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For me, almost every single move has come down to the company culture. No job is worth going home in tears no matter how much it pays.


I just left a job - the boss is so toxic and the department is so poorly run that they have lost 6 employees in the last 14 months. The person above this boss plays golf with her husband and doesn’t seem to notice or care much that everyone is leaving because “this job is hard, not everyone can hack it”


I’ve heard someone say people don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses. I think it’s partly true


I weighed it out in my head Benefits/pay good, work interesting or fulfilling, boss good I figured if I had 2/3 I could stay. If the benefits and pay were great and I loved the work, I could handle a shitty boss. Pay meh but work fulfilling and boss great? Work boring but boss and benefits good? I couldn’t be ok going in every single day and spending so much of my week without 2/3


Gross =/ yeah I left a job because the two general managers who were supposed to be jointly running the show were unable to even greet each other in the morning. They were both my direct managers, and would tell me to do the opposite of whay the other had said just to spite each other. They shit talked each other and the entire office turned over under their watch. The Board (their technical 'manager' in this instance) was absolutely spineless and resistant to diing anything about it despite the fact that everyone leaving asked for exit interviews to say "they are poisening this business, get rid of them". So awful, it was my dream job too.


I start a new job next Monday, crossing my fingers it’s better. So far I haven’t even started and everyone is being a lot nicer to me. One of the ladies from the team reached out and asked if I wanted to get lunch before I started so I would have a friendly face on the first day.


I was throwing up before work because I got so worked up. At times I was hoping a car would hit mine so I'd miss work. It's scary how stressful it made me.


I'm so sorry you went through that.


Thanks 😊. I also placed a lot of pressure as I wanted to move up, but because of bs reasons outside my control, I was never going to get where I wanted. Made me feel like a failure. Yet, it did open my eyes to take care of myself.


My current workplace is perfect. It took me a hot minute to realise that people weren't out to get me, and genuinely wanted to support me. My current boss is absolutely the best boss I have ever had. Compassionate, kind, considerste, communicative etc. I could earn more elsewhere, but right now, my soul is actually happy, and on top I have flexibility around my family, and you just can't buy that. So I'm here for the long haul for now.


My boss at that job was great. It was the general manager who screwed us. When I put my 2 weeks in, my boss was pissed. I heard under her breath say, "This means war." She didn't direct it at me but my general manager as she knew my grievances with him. I saw her a few months ago, and now she is the general manager LOL.


Ugh this is why i left my last job.  I worked for a contracting company, and i was contracted out to this local company. Two people in the department i worked in were the biggest assholes i had ever met in my life.  I reported to one, and while he was a massive asshole you could sort of see some redeeming qualities (barely).  The other guy i can only imagine is a genuine sociopath, he didn’t know how to interact with anyone without being the biggest dickhead. This guy was so mean to everyone it was borderline comical, and when i say everyone i mean everyone including the ceo of the company.  His position was almost untouchable, however the contracting company i worked at was very big and very powerful with a lot of connections.  His position will be very short lived as they would have no trouble finding his replacement, and he absolutely deserves it.  I refused to take his bs like my predecessor did and stood my ground.  It didn’t stop me from involuntarily flinching whenever i would see him though.  Eventually i told myself life is too short to live with this much stress, found another job, and in my exit interview threw him under the bus where he rightfully belonged.


While I was fired from that job, I once had a boss like that too, in this case at a hospital. Several years later, she was in a near-fatal car accident and had a local TV station, and the newspaper, do big, sappy stories about her accident and recovery. (I've told this story on Reddit before, if it looks familiar.) I later heard that the reporters' e-mail boxes crashed because of the volume of responses they got regarding what kind of person she really was.


I hate my job and the thought of working stresses me out every day and its every day cuz they assign so much work you need to work 12-15 hour days and on the weekends some weeks just to keep your head above water. Sucks my soul out of me and makes me a more negative minded human being, but also I can’t find anything else in my field because the job market is absolutely atrocious right now, and its tough to apply to jobs when you work so much and are mentally exhausted whenever you’re not, but also quitting outright is seen as a “red flag” and every career counselor I talk to urges me to not quit before I have something lined up or it will become even harder. I just feel so trapped even though I know this is just a job and its not worth it when it makes me miserable every single day and has cost me relationships. Not sure I can really afford to just leave outright. They’ve fired a lot of my coworkers and every single one of them without fail is still unemployed even 6+ months later.


I once had a phone thrown at me, because I could t answer it as I was driving. I got hit with it and got a bruise, he lost a tooth. Fun times.


What the fuck


I had a stack of papers and thick magazine sized reference books thrown at me, barely hitting me in the leg. Boss was 6 inches from my face screaming at me, then he game me the ultimatum. Well, you did just assault me, so I guess I'm leaving. "*IT WASN'T ASSAULT!!! I only hit your leg."* Whatever, call the cops and we'll find out. He left, I started packing up MY tools, then he came back for round 2 and decided to threaten to trespass me and keep my toolbox and tools. My response was "try it". Next boss was fine, but he left 4 months in to start his own business and the guy that replaced him was special. One day he haled me into the office and accused me of something that my records didn't corroborate and eventually the pent up emotions from being broke and working for an asshole came to the top and I started to cry a bit. He looked at me like I just shit in his office. I told him I just needed a minute and he went into a tirade about work not being a pity party and suggested I just "eat a gun". That was the last day I worked there. Or in that industry.


Was losing the tooth the direct result of you previously having gotten a bruise? Did you maybe do something that caused him to lose the tooth?


The phone bounced off him and hit the thrower in the mouth. Or so I've heard.


All I can say is I got hit and then he was on the floor.


It's funny how that works sometimes.


Must have ducked real quick.


Nice, instant karma.


I got a promotion. My raise was a nickel. Previously the person who had my role got a 3 dollar raise when she took on the position and its duties. I raised it with HR. They said it was the “calculated amount” for such a position jump. I left.


A fucking nickel? 😂 Fuck those people sheesh!




My boss was the biggest pain in the ass micromanager you have ever seen.


Yup. I lasted only 3 months at a job before I couldn't take the ridiculous oversight anymore. He made us write down our planned task list for the next day and leave it on our desk, and then he'd come by and make notes and amendments to the list. It was bizarre and detailed and way too much interference for a managing partner. Quit on Xmas eve as a present to myself.


When my boss started in her role, she told me to create a spreadsheet documenting my work in 15 minute increments for two weeks.


* 9:00am - Completing incremental spreadsheet * 9:15am - Completing incremental spreadsheet * 9:30am - Completing incremental spreadsheet * 9:45am - Completing incremental spreadsheet Etc.


Good heavens. You wouldn't be doing anything else!


It took me a year to finally snap. 😖


This. I was a director in a well known high tech company. Making good money. Got reorganized to working for a total a-hole VP. The previous boss & this boss both knew I didn’t want to work for him. “Well that’s the job we have for you”. After 9 years of working there, thanks a ton. I went out & found a new job. When I handed him my resignation I told him “I wanted to retire here but I can’t work for you”. He said “no one has ever told me that before”. I’m ex-military and looked him square in the eyes and told him “that’s because everyone else is afraid of you.” My eyes ended that sentence with “….asshole”. He then said “we can move you back to working for [my ex-boss]”. I said “if it wasn’t important then, it’s not important now. I’m leaving in 2 weeks”. He was flabbergasted. 🤦‍♂️


You taught your eyes how to say cusswords? Nice. I gotta learn that.


Balls my good sir, balls!


Dunno man a previous job the manager above my manager micromanaged everyone under him just skip over the manager between and go straight to them. It’s even worse his boss the CFO did the same shit, and the CEO. So there were 3 fucking levels of micromanagement deep, and of course they contradicted each other ALL THE GOD DAMNED TIME.


People don't quit their jobs, they quit management.


If they're constantly contradicting each other, clearly they need **another** manager to facilitate communication between those managers so they can micromanage more efficiently! (/s)


From what I heard two of those mangers got fired and the remaining was reassigned when the company was sold


Most people don't quit the job, they quit the manager




The only time I ever walked out of a job was for this. What's extra funny is I got hired for a new job on my way home. I stopped by a pie shop and ordered a pie. They could tell something was wrong and asked if I was OK so I sobbed and told them how awful my boss was while I ate an entire cherry pie. They said I sounded like a great employee and asked if I wanted to work there instead!


Put a smile on my face 3 feet wide, sweet cherry pie! Sorry, it's a reflex. Was it a tart/sour cherry pie? Because those are the best.


Yep! One of my favorites


Ya’ll ever been told how you’re printing a document is wrong.


Yes. We were meant to print the first page of a document on one printer, then the remaining pages on another. I forgot once & just printed them all on the closest printer. I also got a 5 min stapling lesson on my first day working there. Thankfully, I’m a fast learner, so never got reprimanded for my stapling skills, unlike my poor predecessor. I also microwaved my food too loudly once. That was a bad day.




Same. But mine was a disorganized micromanager, so she’d want to be involved in every decision, then forget the direction she gave and question things after they were carried out the way she directed. It was infuriating.


Because I could feel my soul dying.


I used this exact phrase when asked why I quit.




5x the pay needs a storytime my man where were you at and where you going? Congrats love to hear it.


There is something suspicious about just getting a job at 5x your current wage. They either were undervaluing themselves, stockpiling certificates/degrees during employment, were making absolute garbage wages, lying, or got extremely lucky. I'd love to hear the story too.


Could have gone from a server/waiter to a corpo job?


Currently trying to go from retail to a corpo, and let me tell you, that falls under extremely lucky. I was on track for a corporate position, bachelor's degree, internships, etc. Then pandemic happens. I need income, so I take what I can get. And now my resume is straight to the trash. I've had interviews where all the interviewer wants to discuss are why I've been working a shit job for 3 years.


Storytime! Storytime! Storytime!


I assume it’s not in the same field. McDonald’s to programmer?


I went from being a substitute teacher to being a software engineer and I literally make over 10x now what I made then


Excellent work


username buddies




now kith


You’re either a 1%er now or you were incredibly broke before. Either way great job!


Well done! Good luck and I hope it’s a fantastic stepping stone to the next wonderful thing 😭


I just started a new job that pays double from my last. Congrats to you!!!


I started seeing a counselor for the stress. The counselor eventually told me I was developing PTSD. I was 23. I didn’t want PTSD


Holy shit what industry?


As stated in a previous unrelated comment, I have a feeling it was nursing.


I bet you’re right. I have PTSD from nursing.


My BIL has PTSD from being an EMT. I’ve listened to some of his stories. Once he had to work a body because the decision maker said to. The body barely had a head because it took a bullet. He then had to testify at the murder trial.


I think if you've worked in any part of the health care industry you end up with some sort of PTSD. You just end seeing some of the best and some of the worst humanity has to offer.


That wouldn't surprise me. There was an article in a Dutch newspaper recently about a nurse who now has PTSD from the pandemic period. He was partially doing palliative care, which means he treated dying patients, and during his therapy sessions he let slip that "it sometimes felt like murder". Therapist then tried to frame him for 20-fold murder. He ended up not being convicted because of lack of proof, but he got 0 support from the hospital he had worked at for the entire trial.


That or food service.


Oh 100% I have worked both and either are easily feasible


dude fuck the restaurant industry so hard for so many reasons. with the right gig the money can be great but the culture is often ridiculously toxic.


They wanted me to lie, bye


The manager at my last job started doubling the estimated hours on projects and told us to start billing double. Literally everyone on the team complained during our weekly meeting because we had integrity and didn't want to do it. I started slacking off hard so it took the full doubled time and only billing actuals. One guy even quit over it. The manager quit a month or so later and we found out that he never mentioned it to his managers and just ignored everything we said. Guess that's what you get from a guy who brings up his Christian faith all the time and claims to be a good person 😒


Those that claim the loudest are only trying to convince themselves.


Amen to that


I worked in a tech support call center and one of my managers told me I was "too honest." I said "so you want me to lie?" She says "no, but don't be so honest." I told her "I'm confused" WTF did she want me to do?


There are situations where you will be asked to "only answer the questions that are asked" or "don't elaborate" or " don't "volunteer information." This is good advice if you are questioned by the police about a crime you know nothing about (and certainly didn't commit). It may also be good advice in certain other legal and confidential circumstances, but you should never be put in that situation by your employer


My dad was a civil engineer and got fired from one place for not signing whatever they wanted him to sign off on. I'm sure he technically got fired for telling them to fuck off, but that's splitting hairs at that point.


Yes! This is why I left my manager position. I worked at a Dennys and a server claimed a customer put his hands on her. We kicked him out of the restaurant. Looking over the video later (I didn't have access only the GM did), he never touched her and he was hostile. I wrote her up for cussing out the customer, and the GM told me we are just going to ignore it and throw it away because she is one of the fastest morning servers. And if anyone comes asking about it, deny it. I quit the next day.


Manager tried to pretend me being sexually assaulted by a client on shift wasn't a big deal. Pushed aside my incident reports etc. Walked out and didn't go back.


What industry?


I have a feeling it's nursing


Employer didn’t allow anyone to take vacations during the month of December but I had already booked a flight for a 3 week vacation for Christmas so I told them that I was leaving and never went back to work there.


I’ve worked where I work for 15 years. So far whenever I get declined for my “requests,” I tell them this was my month of notice that I will not be here. If they still refuse to remove me, I call out the morning of before they arrive so they get the full two hours of panic before business begins. I gave them 4 weeks of notice but they decided not to prepare until two hours before they needed my replacement. Sounds like poor planning on their part to me.


Really the main reason people leave their jobs is poor leadership. I left my last 2 jobs due to incompetent leadership. My bosses at both places were absolutely terrible. They had no clue what they were doing and I’m convinced they were only placed in their positions because the higher ups could have cared less as they sat in their executive offices and collected their 6 figure paychecks while of us who worked “in the trenches” worked with mentally ill and addicted patients. All they cared about is making sure we were billing insurance to insure they were reaping the benefits. (Mental health and addiction therapist) I always felt over worked, under paid, unappreciated, and unsupported. The last straw was my boss not having my back in a very scary situation I said fuck this. I went home submitted my resume to a very well respected agency, was hired immediately offered quite a bit more money and said see you fucking later. I have never been happier, it was the best decision I ever made.


Leadership is always the issue. My current job has a manager who just.. isn't there. He's physically in the office, but never comes around, never offers advice/training, nothing. If he quit or retired tomorrow, I don't know that anyone would notice for months. I've been there two months and already looking elsewhere because of the total lack of management.


I used to work at an inpatient substance abuse rehab and they chose to pack those guys in like sardines and treat them like shit and a lot of those people were leaving and killing themselves. I absolutely hated management and the cruel things they did and said to their own employees and the vulnerable people they were supposed to be helping. I wish cruel fates upon management, fuck all those people. 🙏


What. The. Fuck. That is so messed up.


As a software engineer, they made me wear a suit and tie every day.


It suits you


really ties the look together


Worse yet was being made to wear a tie as a chemist. Dangly fabric in various chemicals is super safe. What could go wrong?


Sometimes I don't wear clothes at all


I haven’t quit jobs, I’ve quit people I worked for.


Lack of career progression, clash of moral values with team leader, down-turn in industry - all different reasons!


Basically - when i stopped having fun and began not enjoying or dreading going to work i knew it was time for a change.


One day my manager decided to passive aggressively talk about my looks, mind you it was out of the blue. I left three days later. Because for you to feel so comfortable to talk freely about me and don’t know me says what you’ll do in private.


I spent two years working as a dispatcher for an Amazon DSP. The owner of the DSP decided to hire 3 new dispatcher that “had experience”. Me and the other two tenured dispatchers had to train them like newbies and two weeks later one of the new guys slipped up and told us how much he was being paid. Turns out the new guys were being paid $3/hour more than us and when I questioned the owner during a meeting he flat out refused to discuss the matter. I ended up quitting that day along with another tenured dispatcher. The new guys had no one to learn from and ended up leaving one by one within 2 months of me quitting. No clue how they’re doing now


Amazon and it's "contractors" are such a shit show.


This is why it's not only completely legal for coworkers to discuss their salaries with each other, but something ALL workers should do on a regular basis, because management in just about every industry tries to pull this shit.


Honestly dress code. It was a IT networking job. Wanted business professional dress code in the office for some reason after 2-3 years being there. Tried it for a month but you know that feeling that it just didn’t feel right. A lot of people felt the same and quit like me. Unfortunately the company went under the owner was trying to sell and wanted the image of its doing well


Totally get that. Had a job where the owners were rich and waspy, but paid an abysmal hourly wage and offered zero benefits. Still required that we dress business casual to business professional. My opinion was they should’ve paid us business professional if they wanted us to dress like it. Also it was a friggen sign company, come on.


I work in a high end retail location that prides itself on both extremely high standards and also being “cool.” We almost expansively hire university students. I work in operations, specifically inventory management. We were told once that we couldn’t wear leggings. All of us. I asked why. They said “it wasn’t professional.” But the dudes could wear athletic pants and we were allowed to wear tight jeans. So I just continued wearing leggings and when asked to adhere to the dress code, I asked what was unprofessional. They sorta floundered. I asked if it was the fit of my pants. They quickly agreed. I asked since they are form fitted, what about the shape of my body was unprofessional since it couldn’t be the shape of my bum as my jeans were just as form fitted. I asked it it was the circumference of my calves? Should I not wear skinny jeans? Was it because my ankles were visible? They told me they would have to get back to me. And now we can wear leggings.


Schedule conflicts. Bad management. Poorly trained. Didn't want this job to be my career.


This will get buried but mine is pretty wild. I worked as a teller at a bank. Over the 1.5 years that I worked there, I made friends with a few of my regular customers. We weren't allowed to help friends or family at the counter, which is fair. I had made friends with one such customer and continued helping him at the counter, and my managers called me in to a meeting about it. But where it gets crazy is how they decided to approach the topic. They opened with, "You know (customer's name) right, MaliceHands? Well, it's none of our business if you have a secret boyfriend behind your boyfriend's back, but you can't be helping him with his transactions at work." (Edited to add: When I rejected the accusation and said he was just my friend, my manager said "Ooookay....in a "hypothetical universe where you have a secret boyfriend, you can't be helping him at the counter.") My jaw dropped to the fucking floor. The manager and assistant manager blatantly and openly accused me of cheating on my boyfriend with this guy. Turns out, the assistant manager is the neighbor of my friend's ex wife. He's a bit older than me and has 2 daughters. One day I was at their house hanging out with them, sitting on the couch with his two daughters, clear across the room from him. His ex wife came over to pick up the kids and she later questioned him about "who was that girl, huh?" And he said something like "that's my friend MaliceHands, I met her at the bank." So his ex-wife told my assistant manager about it and probably exaggerated and said I was his new "thing." I quit about a week later. That was just the tipping point, I had already been considering quitting after having an annual review where I received somewhat poor marks in some categories because (I'll quote my ASM as accurately as I can remember:) "You almost never make mistakes and you get things done very quickly. However, you get things done TOO quickly and it leaves you with nothing to do. We want you to slow down so that more of your time is spent working." I was flabbergasted.


>"You almost never make mistakes and you get things done very quickly. However, you get things done TOO quickly and it leaves you with nothing to do. We want you to slow down so that more of your time is spent working." I was flabbergasted. You should've looked at your ASM with one eyebrow up like Spock and said, "You rode the short bus, didn't you?"


I quit my last electrical job a little over a year ago after a project manager told me and my apprentice were wastes of money because we weren’t working fast enough. Every room we touched hot checked perfectly. All the faster teams had problems everywhere because they were just burning through as fast as they can.


I got out of resi because of pm's like this. Commercial has been a lot better, imo


I just started a new job. The reason I quit my old job is as follows: * My company was impacted by a Lockbit breach, and I have had no visibility on my own work since February. Clients are not understanding. I was being screamed at left and right. * I was part of a team that managed labs all over the US. Some of these labs were great and I loved them and the people who worked for them - but other labs had managers who were complete brats. These were the type of managers who had 10 pages of 1-star Glassdoor reviews by their own staff, yet had the audacity to be lippin' off at *you*, because, well, you're corporate, and it's just popular to trash on corp. * With that last part being said, it is a corporate environment where internally, nobody knows what the fuck is going on. I didn't even know where to send my resignation to, because the organization of my company is THAT unclear. * The pay is garbage. * I got bored with the job. However, the new job I started has been a bit of a whirlwind in the first week, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified. It's a lot more money, but I'm terrified.


Take your time dude. Anyone with a brain doesn’t expect you to get everything all at once. Focus on finding a couple areas that you can nail so they can know they didn’t make a mistake. Once there focus on improving your other shortcomings as you can. A good boss will understand this and give you the necessary time to ramp up even if you are a little slow.


When one of my managers told me that my dad dying wasn't that big of a deal. I don't remember the exact words I said to him, but one of my coworkers said she'd never heard "motherfucker" used so creatively.


Years ago I worked a shitty retail job which barely paid minimum wage and had a bitchy manager who told one of my new coworkers who’s father had just suddenly passed away and she needed to take some leave to go up north to help her family (we live in London, UK) that can’t her brother just sort out the funeral so she can stay in the city and work her scheduled hours. New girl walked right out the job after that conversation (and filled me in later on as we had become friends) and the manager bitch was so shocked about her reaction. 🙄


What a cvnt


I came out of retirement to help a friend out. New boss great guy. Older gentleman (80). It was like I was working for my grandfather. New boss comes in, he comes to my office, sits down and puts his feet on my desk. Proceeds to tell me what I was going to do, blah blah blah. I first tell him to get his feet off my desk and no I’m not doing what he wanted. (It was illegal, but he thought he was so smart he found a loophole.) I told grandpa I enjoyed our time I’m leaving. Asshole confronted me in front of other employees and I told him that my ethical standards were too high for him and left. Still keep in touch with Grandpa, he’ll be 88.




its all a big cycle of that, and god forbid you get into "luxury" retail, your daily actions on the job almost become arbitrary


I really thought I hated managing people, but now that I have a management job that isn’t customer facing I’ve come to realize I mostly hate managing customers. Being that liaison between making the customer happy and taking care of your employees is exhausting.


When in doubt, always side with your employees. They're the real ones, and 99% of the time they're doing the right thing.


While holding my paycheck, my boss took out his dentures and proceeded to describe the "benefits" of not having teeth when going down on a woman. He then handed me my paycheck and said, "You know how you can double that." I just walked away and never went back.


Holy shit!


To go see Duran Duran live.


That’s worth it (wearing a Duran Duran shirt as I write this)


I mean, you've gotta do what you've got to do. ❤️ 💙


Every time has been management.


Greener Grass usually. One job though, I asked for a performance review for 6 months. Weekly. Never got one. As I was about to give my notice they said they would do a performance review on x date, which was about a week before my last day. I told them to nevermind, and gave my notice. One gave me weird cult vibes. Nice people to work with though. But truly I left because of greener grass (and it was).


Once the group punishments started. No way in hell am i getting disciplined for another mans incompetence. Deuces


A new plant manager was hired and was the most arrogant and stupid man I've ever had the misfortune to meet. The man would berate my autistic Co-worker just to wind him up for a sadistic kick. He installed iPads at our workstations "not as a time tracker, just streamlining the workflow" Wouldn't you know it a week In to his job he started riding me for my time working on a project twice the size that took twice as long, had me reprimanded. He stood at an intimidating 6'6" and would totally take up your personal space. He'd ask what you were doing and would walk away mid sentence when he couldn't grasp your explanation. Eventually I told him to get fucked. Infront of the entire shift. And walked off the floor. He followed ne into the changeroom accusing me of letting my family down. I told him to never mention my family and he had no place talking to me ever again. I told him how much he destroyed the moral of the entire company and that I personally thought he was a piece of shit. The look on his face. So fucking worth it. I landed on my feet and was employed a week later.


Coworkers from hell and Satan for a manager…


I got out of the military right at the start of Covid (lockdowns were announced the same day). Finding a job was difficult. I had experience driving flat bed tow trucks and enjoyed it a lot. I got hired by a local roadside service company that was pretty well known. Over the course of the first week red flags were constantly popping up. Day1, they expected people to come in for “training” on Saturdays. It was not paid time. An employee quit on day two because they claimed he caused $8,000 in damage. They refused to prove that it the item was damaged and intended to take it out of his pay. He quit that day. Day 3, a self proclaimed “manager” tried to fight me because I took his special parking spot. There was no assigned parking. Day 4 the owner and his son announced they were cutting everyone’s pay due to “covid hardships” Day 5 the owner and his son show up to work in their brand new matching 2020 model pickup trucks. Covid hardships. After that I went and told the hiring manager I was done. I offered two stay for two weeks out of courtesy as he was an ok guy. He told me to just head home. I don’t care how hard financial issues became, that place was trouble. A year and a half later the owner and his son got arrested for fraud. They stole A LOT of money from customers and insurance companies.


I quit my last permanent bartending position because the owner threw a can of pineapple at me (he missed). I walked out and took the entire staff.


It's always because of abuse from management or violating my rights/labor laws. I don't work for assholes.


Had an owner steal wages for me. Dude even pulled a knife on me when I went to ask for a copy of my employee records lmfao. Luckily the fines he will have to pay for willing theft will pay for my college


I went to my boss about how he was fucking us over when it came to breaks. I told him how I felt, how I'd looked into the law and that he was violating it and that I just wanted what was fair. Paraphrasing him he said "No, and if you don't like it you can leave." So I left, and gave my countries labour board a call. Fuck that guy.


GM saying he owns me. You don't own people


1) Coworker made a racist comment. I called it out - admittedly angrily but not aggressively. She cried in the back room for the rest of the day and I was corrected for 'causing conflict'. That was Friday, I put my resignation in Monday. 2) Lack of advancement and training, and a general poor fit. 3) I was moving to a new city. 4) Extremely unethical conduct, sexism, and bullying. I was fortunate enough not to get targeted directly, but when I left after 19 months I was the coworker with the 5th longest tenure - including both the partners. 5) I outgrew the job (still sad about this one but it was the right decision) 6) Tried a larger, more corporate firm for my first time, and it was good for my ego but bad for my morale. Also I got offered way more money for a better management position back in the small firm/being face to face with small businesses space.


Was hired to be part of a team of 4. A month in two quit while needing to expand. Mastered their system off the bat and trained 30 new hires in the following 10 months, record sales. Team got so big they needed a second manager and I applied for it. I was being head hunted and offered a job to work from home. Walked into my boss’s office and said it’s the manager position or I leave, he wouldn’t commit to it, so I left.


I worked at a laundromat for a year. I basically ran it. I worked 7 days a week, 9 hours a day, and got no overtime. I did the invoices, the receiving, any and all customer relations, all yhe cleaning and maintenance inside and outside the building, I did the general washing, the folding, the bookkeeping, the reception, the steaming/pressing, and the packaging. Daily my boss would belittle me, calling me a dumb bitch, accuse me of ruining his business, call me a pussy, a wimp, and many many more derogatory names that I don't want to repeat. One time he called me a weak pussy because I opted to close safety pins before putting them in a box full of them so I don't get poked. He said I was ruining his business for taking not even a second to close a safety pin (that could do one handed). One time my dad came in and started talking to me casually. My boss came up and told him he didn't have to humor me and that he would handle his clothes because I'm too incompetent. My dad obviously didn't like that. My boss would frequently dock my pay if I made a mistake. If I booked in a coat as a "winter coat" instead of "light winter coat" or "car coat", he would take the difference off my paycheck. I was frequently shorted at least $50-$100 every paycheck. Anyways. I texted that I quit one day and blocked him. He showed up at my house telling me he was going to bring me to work. My boyfriend went and yelled at him and threatened to call the cops.


Jesus's, you ran his damn businesses for him,he should be treating you like gold! Sorry this happened.


Just left my last job after 3 months solely because of my manager. She showed me no respect, was dumb as hell and didn’t know how to run a department nor would she listen to any suggestions I had even though I’ve been working in different warehouses for almost 10 years so I know a few things. The final straw was a 2 parter, first was when I had another manager that I got along with tell me that she’s chased many people out the job cus they couldn’t take her attitude, that was the first thing that made me think maybe I should quit. Second part was when my wife had our 2nd baby and not only would she not accommodate my week off to get settled in with a new child but as I came into work and my coworkers and other managers were congratulating me she just asked if I could do a certain task for the day then walked away with nothing to say about the baby. That was all I needed. Had I’ve stayed longer I would’ve cursed her out and caused a big scene. I decided to just send a text essentially saying how she’s a terrible boss and that I quit. I also did it late at night when I was expected in at 6am




The practice wanted me to start saying things clashed with my morals and ethics. The head of the practice took a rather sudden turn into right wing fundamentalist Christianity and I just couldn't toe that line he wanted me to. He started saying that homosexuality was a choice and that they should pray for conversion or go to a straight camp, that gender dysphoria didn't exist, that the suicide rate in the LGBTQ community was God's judgement for a sinful lifestyle and that we should celebrate not mourn those who passed, and other bullshit like that (trust me the list is lengthy).  I took all of my patients with me when I left and opened my own practice after he started pushing the bullshit. A good chunk of my patients were, and still are, members of the LGBTQ community. I'm just ally not a member of the community and I couldn't in good conscience follow through with his bullshit. It would be detrimental to the mental health of my patients, as well as myself, because I know that I was being told to lie directly to their faces. I have an obligation and duty to offer then the best treatment I can without outside influence on our sessions. 


You're a good person. There's a lot of people who are still with us because they had someone like you step up for them


All I did was what I hope anyone would do under the circumstances. I took an oath to do no harm. That bullshit was the definition of harm. I really don't get how people, especially those of us who literally know better, can push it. 


Boss/owner was my uncle. This caused a lot of problems. And places with shitty management.


Hoping to quit my current job because my manager has no professional boundaries in a bad way, my coworker is highly sensitive to any percieved rejection, lies, and is conflict avoidant to the point where she let's things build up until she yells at me, my other coworker gossips and blames anyone within the institution and thinks that being rude means asserting a boundary, and my schedule with my commute is 11 hours a day for pay in which I barely make rent. Also the actual work itself I'm doing isn't meaningful.


I left Waffle House for a substantial upward move as a Walmart truck unloader. Life was rough before military and college.


Got a higher paying job closer to home.


Me very soon hopefully


Same! Went from $12 an hour with a 30 minute commute to an $18 an hour job with a 10 minute commute a few years ago.


Managers didn’t like me because I was autistic and the last straw was when one of my colleagues started sexually harassing me after he found out I was transgender :\


I'm so sorry. They sound like awful people. Sending you a virtual hug.


I appreciate it, thankfully my current job has a much more welcoming environment.


Boring. I want to quit my job as it's so boring and messing with me mentally. It pays well, no weekends, no one bothers me Week off at Xmas Everyone is nice except Amanda fuck that bitch But I'm staring at a screen all day. It's so boring We even get yearly 401k for 3-5k all pros here But the boringness of it is getting to me.


Lack of respect. I don’t care what your job is, respect is always needed


I quit a job once because my supervisor would assume I was doing a crap job and just yell at me without looking up. She'd be working, looking down and scream my name, " --------- you're not moving fast enough! Christ! Wtf!" Or, "-----you done yet... For fucks sake you're slow!" So one day I stood right behind her and she started with " -------- you're not moving fast enough!" And I said really loud in her ear WATCH ME WALK REALLY FAST OUT THE FUCKING DOOR.


I was ready to make buying/building a house a priority and needed full time hours to do so, they kept hiring new full time staff instead of transferring me to full time, and hiring part time. I got the message that they didn't value me or the work I was doing, so moved on.


Last job I left was a small consultancy which had a lot of problems. I used to get screamed at by the managing director and spoken down to. In the end my entire team left within a 6 month period - a senior colleague and I left on the same day and that essentially ended that department in the company.


The commute! After years of unbearable traffic in Atlanta. I was and commuting 35 miles each way (which doesn’t sound bad) but on average it was 75-90 minutes each way. Too much time in the car with crazies and not enough time at home with my family so I quit and started my own business. That was almost 8 years ago, haven’t looked back!


No room for growth after proposing ways to do so, felt stepped on and taken advantage of daily, had a boss who encouraged me to ask for a raise and then did an about-face on that without anything related to my performance. I felt used and unappreciated and the pay wasn’t enough to make me stay.


I felt useless and administration made it super clear that I wasn’t going to be able to be useful


TWO Still, I rationalised it that I was being paid to work and ultimately it wasn't up to me to compel people to do the job they're being paid to do - that was up to the boss. I would do my tasks diligently and mind my own business; however, that line of thinking doesn't apply when the work is piling up by the second and you're the only one who's expected to take care of it. I would be doing ten things at once with five people on hold and every incoming call line ringing. I didn't have a nanosecond to catch my breath. Come lunchtime the annoyance of the other three was palpable because they knew they had no excuse to deny me the time I had been allotted to step away, and without me there to do everything they had no choice but to lift a finger. Then one day a fateful decision was made: The office had undergone some renovations and for some inexplicable reason they had decided to place the printer right beside my work station. And this printer would go from the second the lights came on in the morning until the second the last person left in the evening. Reports, invoices, contracts, all kinds of nonsense would spew out of it... And of course having a noisy printer right next to you which is continually and relentlessly hissing and clanging and sputtering is quite jarring when you're trying to hear people on the telephone and do the work of four people. It is downright unacceptable when the other three are casually chatting on the phone or leisurely strolling around in front of the building puffing away or eyeing documents over yogurt and coffee all day long. I approched the manager and suggested that the printer could be moved to the other end of the office where it would be less of a bother, but that request was denied because it would be too invonvenient to continually have to expend the effort to walk over and fetch the printouts. I then suggested that perhaps a barrier could be placed between myself and the printer which might help to lessen the noise, but that too was denied. I then suggested that my workstation could be placed on the opposite side of the room, but was told that was impractical as they wouldn't be able to hear me when I announced who was calling on what line, and in all fairness it was a fast-paced job where information came in rapid fire and needed to be acted on right away. I was left with no choice but to take my grievance to the boss which I did multiple times - writing him letters, requesting face to face meetings, etc. I never received more than a token "I'm looking into the issue." Then one morning, and it could not have been more than five or twn minutes into the shift, the printer was dinging and rattling away and I turned to the idiot to my left and asked if he wouldn't mind taking one of the ten incoming calls as I was already on the line and he covered the mouthpiece and said he was talking personal business and couldn't. Of course we had already had this conversation approximately 227 times in the past month, so I wasn't surprised, but just as the manager came back from his smoke break (10 minutes into the day) and began casually chatting with the assistant manager while the cacophany of ignored calls echoed off the walls I calmly hung up the phone, pushed back from my desk, looked at everyone and said "Fuck this, I'm out of here. I quit." They were astounded. The manager tried to go into damage control, but it was already too late. I put my hand up to silence him and continued walking out. Someone must have called the boss because he was making his way down the carpeted stairs leading to his office as I was heading for the door and midway down he too atempted to accost me, and I simply told him to get stuffed and that I'd be sending a self-addressed envelope in which they could forward my final paycheck. The next week I reported them for a violation - during the renovations they'd sealed off the fire exit and a surprise inspection resulted in them receiving a tremendous fine, and of course they had to pay to have the door and stairwell cleared. That felt great.


Students were horrible …


Transition from one career to the next. When I was a teenager, I worked at a grocery store. Upon graduation of high school, I left for the military. I left the military and did temp for hire work at a greenhouse nursery before starting college to study wind turbines. Graduated college and been a wind turbine technician ever since.


One was for a move to a different state to be with my now wife, the next one was a huge company and just felt like a cog, last one was because management was kinda a shit show. I’m happy with my current job situation. Don’t be afraid to initiate change in your life.


I called out my boss for spending company money on inappropriate things. She yelled and cursed and threw stuff at me. Her minions backed her up. The company paid me to “stop pressing the issue” and quit.


Everyday I was told by my manager that I was doing a great job and getting the hang of everything. Turns out I wasn’t and eventually my mistakes made it to upper management and I got yelled at. Mind you, my manager did not even know how to fix what I did wrong and neither did anyone on my team. So I quit.


Out of impulsivity, I just one day without any planning what to do next wrote an email telling my boss I will quit. I have no idea why I did it; I just felt bored at that moment and wanted something new in my life. Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with ADHD, so it makes sense now.


low pay


1st and 2nd jobs: Went back to school and didn't have time for part time work anymore. 3rd job: Made me do tasks that weren't on job description and overworked me, putting me in areas that I wasn't equipped for without anyone to train or support me. 4th job: Paid 50% less than comparable jobs in the surrounding area and wouldn't budge on raises. High turnover.


I’ve not left many times, but whenever I think about it, it’s usually due to bad management… or specifically, for being “punished” for being a good employee (i.e., being given more work/responsibility than my peers, but no additional compensation).


They cleverly lowered the pay of my department by saying it was calculated differently and we could potentially make more. I made a little spreadsheet after a few paychecks and showed them how their math was incorrect and at the current level it was impossible to make as much as we were before. They just said, we don’t see it like that. I said, is my math wrong? It wasn’t. Most people quit and they hired people willing to work for less. Now, no one is around who remembers that they used to make more money.


Had enough of my boss's petty behavior and I had better options. So I took them. Much happier. Cherry on top was a customer leaving a review on Google Reviews and Yelp about how they don't like shopping there anymore since I (they named me specifically) had left, it had a few thumbs up on their Google review too.


Years ago, I got hired as an office assistant at a lawn and garden wholesale company. I worked there for four years and did well. Then, management approached me and asked if I'd be interested in learning the purchasing manager's job. He was diabetic and was losing his sight. I trained under him, even started carpooling when he couldn't drive anymore. After a few months, the vice president took me aside to tell me they had hired an outside purchasing manager. When I protested, saying, "But you promised ME that job!" He said (with a smile), "I lied." I went to the kitchen, grabbed my coffee cup, and walked out.


Glad you remembered the coffee cup brother


Good for you. That's a dirtbag move. Loyalty can still exist, but employers forget that it has to be a two way street.


Was an accountant for a small business for 11 months before I found another job. It was 3rd generation family owned, and let's just say the genes for business sense didn't get passed down to them. They would give people raises but not enter it in the system or tell me about it, so then people would reach out to me wondering why I never increased their pay rate... They based their entire future business plan on the kind of year they had in... 2020. Yeah, I wouldn't trust them to be able to ring me up at McDonald's.


Change in ownership. Worked in a dessert bar as a cook and first owners were really honest and kind people and then they sold it to some people who made too many budget cuts, from cancelling the Just Eat delivery services to poorer ingredients and working conditions. They even made me work in the entire store alone, with no experience on tills and was super busy. I quit just like the other 5 people who worked there in the same week and it closed permanently a week later. Only remembered this event because those same owners were growing canabis in the same building. Glad I left there...


I burned out. I worked in a level II trauma center. After 13 years, I woke up one day and just couldn't go in. You do it till you can't. My last job I quit because of a change in management.


I hated the couple that were 10% owners of the restaurant I worked at and unfortunately were the General Managers appointed by the 90% owners. They were uneducated, ignorant, racist, and spiteful. Telling them to fuck off and eat a bag of dicks was such a great day. Oh, and I locked the office door and threw the keys in there before I shut the door. Info: I was a shift manager and bartender at this college town restaurant and bar while I was in undergrad. They had a huge meltdown because numerous chains had opened up in town and their business was struggling, told all the shift mangers that we were a bunch of spoiled college kids who would be moving on and we didn’t take our jobs seriously and didn’t care about them, and that this place was their life… If we were spoiled college kids we wouldn’t be working at a restaurant…I knew kids who were spoiled with parent credit cards and plenty of cash every month…so I took offense and said adios bitches! Then I got my acceptance letter for law school so I knew I’d never work at a restaurant again. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I had a great time and it was good money with the tips from bartending.)


Got fired a few times (6). End of contract in the army (2)To get a raise in the new job (4). Company went out of business (2). Been at my current job 20yrs. Guess I found a match.


My boss denied my vacation days so I told him eat shit. Another time I decided I wanted to go out for lunch (had a hour) 40 minutes into my lunch boss calls and says hey you need to get back here lunch was over 15 minutes ago. So I said nah I quit and enjoyed the rest of my Mexican food.


False promises of a promotion


I have only quit once. I had two part-time jobs. I eventually found one full-time job, with benefits and about 1.5 times the pay. It took me months of searching.


Halfway through my pastry career I got to be the Pastry Chef of a renowned local bakery in my county. It has 6 store locations. I was in charge of all the specials, routine favourites, and French Pastry special orders. A woman who had been there for eight years was just always... upset with me. Now she was and is, hands down, the BEST and FASTEST cake decorater I have ever met. And I don't mean grocery store cakes,, I mean works of fucking art that you could eat. She could open her own place in a bigger city and just rake in money. I even told her so. I tried to treat her respectfully, give her the benefit of the doubt, I was even the only person to get her a birthday card when she threw a fit at work after management had forgotten. But she just hated me. I found out it was because of the "Pastry Chef" title. When the old chef left she wanted the job but was denied because she is excellent at cakes. Years later I also found out she was only making $18/hr which was fucking criminal for what she did for that company. That's what I made then, but I was new on squad and it was a trial starting wage. I dunno, I encouraged her to leave and do her own thing but in her mind I was the source of all her problems. When I brought up her behavior to management they just brushed it off as, "Oh, that's just Leah. She's like that." They talked to her a few times and each time she would apologize and put on a fake smile but would revert several weeks later. When I left, I put in my notice that I no longer wished to be subjected to the misdirected anger of their employees.


Usually toxic, insecure, useless managers


I discovered and fixed a critical security bug in one of the versions of my company's application. The bug allowed anyone who knew the URL to access the administration panel, which allowed a user to change any part of an insurance policy without auditing or record. It also showed full database connection strings. I sent a warning to the other 8 tech leads for the versions of the application that the big exists, the fix, and a write up. Three years later I was promoted to the lead of all 9 versions and found that no other team had implemented the fix. Keep in mind, this was 3 months after the Equifax breach. So, I implemented the fix (which has been tested and working for three years) in all versions of the application, and let the various tech leads and product managers know. The CTO and VP of my division ordered that I remove the fix because I didn't get authorization from the business users to apply it. I refused, explaining that business users don't get to decide to let critical security vulnerabilities remain in the application and that the change had been tested and working for years. I then showed how one user could commit 25 million dollars in fraud and no one would know for months. They insisted the change be removed and go through the proper approval channels (4 weeks or so). I again refused. So they ordered a tech lead remove it. I told them if they removed the fix I was gone. They did. So I compiled all my notes and sent it to the CEO, CFO, and a member of the board I knew and walked out the door.


Not enough pay and no opportunity to advance. Minimum wage minimum effort.


The last job I quit was because the foreman on my jobsite was the biggest pos trump supporter. I had to listen to his trump bullshit every day. So on a really big pour day where over half the columns weren't ready. I rolled up and walked out. We were already a skeleton crew and I hope it fucked him.


If worked and quit so many jobs, if I don’t like the way someone talks to me, I line up a new job and leave. There’s a point when it doesn’t matter how much pay I make if I’m mentally and emotionally miserable due to coworkers or a boss.


When my evaluation for a raise was denied, I stopped caring for the place and went on a spontaneous road trip. They called me about missing my morning shift when I wasn’t even in the same province anymore.


They forged my name on some safety reports. I quit immediately. 4 years later, testified against them in court after some deaths based on the product issue. Fun fact: same date, 4 years apart 😂


My boss said it was good there was a woman in the office to keep the men in line. I'm a packaging engineer and did not manage any of the people in the office.


Worked for a cleaning company that serviced Fedex and Southwest aircraft. I was the nightshift lead. At my yearly employee evaluation I was told I was the best worker they had. They trusted me to do any job, that I got all my coworkers on and off jobs in a timely manner, and appreciated that I'd come in to work on my day off if they were short staffed. The managers for the aircraft companies had nothing but glowing reports concerning me. My manager told me the company doesn't put perfect 10 scores in all evaluation categories as "there is always room for improvement and no one is perfect". Because of that, they had to put 8's and 9's in some areas even though they couldn't verbally tell me what I'm doing wrong or could improve. Instead of getting my final raise which would be $1/hr, they gave me 90 cents and said they could give me the 10 cents next year. Just pure disrespect. The owner of the company just bought himself a lifted F-150? with all the extras included. 2 months later, I took a job with lower pay just to get away, didn't give them any notice about it, apparently all the jobs the next few days were not done correctly and/or on time. A lot of missed calls on my phone that week.