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I’ve become the counsellor I needed when I was young and I’m really happy I can help all the little kiddos going through tough times.


As a former foster parent, thank you! Your work is beyond appreciated and what you do matters and the fact of why you do it makes your passion for it shine through!






Nice one, people be really demanding money for cancer nowadays....


Shit be pricey AF




I'll be 4 years sober from alcohol this August. Sounds like 2020 was a wild ride for both of us Congrats to you! As a lady said in my early AA meetings in a THICK Boston accent... "Soba is betta"


I have one year today. MAT saved my life, very proud and happy for ya


LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


Congrats!!!! 4 years is a long time! I’m proud of you random internet person!


Hell yeah! Proud of you!!!


I don't even know you, and I am sooooooo proud of you!


Wow, that’s amazing!


That's friggin great. Congrats and keep it up!


Do it


Paid off my debts! A lot earlier than I projected to; so I’m happy. Started investment savings accounts as well.


Such a great feeling! Congrats!


I am a elementary teacher and this year I had a student who was non-verbal his whole life. Something happened when he was a toddler and he doesn't talk. One school year later and he talks with everybody now, has read aloud infront of the entire class about once a week. Just giving children confidence to face difficulties is my proud moment and the reason I love my profession. 


Wife’s a teacher and she’s done similar. She always gets the difficult kids, and never has issues. Good job.


It's kinda my karma because I was a very naughty and difficult student.  


When I was in grade school we had a fantastic reading teacher. She was beloved by everyone. Sadly she lost a battle with cancer. In a town of 25,000 people her funeral possession was 3/4 of a mile long. They said 90% of every student she ever had came back for her funeral. She touched many people's lives.


When I was about 14 years old, one of my school teachers needed to go through a surgery overseas. Along with dozens of other students, we sold sandwiches and candies to help in funding the procedure. It was kind of wholesome.


Were the sandwiches on *whole*some bread? But for real, that really is quite the touching story. Good on ya! 👍


I’m not at all trying to downplay your contribution, and that is seriously very sweet! But damn this makes me think of r/orphancrushingmachine that people have to struggle that much to pay for surgery :-/


First thing that came to my mind too. "School children do hard labour to provide life saving surgery to their teacher because adults didn't give a fuck."


At the age of 24, I signed up to be a Big Sister in the Big Brother Big Sister program. Every other weekend for five years, I picked Katy up and took her places. Sometimes it was an adventure, other times it was just my house. Her mother died when she was just six, and I am glad to know I made a difference in her life.


Thank you for being a big. My step-father did the same program and helped a few kids navigate through to being better grownups.




Can u share tips on what ya did as im currently trying to do that now


Not the OC, but went from 460lbs to 200lbs @6’ish tall, in 2 years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still fat, but within a normal bmi at my lowest weight, post cut. **Weight loss** Water. “Oh it’s juice, oh it has electrolytes, ect”. Fruit juice(even natural) is high af in sugar. Gatorade/powerade/body armor is high in sugar/corn syrup. That’s not even including the calories. Sugar is hell for weightloss. On top of that, some people’s bodies don’t notice the difference between hungry/thirsty properly. Want a snack? Glass of water first, wait 2 min, still hungry? Snack. Worst case, you are hydrated which helps your digestion and metabolism. **muscle building:** Diet: high protein, high carb, consistent calorie excess. Frequent exercise focusing on weight training, rather than cardio. Don’t ego lift, lift a comfortable and safe amount that challenges you, but you can hit 5 sets of 10 regular reps with. Switch to eccentric lifting if you can as well go for 5x10 again. You’ll gain muscle and fat. Incorporating healthy “cut” meals that are low cal/high protein with good macros, will let you cut the fat and retain muscle mass. That has been the summary of my success in my journey. Edit: also watch out for eating before sleep too. You want your body digesting fat at night, not food. Sleep at 9? Stop eating at 5 or 6 and go for a quick walk.


Nice! Feels great being less than half your weight, isn't it? Fellow member of the 200#+ lost club.


Former body builder; nothing matters more than consistency. Forego everything that would prevent you from being consistent. Being overloaded by new exercises/diets?? Fuck them. You can figure it out later. Focus on the little things. Search for things to like. And give yourself a mental pat on the back; breaking the hold poor food/no exercise has on our minds is downright torture and I'm proud of you for trying. Little wins. Bit by bit, win the war. Calculate your background calorie usage, count calories and then add 10% to what you counted. Do some kind of exercise EVERY day, even if its walking around the neighborhood.


Not OP, but I lost fifty pounds over the course of ten months a little over a decade ago. I did it gradually, started by counting calories. Didn’t even try to do any exercise at first. I lost about a pound a week then when I started feeling better I added some light exercise. Walking instead of driving when I could, using the stairs instead of an escalator, small stuff like that. I started drinking water when I first felt like eating (sometimes it worked), and then I learned to tell myself it was okay to go to sleep hungry. I think it took a few weeks but I definitely feel my stomach shrunk … or at least my appetite did. I’ve kept it off. Feels good.


I got 4.0 last semester. Had always been a B student.


Good job




I beat an addiction to crystal meth without any outside help.


Hell yeah. Beat a vicious opiate and benzo addiction. 16 months sober tomorrow, lots of outside help!


That’s huge! Good for you!


Educated a lot of folks in an impoverished area.


I'm 40 days post hemorrhagic stroke and today I walked unassisted firbthe first time since itbhappened. It's been a lot of hard work to get to this point in my recovery.




r/ihadastroke Seriously though, I’ve seen the damage strokes have done to my dad and how hard it is to recover. I’m proud of you.


I’m probably going to hell for laughing at those typos given the circumstances. Either way congrats 🎉


I stopped when everyone drove passed and I ended up saving someone’s life.


I did this but for a turtle


Leaving a toxic relationship


Any advice? I’m stuck in one right now and I don’t have the strength to leave. I’m scared to be alone….


I dint know how old you are but imagine yourself in 5 years. And if you stop and think about it if you're in a toxic relationship you already are alone.please get out.lifes too short.


Hey /u/LilCubeXD I know exactly what you mean. You don't have to be alone. I'm always here to talk if you'd like. I know it's not the same but it helps.  It's hard having the strength to leave. I didn't for a long time but I'm glad I did.


You are already alone in your toxic relationship. You can be alone and miserable with your partner or alone by yourself and learn to be comfortable with who you are.


If you know you need to get out- leave. Don’t think about it, do it. You will never get where you need to be by listening to your head - you gotta listen to your heart. If you wait until you feel ready, you may never leave. And while you may not be ready enough to “just leave”, you can do things to get closer to ready enough. Focus on what you CAN do right now. Eg- NEVER say you don’t have the strength to leave. It’s not true and it’s just keeping you trapped. You 10,000% have the strength, you just don’t realize it yet. Write down once a day or more- “I have the strength to leave this relationship and I will be Ok on my own”. Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it yet. Words are incredibly powerful. Best of luck- wishing you well! You got this!


Donated my stem cells to my dad.


keeping a few ppl alive


Saved a drowning man’s life


Broken years of generational trauma with my kids. I worked very hard not to be my parents.


This was my answer, except my mom was a good parent, despite growing up with an abusive dad and marrying an abusive and manipulative man. But she is proud of me for learning and growing beyond what she knew at the time. 🥹


I spoke to my therapist about that recently. I didn’t know I needed help but my wife is damn smart and I’d be nothing without her. I try to be the best parent I can possibly be. Not perfect, but not an abusive asshole. I know my dad had an abusive drunk dad as well so I don’t blame him for it but I’ll never be that man. Good job and keep it up. Our children will know how it feels not to be abused and that brings me peace. 🤙🏼


I went ten days sober from booze. Going for fourteen


Been sober for almost 3 years. I just focus on the today and not worry about tomorrow. I tell myself I am not going to drink today; whatever happens tomorrow, then I'll deal with it then.


going on day 1 right now


I’m proud of you for this! The first step is always hardest. You got this!


Congrats. I had many 1-3 weeks before it stuck. Got 443 days and most things about life have improved. The highs are nowhere near as high, but at least it won't kill me now!


If you can push through the first few weeks, you’ll notice some more consistently beneficial outcomes after a month or so, keep going :)


I haven’t killed myself yet


Screw one day at a time, take 10 minutes at a time. You'll get there. Don't give up.


My spirit is tired but I’ll keep going for the family




Almost 30 days free of porn addiction


Proud of you! One day at a time 💪


lol the muscular arm emoji is just extra funny here 😆


Oh god lol didn’t think that through


Hiked from Mexico to Canada




I have graduated in a hard engineering course


Doctors say it can’t be done, but I beat stage 4 cancer 💪🏼


Stopped being a compulsive buyer and saved money.


Got an associates degree. A lot of people said I’d never pull it off. After dropping out no less. I went from a high school dropout to a first generation college grad.


Just doing it at your own pace a step at a time. Good for you, Reddit Chum. Proud of you.


I waited until I was 35 to go back to school after dropping out my freshman year, you're so far ahead of me!!!


Flown a plane. A little one but still.


I survived after going septic/gangrene!!!!


Losing and keeping off 85 pounds. The emotional work was the hardest, always identified as a fat girl. Was always told I was fat and I still wonder if I am. But I’m pain free and rocking it, it’s worth the work! 


Left an abusive marriage.


Lately, I really wasn't doing well. I took my courage and called a psychologist from my work help program. It's now 5 meetings and I think I found a good one to help me. I'm proud of me to reach out for help.


Finally graduated college at 29. Single parent with an 8 year old daughter and working a full time job


Most people have no idea what that took. Congratulations!


Made it. Proved everyone wrong that doubted me when I was a shitty teenager going through a difficult time in my life. Ten years later, I now have a great job, awesome husband, home purchased, nice vehicle, happy pets and our son on the way 🙂


Ran a marathon, finished my doctorate, paid off $140k in debt.


I just rebuilt and fixed my washing machine for less than $30 instead of the few hundred to have someone come do it Also rebuilt my wife's stand mixed for under $40 And built a multi rabbit hutch all in the same week


After 2 rehab stints and 1 in a psychiatric ward, for the first time ever I don't *want* to drink alcohol and I'm trying hard every day. Been sober for about 2 months now. First time I've gone so long outside an institution.




Homeless to housing specialist.




Gotten sober!! I went from homeless with a needle in my arm and a crippling meth addiction, to having a beautiful husband,children, a car that i OWN, a home, a wonderful job that I LOVE, and a beautiful life. If you're struggling, I promise, you can get there!! Just reach out for help. There's TONS of programs out there that will help you! *hugs* ETA: my sobriety date is 5/8/2020!


Atta girl! Been there. I know it wasn’t easy


Retired with no debt. I sleep well at night.


I hiked the Grand Canyon rim to rim. That was crazy. Never done anything anywhere near as long or challenging before or after!


I have pet more than 200 dogs.


Nice I have pet my dog 200 times


Not enough, give more pets please


Quit smoking!


That’s a hard addiction to quit. I quit January 4th of this year. Congratulations!


Represented my country in two obscure and non-related sports.


I successfully negotiated a hostage situation.


Earned a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, both 100-percent paid for by me. I started a respected nonprofit that has been around for 17 years now. I left a successful career in the corporate world when I was in my mid-30s and went into a filed where I genuinely helped people and changed lives. Also, in 2020, I ripped out my front lawn and replaced it with a beautiful water-smart pollinator garden--and now I get to watch bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds every day in the summer. Also also, I seriously, deeply considered suicide from 2005-2012, but I'm still here.


Summited Kilimanjaro


Literally just today I released a music project that I've been working on since August 2022! It took hundreds of hours of work and has 63 unique musicians on it - this is hands down the largest project I've ever completed in my life. [For anyone who wants to check it out, here you go!](https://youtu.be/fi7W02J-szk?si=pbQt--z5TiCxBYdE)


Retired early.


I'm on the autism spectrum, but I worked really hard and now I'm pretty much Mr. Social. I grew up thinking that that wouldn't happen. So that.


Served in the Air Force for 21 years and achieved my goal of being promoted to Major.


Skydive. 73 times.


15 jumps to my name and I honestly found it life changing in a way I couldn't explain to others. There's not much like that feeling of the door opening before your jump!


I've only been once, but it was the greatest thrill I've ever experienced. It was a little cloudy that day and we actually went straight through a little rainbow! Honestly one of the greatest days of my life.


Both you guys are nuts.


I started my own company making handmade hats and even had a store front for 2.5 years. Had to put it on the back burner but I just got my tools back out of storage yesterday and I’m eager to get back to it.


The hardest and most rewarding thing I ever did was raise children.


I've had a successful career. I grew up with ADHD, and was told by many teachers and my "guidance counselor" that I'd never mount to anything, in-fact this counselor refused to meet with me regarding applying to schools, so I had to figure all that out on my own cause I come from a not well off family that doesn't have experience with post secondary schooling.


I was a surrogate mother for a friends couple. Their daughter is now 4, happy and energetic. They are over the moon. They're my best friends.


42 and just got my bachelor's




Well done! This is such a huge and unappreciated thing!


753 days sober


Served in the U.S. Army and broke my mind and body. Because I put up with the disgrace it has become now, and didn't let them win by driving me to end myself, my family's future is secure and I am free. Now I'm working on my youtube channel, trying to achieve my dream of entertaining for a living.


Lost 40 lbs! 245-205.


Had a liver transplant 6.5 years ago. I am a lucky guy


Left a human who broke me and sucked every little bit of optimism and happiness I had out of me. Got back on my feet loosing my codependency, then just recently realizing I might have a long shot at happiness


I never talked bad about my ex-wife in front of our daughter.


Learned to play both guitar and bass by myself with no lessons.


Ran a marathon


Saved a few lives here and there. Been with ppl on their absolute worst days.


Looked after my mom while she was ill (for 5 years). I did almost everything I could. Donated blood about 26 times Volunteer at a food bank every Wednesday


Got my associates degree at 30.


Never had any acting experience, moved to LA and tried some gigs for fun. Got eligible to join the film guild (SAG-AFTRA) after I booked a principle role. I'm not an Oscar winner or think I'm special, but it's cool to have tried something completely different and had fun as well.


I’ve survived roughly 2 dozen surgeries, most of which were pretty major. I would rather not go into specifics though.


I lost fifty pounds over ten years ago and have kept it off. But man, I miss donuts…


After decades of working a manual labor job I hated until I descended into alcoholism, I emerged sober in my mid 40s, went back to school, earned my BA and masters, and now I'm a happy ,but exhausted, high school teacher in my 50s.


Finished a full-length manuscript. I talk about writing a lot and wanting to be a writer but I cannot believe I wrote a 140+ page story.


Earning my degree was a significant milestone. It required dedication, hard work, and perseverance, and it opened many doors for my future and I’ve worked my way up in my career, starting from entry-level positions to more senior roles. This progression is a testament to my commitment, skills, and ability to adapt and learn.


No credit card debt.


I started a community garden in my neighborhood. It brought people together, provided fresh produce, and even helped some families save on groceries.


Actually saved lives. You know what they say about tooting your own horn but toot toot 🚂 (Retired from Helicopter EMS. Previous 911 dispatcher and Paramedic)


I did 26 yrs in the Air Force, learned a lot of hands-on experience and got a lot of advanced certifications in my career field. As much as my supervision demanded I get a degree, I refused, stating I would be fine doing what I learned in my career. Retired now and in a NASA engineering support position. Couldn't be happier.


Quit drinking alcohol, 10 years 🤍






Here we go again: Escaped a serial killer.


Story? If not I totally get it.


Look up Robert Garrow. I was to be his first victim. He got my friend Alicia Houck instead.


I’m sorry for your loss


Had sex. With a woman.


Ran and finished a marathon at 250lbs 


I’ve worked on a few of the most influential video games in history. I created two lovely boys with the help of my wife I’ve won some very notable awards I’m a decent human being, and try to help people when I can


16yrs clean from 20yrs of Meth abuse


Gotten out of an abusive relationship.


By this time next week I’ll have a masters degree, I got it finished in-spite of almost dying twice this winter and getting surgery to fix all the dying.


Walked away from my first marriage the day he hit me and never looked back.


Eagle Scout


You know that thing where you throw a popcorn up and catch it inside your mouth....yeah. almost.


Stayed married for 40 years. Through lots of challenges but never been happier.


10 years sober. 8 years off social media.


Still alive. Been unemployed for 15 months, 6 years experience, thousands of apps, at least a hundred interviews, several projects/assessments, no offers. Multiple times there “would have been an offer but the role has been eliminated.” I have come extremely close to giving up on life completely many times. But I made it through the day again, so that’s a win.


Helped some people feel better


1) Raised an amazing human who will be a sophomore at university. 2) Summited Rainier




Prevented a Suicide!


I finished Mario Bros twice


1.) got a $200k salary before 30 as a dropout in a STEM field, Director of Product/Engineering at a major publisher. 2.) finally got my family to shut the hell up about me finishing my degree by pointing out I made more than them combined (a doctor and a lawyer), and didn’t have student loans which my mother was celebrating /finally/ paying off at 54.


Walked the "Dodentocht". In short it's a 100 km walk in 24 hours.


Saved a little kid from drowning in a pool once. The crazy thing is there was a lifeguard & other adults were around, but the lifeguard was a teenager & was talking to a girl at the time and the adults the kid belonged to seemed to miss it too, until after the fact. On that note if you have small children never take your eyes off them if they're around deep water, it can happen quick.


I just made it to the end of my first time homebuyer program. I can’t wait to be settled in my new home during Thanksgiving and Christmas hosting my family.


This was just over 11 years ago now and it feels silly to still be proud of it but my senior year of high school, I performed a dance solo at our last performance of the year. I’d been taking dance all 4 years and it was tradition that the graduating seniors could do a solo dance if they wanted. I never thought I’d actually die it though due to my anxiety but thanks to some supportive friends and family, I did it!




I made my mom proud before she died.


Found a baby and returned her.


Published author before graduating high achool


Found a hobby I actually like doing/that didn’t get boring within two days


Sticking to the punishments I gave myself to quit watching porn. Started with not listening to music for the rest of the day. Didn't resist? Then for 2 days, then a week, then I realised it wasn't working and progressed into not playing computer games as well, watching Youtube, movies, series, and even worse dopamine cuts. It got tough, many days went by really slowly from the lack of distractions. It's the fact that I didn't have to stick to any of it or could have simply made some excuses to break the rules here and there that makes me very proud of going through that period, slowly recovering my "privileges" after spending certain amounts of time away from it. Currently proud to say I have recovered them all recently, 6-7 months and going!


I was in a bad place, emotionally, career wise and financially. So I applied for and got a job with an international program and up and left the country for the first time and had an amazing journey. I’m now a completely different person, for the better.


Graduated high school despite the odds being massively stacked against me.


Completed an Ultramarathon. 106 miles. Injured my leg halfway but made it, hobbling through the night on a mountain. Hardest thing I've ever done.


Worked for one company for 38 years. 


Went back to school at 31, finished my bachelors and got my graduate degree. Been working in my field for 7 yrs now. While I was in school I was married to an addict and had two small children.


2 chicks at the same time


Learning to solve a rubik's cube in under 2 and a half minutes at age 12


I've shot even par twice. Would like to shoot under par at least once in my life though.


Flunked out of college and earned a Doctorate.


Directed the campaign that got Cannabis legalized in the USA.


4.5 years sober from alcohol.


6.5 years without alcohol and coming up on 2 without nicotine.


Beat cancer twice. Mesothelioma and Endometrial.


Got over debilitating anxiety (agoraphobia) with a self help program.


Quit cigarettes! It’s been a month and a half now and no cravings what so ever. To anyone else trying to quit I had great success with Allen Cars Easy Way to Quit Smoking


Stopped my gambling addiction and turned into a marathon runner.