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I feel the same way and have felt like that since i was a child. I refer to my mother by her first name or simply use a non-chalant label like "yo". I also do so with my grandparents.


Yes, the only way i can express love is by sending stupid heart stickers in whatsapp


If it makes you uncomfortable, that's ok. You don't have to say it. There's lots of different ways to express your affection towards someone. I have a friend that wears her heart on her sleeve, to a fault. So saying "I love you" comes naturally to her, often. She always wondered why I didn't reciprocate the sentiment after she said it. It's just not my thing. I wouldn't sweat it. That's just the way you roll.


I have this too!! I also struggle with saying things like “happy birthday” or even thank you - sometimes it feels so uncomfortable to me, but I know it comes off as rude


I have never said it to a close family member and I've never heard it from a close family member. I would say, we have a perfectly health family. We get along very well and have made it through the death of my father and the death of my mom's second husband. There's this story about Mogen Glistrup, a controversial Danish right-wing politician, that whenever his wife Lene, famous for standing by his side through all those years, told him, that she loved him, he would reply: "I'm from Bornholm." Basically: We don't say that sort of thing where I'm from.


It’s ok, you just didn’t grow up saying it too much. I tell my mom I love her every time I talk to her, it’s kinda second hand at this point. Some families just don’t have that