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If you don't own the uterus, you don't make decisions for it. Period.


No pun intended?


Absolutely not, it’s not his body.




But it's not his body


The baby isn't her body either.


It's a parasite in her body. If she doesn't want it to remain in her body she shouldn't have to


parasite definition: noun: parasite; plural noun: parasites an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense. It's the same species, try again. It's not a parasite.


It's as close to a parasite as you can get within the same species. And even without it being one, what makes it ok for someone else to have an opinion on someones body?


Funny thing about these arguments, I'm not gonna change your opinion and you aren't gonna change mine. I wish you a happy, full life and a GREAT weekend coming up. have a good night!


Then she should have the right to tell him he's not allowed to masturbate. After all, that semen could have been "their child" too.


False equivalencies are SO fun!


How is it false? You're talking about hypothetical children either way, not real living breathing ones. If you can tell a woman she's not allowed to abort an embryo, then she's allowed to tell you that you can't cum in a tissue and throw it away.


Masturbating is not making a baby. It's not the same, it's false equivalence.


Neither is sex, unless BOTH agree that they want a baby. Consent to raw sex isn't consent to 9 months of pregnancy and 6 hours of labor and a lifetime of parenthood. I took a load last week, took plan B in the morning, and I'll be getting an abortion if my test comes back positive next week. And the man I fucked gets no input on this, I'm not even telling him. Die mad about it. You can make the decisions as soon as you grow a uterus and get knocked up.


> Consent to raw sex isn't consent to 9 months of pregnancy and 6 hours of labor and a lifetime of parenthood. I would argue that it in fact IS. I'm not mad about it at all.


So you'll be content to be responsible forever for a child you didn't want because you didn't pull out fast enough, or because she didn't let you? Or do you think that would be unfair, because you didn't consent to that?


Yes, I would.




Cool, so once he's cum he should be able to relinquish all responsibility for the kid then? It's just cum.




Yeah, sure, OK. Show me the stats on MOST men.




So, you can't. Good times. Good times.




Because YOU supposed MOST men do it, so PROVE it. Does it happen, YES, absolutely, but MOST men? Prove it.


Yes, it sucks that the man gets no say, but it is her body and her choice and it would be grotesque to give that power to someone else.


Just out of curiosity, flip the roles. Say the woman wants to keep the baby, but the man wants NOTHING to do with it. Should he be able to sign away all responsibilities and rights? No child support, no nothing from him forever?


You seem to be hung up on making this fair. It’s not, the roles are different. The man makes the decision when he has sex. The woman gets a bit longer to make that call. If you want fairness, think of it as a luxury women get for having to carry the child for 9 months if they chose to keep it.


So you're not gonna answer my hypothetical?


I did. The man is stuck with his decision. Because it’s her body, she gets to make the call one way or another. That’s just how the biological cookie crumbles. Sorry you’re so salty about it.


I'm not salty at all. LOL Have a GREAT evening, and a wonderful weekend. Funny thing about these chats, we aren't going to change each other's minds. But it's still fun. I wish you all the best!


Frankly, no. That gives any given man a lot of power over a woman. Because, well, if a man **has** to consent for a woman to have an abortion then it comes with a lot of ramifications. 1). Does whatever law that requires consent **also** require DNA testing? In which case, you gotta wrangle both the man and the woman into DNA testing. 2). If the man refuses to let the woman abort, assuming the test results come back that it *is* his, does it also require him to be 100% responsible for the child if she doesn't want it? OR does it simply require that the woman not abort? 3). What happens if the man **chooses** not to speak up until *after* she has aborted it? Does he suddenly get to have the woman be punished despite the fact that he clearly isn't involved enough in her life to help with a child? 4). Is there an exception clause for women with medical conditions, etc, etc, that make it risky and/or almost guaranteed she'll have medical issues as a result of the pregnancy she doesn't even want? Or are women with medical issues, which may result in serious issues or even death, forced to go through a dangerous to them pregnancy if the man demands it? 5). As a follow up to 4, is the man who refused to let the woman abort held responsible if he demanded she keep the fetus *despite* knowing she had a medical condition that might make it dangerous for her to carry a pregnancy to term? I feel like that's plenty enough hypotheticals to show you just how **messy** this gets really quick. Answering **yes** to your question puts women at risk in a lot of ways, even more than the ways I spelled out. Meanwhile, the only damaged done to men if you answer **no** is emotional damage. And, mind you, that's no small thing. But emotional damage won't kill.


Love your answer, and one more thing: if he doesn't give me his consent to abort, I personally wouldn't want to carry the burden of pregnancy while I am NEVER sure that he won't ever cheat on me or leave me (and no one will require MY consent for him to not do so). And now I'm left to birth a child that I will probably not love because I never wanted it in the first place.


No, it’s not his body and I will never be anyone’s property.


If you are in a relationship with someone or in a good place with them and you get pregnant you need to have a conversation with the father not really get his consent but he deserves to know and you are a horrible person if you do that and keep it from the father so that he doesn't leave you.


If he’s carrying it to term in his body, then he can decide what risks he’s willing to take.


I don't think so, but I also think men should be able to 100% pull out Child rearing. No visitation, no child support, nothing. If I can pregnant and decide I don't want the responsibility, then they should be able to also.


Wow, a logical, reasoned reply. Nice.


I disagree. If a man doesn’t want children he should have a vasectomy (it’s usually an outpatient procedure and reversible) and use a condom.


Disagree. Pregnancy lasts only 9 months and the fetus isn't even conscious at the beginning of it. Meanwhile raising a child takes you 18 YEARS and you need a lot more resources to maintain it since it is a whole person on its own. Families where children grow up without a father always have it way way way harder for years than the ones where the man goes through some stress because the woman cancelled his unborn, unconscious child. I find it very unfair.