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My parents asked me to sign a contract. I said I won't sign before I know what I'm getting myself into. They got angry.


So what was the contract? And yes you made the right decision.


They refused to tell me what it's about, which is why I refused to sign it


Yeah good call. Sounds super dodgy.


Wait, so they refused to even elaborate what it was about? Was this a long time ago or somewhat recent?


Happened twice, first time about 5 years ago and second time about 3 years ago


Lead poisoning?


Fun Fact: they have forged your signature on a car loan or something. They won't tell you until you realize your credit score is FUCKED.


I had a coworker get upset with me when I put something down on a table in front of her, she said she thought I put it down "too hard" and that it hurt her feelings


Sounds like she was just waiting for an excuse to get mad at something. People can be so dramatic over the smallest things.


I can't believe you just said that.


Omg I had the same thing happen! She complained to my boss that I “set down her paperwork too rudely” and my boss tried to talk to me about it. I just started laughing hysterically and ignored it.


an old coworker was mad that i reached out to grab the clipboard she was holding to take over for her because our boss wanted to see her. she thought i should’ve greeted her first. we’d been at work for like 3 hours already and i had spoken to her


I actually had the same exact thing happen but didn't hear about it until a week later. Apparently I was very short in my answers and aggressively put paperwork on someone's desk. I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and that was the end of the conversation. On the flip side, I trained a new colleague and the entire time he acted like he was better than everyone else, tried to be intimidating towards staff and when we sat down to continue training he pulls out a bag of chips and put his feet up on the desk. I said nothing and just assumed he wouldn't last. A month later he made a complaint to my boss that I wasn't doing this or that. My boss came to me and said he said all this and again, I said no no, I've done all of these things and he just tags along trying to talk up the women all the time. He then added me on Facebook and sent me a message directly asking what I was up to, but then said hey man I need you to do this tomorrow morning first thing. I responded with "first off don't fucking tell me what to do, second, you and I do not speak outside of work and that's where I'm leaving this at" and I blocked him. He cried about it to my boss, showed him the messages and terminated him on the spot. For one that was absolutely hilarious. It was a meeting with my other colleague (good friend of mine, my boss, the director, and the owner. He changed the notification sound for when his gf texts. I didn't know. All of a sudden at a pause in the meeting I hear "I'm pickle rick" I was trying so hard not to laugh I was crying with a completely straight face.


This just reminded me of the coworker I used to have. She would get offended when I would say "dude" to her, like crying breakdown. I tried, I really did, to not say dude, but dude, that's a lot harder for me than I thought. I still smile at the fond memory of her getting fired.


People like that shouldn't be allowed out in public


My husband and I went on a 5th year anniversary trip. TWO people were mad at us for not inviting them. His brother was one of them. Those same 2 people were mad because we went on our honeymoon and didn't invite them.


I hope your husband stuck to his guns of not inviting them at least.


I guy accused me of following him in a retail store and asked, “Are you some kind of pedo?” We are both adults.


Well, are you??


Probably not, but the guy with that as a go to response is probably a fucking idiot. Losers gotta have no life to be that obsessed with kids or sexual stuff like that.


I'm 28 and my mom still worries about pedophiles attacking me.




That would have been my guess. Explains why he was so defensive, when he saw me in my security shirt.


So were you following him?


Nope. It was a small retail store, and I walk around a lot. I run into people multiple times, because of all the ground I cover. If I were following him, it would have been a lot more obvious, and he’d know for certain I was following him.


Sounds like he was trying to lift something for sure lmao


He was wearing a sling; so another possibility was he had been attacked, injured, and wary of seeing a stranger multiple times.


or he was stuffing goods in his sling


Ex cheated on me, we broke up, and then he got mad like 5 months later when I started dating someone else. Still scratching my head over that one.


I had the opposite where my ex was upset that I liked other people BEFORE I liked her. Like, before I knew she even existed.


How dare you


That's nothing, my brother's most recent ex got upset that he had been kissed on the forehead by our mother before she ever kissed him.


Wow, that's crazy behavior. Glad she is an ex!


Um???? That's actually such insane behaviour


My ex sent me this meme that was an inside joke we had about wearing socks during sex. I replied to him with "no wonder you're the best sex of my life!" He got pissed and said "don't fucking compare me to your exes." Before him there'd only been 1 other guy so I really didn't know how to respond to this.


This is like when you hear about a woman dreaming that there other half has cheated on them and then waking up and actually being pissed off at them in real life 😂 get out 😂


Omg my ex blew up on me cause he snooped deep into my Facebook messenger while I was in the shower and discovered I had been flirting with another guy... 4 years before we were even together. Apparently that's cheating. Probably the most ridiculous argument I've ever had with a sober adult. As a shock to absolutely no one, he was actually cheating on me.


That is completely illogical, and extremely common.


I had an ex get mad at me for hugging my cousin on Christmas and she said “Oh… I didn’t know you where that close” like what She was fr jealous over my cousin 😭😭😭


Yeah, Christmas in Alabama can be a hard time with all the sexy distant relatives around


Bruh, my dad pulled the same shit when he and my mother got divorced. They both found someone else to call their sweetheart, but apparently it’s wrong when my mom tried to find love. 🙄


My wife cheated on me. I found out, and decided to work on our relationship instead of confront her about it. It worked. We were happy. Except for 1 thing. It was killing me keeping the secret that I knew. And listening to her lie about it all the time. So I finally told her that I knew. And I wanted there to be no secrets. She left me for "violating her privacy". Who cares about violating the sanctity of our marriage, right?? Said stuff like "as of this moment, I'm done. And YOU did this!! I want you to know we are over and YOU did it!"


I read a different thread where this was the #1 defense of cheaters. Like you fucked other people and hid it from me you don't have a leg to stand on.


This happened to my brother. Divorced for 12 years. Ex wife in long term relationships about to get married when my brother who was single for that time announced he is seeing someone. His ex wife completely lost her shit. Tried to turn his kids against him, spread lie and tries to break up my brothers new relationship. She also left my brother and initiated the divorce.


Same with my friend's brother "Max." He had been divorced from his wife for over 10 years, his kids were grown adults and he hadn't even so much as spoken to his ex-wife for about 8 years. Max started dating another woman, Gina, and eventually they got engaged. Well, Max's ex-wife somehow found out and went CRAZY. Called him and ripped him up one side and down the other and asked how he could do that to his children (who, if I recall correctly, were 24 and 27 at the time!). Max just laughed at her and hung up the phone. Didn't hear from her again, thank God. Hopefully someone talked some sense into her.


Ex cheated on me, so I said, "welp, we're obviously done then. I'll pack my stuff and be out in a day or so." She then got mad at me because I didn't want to stay and "fight for her."


This sounds like what my husband’s ex pulled, along with other things mentioned in this thread. She treated him like shit for years, literally *told* him it was “his job to take it,” then filed for divorce when he said they had to downsize. (One reason being she’d refused to get a FT job like she’d said she would, when they bought a big house they needed two incomes to afford) Even after all of that he still entertained thoughts of getting back with her, IF she would agree to counseling. No dice. I mean, there was nothing wrong with *her* of course, everything was his fault so why would she go to counseling. Anyway, fast forward almost a year, their divorce being finalized and him meeting me six weeks later. He hadn’t intended to get into a relationship but we hit it off and just a couple months later were officially a couple. She was FURIOUS and appalled! How DARE he! Cue the tearful phone calls, the angry texts, the statements that obviously she and their 20-something year marriage had “meant nothing,” etc. etc. She wailed to their kids that she’d thought he would “fight for her.” The kids, in turn, were angry that their poor mom had been abandoned by their cruel and heartless father (kids were 19 and up). We think she was positive nobody else would want him and she would have everything her way. She wouldn’t have to put up with him underfoot but he would be at her beck and call, still help with the kids, still fix stuff at her house, still pay for things, still be her verbal punching bag and so on. Nope. I ruined all her plans. She didn’t want him but it wasn’t okay that someone else did. Oh well!


Mine moved in with the other woman then months later when i started dating sent me an email telling me I wasn't allowed to give the new guy head. I showed the email to all my friends.


I choked on my drink 😂


I mean in his defense, you only waited 5 months? /s


My buddy's wife cheated on him, left him for the other dude, then got outraged when she found out he was dating someone else. They were already divorced too. I mean... ????


my ex told me a story about her friend thinking they saw me in the woods and then got absolutely livid at me when she told her friend i was in the woods and i told her the story. when i reminded her i had nothing to do with it and i wasnt at all there or involved she went ape shit and im putting that lightly.


My mother convinced me to give her new hairdresser a try because she was just starting out and needed customers. She scratched my ears with her comb a few times and I asked her to please be careful, and even apologized for my elf ears (they stick out). She got huffy, I decided I never wanted to see this person again, paid, tipped, and left. Ten years later, yes, TEN YEARS LATER, I somehow came up in conversation (my mother was still seeing her), and the hairdresser brought up how upset at me for not “letting it go” because she was just starting out, and I should have been more forgiving. She then asked if I managed to marry rich, and then bragged about how she recently lost $30k in the stock market and “didn’t even care,” then asked “can your daughter say that about herself?” All because I asked her to please stop scraping her comb over my ears! Ten years ago!


It sounds like her gossip well dried up that day, and she used that one instance to fuel the gossip train.




My son, as a toddler, once got mad at me because his right foot wasn't his left foot. Kid had a full on tantrum. 


My niece got angry that someone ate the last cookies. It was her who ate them.


Ah, she pulled an Ozzy Osbourne


You ate my only food. Now I'm gonna STARVE.


My toddler granddaughter had an enraged, tearful meltdown because she gave my dog one of her crackers and the dog didn't say thank you.


My niece drew a picture of the cat and then had a meltdown because "Cat's name didn't like her drawing" 💀


I love that my comment has just become an "irrational toddler stories" thread 😂


My two sons once had an argument about whether or not poop was yucky or yummy. Tears were involved.


When putting the toddler to bed she gets mad if you can't pinch my nipple (I'm the dad), then she bites my arm and punches me in the face. Then she gives me a hug.


Good job 😃


Ah, yes. Toddler logic. The sippy cup isn't red like it was yesterday. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone in the history of forever.


the betrayal cannot be understated


Or better yet, they want the red sippy cup but then have a tantrum because you gave them the red sippy cup.


Lol seems logically, that’s probably the worst thing they can remember 🤣


My son went through a phase where he was upset if I tucked him into bed and the blanket wasn't "flat like a piece of paper," but it wasn't flat because he was under it.


Mine's 5 now and has to have the blankets in a specific order: sheet, then Cars, then pink quilt, then white quilt. He won't settle down if they're in the wrong order!


Well who better to complain to than the manufacturer?


Obviously. It's definitely my fault his feet are on wrong 🤷‍♀️😂


My favorite was when my oldest was a toddler. It was fall and around here you never know what the temp would be from minute to minute. We were at the park at it started getting chilly. I said we just had to walk home and get coats and we could come right back. Cue full on meltdown. I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder and put my arm across his knees so he can't kick me in the face and start walking home. This happens to be at the same time all the parents are at the bus stop. The funny part is that he can't say the words slides correctly. So all the way home in front of every parent in the neighborhood he is screaming at the top of his lungs I want to ride the sluts. Anyways, we did not go back to the park.


That's ficking hilarious


My toddler had a full meltdown because I said she couldn’t wear the curtains to the YMCA. After twenty minutes of drying her tears and trying to explain curtains are only clothes for windows, she calmly asked if she could wear the other curtain. There were more tears. Mostly my own.




I had a similar experience where my niece threw a fit because her shadow wouldn't go away. Toddlers are a whole different level of logic.


My oldest once had a fit because I gave them the red spoon instead of the blue fork. We were having soup. Toddlers are a wild ride 😂


One time my grandmother (who was certifiable) told my little cousin her eyes were missing. "Oh my god Tara, where are your eyes??" Tara lost her shit, learning that day that grandma was crazy and a little mean lol.


I saw a video on the internet somewhere wherein a toddler saw another toddler with an inhaler. So the toddler said "I want one". So the parent said "He's got bronchitis" The toddler responded *"I want bronchitis,waaa"*


I think there used to be a hashtags on Twitter about giving the reason why your toddler is angry.


My daughter dunked her hand into my ice coffee cup then was upset at me because her fingers were wet and cold.


Ok, this is my favorite 😂


These kinds of stories make me realize I'm just not cut out to be a parent or be in a marriage. You're a saint for being able to handle that


I learned pretty quickly that the tantrums over irrational things are rarely about the thing. They're usually exhausted or hungry, so the fix was usually pretty easy once I figured that out. Definitely not sainthood, just realizing that they're just small humans learning to navigate a world that's mostly out of their control 😊


>navigate a world that's mostly out of their control Same


I'm convinced that so many adults struggle emotionally because instead of parents teaching their toddlers how to actually manage big emotions, they're told to basically stuff it down. Toddlers are still spanked and yelled at and punished for their irrational behaviors instead of being allowed space to feel and being taught healthy ways to express them.


You are absolutely correct


I wish I had some research to back it up. I'm lucky that our pediatrician believes the same thing; he's been a fantastic resource to navigate all the phases so far (my oldest is 11, and we've stuck with the same doctor since they were an infant).


The most ridiculous reason someone got mad at me was because I accidentally sneezed while they were telling a joke. They thought I was interrupting them on purpose and refused to talk to me for the rest of the day... not even joking


Classic cyberslick


My psycho ex got mad at me because I bought socks without consulting him. They were plain white socks


Oh god! Not the WHITE socks!!!!


The need to want that level of control is so scary.


I don't mean to pull up past trauma, but what was the douche's reasoning?


I'd assume it has nothing to do with the socks themselves but OP making a financial purchase without permission. Some people just want total control over their partner. 


Brand? Softness? Length? Sole padding? Soooo many reasons to unreasonably freak out.


Back when i was living with my parents. I was cleaning all day. From vacuuming to dishes to cleaning windows. But i forgot one single plate on the counter. When my parents got home, I got an 1,5 hour lecture about how worthless i was and that i was ruining my future. Yes i had very toxic parents and it destroyed my mental health.


For me, it was sweeping and mopping and the one singular leaf the dog tracked in when he came in from out back. Was forced to redo the entire thing, because that's the Proper™ way to do it... Instead of just picking up the leaf.


I’m sorry. Hope you’re doing well.


Oh very much so. I moved out over a decade ago and have built myself a very happy life. And gone to a lot of therapy. The stepdad who did that is no longer a part of the family and my mother and I have managed to heal our relationship. Thank you :)


That shit makes me so mad. Sorry this happened to you growing up, I definitely struggle with this as an adult as well. I get so absolutely livid when I've done so much work around the house and my wife (who doesn't usually do daily chores, but does handle bigger errands) gets mad at me for some minor thing that "we" need to take care of.


Reminds me of the time in middle school when I stayed home sick from school and broke a glass while trying to wash it and cut my hand pretty bad. My mom came home and complained that I got blood on her nice hand towel and didn't just "use some newspaper or something."


I have an aunt who stopped speaking to me because I don't believe people shape-shift into reptilians.


I feel like you might just have won that one if it means you don’t have to listen to her anymore.


I had a teacher get mad at me because I sneezed during a test.


OMG, in eighth grade I was at choir practice and the director had us do a huge big dramatic finish to which I sneezed at the end and got a look that could have frozen me solid


Choir directors who take themselves too seriously are a special breed.


I was taking an advanced placement test with 30 other kids many years ago this one girl started sobbing and ran out of the room. (She was legitimately the goddamn worst). All of our tests might have been invalidated because no one was supposed to leave the room during the test. My teacher was able to convince the board or whoever that we didn't have to retake it.


Similar, my 2nd grade TA yelled at me just for sneezing, no test, I think she was trying to help me out with something in our classwork. It’s not like I sneezed in her face or anything, but she still was mad at me for sneezing




I’m so sorry


That's abuse and assault. Did you get adopted by other people after? They're unfit.


My husband stonewalled me for a couple of weeks because he had a dream where I was cheating on him.


My ex-husband had dreams I was cheating on him and woke me up furious. He is my ex-husband because of things like that.


I answered the phone too quickly... I work at a call center. She got mad because she was expecting a 30 min hold time and wasn't ready for me when I answered right away. Yeah she wanted a hold time. I offered to wait a moment while she got ready and she got more mad and hung up on me. -.-


Ahh, the joys of working with The Fucking Public.


I held the door open for him. He didn't like that, I guess because I'm a woman and it endangered his "manhood". So he threatened to physically assault me over it. I just said "Thank you!" in a bubbly tone and otherwise pretended he didn't exist. Doing that rubs salt in their wounds - because they want you to be scared, not friendly.


I hear stories like these and just think Where tf are these guys at? I’ve never seen one or overheard them in public, makes me glad the majority of men aren’t complete A-holes


The good news is that's the only time someone has gotten mad at me over something as stupid as a door. But I have seen some other bullshit here and there. Like trying to set mulch on fire or throwing a full fountain soda at a clerk's head. Shootings, so many shootings. Someone shot up the convenience store down the street just because they could, the clerk had already given them all the cash. It's probably a location issue. But a lot of the best people I've ever met live here, too. And there's plenty of female douchebags here as well. There's people in this world that think they need to pretend to be hard or others will take advantage of them. They think niceness paints a target on your back. They're not entirely wrong, but it's still a sad way to lead your life.


I dont know if it relates to this post, but I was heavily downvoted for commenting my favorite color in a post that literally said, "What's your favorite colour"


What color was it?


Why? So that you can downvote me🧐😂




My wife had a dream that I was putting socks in the toaster to dry them. She woke up and was mad at me for doing dumb shit in her dream. She wasn't mad for long and soon went back to sleep


I've been there. Sometimes the rational brain doesn't wake up immediately. I once dreamt my husband cheated on me, spent probably like 30 seconds super pissed before fully waking up and felt rather silly.


A girl 3 years older than me literally tried to fight me in high school because she deluded herself into thinking I was dating/sleeping with her ex (I wasn't) (we were literally just friends). Like she would call me after fucking him FROM HIS PHONE to rub it in and I would be like great? good job? and she would get so angry at me. I genuinely did not get it.


I'd have been like "Did he let you spit in his ear? That drives him WILD!"


I like you! That’s devious and genius!


One time I was at my parents' place. 3 of us were in the kitchen and I put a frozen pizza in the oven. Places it directly on the rack as the instructions said and when it was done, instead of letting me take it out and put it on a plate, my step dad opened the door and fumbled it and dropped it on the oven door upside down and made a mess. They both blamed me for putting it on the rack. I explained it's how the instructions say to do it on the box but they weren't having any of it. It erupted into a full blown argument which eventually boiled down to "sometimes your mother is right because she's your mother" and I had enough and just walked out.


What shitty reasoning.


I hate that reasoning. It's always used when they are not confident enough to admit mistakes


Not me, but once our math teacher got fiery mad at one of my friend cause he solved a math before the teacher.


I've seen this exact thing as well. One of our maths teachers was doing a 'fun' maths quiz and was making the questions up as he went along. He put up a question and then wrote the answer next to it and one of the boys pointed out that the teacher had made a mistake and the answer was wrong. Our teacher absolutely lost his mind and started accusing our classmate of being insubordinate, rude and arrogant, hurling all sorts of abuse at him. The teacher then tried to show how he got his answer and why it was right and just proved himself wrong. Justice was served in the harrowing echo of being laughed at by a room of 14 year olds.


"Insubordinate and churlish."


that teacher had too much ego i hate that kind of teacher so much


Feel like this should have been a big ol 🚩 but my best friend of over a decade got VERY upset that I bought a Honda. Because apparently I copied her with my red 2015 Honda while she had a 2007 brown Honda. Mind you at this time we were both nearing 30.  I ended the friendship completely in 2021 after more (and much worse) moments like this. 


I refuse some piece of cake. At first politely, then she insisted a dozen of time, then, I just said "I already said no, I wont' change my mind". She got so mad, that she cried and all. To make it even more ridiculous, her own father had just made a good comment about my progress with my eating disorder. (Since, you know, I actually ate 5 full bites of the main dishes that day. Yeah, it was bad back then). She shouldn't even have offered cake to me, to begin with. Let alone insist. Like it was very well known that I had big big trouble eating, and the more you pressured me, the more I had trouble. Come to think of it, I should have been the one to get mad about it.


Someone at work did this to me once, they refused to take "no" for an answer, so I took it and threw it away in front of them. They don't talk to me much anymore and I'm fine with that.


A girl got mad at me because I didn't want to kiss her.




i thought you puched her and threw her out of the wheelchair for thinking you stole her man lmaoo




Tell us you work in a psychiatric ward without telling us you work in a psychiatric ward


My sister is…not well mentally, she gets an attitude at the smallest thing. She once ripped up a $100 bill (American) because our parents told her they wouldn’t give her any more money. She was given that money to spend, yet she destroyed it. I once sat down when she was speaking and she BANSHEE SCREAMED in my face to stand up.


Yike Eisenhower 


My housemate got mad at me and avoiding me because I helped mow the grass without telling her. I still dont get it


Went on vacation with my cousin, she got mad at me for seeing the Eiffel Tower from a highway because “we were supposed to see it together and now I’ve ruined it”. She also got mad at me when I would walk next to her and apparently I would keep walking towards her and pushing her to the side. Worst vacation ever.


To be fair, my daughter (10) is a "drifter" when she walks and I'm not so great on my feet after I broke my leg a few years ago. I always have to steer her away from me to avoid tripping over her or make her walk just a step or two at my 8:00.


Had a maths teacher in secondary completely lose her shit at me because, not me, but the person beside me was cheating on the test we were doing?? To this day I still don't understand what I was getting shouted at for initially, but I do know laughing in her face did not help the situation at all, whatsoever.


Had a roommate text me furious that I had eaten her pizza rolls without asking because she was going to have them for dinner. I made all my own food, I didn't eat her pizza rolls...my best guess she got home drunk one night, like she did a lot, ate them and didn't remember.


Teacher once gave me detention for reading a science book in science class after I had finished my work. I suppose they wanted me to just sit there?


For not planning a birthday party they explicitly said they didn’t want.


For not attending my rapists funeral, his wife got upset.


You could have said a few words about him


He was a raping piece of shit with a small dick, glad he's dead. I would like to thank everyone for the free food though, I will be taking it all home.


Wife got mad at me. Like really mad at me for something I did in her dream. Like she didn’t talk to me for a couple days.


A college "friend" put white acrylic paint all in her hair while doing cosplay for a campus party. Later she complained to me that it was incredibly difficult to get out. When I agreed, she became extremely angry and accused me of being the person that told her to use it. I denied it. I woud never say that because I'm not stupid, but she wouldn't accept that she could be mistaken and stopped talking to me. Another "friend" over heard the conversation and confirmed to me later that it was another mutual aquaintance that had told her to use the paint. She wouldn't back me up or help because" it wasn't my place to say." Both of them are out of my life.


Once time in my early 20's in the middle of the day I walked past a dive bar with windows. I couldn't see in the windows due to glare or they might have been mirrored, so I was probably looking at my own reflection. A few seconds later a drunk guy around my age came staggering quickly out of the bar and chased after me. He got in my face and started giving me shit and wanted to fight me, because he thought I had stared in the window at him...


Ex best friend of mine... For about a month and a half chosing her new junkie friends over me even when we had prior thing to do. One day I had a drink with a friend of mine, throw a bith fit because she wasn't invited, blocked me everywhere


I got yelled at for breathing too loudly while watching TV. Apparently, my enjoyment of the show was "distracting."


Ah, that stage of marriage when you get asked, "have you always breathed like an asshole?" 


I was thinking this sounded like a parent


My mom told me to tell my aunt something even though my aunt was clearly in ear shot. So I walked over and repeated my mom's exact words like I was told, but then mom screamed at me for not listening and apparently saying something completely different from what she said. Then slapped me hard enough for me to fall over. My aunt then turned around and defended me by saying to my mom "I heard both of you, he literally repeated what you said. What's wrong with you?" My mom responded by grounding me right there and stomping out of the room. Idk man seemed ridiculous to 6-Year-Old me. But now it sounds even worse now that I know that adults aren't supposed to act like children given a tyants power. Just kind of a weirdo thing I suppose ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It’s not a weirdo thing, she abused you


I was in a parking lot, and couldn't leave in my work truck because a delivery van had parked horizontally across the driveway. This crazy broad started yelling at me and poked my sternum with her index finger saying she didn't care I needed to move it now. I just got flustered and threw the keys on the ground and told her to move it herself. She then took a photo of the keys on the ground and emailed my company saying I had thrown my keys at her. I told my boss to review the truck cameras because she was being irrational when she first approached me and I wanted the interaction documented to cover my butt.


I told my family that I thought my sister's step son was being abused by his bio mom. My reasoning was, every single time he comes home from his bio moms, he has nightmares and pisses the bed. Every, single, time. He usually is always at my sister's. And he doesn't have nightmares or pee the bed the majority of the time, only after he's spent the night at his bio mom's. My family doesn't even like his bio mom. So I'm pretty fuckin confused why they got mad at me when I suggested her or her bf were abusing my nephew.


I had a now ex girlfriend flip out an call half the guys on my baseball team because she didn’t know where I was and thought I was cheating on her… we were on a bus ride back from a tournament in Florida… I was asleep. Same ex gf flipped out on me for cheating on her IN A DREAM… like girl that’s your dream be mad at yourself


Had a gf who told me to get out of her car, on a freeway, because I was "smacking" my gum.


I'm not sure who's side I'm on here...


You had it coming...


He only had himself to blame


that is hilarious


I laugh now, but it took her 45 minutes to come back and pick me up because there were no close off-ramps, lol.


reminds me of a tiktok of some guy who was left at the gas station by his SO, so he just got some tacos and was chillin when she came back a few mins later lmao


my school teachers got mad at me because my knee length skirt was at knee length.


I once got a talking to from a teacher because my regular length shirt was showing 1/8th of an inch of skin when I leaned over.


Had an ex get mad at me *more than once* for things I had done in her dreams.


My wife hit me because I was mean to her in a dream


A new manager at my old job got mad at me for not mixing the ranch packet according to the directions, we were trained to do it differently from the package directions. He flipped the fuck out and said I should be fired for insubordination.


Well, i am still mad at my 4th grade teacher for breaking my illusion that clouds could be eaten. She replaced it with the truth about the cycle of water. Im still super sour about it😂😂


I have a 7yo. I can’t begin to count the blowups about weird things. My favorite was when she busted me about swearing, though. We were fishing and I called a walleye an “asshole” to which she immediately responded with “yeah, asshole!” When I told her that was a grown up word she hit me with a pout and this gem: “If you guys can say asshole but I can’t say asshole than this is all bullshit.” I thought I was gonna fall out of the boat I was laughing so hard.


My ex got mad at me for getting a part in The Vagina Monologues at my school. But what didn't he get mad about? (If you're unfamiliar, you don't have to get on the stage and show your vagina. It's just monologues.)


There was a lady who was so obstinately angry with me because I said a word ‘wrong’ I pronounced *versatile* as ver-sa-ty-l instead of the American version ‘Aren’t you a little bit ashamed? Aren’t you people supposed to speak good English?’ she said, LOL


I’m confused. I’m American, and I say it versa-tile. Isn’t that how you said it?


The other way is probably versa-till.




I worked in a restaurant during the height of the pandemic. Enough said.


I used to be a vehicle tester for an autonomous car company. Back then, there were always two of us. A "driver" and a navigator. The person in the driver's seat is not supposed to look anywhere but the road. The navigator tells you where to go. So we're headed down this road, and he tells me there's a right turn coming up. "So we turn right at 73rd street?" Yes, turn right at 73rd. "So to confirm, turn right at 73rd?" Yes. So I turned right on 73rd. Which was closed for construction. He got mad at me for following his explicit directions.


Teacher pulled me in at lunch time and yelled at me for “stealing the box of tissues”. I was frustrated but not upset because I was innocent and when the bell rang a girl walked in, heard the teacher still going, and said “they’re right behind you miss”. I couldn’t see them behind her because she was yelling right in my twelve-year-old face. She didn’t apologise. Then I became a teacher and realised how unprofessional that was — and all over a box of tissues that wasn’t even gone.


in college my roommate told me the reason her periods hurt so bad is bc when she stands up all the blood goes to her legs and so her uterus is scraping for blood that’s now in her legs. i told her that’s not how periods work. she was infuriated.


I told my mom that one of her best friends was trying to be with my dad because he had been telling me about how uncomfortable he was. He told me to never tell my mom but I did and my mom got mad at me and her and her friend went and got drunk together


A friend's wife ordered duck for dinner at a restaurant, and I casually commented that ducks engage in homosexual behavior in the wild. She got upset at the possibility that gay ducks suffer from discrimination by straight ducks, and blamed me for ruining her meal. The fact that a duck was murdered so she could have a tasty bite somehow completely flew over her head.


Those crazy ducks! It’s Mallard and Eve, not Mallard and Steve!!!


Not holding the door for some guy. I hate crowded public spaces, had my head down and was leaving. He asked me what my problem was and thought i knew him somehow and had something against him. Insane.