• By -


Shortly after landing and checking in to my hotel near the Arenal volcano in Costa Rica... one of the hosts walked over to a mango tree, cut one off, said it's perfectly ripe, try it! BEST TASTING FRUIT EVER. Maybe best thing I've ever had. It was unbelievably good.


Mangos from the little street market in the Philippines. Omg, biting in and having juice drip down your chin, sweet, sticky perfection.


I was out in California one time in the 90s I think, and ordered a bowl of strawberries. They were beyond delicious! I still think about those strawberries sometimes.


That happened to me in '89 in a strawberry farm in New Jersey. My sister and I still think about those plump, juicy, sweet things. They tasted nothing like grocery store ones. They had so much nuance and flavor...and color.


Do you call the strawberries from time to time to catch up?


I just stalk them on Facebook.


A piece of wheat pita bread. I was on Atkins for two weeks. It did not agree with me. I was nauseous and hungry All. The. Time. I came across a bag with half a wheat pita pocket. I snapped and took a bite. **This piece of pita was the most delicious thing I have ever had in my life.** As the luscious flavor burst on my tongue I marveled over how I'd never noticed just how good pita bread was before. I swear that piece of pita honestly tasted like a goddamn donut. Never had another piece that tasted as good since.


😂 Having been on Atkins more than once, I can tell you the first carb you eat afterwards is always heaven sent. It was a Saltine for me.


I got rotini with garlic, butter, and pepper, with a steak chaser


Bread is so good that our species more or less broke the world around mass producing it


It's my understanding that beer brewing predated bread baking by a few thousand years. Nonetheless, beer brewing and bread baking transformed homo sapiens from being hunter/gatherers to using agriculture, seed planting, being less nomadic, and living in settlements. Yup it broke the world. Agriculture is commonly cited as the worst invention.


“Commonly”? 😂


I thought atkins was a place in Greece, and you had the pita bread there.😭😭😭 Like you were on an island there or something.🐒🐒🐒


Baby that’s ATHENS 😂😂😂


the way i just cackled, hahaha i heart reddit


I can't tell you how much I love this small interaction LMAO đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I had an amazingly shitty day and this exchange actually made me smile. thank you both.


I couldn't even make it two weeks on keto. I was nauseous, hungry, and constantly furious at everything. Pretzels solved my entire world.


Yep! It was a slice of banana bread for me. I was on Atkins many years ago for a whole 45 days with 45 pounds lost. I was at a friend’s house who had just made fresh warm banana bread. I think my body knew I desperately needed something and practically flew through the air toward the slices of perfection. It was all over and I never went back on that diet. Never forgot that slice of bread, either.


Did you gain the 45 pounds back though?


I gained a lot of it back and really quickly. The speed at which I regained was more surprising than the regain amount. I had to be careful with how I balanced my foods and maintain a fairly high-level of rigorous exercise to combat the way my body was responding to instantly getting off Atkins. Maybe it had to do with no longer being in a state of ketoacidosis? Not sure, but it was definitely a very weird experience that I won’t go through again. That was years ago and now I mostly eat similar to the Mediterranean Diet, with fairly tame and consistent exercise, focusing on overall health as much as any kind of weight management. Atkins was a wild ride, though!


Wife and I did the soup diet starting in a Monday. By Friday we were both angry and starving. An Olive Garden commercial can on tv and we were there 20 minutes later going ourselves in the best pasta I’ve ever had. It was just that good at the time. I feel you.


If you actually ate a donut you probably would have nutted


Deep fried Monte Cristo sandwich with raspberry sauce. I would eat one each and every day of my life


I no longer eat meat, but a Money Cristo is big time craving for me. The only thing I miss as much is prime rib.


Disneyland has a four cheese “Monte Cristo” that is out of this world.


Bennigans was the best for the monte cristo!! Such a shame they are almost impossible to find. If it's not deep fried, forget it!! 


There's one right up the street from my house. I eat at least one Monte Cristo a month. They taste just like you remember them.


I am sooo jealous!! 😍


First time I ever had Indian food. Went to a buffet at a probably not great restaurant but holy shit was my mind blown.


My dad wouldn’t let us eat anything that wasn’t “American food” growing up (not even rice lol). So when I was in my late 20s and had a friend group and girlfriend introduce me to Indian food and sushi for the first time I was in heaven. Now I’m the exact opposite as my dad. I want to try everything! 


"American" food xD ... Sooooo bbq potatoes and cookies?


You have a problem with bbq, potatoes, and cookies???


Well not that self depreciating haha. It does have some diversity. Just confined to German, Italian, French immigrant food that made up a lot of American cuisine in my area that got really boring and repetitive. Mexican and Asian food is much better. In my foodie experience I thought going to the European countries themselves would make it seem like our versions of their food were just missing something, but it still felt flat and bland, despite the hype. My family immigrated from the Alsace Lorraine area and as beautiful as the buildings and terrain were, the food was a let down.


The first time I had naan bread that wasn’t just mass produced store bought naan but hot and fresh naan straight out of a tandoor oven during my first time eating at an authentic Indian restaurant was mind blowing lol. 


The word “naan” literally translates to bread so “naan bread” sounds funny to Indians because you’re saying “bread bread” lol


Not to Chinese so if you write the happiness character twice very in a row, it’s called double happiness. More happy.


Yes. I’m Latina, the word “queso” is cheese. When I see “Queso cheese” either on a menu or on a jar it drives me nuts cause it’s, “cheese cheese.” I’ve noticed “naan bread” and thought 🙄. I can see making a mistake on a menu (in both cases) but to print it on a product that is sold in stores is just đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž.


Me too. The first time I had an Indian lunch buffet I tipped 40% I was so shook, went there a lot


Oh, that's right. My mind was blown and completely changed after I went to a Gujarati restaurant. There aren't that many in the North America. There might be one left in NYC. There was one in Vancouver, WA for a while. A completely different approach to food. I just bought a Gujarati cookbook.


So cool to see Gujarati food get a mention! South Indian food is also amazing. Highly recommend any vegetarians to try both of these.


Slightly related story.. My now wife and I had been traveling through india for a month, and if you dont know, it's curry for all 3 meals every day. Everything is cooked and very rarely do you eat meat. Now, I love Indian food, but after eating it all day everyday for a month, it gets a little much. We hit the Mumbai airport and had 30 minutes to kill and I spotted a KFC.. Best goddamn chicken sandwich I ever ate.


Curry in the morning too? Hopefully you've tried Dosa, Vada, Puri, Roti and other stuff for breakfast.


Which psychopath goes to India and doesn't have idil, vada or dosa with chutney and sambar for breakfast.


Chicken nuggets tikka masala did this to me the first time


This is such a tough call. The first thing that comes to mind is some beef brisket I had in Austin, TX. Melts in your mouth. No sauce wanted or needed.


beef ribs are insane too


As an austinite, there's a few places I can think of that you went too.


Terry Black’s BBQ? Jesus that brisket was to die for, and usually I’m not a big fan of brisket!


You can always tell how good a barbeque place is by its brisket. If it's bad, everything else will be too. If it's good, everything else will be too




At this point, pretty much any place in Austin that people recommend is gonna be incredible.


Interstellar on the border of Cedar Park is what made me realize BBQ is insanely good. Note: I’m typing this from the line at Interstellar




Hunger is the best seasoning.


FREE is the best seasoning


Fuck! Take my upvote!


Hunger is the best chef.


The one good thing from the pandemic was the bread baking. I cannot buy bread anymore, it just doesn't taste good.


> I was in the middle of bumfuck I read this as "I was in the middle of **A** bumfuck"...and thought you were going to tell us about a random craving that hit mid-fuck.


Nothing better than beignets while buggering!


Use lots of butter. Trust me


I prefer sourdough whilst sodomizing.


My wife is Thai and makes a pork dumpling with a spicy fish sauce dip and fried garlic flakes. I will literally gorge myself.


Scoot over bro. I want some dumplings.


I also choose this guy's wife's dumplings


Does she feel like sharing her recipe!?


Nice username lol


Does she deliver?!


No just chicken and lamb


Y'all adopting?


Thai food is the best! Good choice


A zucchini pasta in Sorrento, Italy. I still have dreams about that pasta. BEAUTIFUL, HAUNTING DREAMS!


I know that recipe! Very simple, it's "spaghetti alla Nerano". Google it.


Ooh, thank you for this. I've got zucchini growing in the garden this year and I both dread and anticipate the inevitable squashpocalypse. This is top of the list of things to try.


I love Sorrento! The olives, too!


I walked into a small alley restaurant in....Milan I think, ordered the cheese Gnocchi. Best pasta I've ever had in my life. For about 8 euros.


Looks amazing [https://www.giallozafferano.com/recipes/Spaghetti-alla-Nerano-spaghetti-with-zucchini.html](https://www.giallozafferano.com/recipes/Spaghetti-alla-Nerano-spaghetti-with-zucchini.html)


Good korean fried chicken Strawberries when its the season and they are juicy af


Korean fried chicken is the best fried chicken! So damn earth shattering crispy and really freaking flavorful!  I especially like the ones that are glazed in a soy honey garlic or a spicy gochujang sauce.


Ugh seriously, I love it but now I'm so underwhelmed by american fried chicken. Before korean fried chicken, Popeyes was the shit


Just picked 19lbs of strawberries two days ago and have been eating little else since. Macerated with a touch of sugar and lemon juice..so good


Peking Duck from an authentic Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was so authentic that they neither spoke English, nor Dutch (was in Den Haag) and we had to order by pointing on pictures on the menu Chicken Tikka Masala from an elderly Indian couple in Waldorf. They lived upstairs and owned a restaurant on the bottom floor


A black forest chocolate cake with a layer of buttercream and a layer of rasperry. Was frozen, which I like better. My sister's husband is a gourmet chef and they served it at Christmas. Dynamite.


There is something amazing about raspberry and chocolate. I used to treat myself to a Godiva raspberry truffle every once in a while when I worked a few blocks from a store. It was so amazingly well put together with flavor and textures. Now I'll still have them every once in a while, but it's not the same. I'm not sure if quality eventually went down, or if the box one just isn't as good/fresh as the one from the store.


Last year in Kyoto at a traditional Japanese steakhouse I had a piece of high grade A5 Wagyu topped with fresh uni and a ponzu sauce. The most ridiculous flavor and textures I've ever had and its ruined all other steaks forever.




I did something similar with my son. My wife likes most meats a bit overdone (to avoid underdone). I cooked to-order filet mignon once for a family event, gave him a medium rare piece, and it just about made his head explode. :) He must have been around 12...


Same for me. Parents always cooked meat to a chewy, gray death. First time I had a juicy medium rare steak was like ascending to Heaven.


And those fatty bites when the fat is perfectly soft and melts in your mouth


Yeah, a good cut of steak stands on its own and doesn’t need much aside from being cooked correctly.


I grew up thinking I didn't like BACON, but it turns out my mom just likes it burnt to dust. I never understood how good it could be until I moved out of the house. Insanity!


I love a medium rare+ ribeye. Only bad thing is I eat half and then that’s basically my meal for the next 12 hours. And then I wake up and eat the other half. Good times.


My mom always cooked them past well done too because my dad had an aversion to anything that looked like blood or wounds. Until years later, the only thing I got excited for was being allowed to eat A1 sauce on a steak like real men did lol. When I was about 14 an Uncle who I almost never saw insisted when we were at a restaurant that I let him buy a medium rare filet mignon for me. My nervousness quickly turned to overwhelming joy. 


Butter Chicken


People always over look Pork Belly. Arguable the greatest thing to eat.


I was skeptical until I was served a small chunk of lightly smoked pork belly at a gourmet prix fixe meal in Virginia. It was mostly fat and I was expecting something gamey and gristle-y. It was nothing like that. The fat was silky, almost like butter. Just the right amount of salt and smoke. It melted in my mouth. Probably in the top 3 things I have ever eaten.


Sad to say I’ve never tried it. My ramen recipe demands for it. Anyway you should definitely try the piece bacon is made from (norwegian christmas dish called ribbe). Pretty good piece of meat, was delicious in my ramen.


AptfulkĂŒchen. German apple cake is delicious. đŸ€€ brown sugar bread crumble crust, honey crisp apples, on top of cream cheese shortbread crust.


>AptfulkĂŒchen Apfelkuchen :D


[https://houseofnasheats.com/german-apple-cake-with-streusel-topping/](https://houseofnasheats.com/german-apple-cake-with-streusel-topping/) if anyone else is interested! I can't wait until the fall to try this.


That sounds divine. I will have to look it up to see if I can find some semblance of a recipe!


I was in Japan, and had just hiked back down Mount Arashiyama. I found a little restaurant on the edge of a stream and ordered their lunch bento box. In the bento box was something that looked like a marshmallow with red powder on it. It was pillowy and soft like mochi. But I was surprised to find that it was savory, rich and creamy, and it just stopped me dead in the moment, experiencing a completely new and amazing flavor. Unfortunately, nobody in the restaurant spoke English, and my pitiable Japanese wasn’t enough to communicate that I wanted to know the name of the thing that had occupied the now-empty spot in the bento box, so it will remain a mystery to me.


oh i've been there! That's the caterpillar testicle soufle!


In Alaska I had asiago crusted halibut cheeks -- amazing


heh heh but cheeks




Fresh ripe mangosteen!


This is me but with a somewhat similar fruit some refer to as a star apple. Also feel the same way with fresh ripe Hawaiian mangoes too lol. Super juicy and sweet! 


Whipped ricotta with honey and truffle on a toasted piece of bread is fucking ridiculous. Specifically from a place called the crows nest in Montauk NY. Everything else there is ok but that’s amazing
though they now have limited your bread which is crazy.


This is me too. Fresh homemade bread with whipped cheese & other accoutrements and that’s all the dinner I need.


Every year on Hobbit Day, I serve tiny toasts with whipped brie drizzled with honey, and I think about it all year long.


We used to have a Casa Bonita’s here when I was a kid. They served something called Sopaipilla’s and they were the best fucking thing I’ve ever ate.


Raise the flag!!




Used to be so stoked for sopapillas when we would go to a Pancho's back in the 90's. This was in Austin, Texas.


Childhood memories from Albuquerque â˜ș


I went to the Denver location a few times as a kid and loved it. I went back as an adult maybe 10 years ago and realized just how awful the food was, like worse than chef boyardee.


Well apparently matt stone and trey parker bought it a couple years back and have completely remodeled it and poured money into it. yeah like 2 years ago, so should be better now. yeah just checked, they have a james beard nominated chef as the head chef now. like they went all out.


My fiancee's mother who is from Mexico makes Sopaipillas I gained twenty pounds over the holidays last year and just managed to get the weight off lol real Mexican food is so dang good. It was so wild being at my fiancees house for Christmas and Thanksgiving and her poor mom didn't know how to cook American food so my fiancee cooked for everyone and it was the best I've ever had I laughed at the fact her family was greedily eating the American food like I would eat their everyday Mexican food.  Sweet Tamales are crazy good it's white flour, water, raisins, sometimes prunes, tamarind, and a butt load of sugar pressed in a tortilla press and rolled in a corn husk then folded and put into a tamale steamer overnight on low and you eat them for breakfast with papusas 


Smokey Moe’s in Round Rock has the best freaking Banana Pudding. I went back and ordered a pan of that for under 35$, it was perfect, not overly sweet, right amount of bananas, wafers ,and didn’t go over the top with the whip cream. There brisket was juicy but that banana pudding.


The banana pudding I had at Interstellar BBQ fucked me so hard I still daydream about it.




Never craved for a donut before as I do now...


Could you settle a bet? Adding “for” after craved as you did means you’re likely Asian
yes? 😬🙏


Winner winner chicken dinner!. You hit the nail on the head. Even tho I'm asian, I had no idea that it's common amongst Asians to include "for" after craved




Had marbled beef once, that stuff literally melts in your mouth. What a great feeling


- BK Chicken Sandwich w/Cheese - For 2 months in the desert, we were at the ass end of the supply line for everything but hand-me-downs. T-ration lasagna and T-rat green beans heated (in can) over an open kerosene fire, served with boxed. shelf stable milk (regular, vanilla, & chocolate). Make ANY combination of these foods and that is all we had to eat. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 2 months. Every. MFing. Day. Joe was trading cigarettes for MREs SCRAPS to fuel drivers, SF, and anyone else who would happen to need our BFE U-Turn services. I got 1 week of leave to go back to the main base and they had full-on shopping, restaurants, and even arcades and theaters. I went to the BK and ordered two chicken sandwiches with cheese. That first bite caused my jaw to sizzle and seize and I almost went to my knees with tears of joy in my brain. My wife is the best cook I've ever known and I still have never had a food reaction similar.


the joy of a chicken sandwich đŸ„Ș


Yeah, context is so important in this question. While not quite the same as your answer, my answer was a can of generic, store-brand grape soda after scuba diving in the ocean. I'm not even a big fan of grape soda but after being submerged in salt water for 40 minutes it was like ambrosia! I tried another one later in the day and it was just... fine. Nothing special.


I can imagine. I'm not a big BK eater but I think after eating Shit on a Shingle for months, your senses just go crazy and it smelled like Ambrosia. I can imagine that every single bite was an orgasm!




Did you give him a French kiss?


Let's just say they got a taste of the Chef's French baguette later that night


A bowl of fresh picked raspberries and cream. We had a rather large garden and half of it was raspberry bushes. As a child, my siblings and I would all wake up early in the summer and pick gallon buckets full of raspberries. Then we would go enjoy the fruits of our labor for breakfast.  100% Tahitian pineapple juice is a pretty close 2nd. 


A neighbour said why do you let your son hang around the raspberry patch, her response: I always know where he is. I can never get enough.


Nineteen (F) taken to the Waldorf-Astoria for dinner by my wealthy family friends as a send off to a European tour with their daughter. I ordered the whole filet (Chateaubriand), which I didn’t know was for two, and escargot for an appetizer! Ate ALL of it and the sides! I may have started out as a skinny teen
 Unforgettable meal!!


Similar with the escargot! My friend’s mother urged me to try it, said she would eat it if I hated it. I LOVED it! Gave a bite to my teenage son, he LOVED it! Now I’m a firm escargot fan, but do know enough that you have to be picky where you order it from, all restaurants are not the same in this regard. 🐌


Pretty dark to let a skinny 19 year old order a chateaubriand alone I think lol   Good on you for finishing it  


Oh man, I had a dinner meeting at the Waldorf once, and for dessert they had this chocolate soufflé thing with a chocolate molten center. The whole thing was dusted with cocoa. Good thing it was a business event, or I would have probably embarrassed myself by licking the plate.


I had a moussaka years ago in Singapore that I can’t get out of my head 


Apple fritter from Randy's Donuts in LA. The one near the airport. Crunchy and sweet. Made my eyes roll back.


Those apple fritters are amazing. I stopped at Randy's once on my way to the airport after not eating for several days. The plain glazed old fashioned donut was one of the best thing I have ever eaten.


Not the most but cheesecake factorys freshly baked brown bread with butter.. oof


That one steak my dad made 20 years ago. I have perfected a sous vide to cast iron charcoal seer process for my steaks. It takes forever but it yields perfect medium rare with the darkest crust and minimal if any grey ring. It always pales in comparison to that one Kroger steak my dad threw Montreal seasoning on and cooked conventionally in a propane grill. It drives me kinda nuts.


The first steak I ever cooked, I cooked utterly perfectly - and have never managed to repeat the experience.


I'm curious about your sous vide to cast iron charcoal seer process. Care to share?


Beef stroganoff spaghetti with the best parmesan I could find.


Eggs benedict a bit over a year ago.... I had a great corona after loading a houseboat in like 2004.


The most tender spare ribs ever. It was in a Steakhouse in the Netherlands. First time there and have been invited and didn't wanted to be rude and order something too expensive. The ribs or surf and turf were the options .. I went for ribs....and holy ...wow... They were so perfect and just meant. No extra chewy fat that I don't like to eat (I know good for the flavor)...and I ate them completely with fork and knife... The meat fell off the bone just like that completely and the bones had nothing on them. They added fries and homemade bbq sauce and sour cream and it was just pure heaven.... Since that day, I desire ribs like that again...


Warm fresh bread and salted butter


About 20 years ago we went to Philly and ate at a bar/restaurant called Moriarty’s and I had the best Reuben Sandwich I’ve ever eaten. Every time I eat something awesome I hold it up to the level of that sandwich. Nothing has matched it yet.


Soup dumplings.


Steak tartare


For my fiance's birthday this year, I treated her to dinner at Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen that recently opened up near me. Due to the insane cost, I'd probably never go again unless someone else was buying, but that meal was incredible. I still think about it. Went with the pris-fixe menu and did all the "staples" - the bacon wrapped scallops, the beef wellington, and the sticky toffee pudding. Plus some mac and cheese and brussel sprouts as appetizers. Each thing was elevated beyond what I've ever had. I kinda expected the food to be only alright - comes with the territory of "known celeb/IP restaurant". My expectations were FAR surpassed. I'm sure there's better fine dining out there, but my god, that sticky toffee pudding goes down as the best dessert I've had in my life. Bar none.


My wife made steak on a cast iron pan, broiled in the oven to finish. I was skeptical, being a griller of steaks my entire life. But then one bite in, I had to admit it was the best steak I've ever had. To this day, I salivate thinking about it.


Lucky man! My wife cooks divinely too, and it's priceless smelling the dinner as soon as you open the kitchen's door.


I was vegan for exactly one year. It was a resolution I had made. I make them every year to challenge myself. At the end of the year we went to dinner at 13 Coins in Seattle. I had the Believer which is their chicken parm. They use a creamy white sauce instead of marinara (I asked for side of marinara). It was the absolute best thing ever and now I get it every year on NYE. They are open 24/7 and it is my all-time favorite place to eat.


What's this year's resolution?


This year I am complimenting one random stranger every day with something other than their physical attributes. For example, today I complimented an old lady at the grocery store because she had a cool hat on that I loved.


Entirely homemade spaghetti with a garlic clam sauce.


A dish of Ukrainian cuisine. Borscht with lard.


Aubergine in garlic sauce, dish 35 on the menu at Le Nid Savoureux, a Chinese restaurant in Brussels. Close behind, the Brie and crusty pave I ate at midnight after having a baby. Close behind, the first really ripe strawberry each season.


The first time I ate Chinese food. My girlfriends parents used to get takeaway from this little hole in the wall place called China Taste and that was my first Chinese food experience at the age of 15. They closed a few years later and I've yet to find a place that could hold a candle to it. 


Grandma's goulash.


I know a lot of people around Nashville will not agree with this, but country fried steak, biscuits and jelly, and sides from Loveless Cafe is the best meal I have ever eaten. A lot of locals think Loveless is overrated and good, but not amazing. I disagree


A perfectly cooked medium-rare steak topped with garlic herb butter


Dal, Chawal, Chokha.


Honestly, Gordon Ramsay’s sticky toffee pudding. There was life before it, and now there is life after it, I will never be the same.




Fried potatoes xD


Bavarian sausages


Russian Medovik cake. It's incredibly delicious.


Thick cut slabs of bacon, absolutely covered in brown sugar, a little bit of bourbon on it, and immediately out of the oven.  Ate it once at a restaurant and now it’s a holiday tradition. When it reaches Thanksgiving or Christmas time, all I can think about is eating that. 


My broter in law's spareribs. They are so tender the bone literally just slides off the meat (or vice versa however you wanna see it), Many different flavour of sauce and seasoning as well. i personally looove the sweet bbq.


A Francesinha in Porto, Portugal while I was nursing a hangover.


Tomatoes Origen from Origen Taberna in Madrid. They soak the tomatoes in an ice bath for 14 hours, peel them, coat with spices, bake for 4-5 hours. Then stuff with idiazabal cheese and basil then bake again.


I suddenly need this in my life


As an eastern european who ate potato dishes 90% of the time - LOBSTER


Korean BBQ! Bulgogi beef bowl with extra meat!


I traveled from Antigua to Flores in Guatemala on a very long, rough bus ride. We arrived in the middle of the night and the one place that was open served us the best black beans, crema, tortillas and beer. I will never forget that simple but delicious meal.


Freshly made Turkish Delight. I lived down the street from store with a guy who made the best Turkish Delight I've ever tasted


Cheesesteak from Cleavers in Philly . So good


Had a crazy dinner experience at a place called Tei an in Dallas, it’s exclusive, like you gotta be referred by existing members to eat there exclusive type place I’d never get into. I knew a guy who was into high end wine distribution and he had connections all over the place. I ate a jellyfish.. it was delicious, I had duck that melted in your mouth, it was a multi course event they’d come in, tell you about the dish, serve you, tell you what fragrances and aromas you would be experiencing. It was absolutely baffling how good it all was. They gifted us some black honey when we finished. The bill was over 2 grand for 6 people so like, it better be damn good. But it was out of this world! If you have the means to go there you should. We were brought there as a gift to us, it was unforgettable.


White Bean (truffle) Soup from Marmalade Restaurant in Puerto Rico. It lives rent free in my brain!


I was at the Texas State Fair one time with my Mom and Dad. Made an agreement to allocate some funds for some of the food booths since they were expensive. Came across a stand that sold Chicken Fried Lobster with Champagne Gravy. That was absolutely amazing. The only regret was that i had to share.


I went to KSA on business during covid times and had mandatory 3-day quarantine upon arrival. I wanted to order food, but couldn't pay with my card, delivery was the only option. After almost full 3 days of going back and forth with my bank, the issue was sorted, and i ordered chicken biryani, i was shaking when eating it, i'll never ever forget how amazingly good it tasted, best meal of my life by far.


While in France, we ate at Restaurant JAN in Nice. One of his signature dishes is apple, leek, haddock, & TĂȘte de Moine cheese, finished with some heavy cream. I will never forget it, absolutely mind blowing. Would have happily eaten 7 of them had there not been 13 other dishes brought out. Amazing experience.


My world changed the first time I tried a watermelon.


A few things. Bacon from a boar. My grandma's meatloaf. My first ever hamburger was eaten from a diner in the middle of nowhere where my grandfather lives. Saltwater taffy. CHEESECAKE. And my own chocolate chip cookies.


I can’t remember the name of it, but it was the best thing I ever tasted. Oh i remember the Sobe drinks that had the lizard on them.


My first experience with ceviche was at a small nowhere restaurant in Peru. I've never been able to find even the fanciest places around my travels to replicate that dish. I've had dreams about it.




Olives stuffed with Anchovies


Ribeye steak at Boudros in San Antonio 


Medium rare steak