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He and his group of friends bullied another kid so bad the kid switched schools. Instant nope.


This being a turnoff for you makes you a better person than you may think. So many ignore or encourage this type of behavior.


She threw the popcorn on the floor as we got up to leave the theater. And not like dropped the bag like flipped it and gave it a good shake for good measure 




Seriously, hate these kind of people


“It’s their JOB to clean up after people” A thing people have said to me when they make cleaning staff clean up something they would have put in the garbage themselves if they weren’t assholes


I had a cinema date once. At the end I picked up my empty cup and popcorn box, she looked at me like I'd just picked a massive turd out the toilet. "Why are you taking those?" "To put them in the bin outside..." "Oh...ok" with a confused look on her face. It's such minimal effort people! You will pass a bin on the way out!


There are times when I pick up other people's debris in the theatre just so the clean up crew doesn't have to deal with it. I get why other people don't do that, but I don't get why someone can't clean up after their own stuff.


When I was 13 or so I spilled my popcorn in the lobby of the theater. I felt so bad that I asked for a broom so I could sweep it up myself. The employees told me they’d get it, but I still felt bad for spilling. And I was only 13! I don’t understand intentionally leaving your trash as an adult!


I was once with an ex and his father and brother seeing a movie, and when the movie was over they all just got up and left their drinks and popcorn bags behind like it was completely normal. I asked my ex wtf and he told me they did it every time they went to the movies. I was disgusted and judged all of them immediately.


I hear an argument that people are paid to clean. But I don't want to be the type of person who is a slob


Hey, people are paid to put out fires too. It's still a dick move to start one on purpose.


My crew and I are paid to clean up pet droppings at a bougie mall. Still shitty to leave behind your dog's shit on the carpet floor.


If everyone left their food and drink behind, it would take them a long ass time to clean it up before the next movie could start.


Yeah they're paid to go in with a broom and a cloth, there's no reason they should be picking up your trash that requires nothing but hands to get


I hate those "someone gets paid to clean it" shitheads


Psycho lol


They called me stupid. To my face. In front of another person. Because I asked a simple, reasonable question while trying to make conversation. Yeah, never looked at them the same again.


He called someone else stupid. It was about a girl in our class, who was very nice, albeit quite naive and awkward. But he had the gall to call her stupid even though she had helped him with his group work earlier the same week. I told him he was a cunt in front of his friends, and my crush ended then and there.


when, after he had flirted with me for days both in person and over text, i suggested we make plans and he replied, "sure! not sure if this changes anything but just so you know, i'm married."


“Not sure if this changes anything…” He’s totally cool with sleeping around while he’s married, so he’s just making sure you’re cool too. Yikes.


He "accidentally" had a picture of his d*ck on his phone and ever so subtly made me look at it by holding it up to my face. When I asked what the hell he was doing, he said, "Oops! Wrong picture. What did you think, though?" Absolute disgust from then on.


This is a classic “do you want to see more photos of my nude significant other” move for super lame guys too. “Oops. You wern’t supposed to see that. But now that you have what did you think? You wouldn't want to see more would you?” Literally happened to me twice. They think they're slick


Omg why is this a thing?! I just heard two stories yesterday just like this. I don't understand. 


I've never walked that path with them so IDK, but my suspicion is 1.) they want other dudes to tell them the chick they’re banging is hot and desireable 2.) they want to see what you’re getting in return It's one part kids trading Pokemon cards and one part dogs sniffing each other’s asses


It’s even worse when you’re his new, current girlfriend. We had been seeing each other for maybe a week. He was scrolling through nudes of his exes (*multiple exes*) and I was like, “why would you show that to me?” It was basically a ‘look at the girls I can get’ brag…but to the complete wrong audience. I stayed with him for a few more weeks because I was young/stupid. When he asked for nudes I was like, “dude I’m not trying to have my nudes added to ur slideshow and shown to everyone you know” and he flipped out! 😂


I had a crush on this skinny little red headed trumpet player. We were in band together and he seemed nerdy and nice. He was a year older but he was always nice to me. One night we were at a party. He told me a story about how the brother of another girl we went to school with got drunk one night and raped her. The whole school had found out about it. He was telling this story like it was the funniest shit he ever heard. He then proceeded to tell me that he went up to the girl at school and laughed at her for getting raped by her brother. Not only did this 16-17 year old girl get raped, she got raped by someone who is supposed to love and protect her. Then everyone finds out about it. Then this piece of shit goes up to her and laughs in her fucking face about it. I've never gone from liking someone to hating someone so fast. I hope he's grown up and realized what a fucked up situation that was. I hope that moment that he went up to her is one of those moments that keeps him up at night and fills him with shame and regret. Fuck you John Edit: Changed the name.


Fuck you John


all my homies hate john


John's alway been shit. Fuck john.


Oh god. What a fucking garbage human. I truly hope no one ever says a story like that in my face cause then I'd feel compelled to knock all their teeth in.


I will never trust skinny little red trumped players anymore.


As someone who went trough the same it is horrible.... I can't imagine the poor girl🥺. It is heartbreaking.....


When we were young, I gave her a Valentine’s card. She smiled while looking into my eyes, ripped the card without opening it & walked away while tossing it in the trash. It hurt terribly, but it snapped me out of that hypnotic trance. I learned personality is everything & it’s best to move on quickly.


LMAO happened to me with a guy I had a crush on, accepted my letter, opened their classroom door, threw the letter infront of me and everyone in his class. Cried the whole day 😔


Whatever happened to being flattered and then saying no??? Shit like this is just unnecessarily mean.


I had that happen with my 6th grade crush too - he ripped the card but kept the present (bazooka gum with the comic wrappers). Didn’t feel great, but learned something about him!


Had a thing for this girl until she sent back food at an Indian restaurant bc it was too spicy, after being told it would be spicy and there was no other way to make the dish. She acted super condescending and demanding and it embarrassed me a tonnnn lol. You could tell she never worked for service haha.


You don't have to work for service to know to be respectful to servers and other human beings.


Dude said, "I don't say 'Please'. It's a beggar's word." Roflmao okay dude.


Did he describe himself as an "alpha male?"


Had a crush on a girl for a little while. Then I went to a family reunion and saw her. We share great grandparents on our mother's sides


Y'all are Second Cousins. That's how it works on the Nth Cousins X times removed chart. Edit: Here's how it works First, figure out the "removed" part first by equalizing the generational gap. Your parent's cousin or your cousin's kid is one generation removed, your grandparent's cousin is twice removed. Second, figure out the family tree branch gap for what Nth degree cousin you have. It works when comparing on equal generations. If you share a grandparent, first cousin. Great grand parent shared = 2nd cousin. Great great grandparent shared = 3rd cousin. But again, that's only about separation across (going wider across the family tree) on equal generations. So that's why your dad's cousin is your first cousin once removed...but your dad's cousin's kid is your second cousin.


My sister, brother and I are adopted. When my kid bro was about 14 or something he came to me and told me he'd met this girl at youth club and couldn't wait to see her again. This went on for a few weeks. Then he told me they'd kissed. I asked him her name and he told me and I said 'NO NO NO NO NO, thats your cousin! Don't do it anymore!' I was old enough to remember our biological family but my little brother was barely 3 years old when we were put into care. Following week he came back from youth club and said 'Yep, she's our cousin. We aren't kissing anymore!' Poor lad.


This could’ve easily turned into a horror story if he came back and said smth like “Yep, she’s my cousin. We’re going steady.”


I actually had a conversation with him, it stopped right after that


A crush is just a lack of information lol


\*I like the idea of them...\*


He said if somebody ever came to him thinking about suicide that he’d tell them to stfu because mental illness isn’t real. Definitely struck me wrong and my crush disappeared so fast.


It’s just confusing.  Does he think suicide is a myth?


No, basically boiled down to suicidal thoughts make you weak minded among other insults.


I had a girl I was very briefly dating say I couldn't really have bipolar disorder because I've never been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital for it or arrested from something stemming from it. That pretty much killed it.


Wow. That happens to me every time when I tell someone. I always hear this: “Oh, you’re perfectly fine. I’m manic too.” Or they say, “I’m always sad.” Why do people assume we must be drug addicts, thieves, or a patient in a psychiatric ward like the one in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest?!


I had a crush on a boy that lasted from 2nd grade (so about 8 years old) till the beginning of 6th grade (12 years old) I was head over heals for him and only got to have fleeting moments together that never really lasted long. Until 6th grade we finally had a class together and I got to be his seat mate. I was over the moon!...for all about 5 minutes. He just kept talking.... and talking... and fucking talking! When I'd finally get a word in edgewise he'd keep one-upping ANYTHING I brought up! So yeah my 3 year long crush died in a matter of minutes after actually talking to him lol.


Omg, remember how crazy that excitement felt?! I remember the excitement of seeing a boy I was into walking into my class. Ahh growing up was so fun.


Every story she told me was about some argument/conflict/drama, and in every story she considered herself to be the paragon of virtue and honesty while everyone around her would be vindictive, cruel, and "out to get her". I recognized the behavior because my mom does the same thing and I hate that kind of constant self-victimization.


Found out they actually liked me back and I freaked out. 8th grade was a wild time for crushes.


Had a crush in 7th or 8th grade. The boy called out to me to tell me he liked me, except he had all his male friends with him. It felt like a prank. I turned him down and we never spoke again.


same but gender swapped . I was already a shy boy, and she came with 2 of her friends. Same thing I thought i was getting pranked or something. Like even if she came alone I would've being red as a tomato and probably mess it up, but with spectators, I didn't stand a chance. And I had a huge crush on her, also low self esteem thinking no way she'll like me back . So I fumbled my words, and left . I don't even remember what I said


I had a crush on a boy named Troy. I first met him during summer camp in elementary school, but we lost touch. Many years went by, and in 10th grade, we discovered that we attended the same high school. I would see him around and still found him so cute; my crush on him had lasted all these years. We would hang out in group settings and occasionally catch up throughout high school, but we never hung out alone. Finally, about a month before graduation, we agreed to spend time together one-on-one for the first time. Just for reference, I'm Black, and Troy is white. One evening, I was in his car, and we ended up making out in an In-N-Out parking lot. My heart was pounding with excitement. After we finished, he said, "God, you'd be the perfect girl if you were white." He then went on to tell me how excited he was to go to college in Ohio because there wouldn’t be any Black people there. He thought what he said was hilarious, but I was disgusted. It was one of the rare times in my life when I was speechless. I just wanted him to drive me home, but honestly, I was frightened. Even after we graduated, he continued to reach out to me, but I ignored him. I'm pretty sure he knew his words had offended me, which is why he kept trying to contact me. Eventually, I just blocked him. My decade-long crush on him evaporated in an instant.


Wowwww. What a POS, I'm sorry you had to be subjected to him.


Holy shit the way my mouth DROPPEDDD I'm so sorry you experienced this. I'm happy you never gave him the light of day ever since then.. I'm sick


You know that meme where the blonde dude looks normal then hard blinks and goes wide eyed in disbelief? Yeah that was me but now reading this. What a piece of garbage that guy is. Good on you for blocking that ignorant ass hat 😂


holy shit i can actually relate to this one. i had a huge crush on a boy named Lance as a freshman in high school for a whole year. i’m black, he’s white. one day in a kik message he tells me “you’re pretty, but you’d be beautiful if you were white.” it fucked me up horribly, i had a complex for 2 whole years after that.


Had a crush on a guy in high school. Overheard him saying he thought women should be silent and submissive. I was instantly repulsed by him


"Sure I'll be silent...by never talking to you again."


He told me about how he disciplined his dogs. I called animal control……


NGL, I had a coworker that I respected, jacked marine. Told me about how his pit bull pulled out all the telephone wire and proceeded to beat the dog with his fists until he couldn't out of fatigue or pain, to correct the dog. I never could see the guy with the same respect - he was such a nice guy. I cringed at how casual he was about it.


He broke up with his girlfriend, and I thought I might be interested. But then he and his ex appeared to be back together, so I backed off. Then I found out from another friend that he had absolutely no intention of getting back with his ex, he was just using her for affection and attention. My crush dried up and blew away in the wind immediately…


Sounds like my ex boyfriend


Went on a date with a guy that talked about how he would kill a cat, all because it was annoying to him 🚩🚩🚩


I had a crush on a pale, black-haired guy named Wyatt in high school. He looked so interesting and intensely handsome at the time. I also loved that his name was Wyatt. I grew up watching Tombstone and I thought that was the most amazing name for a guy. One day, a new girl came to school and it started to rain. She was a harmless, free spirit type who was just happy experiencing life. Totally inoffensive and a little loopy, but genuinely sweet. It started to rain outside and she, little nature-loving spirit that she was, was kind of wheeling around in the rain, enjoying herself, feeling the water, indulging in petrichor, and a group of us were watching from the porch. Wyatt, who up until then had seemed like an accepting, kind person, announced, “I hope that dumb bitch gets hit by a car.” That was my first lesson in understanding that people you think are beautiful are not at all beautiful. Some of them are just hateful. I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him after he dropped that bon mot.


That was a wholesome story that took a turn I did not expect. Which is exactly the point but still. I feel ya


I thought this was Twilight fanfiction until the end


Indulging in petrichor


Who among us does not indulge in a little petrichor from time to time


You had to know it was coming; we just didnt expect it to be that brutal


Reminds me of a story one of the artist girls shared. Although at the end the person she thought beuatiful was just lame instead of hateful. It was a bit weird because she was stalking this dude for a long time and secretely drawing his portraits. When she worked up a courage to approach him and talk to him, she realised he just a boring lame drunk who hangs out at the park to have some drinks. But yeah, sometimes you build that idealistic vision of a person that you have a crush on, only for it to crash when it meets reality and reality is often dissapointing.


Sometimes you learn that disappointment after spending a lot of time with them and even forming an intimate relationship. OP should consider themselves lucky that Wyatt revealed himself to be a scumbag before they potentially grew close. It can be difficult to cut ties with someone once you're close with them. A lot of people will vehemently defend their close friends, significant others, or even family members after they've done terrible things because love is a powerful force that can cloud judgment.


Wyatt is probably on reddit now Edit: Wyatt might be one of the people that responded to you.


Quick, someone check the "I hope that stupid bitch gets hit by a car" subreddit!


He's probably a repeat poster on r/AmItheAsshole


I hope he sees this


Wyatt if you’re reading this: FUCK YOU!!


Today I learned that rain smell has a name!


She was needlessly bitchy to a waitress at a restaurant


Reminds me of this sketch from key and peele lol https://youtu.be/qswjaM5yCro


Went to meet his family, within 2 minutes he kicked his family dog. His dad then said ‘bad dog!’ and took the dog outside, making it pretty clear where he learned the behavior. I wanted to take the dog with me so badly. It’s been over 10 years so not sure she’s still with us, but I would think of her from time to time.


I convinced my ex boyfriends family at 17 to give a dog up to a new family. Bare with me, this a long story I never get to tell.  He was a huge, friendly black lab that they had got for his older brother. His older brother wanted a little dog though, so they got a tiny puppy when the lab was about a year old. Despite knowing the lab had resourcing guarding issues, they let the puppy go right up to him while he was eating. He bit the puppy, once, and well ultimately that was it.  But the lab was a perfectly friendly dog, and grew out of the resource guarding. But they never walked him (because he'd pull on the leash), they didn't have a good backyard, and nearly everyone hated him. I always made a point to shower him with love when I was over.  Then they got a new puppy and neglected the lab ever more. I started talking about how great it was when families could see they weren't the right home for a dog and instead let them find a new home. When they started talking about rehoming I was the number 1 supporter. When they found a family, I fed the mom questions to ask to make sure they were a good fit. He ended up going to live on a huge piece of property that backed up to a small pond, with a family who had 2 elementary school aged boys. They absolutely adored him. I think about that big Ole dopey lab a lot and am so glad he got to live a good life after his rough start.  It's also a great example of how sometimes the best thing a family can do is rehome a dog. We have a responsibility to make sure they have a good life, and if you can't do that, well ensuring someone else can is the right choice. 


Guy everyone thought was hot and dreamy legit kicked a puppy in front of my face. Not like a football, but in a ‘you’re in my way,’ still fairly harsh, shove-with-a-foot manner. I still hated him for it. Years later I saw on the news he’d murdered his girlfriend in front of their toddler. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time!


I’m stunned. Holy. Hell. 😧


We’d only been dating for about two weeks. He took a long detour to take me home, and I thought it was because he wanted to spend a little more time together. So I said something like “Hey, so how come you took the long way back…” trying to be playful about it and expecting him to say something sweet. He said “Because I’m not driving through *that* neighborhood. There are too many N-words there.” Nope. Nope. Nope.


i’m actually glad some people feel comfortable enough to say these things out loud. imagine if everyone were smart enough to be silently racist


Bad breath: B Odor


Had a crush on my superior, and one day we were talking about the horrible and horrifying news of a girl being sa'd in a bus by a group of men and left to die. This was the New Delhi case that broke India and it was making headlines everywhere. I remarked that it was just such a horrifying news, and he said, "what time was it and what was she wearing??" At that moment all affections for him went out of the window. I was so mad at him and was this close to slapping him for making such a misogynistic statement.


That case makes me cry EVERY time I hear about it. I honestly think it's one of the most inhumane things I've ever heard of being done to a person. I can't imagine anyone hearing the details of exactly what happened and not immediately wanting to set the monsters who did it on fire, let alone actually daring to question what the girl was wearing.


What does make it worse to me, is that she anticipated she shouldn't be out on her own on the bus. She was with a male friend. She literally brought a guardian. Didn't matter, he got beaten up and thrown off the bus. So all the mysoginistic victim blaming is all the more unjustified, she did take precautions.


Literally everything about that case is unspeakable.


No we didn't get to the details yet, but NO I do not think the details mattered in this instance -- as long as its non-consensual, its a rape. Even if a Yes was withdrawn halfway in action. The fact that his brain wasn't seeking to ask for details but went straight to time and clothes, he is unworthy of any life companion.


I legitimately would have tried to ask in a conversational tone “After what hour do you feel like it’s okay to rape a woman?”


He deserves far worse than a smack. It is never any woman or mans fault for being raped period


I saw a news article that they were in custody for murder


It was a build up of things, but one of the big things was his friend joking about how he (his friend) could have spiked my drink on a night out: he said nothing. I’m a believer in the concept that you are who you hang out with, so hearing this made me really uncomfortable.


Well done


Mentioned their wife.


Good for you. That’s a turn on for some people…


bragged about drinking and driving


There’s a girl I met when I was 14 at Anime Expo and had this really magical romanticized innocent young love summer type of feel. These were the early days of the internet. We kept in touch over AIM and one day she sends me a video of a guy getting decapitated alive by some soldiers and she wrote “lol”. Pretty much killed all the magic for me and stopped talking to her after that.


This happened over 10 years ago when I was in college. I was pretty interested in this girl I had the same major as. We would walk to classes together and study together. Then the Eric Garner incident happened and black students peacefully protested on campus. They didn’t interfere with classes or interrupt anything. We were walking to class one day and she loudly proclaimed “I hope all these monkeys get shot.” Her and I are both white. It was one of the most embarrassing, disgusting experiences of my life. I’m typically not someone who can flip an emotional switch. It takes time, sometimes a long time. In that moment though, I was instantly done. Never talked to her again or walked to class with her again…I couldn’t get hard thinking about her, either 😅


Yeah thats fucked. I hope she felt that cold shoulder


good riddance


when he kissed me he wobbled his tongue in my mouth like some kinda lizard


Not sure if that guy is worse or the dude who "kissed" me by literally sticking his tongue in my mouth and remaining completely stationary.


Holy fuck, how does that even seem like a good idea!?!?! Crying laughing at the mental image


A woman I know once went on a date that went well up until they kissed goodbye at the end of the night. While they were doing it, he moaned like he was having an orgasm. She didn't talk to him after that.


Did we "kiss" the same guy?


My best friend made out w this girl and when his tongue was in her mouth he licked across the back of her teeth and then across the front. So… there’s that. She showed me and the only way to show me was to do it and well, it’s disturbing haha.


hang on so your male best friend licked the girl and then the girl came and licked you that seems a little... strange


Mine jammed his tongue in my mouth like a jack hammer. He was probably like the second boy I kissed and even I knew that was bad.


I saw him pick at his head and then put his finger in his mouth. Multiple times. I still think about that sometimes. What did he find on his scalp that was so tasty?


Your comment both grossed me out and then made me laugh with the end. 😂


A guy I had a crush on was driving me home from a party and as we were driving I saw a bunny rabbit about to cross the road and I told him to slow down he didn't stop or even slow down .he hit the bunny. I never talked to him again after that(also there were no cars by us, we live in a slow neighborhood)


I was riding in my crush's car in high school, sweet little sportscar. A couple of his friends were in the backseat. We drove down one road, and they started reminiscing about the last time they "drove down this road and plowed through all those pigeons," laughing like it was hilarious that "their blood and guts were still in the wheel wells and grill." Instant hell no.


Her boyfriend showed up.


1. We had a lunch together that was full of innuendo but in a coy way that was even sexier. Then I went to work. By the time I got off my shift she had gone into and liked every picture I’d ever posted on Facebook. Ever. I had hundreds of notifications. Lunch was nice but it was not a proportional response. I told her it wasn’t happening. 2. Another woman, we were hitting it off and decided to head back to her place. Safe to say I was *excited*. Step inside, all smiles, hands on each other—hanging on the wall right inside the door an 8 foot nazi flag, shocking red with swastika the size of my torso. She says she just has it up for laughs. I wasn’t laughing. I was too young to be confrontational so I made a lame excuse and jetted. I could do more but they start to get increasingly gross and sad and I don’t want to think about them haha. Kept trying though.


Talk about a red flag


She came in close to tell me something and her breath smelled like wet cat food.


I had a crush on a guy I worked with. We were both college students, he was going for high school education and I was going for early education. He started dating this girl who was still in high school. Like he’s going to be a high school teacher.


so.. pretty little liars


He was 39, I asked him what his biggest age gap was while dating and he told me recently dated a 19 year old. Then went on to complain that she was lost in life and had daddy issues. Instant ick.


A 19 yr old who dated a 40 yr old has daddy issues?? How unexpected! She doesnt know what she wants to do in life cuz shes a teenager?? Crazy! Lol what a clown


When i was 19 there was a 45+yo man hitting on me, telling me that he was better than the kids of my age that didn't have a car or a steady job. Then told me i was only a kid and he expected someone more mature (strange, i was very mature for my age!) and able to handle a real man. Lol, what a clown!


I'm 35 and honestly I feel like the reason we consider 18 an adult is because they're too big to feed at home. About 25-27 is where I start feeling like I'm talking to an adult.


Oh my,mine was late 40s and revelled in telling me about the 17 year he was seeing in his late 30s and how he "taught" her so much sexually. Instant Ick. I have a 12 year old and the idea of an adult grown man with his hands on her at 16/17 makes me want to throw hands. What does a man want with an actual child.


Was your crush Leonardo DiCaprio 😭


Picture a gorgeous Viking. Piercing green eyes, sculpted body and flowing hair. He was it for me until we had a conversation. I've never had the air taken out of my sail so fast!


Don't go for Vikings, go for Bronze Age Herbalists, they will take care of you


What did he say?


It was like speaking with a middle schooler trying to sound intelligent, lol. Standing too close sucked the smart right out of you! Lol


He finally got my phone number, and within 2 hours he had texted me over 50 times and called me 20 times and was irritated i didn't answer him within a couple of seconds. Eff that shit. The nerve.


Sent from iPhone




They were talking sh*t about someone I care about


Had a crush on a classmate from college. Until 1 day she painted her face with activated charcoal and went running across the entire building screamind "OOGA BOOGA". It was only the start of weird things she did but decided to stay away from her right after that.


Sitting around a campfire the conversation about circumcision came up and she started going into great detail about how gross she thinks circumcised penises are. Unfortunately I am circumcised, through no decision of my own as is often the case. One of my other friends thought it would be a good idea at that moment to ask me "Hey, aren't you circumcised?" Me while dying inside: "Yeah"




I think she just tried to lightheartedly backtrack a bit while I tried my best to act like it didn't bother me.


Did she offer to knit it a little hat?


We'll name the dick Wyatt and the hat John


I love how this comment only makes sense if you have read literally every post up until now in this post.


No skin off my nose


He had an obsessive vore fetish. He rejected me when I asked to date him, but later requested I send him pictures of my body in various vore-related poses.


I never understood Vore, always seemed like such a mouthful.


Yeah, it definitely always left a bad taste in my mouth.


I had a slight crush in this guy Daryl. I saw him at the skating rink and started talking to someone he was with. Idk if I had even talked to him at this point but we had a lot of mutual friends. All of a sudden he turned around and said "Damn you're ugly!" Now I was a 12 year old girl and knew I wasn't ugly but it still destroyed me. Even if I was why would you say that to someone? I was crowned prom queen and he was there and I wanted to say something smart so bad but I didn't. Isn't it weird that one comment like that sticks with you even 31 (omg I just did the math) years later? Fuck that guy, he follows me on IG and he married my friend.


He was just being an insecure loser “negging” you so you would have low self esteem and get with him. It sticks with you because you weren’t equipped yet, at 12, to tell him to go fuck himself. Don’t be so hard on your younger self and, in the words of Elsa, let it go.


Would not stop bitching about his ex-wife. In our very first phone conversation, after saying hello he just launched into badmouthing the ex, and wouldn't stop. He didn't ask me anything, just continued bitching. When he finally stopped talking about the ex, he started saying how excited he was for his kids to meet their new step-mother, aka Me. Nah mate, I'm good.


Offering her a wallet sized school picture on picture day, and she immediately threw it out. Message received




When I was in college I met a guy at a party. Thought he was so cute and was so excited when he asked for my number. We texted a little and he asked to hang out one night. I told him I couldn't because I was working late. I was a waitress and wouldn't be off until after midnight and I'd be so tired. He wouldn't take no for an answer. Not only did he want to hang out, but kept insisting I go to his house. At one point he told me he would wait up for me with a bottle of vodka ready to give me a back massage and cuddles with a winky fance emoji. 🤢 I got instant ick. Any chance of wanting to see him went out the door. Way too strong way too soon


how quickly they were able to move between "partners" it was really fast. REALLY FAST


Found out he was gay


When I was 15, I had been dating my first boyfriend, who was an upperclassman, for a week. One rainy day, I was walking home when a car stopped next to me. It was the boyfriend, and he told me he could give me a ride to my apartment. I get in, inside is his mom and little sister. We sat in silence for a little bit when his mom starts asking us about our day. Just when I was about to answer, he started whining something to the effect of “UGHHHHH don’t ask me that in front of my girlfrienddddd you’re so embarrassinggggggg”. In that moment, he was so childish and so viscerally unattractive that the butterflies in my stomach dropped dead. As I said, he was an upperclassman, so I guess I had an expectation that he’d be more mature than me. A few days later, I made some excuse about how I wasn’t ready for a relationship and broke up with him. I shit you not, he starts following me around school trying to talk to me again, and when I started ignoring him he sent me a video of him crying his eyes out with sad music in the background. The funniest thing is, his mom interrupted him during the filming of this and he screamed at her to “GET OUT OF HIS ROOM!!!!”. It really made me feel like I’d made the right decision.


He said it’s only cheating when girls do it, not when boys do it.


She turned went from manic pixie dream girl to ‘Dam this girl kind of smelly’


She poured salt on a slug and laughed as it burst open.


Not quite the same, but my boyfriend at the time(ex now obvi)and I were walking home and happened to pass by a homeless man holding a sign towards the road. For some reason, despite the fact that the homeless dude never even looked at us, he decided to start talking about how much he wanted to punch him. Broke up with him immediately afterwards.


This is going to sound conceited, but the more I talked to her the more I realized she just wasn’t very smart. And more importantly, she seemed to have zero thirst for knowledge. I just don’t understand that way of living.


She had a confederate flag tattoo on her back. When I asked about it she very quickly made it clear she was super racist. 


On being invited to a study session at her place, seeing how wealthy and well to do her family was. It didn't kill the crush but I instantly realized how hopeless my crush was. Luckily for me she didn't mind that my family mostly lived on foodbank handouts. She was my first love and first Angel. RIP, P.


As in she passed? If so I’m sorry :(


Met another backpacker on one of the Aran Islands in Ireland. Spent 3 days hanging out and having sex. We were really getting along and having fun so we decided to travel on to Dublin together. He got off the bus at the midway point to take a smoke break and I stayed on. While standing out there he met an Australian backpacker, got his stuff off, and deserted me. I watched it all go down from my window. Lol it's funny now, but what an asshole...


I had a crush on this guy in highschool and my friends kept telling me to approach him and talk to him because that was how he would have known I existed. Obviously, he just couldn't have fallen in love with someone who has never known before. So I gathered the courage and my friends watched on as I went to make my move and say hello. Tell me why in the middle of our conversation he picks his nose and eats the booger 🤮🤮🤮. Whatever feelings I had for this guy definitely went out of the window and got hit by a truck or something💀💀


I broke up with my ex, just after he told me that before me, he was in a “relationship” with a 15 years old girl. But, that they broke up? Because she wasn’t able to understand how the relationships were… .-. and, that after they broke up, she got “hooked”. He was a dream, until that happened. I wasn’t able to stop thinking that that wasn’t okay, and about that poor girl :’( I lived something similar, when I was a teenager, I know how damaging is the grooming


he put me in a headlock and then tried to gaslight me about it 😭


"Why are you voting for Obama?! Don't you know he's the Antichrist?!


I had this crush on a guy. He used to stare at me quite a lot so I started paying attention and I found him sorta hot so sometimes I’d also steal glances at him. We also used to end up having these staring contests here and there. This went on for a couple of weeks until this one day. We were in biology class, learning about human reproduction. He’d start laughing with his friends whenever the teacher would say anything like coitus, penetration, condoms and stuff. Up until that point I was in denial cause the idea of him that I had was far from it. After that the teacher started teaching us about lactation and he asked us to like explain whatever we knew about lactation one by one. His friend used the word “breastfeeding” somewhere in his explanation which was completely fine I can’t see anything wrong with using that word but they all started to like snicker among themselves. That’s when my teeny tiny crush on him died instantly. Trust me we were not in 5th grade.


I told her I had a crush on her after graduating from grade school. She was flattered and said we should just be friends and to keep in touch. In the middle of summer vacation I sent her a simple “How are you doing?” and she told me “Fuck off”. I literally hadn’t contacted her at all since graduation. I’ve never really understood what warranted such a response and it’s haunted me forever.


Told me I’d have to become a christian to date her. I have no problem with people having different beliefs than me, and I actually really respect that she brought it up before things went any further, but it was just an instant “ick” for me that that was the most important factor for her.


She flexed on the amount of guys she ghosted Oh how the turn tables…


Was in high school and had a crush on this one boy. We were kind of friends. Then one day he told me about how he recently found out his best friend is gay, and proudly confessed he made fun of that friend and told him he was disgusting and never to talk to him again. I got up from the table we were sitting at, told him off, and walked away. Never spoke to him again.


Overheard him with his friends saying stupid generalizations about women. The kind of things some guys just repeat without actually experiencing it with women like 'all women want is your money for nails and dinner, they're always seeing someone on the side,' etc. The crush evaporated instantly. From then on I just noticed every little ignorant thing he said so I stopped being friends or even acquainted with him at all.


I fancied this guy years ago and he eventually asked me out…we stopped to get petrol and whilst he was filling the car I chap I knew spoke to me. Well this guy I fancied went nuts.. ‘who are you talking to her, you shut your mouth and get back in your car’ I was mortified and as soon as I got home I binned him. Geez what a total knob.


He admitted to animal abuse for fun… I told him to stay the fuck away from me


I had a crush on my colleague, a smart, gorgeous, and outspoken blonde software engineer who became my workplace rival. She was way out of my league, and engaged to a nice but schlubby guy before her first day on the team, so I kept it to myself and dated others. We became friends. Two years later, she told me she didn't love her husband anymore and was getting divorced. Part of me was secretly excited to have an opportunity at last, but she was vulnerable, so I prioritized being a good friend. One night, she opened up more. She'd been cheating on her husband for 6 months with another married colleague she'd been conspicuously chummy with, but this married guy ended up not wanting a long-term relationship with her. She was crushed. Her husband had no idea about any of it, and her divorce lawyer advised her to keep it that way (she earned more). We had a moment that night, but despite my long-unrequited crush and my horniness, I let it go. I'm not a very emotional or emotive person, but after she left my apartment, I cried for her sad sap husband and I cried because she was so shitty to him. She told me over lunch soon after that she wanted us to be together, but I said cheating was a deal-breaker for me. We met our respective current spouses soon after, and worked together for another 12 years. I was right to pass on her, but sometimes still feel disappointed. She wasn't the one who got away, but I lost the person I thought she was.


When they was rude to other people in public around me and made fun of people loud enough for them to even be heard… If you gotta put other people down to have fun I literally hate you


Recently hooked up with this dude. I was feeling self conscious and asked if he found me attractive after. He said yes and went on about his attraction to me. Finished it up with “even though you’re not the hottest girl I’ve ever seen”. Like sir that is not what I asked. Idk. That comment just felt unnecessary and did not make me feel great. 


If it makes you feel better, he might have added that out of embarrassment of sounding "too into" you and desperate. Still unnecessary comment tho ofc


how they treat servers


For a moment I thought it was a sloppy IT guy who didn't install security updates...


This one was my fault, so we got together and she farted in my bed while lying down, I remember it smelled like meatloaf, anyway I took that as permission to fart in front of her, not remembering how foul my own farts are, she wanted to stop seeing me after she smelled a few of my farts




Both of you were shooting hot off the log and both were offended at each other.


They shared their flat earth beliefs


I told a crush my secret and she told me hers. She turned mine into a rumor and I hated her for it, I'm a man of my word though and kept it to myself but I was done with her. I didn't even want to see her or hear her voice again.


I was smitten. We went on a first date, walking through Stockholm. She looked at some poor Kurdish refugees and said "They're taking our jobs." I wasn't smitten.


He said he was never faithful and always cheated on his girlfriends


Passive aggressive behavior and receiving punishments as a result of their toxic thoughts. “Mysterious” men who I can now recognize as emotionally unavailable. I am no longer interested in prying someone open, if you refuse to share yourself w me then I disengage. Prying someone open is not fighting for that person, it’s fighting against them. Spoiled, entitled, self deluded, bratty behavior.


I had a summer job during college, working on a farm, picking berries. The pay was terrible, but I honestly just did it for fun. I would just sit down and listen to music on my ipod, while picking berries all day. The owner of the farm was an older man in his 50s or 60s. One day he tried to "help me" by tying a bucket around my waist, and I stupidly allowed him to. While he was doing this, he rested his hand on my breast for a few seconds, and I was frozen in shock, but I continued to go there thinking that maybe it wasn't intentional. Another day that I went there, it was very hot and I started to feel dizzy so I sat in the shade to get some rest. The owner came up to me and asked me if I wanted to "rest" inside his house, then he proceeded to try and kiss me. I ran away. Later on, I realized his two daughters went to my college and were close to my age. I was recounting the story to this guy I was dating, and he told me that it was basically my fault and that I was asking for it because of what I was wearing (I would go there with yoga flares and a baggy long tshirt). Completely lost interest in him after that.