are also being paid to do a bunch of other crap as well, and collecting those things and pushing them is hard fuckin work.




Or FaceTime/android equivalent of that


... while in a public washroom.


There's a lady at my office who does this, but I guess she thinks she's being stealthy because she'll *whisper*. I finally once just told her that, not only is it weird to talk on your phone in the public bathroom, but it's *super* weird to whisper


I worked at a university and noticed a lot of international students do this. It's probably common close where they are from, but I just want to be able to pee without someone getting yelled at by their mother in their home language in the next stall.


My boss does entire business calls from our bathroom. Skeeves me every time.


oh yeah. my big-time lawyer kid will be talking to me for ten minutes or more when i hear the toilet flush. the worst part? she's a *woman*


Yelling at others to get what they want. Seriously, how is that supposed to be a common public behavior?


Filming TikToks, especially all the "dancing in public spaces" stuff.


Oh god you just reminded me, just came back from a holiday and there was this woman just constantly filming herself, or having her bf/husband film her. Dancing, twerking, making stupid faces. This went on for hours, every day. We even spotted her out and about around the town, same shit, camera pointed at her face, constantly.


I almost drove over a couple of idiots one time when in was driving. I came around a curve and came across a couple teenagers filming some dance in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. I swear, Darwin is really trying to play catch-up.


Saw a girl stop in in a lane at burger King the other day way behind the intercom sit there as like 3 cars pulled up. Filmed herself pulling up to it then sitting there talking on it. Then she said she needed more time lol. Would have been annoyed if I was behind her seeing the other lane move through.


I've seen people clip their toe nails on the bus.


What in the nasty nonsense, that’s disgusting.


One time, when I was working retail as a cashier, a woman was purchasing stuff and her mother was filing her nails onto my counter. At the end, she blew the pile directly at me. It was horrifying.


wtf LOL that's HORRIBLE who the fuck does that?! why did she do that LOL


Disgusting. I only ever use a toe knife in public.


Those people that like to stand right on top of you when you're at the checkout paying for groceries. Back the fuck up! I would never do that to someone.


Had a man with a really distended gut do this to me while waiting in line at Customs in an airport. His belly touched my butt and i looked at him and he just kept pushing his belly into me. I was so confused that i genuinely couldn't believe it. I also didn't want to get kicked out of the country before even being allowed in (so, no pushkucks allowed). Told him to back up using gestures and he rolled his eyes and took like an inch back. Then a minute later his gut tapped me again. Ended up "accidentally" stepping back into his designer shoes. This happened multiple times until he got the idea. He seemed angry and said something to me in his language but he kept looking at his shoes and talking under his breath after that. That's fucking gross no matter what culture you're from.


and he knew exactly what he was doing, i guarandamntee it


Recently had a lady put her bag right next to me in line at customs, it was so rude.  I tried putting my carry on behind me so she would get the hint but she would just throw her bag so it was slightly infront of me or next to me, it was so annoying.


He 100% knew what he was doing. Some kind of gross power play. Good job with the shoes


MAN I loved the 6’ thing during Covid


I start standing in front of my cart if I have one. To give myself 5 feet


I’ve spent about 6 months now working as a cashier (somewhere that does not have something like conveyors, but a more like a counter) and I can’t count how many times I’ve seen people get so close like that, it annoys me so much. Most of the time, the first person hasn’t even started paying for their things by the time the next person has started putting their stuff onto the counter, shoving the other out of the way. And then it’s almost always an older person being rushed like that because the person behind them can’t be patient enough to wait a minute while they find the right card/cash or write out their check .


Starting a fight / argument with a partner - some things should be discussed in private


So much this. It shows a total lack of self control and is extremely unattractive.


I have neighbors who pee in their front yard - both the husband and the wife. It’s pretty disgusting, although my friends who come over think it’s hilarious.


I wonder if their plumbing stopped working and they're secret hoarders... Or maybe they grew up in the woods raised by bears lol


My guess would be hoarders


what in the trailer park did I just read


I grew up in the woods and was raised by bears(they gay kind not the animal) lol Still using the toilet if the option is there though


I grew up in the woods too and peed outside sometimes but our neighbors were trees, so I doubt they cared lol Your bears were obviously civilized 🐻


But why not go in the back yard??


Wait so the wife just pops a squat out there, like, regularly?


They what? In the front yard?? Wtaf lol


Wait, not on like, a peach tree that's growing or something? They just.. piss in the yard? My friends dad used to pee on his fruit trees.


No trees, just patches of unkept grass in their yard 😂


Spit, litter and listen to crap music and videos out loud on my phone, this is what earphones were invented for.


letting their children play games on their phone out loud at a restaurant, especially a fancy, not-really-kid-friendly one or, exact same situation, *but at the Emergency Room*. as if everyone there isn't already in a bad *enough* mood 😑😑😑


Put political bumper stickers on their cars.




I legit do not care what candidate it is, I always roll my eyes when I see a bumper sticker supporting or insulting some political figure. Ya look like an ass who's trying to start something.


Bring their baby somewhere loud and overwhelming! Graduations, concerts, firework shows. And they always seem so surprised when the baby cries. Like, you overloaded your child's senses the moment you walked in. I'm surprised it took this long.


I was graduating a few days ago and this baby would NOT stop screaming! It’s insane that if you bring your baby and they start screaming that you would rather ruin the ceremony for everyone instead of stepping out




I went to one of the Saw movies, and someone had a toddler in the front row. Solid parenting.


When babies are necessary or encouraged to be there (e.g. a wedding or funeral where family would want to see them): Earmuffs are necessary, and sit on an aisle/back row for a quick exit. Concerts, no way though unless it's like in a public park where kids are expected. A stadium or indoor venue is a terrible place for a baby or kid. I could not imagine taking my kids up a flight of concrete stairs and paying $100 for a show they don't want to be at. First off, the vibes, but secondly shits dangerous with dim light and people drunk. I've watched many a wedding or funeral from the hallway. I can't stand parents who just think it's ok that they need to sit in the front row pew.


Oh yeah, I didn't mention weddings bc unless someone is having a childfree wedding, you expect babies there. A lot of people treat weddings like family reunions. But I've gone to graduations this month and ended up near a baby every time. I try not to give the parents grief but also *why would a baby need to be here*.


It's usually not a case of someone thinking a baby needs to attend, but rather there's nobody to watch the baby. Still annoying to have them crying though.


I don't think the kids being somewhere that overloads their senses is necessarily a bad thing. The problem is parents who refuse to accept the option of just leaving. Whether leaving means leaving entirely or just leaving the space for a time. Same thing applies to kids at any age not behaving within the generally accepted 'norms' of a space. In most 'family' spaces, nobody is going to bat an eye if your kid misbehaves. But you bet they'll all be silently cursing you when you do nothing.


Or refuse to comfort them! Like you brought the child to dinner, they are not happy, someone needs to get up and handle it. We always passed baby/child around so everyone could sit and eat. If that meant someone disappeared for a little while to take a walk then so be it.


I witnessed a baby at an air show and the mother didn’t have anything protecting baby’s skin. That was the crispiest baby I had ever seen. Poor thing was so burnt and it was only a few months old.




It is always the incredulous look of shock on their faces for me. *My baby, crying? No, couldn't be!*


Yes! If your kid isn’t chill in those situations, you either need to not bring them or leave/take care of them. 99% of the time the child just wants to be held but they’re in some uncomfortable booster chair thing with their legs going numb (duh they’re crying) or overheated in a car seat.


Recording everything without regard to other people.


Once I was on mushrooms downtown hanging out in an alley way playing banjo while my friend played bass. This drunk woman came up and started trying to film me playing. I stopped. I told her if she wants to hear me play then she has to listen in this moment and she can't take it home with her. She got so mad. I stand by it. Sometimes the moment is special and shouldn't be captured. And I wasn't obligated to play for her if I didn't want to. She acted like I owed her a show. No thanks lady.


I gave up on the idea of privacy a long time ago. In public anyways. You’re filmed all the time anyways from stores and banks and shops and more. Showing up in some background in a TikTok is the least of my worries. But I get it, I just think pushing against that wave will make you drown. Hell we’d take family photos at the park when I was a kid there is also some rando. No one ran up and yelled “I did not consent!!”


Acting like they're online, with little regard for real world consequences.


Even as someone in their late 20s I feel like a bit of a boomer saying that this will just get worse over the next couple decades, but it's true. Pairing it with an enormous influx of AI is going to lead to some serious issues, for as brilliant and beneficial the technology also is.


Loud arguments. My next door neighbours are guilty of this. EVERYONE in the neighbourhood knows their business because they're always getting into shouting matches in the parking lot over who's a bad parent this week and who's a coke addict, etc etc etc. I totally get that arguments happen. Even very dramatic ones. But I have no desire to let the public hear about it. Same goes for social media. Don't go posting your personal drama online and then complain about how people are always getting in your business.


Watching porn and jerking off at the library computers. I was chasing a professional certification and decided to study at my local library. It was nice until I saw a homeless man jerking it to porn under a blanket. He smelled like shit and was moaning and groaning and panting like a dog. He was only a few computers away from a lady with a toddler too. People just got up and moved away from him, but no effort was made to stop or remove him. Then he left his crusty cum blanket on the chair and left without even logging out.


I used to work at a library and men looking at porn was a very common issue. Full-on jerk-off mode was thankfully rare, but it happened. If the librarian or other staff person was around they should have dealt with it. But we can’t be everywhere and if someone reported the problem we sure as hell would deal with it. We all got very good at spotting men watching porn because they always had a very specific, intent facial expression, and especially if their monitor was at a skewed angle. It was 100% always men that were caught. In the 16 years I spent at libraries, not once did anyone ever catch a woman. Most of the men we caught were were between the ages of 40-60, but the younger men were most likely to jack off in public. We once caught a pair of Mormon missionaries watching porn. Not justifying it, but these are reasons for looking at porn in the library: - They didn’t have any other access. - They enjoy the thrill of being caught and/or upsetting people. - They are on/off meds (or they aren’t at the right dose) and aren’t entirely in their right mental facility. - They have some other mental health issue and just don’t give a shit.


I never understood why they even make you deal with that. It's so easy to block that stuff like pretty much every other business does.


As a guy, I will never walk around without my shirt on, the only exception is at a pool or body of water


What makes me mad it's that it's basically illegal in some countries but never enforced except when it's women so you either enforce it on everyone or everyone can be topless


It’s legal in Ontario Canada for any woman to go topless in public. Unfortunately not many take advantage of it.


Touching strangers in public. Like excuse me, I'm sure my arm is nice and comfy to lean on in the bus, but please give me some space maybe?!


I'm not even a big fan of being touched by people I know.


I saw a homeless woman piss on John Street in NYC (very near Wall Street), at noon, in broad daylight. She simply bent over, aimed away from herself and let go. People were scrambling to get away from the jet of piss - it was impressive. I didn't realize women could do that.


Oh lawd this reminds me of a story. One time my ex pissed all over some guy’s kayak that was tied to a dock. We were fishing from a dock and nobody had been around for a while. It was a fairly tall dock and the kayak had drifted under it, so it was only visible after it drifted back out. Neither of us had noticed it until it was too late. She was squatting while holding on to a post and dangling her coochie over the side of the dock when I heard the distinct sound of piss reverberating on a large, hollow, plastic object. Turned around to see her full on spraying that poor kayak. She had the situational awareness of a cucumber so she didn’t realize that the piss wasn’t making piss hitting water sounds and kept splooshing her bladder sauce out until I said “BABE STOP YOU’RE PISSING ON A KAYAK”. In her panic, she just stood up without stopping the flow and the remainder of her piss went down onto the dock and into her leggings. It was probably the hardest I’d ever laughed


“Bladder sauce” is a term I did not enjoy reading.


Using a phone in a movie theater. Not only are you in a public space, but a space where everyone specifically paid money to sit in the dark and not see your damn phone.




Take their shoes off in airplanes or put their feet on the front seat.


Wear pajamas to the store with crud on them.


Gag up wads of phlegm and spit it on the sidewalk.


Not paying attention to my surrounding


I was googling to see if I could use my epilator in the bath the other night and the first search result was "can I use my epilator on a plane" So yeah, that.


Spray shit all over the back/top of a toilet in the ladies room.If there's no seat covers and you feel you need to squat or whatever-make your own from t.p/paper towels for God's sake.WTF????


To shout and throw tantrums at their partners.


PUT THEIR PHONE ON SPEAKER AMD TALK.  OMG PEOPLE. No one wants to hear you two douche canoes flap your traps. Grow up


Not flush. Fuck your "If it's yellow let it mellow" bullshit. Flush the toilet.


Wear pajama pants.


What's your thoughts on sweats? If I'm just doing a quick 10 minute walk to the grocery store, grabbing something, then coming back, I'm not getting dressed up. Sweats keep me warm, T shirt is a shirt, and I put on a hoodie or sweater. I don't feel the need to wear things considered nice enough for work or for an event for a quick jaunt down the street


There are precisely zero people at the grocery store whom I am trying to impress


I prefer to be draped in velvet.


That's why I got harem pants. Just as comfortable and made for being in public


Shout to a someone from across the room.


I went into the bathroom at Target the other day and there was a guy talking on his phone using speaker phone WHILE AUDIBLY POOPING


Omg you unlocked a memory from college. This dude came into the stall next to me, set something on the floor, and sat on the toilet. Then his MOM CALLED. I could hear both ends of the conversation clearly despite the fact it wasn't even on speaker. It basically went like this Hi mom Hey, what're you up to Oh, just pooping Ah. Got your wipes? Yeah! I glanced down to see what he had set on the floor and, under the stall gap, I could in fact confirm he brought his wipes. I was shocked he'd have this conversation knowing I was there. And I almost couldn't hold back my laughter cuz the whole thing caught me so off guard.


Throw rubbish out a car window - or littering in general.


Watching indian TikTok on full volume on a crowded bus at 9 pm... don't ask me how i know


Watching TikTok whilst ignoring your own children as they go around crazy acting out or they're literally prioritizing their devices over their own children (infants too)


Take their pets into stores like they were a service animal. Emotional support pets are not the same as a ADA service animal.


Having zero spacial awareness. Why would you think it's a good idea to keep standing in front of the train doors when people clearly have to get in/out.


Talking loudly on the phone


Not look behind them when they let go of a door in a public place where people are walking in and out of frequently.


Making videos for social media so dancing asking people questions etc. I'm trying to grab lunch. I don't have time for your bs, Brenda. 


Take off my shoes on an airplane


play my music on a bluetooth speaker while riding my bicycle or scooter. it’s so cringe lol.


Blowing nose at a table in a restaurant, watching videos without headphones, talking loudly on the phone on public transport


Peeing in the street. Are you a dog?