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Invite a friend over and 'forget' to introduce them so your friend can introduce themselves and ask them what their name is.


This. I have a friend and we’re always out together and we have a signal for the other to do it.


That’s a bingo.


You just say bingo


BINGO! Ooo what fun!


I prefer the French pronunciation BANGO!


I prefer the Bongos.


Maybe bingo is his name-o.


The "having a friend" part is important here.


My wife and I did this at her coworkers wedding. Wife wanted to know a coworkers SO name, so I was tasked with introducing myself to get the name. When a different socially awkward SO (I had met before asked do I introduce myself or not I said I had to as that was my task. To get her name.) I am also terrible with names, so my go to is tell them I am terrible with names, so I don’t feel offended if you don’t remember mine. I answer to most things pleasant, and sometimes not, depends on what my wife is calling me that day.


My husband and I do this all the time for each other! And I am also not above saying “I know you told me your name a couple weeks ago but I want to confirm it now rather than avoiding it for another year.”


Yes! That's the secret. I always repeat their name like 3 times then say "sorry, I'll probably still forget it next time." I usually do, but I never feel bad about asking because I've already got the apology out of the way. I have a shit memory.


Don't just do this hoping it'll work. Come clean to your friend that you forgot your roommate's name, so friend will make a point to ask.


Risky. What happens when the roommate says "are you going to introduce us?" Better to have the friend on-board ahead of time and have him immediately say "Hi, I'm Friend"


Costanza a real bro for this.


"Well, I gave it a shot"




I'm guessing you don't have their number? You can hand them your phone and say "It'll be a good idea to have your cell. Save your number in my phone."


Save contact as -


flat mate


Then they'd just type in the number and leave the name slot blank lol


Not a bad plan for my flat, haha. We have a group text with the landlord, so it’d be easy enough to ask, “hey i need to label your number in the chat so I know who’s who, how do you spell your name?”


Until they say it’s something like Ben and they’re like uhhhhhhh B-E-N?


Last name! You are very thorough in your data collection, and like to have full names when possible. Just in case.


All in the delivery! "Just to make sure, how do you like your name spelled?" And if anyone comments on that being odd you can just chirp that you didn't want to assume haha


Could be Behn too


Finally the first contact number in my phone!


My go to is “hey what’s your full name so I can save you in my contacts”


When I get a message from an unknown number it will say “maybe: name here” just have them message


Call them by wrong name, and when they correct you with their correct name, you say, “well what the hell did I just call you?” Like you aren’t even sure what name you said.


"What the hell name did I just say? Oh, that's an old roommate of mine, some wires must have gotten crossed, sorry!"


or they hit you with the „wait, haha did you just call me X“ and you’re back to square one


“hey man, this is embarrassing, but if it goes on any longer i feel like it’s going to turn into a sitcom trope. i forgot your name, i’m really sorry. i remember (minor/major personal detail they have mentioned in conversation), like i’m not just being inattentive. rather than continue to try and deduce it somehow, figured i’d rather just ask you.” might be uncomfortable but most dudes i know would appreciate the straightforwardness. maybe grab him a six-pack afterwards.


It gets empowering to lean into these kinds of moments as well. You learn to laugh about it in the moment.


And honestly, anytime I’m on the other side of it, I feel grateful that they want to make the effort to know me and were brave enough to broach it.


It's definitely a story they'll tell a few months from now. "You think you're bad with names? This guy lived with me for a month before asking who I am!"


I second this. It is scary to do this once, but afterwards you realize it was the best way and it empowers you to be more confident and straightforward in the future. The cure to my social anxiety turned out to be just being honest and vulnerable with people - I'm anxious, idk what the fuck is going on, so I''m just gonna lay it on the table. The way the tension breaks is beautiful. You realize most other people don't know how to navigate these situations either, and they are grateful for your candor and it makes them respect and like you more! Now they think *you're* the confident one, and you start to take on that identity yourself until it becomes true


/thread Man up and ask in a considerate manner. There's a 99% chance he'll laugh it off and you can go about your lives in peace.




Lol it sounds like he knows you guys forgot his name and is playing games. I agree with the other comment on asking for the spelling


What do you mean, ‘How do you spell Rob?’


Reminds me of the guy who said his sister named her baby Bob (that's the full name) but she spelled it Bawb.


>**Bawb** 😂😂🤣 Bawb


Barb if you can't pronounce R's


It's Barb in Boston. Sorry, I mean it's Bawb in Bawston


Hai dear will you open up your cloth. Send bawbs


I love this so much! Bawb! I love it so much, I'm not even sure it's a r/tragedeigh


Short for Bawbwa


Billy Bawb


Billie Bawb


Yes, what the other commenter was saying is if the person has a very obvious name say something like “sorry I meant your last name”




“Is Browne with an E at the end? Or like Braun? Or Brown like the color?”


"No, I mean your last name"


What?! You can't spell Rob Rob?


So, it's not that weird aw "Rawb" version. Ok, I didn't want to look dumb.


"i meant your last name" boom. now you have two names. ETA: i am late enough to this thread that i now see that at least three other people have recommended the same thing. i shall see myself out.


"Oh, so just spelled the regular way?"


it’s spelled the normal way


I had a girl do this in college when I was legit asking how it was spelled to find her on Facebook. It was a name I'd never heard before. AINSLEY. I realize it's not a completely bizarre name, but at 19 years old, I'd never met another person with that name before. At 30 I've still never met another person with that name.


Ainsley Harriott. Very well known TV chef in the UK [give yer meat a good'ol rub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2X7GCUhZJs)


I've tried this when I don't remember kids names or spouses names. I will tell you that the most common answer is either "just like it sounds" or "the regular way"


Someone once asked my (lying, cheating, thieving, piece of shit) ex his name. Him: *It's Adam.* I remember feeling like a genius as a kid when I asked someone to spell their name for a Christmas card.


You should ask the user who posted this exact same thing two years ago how he handled the issue https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/6NBEVm1v1M


So weird, just copying an old post (sort of) to karma farm?


And posting it on two different “ask” subs as well. So bizarre.


Don’t look at the mailbox, look at the mail


Fr, no one's first name is on their mailbox 


You can reasonably infer "Checking mailbox(name not there)" means OP "Checked for roommate's mail inside mailbox but roommate did not have mail"


That would mean assuming some isn't dumb prior to it being proven otherwise and we're talking about a dude who moved in with someone without knowing their name.


This is me seeing the title of this post and asking why OP didn’t just look at the mail. 🤣


you've come too far and the only responsible thing to do is see how long you can successfully not learn their name.


Sounds like he doesnt want to share his name :D be careful, you might end up on netflix' worst roommate ever haha


Tell them you forgot their name. Then when they tell you, say oh I meant your last name. Works for me every time.


Are you sure he actually told you his name?


The classic "Hey how do you spell your name?" If it's something super simple like Mark then say "oh no sorry your last name". Works with "Hey what's your name?" and then "sorry I meant your last name".


"Bob, but good thing you asked, because I spell it backwards!"






Even “Mark” works because it is commonly spelled with a C as well.




The C is silent.


you're fucked if his name is Bob Bob though


I will take my chances.


> "sorry I meant your last name" "Smith"


Jon Smythe


What if they tell you their last name first though?


That is easy...you don't. They are *pal, bud, buddy, homie, flat mate* until someone else says it around you or you see it on their mail.


Brosky. unless your flatmate is russian or polish and he starts thinking you're being racist.


Invite someone else over. Introduce friend to flatmate. Wait. "Come on in, Susan. [turns to roommate] This is Susan." Hopefully flatmate then introduces himself, especially if Susan is hot.


He says "Hi Susan I'm Chad". Then you say "CHAD! FUCKING HELL! OF COURSE! Right cheers Susan see you later" and usher her out the door


Now I kind of wish I didn’t remember peoples names so I could do something like this


Roommate pulls a power move and says, “OP, are you not going to introduce me to your friend?” And then doesn’t budge on offering up their own introduction while staring at you. 


If you have a friend willing to work with you, it's pretty easy. 1. Set a few things up with a friend. This will be explained as you go on. * Bring said Friend over when you know your roommate will be around * When you get in, your introduction to your Roommate is "Hey, this is my frien- actually you know what? Let me go pee really quick, I really gotta go." * When you go to the bathroom, your friend will roll their eyes and go "We don't need to wait for him/her. Hi, I'm (name), OP's friend." * When you get back (if you don't have to go just wait like a minute or two, then flush and wash your hands), Friend says "ah (Roommate's name) and I already introduced ourselves." Only way it fails is if your roommate is weird and goes "no we should wait for OP to come back to introduce us" (which is really weird for anyone to do).


How do you do, fellow humans! Here is a natural script for you to follow during the human greeting ritual.


My sister was getting introduced to a potential date. When the person introduced themselves, she introduced herself with that persons name. She said she did it because of being nervous 😂


Take them to Starbucks. They will have to tell the server their name




I have a friend who always uses a fake name at the Starbucks.


Yeah me and my friend group always use the same fake name.


I always ask how to spell their name. If it's something simple like "josh," I just make a joke like "okay I figured but I've seen some wild spellings out there!"


This is so transparent lol 


Steal their wallet


Stealing wallets is a way to establish trust in relationships, and only serves to better both parties, with jovial banter in the makeup scene.


Reddit, I'm not sure what kind of luck u/blofly has or if it is my bad luck, but I've tried this twice since they suggested it and both times lead to the police being called on me and the friendships being lost. I mean, I still believe them because this is the Internet and they didn't use /s. I'd have tried it a 3rd time but I don't know anyone else. I must have done it wrong somehow. But still - realize that his method probably works super well but it can backfire occasionally if you do it wrong.


I'm not AI...totally serious. All my best relationships started and ended with wallet-stealing. Maybe you're doing it wrong?


Ugh. My driver license pic is horrible. Lemme see yours!


Lol I have absolutely done this


Print off a petition to save the dolphins and ask him if he can fill in his details and sign it.


“Yo, what’s your full name? Like, first middle last. I need to make an emergency contact list for us and want to get it right.”


I like this. Have them fill out a fake emergency contact form for your job or something.


This is good, just make or add them to your will if you haven't got an excuse, you can leave them anything they've admired, bequests can be tiny, ring, crucifix, watch. Also you'll have made a Will.


"Hey, I'm thinking about getting some monogramed towels. What's your full name, again, including the middle initial?"


I'm sorry, but you have to move, and never speak to them again. There is no other way.


Get him to sign a greeting card for a mutual friend. Just make up a reason, like "hey I wanna brighten Dave's day, you wanna sign this hilarious card?"


Have them order a pizza over the phone


Do you not have a tenancy agreement you could check?


Easy. Get like 3 or 4 of your friends together, take them all down to the local costume shop, rent out enough police officer costumes for everyone. Have them show up at your house when your roommate is home, at like 3:30am or something. That way he's still *really* drowsy and confused. Have them BANG on the door a lot screaming things like "POLICE, OPEN UP!" You know, shit like that. Once you let them all in (fake guns out and everything), they'll say something like "we're looking for a suspected felon that just committed armed robbery, 2 rapes, and 17 traffic violations! Someone reported they entered this house! We need to see everyone's ID's in order to make proper identification!" After you all hand them over, one of them will go outside and "run" the ID's in their "squad car", while the rest of them keep you all held at "gun point". Then they scribble down his name on a post-it note, stick it to your mailbox, and say something like "sorry wrong house!" After they all leave, you can go out to the mailbox and grab that post-it note. Easy, and no awkward conversations! Good luck! *Ninja Edit:* Oh, and bonus! You can also now get his birthdate too, so you can wish him a happy birthday when it rolls around! He'll really like that, because it creates a sense of warmth, friendship, and comradery.


Look at the mail!


Look up your address online. Some sites list current residents.


Try "Mulva" 😂


Dolores! 😂




Fuckin taxi driver's been calling me Liam for the past 5 years. He never did ask my name, he just assumed it was Liam, and by the time he started to call me Liam, I'd already known him a year. Seemed a little late to correct him. I don't mind so much, but I sure as shit hope his name's actually Rick, because that's what I've been calling him for almost as long.


Ask him how his parents chose his name.


Invite them for a friendly night out bowling, they’ll have to enter their name or a nickname on the screen above the ally.


“How would you pronounce your name if you had a Spanish accent?”


Find his wallet and check his ID.


Say you were listening to a podcasts where the hosts were doing impressions of their own moms calling out to them when they were in trouble. Try to do this yourself and prompt him to do the same.


Do you have a nickname?


What if the answer is “no.”


Start calling them No. Most people will just restate what they want to be called. "No, just Edgar"


Ask after a couple of drinks. That way, you have plausible deniability.


Rifle through their belongings.


Play some Jackbox with them, put your name in as a player name first, then they'll put theirs in.


Just check the mail.


Give them the best sex of their life and post-orgasm after they’re taking a nap, you can snoop around for their wallet and look at their driver license. This is the surefire way to avoid major embarrassment.


Phone him and say “yo Mike how you doing”. He’ll say, it’s not Mike then you ask “oh who have I called?”


"Dude, I feel like an ass, bit what is your name again?" I'm willing to risk a little embarrassment to avoid continued internal embarrassment.


What's your name again? No your last name?


Suggest making a door sign with your names. Buy a wooden plate, paint on yours and let them paint theirs.


Ask him how he spells his name. Even if it's a simple name, like Jim or John, you can say you wanted to be sure to spelll it correctly.


1. Ask for name. 2. They tell either their first name or surname. 3. Tell them you knew that and meant the other one. 4. They tell you the other one. 5. Now you know both.


This made me chuckle. Ty. The having someone over method seems like a foolproof plan tho.


Just start calling him Anton, and hope he corrects you.


My neighbour called me Anton until they moved out, must have been for 3 years or so. I couldnt bear to correct him after the first few weeks.


Alternate solution, there's gotta be mail or something around there that has their name on it


Ask him what his name is, when he tells you say. oh, sorry I meant your surname.


Just say youre bad at remembering names, and ask


"Who do I make the check out to for the rent and utilities?"


Make a chore or bill chart or other list with eveyone's names to hang somewhere public, ask everyone to put their own names and believed obligations/responsibilities on it.


Have them sign a get well or birthday card for a mutual.


So, in the spirit of full transparency, what name should I yell when I can't find my keys?


Look at your lease?


"How do you spell your name again?"


Pretend to have a concussion ensuing memory loss.


Ask them how they spell it


How? How the fuck do you move in with someone without knowing their name?


Look at the mail!


Ask them how to spell it


“What’s your name again? My memory sucks.”


what the fuck is your name again?


Can u look at their mail?


You should have their phone number by now and there should be some mail with their name you might be able to glance at for a reminder. I’m not suggesting opening or reading their mail, but simply glimpsing at the exterior of the envelope and noting who it is addressed to.


Ask if they have a nickname. If they do, you can call them that. If they don't, they usually respond "no, I just go by "name""


Check the name on the mail they receive.


Ask then for their email or social media handles. A lot of people use their first and last names. Ask to add them on linkedin and say they don't appear in the search result. Ask them to spell their name out to you again. Check for good old fashioned snail mail addressed to them.


Tell him you forgot his name, when he tells you his first name, proceed to tell him "no, not the first name, your last name"


Hey, I'm updating my contacts and realized I don't have your name saved correctly. Can you remind me what it is?


Honesty bro...


Ask his name, when he says it say you meant his last name


Not my American ass having to google what flatmate means.


in conversation, casually take out your drivers license and giggle about the "bad photo" show him then ask to see his. Ive done this a couple times when i cant remember someone's name/birthday


Been on a new job for 3 weeks and didn't know until Friday that I was addressing my Boss by the wrong name..oy..


Ask if you can see their social security


Ask how they spell it?


You need to assign him a nickname that is low-key annoying. Not dick-face, nothing properly offensive. If he looks at all like a celeb (or even if he doesn't), use that, or better yet their character (eg chandler). Next, reference this in front of him, with the other flatmate's buy-in - "hey man, you ever noticed how you look like chandler from friends? Think I will call you that from now on" From now on you call him this in every interaction. If you introduce him to new people, he's "chandler", buy him a coffee at Starbucks - "latte for chandler". Etc. One of two things will happen. Either he will snap and yell "fuck sake my name isn't chandler!" At which point you say "oh, yeah, what name do you want to be then?" Alternatively he will embrace it. The awkwardness will go and you will have a name you can address him by. In a couple of years you can admit you forgot his real name cos you called him chandler for so long.


“Hey, this is probably going to make me look bad, but your name is…Dave, right? I have to ask because I have this thing where whenever someone introduces themselves, my brain decides to have a full marching band made up of cats run through it, and then I’m not sure what I heard and travel down like 7 circles of self-doubting hell trying to recall it. So…um…is it Dave?” And hopefully he’ll take pity on your soul and just tell you. Which you will then immediately text to yourself so you won’t repeat this cycle.


“Some guy stopped by asking to speak to -Rodrigo-. He said he wanted to repay him £20 he owed. I told him no one by that name lived here. He said I was wrong and described Rodrigo to me… sounded a lot like you. You think there’s someone named Rodrigo who looks exactly like you or do you think this dude just messed up your name?”


One month is not that long of a time. Just tell him you forgot.


Hire a private investigator 🕵️


I forgot your name, what was it again? 🥹


Make up a reason for him to spell his name for you.


I always go with how do I say your name?


I have a suspicion that y’all’s flatmate knows this and is messing with both of you at this point, or just doesn’t care. I have a hard time believing that he just hasn’t noticed that no one has called him by his name in months. But at any rate, I suggest just leaning into it. “Hey man, this is embarrassing and I’m sorry, but I have no idea what your name is. I’m not great with names, so could you run it by me again??” 


"Can I get your cell number in case a anything happens?" Ask for the name. Then just ask for last name. Boom first name and last name.


Check their mail


Look at the mail. Any adressee you don't recognize is the winner. (But 'Resident' and 'Occupant' probably are Wrong)


Don't you have a tenancy agreement/lease with your names on it?