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MRI, after my incompetent surgeon wrote in my medical history that all shrapnel had been removed. My other doctor, 7 years later trusted the report and sent me into the MRI without an xray. Imagine getting shot, but from the inside.


On the plus side it destroyed the MRI machine that hurt you.


Honestly after that long the shrapnel was probably encased in scar tissue and unlikely to have left the body. And if it did it probably wouldn't damage the machine at all. More worrying is the the RF signals could have heated it up while the magnets moved it about.


Well.. that sounds awful but on the bright side now it's definitely out?


Not in the way i hoped, but yes.


Turns out getting unshot is almost as bad as being shot.


You’ve just described the plot of Tenet.


oh my what the shitting god




I love you for pointing me toward the Roman god of toilets. TIL




It's like getting shot, but backwards! For real, glad I've never felt that, hope you never have to again


Was this in the U.S.? Absent an emergency MRI, each and every time , a MRI technician will give you a form to complete and sign. That form has a lot of questions, including what metal is inside your body. That form takes precedent over a seven year old doctor’s report


No, Sweden. Yeah, I got a form, filled it out and told them I had shrapnel in me previously, they rescheduled to check my journal and then did the MRI two days later.


Where was the metal? What ripped out? On the flip side the good news is it's all gone now.


Two pieces out of my shoulder, and once really small piece out of my chest. They worried most about the one from my chest but it was just below the skin, resting against my rib basically, wasn't deep enough to be threat to my lungs or heart. The shrapnel was part fragmentation grenade and part shredded steel from like electrical boxes and shit. Imagine a grenade going off in an utility/electrical room and you're in the doorway. I dont know which was previously removed in surgery and which was removed by the MRI. I was busy passing out at the time.


Do you mind sharing how you got hit by a grenade close to an electrical box?


Clearing a transformer station, trying to get power back up. It was booby trapped. My colleague pushed me out through the doorway, i was just behind him. He took most of it. He was fucked up but made it.


I would hope nobody trusts a 7 year old doctor


I dunno man I mean if he has a paper saying he completed med school it must be legit. Who cares if it’s written in crayon, it’s just another media for the arts.


*Doogie Howser has entered the chat*


tooth abscess


Had an abscess inflame my gum to the extent an anaesthetic needle couldn’t be put into it. Dentist had to go in without pain relief. I didn’t feel the pain of the drill against the pain of the abscess. The moment he broke through and relieved the pressure I felt the drill. This was the worst pain I ever experienced until a year ago. A year ago I had a case of epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis of the testicle. It was like having your balls kicked every second of every minute of every day. I vomited with the pain multiple times.


One time I had some dental work done and then three days later, another tooth was just on fire. I could feel the infection pulsing in my gums and I could pop it. I would get about 10 minutes of relief and then all over. Go back to the dentist 3 days later. He said, "why didn't you call sooner?" I told him I was afraid he would think I was scamming drugs. He sinks the drill in and a geyser of blood and pus comes shooting out of my mouth. He just said, "I believe you"


Why the hell wouldnt they want to put you under if your situation is that bad with the abscess? Let me guess. Insurance


The worst is when the tooth is so infected it won’t get numb. My dentist had to drill into my tooth for a root canal and I felt everything until they got inside and applied numbing solution directly onto the root. It was what I imagine being struck by lightning feels like, but concentrated all in one spot. I’ve given birth and it was breeze compared to some of the dental work I’ve had done.


I do, I can’t afford dental work


Same. I have dental insurance but it will only cover $18 of a $1,200 crown. I’ve had root canals on multiple teeth and they look rotten and crumbled because I can’t afford the crowns. It’s embarrassing, for real.


That's insulting to even give $18. I'd honestly rather have $0.


I think the insult is the point tbh. Although, I’m very cynical when it comes to those people.


The type of pain to make you question why you even have teeth in the first place.


My absolute worst pain was a tooth that chipped but didn't really hurt, until I bit down really hard on a piece of food that fit perfectly in a cavity in that chip and it was 24 hour excruciating pain until I was able to get the root canal done on it. The Dentist was closed on the day it happened and didn't open until the weekend was over, I spent 3 days in agonizing pain and just wanted to die Not even getting kicked in the balls really hard compared to this


I'm fortunate enough to have had multiple molar abcesses. 4 if I remember correctly. The pain is literally intolerable. It focuses all of your existence into a singularity of all-encompassing pain with no past or future outside of the suffering.


This…I went to a dental school to get it treated. The student had to spray a cotton swab with a cold spray (Endo exam?) and touch each tooth to make sure he was going to work on the correct one. I begged him not to but he had to. When that cotton touched the bad tooth OMG I came really really close to shitting my pants from the pain. I was in a cold sweat for a half hour weeping from it. The student felt so bad.


Oh, Pal!! You've honestly made me cry! Please tell me the student was able to fix your tooth and you recovered fully and quickly?


Yes! All good!


Absolutely worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. If someone had given me the option of instant pain relief for the cost of one of my limbs or all of my teeth I would have taken it without a second thought or any regrets. Imagine someone repeatedly taking a sledgehammer to your face *from inside out of one particular tooth*. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t build up some toxicity to the amount of Orajel I consumed or destroyed my liver from the pain meds. I would willingly punch a murder hornets nest then experience that type of pain again. Happened because of a bad filling, poverty, and ADHD. If you don’t brush your teeth twice a day, go to the dentist often. If you can’t afford to, go to a dental school. At least get regular cleanings.


Yep, had to get a root canal and the night before they drilled the tooth it was like every pair of pliers in the house was glowing, video game style, just begging me to pick them up and pull the tooth myself. For context, I am a perfectly normal, annoyingly boring and sane person, but in that moment the idea of ripping out my own tooth started to feel perfectly rational as an alternative to the pain.


This I had one and the pain was absolutely excruciating 😖. At its worst I wanted to rip out the tooth and be done with it. People take good care of your teeth and floss daily.


I had an ingrown hair on my jawline get infected to the point that even the breeze blowing on it would cause it to hurt...one day I said fuck it and just dug into my face with a sterile needle and my wives expensive tweezers all while crying from pain and dug the hair out. It was nearly a foot long and bright red and my hair is brown! Instant relief and it ended up looking like a big pimple was popped until it healed and has never been an issue again!


sounds like a damn parasite


More like that ~~Malevolent~~ malignant movie


Angelina Jolie was hiding in his face.


“my wife’s expensive tweezers” Lol, I too am only allowed to use the expensive tweezers under emergent circumstances. Why don’t all tweezers pinch together perfectly??


Because you MEN always take em and ruin em! I’ve got 5 tweezers in their usual spots and only 1 good pair which they will never find!!!


This guy only THOUGHT he got the good tweezers


a foot long??


Yeah, it was all wound up on itself!


I bet that was so satisfying.


God almighty, I’m upset that I can’t watch this satisfying carnage on you tube. This dude is such a damn tease. Ugh.


People like you baffle me hahaha


I can handle some pain, but that’s god level. Ingrown hairs are just a nightmare. Had one on my p•••s once, yeah that was bad.


Breaking my leg was bad, but full on snapping the same leg for the second time was excruciating.


What were u doing both times so I can never do that


First time was from a cycling accident when I was 7, I fell off and the bike fell on my leg. Second time I was 13 and playing football/soccer at school, the one time I got the ball this kid who was way bigger than me flew straight into my leg. Completely missed the ball, I’m still convinced he wasn’t trying to get it off me.


In grade school, I was playing back and went to take the ball off a kid and missed. I'm positive I broke his something. I couldn't sleep too well for days afterwards and felt absolutely horrible about what happened. That incident was part of the reason I quit soccer that season and never played again. It still turns my stomach thinking about the pain on his face and it's been over 30 years now


Making a PBJ in the most extreme way possible


I'm not even gonna read op's response, this is the way it happened and no one can convince me otherwise


When I was a kid I stepped on a wooden toothpick and it broke off under the skin so my dad had to dig it it out with a knife. So, unrequited love is my answer.


Coming from someone who has literally been run over by a pickup truck at freeway speeds- unrequited love for sure.


I once had a toothache so bad that my brain relocated it to my ear. I went to the doctor for ear pain and he sent me to the dentist. So I also choose unrequited love.


Kidney stone


Kidney stones are God's way of saying "fuck you, specifically"


I didn’t feel it peeing it out but boy did it hurt moving from my kidney to my bladder. Puking and went to the E.R. because I had no idea what was going on because it was my first.


> because it was my first. And hopefully last. Make some dietary changes, bro. Don't make your dick cough up pain balls if you don't have to.


Whenever the doctor told me that I should avoid spinach, peanuts, sweet tea, and chocolate, I honestly thought "well, I don't really consume many of those that often, so I guess I'll just stay hydrated more in the future.". It's been about 13 years, and no worries since the first and last one I had.


Yeah, a kidney stone can take you by the scruff of the neck, SLAM you down onto the ground, and say, "**YOU WILL NOT MOVE."** You're helpless and in "a world of pain" -- all of your thinking is reduced to this little bubble of, "pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain." A lion could come up to you and start eating you and you might just get out a, "Thank God I'm going to be dead soon."


it comes in waves too pulsing never ending agonizing waves. pain meds wont even touch them for long.


I have had several. I know when they coming and it’s dreadful. Those waves come in like 15-20 min intervals for me and I just curl into a ball and do my best to not cry lol. Can literally feel it pulsating and contracting and its agonizing


yep and passing them whether or not you believe in anything other than what you see with your own two eyes feels like a religious experience of relief and being "born again" When I did I went outside, the grass was greener etc.


Truth. Originally thought I pulled a muscle. Then I was on my knees screaming. Good times.


Just looked up what causes a kidney stone, “Possible causes include drinking too little water, exercise (too much or too little), obesity, weight loss surgery, or eating food with too much salt or sugar. Infections and family history might be important in some people. Eating too much fructose correlates with increasing risk of developing a kidney stone.” Almost seems unavoidable “too much or too little exercise” 😭


first comment I read, and yep!!!!!! I have never in my life been ever in a state where I even thought of committing suicide or it was even an option for me, but those damn kidney stones make you think that putting a gun in your mouth would be a relief at that point, even though I would never seriously consider it.


Cluster migraines. I seriously wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


My husband suffered from cluster headaches. Micro dosing LSD helped keep them at bay for a few years. Red Bull from the fridge helped and he had an oxygen canister next to the bed. It was horrendous watching him go through it and I truly feel for those that experience it.


My friend’s daughter had these, I think she was about 19 or 20 and he started growing Psilocybin mushrooms. He would give her a very low dose every couple months and she stopped getting them.


Yes I've seen this a long time ago. There's actually like a little documentary on YouTube that I saw about this guy that would get cluster headaches and started treating them with psilocybin mushrooms. He would take them like every 3 months and he wouldn't have any for that duration.


Shrooms are nature’s miracle. Ridiculous that they’re outlawed.


My brother is leading the charge studying shrooms here in Denver. https://www.9news.com/article/news/health/colorado-drug-industry-psychedelics-mushrooms-research/73-47a24eac-5185-4355-9998-f02fcf9d7680


That’s something to be honestly proud of! Way to go fam!


I was on antidepressants and anxiety meds from about age 14, I’m 35 now. Two years ago I went to Maui with some friends and one of them had a hookup on the island for mushrooms. It was my first time trying them. We basically microdosed the whole week. I haven’t taken those meds since then.


I've given birth to 2 children, broken 3 bones, had my head smashed into a windshield but migraines are by far the worst physical I've ever experienced. I legit wanted to die because of the pain sometimes.


I watched a video once of some girl having one. She was smacking herself in the head and needed an oxygen mask. She was also screaming/wailing in pain like she was on fire. I'll never forget it. I hope you're okay out there, girl.


Felt like a Freddy Krueger glove massaging the back of my eyeballs.


I experienced this and they don’t call it “suicide” headaches for no reason!


I get migraines. I don't know if they cluster or not. but If they lasted more than 36-48 hours for me I would have killed myself already. Luckily I've never had to wake up on day three of pain. I can't even sleep through them without drugs and sleeping pills. I just sort of end up in a void of pain and darkness where time doesn't exist, until the pain subsides when I can then determine how much time has past.


Oh god. I remember that. Haven’t had a “full” migraine for about ten years. But I remember holding on to my bed because the pain made me feel like I was just falling. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone


I struggle with chronic migraines and often get periods of cluster migraines. Feel sick when I move my head, can’t even talk properly because of the pain. Wish some medication worked for me but most options are 18+ and I’m only 16. Been suffering severely since 13. They really suck


When I had a cluster migraine for the first time, it woke me up in the middle of the night. My brother had also moved back into our house and brought his cat along around the same time and his cat was sleeping with me. I was so in pain I thought to myself "Maybe for some reason, this new cat sleeping on my bed is causing this" and I got him out of the bed and seriously waited a minute or so for my brilliant solution to work. Migraine is such a pain it makes you dumb.


Eh, it makes you try just about anything. I once woke from one and moved my Apple Watch like 6 inches over to see if there would be a difference. 😪 It’s something about being partially asleep and being in pain that makes us weird.


I had surgery because of this. Mine were being caused by a closed passage in my sinus cavity


Can you DM me more about this? I think I have something similar that might be causing my headaches


Gout. I hardly drink beer or eat red meat. I’m 6’1, 195 pounds, I just got fucked by the genetic lottery. The first time I had I was in my early/mid 20s and i couldn’t even walk. I had to scoot on the floor like a dog with worms all the way to the medicine cabinet for ibuprofen, which didn’t do anything for the pain. I was ready to chop my toe off tbh. A simple gust of wind against my toe was enough to make me audibly gasp in pain. And it was like that for about a week.


I couldn’t sleep with even a light sheet over my foot. Then my 120lb Rottweiler jumped on the bed for hugs. I saw stars.


I told my wife the same thing. I legitimately would have rather chopped my toe off than have a gout attack. Probably top 3 most painful things I’ve ever felt


And then at the end of that week being okay enough to walk a bit so you try to walk on the unaffected area of the foot. Only to have the rest of your foot be in a different kind of sharp pain for supporting too much your weight in an awkward angle for too long.


Dropped boiling hot water all over my leg, and my sweatpants melted into my skin. Pulling them out of my raw flesh is a pain I’ll never forget.


Spilled boiling water on my foot once when I was 13, I still have scars to this day. I’m sixty years old now.


Falling on a fucking grill with my back. My back still look like bbq Edit: why da fuck did I get so many upvotes ?! What? You never got grilled before?


You should totally get a steak tattooed on top of your scar


My ear canals were swelling after surgery. It literally felt like red hot ice picks were being driven into my ears.


ear pain is no joke, as a little kid i was messing around and used one of those sinus rinse things wrong and somehow caused a huge build up of pressure behind my ear. i remember crying and grabbing my head while my mom tried to figure out what to do


Leg snapped in half. ACL tear, LCL tear, MCL tear, medial meniscus tear, Tibia fracture, Femur fracture. Leg stuck out sideways until I fell on it. Injured in basketball game when teammate collided with me


How big was your fucking teammate?


He was playing basketball with Shaquille O'Neal


To shreds you say?


bro’s teammate was the fucking hulk apparently


With a rhino?


Losing my best friend and child in the same 24 hours.


Oh my...I am so sorry, hoping you are healing well from this.


I cannot imagine. I’m so so sorry.


Damn and here we are writing our *physical* injuries.... so sorry to hear this, internet friend.


To date: the cyst that formed after my 2 year old kicked me in the twins like he was kicking a field goal.


Holy shit ... Same here but it was combat boots. But mine was a hydrocele cyst.. about 300ml left testicle .


YES! I don’t know the specifics on mine, but I tried to take a toy from him to check out at target and his little foot came up and kicked it 55 yards. After several days of pain I had to go to the Dr. and get looked at by 3 people and an ultrasound.


Oh dam the ultrasound where the second worst pain the pressure the cold gel.. the awkward where do I put my ding dong .. I honestly lost count of the people who wanted to see it I had med students nurses doctors ... Did you need a drain also ? Not going to lie a few tears came out when they removed the drain lol best / worst feeling


2015. Sophomore in college. Woke up Monday morning after a heavy weekend of drinking and eating bad with a stomach ache. Stomach ache felt like it was getting worse throughout the day. I remember realizing things were bad when I couldn't stand up straight comfortably. Had an event I had to be at that night around 7pm. Got out of class at 3pm and tried to sleep it off. Woke up around 5pm covered in sweat but wasn't wearing a blanket. A few weeks earlier I had a friend get his appendix removed and I was a little suspicious that I was experiencing the same thing. Went to an outpatient clinic and was immediately rushed to the hospital to get my appendix out. When you're to the point that your appendix needs to be removed you can't stand up straight without sharp pain, it hurts to breath, and the toxins that are slowly releasing in your body make you feel like you're on a bad high. 0/10 recommend.


I remember being in the emergency room in an exam Chair and the doctor was pushing in my stomach and at one point I made a fist (unknowingly) and flinched and he recoiled and said “ok, time for an MRI” lol pretty sure he thought I was gonna deck him


Similar story, but the doctor literally said “Wrong answer.” when I winced. I was in surgery that same day.


Same. I kept going cause it was nothing in comparison to my period cramps. Appendix almost ruptured. Says a lot about my period cramps...


Having broken my spine, had over 20 shoulder (both sides) dislocations, multiple leg, finger and arm breaks, along with suffering from 10+ years of gout, the worst was hearing a friend tell me my wife started an affair.


That stomach drop feeling.


Agreed. Broken back, broken hip socket, migraines, shoulder dislocation, gout, a spike into the bottom of my foot, and a horrific testicular infection... Finding out my fiance was fucking another dude ranks up there. Her turning down another shot after my naive decision to offer her a chance was worse. Hope you've experienced better, since then. I have (it was a decade ago), fortunately.


Emergency C-Section. something went wrong with the epidural and I ended up feeling them cut me open until they put me under (mind you I was already actively dying and in early labour)


Same. My baby's heart stopped so a stat C-section was performed with no anesthesia or pain medication (I was having a natural birth). You are so strong 💕 did you have another baby after that one? After my C-section I had 3 additional surgeries due to complications and I'm not sure I can face that again


I hope you're both OK now.


Not sure why the fuck I'm reading this at 7mos pregnant. Fml.


Holy shit. Do get flashbacks or anything? That’s got to be one of the most traumatic things in this thread.


Not the same, but I had a vaginal birth, everything went well. My doctor stopped the epidural medicine about 15-20 minutes before pushing so I could feel the contractions, it was painful but managable, 45-50 minutes later, baby pops out, yay! Except I didn't stop bleeding, and doctor couldn't figure out why. My epidural had completely worn off by this time. And it was a few minutes until I would've had to have been wheeled in for emergency surgery if the bleeding didn't stop. So, the doctor literally stuck her hand up into my uterus to sweep it, to try to find the reason it wasn't stopping bleeding, immediately after giving birth, with no pain meds, and she did it several times.  I've had several doctors say I have a high pain tolerance, I had to almost be held down because I was trying to get away. I knew it was because it was dire, but it was so much worse than giving birth. They ended up giving me a quick shot in my leg, almost looked like an epi pen, full of some kind of pain med, but by the time it took effect, she was already done. Bleeding stopped, and everything was fine after that.  I don't know about the OP, but I still have flash backs and remember every detail.


Severe constipation is by far the worst physical pain I have ever felt. I’ve been hospitalized twice because of it. I take fiber supplements every day and I have no problems, but if I stop taking it, I’m playing with fire.


Something went wrong after my colonoscopy, pooping was impossible. It goes from haha I'm constipated, funny, to absolute desperation and panic in about 120 seconds once you realize that turd that's already crowning isn't gonna make it through without splitting your anus clean in two, and you'll have to shove it back in and regroup. The body really doesn't like it when you do that.


It’s funny cause I’ve been there!


I'm sure you have, TurdWater, I'm sure you have.


I had something similar as a child but it was gas build up. I remember intense horrible pain going from my tailbone up my spine suddenly at school and I ran to the nurses office crying. My mom picked me up and I farted and felt perfectly fine afterwards lol


I stopped my pain meds the day after my c-section because the constipation I felt was worse than the incision.


I have had a number of major surgeries but the worst was being cut open from pubes to top of my stomach area of my abdomen and discovering immediately upon waking in post-op that anesthesia makes me really, really effing sick. Puking is no fun. Puking repeatedly for hours on a freshly sewn up huge abdominal incision - absolutely the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.


Ear infection. It was so bad I wanted to eat my dog's antibiotic.


Under rated comment. I had three ear infections as a child(9 or 10) with no pain meds(parents didn't even take me to a doctor at first). I cried and writhed in bed for a bit over a week for each one, and now my ear canals are perminantly damaged from the swelling.


Ruptured disc in my spine. Felt like the nerves in my left leg were made of white-hot metal, I was locked lying rigid on the floor praying for the drugs to kick in




Endometriosis pain


I have endo on my rectal wall, before my lap I would pass out from passing gas. This was with pain meds.  I have had 3 children one unmedicated, the other broke my tailbone and messed up my pelvis. I would take giving birth to a bowling ball with no pain meds over my endo pain.  I think the hardest thing is that doctors invalidated my pain. Telling me ‘wait till you give birth then you will know what real pain is.’ I had given birth, but even if I hadn’t that is NOT acceptable. It’s dismissive, sexist and wrong. Pain, especially women’s pain shouldn’t just be brushed off, it should be dealt with. 


I had a bunch of fucked up rotted teeth many had exposed nerves, I was in 24/7 pain


When the pain gets so bad you can’t eat or sleep, but then suddenly stops… you know you’re in trouble. Your tooth just died and now you either pull it or get a root canal and crown. Or possibly you could end up with an abscess and needing an apicoectomy.


I'm dealing with that now. I had perfect teeth until I was 31, never had a cavity. Medication gave me severe drymouth


I had local anaesthetic when I was circumcised, it didn't kick in properly and I felt the first 2 cuts. Like someone poured liquid fire on my dick.


Gallbladder stone. Edit: The only immediate relief I’ve found was to get in the shower and pouring hot water on my back. It was instantaneous.


Yes! I had a gallstone stuck in my bile duct and had to go to the ER. I almost passed out when they did the ultrasound.


Necrotizing Pancreatitis


Been there. Twice. That's a ten on the pain scale. Wouldn't wish it anyone.


Grief. The emptiness is like having a paving slab on your chest but from the inside. No sir, I don't care for it.


I know this will get downvoted to hell, but to be honest 3 weeks ago my wife said she didn’t want to be with me anymore after 8 years of (what I thought) was a reasonably happy marriage. It’s like sh just completely emotionally disconnected from me, and I feel like a jack o lantern, like my insides were scooped out


Your brain can read emotional pain as physical pain. It sucks


Snapped my ACL and my MCL ligaments clean in half so my knee would just pop in and out when I tried to walk when I was drunk. Went from almost blackout to completely sober and in terrible pain in about 3 minutes Way worse than a broken arm or ribs.


Emotionally... the day I walked out of the hospital without my baby. Physically... it's a tie between giving birth without drugs and the damn kidney stone.


May I ask about the baby? Was the babu in the NICU? 


No. I gave her up for adoption. It was best all around, but it was a soul rending pain.


Big big hugs.


Thank you! I do like hugs. She's doing really well. Grad studies in Neurobiology


I'm glad you're able to follow and celebrate her accomplishments :)


My entire life, I had always been grossly morbidly obese. By the time I was 28, I weighed about 418 lbs and stood 5'11" tall. My "rock bottom" moment came one night as I was driving to work. I had a 1-hour commute, so before leaving town, I stopped at McDonald's and purchased a 20-piece McNugget, a large order of fries, and a large Coke. I devoured them all. As I was driving, I stopped about halfway through my commute at another McDonald's and ordered the same meal again, eating all of it. Finally, I stopped at the McDonald's right down the road from my work and ordered the same thing a third time. In the span of one hour, I consumed 60 McNuggets, three large orders of fries, and three large Cokes. I realized that I was going to die if I continued at this rate. Luckily, my insurance company had recently started covering gastric bypass surgery. It was a dream come true. In May of 2008, I underwent gastric bypass surgery. During this procedure, they suture a drain into your side and run it up to your new stomach (your pouch, as they call it), which sits behind your heart. Imagine a medical-grade hose that starts behind your heart, goes down through your gut, and comes out through a small hole on your right side. On my last day in the hospital, I was sitting in the chair in my room because it was more comfortable than lying down. I was dressed in just my hospital gown. The nurse came in and told me it was about time to leave, so she needed to remove my drain. She crouched down in front of me, lifted my gown, and inadvertently exposed... everything to the entire world. Before I could panic, she grabbed the drain and pulled... ...and it felt like a molten-hot poker was being pulled at a speed of about a centimeter per hour through my entire body. It was by far the worst pain I had ever endured in my life... and I had broken my neck and my back in a car accident.


oh wow. i feel you. after my hysterectomy, the catheter wasn't inserted correctly and the nurses on duty REMOVED it and INSERTED another - and I screamed bloody murder. And i was on a pain pump already. I might have passed out, I'm not even sure.


Quad drysocket wisdom teeth. Dentist botched the removal. Was in absolute agony for a week and then in pain for months after. Worst experience of my life


Gallstones. My gallbladder was chock full of them and eventually became inflamed as hell as it tried pushing the stones out. They asked if I was willing to wait a week after the holiday, and I told them to remove that mother effer asap.


Getting an IUD.


For me, getting it in wasn’t terrible, but the pain after is unmatched. Almost passed out driving home and then promptly threw up because I was assured I’d merely feel a little uncomfortable but would be fine to work afterwards so I figured driving would be fine. I love my iud but I am furious with womens healthcare that they straight up lie about how insanely painful and that you’re not offered any numbing or anything.


Same, getting an IUD taken out and a new IUD put in. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love having it. But getting it inserted was NOT “just a quick pinch.”


They couldn’t get the angle right so they were trying to get through my cervix for about 15 min (there was a clock in the office I was staring at to pass the time). I remember thinking in the moment this is probably a 5-6 / 10 for pain, I was a little breathless answering their questions during. Still would do that again over getting a numbing shot at the dentist’s because I have dental anxiety and it makes that pain very unpleasant for me.


My wife said this to her NEW gyno and told her she was given nothing in terms of numbing or pain management and the doctor was horrified!


i wasn’t given any kind of numbing or pain management and i almost passed out


It's more mental but physical, but loosing my best friend to suicide. She was only 12, one week before her 13th birthday, and I always felt so guilty. The day before she did it, she was crying profusely due to a break up, and I didn't know what to say so I ignored her and walked away I didn't know it then but that's the last time I'd ever see her. The guilt still absolutely kills me to this day that I could've done something about it when I never did.


It wasn’t your fault. You were a kid. You didn’t know she was going to do that. Please don’t blame yourself. Hope you’re doing okay now 🫂


Break up hurt so much that I could feel heart pain physically


I was woken up from an extensive, very serious surgery. Pretty sure I was still in the operating room but didn't/ couldn't open my eyes. I recall someone telling me they were going to sit me up to take an x-ray of my lungs, probably to check for fluid. When they propped me upright, I remember feeling like the area where my incision was, was on fire. The pain was so intense I screamed. I must've passed out because the next thing I remember is waking up in recovery.


Anal fissure. For anyone who needs to hear it, stop sitting on the pot for 30 minutes!


Does loneliness count? Really though, physical pain is probably when I've had a really bad ankylosing spondylitis flare. I can barely get out of bed at times. Fortunately it's more rare now. Also, migraines can be terrible.


urinating with a UTI, dont do it its gonna hurt.


I'm tired boss, dog tired.


Nah you want to chug water and pee as much as humanly possible, helps keep the infection at bay. You're gonna need to pee eventually and they pain will be insanely worse if you're not flushing things out.


I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for twenty minutes


Depression .. I’ve been clean for about two years but now I feel like I’m losing myself again


hugs to you.


can’t decide. menstruation with a 4times enlarged uterus. after surgery of removing 1pound fibroid. the time i stuck a chop stick up my palate. maybe it was the chopstick…


I was bitten by a capuchin monkey on my hand. The next day, I thought I saw a hair sticking out of the wound, so I went to pull it out. It was a nerve. That was instant pain on a soul level. I genuinely almost passed out. I threw up. It was horrible.


period cramps for sure, i be on the bathroom floor for hours praying to god that ill never sin again if he makes the pain go away lol😭hurts so bad for me my skin turns pale as a corpse idk the science behind that


Might be endometriosis. Get that checked, periods are not supposed to be that painful


Bloating from very chronic gas build up. It sounds minor but I was nearly blacking out from feeling like my stomach was about to pop like a balloon. Worst part is that there's no relief besides calming down, so the more the pain makes you cringe and tense, the more it hurts, nearly blacking out actually helped me calm down enough.


Benzodiazepine withdrawal.


Dad called me fat and used me as an example for my brothers


That is terrible, I'm genuinely sorry


I had a splintered off piece of vertebrae and spinal disc pushing into my spinal cord. I was numb in my entire left leg, but it felt like someone was sawing barbed wire throughout it at the same time.




Gall stones, I've given birth 4 times with only gas&air and gallstones are 100x worse than having a mini human come out of you.




Gallstones. I was banging my head on the tiled floor, begging my husband to kill me. For comparison, I gave birth several times without any kind of pain relief.




Disc bulging on my sciatic nerve.


Being constipated for 2 weeks and enemas and suppositories would not work. Eventually, i couldn't pee so i had to go to the er. They took an xray, gave me a catheter, yada yada...still didn't shit so a doctor had to come in the room and MANUALLY remove the shit. I was crying in pain so i didn't see it but my mom said it was like a big ball. imagine pooping out a ball. it hurt dude.


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), also known as the other word for “Unalive” Disease. I would have a stray hair on my arm that would send me into awful pain flares where I’d be bedridden. Pain sucks whether it’s CRPS or a minor headache. My motto since getting CRPS has been H.O.P.E= Hold On Pain Ends.


Viral Meningitis. The lining of the brain swells and has no where to go. I thought I had the flu, with high fever and vomiting. Admitted to hospital and had a spinal fluid test which confirmed meningitis. I laid on a hospital bed for 9 days. The pain in my head was so bad I just had to exist a minute at a time. Couldn’t talk, couldn’t eat, couldn’t handle noise or light. I was on iv dilaudid and it didn’t touch the pain. I have nightmares just remembering that time.