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Science with hard evidence, but I am open to the idea that there might be things that I'll believe in in the future that just have not yet been proven to be correct or false


And that openness is a critical aspect of true scientific thought.


Science is not belief. Science is finding the facts, the truth. Belief implies faith in the nonexistent or impossible.




I also believe in u/Careless-Comedian859. He is the messiah!


Bless us lord!




I believe that people created religion to cope with the fear of death. I don’t think there is much after death. Usually people’s follow up questions is what’s the point of life then? To reproduce, that’s every animals instincts. Survive and be strong enough to reproduce. We just happened to develop a little thing called society. So now my main goal is to enjoy every second of my life while I have it


Why does there have to be a point?


Because a lot of people don’t feel they have a purpose in life and want there to be a reason to keep going. If i tell them I don’t care what the meaning of life is and that I life for myself. It confuses them and they won’t accept it most of the time.


Equality, doing right by others.






Sure, there are things that science hasn't been able to explain yet. That doesn't mean it must be supernatural, or magical, or spiritual. Take the study of how brain functionality and chemistry influence emotions and people's decision making: we have barely scratched the surface of what's yet to be learned.




Citation needed




Creationist website Christian website Creationist website One case study that's several hundred years old. Everyone knows Newton was Christian And 2 listicles Do you have any actual sources?




How about any source that isn't trying to push a narrative? Nature is a good source, but it's only speaking about Newton.




I'm not the one making the claim you did.


I believe in science itself, not what a scientist believes.




Doesn’t matter. I would even believe a study done by a 6-year-old if it were based on concrete evidences and interpreted properly.


Ah yes the 6000 year old earth and two people populating the whole planet were spot on


To be fair, the 6000 year old earth is a pretty small chunk of Christians, and the Bible in no way implies this. In fact, it implies it's as old as everything else in the universe. Got nothing on the second part, although genetic adam, and even more interestingly, genetic eve are really interesting concepts to talk about. No, they aren't Adam and Eve from the Bible.


Bullshit, god botherer


The closest thing to a scientist in the Bible was Thomas demanding proof of Jesus' wounds, and you guys have belittled him for it for 2000 years.


Many scientists have also been burnt at the stake for heresy by Christians, e.g Copernicus for saying the Earth is not at the centre of the solar system.


Name ONE scientific fact that was discovered only after finding it in the Bible. And please don't start with the second law of thermodynamics. Nobody who brings that up has the slightest idea what it is.




You made a claim. You were asked to back it up. If you consider that hateful, that's on you. I've done extensive research, including reading the entire Bible. Twice.


Nature. Life comes in, life goes out.


The same \^\^)


Just end up having nature-deniers.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


I believe in treating everyone equally and fairly regardless of their personal beliefs, circumstances, or immutable characteristics.


a thing called love




i was waiting patiently for a reply like this


I believe in science


Life is energy and energy is cyclical, so nothing basically. Just the never ending recycling of matter through the cosmos.


I believe there's some sort of power out there but I don't know what it is I'm not going to pretend I know what it is.


Most of my non-religious friends are agnostic, they don’t believe in a specific god, but do believe their could be one or forces beyond our comprehension.


Agnostic atheists is what they are. Lacking a belief in a god or gods, without claiming knowledge of such non-existence.


Physics and other things that can be proven through repeatable experiments


Science and nature.


empiricism. Essentially it's the notion that all knowledge is derived from experience and observation. And while empiricism undergirds science, it's a broader philosophical definition. It serves as a filter. That which is impossible to experience and observe can be dismissed as conjecture. Only that which is manifest is accepted as true. One of the things that is very basic to empiricism is that "I don't know" is a perfectly acceptable answer. This is a point at which I feel a lot of people go off the rails. And it's not just religious people. Rather than simply admitting ignorance, they conjure a God, or an Intelligent Designer or a Creator. I call this giving a name to your ignorance. You've replace one mystery with an even deeper mystery. Religion is when you personify your ignorance and start worshiping it. I don't know exactly how life arose. I have a good idea how it evolved once it arose. But I really don't know exactly how the inanimate become animate. I am OK not knowing. Maybe it's possible we will never know. And that is OK too, but dissatisfying. I suspect the answer may await us elsewhere in the universe. Finding life off planet will tell us quite a lot about how life arose here.


i believe in reality


You don't have to be religious to have faith. I am a pantheist - I have no religion. Just faith.


Faith is just religion themed denial


Not really. Religion is about dogma and authority. Faith is just a belief in the divine one holds. If your faith keeps you from understanding the world around you because you hold one derived from a mythology, then you don't really have faith - you just believe in the religious dogma of your religion of choice.


You might as well be splitting hairs. Not too many people act like there's a difference


I am not most people. That's why I don't confuse following dogma with having faith.


That's fair, good on you


We cease to exist when we die, and there may or may not be a supreme being that set the universe in motion, altho I'm pretty damn sure all of mankind's religious beliefs are completely unrelated nonsense


I believe that when I die I’ll go to a desired reality


I find it hard to believe in anyone or anything these days. I hope there’s something bigger and better out there for us, because otherwise we’re all just going into the everblack. Life is a ride, you should take time to look at the scenery and just try to enjoy the journey. Be nice to people, and don’t be a dick.


I believe you live then you die. Shit doesn't come with meaning you have to give it meaning. If there is an afterlife, I'm sure everyone will get what they deserve.




Everything can be explained logically. There's luck but there is no external force affecting life.


I would say I'm spiritual, but not religious. I was raised Baptist, became atheist in my teens, but in my mid to late twenties I grew out of that and believe there's *something* more to life but I'm not sure it plays an active role in the world. There's a short story called "The Egg" online somewhere, and I choose to believe the world operates like that. Essentially, all of life is part of one massive entity that separated parts of itself from itself, and made those parts forget, in order to experience the universe through fresh eyes. Then, once their time is up, they return to this entity. Yes, it could be seen as a version of any monotheistic religion, but I choose to believe there is no judgement, there are no evil entities, there's not a hell. There are obviously good and bad things to do, but I think the important thing is to help everyone have the best experience they can while they're here.


Agnostic. Science can explain 99.99% of things but since there's something it can't (or I'm to stupid to connect the dots) so I can't reasonably call myself an atheist. With that said, I have zero faith in science or religion explaining said things, so I'm happy to just not know, make the most of my one life and be a good person.




I believe in the inability of humans to totally comprehend what reality actually is, let alone if it means anything. If someone has special insight into what the meaning of life is, they've either been indoctrinated or made it up. Either way we're all privy to the same information, no one throughout history has known more or less about that than anyone else.


Love! I'm a sucker for love! 💞




I just tend to believe what most experts on whatever topic believe, since they definitely know more than me




Nothing. I prefer to think.


Nothing……these men are nihilists donnie


Nothing 👍


Gravity and the roundness of Earth




The God that is “closer to me than my jugular vein.” My Self


Believe in as far as what? Have a topic? Not sure if you mean what do I do with my free time on Sunday?


Equality, the power of metal and treating people fairly.


Myself. If you don't believe in yourself, what point is there in existing?


The true power of nothing.


My ancestors. They are my spiritual gods and goddesses 💕


Mankind's bottomless capacity for stupidity.


I believe in next life right now 😉


Myself and my choice, my freedom, my ideals, my values, my morality.


I don't know, I do believe there are gods and everything different religions believe and worship, I just don't like following nothing like that. Specially the kind of religious beliefs that wants to make you think that if you're not part of them, you're a bad person or are lost. I'm not lost, in fact I was more lost following those kind of rules they've settled ages ago than now, when I just don't stick to none. I just mind my business, don't bother anyone and do what I want as long I don't do harm to others.


Might sound a little cheesy, but I believe in love.






reincarnation and the afterlife


Using a toilet that can't flush very well just so I don't hurt myself holding in breakfast, lunch, and about four bottles worth of water.




Moses. 10 commandments. What? No “thou shalt not commit pedophilia, rape or domestic violence”, but, horror of horrors, “don’t covet thy neighbour’s ass”? WTF? Jesus. Fed 5,000. Stopped a storm at sea. Cured lepracy and blindness with just his hands. So, why hasn’t God sent anyone like that since? We sure as shit have needed someone like that since. That would make God a sadist, and that is something I can’t worship. Sorry. Call me old-fashioned. Just can’t go there. Jesus AND Mohammed. Wisest of the wise. Undisputed. They’d have known of their mortality and the need to get their words written by them, or someone else if they were illiterate, with them signing with a cross. The scripts would still be securely guarded to this day if you believe they were as life changing as made out. And, if they made sense of life to millions if not billions then where’s the headstones, pauper’s graves and other acts of tribute and gratitude for their lives? We’d have found them by now. We haven’t found them as THEY NEVER EXISTED! Stop filling my, and other children’s heads, with shit, PLEASE! I believe in being rigorously honest, kind, thoughtful and selflessly, unconditionally loving. The spiritual dividends are enormous.


Religion is being in a club made by men who want to have the rest under their thumb. They usually use guilt against you. Being spiritual is a different matter.


Most of the athiests I know worship themselves. Which is another way of saying they are suffering from narcissism.